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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
March 17

Been feeling pretty good these past couple of days. Just been happy with who I am, and how far I've come. It's only a matter of time before I get my first lay; I just have to keep improving my fundamentals, and keep doing what I'm doing. Been getting a lot of reference points and support from this community, which I am so thankful for. My friends are always calling me to chill, and I hardly have to struggle with conversation anymore (unless it is with a girl who isn't really into me because conversation is a reciprocal process, plus you can never be perfect at conversing, I am always analysing each interaction). All in all, I've come a long way from the shy, timid me who was scared of being alone and didn't know how to open his mouth.

I've been talking to T, and he said that he's going to help me achieve the results that I desire; but that I require a bit of an overhaul. He also told me to stop shotgun approaching in college; I'm going to be known as a creep. Instead, look for signs of interest (which I never get, which is why I need to improve my looks) and use situational openers. However, I am approaching the last stretch of college, and soon I will be off to university! So, to hell with my reputation! Better to be known as a creep who tells girls straight-up what's on his mind, rather than a no-one. Plus, there isn't really any social life at my college. Most people go to class, then go home. University is where social circle really matters. Therefore, I don't think the girls I approach know the other girls I approach, and even if they do, why do I care?

Anyways, on to the recount. Today was an odd day. Why? Because maybe T's message did stick in my head. I mean, I didn't directly open any girls... wow! Usually I'm walking all around campus like a madman, talking to girls. What's even more funny is that it took me more effort to ignore a girl than to actually approach one. For example, I was studying in the library, when I fell asleep. When I awoke, there was a curly haired blonde girl sitting halfway across the room from me. I just continued studying though, all the while thinking: "should I approach her? is she even hot? I need to take a closer look." So I went to the washroom and walked past her to check her out. Damn, was she cute. I sat back down in my seat, and kept contemplating the approach: "she's not batting her eyelashes at me, she's not checking me out or anything (only once when I got up to leave, and even then, I wouldn't call that "checking out," I would call that: responding to your surroundings), she looks familiar, I've probably already approached her... I'm just going to stay here and study." After a while, even if I decided to approach, it would've been awkward, after all, I've been studying for a while, and she would have known that I was hesitating like a motherfucker. Overall, I regret not approaching her. It was totally not me. Lol.

Ok, so next, I had to meet up with my psychology group. We were conducting a study on the students in our college; we had booked a room and had participants come in and fill out a brief questionnaire. There were certain time slots where participants would come in, and in-between these time slots, me and my group would have some time to talk to each other. So there's this cute brunette in my group; I mentioned her in my January 29 field report. I've never really had much of a conversation with her. Only once at the beginning of the semester (where she appeared to be really shy), and once on January 29 (a better conversation, but still a bit awkward). Anyways, in between these time slots, me and my group would banter. Eventually, it got to a point where it was only me and this girl talking to each other. The problem was that we were conversing in bursts (due to participants coming in and us having to explain the experiment to them), and also, I didn't know how chase frames would go, since the conversation was a group one (and even near the end, when it was just me and her talking, the convo could still be heard by the rest of our group). One chase frame I did was when she was joking around about signing up as a participant in our classmates' studies, and messing them up. "Troublemaker," I said (what would've been better to say: "Your quite the troublemaker, aren't ya)? Anyways, she responded: "yeah," with a smile. Since we, as a group, were bantering a lot about our classes (honestly, it's funny how so many people can't get past small talk), I decided to ask her: "so did you get accepted into sfu (university) yet?" She responded "no," they would have to wait until they receiver her final transcript. She asked me if I did, and I told her about the uni I got accepted into. She said "oh! my friend goes there and she loves it!" I asked: "what does she love about it?" Another group member said: "the partying." And the cute chick agreed, adding on that the clubs there were always filled by uni students, and that living in res was great, blah blah blah. She said that she would've applied there if learning a language weren't a requirement. I said: "well, you can learn it when you get there" (horrible response; I should've related by saying that I hate learning new languages too, which I did say, but after). Anyhow, this led to the question of what she wants to do. She said that she wanted to be a counsellor, that she was going to start volunteering for a crisis hotline, blah blah blah. It was hard to maintain the deep dive, since my group members were contributing as well. Nevertheless, I managed to do so. I said that she must be a very generous person then, but "why counselling?" She said that it was because she wanted to be a teacher at first, since she loves kids, but her mom was a teacher, and she told her not to be one. I replied that she shouldn't stop pursuing what she truly wants just because her mom told her so. She replied that that was true, but that she did want a job (there is an oversupply of teachers here), and that's how she landed on counselling. I commented that she was smart for looking at the practical side as well. She asked me what I wanted to do, and I did the thoughtful face. While I was doing this, she said: "you don't know? :)" I replied: "I just want to travel the world." I then continued: "I need money though." She said: "that's why you should get a job." Lol pwned. I didn't even appear choked though (although I think I bit my lip slightly - hopefully she didn't see), and neither did I respond. She had scanned our group earlier, asking if we had jobs, and I was the only one who had said "no." Nonetheless, I turned it back on her, asking her what type of counsellor she wanted to be. She said something to do with kids, she didn't want to be a mourning counsellor or anything like that; too depressing. This entire interaction was in bursts, filled with a couple awkward silences here and there because of not knowing what to say sometimes, and being unsure of whether we should be doing something (regarding the project) or not... lol. Altogether, she seemed in a happy mood today (different from her shy self that was present previously). We were laughing a lot (killed the tension, but we were in a group, so that's ok, I just have to remember not to laugh so much or show my teeth much). She was teasing me about how I never come to class, how do I still get such good marks? I should've shrugged or something and made the sound: "I don't know" (mhmhmh). Oh, we also talked about her job working at a grocery store. She was complaining about how almost every co-worker was a guy. I chase framed: "isn't that a good thing?" She immediately switched gears and said: "yeahh, I actually dated one of the guys there for a bit... didn't really work out hahaha." Talked about how having a job was great because you got to see all your co-workers, and how you don't want to be like them. This led to her talking about her co-workers and whatnot. I plan to ask this girl out when the semester is coming to an end (soon). I just don't want to run the risk of getting rejected, and having an awkward rest of term. Honestly, I want to pwn this project, and we will. I just have to focus more on it, and less on her. Once it's finished, I can figure out how to go about asking her out.

Note: at one point, she was pulling her hands back behind her back to stretch against the chair. This lead to her protruding her boobs out at me. Perfect chance to say something like: "stop taunting me with your boobs, it's not going to work." I didn't think of that in the moment though, and I dunno if I should've even said it had I thought of it, considering our group members were present.

After, I go to the library, and there's this hot dark haired girl browsing through the books (again, she looks familiar - maybe I've approached before)? I pretend to look at books near her, then make my way right next to her. I definitely screwed up here by moving too fast. It obviously looked like I was pretending to look at the books, and that instead, all I cared about, was talking to her. I opened with a situational opener: "it would take me years to read all these books." A better situational opener would've been like: "by the time I read all these books, I'll probably be lying on my death-bed" OR "I hope they don't expect us to read ALL these books." Anyways, I said this opener real quiet, as we were in the library, and pussy me is always scared of being overheard, so either she didn't hear me, or she did and wasn't interested, for she didn't respond.

Later, I meet my tutor at Starbucks. About an hour near the end of our session, a blonde girl comes to Starbucks and sits down in the corner with a big bag of chips and starts eating them on her own. I was contemplating approaching her, not because of approach anxiety (what is approach anxiety anyways?), but because her character didn't appeal to me. I mean, it looked like she had a cute face, but the fact that she was on her own, eating chips for an hour straight sort of turned me off. Plus, she was wearing black track pants and runners, not a very sexy outfit for a girl. I figured that she must either be lonely, an LG, or both. However, as you can see, I totally let me ego get the best of me. I'll return to this soon. Near the end of our session, these two guys who had been talking to each other, turned to my tutor and I and commented on how I wrote with my left hand. One of the guys said that he was left handed too, and how this meant that I was smart. Me, using my awesome conversation skills that I have learned from this site, casually threw out some friendly remarks, leading to a mini convo. I really didn't want to continue talking with these guys, so I slowly returned to my work. Eventually, these guys got up to leave, but before doing so, they came over to my tutor and I, introduced themselves and sat down, apologizing for bothering us. They were from Libya, and thus, were wanting to know where the nice places in Vancouver were. After a polite conversation, they thanked us and left. I paid my tutor and he left, leaving me and this girl alone in Starbucks, with no one around. "I can easily approach this girl," I thought. "But I'm not going to." She looked at me a couple of times, but that was only because I stood up/moved (or maybe she was checking me out... who the hell knows)? Anyways, I start texting on my phone, waiting for my dad to pick me up. 5 minutes past, and out of my peripherals, I see this girl preparing to leave. "Ah, what the hell do I have to lose," I thought. So I looked at her, smiled, and she didn't smile back, so I looked down for a second, then looked back at her and said: "those must be some good chips." She smiled and said: "yeah." I teased: "not going to share with me?" She smiled again and apologized for not sharing. She then asked me if I go to Langara (she had overheard the conversation between me and those Libyan guys + she wasn't an LG after all). I replied: "yeah." She said: "I used to go there too, for science, but I transferred to ubc for music." I asked: "what made you do the switch?" "She said, "it was too hard, honestly" (perfect chance for me to say something like: "but I thought you girls liked it hard?") Dunno if that would've been too early to say though; could've made things awkward real quick. She went on: "I might be going back next semester though." "Music not your thing?" I wondered. "No," she said. She then walked up to where I was sitting (investment). I got a closer look at her, and she did have a cute face. Totally fuckable, I truly understand the influence of fundamentals now. She asked me what I took, and I told her psychology. She asked me if I liked it and I said: "yes I do. I really do*pause* how we behave, interact... it's all really fascinating." She asked me if I knew those guys (to which I said no), and if that was my tutor. I replied that he was, and without him, I would be failing (humble shit right here). She apologized again for not sharing her chips, and started talking about how it was weird that she was just hogging all of them to herself. I told her that it was ok, that everyone has their own guilty pleasures, even the most busiest person spends time at least once a week in their pjs, lying on the sofa, watching shitty reality tv shows (trying to show that I was non-judgemental, maybe it would've been better if I shared one of my guilty pleasures like sleeping late). "I don't watch reality tv," she said. Lol. I then tried to number close here: "hey, so we should grab a coffee sometime." She said, "yeah, I'm always around here." I said, "maybe I could just take down your number." She responded, saying that her phone was broken right now, but that she could take down my # and call me from a land line sometime. Not wanting to sound needy, I agreed, wrote down my name and # on a sheet of paper, and handed it to her. "Is this like your daily routine?" I asked her. She said "noo, sometimes I go to the gym" (might've sounded a bit judgmental here, but at least I got her qualifying herself even further). She asked me when the best time to call me would be. I said: "ummmm. weeknights are best." She said ok, then asked me where I lived. I told her kits. She said: "oh my parents live down there." "So you live on your own? I asked." "Yes," she said. "Must be very peaceful and relaxing," I exclaimed. She agreed, then said that she should get going, she had some shopping to finish and that she was going to try to study when I get home ("key word: studying," I responded), and what I was doing. I told her I was waiting for my ride (if I wasn't I think inviting myself over to her place would've been ideal). We both said bye at the same time.

I regret not approaching her right after my tutor left. I hope she didn't think it was because I was scared. Hopefully she ends up calling me. I dunno how girls feel about setting up a date. Nervous? Hopefully, I made a good enough impression that she can't stop thinking of me. I didn't toss out a chase frame: "just make sure you aren't calling me 24/7!" because I felt that my status was already perceived as higher than her.

Good vibes today. Throughout the day, I bumped into people I knew, and fed off socializing with them. Realized that I don't have to talk to a shit load of girls to make myself happy (but I should anyways lol)!

Stolen from somewhere on these forums: Don't be yourself, be the man you want to be.

So. Fucking. True.

May you all be the men you want to be.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
March 18

Met my tutor at starbucks again tonight. Half an hour before closing, I hear a voice: "hey." I look up and it's chips girl (omg I just realized that she never even told me her name). I return the "hey," and then look back down to continue doing my hw. I feel like I should've been like: "fancy seeing you here again." Anyways, she looks at what I'm working on, and is like: "this is psychology?" I was doing data analysis, so I can see how she was confused. I respond, and then go back to studying. This makes her say: "ok, I'll let you get back to doing your work... I'll just be eating my chips..."

