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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
had some inner game issues that kept me from approaching in some cases.
I felt like a complete bum today, walking around begging for attention from the girls
Maybe I'm afraid of success? I remember thinking, what if she wants to be my girlfriend? I mean I liked her looks, but not *that* much...
I really need some kind of win.

Man, this was totally my mindset until just a few months ago. It never really left me, but it got way better. Im not sure you can ever fully get rid of it, theres gonna be ups and downs.

I still have many things to fix in my inner game/tech, but here some things that worked for me (maybe you tried them out already):
- feeling like a tourist anywhere i go, a passer-by enjoying life and having a great time; today im here, tomorrow im at another exciting location
- im out there doing my own thing (e.g. sometimes i walk around slowly, writing stuff on my phone or reading a bit, or just exploring for its own sake); if a girl then enters my field of view, good for her, cause im gonna open; this way im not really in a rush or "hunting" for girls -- they are sorta coming into my life instead
- not having a real agenda with the girls i meet; being present in the moment as if its the last one we share; feeling a bit sad at the thought that we might lose each other forever once this is over; wanting to leave her with a good memory
- not sticking to one or two locations only
- being aware that im a cool guy with a lot to offer (like you said already) and that many girls and people in general lead a very boring life
- fully owning this daygame thing like a part of my body (this was the hardest to accomplish)
- doing more exercise, building a bit of muscle and getting leaner
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
@Enki: Glad I'm not alone with these feelings! I guess they come and go. Maybe it's also the season. There's just not very many hot chicks out and about. This will completely change in spring/summer, when it gets hotter and the ladies run around in thight jeans shorts, transparent tops, and what not. I guess my sex drive will improve automatically as a result, and I might just become unstoppable. Or at least, way better than I am doing right now!

As for travelling, I would love to, but I currently have some health issues that make it complicated. This will sort itself out with time hopefully.

Exercise is always good obviously, I am already quite lean but some more muscle would probably do me good. I'm doing regular workouts though, so it's a work in progress.

Feeling like a tourist: Yeah, you're spot on! In November/December, I had this feeling very much. Even though I've lived in my city for many years, I somehow manged to feel like I was all new here again. This wore off a bit during and after Christmas, no doubt due to the weather also. I will see if I can get that feeling back somehow, maybe through meditation and affirmations. Shouldn't be too hard!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: No action today

Walked around on my usual (favorite) beach, but the only single women I saw were older and/or unattractive. Then I heeded Enki's advice and took a bus to different beach, at the other end of town. However, there wasn't much gaming potential there either. It's a less touristy area. There were some couples, people working out/playing volleyball, families, and people walking their dogs. But I didn't see any girls that I wanted to open.

Well, weather wasn't great today so that was probably a big reason.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Couple of botched openers, then met a cute Korean traveller and went caveman on her lol

Sooo today finally some nice action! At first it was really hard, I walked around and saw several single girls (a few of whom I had seen before) but couldn't open. Also saw "Onlyfans girl" from the day before yesterday, but today she was with a woman that was probably her mother. I only saw her from a distance, but damn she had a fine body. She was wearing a black bikini and like I said before had tats all over the place. I'm not a huge fan of tats, but hers looked allright.

Once she got dressed though it was a completely different picture. Long jeans skirt, not attractive at all. Anyway she was with her mother, I still went over to stand a bit closer to her but as they both left together I didn't open.

I did open 2 girls today who had been bathing in the very cold sea. The first one really looked a bit too young for me. So I wasn't hitting on her, just asking how the water was and complimenting her for her courage. She just smiled but didn't say anything, probably too shy to talk to a stranger.

Later came across another girl who had been swimming, she wasn't quite as young but wasn't my type either. Asked her more or less the same thing, and she was like "Yeah it was nice!" I said "Oh I wish I could... I'm only going in with my feet" and she was like "Yeah" and we both laughed :) Then I continued on my way because she was just getting dressed and anyway I didn't like her enough to hit on her.

