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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
To be honest, I don't really put much stock into that at this point. I mean I am happy about it, but I am more happy about me being able to ask for the number than getting it. In the sense that if I get comfortable asking, then getting numbers will become routine. But at this point, I don't want to get attached to any of these numbers and then get emotionally invested in them and butthurt if they don't text back or come out on a date etc.

My focus is on acquiring the skillset rather than getting any particular girl at the moment.
Love the mindset. I had a similar aha yesterday upon some akward approaches. I remembered a hack by someone where you realize that there's a NUMBER of things you have to go through. It's not negotiable, in order to become the guy you want to be, you might need to for example get past 40 akward approaches (for example). So the trick is that with each one that happens, you go "Yeah, one down, one step closer!" That way it becomes a celebration.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
I really should have gone for the digits real quick! It wouldn't have made her much later. Next time I'll know better.
Yeah I'd say after you have started opening more and more, which you are doing great, the next point, before even thinking about all the middle steps is closing every chance you get.

I'd say it's even more straightforward in a scenario like the one you had, because there is obviously no time to interact more then and there, so asking for a number to catch up later comes naturally.

I come across situations like these all the time, of course some of the girls are just not interested, but the good thing about going for the close is that you also start to realise how the ones that are interested behave.

Still go for closing all of them though, since nothing bad can come out of it.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Mediocre day today.


It was super hot and humid, so I couldn't do much gaming in the sreets. I tried, came across two girls but then gave up because it was just too hot to be comfortable.

First girl I opened with "Excuse me, quick question" but she blew me off with "No, don't speak" meaning she doesn't speak the language. The girl kept walking so I shrugged and moved along.

The other girl I saw I wanted to open with a compliment, but once I got closer I just couldn't find anything that I particularly liked about her so I aborted. If I'm going to do direct compliments I at least want to be sincere.


Went to the beach to cool off. When I arrived there were two girls coming out of the water, both of them cute if a bit young. I asked one of them "How is the water?" and she answered "It's cold", I started to answer but they kept walking and joined a 1F1M set a bit further up the beach.

A 3F set arrived and positioned themselves right next to me. I found one of the girls smoking hot. Again, they looked like teenagers. But that girl was really awesome. I didn't open beacuse it was a 3set and I felt self-conscious of my age. But at one point, we looked at each other and our eyes met. Her eyes were big and beautiful, of blue color even though she had long dark hair. Her looking at me didn't seem hostile, but I also can't say she was checking me out in an attracted way. I'd say it was a neutral look. Maybe I could have opened her but it would have been tough in front of her friends.

Walked along the beach for quite a while but saw few single girls. There were one or two lone wolves, but not attractive at all.

There was one girl with a hot tight body that I liked. I walked by in front of her and said "Hello." She didn't react, even though she was looking at her phone and I was standing right behind her phone. Her eyes glanced at me for a split second but then looked back at the phone. Also now I could see her face I wasn't that impressed, her lips looked swollen (i.e. botox) which I find a pretty big turnoff. So I didn't persist.


Later I rode the bike to the vicinity of a pop music festival near the beach. The concert going crowd was pretty lame, most women looked my age or older and with tons of unattractive makeup on. But I saw one girl I really liked the style of. I regret not having talked to this one. I saw her from behind first, she had waist long hair dyed dark red. I wanted to compliment her on her hair, so I drove past her, changed lanes and drove up to her. But when I was close there were two large groups of people between me and her. So I turned around, drove back and then drove toward her frontally once more. But this time she was talking into her phone. She glanced at me, pretty sure she noticed me checking her out. So I didn't drive past her a third time so as not to be creepy.


  • Summary of today (Friday): 2 approaches that didn't go anywhere.
  • I think my mood, which wasn't so great due to the weather, may have spilled into my approaches. When I approach the reaction of the girl is very often a reflection of my internal state.
  • I probably need to start opening HBs in groups also. Otherwise I'm going to die of frustration here. It's almost physically painful to see all the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes (cue Rolling Stones music), without being able to talk to them.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
If I'm going to do direct compliments I at least want to be sincere.
This is a trap I used to fall in as well. But we need the experience. I know there are 2 schools of thought on this. But its not a sin to compliment someone even if they don't look all that great to us. 😀

My therapist actually busted me on this. He said its about having an open and friendly energy. You should be able to do it with an old granda or grandpa as well. The compliment need not be sexual.