So after this, I started daydreaming mad about if I fucked up or not, after all, I totally ignored her; got me thinking about how I should totally try to pull her after my tutor leaves. My tutor senses that I'm not in it, and tells me to concentrate. We finish the question, and then I tell him that I'm done. He leaves, and I go up to where chips girl is sitting and sit across from her. We proceeded to have the most awkward conversation.

Me: "so what sorts of trouble did youu get in today?"
Her: "oh nothing... just went job hunting."
Me: "oh, where?"
Her: "broadway"
Me: "oh nice, that's a good place to go job hunting"
Her: "what about you? went to school?"
Me: "yeah"
Me: "so if you could have any job you want, what would it be?"
Her: "umm, I don't know. I would be happy with anything."
I should've delved deeper, like saying something like: "well, there's got to be something on your mind."
Instead, I asked her for a sip of water.
Her: "yeah, go ahead, it's pretty old water though, I should get more."
Me: "no worries, my mouth is dry..."
I then proceed to drink the rest of her water. There was like two sips left.
Me: ...
Her: ...
Me: "so you know how you were talking about how you switched from science to music?"
Her: "yeah"
Me: "how come music doesn't appeal to you?"
Her: "I don't know... it's just that you can't really get a job with it."
Me: "well, there's lots of musicians, I mean they had to work hard, but everyone does"
Her: "yeah... I dunno, I just sort of lost passion"
Me: "at least you're not sitting around doing nothing, you're exploring your options"
Should've went even deeper here, like asked her again what her dream job would be.
Her: "what do you want to be? a psychologist?"
Me: *thoughtful look* "mmm, I just want to travel the world."
Her: "yeah, me too"
Me: "go somewhere tropical, and summery"
Me: "yeah"
One of the guys working there said 5 minutes to closing, so we proceeded to leave. I knew if I were to close, this would be the time, although I wasn't very confident, as the conversation was on a low point.
Me: "you live around here?"
Her: "yeah, just down the block"
Me: "oh, you should show me around your place"
Her: "it's not that nice. there's like a bunch of weirdos where I live, because there's like a liquor store nearby. I'm like the only girl. Well, there's another girl, but she's moving out soon."
Her: *goes to garbage can* "still got some chips..."
Me: "ooo sharing some with me, huh?"
Her: "haha yeah..."
Her: "I should probably go to the washroom before I leave"
Me: ....
Me: "we should go back to yours and watch some tv... talk more"
Her: "I've got an early appointment tomorrow (it was midnight). Don't you have school?"
Me: "yeah"
Anyways, I walk with her halfway to the bathroom.
Her: "do you watch a lot of movies?"
Me: "mmm... here and there, netflix mostly"
Me: "wbu?"
Her: "no... don't really have the time"
Me: "well, I'll see you around"
Her: "yeah, I still have your number"
Me: "okay, c ya"

Omg. So fucking awkward. I'm wondering if I fucked things up.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
March 19

Brunette walking

Me: “hey”

Her: *looks at me*

Me: “I just wanted to let you know *pause* I loveee your boots. They really match with the color of your hair”

Her: “thanks! I was not thinking about that this morning at all!”

Introductions; handshake

Me: “you just sort of tossed everything on?”

Her: *looks offended* “huh? Is that what I look like?”

Me: “no no no. I said: “so you just sort of tossed everything on? Since you said you weren’t thinking about it at all”

Her: “oh ya. Well, this morning was sort of a struggle”

Me: “every morning is a struggle for me”

Her: “haha yeah, especially with this weather, this is where I least want to be”

Me: “I know, right? Let’s run away to Hawaii or something”

Her: “Hawaii?”

Me: “yeah! Somewhere tropical and lovely. Do you have travel, or want to?”

Her: “hmmm. Well I went to Mexico for spring break, but that wasn’t really travelling”

Me: “what’s your definition of travelling then?”

Her: “backpacking across Europe”

Me: “mmm. I like your adventurous sense of style. Meet new faces… see new things” (better said: “mmm. I like your adventurous sense of style. Imagine all those handsome European men you’d meet! Ooo la la!”)

Her: “haha. What do study?”

Me: “psychology”

Her: “no way”

Me: “you too?”

Her: “yep”

Me: “haha, we’re so similar already”

Her: *smiles*

Her: “what kind of psychology are you interested in?”

Me: “how we behave… how we think…”

Her: “so cognitive psyc?”

Me: “yeah”

Me: “anyways, we should grab a coffee sometime”

Her: “yeah!”

Me: “cool. *take out my phone* stop.”

Her: “I’m going to be late for class” *but stops anyways*

I enter down her info, and she says bye and heads off.

She never responded to my texts, probably because she didn’t invest much into the conversation.

Brunette sitting

This girl was sitting down typing on her laptop so I opened direct with something like: “hey, I just saw you sitting here, and I wanted to let you know, you are absolutely gorgeous.”

Took a seat beside her and introduce myself. Ask her what she’s working on. She says a paper, so I pretend to shoot myself with a gun. She smiles and says that’s what she’s been feeling since the start of the term. I agree and continue on: “yeah, I’m about ready to jump off a bridge.” Then I make a sarcastic joke about how ambitious we are. “So what do you do when you’re not stressing over school?” I ask. She tells me that she does volunteering: helps kids with reading (so she is pretty ambitious after all – should’ve mentioned that to her). I just remembered that I also have done volunteering in the past where I had to teach kids to read, but I didn’t think of that in the moment (would’ve been a perfect way to relate)! I ask her how she got into that, and she replies that it’s actually her aunt’s program and that her aunt got her into it, but now she thoroughly enjoys it. She’s majoring in linguistics. I start talking about how great kids are; they give you such a heart-warming feeling when you look at them. I should’ve been more specific (now that I’ve read Z’s post on using “because”). For example, I could’ve told her a story about how once at volunteering, I was playing a game with a kid, and the game was to keep an inflated balloon up in the air as long as possible. So we were basically running around the room punching, poking the balloon, trying desperately to keep it floating in the air. At some points, I would say “oh no!” and pretend not to be able to hit the balloon back upwards just to make it a bit more exciting. And this is why kids are so heart-warming and exciting to be around; they see things in a different light than us. An “ironic innocence.” Damn, I wish I would’ve said this stuff in the moment, but with experience, I know I will be able to pull these experiences from my long-term memory faster. Anyways, after the girl finishes talking about herself, she deep dives me, how I got into psychology, what I like about it and whatnot. Then I number pull.

Her: “I have a boyfriend.”

Me: “and I have noo intentions of taking his spot” *give her a light nudge on the upper arm*

Her: “so only if we go out as friends”

Me: “I can’t promise you that, but what I can promise you, is that you will have a genuinely good time”

Her: *thinks about if for a second* “ok!”

Lol, this line has never worked, until today.

So I get her details and I want to continue the conversation as to make the number pull more natural, but I have a brain jam and instead of sitting there like a retard, trying to think of what to say next, I just make my farewell.

This girl didn’t respond to my texts either. I should’ve done a better job at relating (using the story that I couldn’t think of in the moment), and could’ve also made the number pull more natural by continuing the conversation after the number grab. Although, we had been talking for a while already, like 6 or 7 minutes? I feel that I could’ve even number grabbed earlier in the interaction, while she was telling me about herself, since that’s when emotions were highest.

Got another 2 numbers today, but they were pretty weak, and not worth mentioning.

March 20

Approached this cute freckled face blonde as she was sitting in the cafeteria today. She was wearing black high heels, a white and black blouse tucked into a black mini skirt, and had her hair tied up in a bun. Omg soooooo sexyyyyyyyyy. I’m drooling just thinking about her.

Me: “hey”

Her: *looks at me*

Me: “I like your outfit. Makes you look like a sexy office girl.”

Her: “haha thanks!”

Goes on to talk about how her group was supposed to present today, but didn’t end up getting to; how all the guys in her group were dressed up in suit and ties when all the other groups were in like sweaters and jeans. Bantered about this for a bit. I just realized that one of my groups last semester were like the only ones dressed up for a group presentation as well. Should’ve mentioned this to her as to relate, but I just remembered!

I then asked what the story behind her name was, since it was pretty unique.

Her: “my parents heard it a lot when my mom was pregnant, and so they decided to name me that”

Me: “wow your parents are that spontaneous?”

Her: “haha, I guess so”

Me: “I bet some of that spontaneousism passed on to you”

Her: “haha maybe a bit”

Me: “don’t worry, no need to be shy”

Her: “hahaha”

She then goes on to ask what I’m up to. I say that I have a research study to participate in for bonus marks. She says she does too, and that hers is at five. I tell her that I’m doing the one at five, and the one right before as well. She’s like: “oh! Maybe I can still sign up for that one!”

So she starts clicking around on her labtop. This allows me to pull my chair up closer to her so that I can see what she’s doing, and close proximity. More banter about these research studies. This is why you never let girls dictate the flow of the conversation; they’ll never make it sexual. I didn’t want to keep talking about school (well, talking about school isn’t bad if you’re talking about dreams and ambitions, but here, we were talking about pretty lame stuff), so I made a horrible decision: I tried to number close. On a low point.

Her: “haha, I don’t really drink coffee”

Me: “so you’re more of a tea drinker?”

Her: “nope, cold drinks… haha”

Me: “yeahh, I don’t really drink coffee either, makes me too ansy”

Her: “mhm. I hardly drink coffee, only if I need to stay up the entire night sort of thing”

Me: “yeah, I would be too all over the place”

Me: “is that tea?” *signals my head over to her water bottle”

Her: “no. ice tea. haha”

Her: *shows me this packet of powder ice tea*

Me: “haha, where’d you get that?”

Her: “safeway, hahaha”

Me: “you’ve got some tricks up your sleeve, huh?” (better said: “so what other tricks do you have up your sleeve)?

Her: “hahaha”

I then say we should leave. She says “won’t we be early?” but proceeds to packing up her stuff anyways. So we start walking, and then I try to number close again. On a low point (gotta stop doing this; I just do because I’m scared the interaction will never get to a high point).

Her: “I don’t think my boyfriend would like that”

Me: “And I have noo intentions of taking his spot” *give her a nudge on upper arm*

Me: “I just want to sit down with you, talk, and get to know you better”

Her: “I’m too busy with school and work nowadays”

Me: “oh cmon!” *give her a playful shove while looking away*

Her: *laughs*

Me: “so what do you do when you’re not stressing over school… or work”

Her: “mmm, watch movies”

Me: “Netflix?” (I should’ve said instead: “see! You’re not always busy! Instead of watching Netflix, grab some ice tea with me!)

Her: “yeah! Lovee Netflix”

Me: “me too!”

Me: “what do you usually watch?”

Her: “umm, well right now I’m watching Supernatural, do you know about it?”

Me: “mmm, I’ve heard of it, never watched it though. What’s it about?”

Her: “it’s about two brothers; they fight supernatural beings” – goes on talking about it

At this point, I faintly realize that Supernatural is the show with the hot vampire dudes. I would not have known this if it weren’t for these forums lol.

Me: “I bet you watch it only for the hot brothers”

Her: “haha, that’s like half the reason why I watch it” (I should’ve responded: “more like the onlyyy reason" – this way, I would’ve won the entire frame, rather than only half of it – but oh well, I know that with more practice, I’ll be able to say these “retaliations” on the spot)

Me: *smile and look away*

Let the social pressure fall on her, and she re-initiates me by talking about how nice it is outside, but that it also looks warmer than it is. I agree with her by telling her that I totally underdressed. Pretty boring shit, so I let the conversation die off again.

At this point, we were walking, so she wasn’t giving me much eye contact. I was giving her some, but I figured that I shouldn’t since she wasn’t and we were walking.

