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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 3, 2020
Good stuff man! I feel you're doing good with getting dates and insta dates. Just need to perfect the later parts of the game.

I'm curious how your experience in Prague will be. My understanding is girls there are more receptive than in Western Europe. I'm thinking of a trip as well to Prague or Budapest this year


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
I feel you're doing good with getting dates and insta dates. Just need to perfect the later parts of the game.

Thanks man, yeah, looks like im doing some progress thru ups and downs.

I'm curious how your experience in Prague will be. My understanding is girls there are more receptive than in Western Europe. I'm thinking of a trip as well to Prague or Budapest this year

I was in Budapest for 2-3 days end of last year, didnt meet many locals so i couldnt say. I only met a tourist there. Overall i didnt get a feeling of abundance, but maybe i was not in the right headspace.

Cant tell you about Prague either, had planned to go there in March but couldnt due to other circumstances. Will go there soon.

However i went to Krakow earlier this year and i loved it, girls were super receptive. Maybe my mood was better too. Will go back there soon as well.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 3, 2020
I was in Budapest for 2-3 days end of last year, didnt meet many locals so i couldnt say. I only met a tourist there. Overall i didnt get a feeling of abundance, but maybe i was not in the right headspace.
I see. Also, 2-3 days is too short in my opinion, unless you're fully in the mood to just game and hit the ground running. If you're thinking of sightseeing and gaming in those 2-3 days you're just gonna be stressed out. Speaking from experience.

However i went to Krakow earlier this year and i loved it, girls were super receptive. Maybe my mood was better too. Will go back there soon as well.
Krakow is ❤️ man. Beautiful, feminine, receptive women, and the city is great too. The whole country makes me happy every time I go lol. I can recommend Warsaw as well.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Another couple things for me to keep in mind based on todays approaches:
  • always pace the girl
First girl i approached today was a bit tense and in her thoughts, and my approach + compliment were clearly unexpected. I asked her, are you having a lone wolf moment? To which she replied, no i was just in my thoughts.​
Unfortunately i ignored this great pacing/deep-dive assist and ploughed with my usual screen including "are you single?", to which she replied "this is a personal question". From then on the whole thing went downhill pretty fast and we parted ways.​
Luckily this happens very rarely, but good to have this data point now.​
  • if shes a tourist with a full schedule and leaves today/tomorrow: ask her if she can stay one more day
It happens often that i meet tourists who are super busy and leave the next day or even that same day. Met one such girl today.​
I usually accept defeat, get her number and let her go. However, if the energys good, better to look at her deep in the eyes and ask if she can stay one more day. She might say yes.​


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Lesson of the week: make your intent as clear as possible and as quickly as possible.

This happens rarely, but its good to get it fixed anyway because itll fix my overall frame in all other cases.

So i approach a girl, i tell her shes cute, we vibe. We have a good convo where i deep-dive right off the bat. Reason is, i wanna build comfort. Problem is, i risk coming off as the friendly, chatty type. This is usually not a big deal, as i microescalate a bit with touch/eye-contact as well, and the vast majority of girls understand what the deal is.

Once in a while tho i meet a girl that doesnt understand what the deal is and genuinely thinks of me as a friend. This happened 2 times in the last 4 months or so, and i dont have memory of it happening before.

This is clearly a frame issue.

The fix is easy: make the convo man-to-woman asap. Like, right after a couple get-to-know u questions, just ask, so are u dating?

She says yes - u reply with sth like, cool, hows it working for u, met anyone special yet? From then you can talk about what "special" means and what makes someone "special", whether its for a relationship or for a ONS.

She says no - ask her, so u never make love? Im not talking about just sex, im talking about a memorable experience with someone that feels special to you.

Been reading this series again lately.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Invite girls properly

Hot tourist yesterday. Argentinian, tall, trim and naturally beautiful. She tells me shes single and free for the day. We vibe, tho shes quite a logical gal and seems a bit distant. But we bounce around and we talk about the usual good stuff, such as traveling, living in the moment, the importance of connection and how hard it is to find it.

We agree on all of this and she follows my lead, so all is good. Still, i second-guess myself: is shes just being friendly?

Therefore i dont invite her to my city properly. I feel we dont have the right energy, plus shes staying at some relatives and so i think shes logistically not independent. So i tell her, lemme know if u visit my city one of these days, well get some wine in the evening and sit at the lake.

