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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Approached another cute brunette today. Shoulda written this earlier, as some details are no longer clear in my mind.

I see her as shes seated at the sea, busy on her phone. I open and shes got great energy. We immediately hook to each other. I listen to her interesting story, then i tell her shes cute, to which she smiles and thanks me. Super sweet student girl, possibly 20.

Problem is, i ask her what shes doing right now, are you waiting for someone? She says, mmm yes. Im like, you waiting for your boyfriend?, smirking at her. She smiles a big smile and is like, noooo but i have to go soon. So i think to myself, ok, im leaving tomorrow, so thats that.

We chat another minute, then i say, ok then, was cool to meet you. As i stand up shes like, so how long are you staying here? This sounds like a green light to me. Im like, ill be outta here tomorrow morning.

Heres where i dont recall exactly what she said, but at some point we talk about food and she suggests a local liquor for me to try. I feel the light switching to red again. I coulda told her, hey sounds cool, wanna go grab that together before you leave?, but i decide to just go for, cool, id love to try that.

Convo keeps going another few seconds and i ask her whats that thing over there, pointing at some building. Shes like, its part of the harbor. Im like, ok, ill go and check it out. Was cool to meet you and you have a great day. So i leave her.

So i walk towards the harbor and forget about the girl. I try a couple approaches but nothing sticks. I sit a bit -- overall 40-45' have passed since i left her. Then i head back towards where we met -- and shes still there. Same place, shes still on her phone but glancing towards my direction.

My minds like, man, please, just refrain from being a creep and dont walk up to her again. So i cross the street and walk towards another area.

However now i have this lingering doubt that, had i walked up to her again, something cool might have happened. And in fact i coulda just high-fived her while walking and been like, hey youre still here! Your bf didnt come? And then depending on her reaction i coulda kept walking or stayed.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Great post by fog here.

Woulda probably helped with a couple girls i approached indirect yesterday but left it at that due to them not being immediately receptive. Same mistake as countless other times.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Approached a couple girls today out of 5-6 cuties i saw.


One was a blonde Asian, dressed in a cute sexy way. She was pretty receptive, especially after i told her shes cute, but then her friend jumped out of nowhere and i kinda bailed. Shoulda followed my own advice instead.


The other was a Brazilian with smoking hot body and meh face. We chatted a bit -- pretty hard without a common language -- and walked around talking about carpe diem and living the moment. Energy was good and we connected quite a bit -- shes a good gal, but there was something off-putting about her.

Dunno why, but i decided shortly thereafter to test the ground for a kiss anyway. However she saw it coming, probably sensed i was not convinced, and said with a smile, lets keep walking? Fair enough. I didnt try again and we parted ways 10-15 minutes later.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Pretty Chinese girl in line for lunch. Approach was good, but i kinda let the thing die.

Next time:
- compliment her right after the situational opener
- avoid telling her i leave the city tomorrow; telling her if she asks is fine, but try to get her clearly invested first
- keep talking to her while food is being prepared
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
As a reminder to myself, here the two things im focusing on:
- staying in set when the girl doesnt hook immediately; always give some value and get compliance/rejection; just did this with a cute Serbian girl that ultimately rejected me, so thats good
- staying in set when the girl "seems too young" - just approached one right now and bailed without asking her how old she was; always give some value and ask her age: if shes underage exit politely; if not, get compliance/rejection as usual


First girl was seated on a bench.

I sit near her and stay on my phone a bit as shes having a phone call.

A couple minutes after she ends the call, i open. I compliment her a few minutes later and ask her name. She replies, but she doesnt ask mine. I feel shes having a lone wolf moment, so shell probably need some time to open up. We conversate a bit -- shes quite the thinker and is in a new phase in her life, and i deep dive her on her reasons and feelings.

I think our energy levels are matching and were both enjoying the conversation, but she seems a bit distant, plus i dont wanna stay here forever, so i ask her to join me on a coffee-hunt -- i mentioned to her earlier that i heard about a good coffee place in the area. However, i add, i feel youre having a lone wolf moment right now. She says yes, im in my zone right now. So i wish her a good day and leave.

