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ElderPrice: From 30 y/o virgin to ?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
Check out the show Keys to the VIP on YouTube. Those guys compete to be the best players and are doing this in a club environment. Model yourself after the ones that win and compare yourself to them in terms of what they're doing right and what you're doing wrong...
Just searched for it on YouTube. Had no idea this was a thing! I'll watch several episodes and report back what I think the major differences might be. Thank you!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Just searched for it on YouTube. Had no idea this was a thing! I'll watch several episodes and report back what I think the major differences might be. Thank you!

There's also Christian McQueens podcast on club game/ nightgame called A ManInDemand radio. I don't know if still available but a lot of gold there also unfortunately its pay to play but definitely worth it. He's one of the best players for nightgame out there. He's been MIA for a while though...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Thank you for this recommendation. Show is prime entertainment!
I'm watching it too. Looking for tips to number close smoother and kiss close. Great education on nightgame.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
1/31/20 Punch me; getting noticeably better at approaching; Keys

I've said it before here. When I vent, you guys should probably be like 'Shhh Elder just go approach more. You'll be fine.' If we didn't have the internet and instead met and analyzed in person, I'd probably ask yall to punch me in the arm each time I vented. Anyway, during the week this week I've done a decent amount of approaching and lady luck was more on my side. I think working on being smart with my approaches is helping. Meaning, actually reading girls to see who looks like they want to be approached vs who absolutely does not. I suspect this is saving me a lot of blowouts.

On Monday I went to a coffee shop to work a little in the afternoon. Since it was a suburb location, it was mostly high school girls in there. Some were gorgeous, but you can tell who was in high school... they all had backpacks! So being smarter with my eyes, I spot one girl who looked young, but she was well dressed and had a purse. Ah ha, not a high schooler! I packed up to leave, walked up to her sitting down and said I think you're kinda cute and wanted to meet you. She was very flattered and very welcoming of the distraction. Also complimented the balls it took to approach like that. She showed actual IOIs here. Turning her full body to face toward me. Playing with her hair. Laughing at pretty much everything I said. Chatted. Joked a little. Flirted a little. Asked her out / asked for her number and got it.

Wednesday did some dancing. Mostly familiar faces but some cute new faces. Introduced myself to about 5 new girls. Did my thing and got two phone numbers. One didn't seem like a good hook when I got it and sure enough, the day after saying she'd be down for a date and gave me her number, she texted 'Honestly I'm not really looking to date right now.' Tried a recovery text but she never responded. The other girl was way more of a hook. Weird schedule so no date scheduled yet. Might have to wait a full week or so. We'll see if anything happens there.

Thursday met a friend at a popping bar that we frequently go to. Lots of familiar faces but also lots of new faces. I didn't have a lot of time so I approached as many as I could. Maybe 5-10 approaches. Most weren't interested, but one I directly opened and she was very flattered, agreed to meet up again, and easily gave her number. Hasn't responded yet to my first text.

So let's see if any of these 3 numbers turn into dates. I'm pessimistic after my last slew of numbers, so I'll believe it when I see it. But it was a great week for building some momentum and getting me out of my funk and into a much better mood.

I don't know if it's the momentum talking, but this week for the first time I've started to feel really good about approaching in general. Approach anxiety (what little there was) has greatly declined, and I feel a lot better now that I'm trying to 'snipe' - approaching the girls that actually look like they want to be, as opposed to just going to simply the most attractive girls and praying.

Today I was able to watch the first two episodes of Keys to the VIP. I'm wary how real everything is since it's a TV show. But assuming the interactions are all real, honestly nothing is standing out as a big difference between their approaches and mine, especially considering they for sure edit out the blowouts. I've done just about everything I've seen them do in these two episodes: Gotten a girl to laugh within 3 minutes, gotten a number within 5 minutes, gotten kisses on the cheek, gotten makeouts... etc.

Honestly the biggest difference I see in these contestants vs me is that they're tall. I'm short. They're arguably more handsome than me, but I'm not convinced I'm not handsome so I'll assume we're close to even there :) We both have good haircuts, good facial hair, and my outfits are similar to a couple of the ones that they went with when taping their episode. None of their behaviors or mannerisms stood out to me as something I haven't done before. Side note regarding height, I have noticed myself that girls that are shorter than me are way warmer and more likely to hook. Taller girls of course the opposite.