So I keep that in mind and sometimes just say "you look nice" or "you look good". Its about breaking the internal barrier.

Don't get me wrong, I still bail on opening many times with this excuse. But I catch myself and think well that was you rationalizing.

My therapist said what would happen if you give an insincere compliment? Would they start shouting at you that your compliment is not true? Would the sincerity police turn up to arrest you? 😄

I try to keep that in mind nowadays.

Also look at this guy. He compliments everyone. 😆



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
This is a trap I used to fall in as well. But we need the experience. I know there are 2 schools of thought on this. But its not a sin to compliment someone even if they don't look all that great to us. 😀

My therapist actually busted me on this. He said its about having an open and friendly energy. You should be able to do it with an old granda or grandpa as well. The compliment need not be sexual.

So I keep that in mind and sometimes just say "you look nice" or "you look good". Its about breaking the internal barrier.
Thanks for all your support!

It's not that I'm afraid of the sincerity police :) ... but I don't want to feel like I'm giving out fake compliments. I just don't want to be that kind of guy.

I probably could have found something to compliment her on. Like "You look nice", as in friendly. Something of that kind. But do I really want to start opening girls I'm not finding attractive? I thought she looked good from far away, but once she came closer I thought she was just meh.

I can't see the video for some reason (it says unavailable).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
If I'm going to do direct compliments I at least want to be sincere
I do understand this and it can be an issue for me as well. That said the way I do it is that I find something more general, if I cannot think of anything very specific.

If you have seen her and have a desire to open, she probably ignited something inside you. If you can think of nothing specific, maybe her being cute, sweet, lovely or anything along these lines can be sincere.

Now If it happens that I see a girl up close and don't find her attractive at all then yeah I will abort. But I take care not to do it because I have no idea what to say, even though I like her.

I think my mood, which wasn't so great due to the weather, may have spilled into my approaches. When I approach the reaction of the girl is very often a reflection of my internal state.
This is very true. It's good that you still did it even with that mood though, it builds the habit, and you also never know which interaction will click and for what reason.

I probably need to start opening HBs in groups also. Otherwise I'm going to die of frustration here. It's almost physically painful to see all the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes (cue Rolling Stones music), without being able to talk to them.
Yeah it may not be very easy to open a set in daytime and just have a long interaction there, but there is no reason not to go and talk to a girl you like even if she is with a friend. Sometimes I simply go up to them, excuse myself and instantly say I saw one of them, found her really cute and wanted to talk to her.

Of course you always introduce yourself and pay attention to the friend, that said opening them together without clear intentions from the beginning has never worked from me.

I feel being direct, talking for a bit and asking to see the girl another time can be better, since they are normally out together for a reason. And it feels pretty difficult to try to isolate, pull and complete the whole seduction in front of her friends there during daytime.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
But do I really want to start opening girls I'm not finding attractive?
Yeah about this as far as I have seen there seem to be genuinely two schools of thought.

1. Only talk to (compliment) girls you are attracted to. Anything else is insincere.

2. Warm up and talk to everyone. Enjoy making people and women smile.

For me, I prefer the latter approach. I have complimented even woman in their 50s and 40s and tons of women that I did not find attractive. Its great, it makes me feel good because we had a pleasant 2-3 second exchange. Makes me feel like I am giving out positive energy into the world and takes away any feeling of cold approach is creepy. I literally sometimes think to myself, I have been given the task of spreading cheer, and then go ahead and try to do it.

If a girl I am genuinely attracted to walks by and I have already complimented 3 girls that I did not find attractive, I am WAYYY more likely to open/compliment the attractive girl. However, if she walks by and that is the first girl I would be complimenting, chances are I will freeze up and not do it. Momentum is huge in cold approach.