Watched the sunset a bit, did some stuff on my phone, and then noticed a pretty hot and slim blondie sitting not too far behind me. That girl had actually caught my eye before. I'd seen her sitting on a box somewhere, so I moved myself close to her and then slowly walked by in front of her while pretending to be reading sommething on my phone. When I looked at her though she gave me some bitchy vibes so I didn't open.

And now she was sitting there next to me again... coincidence? When in doubt, assume she's attracted... so I walked over. Here's how that went:

Me - "Hello!" (yeaaahhh I knowwww... hahahahha) - no reaction. She just sat there looking at her phone, I couldn't even see her eyes as she was wearing a cap and she wouldn't even look up.
Me - "Are you German?" (attempt at cold read, still lame I guess) - nothing
Me - "Excuse me?" - nothing
Me - "Don't wanna talk?" - no reaction, still didn't even look up
Me - "Okay" and I walked on lol

But hey at least I tried! Should have come up with a better opener obviously. Nevertheless I was proud that I at least tried to open a girl I thought was hot.

Walked back along the beach, and didn't see any other hot girls until I came across this Korean chick. She wasn't quite as hot as the blondie girl, but still very cute. Long black hair, petite slim body, and a cute face. Doesn't take much more to turn me on. This time I also came up with a cooler opener.

Turns out she was actually leaving this very evening though. She told me pretty early in the interaction that her bus was leaving in an hour. With that time constraint, I decided there was no way I was pulling her home so I went for the kiss there and then. I did go much faster than I usually would, because I was aware she'd be leaving any minute. And while she did resist the kiss, she seemed to be enjoying my attention nonetheless. She gave me a really cute and prolonged goodbye hug instead. And hell, it felt GOOD to go caveman on a girl I just met (in a respectful way of course). It's been a while since the last time I did that!!

Detailled field report incoming, stay tuned... (will link it here when I have it typed up, but need to grab some food first)

UPDATE: Here you go: FR Cute Korean traveller chick
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Didn't approach today.

The hottest girl I saw all day was one that I was lying right next to on the beach (because I saw her when I arrived, and decided to plant myself close by). She was very slim, brunette with long hair, wearing jeans shorts over a bikini. Later she took off the shorts and replaced them with just a transparent cloth... even hotter :)

She was in a 2F1M set, which was the main reason I wasn't considering approaching her. Also they were smoking weed, which is cool with me but nowadays I just consider it juvenile behaviour haha. Getting old I guess...

At first I thought the 3-set were Spanish or Italian, by their looks. However, later I noticed they were speaking English with a British accent.

I've never opened a set with a guy in it. He might have been gay though, because he was with 2 hot girls and he didn't seem to be with either of them as far as I could see.

In hindsight I should have talked to them even if just in a friendly "hey guys where are you from?" way. At the time I was expecting I'd chat up a single girl later in the day/evening, but didn't come across any that I liked enough today.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Weather was gloomy today, and I found no HBs on the beach or elsewhere, except one who's sort of an old crush. Let's call her HBBlueEyes, because she has the most striking blue eyes together with an otherwise dark complexion.

This is a girl who used to work in a grocery shop where I go often. We became friendly, and at one point she told me she had broken up with her ex bf. She was giving strong signs of interest for a while. However, at that time I was still with my last girlfriend, so I did nothing.

After I broke up with my ex, she wasn't working at the shop any more. But I did run into her by chance a few times. She still seemed interested, but I was in a dark place coming out of a 6 year relationship, so I still didn't make anything happen. Until I met her one day at the beach, in a bikini... she looked smoking hot that day, in fact I got a bit turned on just talking to her on the beach haha. I don't think this ever happened to me with other girls. I got a bit warmer with her, I remember touching a tattoo she had. She seemed open to meeting up, so I asked her for her number.

However, when I texted her to meet she barely replied. One day I saw her with another guy, so I assumed that she was with him now. I did text her a few months later to compliment her on a status photo, but got no reply. So I left it at that.