Maybe she needed more time, but i figured it was better to spend my time meeting someone else who was a bit more open than staying in a potentially dead set.

Something i might try next time is telling her, hey ill be hunting for this coffee place for a short time, then ill stop by X other place near here 30' from now to take some pics; if you change your mind and wanna continue our chat, ill be there. Then going to the X place within that time frame (while ofc keeping an eye on other girls i might meet) and wait a few minutes there. Probably this girl wouldnt have shown up, but maybe other girls would.


Second girl was waking in my direction.

She glances at me a couple times and moves her head and lips a bit, in sync with the music shes listening to. Shes having a good time and I open informational. Shes super friendly and smiles a lot.

However i see she "seems too young" and i dont really progress beyond the informational frame. We bid each other farewell shortly thereafter.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022

FU "Too much bf vibe?"


Met another girl in the meantime. Shes immediately bubbly and touchy as soon as i open. Shes an actress and apparently on her path to stardom in this country, so i suspect she might just be loving the attention.

Five minutes in the convo i suggest we grab a drink some day. She says maybe. I tell her, ok lemme grab my number and ill send you only one text. She wants my insta instead. Im like, i dont have insta, you have WhatsApp? Shes like, i hate WhatsApp (lol). I take the hint and bid her farewell.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Man, i realize how bitter my last FU report is.

The girl wanted me as a bf and didnt wanna get attached, not knowing how long i was gonna be around. She was probably insecure on what to do as well. Cant blame her for it.

I dont wanna be bitter. However i still do live in scarcity, so i gotta approach more. Good that i approached 15 girls in the last 2 days, of which two seemed into me (saying yes to dates) and one seemed really into me. Traveling really helps with the vibe too.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Had a date yesterday with a girl i met on Sat (DG).

Vibe was good, we held hands while walking and we went for a short bar-hopping session. Deep diving/touching/flirting were (i think) on point. I like her, although from what ive seen she might not be exactly my type personality-wise.

I motioned to kiss once but she deflected and we laughed about it. She was like, youre so <my nationality>! I was like, i know, were tricky fellows!

She told me her previous bf is from my country and it was not the best experience, so she might be on the fence with me now (thanks buddy!). While at the bars, she kept some distance, also when i told her to come closer. She complied tho, so thats good.

Overall we were together 4h or so -- probably way more than we needed. We both travel quite a bit, so theres no followup date plan as of now. I wanna be the cool, rather unavailable traveler in her mind.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
I have been a bit of a recluse these past 4-5 days. Havent approached till today, and boy did i feel the anxiety.

First 2h i only approached 2 girls, i was really tense and i guess it showed.

Then i approached a third girl and we hit it off. Were similar in many ways. She had no plans for the rest of the day, just told me that she was going to leave the city by car in the evening but she was pretty flexible. Didnt really occur to me that i could have invited her to my place just as we were about to part ways. Just like, hey what if i invited you to my city right now?

Anyway, approaching every 2-3 days seems to work the best for me.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Gotta improve my opener-to-hook transition. I think its already decent, but sometimes i just diddle around without showing any intent, and therefore i never transition away from the informational frame to a more conversational one.

Happened 3 times just today. One girl beamed a huge smile at me on the opener and was very sweet, but i didnt lead the convo beyond it and basically let her go. If a girl is not really sociable and hates awkwardness, its only normal that she sees no point in standing by if i dont show any interest in her.

Reminder to myself: the usual "where are you from?" or compliment right after the opener will easily fix this.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Last week has been pretty crappy.

Been out daygaming close to 7h and approached only 11 girls. Couldnt get one number to save my life.

The streets were emptier than usual, so there must be some event/holiday im not aware of that all single, cute girls have been drawn to. Guess i shoulda switched to mall game, gotta try it sooner or later.

Anyway, ill be in Prague for work next week. Hope the change of scenery will improve my numbers a bit.


One funny approach today. I spot a cute, blonde girl seated not far from a guy whos feeding birds. The girl is minding her own business on her phone, and i casually sit near her. She seems underage, so i briefly check my phone and then look elsewhere.