She re-initiates me by asking me how long I’ve been going to this school for. I tell her and ask her the same question. Then we start talking about her major, and how she decided that business would be right for her. She was telling me because of how it was applicable to so many situations; very flexible. Actually, I find that a lot of girls are into business because of this reason. She asks me what I study, and how I decided on psychology. I told her that I went to this school without knowing what I wanted to do, but eventually, narrowed it down to psychology. A pretty normal response; this way, I maintained my mystery as I didn’t tell her what I like about it.

We get to the library, bantering about what she does for work, and take the elevator up to the floor where the room is. She gets out the elevator first, and starts heading straight, but I sort of grab her shoulder, she turns, and I point to where we actually should be going.

Her: “oh you were right. this place is hard to find”

Me: “I know, it’s like a secretive place”

We head into the room where the study is taking place. I make sure to take lead and choose where we will sit.

Me: “so would you want to own your own business?”

Her: “noo, that would be too stressful”

Me: “what do you want to do then?”

Her: “I don’t know… I really don’t want to think about that at this stage”

Me: “well, if you could have any job you wanted to have, what would it be?”

Her: “mmmm… probably a food critic. Get paid to eat food” – goes on to talk about how great a job like that would be”

Me: “yeah, that would be awesome”

Me: “do you cook?”

Her: “yeah, I’m alright”

Me: “haha, I like how you remain humble. You’re not like, ‘I’m amazing at cooking’”

Her: “haha, yeah”

Me: “I’m absolute shit at cooking”

Her: *laughs*

Me: “what do you like to cook?”

Her: *tells me, but I forget now*

Me: “you must really like food”

This leads to her telling me about how the business project she was supposed to present was about Japa dogs or something like that lol, and how when she looked at them, she got really hungry. Typing this out, I just realized that I could’ve blurted out a sexual frame: “of course those hot dogs made you drooooool.”

Anyways, she goes on to say that her group leader is bossing everyone around, making sure that they do their part, and that this is good, because this means that she doesn’t have to boss everyone around. This could’ve led to some teasing about her “bossy” character but instead I said:

Me: “so he must’ve bossed you around a lot”

Her: “nope. I do my work”

Me: “goody two shoe” :)

Her: “only at school” :)

Me: “me too” (better said: “so you’ve got a wild side… let’s meet somewhere far far away from school sometime”)

I try another date proposal here, but once again, she declines.

Me: “you must really love your boyfriend” (I know! I shouldn’t have said this! I just couldn’t think of anything else to say, and when this happens, I usually end up blurting out the most stupid shit ever)

Her: “yeah, he’s a cool guy *pause* he doesn’t compare to Supernatural though” (LOL, I can’t believe she said this. I’ve seriously got to start watching this show. Honestly though, anything with the idea of vampires in it sounds corny as hell).

Me: “so, what if I was a vampire?”

Her: “they’re dangerous, they suck your blood”

Me: *lean in* “what about a handsome asian guy? Soft and tender to the touch” (since I’m asian)

Her: “haha, that wouldn’t work either”


I smile and look away. I’ve pretty much given up at this point so I give one of the researchers (whose in charge of the study) eye contact. He engages me and says: “aren’t you in my class?” So we start talking about the test and school and pretty much light banter. He asks me how I did on the test, and I said: “horribly.” He said he was the first to finish. Lol. Way to be humble much?

Eventually, the study starts, and finishes. Now we have to wait 20 minutes for the next study.

Me: “can I have a sip of your ice tea?”

Her: “cooties" :)

Me: “oh, shutup!” *give her another playful shove*

Her: *laughs*

At this point, she starts texting on her phone. So I just take out a book and start reading it. It would’ve been weird to ask her more questions and try to make conversation when she clearly wasn’t interested. So I just showed her that I wasn’t going to act choked or anything.

The final study proceeds. It tests how hearing music affects your ability to recall words. When it ends, the girl looks down at my paper.

Her: “haha, you fail.”

Me: *smile*

A second or two passes.

Me: “yeah I’m so bad at memory”

Her: *laughs*

Then I notice she wrote down the room number on her hand so I tease her about that.

We leave the room, and she stops to write something against the wall. I stop beside her (non-verbal chasing much)?

Me: “you know… we’re never going to see each other again”

Her: “that’s not true, if you’re coming here next semester again”

Me: “well, I’m not. I got accepted into ubc Okanagan” ("well, I'm not," would've sufficed).

Her: “oh nice. Some of my friends go there. They said they really like it”

Me: “what do they like about it?”

Her: “the partying”

Me: “that’s like why I’m going *pause* get away from the parents for a bit”

Me: “it’s not like you and your boyfriend are going to run away into the sunset”

Her: “maybe we will”

Me: “let’s grab ice tea sometime”

I know now after reading one of Anatman's FR, that something like: telling her that I will be an usher at her wedding, and that she will name her son after me since she will be having an affair with me while her husband is at work lol)!

Her: “haha, ice tea *pause* I don’t think he would approve”

Me: “and who said he had to knoww”

Her: “haha. If he was doing the same thing, then I would too”

Me: “maybe he is”

Her: “I’m pretty sure he isn’t”

Me: “it’ll be ooour secret”

Her: *smiles, doesn’t say anything*

Me: “are you going to the Canada line?”

Her: “yeah, I thought you live in kits?”

Me: “yeah, but I drove today. Parked up on _______”

Her: “free parking?”

Me: “yeah, and you only have to walk 5 blocks”

Her: “only?”

Me: “yeah. Why? Is that a lot for you?”

Her: “depends on if they’re short or long blocks”

We are on our way out of the library when she bumps into one of her friends, who is sitting with another guy.

They start chatting, and I stand at a distance. I realize that I shouldn’t care, and I take a step forward. They are talking about this random girl’s tattoo. I comment: “all that glitters is not gold” (since that’s what one part says). Banter a bit more, then freckled face blonde says bye and we continue walking.

Me: “do you have any tattoos?”

Her: “yes”

Me: “in a secretive spot?”

Her: “yes :)” (I should’ve responded to this: “omg! Stop making me think about where that tattoo could possibly be!)

Her: “it says ‘meow’”

Me: “meow”

Me: “so you must really like cats”

Her: “I lovee cats. They’re so furry and cuddly”

Me: “yeah I know. I love cats too” (after reading Z’s new post, I realize to further relate I should say: “I love cats too BECAUSE”)

Me: “if you could be any animal, what would you be?”

Her: “hmm, either a sloth, or a cat”

Her: “a sloth would be pretty cool. I mean I don’t think they are the top of the food chain, but yeah, if I couldn’t be a sloth, then I would be a cat”

Her: “lounge around all day long”

Me: “have people feed you, and pet you”

I realized here I could’ve teased her like: “remind me to never hang out with you if I need to get stuff done.”

I should’ve continued on with this topic, but instead, I just sort of smiled and looked ahead again. This caused her to talk about the weather again, and how this was suitable for the first day of spring.

Me: “are you going anywhere for the summer?”

Her: “umm. I might be going to Calgary… When I’m 21 though, I want to go to Vegas”

Me: “haha, that’s like everyone’s 21st birthday wish” (realized I shouldn’t have put her on the same page as ‘everyone’)

Her: “haha yeah!”

Me: “sounds like troubbleee”

Her: *laughs*

We hit the fork in the road where we must separate, so we say bye to each other. Never to be seen again :(


- sexual, fun conversation

- persistent

- good direct opener


- could’ve followed up with my sexual comments (but couldn’t think of it in the moment – practice makes perfect though!)

- lots of things that I should’ve said

- shouldn’t have said that thing about her bf

- should’ve stayed longer on topics, rather than jumping around so much

March 24

Walked around the university campus today. Not much luck.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
March 28

Did some university approaching today + a few street approaches as I was running some errands.

Got one number but I don't think it's going to go anywhere:

Girl is about to walk past me:

Me: "hey!"
Her: "hey"
Me: "I just thought you were incredibly cute"
Her: "thanks"
Me: "Darren"
Her: "Kali"
Shake hands.
Me: 'so are you like a caffeine addict or something?" :)
Her: "noo. these aren't all for me" :)
Me: "it's ok if they are, I won't tell anyone" :)
Her: "haha, no seriously though, they're not for me" :)
Me: "you're a very generous person then" :)
Her: "yes, I am"
Silence. Stare into her eyes for a couple of seconds.
Me: "what do you study here?"
Her: "arts. ugh. sucks."
Me: "why are you taking it then?"
Her: "well, I'm transferring into science... I can actually get a job" *makes funny face*
Me: "I hope you aren't doing it just so you can get a job"
Her: "no. I like science!"
Her: "anyways... I got to go"
Me: "yeah, we should grab a coffee sometime!"
Her: "haha ok" *laughing*
Me: *start taking out my phone* "why are you laughing like that? this doesn't happen a lot huh?"
Her: "haha no! do you do this a lot?"
Me: "thanks for the compliment"
Her: "yeah, outgoing"
Me: "I do what I want."

Anyways, I enter her digits, look at her coffee cups to see how to spell her name, and she says they spelled it wrong, and I related back that they always spell my name wrong too. Then she leaves. Zero investment in this convo. I should've deep dived about why she liked science, but I am a retard and always go for the number pull too quickly.

Cashier at the art store:

This wasn't a number pull, but is worth mentioning, as it brings to surface what I'm doing wrong.

She is really busy, but I'm the last person in line, so when I'm finally up I tease:

"looking at you is making me go crazy"
Her: *says something I can't remember*

I ask her where I can find what I'm looking for, and she tells me. I go downstairs, grab it, and go back to her to pay for it. She asks me if I'm a student, because if I am, I can fill out this form and get 10% off. So I do, and this gives me the perfect opportunity to ask:

"are you a student?"
Her: "Umm... I'm like in the middle."
Me: "yeah, it's nice to have a balance"
Her: "yeah, I should probably go more towards school though"
Me: "do you like art?"
Her: "I loovee art"

Starts talking about how she got accepted into an art school, but that she is moving to the island in a few months, so that plan is pretty much in the garbage.

Me: "that's such a nice place"
Her: "yeah, you been there?"
Me: "no (shouldn't have said this) but my friend has, and he said he met a couple there *pause* who were from Europe. And they went to the island, and they loved it so much that they decided to -"
Her: "move there?"
Me: "yeah, just buy a place there and live"
Her: "yeah it's soo nice there"
Me: "anyways, you seem like a swell girl"
Her: "thanks!"
Me: "we should grab a coffee sometime"
Her: "I actually have a boyfriend, but I'm flattered."
Me: "and I have no intentions of taking his spot"

She ignores this and I hand her the form I that I have filled out.

Me: "you know we're probably never going to see each other again."
Her: "what's your name?"
Me: "darren"
Her: "emily"
Shake her hand.
Her: "maybe we will"
Me: "maybe fate will bring us together"
Her: "yeah" :)
Her: "bye"
Me: "take care"

What did I do wrong?

- no deep dive! I had so many opportunities where I could've deep dived. I could've asked her why she's destroying her dreams of going to art school just to move to the island or what she likes so much about art.

Stupid me! I need to SLOOWWWW down my interactions. Focus more on what topics I can deep dive, rather than go for the number pull so fast. After all, you're just a stranger to these girls!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
April 1

It was pretty much the last day of psychology class today. So I asked this girl out (who has been in my group). Waited till today, so that if I got rejected, it wouldn’t be awkward, plus, we got to know each other while working on the project. I was sort of framed as a jokester, was always late to group meetings and never went to class. I got teased a lot about this during group meetings, but I played it off by going with it. However, because of this, I feel that she saw herself as higher status (since she perceived herself to be smarter) and never took me seriously. After class, she said she had to go get her bus pass, so I said “me too!” We started walking towards the machine, I walked slowly, and she walked ahead of me (no compliance). I asked her to swipe my card for me, she told me to do it myself, but when she swiped her card, I gave her mine, and she ended up swiping it like 5 times, but it didn’t work for me for some reason. “Cmon Rebecca!” I teased her. “There’s a huge lineup behind us!” My card never ended up working so I said: “looks like someone’s been a bad boy.” She laughed at this and I then I continued: “Rebecca, I’m going to grab a hot chocolate right now. You’re welcome to join me.” She said she had to go to the writing centre and work on her paper. This led to some more banter, and then I said: “well, you’re really cute, and we should get coffee some other time.” She said, “We’ll see.” I took this as a sign of disinterest, and left. It was funny because I had a dream last night of her rejecting me lol. To sum things up: I built too much of a jokester image, and I was definitely chasing when I tried to go for the date today.

