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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
But its the fear of rejection that is stopping you from really "putting yourself on the line".

At some point you need to go in and stay in the conversation till you get a proper no or a yes.

Agreed. I know I need to do more all-in approaches. I've been doing more recently, but I still have a lot of room for improvement.

And I always felt you were putting too much thought/energy/importance to pre open IOIs
You seem to be a bit hung up on this. I know I mentioned IOIs a few times, but almost all the approaches I'm doing are without IOIs.

And no, I'm not only doing favorite color openers. Today I did a few in a row to get some momentum going, but mostly I do only one max as a warmup.

I don't think cold approach is really for someone who just wants to find a girlfriend soon.
Why not? I think it's the best way actually.

Going through all the ups and downs and emotional turmoil of cold approach only makes sense if you are aiming for something higher.
What exactly? Having a string of one-night-stands? Sure that would be fun too, but once I find a girl I really like, I know myself well enough I'll want to keep her.

That's one of the reasons I prefer approaching tourist girls at the moment, because there's not such a big chance of becoming too attached. But don't worry, I'm also approaching plenty of locals.

So maybe you need to delve deeper and examine your WHY of cold approach.
Because it's an awesome thing to do! I'm loving the challenge. Yes, it has ups and downs. Like anything worth doing in life.

Also, I'm sure I can get far hotter girls through cold approach than through online for example, or SC. Online yielded practically no results for me, at least on Tinder. I assume because of the age filter. And SC, yes I could have gotten girls there but the few ones I actually liked were heavy drinkers and/or smokers, and I'm kind of beyond that at this point... in my drinking and smoking days I'd have thought differently for sure. One of them was really, really my type... but unfortunately a total alcoholic.

But this is the part I worry about.
Don't be. I'll be fine. I'm just not that much interested in MLTRs like I might have been a decade or two ago. But I definitely intend to have some fun with the girls before I settle down. Not in a rush either. Unless of course the first girl is already perfect... slim chance but who knows!

And you never know how long a relationship is going to last. If it doesn't last then knowing game is a great skill to have. Or I might even try out an open relationship, always been curious about those but I could never really make it work. I'm kind of on the fence about that one though. If I really like the girl I think I'd prefer it to be 1-to-1.

It's okay if you have different goals. If you just want to keep approaching for its own sake, by all means do!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Agreed. I know I need to do more all-in approaches. I've been doing more recently, but I still have a lot of room for improvement.

You seem to be a bit hung up on this. I know I mentioned IOIs a few times, but almost all the approaches I'm doing are without IOIs.

And no, I'm not only doing favorite color openers. Today I did a few in a row to get some momentum going, but mostly I do only one max as a warmup.

Why not? I think it's the best way actually.

What exactly? Having a string of one-night-stands? Sure that would be fun too, but once I find a girl I really like, I know myself well enough I'll want to keep her.

That's one of the reasons I prefer approaching tourist girls at the moment, because there's not such a big chance of becoming too attached. But don't worry, I'm also approaching plenty of locals.

Because it's an awesome thing to do! I'm loving the challenge. Yes, it has ups and downs. Like anything worth doing in life.

Also, I'm sure I can get far hotter girls through cold approach than through online for example, or SC. Online yielded practically no results for me, at least on Tinder. I assume because of the age filter. And SC, yes I could have gotten girls there but the few ones I actually liked were heavy drinkers and/or smokers, and I'm kind of beyond that at this point... in my drinking and smoking days I'd have thought differently for sure. One of them was really, really my type... but unfortunately a total alcoholic.

Don't be. I'll be fine. I'm just not that much interested in MLTRs like I might have been a decade or two ago. But I definitely intend to have some fun with the girls before I settle down. Not in a rush either. Unless of course the first girl is already perfect... slim chance but who knows!

And you never know how long a relationship is going to last. If it doesn't last then knowing game is a great skill to have. Or I might even try out an open relationship, always been curious about those but I could never really make it work. I'm kind of on the fence about that one though. If I really like the girl I think I'd prefer it to be 1-to-1.

It's okay if you have different goals. If you just want to keep approaching for its own sake, by all means do!
Yup you are right. We can all have different goals and use cold approach to reach them.

I mentioned "higher" goals in the sense that guys who really wanted to date and have sex with multiple girls and have a more than ordinary dating life are the ones I know who really stuck with cold approach over the long haul. Some friends of mine dropped out as they were like all this just to find a girlfriend? Nah I am out.

But you have amazing tenacity. I am always inspired by it. So regardless of the end goals I hope you keep on going and sharing your adventures here. Would be really sad if you dropped out. So lets gooo! 😎💪💪


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I ramped it up this weekend and did 4 approaches yesterday, and today I think 5 or 6, depending on how you count them.

I'm going to try to keep this short and focus on the important ones.


#1 (warmup)
Girl sitting on a bench reading an ebook. I decided to finally try Chase's line, "Are you reading anything interesting?"
Her: No, boring
Me: What is it?
Her: Just a murder mystery
Me: Oh, a murder mystery, how boring
Her: Yeah
Me: So who did it? Was it the gardener?
Her: Hahaha no, I'm not there yet

I turn to unlock my bike. Then I turn back to her and tell her she sounds like she's from X country. She says no I'm from Y. I say oh, Y, that's close... I hope I didn't insult you! She laughs and says no.

This turned out to be the best interaction of the day, but I wasn't really interested in the girl and just intended to do a warmup. In hindsight I could have chatted to her longer, but I had somewhere to be so I said nice to meet you and left.

#2 (2F set, street)
Saw two girls walking from behind, one of them really hot with a tight orange dress. Overtook them, then opened over the shoulder complimenting her dress. She said thanks, but in a defensive way. They looked very young, probably teenage. I said it's a nice color, she said thanks again but wasn't really receptive so I kept going.

#3 (4F set, by the beach)
I had seen these girls dancing on the beach before and wanted to approach them, but found it hard. They were being really silly and cute. Later I came across them, standing on the walkway by the beach. I full stopped my bike and asked them "Hey, are you from Brazil? I saw you guys dancing before..." They laughed and said no, and started walking. I asked "Portugal? Spain?" but no reply.

#4 (girl with long blonde hair)
Saw a girl with awesome long blonde curly hair, standing by herself. As I walked up to her she turned away, looking down at her phone. I overtook her and said from the side, "Wow, such beautiful hair!" When I saw her face I realized her hair was just about the only thing beautiful about her. Huge lip job etc. Her phone rang just as I addressed her, and she didn't even look at me.

