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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Did 2 approaches yesterday.

First one was a really cute Eastern European in a hurry to the airport.

Then i spotted this Indian-looking girl with seemingly ok-shapes. I was not too crazy about her - if fact, i was not crazy about her at all. But i thought, fuck it, lets see whats possible. So i created a good chance for the approach and went for it.

We had a 45' chat in which i bounced us to a couple of places and talked about SOTs and stuff about her. Vibe was decent, she invested a bit.

At some point i decided to call it and invited her over to my city. She didnt say yes or no immediately, so i said, look lemme get ur number and we see later. So we exchange numbers and part ways.

Nothing came out of this, but i think it was a decent set. Amen.

Gotta improve my logistics btw. Cant leave the city im living in right now, so ill have to find other ways.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
3 approaches in 1h today, all good sets with very cute expat girls. One was Turkish and taken ("unfortunately im married" lol) and i number-closed two Eastern Europeans. I might see one of em tonight.

Took it way calmer than the other days and really was present throughout without any rushing, planning or overthinking. Was more of a tourist, the way i used to feel some time ago and that i sorta forgot about. Its a great vibe to have. I even had some bachata music playing on my phones speakers.

The fact that these girls were receptive def helped, but i dont wanna rely on this. Ill focus on having that vibe as often as possible.

Bob Z

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 7, 2024
3 approaches in 1h today, all good sets with very cute expat girls. One was Turkish and taken ("unfortunately im married" lol) and i number-closed two Eastern Europeans. I might see one of em tonight.

Took it way calmer than the other days and really was present throughout without any rushing, planning or overthinking. Was more of a tourist, the way i used to feel some time ago and that i sorta forgot about. Its a great vibe to have. I even had some bachata music playing on my phones speakers.

The fact that these girls were receptive def helped, but i dont wanna rely on this. Ill focus on having that vibe as often as possible.
nice efficiency! two good leads in 1 hour is great. is this street game or what type of venue?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
@Bob Z, thanks for stopping by!

is this street game or what type of venue?

This is street game, typically touristic areas (old town, historic bridges, lakeside) of a nearby city. I game a bit in busy areas (shopping districts, business areas) as well, tho im not a fan of the vibe there - pretty hard to feel like a tourist when everybodys rushing around barely looking at u.

You approach more on beaches as far as i saw. Would love to practice there had i that option.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
One approach in 1h in the afternoon today. Missed 3 very interesting girls and took it really slow.

I see this girl as shes seated at the lake. Great body and sporty outfit. She glances at me a couple times and i walk up to her. I open indirect asking where a famous coffee place is, then compliment her and do some chit chat. Shes a tourist, and i tell her that i live in X city 20min from here.

As were chatting, i sense shes not super into it, so i just go for the hail-mary: hey, are u having a lone wolf moment right now? Shes like, yeah kinda. Im like, too bad, i was gonna invite u to an adventure and find this coffee place together. Shes like, oh i have sth to drink already. I say, all good, and leave.

After 15-20 mins i see her not far from where i met her as shes doing her makeup, like prepping herself up for the next encounter. I always wonder what would happen if me and the girl who just rejected me met again.

Btw i should stop calling rejections "rejections". I think my fundamentals and my approaches are decent, so now its more of a "thanks, but im not ready for this right now and im gonna let this chance go. Had i been more open / mentally prepared to the general idea of going on an adventure with a stranger, id have totally said yes".

Also, i should probably stop telling tourists that i live in this country. I suspect this might hurt my chances with them. Some tourist girls might be suspicious of a guy that lives here and approaches tourists. Like, is this guy a notorious predator here? Not sure tho, maybe im overthinking it.

(Smiling a bit more on the opener wouldnt hurt either.)
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
hey, are u having a lone wolf moment right now?
I think that's a great way to show calibration, I'll add that to my repertoire when I feel like the girl isnt into it. Instead of just ejecting.

And yeah, it's not really a rejection when you exit this way!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
I think that's a great way to show calibration, I'll add that to my repertoire when I feel like the girl isnt into it. Instead of just ejecting.

Thanks man! Lemme know how it works for u.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Only 1 approach in 1h today, which resulted in a "thanks, really cute of u to approach me, but i have a bf".


First time a girl calls my approach "cute". I must have been in a really bad state.