Well, today I saw a dark haired girl wearing baggy clothes on the beach, and decided to go approach. When I saw her face I realized it was her! I went up to her smiling and said, "Heyyy, long time no see!" She gave me a hug and two kisses on the cheeks, but she was actually on the phone. I asked her "What's up, are you talking?" and she was like "Yeah, it's my sister, haven't spoken to her in ages." It looked like she wanted to continue talking on the phone, so I told her "Happy to see you!" and she said "me too".

I sat down nearby to give her a chance to finish her convo or at least look at me, but she just wandered off into the distance.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Rainy and cloudy day today. I went for a beautiful walk near the crashing waves, but girls-wise, it was an error 404 - HBs not found.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: One supermarket mini-opener, later chickened out on the beach

The last couple of days were uneventful, with bad weather, and I didn't see any HBs. Today it got better, and I did see a few cute girls that I liked.


The only real opener I did today was more of a mini-opener. Saw a cute girl in the supermarket. She was wearing these tight shiny fake-leather pants, and a tight top that showed off a perfect body. Face was okay too. However I couldn't figure out how to approach, I remembered the line "You seem to put a lot of thought into that decision" but I didn't really see her deliberating anything, just walking around grabbing stuff.

When she went to the checkout I saw my chance, and went to pay right after her. Turns out she forgot to weigh some fruit, so she had to go back and weigh it. The lady at the checkout let me go ahead. When I was done paying, she arrived with her bananas, but she had done something wrong so now the cashier lady went to weigh the fruit for her. I saw my chance and said to her "It's complicated" - she was like "Huh?" - I said "Complicated with the bananas!" and she answered something that I didn't understand. Damn language barrier. The lady came back, and the girl said "Bye" to me which suggested to me that she was kinda appreciating being opened. I said bye too, and left.

So I probably should have come up with something better, but in the moment that was the best I could do.

At least I said something! And the reception was actually warmer than I expected. I think there is a lesson to be learned here.


Later on the beach, I saw one or two cute girls but failed to open any of them. The first one was on the phone all the time, I sat nearby her to wait if she'd ever get off the phone but she didn't. Also didn't give me any IOIs while I was close.

Saw another one with a great body and cute face, but turns out she was walking with her family.

When the sun was almost down, I came across a whole row of girls sitting on the shore by themselves, looking at the water (or their phones). This place really is a gold mine when the weather is good. Only one of them was really hot though. I walked by her twice, but she kept looking the other way. She gave me some bitchy vibes tbh so I didn't dare to open.

I guess I should have opened the last one at the very least, if only to get rejected. Maybe also the one on the phone.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Another day with no action. I did see one cute girl when I arrived on the beach, we made eye contact but I didn't approach.

Later saw another one that I found attractive, but she looked very young.

I think I should make a rule: First cute girl i see when walking out of the house, I have to say something to her. Even if it's just "hello". Optionally also an indirect or compliment opener if the situation is good.

And the same rule for the first cute girl I see on the beach.

Hope this gets me in the habit of approaching more, even when not warmed up socially.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Yesterday it was rainy, and I didn't see any interesting girls. Today was another bad day, without any approaches.

I didn't like it at all at the beach today. There was a strong wind blowing, and it annoyed me more than yesterday's rain. My eyes tend to water a lot when I have the wind in my face, and I can't help but squint. Which obviously doesn't make me more attractive.

There were a few chicks today that I wouldn't have minded approaching, but I got the feeling that they went out of their way today to stare the other way as soon as I got close. Maybe they could somehow tell that I was feeling uncomfortable, and my state transferred to them. If that makes sense. I am strongly getting the impression that whatever state you are in while doing day game (or attempting to), transfers to the girls almost magically.

I did see one very attractive girl in the center today, at a bus stop where I was waiting. That was before I went to the beach, and my mood was a little better still.

The girl was tall, slim, with very long hair down below the hips. Wearing a short black skirt and hot little black boots. She had awesome long thin legs, and was wearing a pink top I believe.