Before all this, I went to the washroom, and on my way back to class, I spotted a cute girl. I opened direct, telling her: “hey, I just thought you were cute.” She said “thanks,” and proceeded to open a door and leave, but I said: “I’m Darren.” We shook hands, and she ended up laughing nervously, and holding the door open for like a bunch of people lol. I teased her about why she was laughing. She said she always laughs, and I said: “this doesn’t happen a lot? Does it?” (better response would’ve been like: “clearly…”) I also teased her about how generous she was (since she was holding the door open lol). I then tried to deep dive school, but she resisted. She said she studies nutrition, because it was cool. I tried digging deeper about why she took it, but she kept giving me mundane responses, like “I wanted to.” I then try to go for the number close but she says she has a boyfriend.

I approached another girl, by asking if she was single. She said she had a bf and I walked slow to see if she would match my pace but she didn’t, so I let her go.

The last approach was the best: I spot cute European chick (who’s in one of my classes) standing motionless in the hallway. I open with “hey!” (lol so simple). Light banter, she asks me if I’m going home now. I say: “I’m actually going to grab a hot chocolate; you’re welcome to join me.” She thinks about it, saying that she has some work to do, but then complies, saying that “I’m someone to talk to.” Meh. Not the impression I’m going for. I don’t really want to be seen as just someone to talk to, but she’s probably just giving herself some plausible deniability here. After all, I am a fucking stranger. Perfect time for introduction and handshake. Anyways, she’s talking a lot about school, and I hate when girls do this, because it seems like that’s what they all want to talk about. Boring. I give her eye contact though, but I really should be giving her the bored look (I think that’s the best way to counter this boring talk). After a minute or two about her blabbing, she looks at me and smiles and says: “what?” Hahaha game on. Must’ve been that mad eye contact + small hint of smile that confused her. I say: “I don’t know… (shoudn’t have said this), you have a really nice accent.” She tells me she’s from Russia. “From Russia with love,” I say. She chuckles. I deep dive what she likes about Vancouver. I touch her, showing her where we should sit. We go the table, but she wants to sit outside instead. It’s nice outside, so I let her win the frame. On the way outside, banter / tease about being vampires. Once outside, continue deep dive. She’s telling me how in Russia, when something’s in fashion, everyone’s copying it; everyone is the same. Here, it’s much more diverse, you can be anyone you want. Everyone has their own way of dressing. I tell her that she must really enjoy her sense of freedom. She agrees. Talk about how she doesn’t want to be judged for what she wears. I get her to show me her necklaces and sunglasses. I put the sunglasses on, try to be a jokester to make her laugh (bad idea), then she puts them on, and I comment on how they look. I say that she looks sophisticated; she says she looks more chill. I agree (bad, trying to force report, should’ve stuck with my frame). I suggest I show her around the area, but she says she has work to do. Okay. Trying to move fast, push my limits, but it’s ok, I still get the number. She actually offered me her facebook account first, but I told her that I didn’t have facebook, and when she asked why, I said that I did have facebook, but that I never go on (should’ve just remained firm with no fb). She says that you can really find out someone’s true self by their facebook account. I give her a nudge here saying: “are you gonna stalk me on facebook?” She laughed. I said that she could give me her number instead. While entering her digits, she mentions she hopes she remembered it correctly. No reply to my text or call yet.

April 2

Last week of school = approach, approach, and approach.

I direct opened a blonde babe, and we just stared into each other's eyes for a long time lol. I was the first to break eye contact, and I broke down! Bad bad bad! Totally lost lol! That was still fun though, and it's been a while since I've direct opened and right after, just stared into a girls eyes like that. I want to experiment tomorrow doing that, but not breaking eye contact first.

Opened a girl from the side. She seemed pretty shocked. Oops. I guess I should've walked beside her longer. I apologize for making her jump out of her skin and tell her she is absolutely gorgeous. Start deep diving school. She hooks pretty fast. Even deep dives me. I make sure to do thoughtful look before answering. The bus comes, and it's not mine, but I decide to get on anyway (lost abundance mentality here, but I already knew I was gonna get the number: a weird but confident feeling lol). Anyways, there's only enough space on the bus for her to sit, so I'm standing. Damn. Couldn't lock in. I give her eye contact to let the pressure onto her. She reciprocates by asking me what year I'm in, where I plan to go. I withhold info that I got accepted to uni, just tell her that I plan to go to uni one day. I ask her too. She says she wants to go to ubc, but the place is so goddamn big. I'm like: "yeah, it takes like hours to walk across campus." I also tell her that because of that, she must prefer living in a small village rather than a large city. Ironically though, she came here from the island (a much smaller place). Says there are more opportunities here and more things to do for people under 40 lol. I try to get the tone of the convo sexual by saying something like: "yeah, lots more chances *pause* for trouble." Then I feel the window starting to close; the conversations not gonna get much higher, so I number close. Tell her I'll text her so that she has my number saved, just as long as she doesn't text me 24/7. She smiles at this and says: "I won't." I scan her logistics. She lives with her sister. That leads to talking about her many sisters. I say that asians (like myself) have a lot of siblings too. I ask her if she's close to her sisters despite the age differences. Blah blah blah. Then the bus stops, I look over and say: "ok, this is my stop. c ya!" quite abruptly. She says bye, and I make my way off the bus. Interaction could've gone a lot smoother: not shocking her with my approach, getting a seat beside her on the bus (sort of out of my control, except if I got onto bus first and led, I could've gotten the seat while she stood). Other than that, things went alright. Conversastion wasn't amazing or anything, but deep diving did its job. I send this girl an ice breaker, and she texts me back saying that she has a bf and that she should have told me but earlier she wasn't sure of my intentions at that time. Bullshit. You enjoyed the approach, and you couldn't resist giving me your number :)

But like so, emotions fade, and she came back to reality.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
April 4

Fun day today :)

Walking around in the sun, meeting women :)

Some good conversations, although no number pulls. I still feel like I'm going for the numbers too fast. Gotta slow down, deep dive, and build comfort first.

For example, I direct opened a girl, sat down, and persisted hard to get her to take a seat beside me. When she wouldn't, I bantered with her, about where she was originally from. Briefly deep dove skiing, then went for the number pull. I should've kept deep diving, then tried to get her to sit again, but I let the pressure get to me (again).

Another funny thing to mention is that I direct opened a girl ("hey, I just saw you standing here, and I just haaadd to come let you know *slow spreading smile* you are absolutely gorgouss). As we were shaking hands, I noticed her hands were unusually warm, so I blurted out: "damn... you're hot." I then realized what I said, and was like: "I mean..."

Hahahahaha. Walked away laughing at myself. It's great that I can.

At the point where I'm comfortable with myself and confident I'll succeed. Approached every single girl today with a smile on my face :)

Just gotta improve looks / fundamentals (so that I can be proud of my outer side as well).

Goals for April:

- use lots of pregnant pauses and talk slow

- maintain good posture and sexy walk from month of March (although still have to remember to keep solid posture when sitting)

Two steps to having good posture:

1. Flex, straighten your lower back

2. Roll shoulders back ---> pumped out chest


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
April 7

Fun shotgun approach today:

Girl sitting down. I go up to her. Ask her if I can sit. She smiles and says yes. Light banter about how I just finished a final; pretty boring / basic shit. I then compliment her:

“your lips are looking incredibly sexy today.”

She laughs. I ask her what her name was again. She starts giving me shit, but I ask her if she can remember mine. She can’t either haha. So I give her a hint that it starts with a D. Now she has to give me a hint.

Her: “I’m not giving you a hint! Hahaha!”
Me: “what? You’re just going to automatically assume that I’m psychic?”
Her: “hahaha”
Me: “Ok. Well… you’re probably thinking about how handsome I am.” :)
Her: “haha, not really” :)
Me: “you’re thinking about how you want to go out for coffee with me” :)
Her: “haha. I can’t”
Me: *skeptical face*
Her: “I have a boyfriend”
Me: “and I have noo intentions of getting in between you guys” (better response would’ve been like: “but you would”)
Her: “haha. Good.”
Me: “I just want to sit down with you sometime… and get to know you better”
Her: “haha I don’t think so”
Me: “it’ll be our seeecret” :)
Her: “haha. I can’t”
Me: “okay, well, I tried”
Her: “yes you did.”
Me: *get up to leave* “bye bye, mystery girl” :)
Her: "bye" :)

Good use of facial expressions and talking slow here, something you can’t really tell from just reading the words.

April 10

Back to downtown game, as university classes are now over.

Cute young brunette

Me: “quick question”
Her: *turns to look at me*
Me: “are you single?” *skeptical face*
Her: *gentle no*
Introductions; handshake
Me: “so, what are you up to today?”
Her: “going to meet up with my mom to do some shopping”
Me: “oh. So you must be close with your mom.”
Her: “yeah”
Silence for a couple seconds. Then, suddenly I have a realization that I should be deep diving.
Me: “so, what makes you two so tight-knitted?”
Her: “well, she does a lot for me; buys me things”
Me: “so you’re spoiled” *give her a nudge*
Her: *slightly embarrassed* “no! I have to buy most of my things, it’s just…”
Me: “she gives you a helping hand sometimes”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “that’s awesome, I mean… my moms the same: I’ll have friends over, and she’ll cook all this food and my friends will be like, ‘what! My mom would never do that!’”

Pretty bad relating here, I mean every mom cooks their family dinner, right? I sort of forced it; thought of it on the spot. Thinking back, this would’ve been better: “that’s awesome, I mean… my moms the same: I’ll come home with like a brand new pair of shoes, and she’ll ask me how much they cost, and she’ll give me like half the money back.”

Her: *laughs*
Me: “so we should grab a coffee sometime”
Her: “maybe”
Me: “what’s your schedule looking like?”
Her: “well, I’m going away this weekend”
Me: “ok, let’s grab some coffee next week then?”
Her: “maybe, I do have a boyfriend.”
Me: “and I have noo intentions of replacing him *pause* I just want to get to know you a bit more better”
Her: *still unsure*
Me: “how about I just take down your number”
Her: “sure”

So I take down her number, and after this, I hear a voice yelling her name:

“Nikki! What are you doing?”

Turn around, and it’s her mom lol.

We slowly walk up to her.

Me: “I just thought your daughter was incrediblyyy gorgeous.”
Mom: “oh!” *sort of shocked / creeped out / wanting to protect her daughter from this handsome stranger* (lol)
Me: “if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were her sister!”

Hahahaha. I don’t remember what she said in response, but they ended up walking away after that.

Got a reponse to my icebreaker, but not to the text after that.


I walk up to her side, look at her intently, and signal her to take out her earphones.

Me: “I just haaad to let you know *pause* you look increediblyy gorgeous” (totally killed it)
Her: “hahahaha! Thanks!”
Introductions; handshake
Me: “so what are you up to on this horrendous day?”
Her: “it’s not horrendous!”
Me: “god! Saaaarcassmmm!”
Her: “haha! Just going home”
Me: “so you live around here I’m guessing?”
Her: “yep”
Me: “are you from here?”
Her: “from Calgary originally”
Me: “so why did you come from Calgary to here?” *points to ground*
Her: “well, my parents did when I was little”
Me: “so you didn’t really have a choice”
Her: “yeah, but I’m glad to be here. I love Vancouver”
Me: “so what do you like about Vancouver? Other than all the handsome men”
Her: “I like the ocean… the trees… the people”
Me: “so you’re a nature-ra-listic girl”
Her: “haha yeah”
Me: “so you like long walks on the beach”
Her: *starts laughing*
Me: “…mountain climbing, star gazing… and to top it all off *pause* crazy partying”
Her: “oh yeeaah! Especially that!”
Me: “trouble, trouble, troubleee”
Her: *smiles*
Me: “so we should grab a coffee sometime”
Her: “mmmm. Should we?”
Me: “yes”
Her: “tell me why”
Me: “because I am a handsome asian maaan. I don’t know.” (said this confidently, with the ‘I don’t know’ sarcastically sounded – but still, I feel like I should have left the ‘I don’t know’ out)

Thinking about this, I could’ve gone even more cocky here. I could’ve been like: “because I am a handsome asian maaan. I tell girls what’s on my mind 100% of the time, and I don’t take shit.”