I could have done more approaches that day on the beach, saw lots of girls sitting by themselves. But I wasn't in a great mood while I was there, and I felt if I'd approach a girl I'd just bring her down. Still, 4 approaches isn't too shabby for me.


#5 (warmup)
Walking to the coffee shop, saw a petite girl with awesome long black hair in the street. While she walked past me I said, "Wow such beautiful hair!" At first she didn't react, I already thought she'd ignore me but then she turned around and said "Thank you" with a smile. I was smiling back at her and it felt great.

#6 (HBShades)
Arriving on the beach I saw a girl lying by herself, very much my type. Petite, slim, long dark hair. She had earphones in and black shades on, so let's call her HBShades. There were lots of people in the vicinity.

I walked by at first and sat down somewhere else, but later decided to go back and open.

Me: Hello... excuse me
HB: (takes her earplugs out)
Me: Are you from X country?
HB: Yes
Me: (had to laugh... I didn't expect to actually be right, and didn't know what to say at first) Ummm, I thought you look intersting, and wanted to say hi!
HB: (seems at least a little bit receptive) Hello!
Me: I'm Gameboy, and you?
HB: (her name)

We shake hands.

Me: So where in X are you from?
HB: (city name)
Me: Ohh like (famous person)
HB: Yes
Me: And what are you doing here in our city?
HB: Lying in the sun
Me: Okay... so do you meet lots of guys on the beach? (I tried to show some intent with that question, but I probably phrased it badly)
HB: Yes... my friends
Me: So you're here with friends?
HB: Yes... I'm waiting for them
Me: I see. You're not single, are you? (OMG cringe... it hurts to type it, but that's what I said)
HB: Uhh, no
Me: So you have a boyfriend?
HB: Yes
Me: All right, it's been nice to meet you HBShades.
HB: Nice to meet you to
Me: Bye
HB: Bye

To be honest she neither smiled throughout the whole conversation, nor did she take her shades off. I found her really hot nonetheless, she was my perfect type. I guess I was nervous and shot myself in the foot asking her "You're not single" :)

I need to put myself into this kind of situation more often so I can be cooler talking to the girls. Anyway she didn't give me much to work with with her short answers., But I guess I could have tried to number close instead of prompting her to tell me she's taken...

Nevertheless I walked away grinning from this interaction. I was proud to have approached this girl, even though I was cringeing (is that a word?) about how I blew it.

#7 (petite dark skinned girl on phone)
Saw this total hottie lying face down on the beach, talking on the phone. Put my towel near, went for a swim. She was still talking. It was a bit cool coming out of the water so I wrapped myself in my towel, then walked over to her and asked her "Excuse me, are you from X country?" She didn't understand the language so I asked in English. She wasn't from X, so I asked where she was from. She told me. I said oh wow, you look like you're from X! She laughed and said thank you. I tried to reply, but she was already looking down at her phone again. So I walked back to where my stuff was.

Plan was to reopen later when she finished talking, but she literally went on talking for hours. After a while I went for a walk on the beach to find other girls, but whenever I came back she was on the phone. She seemed to be having fun too, she was laughing a lot.

I'm proud I opened this girl despite her being on the phone, and her reaction was good considering she was in a call.

#8 (girl walking along the shore)
Saw a cute girl walking along the shore and washing her flip flops in the sea. Waited till she was finished, then asked her if she's from here. She said no. I asked where she's from, she told me but in a one-word answer. I repeated the country to confirm, but she just walked off and didn't engage.

#9 (sad girl)
Girl sitting on the beach. I walked by in front of her and saw she had a sad face. I said "Hello... (no reply) Are you sad?" She made a hand gesture. I said "A little bit, right?" She said "A little bit", with a sad smile. I said "Hope you get well soon!" She said "Thanks", and laughed. She looked like a teenager though, too young for me so I didn't take it any further. Should I have maybe?

#10 (2F set, warm approach)
Girl waved at me from a distance as I was walking by. I waved back and said hi, but wasn't sure who it was. She was with a female friend.

I went back there later, walked up to her and asked her "Where do I know you from?" It dawned on me while I was talking to her though, she was a waiter at a cafe that I used to go to. We chatted a bit about what she's doing now (she's working in a different cafe). I told her maybe I'll drop by there some day, but didn't really hit on her since she was with the friend.

#11 (blew it, hesitated too long)
Saw a girl with tattoos lying by herself on her side, looking at her phone. She wasn't quite as hot as the previous girls today, but I still liked her style for some reason. I hesitated too long to approach, and some muscular dude appeared and sat down in front of her, like 2m away. I thought Ok let's find another girl.

Walked off, did some other stuff, came back. Tattoo girl walks to the water, I see how muscular dude looks at her but doesn't (know how to) open. I know the feeling very well! I've been there for years and years, myself.

I walk around some more, this is when approach #10 happens. I come back again. Both muscle dude and tatto girl are staring at their phones, sitting like 2m apart from each other. She has actually turned her back to the guy.

I decide fuck it, I'm approaching. Walked down to the sea to approach the girl slowly from the front, and not come up from behind. And I run into an acquaintance! A woman who used to work at a shop where I went often. She is older than me, but super nice and has a great thin body despite her age. I talked to her for 5 minutes or so. Mainly because I like her, but in the back of my head I thought this will also give me some social proof with the other girl when I chat to her later.

When finished, I turn around... tattoo girl is gone. Muscle dude still lying there lol. Oh well!


  • Pretty stoked how today went. If I can keep up this rhythm sooner or later some girl should at least hook! I mean they hooked before, I don't see any specific reason why they shouldn't.
  • I'm super proud of approach #6, I wouldn't have been able to do this a year ago. Hell, probably not even a month ago.
  • #7 was cool also, the girl was super my type but too immersed in her call.
  • I should have stayed with #9 longer I think. At least find out if she really is too young. I later saw some other dude chatting her up, he was standing there shirtless talking down at her while she was sitting with her phone in hand... Seemed a bit uncalibrated to me. But at least he went for it.
  • I need more practice to be smoother in the interactions and not say stupid stuff like "You have a boyfriend right?" lol
A QUESTION for those of you getting numbers and dates: How do you do it? Do you ask the girl for the number no matter what? Which of these girls would you have attempted to #close, and how?