I totally should have approached that girl at least. But again, I wasn't warmed up at all. Didn't even say hi. She did seem a bit too elegant for me, as she was wearing a ton of makeup (which was the only thing I disliked about her outfit) and I was dressed rather casually. I'd say she was a HB9 at least, probably a 10 without all the makeup. I'm sorry, but I just can't stand it when girls have too much paint in the face. It invariably makes them look older to me.

But yeah, no real excuse here not to open. Except that we were all waiting at a bus stop and there were loads of people around who would have overheard it if I had approached her. Which does feel awkward.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Another uneventful day. A few Hi's, nothing more.

Today the weather was much nicer, still a bit windy but at least it was sunny. My mood was much better also. Still, didn't get any results. Or even any good openers. I walked around the beach and said Hi to most of the single girls I saw. Maybe 4-5 total. Just to see if I get a good reaction. Most of them were on the phone though, and barely reacted. One of them kind of looked at me out of the corner of her eye, so maybe I could have talked to her a bit more. She was wearing black sunglasses though and also looked very young.

I passed up on one that seemed to be reading an ebook... I think she was quite attractive though. Looked Argentinian, was drinking mate at least. Slim body, hair died blonde. Not sure why I didn't say anything to her. There was a group of girls sitting close by facing my direction, maybe that's why... I still feel initimidated when people are watching.

Man, it's hard to get the momentum going! I hope I'm not boring you guys too much posting all these uneventful days here. That's why I normally put a TLDR on top, so you can skip the post if it doesn't sound interesting.

I still like to post even on days when nothing happened, to 1. Show anyone with the patience to read all this, who might be in a similar situation as me, that it's a grind really and results don't come out of nowhere; 2. To keep myself motivated to continue to approach; 3. I like writing :)
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
your dedication is admirable, but I still believe the way you are approaching your practice is making progress a snail's pace. When I first started day game I was chatting with anyone I could and generally seeing how much conversational momentum I could get going. If the girl was attractive enough to seduce I would pull out the tech. But in general I was always seeing where that line was between seduction charisma.

Also, I would maybe suggest lowering your standards a bit be open to be surprised by girls who are around 6. If you don't like her in the end you can politely eject, but at least you get the reps in and see how far you can take it.

Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
It sounds like you could really benefit from someone showing you this stuff in the real world, have you ever taken a bootcamp or in-field training? Not that I'm offering, I'm not (unless for free and for fun). But I recommend you look that up, sounds like you're stuck and seeing it in action would really help.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
It sounds like you could really benefit from someone showing you this stuff in the real world, have you ever taken a bootcamp or in-field training? Not that I'm offering, I'm not (unless for free and for fun). But I recommend you look that up, sounds like you're stuck and seeing it in action would really help.
No, I haven't. If I'm still stuck in a couple of months, I will consider it. For now, I'm pretty confident that I'll get there on my own. This forum is helping a lot! Without it, I don't think I'd have ever gotten as far as I already have.

These last couple of days, it's true I've been stuck in a rut. I'm not quite sure why. But just reading your comments, @StrayDog and @Karea, is motivating me to push myself further tomorrow!

It really means very much to know that there are people here who want me to succeed. Thank you.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: 3 openers, good receptions, did some small talk

Today was much better. It seems like my AA (if that's what my problem was) has evaporated.


I opened the first girl right as I came out of my house. I liked the phrase on the back of her shirt, so I used that for a compliment opener. Turns out the shirt was her work shirt, which was a bit of a bummer. I thought she just had cool taste :) Anyway, I found out that she works at a cafeteria close to my place, then I said goodbye and went on my way.


On the beach I chatted with two 2-sets. Well, girls in 2-sets, but only one of them talked with me, respectively. The first duo was listening to some music. I saw them smiling as I walked by, so I assumed they were smiling at me and opened them asking where they were from. Had a bit of small talk, they were cool but I wasn't really feeling it. So after a while I told them to enjoy their stay and left.


Later on as I was sitting enjoying the evening sun, I heard two girls sitting down close behind me. After a while I turned around, and one of them was sort of half-smiling at me. She was black, with beautiful long hair, and she also had a little dog with her. I smiled back, but didn't say anything.