Its not the first time i make this mistake. Inviting a girl this way DOES NOT WORK because it sounds tentative and ure asking her to take the initiative.

The correct way to do it is to be committed, take full ownership, and tell her, hey what if i invited u to my city right now?

I was scared of rejection. But thats not playing to win. Its playing not to lose. Playing defensive.

I invited girls the right way multiple times in the past, so its not a breakthrough. But i MUST make it 100% part of my programming.

(Btw really, forget about inviting her for the evening. Just invite her for "right now". It doesnt have to be a big, romantic thing. U might just go for a walk and then invite her home "for tea". Casual and simple.)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
What you say doesnt matter

Just missed an approach on a beautiful blonde girl, dressed all black.

I fumbled in my head over what to ask her. Was gonna ask her where X monument is, but X was right behind me and i thought it didnt make any sense to ask her for that.

However, it doesnt really matter what i say. Its all a matter of understanding what her emotional state is. Is she open to meet someone like me right now? If so, forget entirely about the info u stopped her for, and make the intent clear with, ok look (big smile), gotta be honest, the reason i stopped u is because i think ure beautiful.

Then its game as usual.

Btw, i coulda even tried a home invite right there and then. My place was 5 min away, i had some good food with me and we could have shared it. I think that i might have pulled it off (if she was open to it) by building some comfort.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
She tells me shes single and free for the day.
If a hot girl told me that I'd start to physically escalate asap, no matter if it's in your city, a different city, in public, or whatever.

What were you waiting for?

I feel we dont have the right energy,
Maybe. If you were put off by something then it makes sense to go slower. But maybe it's just an excuse of the subconscious to keep you from escalating. Was there anything in particular that made you feel it wasn't right? In that case I'd chalk it up to intuition, otherwise probably a form of AA (or rather, Escalation Anxiety :))

In my experience, Argentian girls are used to guys moving fast. Argentinian guys are as forward as they get with girls.

I've slept with two Argentinian girls so far (both crazy lol), and lost another one because I was taking it too slow. Big regret, she was really hot and giving me IOIs during months. But I didn't make a move because I wasn't over the breakup with the ex yet, and when I finally did she auto rejected. That said... I also detected some red flags with the hot one... so who knows, maybe it was for the best.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
@gameboy -

What were you waiting for?

I touched and moved her around, but i think i still second-guess myself a lotta the times. I think its because i see this whole seduction thing as a mechanical thing - do X, shell do Y.

This causes me to overcomplicate things, due also to deep-ingrained thought patterns that i never challenged in the last 20+ years - until recently.

In reality its all very simple: shes with u, laughing at ur jokes and talking with u about sex, love and relationships. Shes following ur lead. SHE DIDNT RUN AWAY, so shes into u.

Sex WILL happen if things stay simple, casual and fun. And if u calibrate well. Just be ready to invite her home, and stop making a big production out of it.

This will be the biggest breakthrough for me - not sure when ill get there but it seems close.

Was there anything in particular that made you feel it wasn't right?

Hmm i guess i was expecting her to behave in X way, while she behaved Y. And Y was still very good - i just tripped over my own thoughts.

Luckily she did text me a couple days ago, shes still in town and well catch up during the week. But man i gotta keep working on this, its not good to leave these things to chance.

lost another one because I was taking it too slow

Yeah, this is another thing im working on: momentum is really key.

But yeah, u might have dodged a bullet there! Not worthy pursuing potential nutcases.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Hot tourist yesterday. Argentinian, tall, trim and naturally beautiful.

We met yesterday and she left my apartment just now. Gorgeous girl and great personality. I had a bit of performance anxiety but still delivered.

Without condom was not smart at all. But at least i redeemed myself.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
We met yesterday and she left my apartment just now. Gorgeous girl and great personality. I had a bit of performance anxiety but still delivered.

Without condom was not smart at all. But at least i redeemed myself.
Awesome man!!! Level up! :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Give girls a great night and great memories

I never really focused so much on this because 1) i thought my performance was "mostly good enough" for the girls i had in my life so far (never had big complaints), and 2) i had other, more pressing matters to deal with first (ie. fixing pretty much the entire process before sex).