Her: “I don’t do coffee”
Me: “so you’re more of a tea person? Hot chocolate? Let’s do hot chocolate”
Her: “I don’t do dates”
Me: “ahhh ok. Let’s go back to your place then”
Her: “what? Hahaha no! I didn’t mean that either!”
Her: “I have a boyfriend.”
Me: “and I have noo intentions of replacing him. I just want to get to know you a bit more better”
Her: “I can’t”
Me: “Are you falling head over heels for him?”
Her: “yes!”

I bowed out here.

Pretty fucking angry at myself for not persisting more. I didn’t even get to tease her about getting married and such. I totally let the pressure get to me, and I’m angry because so. However, I wasn’t down to put effort into chasing a girl who admitted she was falling in love, but, I still should’ve persisted more since I’m never going to see her again!

April 11

Downtown game today. Lots of rejections. Almost every girl I talked to had a boyfriend. I don’t know why it’s so goddamn hard to find one who’s actually single. Just gotta keep loookinn.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
April 14

Started the day off with some approaches around college. Then off to the university for more approaching!

Blue-eyed brunette girl with baseball hat (so fucking hot – those eyes, goddamn girl)!

How often do you find a brunette with blue eyes? Fuck, such a killer combination!

She’s sitting down, facing the window, studying. I go up to her side, put my hand on the table, and she looks at me.

Me: “I just wanted to let you know *nose wrinkle and slow spreading smile* you are incredibly cute”
Her: “thanks”
Introductions; handshake
Me: “so are you a canucks fan?” (referring to her baseball cap)
Her: “sort of. I sometimes watch the games, but I just wore this because it was a bad hair day haha.”
Me: “hate those days”
Her: “haha yeah, I don’t watch them religiously or anything.”
Me: “just a bad” *signal to my hair*
Her: *laughs* “yeah”

Good light banter to start off the convo.

Me: “so what do you study here?”
Her: “business communications”
Me: “cha-ching!”
Her: “haha hopefully” :)
Her: “wbu?”
Me: “psychology”
Her: *nods*
Me: “why did you take business?”
Her: “I just feel like I can take it and shape it into what I want”
Me: “hmm” *let social pressure fall back onto her, but some feedback would’ve been better, like, “ok, I see: you want to modify it to suit your needs. What ideas first come to mind? Your own kangaroo business or something?”* (being silly to light up the conversation, and at the same time, going deeper into dreams, ambitions)
Her: “what year are you?”
Me: “my second *put up two fingers* and last year”
Her: “oh, so where are you going after?”
Me: “um. Ubc out in the Okanagan”
Her: “cool”
Me: “where do you plan to go after this?”
Her: “I want to try to make some money, and travel… haven’t seen much of the world yet”
Me: “mmm. You want to free yourself” *more gesturing with my hands, actually some kino would’ve been good here, like putting my hand on her elbow or something*
Her: “haha yeah”
Me: “let your wild side out” ;)
Her: “haha, maybee” :)
Me: “where would you travel?”
Her: “hmmm. Probably Europe”
Me: “good choice” (bad! not being challenging here)
Her: “or South America, since I’ve been there before and it was really nice”
Me: “what was nice about it?”
Her: “well… the beaches were really nice. And we went with people, so they showed us around. Learned a bit of Spanish, but I forget it now”
Me: “ooh la la”
Her: “haha yeah”

I didn’t know how to go further into this deep dive. Thinking back, I should’ve asked something like: “so were those the most memorable experiences you remember from this trip to South America?”

Instead, I tried to number close, and got the boyfriend objection. She was telling me how she respected my confidence, but her boyfriend wouldn’t like the idea of her seeing other good looking guys. “Thanks,” I told her, whilst giving her a nudge. I don’t think a girl has ever called me good looking before lol, so I was actually sort of flattered. I continued, saying that her boyfriend wouldn’t have to know about us, but she wasn’t having it. I said it was a pleasure anyways, and bowed out.

I recently read the article “How to avoid making the same mistake twice.” In the article, Ross gives an example of a conversation that went wrong, and in the comments section, he writes how it could’ve been done better:
John: Journalist? Sounds like you're an opinionated girl. I hope you use that opinion for good... rather than unspeakable things.
Ashley: [excited] Yeah, I am opinionated! I'll be sure to use it for good.
John: I don't know if I believe you ... What kind of "good" are you planning on bringing?
Ashley: Well, I've done ABC and DEF and I'm planning on doing XYZ and etc.

As you can see, I have to do what Ross does: analyze my interactions. And I do. What I've found is that deep diving has been a hard thing for me to learn: I tend to stay on the surface of things, and struggle to probe further. It’s not really because I’m scared, but rather, that I don’t know how. Reading Ross’ article makes it clearer. I often find myself guilty of starting a deep dive and making a cold read about the girl’s personality, and as Ross says in his article, this leaves me little to work with. The girl will most likely agree with me, and this closes off the conversation. Instead, after the cold read, I have to ask her to expand on how that cold read is true; how it relates to her.

So… done wrong:
Me: “why did you take business?”
Her: “I just feel like I can take it and shape it into what I want”
Me: “ok. I see: you want to modify it to suit your needs”
Her: “yeah”
Me: ….
Her: …

Done better:

Me: “why did you take business?”
Her: “I just feel like I can take it and shape it into what I want”
Me: “ok. I see: you want to modify it to suit your needs”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “what ideas first come to mind? Your own kangaroo business or something?”
Her: “hahaha no! Ummm… I think opening up my own travelling agency would be cool!”
Me: “why a travelling agency?”
Her: “because I love travelling, and I want to spread the joy of adventure”
Me: “you must have been on some crazy trips then. What were your most memorable experiences?”
Her: “probably South America.”
Me: “damn, you’re making me jealous. What made it so memorable?”
Her: “well, the beaches were really nice, and people who knew the area showed us around. Learned a bit of Spanish, but I forget it now”
Me: “so you got to explore a new culture, while also learning to be a part of it”
Her: “In that moment, I did.”

Silence for a few seconds. Gaze into her eyes. Then attempt to number close.

That’s what I should’ve done.


I run up to her side and say “hey.” She stops. I open direct with “I just wanted to let you know, you are absolutely gorgeous” (or something like that). Introductions; handshake. I ask her what she studies. She says poli sci.

Me: “so you must be really into… law”
Her: “yep”
Me: “how’d you figure that was the right thing for you?”
Her: “I always did; I just knew”
Me: “that’s cool. You didn’t have to spend time ruminating like most people”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “are you always that decisive?”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “that’s cool. I can respect anyone who isn’t afraid of going for what they want”
Her: “yeah, you should do that”
Me: “I am right now *pause* we should grab a coffee sometime”
Her: “I have a boyfriend”
Me: “and I have no intentions of replacing him. I just want to get to know you better”
Her: “I don’t think he would like that”
Me: “he doesn’t have to know about uss” *smile and turn my head as to look at her out of the corner of my eyes*
Her: “haha I can’t. you seem nice though!”

Damn. Nice? Pffftttttt…

Better done:

Me: “so you must be really into… law”
Her: “yep”
Me: “how’d you figure that was the right thing for you?”
Her: “I always did; I just knew”
Me: “that’s cool. You didn’t have to spend time ruminating like most people”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “are you always that decisive?”
Her: “yeah”
Me: “that’s cool. I can respect anyone who isn’t afraid of going for what they want”
Her: “yeah, you should do that”
Me: “I am right now *pause* so how did you just know?”
Her: “well… when I was young, my dad took me to view a court case…”
Her: “well… when I first took this course, it really interested me.”
Me: “why is that?”
Her: “I dunno…. Just seeing how much power governments have, and seeing how much they abuse it”

Then lead the conversation topic to how governments keep us in check by having us repress our desires and what not, and connect this back to how I previously said that I respect anyone who goes for what they want (independent of what society says).

Funny / embarrassing note:

So I had like a 30 second conversation with a girl. Then her friend shows up. Damn, her friend is hotter, I thought. I awkwardly decide to number pull here, and I get it (knowing I’m not going to get a date from it). I then made my farewell. What I should’ve done is introduced myself to her friend as well, and started getting to know her (since she was hotter, and she looked like the leader).

Anyways, a few minutes later, I open up this blonde girl. She proceeds to tell me that I just talked to her friend. Lol! Fuck me! I walk away half embarrassed and half laughing at myself lol. Approaching is like auto-pilot now. When I see a hot girl, I don’t even think anymore lol. I just approach.

April 15

Really practiced my deep diving today. Got three numbers.

Cute brunette:

Didn’t get much compliance, thus, no reply to my ice breaker. She said she was studying dietitian, but she had to go back to her meeting or whatever, since her break was now over. Therefore I didn’t really have an opportunity to deep dive.

Dark haired girl with caramel highlights:

Opened direct with how I liked how her hair changes from dark to light. Moved a chair from another table to sit by her and deep dove school. She says she’s in business, because she likes it more than all the other classes she’s taken. However, she is still unsure about what she really wants to do. I asked her why she likes business out of all the other classes. She told me, but I forget her response now. It was probably something about how business opens up many paths for you. I did a bad job of relating here because she asked if psychology was my passion, and I said yes, when I should’ve lied and said something like: “I like it. But I don’t know if that’s what I want to do for the rest of my life.” Nevertheless, I made up for this by saying that I haven’t really thought of what career I wanted to pursue (even though I already know) when she asked me. I tried to help her pass my screen by asking her what her dream job would be. She said “nothing.” Hahaha. I totally agreed with her, but then I re-challenged her by asking what she likes to do in her free time. “Shopping… girl stuff… hahaha.” I then told her that she could be a professional shopper. She said she knows, but there’s no money in that. I saw her wave to her friend, and then she said she better get on her way. When I asked for her number, she said she was extremely busy with exams, but that I could still have it. She replied to my ice breaker later on. I’m thinking of texting her tomorrow saying something like: “you know… I was thinking about it… and I’ve met lots of people who make money from writing fashion blogs and designing their own brands. Have you ever thought of that?”

Girl with green shorts:

Best approach of the day. I opened with “are you single?” She said no happily, so I followed up with: “Oh. Because I just thought you were incredibly gorgeous.” She said thanks and asked me what I studied first, so, I told her and made sure to turn it back to her. She said business. “Cha-ching!” I said. “Hahaha. Pretty much,” she replied. I asked her why business? She told me that it has many opportunities and because you can associate with people. “So you must be a social butterfly,” I told her, while waving my arms at the same time lol. She agreed and I went on saying: “I can feel it right now: happiness emitting from you.” Hahaha. Funny shit. Good vibes so far. I further the deep dive by asking what she plans to do with business. She says either a sales associate or making advertisements. I ask her why those jobs? She responds with something I forget now. “Have your advertisements engrained in people’s heads,” I tell her. She laughed and agreed and the high point was right here, right now, so I tried for the insta date but she said she was actually meeting up with her bf. It was funny because when I asked her what her schedule was like, I said: “what’s your coffee – I mean schedule, looking like?” This provided me an opportunity to chase frame: “god. You’re making me go crazy!” to which she laughed in delight. I swear she said: “I have an exam tomorrow, and I’m leaving town this weekend... since I’m not from here.” But I guess I heard the first part wrong, since this is what the texting looked like (I told her she could give me her number nevertheless and that we could figure it out from there):

Me: It was nice meeting you today – D :)

Her: Hey what’s up :)

Me: Just studying haha. How bout you?

Her: Playing some video games :)

Me: Lucky you. Don’t you have a test tomorrow? :)

Her: No not till the 23 !

Her: You?

Me: My exams are all over the place, but I’ve got some free time tomorrow evening, so we should definitely grab a drink!

Her: Lol I’m kind of 18

Me: Coffee, I meant

Her: Yeah that works lol

Me: Great! There’s a starbucks on _____, let’s say we meet there at about 8?

Her: Ok I’ll see you then :)

Me: :)

Her: Hey! I’m really sorry to cancel but my bf isn’t okay with it

Me: You weren’t supposed to tell him!