I have a buddy who does cold sales at a kiosk in the mall. He always says first hour, he opens anyone who walks by even if they are not someone who is likely to buy. Only later after being fully warmed up, does he become more selective with whom to open.

I linked two of the guy's videos. Hopefully you can see it now? If not just type "Troy Hawke Compliments" into Youtube it will pop up. He is my inspiration when it comes to opening haha :D



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Overheard two guys talking in my native language, right behind me in the checkout queue of the supermarket:

"Dude you just gotta be bold with the girls."

So true!

Got the first approach out of the way right after leaving the house, pretty stoked about that. Did a direct compliment, got ignored. I'll post the details tonight.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Saturday: I remember 11 opportunities. I'll just number them for better structure.


Did a compliment opener right after leaving the house. Walked out on the street, and saw a tall girl with a skirt cut so high it almost exposed her buttcheek. She came right towards me and I said to her "Nice skirt!" She looked at me, I think she may have been taller than me. Kept walking without any answer. I think she might not have understood me. In fact before opening I was thinking whether to speak English or local language, decided to go for local.

If she had understood me she'd at least have said thanks. But it doesn't matter, what counts is that I got the first opener out of the way.

2 (fail)

Saw another girl with awesome long, thick hair coming towards me, but she was wearing shades and her body language gave me fuck off vibes. So I didn't open. In hindsight I should have anyway. It's not about succeeding, it's about risking rejection! Gotta be more aware of that fact.


Tourist girl with a large white hat, talking into her phone, coming toward me. I said "I like your hat!" She laughed and said "thank you!" I started to say "I want one of those" but she was already talking into her pone again and kept walking.


Saw a scantily dressed hottie with huge Western boots. They seem to be in fashion this season even though it's 30 degrees plus. I wanted to tease her about how those boots look hot but will also make her hot. Then realized she was part of a 4F group and they were talking amongst themselves, so in the end I just said "nice boots!" in a very loud voice so they'd hear me regardless. She looked at me but didn't react otherwise. She was a real hot one though, small, slim body, hair dyed blonde.

5 (semi fail)

Said "hello" to a pretty girl sitting on the curb. Looked like a waiter or working girl on her cigarette break. She looked up and said "hello" back, but without smiling. I kept walking. In hindsight I think I could have told her "I just thought you were pretty and wanted to say hi"... but I feel it would have been awkward towering over her when she was essentially sitting on the floor...

6 (missed AI)

I went to the beach for a quick bath. While I was drying in the sun, I noticed a topless girl bathing near me. Might be a coincidence but maybe she put herself in my line of sight on purpose. When she left the water I followed her with my eyes to see where she sat.

A bit later I got hungry and left the beach to go for some food and a coffee. When I got up, I could see the girl was sitting by herself so I decided to walk past her. She was eating some fruit and actually turned her head towards me and checked me out through her sunglasses as I walked by. Unfortunately I made up excuses not to approach (she's not cool enough, I'm hungry, it's too hot...)

I really really should have opened that one! She had a good body and was almost certainly a green.


Back at the beach. Girl with similar shirt as mine, sitting on a bar terrace and talking on the phone. I signalled with my hand at our two shirts and said "Look, we're the same!" She gave me a big friendly smile but kept talking on the phone.


Girl with golden sandals walking towards me. She wasn't particularly attractive but I figured if she's wearing golden sandals she must be Eastern European. No one else thinks gold is a good color for shoes lol (my apologies to any Eastern Europeans reading this!)

Since I was genuinely curious, I asked her "Excuse me, where are you from?" She ignored me. Had headphones in but must have blasted the music pretty loud if she couldn't hear me.

9 (tried to get AI, didn't approach)

Girl sitting by herself, headphones in, staring down at I think an ebook reader. I liked her body shape and tan, but she had pink half-long hair, weird nail colors on hands and feet, was drinking a can of beer and was pretty much chain smoking. Since I was only half-attracted, I tried to elicit an approach invitation. Posted myself in her field of sight for a while, shirtless earing only shorts. Checked my phone for a few minutes, then slowly walked towards her to leave the beach. She didn't look up a single time. Lesbian most likely (at least I presume so by the hair color).