The other difference that stands out to me is in how these hooked girls act. They flash way more IOIs than I see, even from girls that agree to dates with me and give me their numbers. They're making it way clearer that they're interested and drop more hints to keep escalating. These girls are also generally better looking than those that respond well to me. For whatever that's worth.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
2/16/20 I feel like an explosion is imminent

Not all that much to report from the past few weeks, but I think my skills are getting WAY better regardless of a lack of final results. I've gone out a lot lately, mainly just to keep practicing. I haven't been able to even try pulling for a month or two. Two medical issues have crept back up that are, ehhh, let's just say they don't prevent me from socializing with people, but they're a pain in the ass when it comes to closing with sex.

The last 3 times I went to the club, I've gotten a girl to want to leave with me. The first time I asked and indeed got her to leave with me. The other two I didn't ask (because of my medical issues), but they pretty much said in conversation that they'd be down to go home with me.

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty awesome about my skills lately and I'm REALLY excited for the next month. Will finally be moving into my own place, and hopefully these medical issues will clear up. Lots of optimism!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
3/22/20 And the roller coaster goes back down

Pros since last update:
- Have moved out of parents house! Finally can try inviting girls over!
- Medical issues have cleared up
- Weeks ago, before the virus thing started, I finally got a couple great photos taken of me by a friend while out and about. Just a dumb luck kind of thing. I figured what the hell and fired up some online profiles again using these new photos. I've had more matches/responses than ever before, by far.

- The few girls I've had the opportunity to invite over have had crazy time commitments so they have yet to come over (yes, assuming what they're saying is honest).
- The virus thing has started, so now that I'm finally out on my own, basically all in-person opportunities to meet new girls have vanished.
- Online has yet to yield any results. Gotten several numbers from girls that are still responsive to texts, but they're currently not making much effort on their end to get together. Non of my matches have seemed particularly excited to meet me.
- Since usual daygame/nightgame opportunities to meet new girls are gone, I've been left with the group of prospects I had right when the shutdowns began, and since then, they've slowly been drying up.

As a result, my depression is creeping back. I'm proud of how long it was away for. It was a very long run. Probably the longest run in my life. And it only happened as I was continuing to get better with girls and making progress toward not being a virgin anymore. That everything is likely coming to a halt is pretty devastating.

It also stings because I think I have a little FOMO going on. Even though supposedly everyone should be at home, I couldn't help but notice that young single people weren't on social media Friday and Saturday nights... This weekend I asked around and sure enough there were a lot of house parties on the down-low. None of which I was invited to until after I asked about them. Felt like I was inviting myself. It's also stinging that people just aren't reaching out to me. Even friends. Not that I really care. It's just that the feelings of being isolated and not being able to acquire new prospects are just depressing.

To end this update on a positive note, I definitely still have a chance with a couple of prospects and hopefully I can post a good report in a week or two.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
Don't sweat it man. This dumb virus is taking it's toll on all of us. I think this whole pick-up thing will be substantially more difficult in the coming months, and may not even be advisable considering the circumstances.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
It's just that the feelings of being isolated and not being able to acquire new prospects are just depressing.

I know what you mean man. I drove around town on Friday night and actually broke down seeing the small groups still out together. Times like this really make the loneliness seem so much worse. But realize this - a lot of people are feeling the same way and most importantly, this is only temporary. We'll be back at in within a few short months!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
I definitely can't twiddle my thumbs for a few months. I'd go insane or super depressed, for many reasons. Commence the return of speakeasies!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
I definitely can't twiddle my thumbs for a few months. I'd go insane or super depressed, for many reasons. Commence the return of speakeasies!

Is there anything else you can focus on in the meantime? My main focus is going to be on making music - but I will still be working hard on my inner game - and planning out my next steps for when things go back to normal etc. Maybe you could do something similar?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
Is there anything else you can focus on in the meantime? My main focus is going to be on making music - but I will still be working hard on my inner game - and planning out my next steps for when things go back to normal etc. Maybe you could do something similar?
For sure. Even today I spent a good chunk of the day reading up on girls testing. But I need the practice!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
3/22/20 Supplemental


So a few hours after my last update today, I got a new tinder match. A real cutie. I proposed to grab food and come over. She agreed. Etc etc we hopped in bed.