Probably I'm still holding back too much. In my pre-daygame days, I've taken plenty of numbers from girls, but only when we had talked for a while and they seemed into it, or when we'd already been making out at a club.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
I ramped it up this weekend and did 4 approaches yesterday, and today I think 5 or 6, depending on how you count them.

I'm going to try to keep this short and focus on the important ones.


#1 (warmup)
Girl sitting on a bench reading an ebook. I decided to finally try Chase's line, "Are you reading anything interesting?"
Her: No, boring
Me: What is it?
Her: Just a murder mystery
Me: Oh, a murder mystery, how boring
Her: Yeah
Me: So who did it? Was it the gardener?
Her: Hahaha no, I'm not there yet

I turn to unlock my bike. Then I turn back to her and tell her she sounds like she's from X country. She says no I'm from Y. I say oh, Y, that's close... I hope I didn't insult you! She laughs and says no.

This turned out to be the best interaction of the day, but I wasn't really interested in the girl and just intended to do a warmup. In hindsight I could have chatted to her longer, but I had somewhere to be so I said nice to meet you and left.

#2 (2F set, street)
Saw two girls walking from behind, one of them really hot with a tight orange dress. Overtook them, then opened over the shoulder complimenting her dress. She said thanks, but in a defensive way. They looked very young, probably teenage. I said it's a nice color, she said thanks again but wasn't really receptive so I kept going.

#3 (4F set, by the beach)
I had seen these girls dancing on the beach before and wanted to approach them, but found it hard. They were being really silly and cute. Later I came across them, standing on the walkway by the beach. I full stopped my bike and asked them "Hey, are you from Brazil? I saw you guys dancing before..." They laughed and said no, and started walking. I asked "Portugal? Spain?" but no reply.

#4 (girl with long blonde hair)
Saw a girl with awesome long blonde curly hair, standing by herself. As I walked up to her she turned away, looking down at her phone. I overtook her and said from the side, "Wow, such beautiful hair!" When I saw her face I realized her hair was just about the only thing beautiful about her. Huge lip job etc. Her phone rang just as I addressed her, and she didn't even look at me.

I could have done more approaches that day on the beach, saw lots of girls sitting by themselves. But I wasn't in a great mood while I was there, and I felt if I'd approach a girl I'd just bring her down. Still, 4 approaches isn't too shabby for me.


#5 (warmup)
Walking to the coffee shop, saw a petite girl with awesome long black hair in the street. While she walked past me I said, "Wow such beautiful hair!" At first she didn't react, I already thought she'd ignore me but then she turned around and said "Thank you" with a smile. I was smiling back at her and it felt great.

#6 (HBShades)
Arriving on the beach I saw a girl lying by herself, very much my type. Petite, slim, long dark hair. She had earphones in and black shades on, so let's call her HBShades. There were lots of people in the vicinity.

I walked by at first and sat down somewhere else, but later decided to go back and open.

Me: Hello... excuse me
HB: (takes her earplugs out)
Me: Are you from X country?
HB: Yes
Me: (had to laugh... I didn't expect to actually be right, and didn't know what to say at first) Ummm, I thought you look intersting, and wanted to say hi!
HB: (seems at least a little bit receptive) Hello!
Me: I'm Gameboy, and you?
HB: (her name)

We shake hands.

Me: So where in X are you from?
HB: (city name)
Me: Ohh like (famous person)
HB: Yes
Me: And what are you doing here in our city?
HB: Lying in the sun
Me: Okay... so do you meet lots of guys on the beach? (I tried to show some intent with that question, but I probably phrased it badly)
HB: Yes... my friends
Me: So you're here with friends?
HB: Yes... I'm waiting for them
Me: I see. You're not single, are you? (OMG cringe... it hurts to type it, but that's what I said)
HB: Uhh, no
Me: So you have a boyfriend?
HB: Yes
Me: All right, it's been nice to meet you HBShades.
HB: Nice to meet you to
Me: Bye
HB: Bye

To be honest she neither smiled throughout the whole conversation, nor did she take her shades off. I found her really hot nonetheless, she was my perfect type. I guess I was nervous and shor myself in the foot asking her "You're not single" :)

I need to put myself into this kind of situation more often so I can be cooler talking to the girls. Anyway she didn't give me much to work with with her short answers., But I guess I could have tried to number close instead of prompting her to tell me she's taken...

Nevertheless I walked away grinning from this interaction. I was proud to have approached this girl, even though I was cringeing (is that a word?) about how I blew it.

#7 (petite dark skinned girl on phone)
Saw this total hottie lying face down on the beach, talking on the phone. Put my towel near, went for a swim. She was still talking. It was a bit cool coming out of the water so I wrapped myself int my towel, then walked over to her and asked her "Excuse me, are you from X country?" She didn't understand the language so I asked in English. She wasn't from X, so I asked where she was from. She told me. I said oh wow, you look like you're from X! She laughed and said thank you. I tried to reply, but she was already looking down at her phone again. So I walked back to where my stuff was.

Plan was to reopen later when she finished talking, but she literally went on talking for hours. After a while I went for a walk on the beach to find other girls, but whenever I came back she was on the phone. She seemed to be having fun too, she was laughing a lot.

I'm proud I opened this girl despite her being on the phone, and her reaction was good considering she was in a call.

#8 (girl walking along the shore)
Saw a cute girl walking along the shore and washing her flip flops in the sea. Waited till she was finished, then asked her if she's from here. She said no. I asked where she's from, she told me but in a one-word answer. I repeated the country to confirm, but she just walked off and didn't engage.

#9 (sad girl)
Girl sitting on the beach. I walked by in front of her and saw she had a sad face. I said "Hello... (no reply) Are you sad?" She made a hand gesture. I said "A little bit, right?" She said "A little bit", with a sad smile. I said "Hope you get well soon!" She said "Thanks", and laughed. She looked like a teenager though, too young for me so I didn't take it any further. Should I have maybe?

#10 (2F set, warm approach)
Girl waved at me from a distance as I was walking by. I waved back and said hi, but wasn't sure who it was. She was with a female friend.

I went back there later, walked up to her and asked her "Where do I know you from?" It dawned on me while I was talking to her though, she was a waiter at a cafe that I used to go to. We chatted a bit about what she's doing now (she's working in a different cafe). I told her maybe I'll drop by there some day, but didn't really hit on her since she was with the friend.

