I ramped it up this weekend and did 4 approaches yesterday, and today I think 5 or 6, depending on how you count them.
I'm going to try to keep this short and focus on the important ones.
#1 (warmup)
Girl sitting on a bench reading an ebook. I decided to finally try Chase's line, "Are you reading anything interesting?"
Her: No, boring
Me: What is it?
Her: Just a murder mystery
Me: Oh, a murder mystery, how boring
Her: Yeah
Me: So who did it? Was it the gardener?
Her: Hahaha no, I'm not there yet
I turn to unlock my bike. Then I turn back to her and tell her she sounds like she's from X country. She says no I'm from Y. I say oh, Y, that's close... I hope I didn't insult you! She laughs and says no.
This turned out to be the best interaction of the day, but I wasn't really interested in the girl and just intended to do a warmup. In hindsight I could have chatted to her longer, but I had somewhere to be so I said nice to meet you and left.
#2 (2F set, street)
Saw two girls walking from behind, one of them really hot with a tight orange dress. Overtook them, then opened over the shoulder complimenting her dress. She said thanks, but in a defensive way. They looked very young, probably teenage. I said it's a nice color, she said thanks again but wasn't really receptive so I kept going.
#3 (4F set, by the beach)
I had seen these girls dancing on the beach before and wanted to approach them, but found it hard. They were being really silly and cute. Later I came across them, standing on the walkway by the beach. I full stopped my bike and asked them "Hey, are you from Brazil? I saw you guys dancing before..." They laughed and said no, and started walking. I asked "Portugal? Spain?" but no reply.
#4 (girl with long blonde hair)
Saw a girl with awesome long blonde curly hair, standing by herself. As I walked up to her she turned away, looking down at her phone. I overtook her and said from the side, "Wow, such beautiful hair!" When I saw her face I realized her hair was just about the only thing beautiful about her. Huge lip job etc. Her phone rang just as I addressed her, and she didn't even look at me.
I could have done more approaches that day on the beach, saw lots of girls sitting by themselves. But I wasn't in a great mood while I was there, and I felt if I'd approach a girl I'd just bring her down. Still, 4 approaches isn't too shabby for me.
#5 (warmup)
Walking to the coffee shop, saw a petite girl with awesome long black hair in the street. While she walked past me I said, "Wow such beautiful hair!" At first she didn't react, I already thought she'd ignore me but then she turned around and said "Thank you" with a smile. I was smiling back at her and it felt great.
#6 (HBShades)
Arriving on the beach I saw a girl lying by herself, very much my type. Petite, slim, long dark hair. She had earphones in and black shades on, so let's call her HBShades. There were lots of people in the vicinity.
I walked by at first and sat down somewhere else, but later decided to go back and open.
Me: Hello... excuse me
HB: (takes her earplugs out)
Me: Are you from X country?
HB: Yes
Me: (had to laugh... I didn't expect to actually be right, and didn't know what to say at first) Ummm, I thought you look intersting, and wanted to say hi!
HB: (seems at least a little bit receptive) Hello!
Me: I'm Gameboy, and you?
HB: (her name)
We shake hands.
Me: So where in X are you from?
HB: (city name)
Me: Ohh like (famous person)
HB: Yes
Me: And what are you doing here in our city?
HB: Lying in the sun
Me: Okay... so do you meet lots of guys on the beach? (I tried to show some intent with that question, but I probably phrased it badly)
HB: Yes... my friends
Me: So you're here with friends?
HB: Yes... I'm waiting for them
Me: I see. You're not single, are you? (OMG cringe... it hurts to type it, but that's what I said)
HB: Uhh, no
Me: So you have a boyfriend?
HB: Yes
Me: All right, it's been nice to meet you HBShades.
HB: Nice to meet you to
Me: Bye
HB: Bye
To be honest she neither smiled throughout the whole conversation, nor did she take her shades off. I found her really hot nonetheless, she was my perfect type. I guess I was nervous and shor myself in the foot asking her "You're not single"
I need to put myself into this kind of situation more often so I can be cooler talking to the girls. Anyway she didn't give me much to work with with her short answers., But I guess I could have tried to number close instead of prompting her to tell me she's taken...