But now its time to shift focus to it, as im attracting more experienced, higher-quality girls that i wanna keep around - or at the very least, i want them to have good memories of me.

For example the girl from my last LR. I dont want to repeat such a horrible performance ever again. Wouldnt surprise me if she regretted saying yes to my home invite.

Im studying Dan Roses Sex God Method as first step, feels like an entirely new project. Pretty exciting. Will start practicing asap.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Always stand ur ground

Approached the most entitled girl so far.

I complimented her and she seemed nice, really liked her calm energy. Then i invited her for coffee. She said, u know, im going for lunch now, if u wanna buy me lunch...

For a split second i couldnt believe what i heard, but i almost immediately smiled and told her, well we dont know each other enough yet, maybe later; plus, i had food already, and staring at u while ure eating would be weird.

Shes like, why? And im like, look, i like ur energy, u seem cool, id love to get a coffee or a drink with u sometime; doesnt have to be today. Shes like, i made u an offer already, have lunch with me now.

It didnt take long from that point for the whole set to go in flames, but its clear that this girl is used to submissive/supplicant men.

It was easy to resist this cause it was just too blatant, but i still have to work on my assertiveness when girls start "gaming" in more subtle ways.

Still thinking about whether i coulda played this better.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Always stand ur ground

Approached the most entitled girl so far.

I complimented her and she seemed nice, really liked her calm energy. Then i invited her for coffee. She said, u know, im going for lunch now, if u wanna buy me lunch...

For a split second i couldnt believe what i heard, but i almost immediately smiled and told her, well we dont know each other enough yet, maybe later; plus, i had food already, and staring at u while ure eating would be weird.

Shes like, why? And im like, look, i like ur energy, u seem cool, id love to get a coffee or a drink with u sometime; doesnt have to be today.
Well played!

Shes like, i made u an offer already, have lunch with me now.

Wow, I'd just next her at that point and move on... I don't know what culture you're gaming in, I hear in some countries like Russia or Colombia this is normal. But from a Western point of view, definitely sounds like a nasty bitch that I probably wouldn't want to have to deal with.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
@gameboy thanks, yeah that was probably a red flag.

Im located in western europe and this girl was a local. The local girls here are very wary of strangers and are not at all comfortable being approached - or at least not in the way i approach them. I suspect theyre not very comfortable with the dating process in general.

I managed to date only a handful of these girls throughout the years, theyre very slippery. Mixed blood girls and girls that have foreign parents but were born and raised here are way more open to my kind of game.

I never had anything like this happen before tho. I can imagine asking for a free drink at a club (and even then...), but trying to extract free lunch from a random dude who approached u on a street and told u ure cute is another level.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 3, 2020
Shes like, why? And im like, look, i like ur energy, u seem cool, id love to get a coffee or a drink with u sometime; doesnt have to be today. Shes like, i made u an offer already, have lunch with me now.
Good on you to stand your ground man! And you know it as well as I do that if you bought her lunch, nothing positive would have happened in any case.

Still thinking about whether i coulda played this better.
First read just tells me she wasn't attracted or was just being bitchy. The only thing I can think of that could work is humor, of the cocky kind. "Hahaha that's cute! Oh, you're being serious?!" Something like that.

Im located in western europe and this girl was a local. The local girls here are very wary of strangers and are not at all comfortable being approached - or at least not in the way i approach them. I suspect theyre not very comfortable with the dating process in general.
I have to agree. They are social conformists. And since it's not "acceptable" to be approached in the street, they would not entertain it. They're pretty ok with social circle or dating apps though, since that's acceptable. And the moment they leave their country though, all bets are off. Different beast altogether 🤣


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
@DarkJedi i agree, woulda been a waste of time and money.

Too bad, i think the approach was good and i dont think hot girls experience that that often at all, but who knows what shes been thru. Maybe she had a horrible break-up/dating experience recently, and now shes in the men-hating phase. After all, one of the last things she told me was, im over it!. I guess she meant shes over with men/dating?

Im still curious about her psychology tho - did she think about this afterwards? What did she think? Did she have a sense of self-righteousness to have rejected me, or did she feel, man maybe ive been a bit too impulsive back there, the guy seemed cool? Would love to know.

Regarding western european girls, i guess ure right. Southern european countries are way more open to this, but thats not were im living right now unfortunately. Luckily i travel a fair bit!