#11 (blew it, hesitated too long)
Saw a girl with tattoos lying by herself on her side, looking at her phone. She wasn't quite as hot as the previous girls today, but I still liked her style for some reason. I hesitated too long to approach, and some muscular dude appeared and sat down in front of her, like 2m away. I thought Ok let's find another girl.

Walked off, did some other stuff, came back. Tattoo girl walks to the water, I see how muscular dude looks at her but doesn't (know how to) open. I know the feeling very well! I've been there for years and years, myself.

I walk around some more, this is when approach #10 happens. I come back again. Both muscle dude and tatto girl are staring at their phones, sitting like 2m apart from each other. She has actually turned her back to the guy.

I decide fuck it, I'm approaching. Walked down to the sea to approach the girl slowly from the front, and not come up from behind. Ran into an acquaintance! A women who used to work at a shop where I went often. She is older than me, but super nice and has a great thin body despite her age. I talked to her for 5 minutes or so. Mainly because I like her, but in the back of my head I thought this will also give me some social proof with the other girl when I chat to her later.

When finished, I turn around... tattoo girl is gone. Muscle dude still lying there lol. Oh well!


  • Pretty stoked how today went. If I can keep up this rhythm sooner or later some girl should at least hook! I mean they hooked before, I don't see any specific reason why they shouldn't.
  • I'm super proud of approach #6, I wouldn't have been able to do this a year ago. Hell, probably not even a month ago.
  • #7 was cool also, the girl was super my type but too immersed in her call.
  • I should have stayed with #9 longer I think. At least find out if she really is too young. I later saw some other dude chatting her up, he was standing there shirtless talking down at her while she was sitting with her phone in hand... Seemed a bit uncalibrated to me. But at least he went for it.
  • I need more practice to be smoother in the interactions and not say stupid stuff like "You have a boyfriend right?" lol
A QUESTION for those of you getting numbers and dates: How do you do it? Do you ask the girl for the number no matter what? Which of these girls would you have attempted to #close, and how?

Probably I'm still holding back too much. In my pre-daygame days, I've taken plenty of numbers from girls, but only when we had talked for a while and they seemed into it, or when we'd already been making out at a club.
Wow! Amazing work. 😎 That was some badass stuff. Direct approaches, 2 sets, 4 sets. Some intimidating scenarios. Give yourself a huge pat on the back. I have found that celebrating and being proud when you do this kind of work is essential to make sure you repeat it.

A QUESTION for those of you getting numbers and dates: How do you do it? Do you ask the girl for the number no matter what? Which of these girls would you have attempted to #close, and how?
On this my view is this. At my present stage I go for the number not because I think I will get it or that I have had a great connection. At this stage, I am going for it so that I overcome my fear of asking for the number and to get comfortable OWNING MY DESIRES. So I go for the number sometimes even in a bad interaction where a girl has not shown any interest to get used to asking for the number, learn to take no gracefully and prove to my brain that its not the end of the world and I feel that if you have already asked 1-2 girls for their number in a day, you are more likely to NOT chicken out and to go for it when you meet a girl that you have a better connection with. There is a certain momentum to it.

And when I go for the number I am very blunt and direct. I usually follow this structure:

1. Ask for her name if its not already come up in the interaction.

2. Tell her my name and shake hands.

3. And then say "Hey (insert name) I think you are quite pretty/cute/stylish and it was cool talking to you. I gotta go do xyz now, but some other time I would like to invite you out for a drink."

Then if she says yes, then I move on to figuring out how to keep in touch. (Whatsapp, Insta etc). Thats pretty much it. I don't use any complicated strategy.

But of course if my approach of asking out girls even when its not a solid interaction does not resonate with you, you could stick to only asking for it if you feel it was a good interaction.

But my recommendation would be to not rely on this "feeling" as usually its not accurate. So you can setup a system like this. You will only ask her out if she does at least one of the following in the interaction:
1. Asks you a question.
2. Brushes her hair at least once.
3. Looks you in the eye while speaking etc

This way, its a system if she does any of the following, you just go for the close. Hope this helps. Once again, amazing job!! 😎💪


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
A QUESTION for those of you getting numbers and dates: How do you do it? Do you ask the girl for the number no matter what? Which of these girls would you have attempted to #close, and how?
The way I see it now:
1st girl: if you were in a hurry, I would try to keep the interaction just a bit more, maybe asking what does a girl from Y doing around here apart from reading boring novels. Then focus on qualifying her on something she says, that can help a number close make sense. After that finding out how long she is staying, and saying you actually have to run but you love something about her and propose you continue some other time. Then go for a number close.

6th girl: Instead of the question about meeting guys the beach I would probably make a teasing comment and her answer lying at the beach. Maybe something playfully absurd, like: so you came all the way from your country here just to lie in this one beach… She didn’t seem very receptive in general though, so not sure if anything would work. Sometimes in these situations I may ask for a boyfriend just to not stay and try to flirt for no reason, and even then I may still ask if it is the love of their lives or something similar, and if they seem to be negative about that I may still propose we meet again. That said even when I get numbers like these, they almost never lead anywhere, feels like the girl goes home and starts thinking she is doing something bad.

7th girl: I know the pain of waiting for better circumstances. Sometimes what I do in scenarios like that is acknowledge the situation and just intrude, especially if I know I won’t be around for long and lack the patience. So I may just say excuse me, and then that I understand she seems very busy in her phone but she looks so [complimentary adjective], and then try to check the vibe. I won’t force a discussion if she goes back to talking, but I’ve had scenarios where they do stop to talk to me.

9th girl: Yeah I would have stayed more there. Maybe just being chill, surely not very over the top but with positive energy, to bring her mood up, I feel that this one had potential to engage for longer and if you are a cool guy, to do more. Maybe just get to understand her and add an inspiring note before getting to know her. For example asking if it’s a matter of the heart or money, then saying something funny regarding her response, and trying to get to know her a bit if she seems to be laughing.

Generally I’d say, I go for the close if she has talked to me at least for a bit, or seems pretty excited right away. I wouldn’t do it with all those that were moving away and not engaging. And for the how if you talk for a bit and you find something you like about her or you feel a vibe, you just propose to meet again.