Her: And why not?

Me: Cause it was supposed to be our secret ;)

Her: I’m not the type of person to hide things

Ugh! So close to getting that date! Why did she have to tell her bf about us??? :(


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
April 24

Got 4 numbers today. Could not get dates from any of them.

Russian girl

Opened direct. Light banter about where we’re going, and about how she has to lock herself up in a cubicle to study (since we were on the way to the library). Tried deep diving school. Asked her why she was in arts. She said because she didn’t like numbers and science. I related back to her on this. Tried deep diving her hometown and such. Told her that I heard that in Russia, when something was in fashion, everyone would be wearing it. She said that it was like the same as here. People think Russia was some majestic faraway place, but in reality, there wasn’t much difference compared to Vancouver. All in all, she didn't give me much to talk about; I felt like she wasn't answering my questions to the fullest extent. Thus, the conversation never reached a high point, but I got the number nevertheless (when we got inside the library, I stopped her and number pulled).


We were about to walk directly in each other’s paths, so I put my hand way out in front of me as to get her to stop. Then I opened direct. She wasn’t from here, so I asked her what she loved about Vancouver. She started listing all these outdoor activities. I told her that she must enjoy her sense of freedom. She agreed, and I gazed into her eyes. Tried to number pull, but she had a bf. “Sounds serious,” I exclaimed. She said that it wasn’t, so I said: “exactly! Let’s grab coffee sometime then!” She complied, and I got her number.

French girl

Opened this girl direct. Tried deep diving school, but she wasn’t contributing much. Awkward exchange of questions and then number pulled. I asked to take a closer look at her necklace. So I leaned in, took it, examined it, then looked into her eyes, as I was now really close to her. When I did this, she shyly laughed, and backed away. I text her the next day that I’ve got some free time Monday, so if she’s not to shy, she should grab some coffee with me. She texts me back saying that she’s not shy, she just has a bf and doesn’t want to go out with me. Lol. Whatever.

Girl with red tophat

Told this girl I loved her hat because it made her look sophisticated; like a women in the olden days with a horse and carriage. She was really happy, and said it was her favorite hat. I asked her to tell me the story behind it. She told me about how she was at a store with her bf, and how she liked the hat, but she didn’t tell her bf. When Christmas came, she received it as a gift from her bf. Cute story, but I knew I had to change the subject. I touched her lightly, and asked her to sit down with me, but she declined, saying she would love to but she had to get going to a final. So I talked about school. Found out she was in English and that she liked it because every author had a different way of conveying their emotions. I did some active listening, pretty much restating what she said, but in a different, more colorful way. I then asked her what she planned to do with English. She said she wanted to joint major with creative writing and become a journalist or something. “You must be really opinionated,” I told her. She agreed. “I hope you use it for good!” I continued. She said she would. More opportunity to deep dive, but I knew she had to get going, so I number pulled here instead. She said she would fill out her number for me, to which I responded: “if you’re so enthusiastic about it.” She chuckled, and we made our separate ways.

April 25

More university approaching, but no numbers.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
April 28

Went to the university campus today. Got one number, which I don’t think is going to lead anywhere, since I am still awaiting a response to my icebreaker. I think I made a mistake of attempting to deep dive school instead of travelling, since she mentioned she had wanted to take a break and travel before getting into an occupation. Also, she wasn’t that hot, so I didn’t put much of my vibe into the set.

Other than that, I had two approaches which were memorable. First approach of the day was actually a short blonde girl who I approached direct after we got off the bus at the same stop. We talk about what we’re up to (she’s going to deliver a gift to her bf, while I told her I was here because I had gotten accepted and was just checking out the campus). Light banter about what we study. She’s a biology major, so I briefly deep dive this. She says she got into it because she didn’t like arts and essay writing. I tell her I don’t like writing essays either. She also says that she likes science because it gives you a definite answer. I tell her that she must be really straight-forward. Banter about what parts of the campus I should check out. “So you think I should go that way?” I ask her, while touching her lightly on her elbow. She sort of backs away when I do this, so I can tell she’s not really comfortable yet. She tells me what path I should walk down, saying that it is a short, but sweet route. “mmm, short and sweet, I like that,” I exclaim. Lol. She laughs. Banter about where she’s from, what she likes about Vancouver compared to her hometown, her feelings about moving out. Go back to talking about my tour. “The scenic route,” I confirm. “Yes, the scenic route,” she says. “Trying to build a romantic image for our walk,” I chase frame. She laughs and says, “noo. I’m leaving you soon.” “You’re leaving mee?” I ask her mockingly.

Good interaction to start off the day. Tried to get more comfortable using kino in this interaction, and lots of leaning in and talking sexually with an overall, light, carefree vibe. Persisted a few times to set up a date, but she was saying things like she was leaving in a week and working all the time. I tell her things like: “exactly! There’s enough time!” and “so when will we have our sweet but short reunion?” but to no avail.

The second memorable approach was with a gorgeous French girl. She was standing having a smoke, and as I slowly walked past her, I gave her my sexiest eye contact and a closed mouth smile. She immediately apologizes, saying that she can’t give me a smoke because she is on her last one (even shows me)! I grin and tell her that it’s funny how she thought I wanted a smoke. She asks me then what is it I want? I tell her I just thought she was incredibly beautiful (or something like that). Introductions; handshake. Find out she’s from France. I tell her that she must have seen the Eiffel tower then. She has, and I confirm the fact that it’s nothing special for her haha (dunno why I even asked in the first place; light banter... trying to jog my brain)? I then go on to ask her what the differences between France and Vancouver are. “The nightlife,” she tells me. I agree with her, saying how Europeans are known to party hard. She agrees. I tell her that I’ve never been to Europe, but that I would love to. “You should,” she tells me. “Let’s just run away together *pause* right now,” I exclaim. She smiles and replies sarcastically: “just… right now. Fuck exams!” I should’ve gazed deeply into her eyes here or touched her or just said: "yes, right now!" But instead, I continued: “so you like to party.” She says yes. “Trouble, trouble, troublee,” I tease. She replies: “so much that I am studying like crazy an hour before the exam.” “Story of my life,” I relate to her. She laughs. “Are you in a sorority?” I ask. She says no, and starts talking about how sorority girls are extremely fake and how they try to be like the Europeans back at home (party hard lol). I tell her that I totally get where she’s coming from and how I respect that she’s real. She then says that she has to get back to studying, and gives me a hug. I tell her while she is walking away that we should grab a coffee sometime, but she says she has no phone and is leaving in two days. I think I made the mistake again, of trying to force rapport, I feel.

April 29

Approached more university chicks today. Had two decent conversations, one with a girl sitting by a fountain, and the other, sitting against a tree. Got to work on my deep diving ability (talked about travelling, their future plans, and such), since they didn’t blow me off right after my opener. However, due to time constraints (girls leaving town soon + their plans), I couldn’t get the number close.

Was driving around running errands later on in the day, when, I see a hot blonde waiting at the bus stop. I pull over quickly (a block away from her where she can’t see me obviously lol), and approach. She tells me she’s going to the beach to drink with her friends. I joke around, saying she’s going to go seduce hot guys. I ask her what else she does in the city, and she says something like: “just this.” “Go to the beach and seduce hot guys,” I tease. “I rarely meet a girl who enjoys her sense of freedom as much as you do.” It was funny because as I started speaking this, I fumbled my words, but she was like: “haha go ahead (was sort of being nice; giving me a second chance sort of thing),” and I said this line extremely slowly. She compliments my choice of words: “even I wouldn’t be able to think of something like that!” I respond truthfully: “haha and I did not practice in front of the mirror *pause* that was spontaneous!” Then I continue: “so that must make me something… we should definitely grab a coffee sometime.” Boyfriend objection… so I propose a threesome. Hahaha. She says her boyfriend probably wouldn’t go ahead with that idea. I start trying to toss out all these discreet frames, but she's pretty set on her bf "full-time," so I leave while wishing her a good day and telling her to live life spontaneously!

April 30

Was walking around today doing my thing, when, suddenly, a random guy approaches me and introduces himself. He starts telling me about how he saw me approach a girl yesterday, and that he and his wingman are doing the same thing as well. We start talking about game, and he asks me if I follow a forum or website, and so, I tell him about girlschase. He says he’ll check it out and tells me about this youtube channel called SimplePickup. Anyways, after briefly talking, we watch each other approach. He can see that most girls aren’t hooking after my opener, and so, he tells me to project my voice more. He says my voice is really passive, and that I need to talk louder (something that ProblemSolving told me as well).

He and his friend were pretty shocked when I told them I had been gaming for almost a year. Sort of embarrassing, but I'm not gonna get down on myself. They recommended I get a wingman so that I can learn new reference points. Funny because I've always preferred solo game: you get to talk to all the girls that you see ;)

Going on, it was cool to watch them game; they said that they had been gaming the campus for 4 hours straight, and one of them had gotten like 9 numbers or something: true dedication.


Other than meeting girls, I've been hitting the gym 3x a week (actually just finished 5 sessions of personal training, but I know that I've still got a long way to go in learning a few select compound movements). There is so much more to working out than just picking up weights and lifting. You have to get down form, and learn how to activate the right muscles, all stuff that I am learning and recording in my fitness journal. On the nutrition side, I am counting and eating my daily required macros, although, I feel I could be eating healthier. Nevertheless, I am slowly gaining.

Also been training for a marketing job (selling knives). Regarding the money aspect, I could be taking a huge risk; this job is questionable. But I know that it is better to try and fail, than to have never tried at all. I was watching an RSD Tyler motivation, where he states that we should have three forms of motivation: spiritual (higher), practical (middle), and self-proof (lower). The spiritual side of this new job is to improve social calibration, time-management, and assertiveness. The practical side is money, while, one part of me seeks to prove to my friends that I can succeed and make bank. Of course these motivation levels can be applied to skills like fitness and seduction as well. In fact, I was going to mention how marketing reminds me so much of pick up (closing deals, showing value). We have to follow and learn a script (which sucks about this new opportunity), however, I am thinking of putting this script into my own words (as to sound more natural), just like how you should study varieties of game and modify them to suit yourself. No wonder Chase is a businessman and uses marketing analogies in some of his articles.

Goals for May:

1. Good posture when walking, but also when sitting (remembering to roll shoulders back like when you DL in the gym)!

2. Open, talk, command with a loud, confident voice.

- you are confident, so exhibit this in your voice; give no fucks about surrounding people (they will think of you as a boss)

3. I am getting better and better at eye contact game, so keep improving!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
May 6

Did some street approaches today.

Blonde drummer

I was eating a burger at a joint, sitting at the kind of seats that stare out the window (except there was no window). Whenever a hot girl would walk past, I would run out and open her. After a couple rejections, a hot blonde trots by. I lightly jog up in front of her and signal with my hands to stop. Open direct. She says thanks but she has to get going. I say that two minutes won’t kill her. She complies. Ask her where it is that she is rushing to. She says drumming. I say, “cool!” very enthusiastically, which was probably a bad thing. She’s like: “how about you? Just enjoying lunch?” Lol. I tell her yes, and then I ask her how she got into drumming. She says she got into it quite a while ago. “So you were probably the kid who was hitting everyone,” I joked. She doesn’t laugh at this, just agrees. She goes on to say how much she loves drumming (with a very passionate tone). I ask her what she loves most about it (using my hands to express myself). She says: “just the ability to make music by hitting things.” I agree with her saying that it is indeed, a very unique way to make sound. She says she has to get going now. I tell her we should get coffee sometime, and take down her number.