Nevertheless I walked away grinning from this interaction. I was proud to have approached this girl, even though I was cringeing (is that a word?) about how I blew it.
#7 (petite dark skinned girl on phone)
Saw this total hottie lying face down on the beach, talking on the phone. Put my towel near, went for a swim. She was still talking. It was a bit cool coming out of the water so I wrapped myself int my towel, then walked over to her and asked her "Excuse me, are you from X country?" She didn't understand the language so I asked in English. She wasn't from X, so I asked where she was from. She told me. I said oh wow, you look like you're from X! She laughed and said thank you. I tried to reply, but she was already looking down at her phone again. So I walked back to where my stuff was.
Plan was to reopen later when she finished talking, but she literally went on talking for hours. After a while I went for a walk on the beach to find other girls, but whenever I came back she was on the phone. She seemed to be having fun too, she was laughing a lot.
I'm proud I opened this girl despite her being on the phone, and her reaction was good considering she was in a call.
#8 (girl walking along the shore)
Saw a cute girl walking along the shore and washing her flip flops in the sea. Waited till she was finished, then asked her if she's from here. She said no. I asked where she's from, she told me but in a one-word answer. I repeated the country to confirm, but she just walked off and didn't engage.
#9 (sad girl)
Girl sitting on the beach. I walked by in front of her and saw she had a sad face. I said "Hello... (no reply) Are you sad?" She made a hand gesture. I said "A little bit, right?" She said "A little bit", with a sad smile. I said "Hope you get well soon!" She said "Thanks", and laughed. She looked like a teenager though, too young for me so I didn't take it any further. Should I have maybe?
#10 (2F set, warm approach)
Girl waved at me from a distance as I was walking by. I waved back and said hi, but wasn't sure who it was. She was with a female friend.
I went back there later, walked up to her and asked her "Where do I know you from?" It dawned on me while I was talking to her though, she was a waiter at a cafe that I used to go to. We chatted a bit about what she's doing now (she's working in a different cafe). I told her maybe I'll drop by there some day, but didn't really hit on her since she was with the friend.
#11 (blew it, hesitated too long)
Saw a girl with tattoos lying by herself on her side, looking at her phone. She wasn't quite as hot as the previous girls today, but I still liked her style for some reason. I hesitated too long to approach, and some muscular dude appeared and sat down in front of her, like 2m away. I thought Ok let's find another girl.
Walked off, did some other stuff, came back. Tattoo girl walks to the water, I see how muscular dude looks at her but doesn't (know how to) open. I know the feeling very well! I've been there for years and years, myself.
I walk around some more, this is when approach #10 happens. I come back again. Both muscle dude and tatto girl are staring at their phones, sitting like 2m apart from each other. She has actually turned her back to the guy.
I decide fuck it, I'm approaching. Walked down to the sea to approach the girl slowly from the front, and not come up from behind. Ran into an acquaintance! A women who used to work at a shop where I went often. She is older than me, but super nice and has a great thin body despite her age. I talked to her for 5 minutes or so. Mainly because I like her, but in the back of my head I thought this will also give me some social proof with the other girl when I chat to her later.
When finished, I turn around... tattoo girl is gone. Muscle dude still lying there lol. Oh well!
- Pretty stoked how today went. If I can keep up this rhythm sooner or later some girl should at least hook! I mean they hooked before, I don't see any specific reason why they shouldn't.
- I'm super proud of approach #6, I wouldn't have been able to do this a year ago. Hell, probably not even a month ago.
- #7 was cool also, the girl was super my type but too immersed in her call.
- I should have stayed with #9 longer I think. At least find out if she really is too young. I later saw some other dude chatting her up, he was standing there shirtless talking down at her while she was sitting with her phone in hand... Seemed a bit uncalibrated to me. But at least he went for it.
- I need more practice to be smoother in the interactions and not say stupid stuff like "You have a boyfriend right?" lol
A QUESTION for those of you getting numbers and dates: How do you do it? Do you ask the girl for the number no matter what? Which of these girls would you have attempted to #close, and how?
Probably I'm still holding back too much. In my pre-daygame days, I've taken plenty of numbers from girls, but only when we had talked for a while and they seemed into it, or when we'd already been making out at a club.