It went exactly like my last opportunity. Struggled to get hard, then when I barely did, I came ridiculously easy. Not even two pump chump territory. I can't even put a condom on without cumming instantly, even when by myself. So my game plan going into it, just like the previous opportunity, was to get a shot off in whatever manner she's cool with, then attempt a second round where Elder Jr is much less sensitive.

I even tried telling her what to do. I cautioned her to start slow and that light sensations would get me hard. Anything more and I'd pop. It was kinda funny - despite me telling her multiple times to go easy, she decided to just suck away.. and was shocked when I blew up immediately in her mouth! "omg that was so much" :D

After that I tried really hard to get up again but I just couldn't do it. For a second, while rubbing up on her ass, I was hard enough to give it a shot, but when I reached for a condom it went away and didn't come back.

So Jesus H. Christ, I need to do something. Something must really be fucked up with my brain's wiring. Is this normal for a 31 y/o virgin? Am I just so unused to these sensations? Before I vent more, yes, I will go back and read the replies from the previous time I posted about it, and I'll re-read Chase's articles on ED.

Possible diagnostic info:
- This was the first time ever pulling a girl to my own bed
- Definitely not comfortable during the whole escalation - not so much the game aspect of it, but the physical aspects. Like how to position self/selves in bed, or maybe even out of bed, not used to pressing up again another body like that, dealing with the heat generated (not comfortable), etc.
- All times I've been in bed with a girl, I'll even start to slightly shake from the excitement/nerves
- Even when fully comfortable masturbating by myself, Jr is still sensitive on his first endeavor. This is when I discovered my sensitivity to even condoms. I was comfortably masturbating one day and decided to try putting a condom on. Basically the second it wrapped around the head, I popped
- With my knowledge of my own body, I'm starting to think I just have this weird wiring where I just tense up hard to a new sensation and I'm not able to stay relaxed. My physical therapist discovered this while working on a different part of my body. I'm going to ask her if the issue can be systemic and what she knows about what the brain is doing when it's just not able to stay relaxed when stimulated by a sensation that doesn't trigger such a tense response in normal people. I'm going to ask if 'systemic hypersensitivity' is some sort of actual medical condition.

If it's something I just need to get used to, that's worrisome. I believe this was my 4th opportunity in bed naked with a girl, and it's not getting better. Same struggles this time as the first time. I felt pretty bad... This girl wanted the D so bad and I wanted to give it to her just as much. She was soooo disappointed when we had to call it a night. I can't see myself giving 20 girls or however many it takes terrible nights before I finally get used to these new sensations, assuming that's even going to happen.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Dude you post the LR- of you getting as far with a girl as you ever had in your life that you would've had sex with and you write about it like it was some epic failure.

Like dude fucking congrats you basically just lost your virginity (nearly).

I read this report and am like wow EP's killing it near sealing the deal.

You internalization is like "wow EP sucks and blows it, what a kook".

You realize if you would've played your cards different and been less self focused (like a cunt) and did a bit of communication with some added LR- sex acts on the girl it wouldve been just fine? And had a good chance of being able to see her again... You realize that?

Your so self involved on "ME >> MY ISSUES" that the girl follows your lead and is like "well I guess this guy has issues, gotta bounce".

When I had bad ED issues due to an illness I'd bring girls over and just kiss them and tease them and take their clothes off and then send them home. They'd keep coming over hoping for sex eventually and we'd have a fun time. Eventually I'd get horny enough to seal the deal when my dick finally decided to spring to life for a brief 10 minutes.

Anyway's I think you did an incredible job on this one and I'm proud of you man! Well done, very very well done.

There are solutions to PE and your just going to have to work on that problem and find what the core issue is for you and how to solve it.

For now just focus on getting to sex as a win. You can always worry about having good sex as the next step after.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Agreed - you went from matching with her to having her on your bed... within a couple of hours? That is not easy to do on tinder - I'm envious. If you did it that fast with this girl you can probably replicate it with many more.

Your so self involved on "ME >> MY ISSUES" that the girl follows your lead and is like "well I guess this guy has issues, gotta bounce".

Oh man, this is so so true please listen to this... I lost a girl like this in Jan because after sleeping with her (and having very similar issues to what you described) I got all insecure and bitter about it afterwards. I feel like if I hadn't beaten myself up about it and had just been the same as I was beforehand she might have been down to hang out again.
Last edited:


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
Dude you post the LR- of you getting as far with a girl as you ever had in your life that you would've had sex with and you write about it like it was some epic failure.