No number from this girl, but had a decent conversation. Open with: “are you single?” She smiles and says no, and I follow up with: “well, you are really cute.” We introduce ourselves to each other and I ask her what she does in this city. She says she’s from Surrey (about a 45 minute drive away) and just visiting a friend. “You must be really close to this friend of yours,” I say. This leads to some light banter, and I find out that she is actually moving to Toronto in some time to complete her masters in history. This leads to some good deep diving about how she got into history, what she likes about it, and what she plans to do with it. She also asks about me, and I make sure to keep it brief, while also relating to her on moving out of the city when fall hits. “It’s cool how we’re both leaving… starting fresh and not letting things get too stale” (said something like this). She talks about how she has experience working in a museum, and from doing that, she knows what she doesn’t want to do, which is working with kids. She says she hates kids. I should’ve challenged her here; disagreed or whatever, but instead, I agreed with her lol. This is bad, as I have to remember not to always seem like I am agreeing with everything a girl says. After all, I don’t hate children, and it’s very rare that I find someone who does. So I definitely should’ve challenged her here. Nevertheless, I got to tease her: “yeah, it’s better if you stick away from kids, you might end up spanking them!” She agreed and said that she was going this way. I tried to close here, but she said she was too busy. Although I did a good job of deep diving, I felt that I could’ve brought the convo up for air once in a while; she never really laughed or smiled much.

New Zealand girl

Open direct with complimenting her on her sunglasses: “I love your sunglasses; they make you look like a cougar… a sexy cougar.” She laughs and says she likes them too. I ask her where she’s from, and she says New Zealand, here visiting her mom. “So you guys are close,” I’m assuming. She’s like, “...yeahhh.” I ask her what makes them so close. She says she doesn’t really know? She didn’t have any brothers or sisters growing up. “So you didn’t really have anyone to look up to when you were younger except for your mother,” I stated. She was like: “yeahh, I guess.” Switch subject to talking about the differences between New Zealand and Vancouver. It was funny, because over the course of our interaction, a car honked, and a woman walking past us swore angrily. This led to us talking about how people here are angry and uptight lol. I complimented her by saying that she has such a more carefree attitude. “Yeah of course why wouldn’t you?” she says. I agree with her: “live life to the fullest.” We also talk about snowboarding and skiing. She says she’s skied up in Whistler a few times. I tell her that I snowboard, and she says skiing is way better. I disagree with her as to try to be playful, but I quickly lose the frame (doh)! She says skiing is easier to learn, but harder to be good at. She says that with skiing, you can go way faster, while with snowboarding, the board just weighs you down. And skiing also has better tricks, just watch the Olympics. So she totally pwned me, and I had no other option than to just agree (although I could’ve been like: “no! snowboarding tricks are waaayyy cooler”)! I at least had an opportunity to implicitly frame: “I can tell you totally like the thrill of it.” Anyways, I got the number. She told me that she didn’t have a Canadian land line, and I told her that was ok, as long as I didn’t get charged like 100 bucks for texting her. She said: “I’m pretty sure it’s me who gets charged that,” to which I responded: “alright, that’s ok then.” Figured out logistics. She said she hadn’t booked a ticket back home. “Spontaneous,” I commented. She disagreed, saying that she might decide to visit some relatives in Europe. She also mentioned she was staying at her mom’s apartment for the while. After this, we made our farewells.

May 7

I haven’t opened a group for quite a while. ProblemSolving has told me that he usually avoids groups since you have two girls to please and even if you please the one you are aiming for, her friend could easily cockblock you once you leave (e.g., “you’re seriously going to go out with him? you just met him)! Anyways, I saw a cute red hair girl and her friend browsing around at Chapters. In an effort to build social momentum, I decided “fuck it,” and approached. When her friend heard me open direct, she quietly left. Lol. Good. So I deep dove the red hair and found out she was from Italy. I talk about how I’ve never gone to Italy but I really want to: there’s beautiful architecture, beautiful food, and beautiful people. Even old people can be beautiful! She shyly agrees, and I can tell, she’s not yet hooked; not comfortable enough. She also is acting quite reserved and timid (probably because she isn’t used to being approached, especially while with a friend)! I ask her what made her make her over here. Turns out she’s in make-up school. “How’d you get into make-up?” I question. She says because she found it very fun. I comment on how it’s cool that she turned a hobby (something fun) into a career. “Most people want to do that, but most don’t (or can’t),” I add. She agrees and I go deeper and ask what she likes about it. “Transforming people,” she says. “Cool,” I say (god, gotta think of a more creative answer lol) and number close. I wish I could’ve continued the conversation, but I couldn’t really think of a good enough response to “transforming people.” After I get her number, she shyly scuttles away.

Got a response to my icebreaker, but no response to my date proposition.

May 9

Chill day walking around downtown.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
June 3

Been taking a break from seduction for a while. Of course if I see a hot chick, I'll approach, but since I've posted (last 3 weeks), I've only gone out a total of two times with the sole purpose of approaching women.

I've been exercising at the gym consistently and also working on my nutrition a lot. It turns out that I am actually really interested in nutrition. At the gym, I've been working with a new personal trainer and it's always great to gain new reference points.

Failing at maintaining good posture; frequently catch myself slouching. I've gotta have a straight back, even when I'm with my friends and I don't care how I look!

I've been making good money with this marketing job for the amount of effort I've put in... which is close to none. In the past month, I've made like $365. I know that if I take the time to set up more appointments, I can make more money. With more money, I can buy those nice fitting clothes I so badly want for my summer wardrobe!

Other than this, I've been playing a ton of hockey. I have this obsession where I want to be the best goal-tender ever, and stop every puck!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
June 15

Number pulled a hostess as I was walking out a restaurant today. Opened her direct, bantered a bit about how chill her job is. Number pull. I asked if she could imagine herself working here forever, and she said that she' going off for school soon. "Sounds like trouble," I tease, then ask her "what for?" She says just general arts. "You must have a very creative mind," I say. She doesn't but there's also psychology, sociology, and philosophy she says. I say that I like psychology, which could she imagine herself studying? She says she doesn't know yet. So I just frame it as something like: "exploring your options and enjoying your freedom." She agrees, and I leave.

She sends me a text later, right after my icebreaker, that she has actually has a boyfriend... even sends me a picture of him... Hahahaha!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 14, 2013
Love how ur so dedicated to this man! I'm pretty much where u were last August! a pretty frustrating stage tbh lol


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
June 18

Been talking to ProblemSolving and Smith, and what we've been discussing: keep approaching to find girls that are single, and focus on building that emotional connection.

To scan for girls who are sexually available, use a lot of touch early on to see how she responds. For example, let the holding of hands after the introduction linger, while staring deeply into her eyes to see how she responds. If she's uncomfortable, chances are, she's probably taken.

To build that connection, simply deep dive.

Smith told me that scheduling a date before you grab the number may help prevent flakes, but they may flake anyways if you don't feel that bond.

Anyways, I had another quick number pull today. Bad, I know, because I couldn't build much rapport: the circumstances didn't allow for much time.

I'm walking inside the store to purchase some gas for my car when I see this girl in a green skirt. We both sort of recognize each other at the same time and say hi. Believe it or not, I knew this girl from highschool, and damn, has she gotten hotter. Anyways, we pay for our gas, and she says bye. I take this as a sign of disinterest, and just proceed to fill up my car with it's much needed fuel. When I'm done, I look over, and she's still filling up her car, so I'm just like "hell, Ima approach." I know I sort of broke the law of least effort, but I knew she wasn't going to approach me and I certainly wasn't going to just get in my car and leave, so I walk up to her, and am like: "so what have you been up to?"

Her: "wooork"
Me: *make some sort of facial expression, trying to be bored or some shit hahaha. I just sort of make up my own facial expressions, don't really follow Chase's, because if I did, I feel like I would have to practice for hours in front of the mirror. but I do make use of the bored, skeptical, and thoughtful look since those are vital to any man*
Her: "what about you?"
Me: "well, I'm going to the okanagan in the fall"
Her: "yeahhh"
Me: "oh ya! I facebooked messaged you"
Me: "tell me about all the kinds of trouble you got into up there" :)
Her: "well, I have to get going to a road test, hopefully get rid of this N, but I am heading back up there in July"
Me: "you're like 'hmmm, where do I begin?'" *thoughtful face* (better said: "whoa July? looks like someone is a bit avid...")
Her: "haha"
Me: "well, we should grab a coffee sometime"
Her: "sure!"
Me: "what's your schedule looking like?"
Her: "umm... work, work, and work!"
Me: "cool, what's your number?"
Her: "xxx-xxx-xxxx"
Me: *typing it in* "so you're not seeing anyone right now, right?"
Her: "actually I am"
Me: "oh. well I have no intentions of replacing him"
Her: "ok"
Her: "c ya" :)
Me: *closed mouth smile and wave*

I get a response to my icebreaker about 4 hours after I sent it. Don't know how the rest is going to go. I plan to text her tomorrow asking how her road test went, build a bit more rapport, then try to schedule the date.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
A lot has been on my mind lately.

Life has been a whirlwind of thoughts since I have arrived in this new town.

Been going through some serious ups and downs, especially with the new change in scenery.

Living on res, so I finally got my own place to bring back chicks.

The problem is that I'm still on this fucking annoying sticking point of getting numbers, but not dates. I must've gotten at least 15 or 20 numbers since I've arrived here (25 days ago), but no fucking dates yet!

I wish I had the time to write FRs like I used to, and analyze each and every number pull.

But it doesn't really matter because a common theme keeps recurring in my interactions: girls just aren't investing.

They rarely stop, they don't want to go on walks, and they won't answer my deep dive questions with 100% thoughtfulness.

It fucking makes me want to pull my hair out!

It makes me self-conscious: yes, I need a better haircut, yes, I need to talk louder, yes, I need to talk slower, yes, I need to walk slower, yes, I need to change the neutral facial expressions, yes, I need to use sexier eye contact, yes, I need to employ more touch, yes, yes, yes, yes!

In terms of investment: schedule the date before getting the number (girls always say they're busy, fucking bullshit like that, so I just take their number and never hear from them again), and see how far you can take the interaction (physically) before you leave. If you've built up enough comfort, take the girls hand and imply that you guys are going for a walk. If she isn't doing anything, but she doesn't want to go on a 10 minute walk with you, then she obviously won't go on a date with you. It's just impossible to do this when logistics are interfering, like if she has class soon or something. I dunno about girls who say they need to "study". Like, is it worth it asking girls to go on walks when they are studying? Maybe if you frame it as a "study break?"

Anyways, this town isn't as good for game as compared to the large city that I'm from. Way less people. I went downtown Friday night, and there was only one bar that everyone goes to, meaning that its impossible to get into, unless you go early or really late. Ended up going to this Irish pub which was actually decently packed (but no lineup to get in), and doing some approaches there + some street approaches. I'm like losing abundance mentality out here. It's fucking bad. Even as I'm walking through school, I'll see the hottest girls who have rejected me (given me their number but never respond lol), and I can tell you, it's a real sting to the ego seeing a girl every day and thinking: she's not into me.

I defs need to move back home to the big city. So much more women. Except that my dad's car and the public would be the only seduction spots available. But yeah, so much more abundance, and a greek life at the campus there.

However, I know I gotta remain positive and look at all this as a learning experience: social circle game. Something I'm totally new at, but am now exposed to because I live on a floor with both guys and girls + am living on a small campus. There's two girls who I'm interested in from my social circle, but only one who I can't seem to get my mind off of. Seriously though, this chick is driving me insane, and I don't even know why. I think the fact that I don't know what it is about her that is so attractive is what's driving me insane (well, she's cute as fuck for one). That, plus the fact that I haven't been this obsessed with a girl in the longest time. Like the last time I couldn't stop thinking about a girl was this beauty sitting beside me in English class, before I knew about seduction, about a year and a half ago. Then I found girlschase and figured that I had moved too slowly with her and had lost the opportunity. But like I knew why i liked this girl: she was beautiful (caucasian but with black hair and brown eyes, gorgeous waist-to-hip ratio, small lil tits, and smelt so fuckingggg good), smart, and had a killer personality. To this day, I still think of her. Fucked up, right? This girl in my new social circle though, I dunno what it is about her. When I first saw her, I thought she was cute, but I thought to myself that I would never fuck her because she looks so young and innocent (I'm 19, she's 17). Over time, she just sort of grew on me. Now I would fucking rail the shit out of her. I'm just scared of rejection and drama and gossip. Social circle is sooo different from cold approach which is what I'm used to. With cold approach, you fuck up, and you most likely never see the girl again (unless you live on a small campus like me... fml). With social circle, if you make a move and get rejected, you run the risk of being the juciest topic on the hot seat. Plus, I'm a fucking virgin, so I don't even know the meaning of "going all the way." To make things worst, I'm scared she's grown cold on me. Like I met her a few weeks back at the start of school, and her and this other lg were calling me "sexy d" and shit since my first name starts with a d. I know that I should've made a move then, but stupid me was still deciding whether I liked her or not. The last few times I've seen her though, we didn't even acknowledge each other. Maybe she thinks that after all, I'm not into her. Come to think of it though, the only sign of interest she ever showed was calling me "sexy d". Thought that maybe she was just saying it for fun? I never caught her staring at me, or playing with her hair around me, or looking down when I looked at her. All this new social circle shit was blowing my mind, so I knew I had to girlschase some articles on the topic. Read a bunch of articles, and I now know what to do (discretion, my friend, discretion). But yeah, gradually build up the tension with light flirting with all the girls in your social circle. Like playfully teasing and shoving each other. Lingering eye contact. That sort of ambiguous non-verbal shit. Make it a competition to win your heart. Then choose your target girl and make a discreet move on her, like holding her hand under the table, or rubbing her leg under the table. Then isolate without anybody seeing.