Anyway, i spotted a couple pretty hot young girls later that unfortunately i didnt approach:
- girl with an incredible ass that was accentuated by her long green dress; she was constantly talking on the phone
- Asian girl seated in front of me on the train, headphones on, probably very shy and almost always face down on the phone; she was also sighing and in her thoughts

I must grow the balls to approach these girls too. The problem is not their hotness - its how i approach such "busy" girls as least-effortly as possible.

My go-to (and so far not very successful) strategy is: lemme glance at her a few times, and if she notices and glances back, ill open. Sometimes it works, but they mostly ignore me.

Not sure about the green-dressed girl, but with the Asian girl i could have asked her if everthings alright, since she was clearly a bit stressed.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
as least-effortly as possible.
This is the problem. I know there are articles on GC about this. I was also in this mindset for a while. But its very limiting.

Now when I approach its no excuses!

I made the effort to "go out of my way to approach you and here I am!" that is the message I convey to the girl.

Trying to be loud and proud of doing what I am doing. Because its the most natural thing to do. I am acting on my desires.

I don't need her to approve of me. I approve of myself because I act on my desires and that is exactly the kind of man I aspire to be.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
I don't need her to approve of me. I approve of myself because I act on my desires and that is exactly the kind of man I aspire to be.

Well put. Like im here forging my identity and creating my own reality, and i dont care if anyone judges / disapproves.

Im usually in this state (together with the "tourist" state), but sometimes i snap out of it. With the girl on the train i was in my head and gave up. It would have been very easy to open now that i think of it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Well put. Like im here forging my identity and creating my own reality, and i dont care if anyone judges / disapproves.

Im usually in this state (together with the "tourist" state), but sometimes i snap out of it. With the girl on the train i was in my head and gave up. It would have been very easy to open now that i think of it.
Yeah I think this goes beyond just girls. To forging an identity of who we want to be.

I think cold apprach is a great exercise to build courage, belief in yourself, trust in yourself, a strong frame and reality and massive amounts of emotional control. And most importantly self esteem and letting things go and not needing the approval of every girl or random person who might be watching us.

This is one of the only guys who I resonate with now who are on YT. His live streams are great. His views on cold apprach and inner game align with mine.

And this is an amazing video where he is pushing the boundaries to get over that fear we all have and what ends up happening is amazing.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
And this is an amazing video where he is pushing the boundaries to get over that fear we all have and what ends up happening is amazing.

Yeah, this is a good exercise for beginners to build tolerance to rejections (tho i disagree with a good chunk of what hes talking about beyond that).


Went out 45 mins today in the evening too and approached another 2 girls.

One of them was in front of me on the train, in a similar situation as the Asian girl earlier today. I glanced at her and she glanced at me. I then opened and we chatted a bit.

Stupidly enough i didnt number-close tho. I clearly felt the interaction was just polite - she was constantly trying to put her headphones on as she was talking with me - and felt the number wouldnt have been solid.

But i should have asked for it anyway. Maybe her state would have changed later. Always Be Closing. Always "ask for the order". Either get the number, or get a no. Like, why am i even talking to her in the first place?

(To be fair i havent approached a girl on a relatively packed train in a while - i think the last one was back in April. The anxiety stemming from having ppl around played a role for sure. Its something i wanna work on again and do regularly. Would be a pretty effective training for the "i dont give a fuck / im building my own reality" muscle.)

The other girl blew me off pretty quickly, and its fine. I took the chance and saw the set thru to its end.


Another thing i noticed is that when im physically tired / sleepy im in a very bad, asocial mood. Like, u can read it all over my face. I had friends telling me, man ure impossible to deal with when ure in this state. Its rare, but today was one of those days.

Tho i have to say at some point u dont even care whether ur state in daygame is always on point or not. U try to always be on top of it with visualization / meditation / sport / diet / sleep, but in the end u just do what u can.

U know that some days are gonna feel off and u might let many chances go - its just how it is. Ull push thru those days cause ure used to, and u know that soon ull snap back into the right (default) state and things will be good again.

Fascinating how the mind works.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Had a couple hours today and approached 9 girls. Not much to report tho.

One girl was on the train. She had a bf, but good thing i practiced in that scenario.