Like dude fucking congrats you basically just lost your virginity (nearly).

I read this report and am like wow EP's killing it near sealing the deal.

You internalization is like "wow EP sucks and blows it, what a kook".

You realize if you would've played your cards different and been less self focused (like a cunt) and did a bit of communication with some added LR- sex acts on the girl it wouldve been just fine? And had a good chance of being able to see her again... You realize that?

Your so self involved on "ME >> MY ISSUES" that the girl follows your lead and is like "well I guess this guy has issues, gotta bounce".

When I had bad ED issues due to an illness I'd bring girls over and just kiss them and tease them and take their clothes off and then send them home. They'd keep coming over hoping for sex eventually and we'd have a fun time. Eventually I'd get horny enough to seal the deal when my dick finally decided to spring to life for a brief 10 minutes.

Anyway's I think you did an incredible job on this one and I'm proud of you man! Well done, very very well done.

There are solutions to PE and your just going to have to work on that problem and find what the core issue is for you and how to solve it.

For now just focus on getting to sex as a win. You can always worry about having good sex as the next step after.
Lol thanks man.

But this wasn't the furthest I've ever gotten! I've gone this same distance 4 times. They all ended the same way.

And yes, I did communicate with the girl as much as I could. I told her repeatedly that it wasn't her, I just get anxiety with new girls. I told her that I'm very sensitive on the first go round and it just wasn't going to work until round 2. I tried fingering her while waiting for Jr to wake up again, but it was approaching the time she had to call it a night and as I started, she said 'don't even bother. It's going to take you 30 minutes to get me off that way. I just take a long time that way.' She also repeatedly expressed her disappointment because she 'thought we were having sex tonight,' not giving me a BJ and not getting much in return.

Also, I wasn't too crazy on seeing her again FWIW.

Please tell me more about this teasing you describe! That actually worked?!? Literally everything I've ever read here implies that if you bring a girl over and don't fuck her, she's going to be turned off and never talk to you again. You'll be dead to her. I have a couple other girls in the pipeline, but they're more so friends. Kinda social circle territory. Not strangers from tinder. After this ordeal I feel very hesitant about bringing them home. I feel like it's a guarantee that I'll disappoint, then I'll have blown that shot, and maybe they'll talk negatively about me in our kina sorta social circle. These girls didn't hate you for not fucking them and they came back for more?! How??


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
4/6/20 Dating apps are doing pretty well, but two girls this weekend fell through :mad:

Dating apps have in general been going better for me than they ever have before, even before the virus. I got some really good photos of me by chance, then fired up the profiles again. More engagement than every before.

The virus seems to be helping a ton. Who knows for sure what the exact cause is... I'm sure to some degree there are many girls badly looking to bang. And at least for me the virus has helped force me to be more direct in my messaging and more to the point. Can't sit down at a restaurant or coffee shop or bar or much of anything. So there's not much more to do than invite them over :)

Anyway, I got two girls scheduled for this weekend but they both fell through. Thursday I matched with a very young and sexy girl. The exchange went perfect and we scheduled to get together Saturday night. When I texted to confirm, she flaked, saying she had plans. I asked if she'd be interested in another time and she left it on read and didn't respond.

Different girl was scheduled for Sunday. She canceled saying she ate something bad the night before and was throwing up all night. She offered to reschedule. I believe her. We are now scheduled for Wednesday.

On top of that, there are a number of other girls I'm working on that have yet to be free enough to schedule something. So I feel good about what I have in the pipeline. Hopefully multiple LRs upcoming!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 3, 2020

You are such a fucking G bro. Never ever stop fucking going for it. Goddamn bro what a journal. I'm so proud and inspired.

For the getting hard thing. Get some drugs. Viagra & the like. No shame in it. Everyone does it.

Usually you can't get hard if

1) You're too excited.
2) You're not into the girl.

And it could be both in many situations lol.

It's hard to go for the second time with bad pussy and you cum real fast the 1st time. It's as if your body just wants you to spread your seed and GTFO of there.


1) Get more experience.
2) Find better girls where you have more chemistry.
3) Get Viagra, Cialis and the like.

Go crush it champ!