Fuck man, I know what I gotta do, I just gotta do it. Start off with light ambiguous flirting just to see how she responds. If she seems receptive, take things one step further by secretly taking her hand or something. If she doesn't respond well to my light flirting, then don't escalate further. I just don't know if I could live with myself if I fucked up and had to deal with seeing her again (I guess I can't fuck up if she doesn't reciprocate the light flirting and I just halt things... but can I really just give up)? Hell, I don't even know if I can get over these cold approach girls if I see them at school. Fucking social circle. Fuck fuck fuck. Fucking small town. Fuck fuck fuck.

Haha, I'll end things off on a good note though. I'm super tight with most of the people on my floor. We're all like a family, which makes hooking up even harder (at least this girl I like is on the floor below). My roomie and this other guy have opened up to me about their lives and the girls they're crushing on (my roomie likes the same girl that I do, which makes things even more complicated but I know he has no chance because he has been harsh friend zoned by not only her, but all the girls that he likes). Makes me feel good that people are happy to be around me, and that they don't feel judged talking to me. Hell, even I've opened up a bit to them. I scale out my food in front of them and they're all like "why do you scale your food?" and so I show them my fitness profile and shit haha. And I have friends to go to the gym with and study with which is fucking weird because I'm so used to doing that sort of shit alone hahaha!

Funny how shit can change so suddenly. One moment I'm running day game in my giant city, the next, I'm dealing with social circle and cold gaming on a diminutive campus. I know that I have to make a move on this girl, else I will be thinking about her for the rest of my life, and that shit is poisonous. Then again, the feeling of "what will happen if you fuck up?" always creeps up on me and fucking hinders me. I have to free myself from giving a fuck if I am going to accept my true desires.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
September 26

Went to a small party with friends and the chick that I talked about in the above post. Field report is here:


September 27

Went out to a house party tonight. Lots of people lol. It was tons of fun until the cops showed up. After that, I went downtown to a dance club. Did some more approaches there, and then went home. It was sort of a fun night lol.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
October 4

Went to the most popular bar in town tonight. Lol. Made me realize that I need to just stop being a pussy bitch and just go to the bar alone. The thought of going to a bar or club alone is terrifying, but once you get out the door and do it, you realize that you made the right choice. I still prefer day game, but I know part of the reason why, is because I'm not used to night game, plus, the day game in this town is mediocre compared to night game, so I don't have much choice.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
October 7

Had a pretty good day today. Started it off with a midterm, and since I'm in disability services, I get to take it in a room on my own, with one person watching me. So the TA who was watching me was looking pretty cute, and before the midterm, she said we needed to walk all the way over to some building to take the test. This gave me the opportunity to chase frame: "oh, you planned a romantic walk for us?" Hahaha, this led to some playful banter and setting up the flirty vibe early on. On the walk over, I deep dived her about school and why she moved here. Related back to her on the fact that I also was here because I needed a change. Anyways, I take the test, and before, I'm like joking around saying stuff like: "so are we allowed to talk to each other while I'm writing the test?" She's like "no", and I'm like, I'm not sure if that's possible :)

What would've been better would've been something like: "oh i'm not sure if you can resist not talking to me though" :)


Anyways, I finish the test up pretty quickly, and we begin walking back, I continue my deep dive and ask her about her dreams of being a professor. Try to number close, but she said she can't because of her position. I joke that I won't tell anyone, but this doesn't work haha.

Next, I walk around campus for a bit, doing some approaches, but they don't really go anywhere. I get bored of the small campus pretty quickly, so I decide to head down to the mall to keep my social momentum running. Get to the mall, and I walk past this flip-flops store, and I see this blonde bomb-shell standing at the cashier all by her lonesome self :(

So I walk in, say hi and stuff, and comment on how her pink shirt really brings out her hair. She responds really exuberantly to this, and this leads to some light banter. She asks me what I want / why I'm here, and I just point to her and say: "you." Hahaha. So funny. I deep dive her, and find out she's in the same age group as me, but she took two years off to travel, so she's telling me all about this, and just going on and on. And I'm totally fucking killing it with the facial expressions. Like, I now truly know the meaning of: words don't matter a lot. Anyways, this was probably my longest set in a while, I was getting bored, and at one point she's like talking about re-incarnation and shit, and I don't even really have to make an effort to toss on the bored look, I just sort of give out that vibe because I am actually getting bored of her just rambling on and on hahaha. Eventually, she senses that I'm bored, which is actually cool, cause she lets me go, plus, now she knows that I'm not one who bullshits around. But yeah, boss set, cause all I did was facial expressions, a bit of positive feedback, like telling her that she shouldn't be ashamed of wasting all this time travelling, while her friends went straight to school because while her friends were getting killed by papers, she was out seeing the world and i told her i respected her free sense of will and yada yada yada. I number pulled her at a high point, by saying we should grab a coffee sometime. She says: "let me take down your number," and I'm like: "how about I take down youuur number." And she's like, "how about we exchange numbers", and I'm like, "ok, compromise" :)

Best set of the day, probably best set in a while. She mentioned somewhere in there about her long distance relationship, so I'm not sure that I'm gonna get the date because eventually she's gonna come back to her senses. But yeah, fucking killed it. My favourite facial expression is just turning your head to look at girls out of the corner of your eyes, or tilting down your head a bit, closed mouth smile. Hahaha sets such a flirty vibe. She even mentioned that she really enjoyed talking to me (no wonder she kept going on and on hahaha, being a listener pwns). I should've set up a date before I number grabbed, but I always get too in the moment and fuck that shit up.

So after, I do some more approaches at the mall. Approach a cutie-pie brunette who agrees to sit down with me, and after a bit of sitting down with her, bantering about how we both needed to get away from home (me, because my bro was always asking me to boot for him and his friends lol), deep diving and kino, I say we should go for a walk. I offer her my arm, and she rejects it, so I just grab her arm. She gets all awkward and shit, and lets go almost straight away. I tease her by giving her a playful shove and telling her how I find it so cute and adorable that she's so shy. Hahhahaha. She seems really into it, asking me tons of questions about myself, i'm like finding it hard to turn it back to her. We walk outside around the mall, role playing about how I'm gonna make my own frat, and she's gonna make her own sorority, and how together, we're gonna build a frat house on campus for everyone to party at since there is no greek life at the university. Anyways, she tells me her friend gets off in 5 minutes, so she's gonna go meet her, so I number grab and continue on with my day.

Funny shit, because I text her an icebreaker later, and she fucking rages at me! Like, I dunno where this even came from, but she texted me something like: "wow, for a psychology major, you really don't know how to interact with people, so let me give you some tips. A: don't touch me if I'm not comfortable, B: don't grab my arm if i don't want you to, C: you should be able to tell when people are uncomfortable, and D: don't just approach any random girl on the street, I saw you literally doing turns whenever a girl walked past, Kelowna is a small town, way smaller than Vancouver, so just stick to one girl and never text me again."

Hahahahaha! Omg! A year ago, I would've been so choked to receive this, but today, I laughed my ass off when she sent me this. Hahahahaha! Oh gooddd, I'm such a man slut. She's probably just choked that she's not that special after all. I'm like still wondering how the fuck she "caught" me though. Hahaha! Like wtf? When she left me, she said that she was gonna go to her car and drive away to meet her friend, so was she like stalking me after? Hahaha wtf? Or did she see me in the mall before I approached her? Then why would she play along? How could you even play along like that? Lol!

So I'm rolling with fat social momentum, and I decide my day's not over, after all, it's so rare to have such a nice October day, so I bus downtown, and do a couple more approaches there. Go to the bar, sit on the patio, and look out at the beautiful ocean.

Fucking killer day.

Bus back to campus, and while waiting for the bus, there's an ok looking girl. I decide that I'm not going to approach her; she's only ok, but then I see her constantly looking for the bus, so I tell her that it should be coming soon. This leads to some banter, and then the bus comes. We get on the bus together, and she's asking me if we should sit here? Lol okay girl. Deep dive her, she's doing like 90% of the talking, just the way I like it haha. I'm just like: mhm, mhm, facial expression, mhm, mhm, shrug, skeptical look, mhm, "oh really? I'm from Van too". Hahahaha. Halfway through our interaction, she's like: "you know, I already really like you... let's be friends." Hahahah, I'm like: "I'm not sure if that would work." Either that, or I said: "friends?" while doing skeptical face (the better option). She's like: "why not?" I'm like: "I can't stand the fact of having a girl as a friend, and not being able to make a move on her." She then starts to tell me that I'm starting to creep her out, that she's sort of scared. At first, I thought that this was bad, but then I realized that a girl should feel threatened by you in the aspect that you're a sexy, intimidating guy. So I'm like: "why? because I can tell a girl what's really on my mind?" while saying this, I grab her at her waist and pull her in real tight for a quick second. She tells me that she loves her bf, so I'm fine with that. She hugs me, and we make our seperate ways. So happy that I can let that kinda shit go man. Like so happy. A girl as a friend isn't going to benefit me in any way.


- was proabablyyy a biiitttt too aggressive with cutie-pie brunette lol (this can be seen as a good thing, because, back then, I didn't use much kino, so I almost always found my interactions to be too platonic. so the fact that I was over-agressive today is a sign that I just don't give a fuck anymore. obviously i should tone it down a bit, but I'm just happy that I'm not scared to risk the interaction now)

- watched an RSD video on vibe, and I think it was Tyler who said: "if you really want to practice your vibe, just totally delete all verbals. If girls respond well to your non-verbals, then keep doing it, but if they're sort of creeped out or repelled, then you know your vibe is off. this is solid advice. at first, when i tried this, girls would tell me that I was creeping them out, but now i feel like i'm improving. just tilt your head a bit and look at girls from the corner of your eyes with closed mouth smile. i find this sets a fun, flirty vibe. but don't overdo it, i think that's what can make it creepy. it should be subtle. and obviously you should talk a bit, but when you talk, be sure to talk slowly and sexually. this adds to the vibe lol. i think i'm finally starting to understand fundamentals.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jan 15, 2013
Dern said:
I offer her my arm, and she rejects it, so I just grab her arm. She gets all awkward and shit, and lets go almost straight away. I tease her by giving her a playful shove and telling her how I find it so cute and adorable that she's so shy. Hahhahaha. She seems really into it, asking me tons of questions about myself, i'm like finding it hard to turn it back to her.

During the day, you really don't have to be too aggressive with touching - an arm squeeze here, a playful shove there is all that's required to get the wheels turning in her head. The whole walking arm-in-arm thing was a little much, simply because it looks like you're forcing relationship vibes which she quickly repelled. She enjoyed the shove because it's fun and light-hearted, the way a meeting between two strangers should be.

It's definitely a step in the right direction by being more aggressive, but in the club/bar or parties is where aggressiveness is REALLY rewarded. In this environment, girls expect to be touched, so there's no hard feelings if she's not interested and if she is interested, things tend to heat up very quickly.

Now advice that will quickly improve your results. Get your style handled ASAP. The young guys your age with chicks on their arm all tend to dress like this:


I don't know what it is about backwards fitted caps, but chicks seem to really dig them, so get on it haha. This guy's whole outfit works, so go out and find something similar.