And for the tenth one, I was in a similar scenario last week. Young hot girl goes and sits with her back on me in the train, and on the other side there was this chad looking young guy lying with his legs on the seats in front of him. And I had this thought for a bit, that she probably just hopes he would talk to her, but at some point when I got up to got to the restaurant I just approached, she wasn’t interested but felt way more like a man going after what he wants. No matter how they respond to the approach, they can’t help but respect it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Just one approach today. I felt I was pretty smooth. Opened indirect, with a comment how beautiful the sea looks today. Then asked her if she's from here, she said no. I asked where she's from. We chatted a bit about her country of origin, and how we both like the sea and especially when there are big waves. I told her I like that, and I'm the same.

I asked her how long she's staying, she said she's leaving tomorrow. (How come I get this all the time? Are they really all leaving tomorrow?)

I asked her her plans for tonight, and she said she has some girlfriends here and they're going to eat together. I said that's a pity, for once I meet a nice girl who likes big waves... she laughed at that, but said she had to go. It did seem sincere because she looked like she was gathering together her stuff before I approached her.

I didn't really feel much AA today. It was more like deciding, do I want this girl or not? Once I decided I just walked over and chatted her up without much second thought. She seemed shy initially, but warmed up quickly and once we got chatting, she was friendly and told me stuff of her own accord. (Not one-word answers like the girl yesterday.) Pity she had to leave so soon.

If I'd created some more attraction perhaps she'd have made time... hopefully I can learn this with iteration. Pushing for a close under these circumstances didn't seem to make sense. Though I could have asked her if she's coming back or leaving for good. Will try that next time.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Good streak of approaches lately my man!

A QUESTION for those of you getting numbers and dates: How do you do it? Do you ask the girl for the number no matter what? Which of these girls would you have attempted to #close, and how?

I second @AspiringStoic on just going for it anyway and training those muscles. I often think about the many ways we reject ourselves - not going for the number is one of them. Its all a matter of training, of exposing urself to potentially awkward situations.

I typically ask for it after seeding a date - eg. hey btw ure cool, we should grab drinks sometime. Any answer other than a YES sure, lets do it, take my number and text me, is enough for me to screen her out on the spot.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Just one approach today, it was a good one but she had a boyfriend.

I read Chase's latest article in the morning and decided to try it out. I walked around for a while trying to do the eye contact thing. But seriously, in this city almost no one will make eye contact. At least not in the center where I was. Anyway, no big deal. Decided to try and find a girl for a compliment opener instead.

Saw one hot girl sitting by herself, paused for a while deliberating whether to approach, but next time I checked she was joined by a guy.

Walked around some more and saw a cool looking girl, she didn't seem to be in a rush. Posted myself nearby and she actually came over to check out a store window next to me. I saw a tattoo I liked on her arm so I told her "I like your tattoo!" in the local language. She said "Thanks!" in English so I said "Are you from... you're not from here, right?" and she told me where she was from. She was quite receptive and also asked me some questions back. She told me she was travelling with her partner though, and he's from here. So... taken.

Anyway, we chatted for a minute or two and she even gave me a compliment back. Nice interaction and a cute girl! Too bad she wasn't available.

I've decided to just have fun with approaching instead of making it a grind. Enjoy myself, expect nothing, appreciate everything.

I had things to do afterwards, went to the beach later, but no hot girls except in 2 sets or with guys so I didn't get any more approaches in.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
3 approaches yesterday, 7 today if you count them all.


Girl lying next to me on the beach, she went to the water but didn't go in. When she came back I commented "Too cold huh?" She said "Too many waves" I replied "You don't like the waves? I love it when the sea is rough!" - no reply. She was my type physically, but I wasn't really feeling it with her so I didn't pursue it further. Or maybe I just wasn't warmed up.

Girl I saw from behind. I liked her tshirt. She noticed me checking her out and turned around. I told her I like your shirt, what does it say? She took her hair away so I could read it. Her face wasn't at all pretty though, also had huge duck lips so I just said "Cool, looks great" and left.

Girls standing, taking pictures. I complimented her on her dress, she said thanks. I asked her if she's from here, she said no. So I asked her where she was from, she replied in one word. I said something in her language, she just gave me a quick polite smile and looked back down at her phone. Clearly not interested, also looked very young, if I had to guess I'd say 20 at most.


2F set walking by, I could see the nipples through their bikinis so I figured the water was cold. I asked them "Is it very cold?" - got ignored. Counting it as a warmup.

I was standing with my feet in the water, about to jump in. It was actually exceptionally cold today. A girl came walking towards me, so I waited a bit and asked her when she was nearby "Should I jump in?" She didn't reply at first, but turned around to see if I was addressing someone else. There was no one behind her though. I asked again. She said "Yes, of course!" but kept walking briskly. So in I went! Cold, but awesome :)

3F set, by the water, talking about how cold it is. I walked towards them and said: "The water is so cold, you could go ice skating on it!" I thought that was a hilarious joke, but they didn't appreciate it. I think one of them said "yes" in a bored tone and that was it. This one stung a bit because it was in full view of all the other people sitting on the beach. To hell with the boring humorless girls... just kidding. I guess they just didn't want to be approached.

A girl walking up to the shower. I told her the showers are switched off. She asked me all of them? I said yes, but pointed out a public restroom where she might get lucky. She thanked me and I suppose i could have chatted with her more, but she wasn't really my type and she was also joined by a fat friend so I left it at that.

Cute girl sitting by herself, looking out at the sea. Walked up to her and asked if she's from here. Got a blank stare. She had earphones in and didn't take them out. I asked in English, "Are you from here?" She said "No." I asked, "Where are you from?" She just made a dismissive hand gesture and said, "Far away." I laughed and said, "Okay... enjoy your evening!" and walked off, grinning.

Blonde girl taking a picture in my direction. I waved at her, then realized it was probably a selfie so told her "Oh it's a selfie! I thought you wre taking pictures of me." She said "No, no, sorry!" I walked on a bit, then stopped and asked her where she is from. This one was quite nice. We chatted a bit, she's on holiday. Shook hands, introduced ourselves. She said she's "leaving tomorrow". I asked her what her plans are for tonight, she said she's with some friends over there (pointing). I said "Just hanging out on the beach huh? Actually, that's the best place to be." I talked a bit how the sea is always so relaxing, how today it is completely calm, and yesterday it was rough. And how it is always beautiful. After a while I said "So you're flying back to your city tomorrow?" She made a bit of a long-ish pause, then said, yes yes. I wonder if she just made that up... I'm getting the comment "I'm leaving tomorrow" so often, I'm not sure if it can be a coincidence. Maybe some kind of soft rejection.