Love ya!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018

You are such a fucking G bro. Never ever stop fucking going for it. Goddamn bro what a journal. I'm so proud and inspired.

For the getting hard thing. Get some drugs. Viagra & the like. No shame in it. Everyone does it.

Usually you can't get hard if

1) You're too excited.
2) You're not into the girl.

And it could be both in many situations lol.

It's hard to go for the second time with bad pussy and you cum real fast the 1st time. It's as if your body just wants you to spread your seed and GTFO of there.


1) Get more experience.
2) Find better girls where you have more chemistry.
3) Get Viagra, Cialis and the like.

Go crush it champ!

Love ya!
Thanks man. Still exploring the issue. I definitely think it's in my head. A high level of excitement since the experience is still new, and according to my physical therapist, my body's general resting state when relaxed is wayyyyyy too tense and tight than what it should normally be. She says that can certainly cause high sensitivity, so hopefully as I do the exercises and learn to relax my body to a normal level, I'll be able to last a normal length of time.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2018
4/11/20 @#$%!

So with the Sunday tinder girl, we rescheduled to this previous Wednesday. We confirmed and we met up. We went and got takeout and brought it back to my place. This was about 8pm. By the time we were done eating and talking - around 9 or 9:30 - she revealed she was on a tight timeline. She had to leave soon because she teaches a community college class at fucking 7:45am the next day!

I didn't really know the best way to proceed. On one hand, I know the general rule of thumb is to make it happen asap. On the other hand, Rob told me about some strategies to NOT go for asap and to instead go for long-term, kind of, 'get her addicted' strategy. Since both require some initial escalation, I decide to go for something and to see how she reacts. She wasn't objecting much to my escalations but she wasn't reciprocating and her body language was very neutral.

So I said alright let's watch some TV for a bit. I lie on the bed. She's doesn't automatically join. I persist. She joins. I start a conversation while looking for something to put on. I eventually start grazing her arm that's right next to mine. I eventually ask about all the jewelry on her fingers and wrists and of course touch them all. I ask about and touch the jewelry on her neck and ear - and while gracefully moving her hair out of the way. With my face in this perfect position, I start kissing her. She kisses back but it's not really activating her. With my free hand I start rubbing her boobs. She doesn't object. I persist three times asking her to take her shirt off so I can see her rockin tits.

Her body ever since she laid down did not change. Imagine a mummy. On her back, head up on a pillow, and arms crossed on her stomach. Legs close together. Maybe crossed. No matter what I did, she didn't leave this position. I even asked her at one point if I was making her uncomfortable. I forget what reason she gave but she seemed to say with a good amount of insistence that it wasn't me or what I was doing. With her time constraint approaching and this going nowhere, I end it and say let's get you home, I'll walk you out. I don't think there was any 'disappointed' vibe in the air on either side. I tried to keep the joking, smiles, and mood up. I was just trying to set a frame of 'Ha that was fun. Let's meet up again.' Walking her to her car, she agreed to meet again the following Wednesday. She texted me when she got home and she responded to a text of mine the next day. But she hasn't texted since. BTW I have no idea how often to text a girl until the next encounter.

In retrospect, I'm a little mad at myself for not persisting more, but I'm glad I made the escalating attempt and engaged in some persisting. Honestly it's just a huge turn off for me when the girl doesn't reciprocate. Kind of impressed I tried for as long as I did before throwing in the towel.

My Friday sucked and really brought down my overall mood.

Texted pretty much all the options in my phone what they had going on and didn't get any responses. Didn't get any matches on apps. Tried reaching out to older matches but they didn't respond. Then of course on top of that, young people were obviously out socializing in some capacity, but not a single friend texted me or invited me. I texted some friends to see what they had going on, and one person responded with just a pic at 2am of a bunch of people sitting at a fire. Confirming my suspicions. Nice. Anyway, not saying this to complain, just to illustrate how my mood cratered last night.

My mood is still down despite still having some hands to play. Today I'm meeting a girl at a park. She's needed a LOT of texting to start warming up, and after asking her like 5 times to meet up, she finally agreed to a neutral location. I don't expect this to go much of anywhere. She's cute, but I don't think we have much in common, she has a kid, and I'm getting LTR vibes from her. We'll see what happens. Then of course maybe I'll see that Wednesday girl again. We'll find out Tuesday or so if that's still on.