I saw her again much later, after doing 10 & 11. Spotted her from behind as she was leaving the beach. She really had a nice ass very bangable body. But she was lighting up yet another cigarette while I was checking her out, so I let it be.

I really need to get over my aversion to smoking girls. There's a reason why they say "smoking hot"... I'm pretty sure girls who smoke are also more open to sexual adventures.

10 & 11 (only one open)

Walking along the beach near the water, I came across two rather similar girls sitting by themselves, but apart from each other (out of eyeshot). Both were rather tanned and slim, so in theory my type. Both had weird hair for my taste. Both had headphones in and were staring at their phones, and wouldn't look up when I walked by.

Sometimes I ask myself, what's wrong with the girls in this country? They must have some serious trauma with the quality of the men here. From some girls I get the feeling that they are afraid to even look at anything that has a cock, for fear it will attach itself to them and never let go again until they call the sex police.

Anyway, I walked by both of these girls twice each and they wouldn't even look. In the end I decided I'm gonna treat this like a game and just say hi and see what happens. Walked back to girl 10, said hi, got ignored. Though she did lift her head to look out at the sea past me. I could see she had a bitch face. So nothing lost.

Decided to try with girl 11 as well, even though I didn't have much hope it would go any better. Girl 11 had already gotten up when I got near and was leaving, so I changed my course to cross hers a bit further up the beach near some showers. I was waking almost towards her, but also towards the shower for plausible deniability. That girl wouldn't even look at me either, and still had her headphones in. I saw she had a kind of bitchy face as well, not really pretty so I aborted and pretended to go and use the shower to wash my feet.


That was a fun day! 11 chances, 7 approaches total. For me, that's a lot.

I definitely regret not having talked to girl 6, the AI was really obvious and I'm sure she would have hooked.

Because it was hot, I didn't put my shirt on for the ride home. I noticed quite a few of the ladies checking me out as I drove by. As far as I could see, they were all in groups or with company, so none I could have approached. But I can't deny that all these stealthy (or not so stealthy) looks were a big ego boost. Which will in turn help my confidence for future approaches.

I guess all that working out and tanning on the beach is finally showing some results? Or maybe the bike helmet just looks really sexy on me.
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Great job! Seems like its getting easier and easier.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Well... not sure if it's getting easier. I think it depends mostly on my own state.

Today was lame. I'll blame it on the weather. It was super hot and humid, and I felt like crap. It felt almost like being sick with a cold or flu, or like a hangover.

I did my usual sarging on the beach and saw a few girls by themselves. But I talked myself out of opening them thinking she's not hot enough. Great excuse right?

I did say "Hello" to one girl who looked at me and seemed friendly (and pretty). Her reaction seemed surprised and/or scared though. She said hello back, but in a quiet voice and of course, she was on her phone. So I kept walking.

Then something interesting happened: I grabbed the bike and rode down the beach. At one point I had to slow down considerably because of soft ground, and drove closely past this girl. She seemed to be with some teenage boys so she probably wasn't much older than them.

The girl actually said "hello" to me first! Haha. I said hello back, but was confused. Was this a girl I've said hello to before and didn't remember? It would make sense.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
2 compliment openers today, both about the girl's hair.

First one was girl standing in a house portal. I walked by, saw her, and said "I love your hair!" She ignored me completely. Stared right past me. So I kept going. She was a bit young to be honest, and I didn't have time to take my sunglasses off which may have been a factor. I'm glad I did the opener super spontaneously without thinking.

Second girl was on the beach. Saw her sitting by herself from some distance. Beautiful curly black hair hanging down. She was doing something with it. I battled with AA for two seconds, then silenced it by thinking "I'll just walk over close to her and then we'll see."

Walked over to her pretending to check my phone, then "noticed" her last second and said "Wow you have beautiful hair! Very pretty!" She looked surprised first, then smiled and said thank you. Her face wasn't as pretty as I had expected. A bit older and with lots of makeup. So I just bantered a bit more saying I want some of her hair and lifting my cap to show her my own short-shaven head. She was smiling and shrugged as in "sorry can't have it all" I guess. Then I moved on.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
2 compliment openers today, both about the girl's hair.