After a while she tried to feed the dogs some strawberries, so I told her "Strawberries aren't for dogs!" Turns out I was wrong, her dog actually loved the straberries :) We got chatting a bit and I found out she was from Colombia, and had moved here 2 years ago with her mother. Had a bit more chit chat and found out which her favorite beach of the city was, and why. I didn't really try to run seduction because she was with a friend and I didn't see myself moving the two of them around on the beach.


All in all, a good day. I wasn't really feeling it with any of these girls, but they all seemed receptive and were really friendly. I had the feeling I could have talked to every single one them for much longer, had I wanted to.

Feels good to be getting over the stuck-ness of the last several days.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Just one real approach today. The girl was smoking hot, and it was tough to get over AA. Turns out she wasn't interested, but I'm super proud I did it in the end.


Walking along the beach I came across 2 girls lying there, in jeans shorts and bikini tops like the local girls do. One of them was smoking a cigarette. She put her hand over her eyes to look at me as I walked by (I had the sun in my back). So I smiled at her, and she actually gave me a smile back. Unfortunately I didn't say anything to her at that moment. I wasn't warmed up socially at all, maybe that's why. Or maybe I didn't expect such a cute girl to smile at me...


When I got back to where my stuff was, I decided these 2 girls were the hottest ones I had seen all day, so I decided to grab my things and move over to their location. They were also in a part of the beach that's sunny the longest, and it was almost time for the sun to set.

I put my towel next to them and laid down, at a respectful distance of maybe 10m or so. There weren't many other people around except one or two older couples. When I looked at the girls again, I almost couldn't believe it: One of them had taken her top off, and her friend was taking pics of her!


Both had perfect bodies, tight jeans shorts and awesome asses... and I gotta say, the one posing for pictures had a beautiful back. Some patchwork-style tattoos, but not too many. Age-wise, she may have been around 20. Brunette, hair about shoulder length. Hard to say, because she was grabbing her hair a lot and playing with it for the photos. She would sometimes do a half-turn, so I caught some sideways glimpses of her boobs. They were beyond perfect. Large enough, round, firm, but not so big that they would be hanging down. I just couldn't believe how hot she was! I watched them do the whole photo session, and decided this is my next goal. I want to bed a girl like this. Ideally make her my girlfriend, though the age difference might be too much. I could live with us just being fuckbuddies, though :)

But I definitely want to fuck a girl this hot once more before I die. Or more than once, ideally. I mean I have fucked hot girls before, and had hot girlfriends... but hell... I'm not done yet!!!


Problem was, I couldn't get myself to approach them. Two-sets are tricky, and they were a lot younger than me. Also, it seemed they were locals, not tourists, so extra difficulty...

So I sat and watched. The girls finished taking pictures, then checked them on the phone. They were smoking and giggling a lot. I wondered if they were high, but I didn't smell any weed.


There was also a single girl a bit further down the beach, who I had seen before. When I walked by her she was also smoking a huge cigarette. I don't smoke anymore so that repels me a bit, but it's not a deal breaker. But she also gave me the impression of being a bit neurotic, I can't really put my finger upon the reason.

I could see that single girl from where I was now, and as the sun was setting, she was getting ready to leave. Because I couldn't get myself to approach the 2-set, I decided to walk over to her to see if I my 2nd impression of her would be better, and maybe open her. But just when I started walking, I noticed that the 2-set was also getting dressed. So it was either neurotic single girl, or hot-as-fuck 20 yo. I made a split second executive decision and steered myself to the one I really wanted. You guessed it... the 20yo.


Here's how it went:
ME "Hello!" (I decided to talk to her in English for some reason. Can't really explain why, I guess it seemed easier.)
HB10 "Hi" (in a relaxed way, but smiling)
ME "Where are you from?"
HB10 "Umm... from close to here, XXX"
ME "Oh really? I thought you were on holiday"
HB10 "No no" (checks her phone)
ME "You're so lucky!"
HB10 "Yes" (smiling, but doesn't look up from her phone much)
... pause as she didn't give me much to work with
ME "So, do you come here often?"
HB10 "Yes!"
ME "Haha, me too! It's really nice, I love it"
HB10 smiles at me for a split second, then keeps doing stuff on her phone

Clearly not interested. A minute or two later the girls left, and didn't even look at me to say goodbye even though I was sitting right next to their path. Oh well.