One girl was pretty hot and super happy on approach, but up close she had face jobs and i couldnt stop thinking, is she a tranny?. She immediately realized that i was not that attracted and she closed up quite quickly lol. Pretty funny to watch.

Two girls were really too young.

Two were taken.

One didnt wanna give me her number, so i bade her farewell.

One was really cute, had great body and pretty smile, but was going back to her home country. Too bad.

The last one was ok-ish, but the number exchange was quite a mess. She couldnt type her digits properly and didnt use whatsapp. Her english was also not that good. I quickly got bored and thought to myself, whatever. I gave her my wa number. If she reaches back, its fine. If she doesnt, ill live with it.

Just another day in the field.

Btw, i dont smile much anymore. No bueno. Big smile on approach!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Approached 3 girls in 1h today. Got a lot of IOIs i didnt capitalize on.

First girl was super nice but rejected me - i think its because i talked in english (mistake, she was a local).

Second girl ran away quickly after the opener.

Third girl was on the train, and she was local. We talked in her language, we had a good chat and got her digits. I suspect shes a single mother tho.

I attempted another approach on a pretty hot girl, but i didnt put myself in her range of vision before opening - and got ignored as a consequence.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Pretty juicy day for me today - unfortunately not in terms of pussy, but in terms of lessons.

But first of all, todays girls.


Met 7 girls in 2h. I took it slow again, had a lot to think about and to write on my phone. (I write the things i learn down on my notes app, which is getting slower and slower due to the sheer amount of text i have in there.)

First girl was local & single, but rejected me. She "wanted to listen to music". Alright.

Second girl was married and unhappy. She basically kidnapped me for 15-20 min and kept me there, locked in at a tree, listening to her talking about her dire situation with her hubbie and his kids. She said she prayed God earlier to show her a sign, and when she met me she thought i was an angel. I took the chance to practice a bit with compliance (moving us around a bit), sots and my poker face. She then number-closed me when i said that i had to go. No clue what will come out of this, probably nothing. Im actually sorry for this girl, and shes probably feeling guilty now. Anyway ill let her be, not sure i wanna venture into married couple territory (altho shes pretty hot).

Third girl was also local & single, & also rejected me. Shes "not looking to date anyone". Fair.

Fourth girl was married.

Fifth girl was fucking hot, but i lost my boner when i saw her face (she had plastic jobs).

Sixth girl pretty much ran away after my compliment.

Last girl i let go as i didnt care much.


So what did the Gods of Game teach me today?

1) I might be using the "are u single" screen in a sub-optimal way.

I know its a great time saver, i happily used it so far, and im not a fan of shady situations with taken girls.

However, the last several days i felt like the single girls knee-jerk ejected after it. Almost as if the words they actually heard were, hey girl, im looking for someone to seriously date right now, are u The One?

Feels like it might be too blunt and direct. Maybe its my tone of voice, or maybe i should modify it / reposition it to later on in the interaction.

Would love to hear sb elses experience with it.

Anyway ill field-test some changes. Might be better to just ask her, hey what are u doing right now, going to ur bf? If shes interested, she might say she doesnt have a bf.

Dunno what else to do about all these rejections. Hard to debug without sb else observing my approaches, tho i dont think im approaching much differently from back in spring where i felt more successful.

(Was i really more successful tho? Ill have to crunch the numbers and see.)

2) I still got work to do on my attainability. Really. Gotta work on it. (Plus, gotta be humbler.)

60yoc in 'Simply Start Sex' said:
Women are never going to jump for joy when you ask them to come home with you.
You will never hear the word YES.

I fucked up with a girl via texting.

We had a nice 1st meet last week, and we kissed in the end. We texted a bit afterwards, vibe was good, and on monday she hard-closed me for today afternoon.

Today i invited her over to my city. She replied tentatively with, u dont wanna come to my city instead? I immediately felt bored, like turned off, and replied butthurtedly with, hmm i was there yesterday, but if u dont feel like coming its cool, well do another time. Ofc this got her even more confused and she ended up flaking.

Ive been too aloof and bitter.

Yet again.

Why am i doing this mistake over and over again?

Barring the most confident women (1%?) and the ones who are already fully aroused, no woman is going to show enthusiasm at the idea of coming home / getting aroused / having first time sex. Ofc she might enjoy the idea in principle and even fantasize about it, but her emotions are gonna sway big time in anticipation.