First one was girl standing in a house portal. I walked by, saw her, and said "I love your hair!" She ignored me completely. Stared right past me. So I kept going. She was a bit young to be honest, and I didn't have time to take my sunglasses off which may have been a factor. I'm glad I did the opener super spontaneously without thinking.

Second girl was on the beach. Saw her sitting by herself from some distance. Beautiful curly black hair hanging down. She was doing something with it. I battled with AA for two seconds, then silenced it by thinking "I'll just close to her and then we'll see."

Walked over to her pretending to check my phone, then "noticed" her last second and said "Wow you have beatiful hair! Very pretty!" She looked surprised first, then smiled and said thank you. Her face wasn't as pretty as I had expected. A bit older and with lots of makeup. So I just bantered a bit more saying I want some of her hair and lifting my cap to show her my own short-shaven head. She was smiling and shrugged as in "sorry can't have it all" I guess. Then I moved on.
Great stuff. Now you are opening with comoliments. I am sure in sometime you will be opening with more direct intention and staying in the convo.

It was the same for me. Last year even giving the compliment was hard, then from Feb to June this year got to a stage where I would give compliments and run away or have very short interactions. And now I am slolwy getting comfortable with actual direct approaches.

Our only competition is our own selves 3-6 months ago. And both us are doing better than our 3-6 months ago selves. So letsss goooo. 💪😃


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Great stuff. Now you are opening with comoliments. I am sure in sometime you will be opening with more direct intention and staying in the convo.

It was the same for me. Last year even giving the compliment was hard, then from Feb to June this year got to a stage where I would give compliments and run away or have very short interactions. And now I am slolwy getting comfortable with actual direct approaches.

Our only competition is our own selves 3-6 months ago. And both us are doing better than our 3-6 months ago selves. So letsss goooo. 💪😃
That's the plan!

If this girl had been a bit prettier I'm pretty sure I'd have chatted her up some more...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Almost uneventful day, until my ride home where I did two last minute approaches. Well one of them was more of a ping really.

I missed a great opportunity today when I saw a petite but very sexy girl walking towards me. She was short, slim, alternative style and with hair partially dyed green. I was riding the bike and turned around to go after her. We both stopped at a traffic light, there were several people between us but I got a good look at her face. She was wearing thick glasses but her face was cute actually. She was also checking me out, I felt it wasn't a hostile look but maybe a cautious-curious kind of look. I got AA and stopped for several seconds, maybe 10-20 seconds at the light even though it was green and the girl was walking. Then I used the same trick as yesterday and decided I'll just drive up close to her and see what happens.

When I got close she was descending the stairs to a subway station! So I couldn't approach her with the bike. I'd have to park the bike, take off the helmet and possibly buy a ticket to get into the station if she was already through the turnstyles meanwhile. So my AA got the better of me.

Later on the beach I didn't see any hot single girls to approach. Several groups of really really cute girls though, mostly taking pictures of each other. I guess I could have approached one of those but didn't have the guts to approach a 3F or 6F set. I think it would have been possible, not sure how far I could take it but at least to chat a little I should really try this.

On my way back I stopped at one point at a place with beautiful scenery where everybody was taking photos in the sunset. One girl got close to me with a camera in hand and gave me a smile. I thought she was with a guy behind her, but as she smiled at me I thought I'll take a gamble and said "Nice view, isn't it?" She answered with a short "yeah" then turned around and said something to the guy. So looks like she was taken, but that was a nice little ping that I wouldn't have done a couple of months ago!

Then at a traffic light, stopped next to a girl with a bike that had huge saddle bags. The girl was not very attractive, but I was curious and said "You must have come from far away!" Had to repeat it in English because she didn't understand. She told me yes, she came all the way from X city. 6 days bike ride, in the summer heat. I told her she's brave, and I'm impressed. There wasn't a spark, I didn't think she was hot. I guess she noticed because she started walking as soon as the light turned green. I told her to enjoy our city and drove off.