I guess I could have used a better opener. But my mind was kind of blank. I don't think it'd have made much of a difference anyway. The most important thing is to show interest, and to give her a chance to reciprocate.

Or I could have opened her sooner, ideally when I first saw her. That might have given me a chance.

Nevertheless... I'm super proud I got over my AA and finally approached a girl that I felt was way out of my league! This was probably the hottest one ever. Or one of the hottest at least. I remember I said the same about a girl from Venezuela that I opened in the street.... she was also really fine. But the fact that I got a free tittyy show before I was able to approach this one made her even hotter. Didn't exactly make it easier for me though... :)

What impresses me a lot: How easy it all is in the end. Once you actually do it. Once you walk over there and shoot your shot. I mean I probably didn't do a smooth approach at all, and I got shot down, but in the politest and smoothest way possible. She was smiling all the time, so I guess she did enjoy the attention. But she looked at her phone way more than at me, and I got the hint.

I wonder if I have a chance with girls like this? I think I may have. If I have to do this a 100 times before it works out, then so be it. After all, it's fun, and I'm really happy tonight that I tried!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Good job on the approach brother!

It does become easier with time as you start seeing behavioral patterns. I think you totally have a chance with girls like that.

Anyway, I found out that she works at a cafeteria close to my place, then I said goodbye and went on my way.

What about this one? She didnt seem interested?

I wasn't really feeling it with any of these girls

I think i know what you mean since i feel something similar at times, but can you elaborate? What is your experience of "not feeling it"?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Good job on the approach brother!

Thanks man! :)
It does become easier with time as you start seeing behavioral patterns. I think you totally have a chance with girls like that.

I do hope so. Who knows, the next one I talk to might be up for it!

What about this one? She didnt seem interested?

Actually, she did. But I wasn't that interested. Before I opened her I only saw her from behind, and when i talked to her, she did have a nice face but seemed a bit chubby to me.

I think i know what you mean since i feel something similar at times, but can you elaborate? What is your experience of "not feeling it"?

Hmm... that's really hard to say! All I know is that I can be quite picky with girls. When I talk to a girl, either I feel desire or I don't... and if I don't, I just can't be bothered. This is what happened with the first girl yesterday (the one you asked about). The other two were in 2-sets, so much harder to game... And while both were OK looking, they weren't really my type either. Not like the one today for example.
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: Harsh rejection on first approach, killed my confidence for the day

Just yesterday I wrote how easy it all is once you just make your approach. And today I got a lesson that it can also be quite different.

I came across this 3F set on the beach, they weren't particularlt interesting and I wasn't even going to approach, but one of them was smiling at me as I walked by so I took it as an IOI. Turns out it was the opposite.

I opened "Hey where are you guys from?", in English. No answer, they just giggled. I asked if they speak English, and again they just laughed. Then one of them turns around, looks at me angrily and waves me away with her hand while saying something in a language I didnt understand.

I said "What?" then "sorry!" (in an ironical way) and kept walking. At first I tried not to take it too seriously, but the experience actually ruined my confidence for today. I saw several girls sitting by themselves in the evening sun, but couldn't make an approach.

It's probably stupid that I let it affect me, but ngl, it did. Gotta be more resilient next time...
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Karea Ricardus D.

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Oct 9, 2012
Man props tho, for those balls... First set of the day, implied direct on an all girl group...

State can build it's own momentum both ways, both up and down...

I'm guessing the girl that waved you away wasn't the one that had given you the IOI, I'd try focus a bit more attention initially on the friendliest members of the group...

Also, I'd recommend to always stick to good openers, even when you get an IOI, doesn't mean we can let our guard down and say whatever.

Good job in my book let's keep going let's keep going let's keep going...