Anyhow, this girl was the friendliest of the day. But since she had plans with her friends it didn't make sense to stay there much longer, so after a while I said "Enjoy your last night" and walked on.

It was getting dark, I was walking back toward my bike and came across a girl sitting by herself. I stopped to admire the sunset colors and saw her looking in my general direction quite a bit. I hesitated a while because I couldn't really see her face, it was too dark already. But then I just walked over and asked her where she's from. Turns out she's from my very region. I crouched next to her for a minute or two to chat. She wasn't very talkative though, she wouldn't tell me which village she was from and she looked away in the pauses of conversation. I got the sense that she wasn't comfortable, so after finding out what she's doing here and how long she's here for I said "Ok nice to meet you" and got up, then I realized I hand't introduce myself so I said "I'm Gameboy by the way". Shook hands, she told me her name, and I said "Okay see you around" and left.


I'm content with what I did today, despite the lack of results. Onwards and upwards.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
I took one day off, then yesterday I did I think 6 approaches, and today 3. Some got rejected, others were better received, but I didn't get any hooks or situations where I felt it would make sense to suggest a meet or ask for a number. So I don't think I'll even list them all here, instead I'll only mention the most notable ones.

The boldest one I did was yesterday morning. I was walking, with a coffee cup in hand, in the busiest pedrestrian streets of the city center, when I spotted a very attractive girl heading towards me. She was very much my type physically, petite with a firm body, curvy but without being fat in any way. Dressed in tight revelaing clothing. She was snaking her way through all the people, and I had a hard time following her. I couldn't run with the coffee cup in hand, and she was walking quite fast making her way through the crowds of NPCs (ha).

I tried to overtake her to open over my shoulder, when at one point it seemed like she was about to pop into a store. So I opened "Excuse me, quick question" but she had already turned away again, and I ended up approaching from behind. Big no-no. I realized my mistake and said "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" walking besides her at the same pace. All I got was a quick side eye. I saw she had earphones in also. The girl ignored me, and kept walking, I did a hail Mary saying "I thought you look really pretty!", but I don't know if she heard me.

Event though I got ignored, I felt much better after this approach. I was riding the high all day, and later I did 5 approaches on the beach. I decided to go indirect there, and tried a new opener that I came up with. Basically I'm asking the chick "Aren't you going to swim in the sea?" This got me mostly good reactions, and I found it super easy to overcome AA with this one since it's quite playful. It didn't get me any hooks however, mainly because when I felt the girl was being evasive, I thought okay I'll just find another one that seems more into me. And some of the girls, once I was talking to them, I realized I wasn't all that attracted to so I just bantered with them for a bit and then left.

After the 5th beach approach I met some friends, and stayed with them to chat and catch up. They did cockblock me a bit because there was a blonde girl lying nearby that I had intended to open eventually, but I wanted to go for a swim first. When I came out of the water I I saw some friends sittinng nearby, and I chatted with them for a while. Blonde girl left in the meantime. She did have a nice body and seemed open to be approached, but I hesitated when I first saw her because I was worried she might have seen me talking to the last girl...

I didn't come across any other single girls until later when it was already dark.

Riding the bike, I saw a girl on a bench sitting by herself. I stopped in her field of view, pretty close, but there was another bench with a couple on it in between. The single girl was looking at me, but I chickened out of approaching because I was remembering the girl I approached a few days ago after dark (#10 in the previous post). That one also I thought was looking at me, but once we talked she seemed super uncomfortable and evasive.

Of course this was a different girl and she probably would have reacted differently, but AA got the better of me. I really should have talked to her.

So that was yesterday. Today my mood wasn't all that great, and it got reflected in my approaches. The first one was quite well received, but it was a 2-set and on top of that they looked quite young, so I really only did it as a warmup. Right after arriving on the beach I saw two girls in bikinis, and wet, so I asked them "Is the water very cold?" and they said no, it's fine. I said "All right I'll go in then!". After parking my bike I reopened, cold reading where they were from. I was wrong, but the prettier one of the two told me country and city, I said a few words in their language and got a good reaction, but I didn't take it any further.

I opened two more girls with the "Aren't you going to swim" opener, but only got very tight-lipped and evasive respones today. I'm getting the impression that the girls I approach reflect my own mood back to me, it almost seems like they read me better than myself.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Im proud of u my guy, this is steady progress ure making!

The girl ignored me, and kept walking, I did a hail Mary saying "I thought you look really pretty!", but I don't know if she heard me.

Way to go.

Was it uncalibrated? Maybe, but who cares? U created ur own reality right there and then. U can still refine it for next time. And as u also mentioned, this gave u the right energy to do a bunch of approaches later.

I asked them "Is the water very cold?" and they said no, it's fine. I said "All right I'll go in then!". After parking my bike I reopened, cold reading where they were from. I was wrong, but the prettier one of the two told me country and city, I said a few words in their language and got a good reaction, but I didn't take it any further.

Very good that u reopened. Their first reaction seemed tolerant, but u were able to go beyond it and get a good reaction. Something i should learn to do more myself.

I'm getting the impression that the girls I approach reflect my own mood back to me, it almost seems like they read me better than myself.

Im more and more convinced about this as well. I recall Todd V mentioning "believing in the product" as one of the keys to success - ie. ure the product, and u truly believe that every girl should have u.


Good milestones lately. Excited to see u progressing further!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Yesterday: 4 openers, no hooks.

First one was a compliment opener, got ignored. To be fair the girl was about to cross a busy street and I couldnt get in front of her without being run over, so I opened half from behind.

Then I did 3 indirect opens on the beach, with my new go-to opener "Aren't you going to go swimming?" This time I only got quick polite responses, but none of the girls engaged when I followed up. The last girl was actually the cutest, a young girl in a tank top and bikini bottom. I stopped in front of her and said my line. She just looked up at me for a second, then back down at her phone without a word.

It's funny how this line seemed to get really good reactions the first day I tried it out, and once I use it as default the reactions get more indifferent. Maybe it would be better to switch openers frequently... but it's also more mentally taxing.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Yesterday 2, today 2.