So, no results today. I know I still need to be much bolder with the girls. I wonder how I could have approached one of these lovely sets on the beach because some of the girls there were truly stunning. Maybe a little young compared to me, but certainly of legal age. I'd definitely have banged them without hesitation... if I knew how to arrange it :)
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Almost uneventful day, until my ride home where I did two last minute approaches. Well one of them was more of a ping really.

I missed a great opportunity today when I saw a petite but very sexy girl walking towards me. She was short, slim, alternative style and with hair partially dyed green. I was riding the bike and turned around to go after her. We both stopped at a traffic light, there were several people between us but I got a good look at her face. She was wearing thick glasses but her face was cute actually. She was also checking me out, I felt it wasn't a hostile look but maybe a cautious-curious kind of look. I got AA and stopped for several seconds, maybe 10-20 seconds at the light even though it was green and the girl was walking. Then I used the same trick as yesterday and decided I'll just drive up close to her and see what happens.

When I got close she was descending the stairs to a subway station! So I couldn't approach her with the bike. I'd have to park the bike, take off the helmet and possibly buy a ticket to get into the station if she was already through the turnstyles meanwhile. So my AA got the better of me.

Later on the beach I didn't see any hot single girls to approach. Several groups of really really cute girls though, mostly taking pictures of each other. I guess I could have approached one of those but didn't have the guts to approach a 3F or 6F set. I think it would have been possible, not sure how far I could take it but at least to chat a little I should really try this.

On my way back I stopped at one point at a place with beautiful scenery where everybody was taking photos in the sunset. One girl got close to me with a camera in hand and gave me a smile. I thought she was with a guy behind her, but as she smiled at me I thought I'll take a gamble and said "Nice view, isn't it?" She answered with a short "yeah" then turned around and said something to the guy. So that was a nice little ping that I wouldn't have done a couple of months ago!

Then at a traffic light, stopped next to a girl who had huge saddle bags. Not attractive, but I was curious and said "You must have come from far away!" Had to repeat it in English because she didn't understand. She told me yes, she came allt he way from X city. 6 days bike ride, in the summer heat. I told her she's brave, and I'm impressed. There wasn't a spark, I didn't think she was hot and I guess she noticed because she started walking as soon as the light turned red. I told her to enjoy our city and drove off.

So, no results today. I know I still need to be much bolder with the girls. I wonder how I could have approached one of these lovely sets on the beach because some of the girls there were truly stunning. Maybe a little young compared to me, but certainly of legal age. I'd definitely have banged them without hesitation... if I knew how to arrange it :)
Yeah 3 and 6 sets do sound intimidating. I have never done them either except at bars/clubs.

It seems like the big problem at the moment seems being able to find hot girls who are by themselves.

Maybe you need to switch up your routine, go to shopping streets, malls, public transport stations where you can open single girls.

Or you may have to lower your standards with regards to whom you open. I think without lots of practice, its difficult to learn this skill. Needs a good amount of volume.

Maybe skip the beach for a while, try alternative places and maybe even ditch the bike and use public transport. I do a lot of sets in bus stops, tram stops, metro stations etc. They are a great place to find single sets.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Skip the beach? Not gonna happen! I love it too much :)

Public transport... yeah. I do scout the big bus stops here and once in a while I see cute girls there. But they tend to be young locals, which aren't the easiest for me. But you're right, I should approach them anyway!

The metro here doesn't go anywhere I ever need to go, so it doesn't really make sense for me. I guess I could use it just to practice pickup. Might be worth a shot.

As for lowering standards... you know, I'd rather shoot for the stars even if it takes longer. If I start going after mediocre girls now and have some success, that's still not going to help me be bold enough to go for the girls I really want.

Also, I'm a very emotional guy. Assuming I get laid with a mediocre girl, there's always a chance of catching feelings and falling into a relationship with her involuntarily. This is what happened with my last LTR. I met a girl, we had great sex, I found her attractive enough but she also had some obvious character flaws. My plan was to just be FBs with her, and meanwhile look out for something better. That didn't work out at all.

