1/31/20 Punch me; getting noticeably better at approaching; Keys
I've said it before here. When I vent, you guys should probably be like 'Shhh Elder just go approach more. You'll be fine.' If we didn't have the internet and instead met and analyzed in person, I'd probably ask yall to punch me in the arm each time I vented. Anyway, during the week this week I've done a decent amount of approaching and lady luck was more on my side. I think working on being smart with my approaches is helping. Meaning, actually reading girls to see who looks like they want to be approached vs who absolutely does not. I suspect this is saving me a lot of blowouts.
On Monday I went to a coffee shop to work a little in the afternoon. Since it was a suburb location, it was mostly high school girls in there. Some were gorgeous, but you can tell who was in high school... they all had backpacks! So being smarter with my eyes, I spot one girl who looked young, but she was well dressed and had a purse. Ah ha, not a high schooler! I packed up to leave, walked up to her sitting down and said I think you're kinda cute and wanted to meet you. She was very flattered and very welcoming of the distraction. Also complimented the balls it took to approach like that. She showed actual IOIs here. Turning her full body to face toward me. Playing with her hair. Laughing at pretty much everything I said. Chatted. Joked a little. Flirted a little. Asked her out / asked for her number and got it.
Wednesday did some dancing. Mostly familiar faces but some cute new faces. Introduced myself to about 5 new girls. Did my thing and got two phone numbers. One didn't seem like a good hook when I got it and sure enough, the day after saying she'd be down for a date and gave me her number, she texted 'Honestly I'm not really looking to date right now.' Tried a recovery text but she never responded. The other girl was way more of a hook. Weird schedule so no date scheduled yet. Might have to wait a full week or so. We'll see if anything happens there.
Thursday met a friend at a popping bar that we frequently go to. Lots of familiar faces but also lots of new faces. I didn't have a lot of time so I approached as many as I could. Maybe 5-10 approaches. Most weren't interested, but one I directly opened and she was very flattered, agreed to meet up again, and easily gave her number. Hasn't responded yet to my first text.
So let's see if any of these 3 numbers turn into dates. I'm pessimistic after my last slew of numbers, so I'll believe it when I see it. But it was a great week for building some momentum and getting me out of my funk and into a much better mood.
I don't know if it's the momentum talking, but this week for the first time I've started to feel really good about approaching in general. Approach anxiety (what little there was) has greatly declined, and I feel a lot better now that I'm trying to 'snipe' - approaching the girls that actually look like they want to be, as opposed to just going to simply the most attractive girls and praying.
Today I was able to watch the first two episodes of Keys to the VIP. I'm wary how real everything is since it's a TV show. But assuming the interactions are all real, honestly nothing is standing out as a big difference between their approaches and mine, especially considering they for sure edit out the blowouts. I've done just about everything I've seen them do in these two episodes: Gotten a girl to laugh within 3 minutes, gotten a number within 5 minutes, gotten kisses on the cheek, gotten makeouts... etc.
Honestly the biggest difference I see in these contestants vs me is that they're tall. I'm short. They're arguably more handsome than me, but I'm not convinced I'm not handsome so I'll assume we're close to even there

We both have good haircuts, good facial hair, and my outfits are similar to a couple of the ones that they went with when taping their episode. None of their behaviors or mannerisms stood out to me as something I haven't done before. Side note regarding height, I have noticed myself that girls that are shorter than me are way warmer and more likely to hook. Taller girls of course the opposite.
The other difference that stands out to me is in how these hooked girls act. They flash way more IOIs than I see, even from girls that agree to dates with me and give me their numbers. They're making it way clearer that they're interested and drop more hints to keep escalating. These girls are also generally better looking than those that respond well to me. For whatever that's worth.