The first one yesterday was walking along the shore, wearing a Metallica t-shirt. As she walked by I said "Nice shirt!" but got no reaction. I said "Hey you!" but she still didn't seem to hear. She had earplugs in so possibly she was blasting Metallica at 10. (If she even knew the band... I have a feeling every baby today has a Metallica diaper.)

The other one was a fat-ish girl who I saw standing by the seaside for a long time, then she went back without going in. I asked her "Aren't you going in?", she smiled but just gestured as if she didn't understand. I said "very cold" but didn't bother to try in English since she wasn't that hot, I just talked to her for fun.


Today as I arrived on the beach, I opened a 2-set of cute dark haired girls who just seemed to be leaving. I asked "How's the water?" and the reply -- after a short pause -- was "No thanks" lol. I said "Cold?" after them but they wouldn't turn back.

After a swim I was drying in the sun and saw another 2F set nearby. There were lots of girls around but most a bit fat, or very fat. But these 2 were quite attractive, dark skinned, slim, with waist long hair both. One of them was wearing dark sunglasses.

As I got up to leave, I walked over to them and asked them "Excuse me, are you guys from Peru?" The one without sunglasses looked me up and down and said "Yes". I had to laugh because I got it right, and said "I knew it!" (pause) "You look like a friend I have who's Peruvian", the girl smiled but it felt just polite. Anyway felt they weren't too keen on chatting with me so I left.


2 per day doesn't cut it. It's barely enough to get warmed up. Tomorrow I'm aiming for at least four. It doesn't make sense to have high standards before I've talked to at least 4 girls!

Also I need to remember to cycle openers, and not eject too soon.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Didn't meet my target of 4... yesterday I did 0, my mood wasn't great and also I really didn't see any approachable girls all day. Today was better, did 3, attempted one soft close but got bf excuse.

Here's how today went:

#1 Girl in supermarket, situational. I commented on her backpack, because it had the name of a city near my home town on it. I actually opened from behind, without seeing her face. I read the name of the city out loud, and she turned around. I told her where I'm from, and she goes "aaaaah" excitedly.

I realized she was a cutie, with a little nose piercing. I then asked her if she lives here or is on holiday, but there seemed to be a language barrier. She just said "travel". I don't recall if I disengaged first or she did, but she somehow disappeared.

I was hoping to see her again and maybe reopen since the line at the cashier was quite long, but no such luck.

#2 I was riding the bike when I saw a hot girl with tall black boots sitting on a bench. Stopped the bike, got off and without even thinking I walked over and said "I like your style!"
HB: "Thanks" - looks down at her phone again (she would look down at her phone eacht time, and only look at me briefly when she answered me)
Me: "Are you from around here?"
HB: "No, from Venezuela"
Me: "Cool, so what are you doing here?"
HB: "Working"
Me: "Working eh? Hmm... I think we've talked before didn't we?" (I later realized that I approached her months ago, but fumbled the close)
HB: "Yes, I think at the beach"
Me: "At the beach? I don't remember... Anyway, I'm Gameboy" (shake hands)
HB: "Nice to meet you!"
ME: "What's your name?"
Me: "ahh yes I remember now, I think we talked before... so do you live around here?"
HB: "Yeah I live here" (looks down again at the phone)

I figure she isn't interested but can't hurt to try anyway.

Me: "Want to go for a coffee with me one of these days?"
HB: (looks slightly shocked, or at least surprised) "I can't... I have a boyfriend"
Me: "Oh right, no worries. Nice to meet you!"

And I took off. Felt pretty good to have asked her out instead of just leaving. Also, I didn't even have to think about opening, it was almost automatic. I almost couldn't not do it, lol. I wasn't nervous in set either, and the girl seemed to be cool but not interested.

I could have been much flirtier, teased her about the high boots for example since the weather was super hot... if that's what she wears to work then... I want to know where!

2 set of girls, lying on the beach. I'm walking by. One of them is dark haired and I find her very attractive. I asked her if she's been swimming, she takes a second to react, then goes "no, no, it's too cold." I teased her a bit "Too cold? haha... It's super nice! I recommend it" but then kept walking.

I guess I auto rejected myself here because it was a 2F set. Her reaction was actually good. But my intention was only to do a quick warmup, since several hours had passed since the previous approach. I didn't really anticipate chatting up a girl in a 2 set. Though I think it happens all the time right? I could definitely have talked to her more.

I think I saw this girl again later as part of an even bigger group, but I'm not sure. She was really a hottie. But I didn't know how to reopen... "Aren't you the girl that I asked before if she'd been swimming?"... doesn't really do it lol.

Other girls
I could have opened more girls today. There were several okay looking ones sitting by themselves on the beach. But I didn't really feel compelled to talk to any of them. None of them I found super hot, and I dind't see any that seemed like they were eager to be approached either.

I remember one girl in particular who around sunset, was walking around by herself. She wasn't the hottest, with some acne in her face, but she did seem lonely and she was wandering around in my proximity. I really should have opened I guess.

I've always had this problem thing with being quite picky. Even back in my twenties, when I went clubbing, I remember being single and having my friends pointing out girls occasinally and going "Why don't you talk to this one?" and I'd be like "Nah, not my type..."

Should I be less picky and lower my standards? I'm kind of anxious about it because I don't want to catch feelings and fall into a relationship with the "wrong" girl, which is basically what happened to me with my last girlfriend. But I guess that's a bs excuse, and maybe even a limiting belief...

It is risky though, since I can catch feelings quite fast...
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
And I took off. Felt pretty good to have asked her out instead of just leaving. Also, I didn't even have to think about opening, it was almost automatic. I almost couldn't not do it, lol. I wasn't nervous in set either, and the girl seemed to be cool but not interested.

I could have been much flirtier, teased her about the high boots for example since the weather was super hot... if that's what she wears to work then... I want to know where!
This one was pretty nice! I don’t think you could do much for this disinterest, you could have teased more probably, but I don’t expect it would change much in this one, maybe you could have a more friendly conversation and have her let you go with a smile. It’s a good practice in general though.

I guess I auto rejected myself here because it was a 2F set. Her reaction was actually good. But my intention was only to do a quick warmup, since several hours had passed since the previous approach. I didn't really anticipate chatting up a girl in a 2 set. Though I think it happens all the time right? I could definitely have talked to her more.
Yeah this happens to me as well, sometimes I want to warm up a bit so I do simple compliments without the intention for more and then the girl ends up receptive, I leave, and start thinking how I could have missed that.