In the end I spent 6 years in a disfunctional relationship. And when I finally found the strength to end it, I then spent several more years in depression afterwards. I sincerely hope I never have to go through something like that again!

If I go after the girls that I really think are hot, once I start being successful my reasoning is as follows: (1) if there's a big age difference, I think there's less of a chance of accidentally slipping into an LTR in the first place. And (2) if it does happen anyway... well I probably wouldn't even mind. I'm definitely screening out the character flaw girls in the future.

August might be a bit tough on the beach cause it's gonna be packed with locals. And street game will be tough because of the heat. I'm still going to try it anyway as best I can. Also, planning to do some bus stop approaches. At least I don't have to descend into the metro tunnels for that.

In September the tourists will return, and I'm pretty sure some cute solo travelling girls will start popping up on the beach again! Meanwhile, I should really work on opening those multi-F sets. Not quite sure how yet. Maybe just pick the hottest one and ask her for her Zodiac? Or just ask where they're from if they're tourists, and then give them some tips for sightseeing?
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
The metro here doesn't go anywhere I ever need to go, so it doesn't really make sense for me. I guess I could use it just to practice pickup. Might be worth a shot.
I can understand not going down to the platforms just to hang out and pick up, it kinda feels weird to me as well if I don't have to go anywhere. You could at least walk more around the area of the station though, I mean trying to catch girls that come out or others that go in.

Won't say it 's very easy, but with a strong first impression I've gotten numbers like that from women leaving a train station. And I do feel that without it my area would be pretty empty when it comes to approaching, so all these public transport hubs truly help.

As for lowering standards... you know, I'd rather shoot for the stars even if it takes longer. If I start going after mediocre girls now and have some success, that's still not going to help me be bold enough to go for the girls I really want.
I get this as well, I also prefer going for the girls I really want much more, and I am not into just getting with any kind of girl for a lay.
It is true though that the more you approach in general the more you get used to it and you start to see patterns and improve faster as long as you pay attention.

So I won't say you should approach girls you don't like, that said it's important to be brutally honest with yourself regarding the girls you don't approach. If the reason is anything other than meh I don't really like her, then there is no excuse to not approach.

Chase had a nice article about that, basically mentioning that any approach you don't do although you like the girl is due to some form of approach anxiety, unless you strategically wait for the right opportunity.

And I guess that the smaller the percentage of women you would approach, the more important it is to be very strict about doing these approaches no matter what.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Skip the beach? Not gonna happen! I love it too much :)
I meant skip it for pickup. I see approaching exactly like going to the gym. I don't go to the gym for any other reason than to exercise. And once I am done exercising, I leave the gym.

Same way, I go to certain places just to approach. Just like a gym session, once I am done approaching I leave that place if I don't have anything else to do there.

Most days I don't have any other reason to go to the city centre other than to approach. But gotta go where the girls are.

If most days you are not seeing at least 10+ girls at the beach that are by themselves and that meet your standards for approaching, then gotta go to wherever these girls are even if it means going "out of our way" to do the approaches. Or at least that is how I view it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
I meant skip it for pickup. I see approaching exactly like going to the gym. I don't go to the gym for any other reason than to exercise. And once I am done exercising, I leave the gym.

Same way, I go to certain places just to approach. Just like a gym session, once I am done approaching I leave that place if I don't have anything else to do there.

Most days I don't have any other reason to go to the city centre other than to approach. But gotta go where the girls are.

If most days you are not seeing at least 10+ girls at the beach that are by themselves and that meet your standards for approaching, then gotta go to wherever these girls are even if it means going "out of our way" to do the approaches. Or at least that is how I view it.
It seems to be a common dillema. Me and Curwen talked about this too here. There's this issue where approaches that you do "genuinely" seem to work out a lot better. But at the same time there aren't as many opportunities for genuine approaches. If you want the volume and to skill up fast, you might have to drop genuineness and just get the reps in.

Been watching a lot of videos on mastering approaching from everyone and everywhere, and it seems to be a common advice. Get the volume early on (by going out of your way) to get the skill, and then later you can scale down to only approaching as part of your day (doing things you love anyway) or only approaching the best sets etc.