At the 1 minute mark i see a piece of bread landing on the girls leg. The girl freezes for half a sec, then shrugs it off. Another 30 secs in, another piece of bread lands on me. I look at it, take it, and throw it back at the guy, whos sorta apologizing. Good excuse to chat the girl up with hey, i guess hes trying to get our attention. A brief chat ensues, shes sweet but im not aiming at anything cause shes really underage.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Stats of the last ~2 weeks:

- daygamed 14h
- met 29 girls (of which 7 single and seemingly attracted)
- got 4 numbers (seeded a date with all of them)

Of these 4 numbers, 2 seem solid, although one is from a tourist that is now back in her home country (with no immediate plans to come back here or invite me over). I'll catch up with the other one in a few weeks (she's super busy studying and I'm traveling).

The other 2 are from:
- a stunning local girl that seemed pretty happy to meet me -- very bubbly, asking questions and laughing at my stupid jokes -- but didn't even read the ice-breaker after more than a full day, let alone respond to it. Could be busy, or could be that something went wrong in the interaction or post (I wish I knew what);
- another local girl that seemed attracted, but also very worried by the fact that I'm traveling quite a bit

We will see.

I feel pretty exhausted and "stuck" atm. Also because I think I lost the girl I met in February. We had 2 dates in total and I didn't close due to bad logistics -- and crappy decisions.

I feel I'm missing something very important. Will keep on looking for answers -- especially on closing. Hopefully that will trigger the next breakthrough.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Just approached a pretty hot, sweet, young Cambodian girl on the train.

We had a good convo, talking about hopes, improvisation, life chances and traveling. Shes the planner type. I suggested we grab a drink sometimes, shes like, mmm i dont plan to stay here in this country for long.

I accepted her frame and didnt persist - wrong. Shoulda been like, i was just thinking about a drink, i was not thinking of getting married in a rundown church and having like 10 babies.

Let that be another lesson on persistence and confidence for me, i def need it.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Another lesson: be patient.

Met a girl while at the beach volley field last week. Very cute and great smile. She got near me and started conversation a couple times. I felt that "its on" energy - im sure she felt it too. I got her number and we had great eye contact a few times.

However, i ignored Skills standard procedure for texting - ie. ping > banter/rapport > soft close > hard close - and went for ping > soft close instead. Unsurprisingly, she didnt reply.

Ill probably see her again at the field and will try to correct there and then, but man am i impatient sometimes.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
So Higher=En? Took me a while to figure out :)

Haha yeah, "En" was a short form of "Enki" - my previous username.

I changed it because it was chosen randomly, and i felt the need of a username that was more meaningful to me. I dont know how to change this threads name tho.

Thanks for dropping by @gameboy!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Always be opening - dont wait for girls to do the work.

I let two really cute girls go that tried to grab my attention (one yesterday, one today). I thought, theyll try again.

Wrong. And delusional.

Always be closing - and this applies to every step of the interaction, from getting initial compliance to dating to inviting home.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Not much to report lately.

Had an instadate with a black girl 2 weeks ago. We met during the day and i invited her for wine and sunset in my city that same day, which she accepted. Date was good. I invited her to my place but she declined and almost ran away. I told her, hey at least hug me, to which she did. Then she kissed me 3 times before parting ways. Follow-up texts were good, she thanked me multiple times for the wonderful evening. Ill ping her again this week for a second date, maybe straight at my place.

Will also catch up with another daygame girl on saturday in my city. Well see.

This whole month i had a bit of AA due to not daygaming for 10 days or so. I approached only 20 girls so far - one-third of my usual. Its getting better tho.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Not much to report lately.

Had an instadate with a black girl 2 weeks ago. We met during the day and i invited her for wine and sunset in my city that same day, which she accepted. Date was good. I invited her to my place but she declined and almost ran away. I told her, hey at least hug me, to which she did. Then she kissed me 3 times before parting ways. Follow-up texts were good, she thanked me multiple times for the wonderful evening. Ill ping her again this week for a second date, maybe straight at my place.
3 kisses on the cheeks, or 3 makeouts?
This whole month i had a bit of AA due to not daygaming for 10 days or so. I approached only 20 girls so far - one-third of my usual. Its getting better tho.
AA is a bitch!