I guess we can’t be super on all the time, just be aware if she is receptive to simply stay and say something more.

I think I saw this girl again later as part of an even bigger group, but I'm not sure. She was really a hottie. But I didn't know how to reopen... "Aren't you the girl that I asked before if she'd been swimming?"... doesn't really do it lol.
“Hey, how are you doing? Did you jump in or pussied out?”
I could have opened more girls today. There were several okay looking ones sitting by themselves on the beach. But I didn't really feel compelled to talk to any of them. None of them I found super hot, and I dind't see any that seemed like they were eager to be approached either.
I understand what you say, I am also way less motivated to approach girls that are just kinda cute, but I don’t like that much. One thing I have in mind is to at least do it if they seem easy. The very hot girl I would approach no matter what, but I wouldn’t go to such lengths for all girls. It would also be incongruent, but if it’s a fairly easy open, I’ll do it and see how it goes.

Can’t really say about catching feelings, I do have some worries about that, but haven’t experienced such a long interaction that would lead there yet.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Good to hear from you @ChrisXKiss! How's it been going for you lately?

Can’t really say about catching feelings, I do have some worries about that, but haven’t experienced such a long interaction that would lead there yet.
Yeah it doesn't happen until you've slept with a girl several times at least. It's not a bad thign per se either, except if it's a girl that you weren't really planning to keep around long term, then it can become a problem.

But maybe I shouldn't really worry about that too much until I actually get a girl in bed... If she doesn't do it for me physically then we probably won't get that far anyway...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
Good to hear from you @ChrisXKiss! How's it been going for you lately?
Ups and downs, will make a post in my journal later.

But maybe I shouldn't really worry about that too much until I actually get a girl in bed... If she doesn't do it for me physically then we probably won't get that far anyway...
Yeah I guess the most difficult situation would be when you like her quite a bit but not that much. Then it gets trickier, and you need to have abundance.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Fuck me. Today I didn't see any really hot girls all day, and I didn't feel like approaching the normal looking ones. There was one in particular sitting on the beach and looking like she'd like to be approached, but she was a bit on the chubby side so I didn't talk to her.

Then around sunset, when I was already on my way home I finally saw a real hottie... and I couldn't approach. She was walking fast, so it wasn't as easy as with a sitting girl. Also I wasn't warmed up, so my AA got the better of me again.

Here I was so proud of having approached that hot Venezuelan yesterday practically on autopilot, but today it didn't work out that way.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
These last few days, I've been approaching 1-3 girls each day. No hooks, so nothing super exciting for now. I'm going to share two here that I found noteworthy.


Yesterday I was shopping groceries and focussed a lot on my posture. I concentrated on holding my head up high and keeping my shoulders back, which automatically gave me a more dominant vibe.

When checking out, there was this tall blonde girl dressed all in white before me in line. At first I wasn't particularly interested in her, while I was paying I just turned my back to the cashier and looked around the shop, still head held up high. She checked out some items on the other side of me, and I thought she looked like a nurse. So I decided to just ask her, "Are you a nurse?" Her reply was quite excited and bubbly. She said "I'm Swedish!" Turns out she had misunderstood me and thought I was asking her if she was from Norway. We chatted a bit and I thought it was a pretty good reaction from a girl that was significantly taller than me, and quite beautiful.

It may have been a coincidence, but I think my posture played a role in the interaction. Have to give it more attention.

In the end she said "bye" and left while I was paying for my stuff, but it was a fun interaction. Even the (female) cashier was smiling.


Lying on the beach I saw this girl looking at me. I hadn't paid her much attention before, there were one or two others that I thought were hotter but since this one was looking at me, I checked her out and she seemed good enough looking. So after going for a swim, I walked over to her and asked her "Did you go swimming?" Turns out she was very tight lipped and only gave me one word answers. I asked her one question after another, I couldn't really come up with anything better in the moment even though I know question bombing is not a great idea.

The girl was reading a book, so eventually I asked her "What are you reading?" - She talked really softly so I had to ask several times. I told her to show me, and she showed me the cover. Turns out it was a bible lol. I asked her if she's a Christian and she said yes. I lost all interest after finding out she was reading a bible on the beach, so I told her to enjoy her read and left. (Not that she seemed at all interested, either.)

Several things to learn from this one: I acted on what I thought was an IOI, but apparently it wasn't after all. Also, since she gave me just one-word answers (and with a very soft voice at that), I defaulted to boring questions mode. And third, this girl was sitting in full view of everyone else on the beach. I didn't care really, but the downside of that was that after talking to this girl, I felt reluctant to approach any of the other girls in the vicinity. So maybe I should have gone after a hotter girl in the first place.

There was one in particular that I had my eye on, but she left shortly after I approached bible girl. I didn't want to make 2 approaches in such short order, in full view of everyone else.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
About 5 approaches today, and 2 hooks.

First of all I was in a better mood today than the previous days, which certainly helped.

The first hook was with a not very attractive girl, but she happened to be near me when I spotted a cool sailing ship in the sea and commented to her about it. She was quite friendly and I found out she's a Ukranian living in New York who's visiting here. She even reopened me after we had already wished each other a nice day and came back to chat some more. She was quite overweight though so I left it at a friendly chat, and eventually she went on her way.

Second hook was a cute girl sitting and drawing, I had seen her before but didn't approach even though she looked at me and it felt like an IOI. Today I just walked over and said Hi, then asked her if she was painting the scenery. She seemed nice, so I introduced myself, we shook hands, and I sat next to her for a little while. I found out she lives here and comes to the beach a lot to relax, same as myself. I made the mistake of trying to remember all the pickup tech that I'm reading about here, trying to figure out how to get compliance... in the end I asked her about a beverage she had with her and told her she should invite me to try it, she said "Okay one day we'll have one." I thought that was good enough, and since she lives here and comes to the beach a lot I figured I'll see her again anyway sooner or later. So I told her "I'll see you around here for sure" and shook her hand again to say goodbye.

Guess I autorejected myself again. Maybe I shouldn't try so hard to remember routines, and just be my normal chatty self instead. I'm sure some tease or other would have come up naturally. Anyway I'm not totally sure how much I want this girl yet, and I have a feeling I'll run into her more often.
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