Lesson (again) for me here is: be attainable. And humbler. Tell her that u wanna see her. That u desire her. Be warm. Qualify her.

Show some good emotions.

I really gotta open up a fair bit on this.

The optimal text would have been: come to my city, its gonna be awesome and super romantic, cant wait to see u.

(A few warm texts after the 1st meet would have also done good for my attainability.

Especially considering that i made another mistake during the 1st meet: i talked about the great sex i had with one of my exes. This would damage my attainability and trigger performance anxiety with most girls - again, barring the most confident ones who might enjoy a challenge.

Also, this girl might have been ready for a 1st meet lay, as she had a big handbag with "toothbrush and other stuff" in it. Facepalm.).


The Field speaks. Those who wanna learn, better listen.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Lesson (again) for me here is: be attainable. And humbler. Tell her that u wanna see her. That u desire her. Be warm. Qualify her.

Show some good emotions.

I really gotta open up a fair bit on this
Great analysis and self awareness.

But what is causing the apathy or bitterness? Are you already regularly seeing someone and feel satisfied and unmotivated or are you not very much into these girls or maybe something else is going on in life that is bugging you?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
1) I might be using the "are u single" screen in a sub-optimal way.
I'm not a big fan of the "Are you single"-opener. Personally I've used "Are you single" only once, way before joining this forum. I got an evasive answer.

I don't know if you use it as an opener, but even later in the interaction what is she going to say? If she says "Yes I'm single", that basically takes all her defenses away. So unless she is already super certain that she wants to hook up to you, she's going to be hesitant to say yes.

Put yourself in the girl's shoes: She doesn't know you yet. If you turn out to be a total creep, then she can't give you the boyfriend excuse anymore. Instead she has to say "No, I don't want to get to know you, leave me alone [even though I'm single]." Which might make the guy angry, and she doesn't know if he's potentially dangerous. Girls are usually scared of strangers since men are in general stronger.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Thanks for chiming in @AspiringStoic and @gameboy - always appreciate ur insights guys.

But what is causing the apathy or bitterness?

Im a bit disappointed with my results, and this distorts my perception. One symptom of it is that i blow small resistance out of proportions - as shown in this case.

Also, a girl i was seeing quite often has now pulled back a bit, so daygame has pretty much become my only source of pussy - and its not working very well for me right now.

I keep looking for patterns in order to improve my game, but as u also said, theres a lotta noise / randomness in this thing.

The crux of the matter are my pretty solidified mindsets (listed below) that cause me to go into autopilot and sabotage an interaction. I know ill bust thru this, but for now im in a weird purgatory of sorts.

(And comparing myself to others doesnt really help, so ill stop doing that.)

I don't know if you use it as an opener, but even later in the interaction what is she going to say? If she says "Yes I'm single", that basically takes all her defenses away. So unless she is already super certain that she wants to hook up to you, she's going to be hesitant to say yes.

I get a lotta YESs to this screen, but i ultimately get rejected by those same girls anyway.

I agree with u tho that theres something off about asking girls straight on if theyre single. As i observed multiple times, its really a compliance request, and some girls wont comply to it. If they do, they might think i expect something out of them - eg. dating me.

Could also be the way i deliver it tho, cant say for sure.

I still wanna know asap if a girl is taken or not, so ill tweak this screen a bit.


(Was i really more successful tho? Ill have to crunch the numbers and see.)

I did crunch the numbers from march to august, and heres the deal.

My objective was essentially to understand if my daygame got worse lately, and/or if theres any seasonality that plays a role in my results.

So basically:
- understanding what i CAN control (and improve in it)
- understanding what i CANT control (and live with it)

The numbers show big variance on a monthly basis, with august being slightly worse than the other months, but it doesnt seem to be that big of a deal.

Im getting 1 date per 20 approaches on average. Not saying i cant improve this ratio, but it seems to be in line with the data shared by other daygamers.

So the answer is no, i was not more successful in spring. My daytime approaches did not get worse and i shouldnt care about seasonality. I got slightly more rejections in august, but who knows why really.


The more pressing question is: why didnt i lay those dates?

Heres a list of whys in descending order:
- not leading to sex properly (pulling back instead of persisting, trying to get her to invite me over to hers, not inviting her properly, not following up properly, not focusing on fast escalation)
- take/give imbalance (asking for too much compliance, being either too eager or too aloof, feeling entitled, being cold via text and not showing / building up emotions, not building social capital, pushing for things without building rapport / comfort / understanding)
- not enough attraction / interest (i didnt care enough about the girl, my fashion was not on point, she was leaving soon and not interested / aroused enough for a quick thing, she didnt wanna take the risk due to bad logistics)
- tight schedule (i had / she had to get a plane the next morning and we had no other free slots)
- confusion due to me not showing enough intent (rare)

If we boil all of this down, we meet some old acquaintances:
- playing not to lose (basically having "breaking rapport anxiety", too much ego-stroking, having sympathy instead of empathy)
- unattainability (not displaying emotions, not being humble, not being warm, not persisting "for her")
- scarcity mentality (feeling entitled, feeling that sex is a big deal, not having fun, not being playful, being tense)
- bad logistics (being impatient, her not being aroused / intrigued enough to take the risk of hopping on a train with me and coming over to my city)

Additional (minor) reason is having too fixed a schedule (eg. if i meet a girl today and my flight is tomorrow, it might make sense to stay a few days more to try to seal the deal).

Its clear that some aspects of female psychology are still not fully intuitive to me - above all, womens need for persistence and for someone attainable that handles their concerns.

My focus should be on these needs. I need more exp, and the only way to get it is to keep grinding, possibly approaching more girls per hour, and going thru those dates.


Whats next?

Im confident i can bust thru this plateau.

For the immediate future, ill try to ramp up the approaches per hour. Maybe improving my fashion too.

I also set myself an objective whose importance i always underestimated: whenever i make a move on a girl - be it inviting her to hang out, inviting her over to my city, inviting her over to mine, or escalating to sex - ill have to persist at least 3 times.

Ill be aware that shell be tentative, shell protest, shell make counter-proposals that are bad for seduction, and shell resist one or two times.

Ill be aware that ill wrongly perceive this as lack of interest, and that ill be tempted to drop the ball and give up. This is how my mind works right now.

Its alright. Gotta get myself used to taking charge and handling her concerns.

Dont just blindly plough thru. Dont make jokes about it. And ofc if she gives a firm NO, its a no.

But be willing to accept that she really needs persistence, and needs u to be attainable, to understand what the concern is and to do something about it.

Be looking forward to this.

Right now i expect her to agree on first try, and then her resistance throws me off. It should be the opposite: expect her to resist a few times, and, if anything, let her allowing the escalation throw u off.

Anything other than a clear "no thanks" is tentativeness, and its ok and normal. Focus on warm persistence.

(As a first step towards this objective, i just pinged a girl i dropped the ball with a month ago.)
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022

Put ur heart into it​

Met a cute Asian on thu last week.

She was a tourist and leaving in a few hours. We immediately had good vibes and she followed me around a couple locations.

We sat down and i started touching her and almost went for the kiss. She gazed back at me, focused, lips slightly apart, running her hand thru her hair.

It was on.

I told her, hey im going now..... and i know u leave tonight..... but i wanna invite u to my city.

She said, what, today? Theres just no time!

I could have paused for 2 seconds, looked at her, and said, can u stay one more day? I wanted to show u my city..... we could sit at the lake, get some wine, watch the sunset..... Its super romantic..... And then well follow our hearts and do whatever we feel like doing..... And whenever u wanna leave, ill take u back to the station, no problem.

Now, thats a good invite.

Instead, i sorta half-assedly said, ok well, maybe we will meet again randomly somewhere in the future.

No bueno. Her answer to my invite was not a no. It was just a concern.

Gotta fight for these girls a bit. Make them feel like u truly desire them. Be on the same team with them. Put ur heart into it.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Still trying to crack the code with these tourists that leave today or tomorrow given my horrible logistics.

Today i met another such tourist, and our energy was good.

I invited her to my city. The invite was not very strong, i can still improve there. Anyway she said, i leave tomorrow, so i dont think i can make it. I asked her if she could stay one more day, she was like, oh ill have to think about it. I said, ofc, take my number and lemme know, i hope u say yes. Was a mistake not taking her number instead.

Next time take it and suggest a drink in her city tonight, and then ramp up the sexual vibe at night. Then i can invite her to my city, and if she declines but shows interest, i can try to make things happen some other way.