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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Tough day. Hot, humid, and I woke up with back pain and wasn't in the best mood.

Couldn't find any girls to approach all day, and was in a weird mood anyway. It was about to get dark, and I had pretty much given up the day already. Today was full moon, and I watched it rising out of the sea. Always a spectacular sight.

There was this girl slowly walking by in front of me. I had noticed her before and decided she's attractive. I don't know if she'd seen me though. I said to her "Have you seen the moon?"

She looked at me, then at the moon, then immediately high-fived me and told me something like "Oh, I was wondering where it was!". We talked a bit about the sight, and pretty much the first thing she asked me was "Do you smoke?" I said no. I tried to banter with her a bit, asking if she's from here, having her guess where I'm from, touching her shoulder since she got it almost right. Asked her her name, gave her mine, shook her hand. I was going to hold it for a while, but she quickly withdrew first. I asked her if she's looking for something to smoke? (meaning weed) She deflected, saying she'd invite me to a cigarette. I told her I don't smoke any more and she asked "not at all?" I said once in a while only. She says she doesn't have paper, and I tell her I don't have anything on me.

She's looking at the moon and I sense she's losing interest. I go for the hail mary and ask her if she wants to sit? She ignores the question, and 2 seconds later says "Nice to meet you, Gameboy!" I say it's been a pleasure, and she walks off.

That was a weird interaction! The high-five she gave me threw me off. I remember thinking, this is too good to be true. Later she didn't show that same enthusiam though, even ignoring some of my questions. Or only giving me the most minimal answers. The only thing she seemed to care about was whether I smoke.

Just remembering, she said something about it being a blue moon today and I was like, yeah they make up some kind of name each and every month... to me it looks orange. She didn't react to that either. Guess this one was the humorless kind :)
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Tough day. Hot, humid, and I woke up with back pain and wasn't in the best mood.

Couldn't find any girls to approach all day, and was in a weird mood anyway. It was about to get dark, and I had pretty much given up the day already. Today was full moon, and I watched it rising out of the sea. Always a spectacular sight.

There was this girl slowly walking by in front of me. I had noticed her before and decided she's attractive. I don't know if she'd seen me though. I said to her "Have you seen the moon?"

She looked at me, then at the moon, then immediately high-fived me and told me something like "Oh, I was wondering where it was!". We talked a bit about the sight, and pretty much the first thing she asked me was "Do you smoke?" I said no. I tried to banter with her a bit, asking if she's from here, having her guess where I'm from, touching her shoulder since she got it almost right. Asked her her name, gave her mine, shook her hand. I was going to hold it for a while, but she quickly withdrew first. I asked her if she's looking for something to smoke? (meaning weed) She deflected, saying she'd invite me to a cigarette. I told her I don't smoke any more and she asked "not at all?" I said once in a while only. She says she doesn't have paper, and I tell her I don't have anything on me.

She's looking at the moon and I sense she's losing interest. I go for the hail mary and ask her if she wants to sit? She ignores the question, and 2 seconds later says "Nice to meet you, Gameboy!" I say it's been a pleasure, and she walks off.

That was a weird interaction! The high-five she gave me threw me off. I remember thinking, this is too good to be true. Later she didn't show that same enthusiam though, even ignoring some of my questions. Or only giving me the most minimal answers. The only thing she seemed to care about was whether I smoke.

Just remembering, she said something about it being a blue moon today and I was like, yeah they make up some kind of name each and every month... to me it looks orange. She didn't react to that either. Guess this one was the humorless kind :)
Haha looks like we had similar days. Going out late. But kudos on that interaction and trying to move it forward. You did your bit. Can't win over them all.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
No approaches today. I didn't see any single girls I found interesting.

I did see a hot 2F-set nearby on the beach, they both looked nice but I couldn't find a good opportunity to approach.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Another hot and humid day. Still ploughing through. I woke up with back pain again, but fortunately it did get better throughout the day so that's great.

It was too hot to game in the city, but at least I got the warmup opener done on the beach. I asked pretty much the first girl I saw upon arriving for her favorite color. She was waiting in line at the public restroom. Not even super attractive, but okay looking. She asked me "Why?" and I said "Just for fun!" She told me her favorite color is "pistache". I laughed and said "omg how complicated!" She pointed to her shorts or dress to explain the color. I laughed and said "Okay thanks, have a good day" and continued on my way.

That was to be the only approach of the day. I did see one girl I found cute later, a petite redhead with beautiful flowing curly hair that seemed to be looking for shells or stones on the beach. I saw her walk around for a while, with a female friend apparently. Went for a swim, and I was in the water when I saw her stand super close to my spot.

I got out and grabbed my towel to wrap myself in it because it was a bit windy and the sun was already setting. I was planning to compliment her on her hair, or do some other opener if something better came to mind. But before I knew it, she said something to her friend in a language I didn't understand, and they both walked away.

Looked pretty young anyway, but had she been by herself I would have chatted her up for sure!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
TLDR: 4 approaches today, but all were minimal interactions. None of the kind "wow this girl is hot I want to get to know her".

I was still in a wonky mood today for some reason, even though I got some important stuff done today. I also exercised, and meditated. Normally these things lift my mood, and it did help, but not by a lot. Maybe it's because of the heat.

I'm glad I still did 4 approaches, even though they were mostly the drive-by kind. Here's a quick summary:

1. Favorite color question to a woman walking with a dog. Turns out she was older than I thought. Good figure though. Color: Blue.
2. Drive-by compliment, young tall girl in knee-high boots (on the beach!) Told her "nice boots". I'm sure she heard me because she did turn her head just a little bit my way, but she was part of a 4F set and kept walking toward her friends. I was riding the bike at that moment and didn't fully stop myself either.
3. Girl trying to wash at a beach shower that was turned off. I told her "There's no water, these are turned off", she answered "yes, yes" smiling but it seems she wasn't much capable of speaking the local language. Didn't try in English.
4. Girl with a dog. Played with the dog a bit and asked for its name, and chatted a little with the girl. She was kind of cute, had full arm and almost-full leg tattoos though. She was nice, but my main focus was on the dog. When I got bored of playing with it i told her goodbye and kept going.

I missed some opportunities on the beach today, because I did see several girls lying or sitting by themselves.

In hindsight the girl with the dog was actually really cute. She was also smiling a lot. But I didn't know how to shift the focus from the dog to her.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
No approaches today. Didn't see any attractive opportunities.

Caught at least 2 girls locking eyes with me while I walked/cycled by. Both were attractive, but sitting with a guy each. I shaved off my beard yesterday, maybe it's an improvement? Gonna see if it keeps happening.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
DAMN! Kicking myself again.

Had a pretty good run in the city center today, doing some warmups. Then had ONE good opportunity on the beach, and blew it.

But let's start at the beginning...


Since my AA was high again at first, I decided to do some favorite color openers in the street. First girl wasn't super attractive, but she was the first one I came across standing by herself. As I walked by i asked her her color and she said she didn't even know. Apparently some people don't have even one.


Then I noticed a group of girls in elegant dresses, walking just in front of me down a narrow street. I caught up with the last one and asked her her color as well. She looked at me, then looked at her friends and I already thought she was going to ignore me or reject me. She asked "My favorite color?" I said yes, and she said black. I said "black, I love it!" but she kept walking without looking at me further.

The street was very narrow and I was forced to walk right behind her for a short stretch. Through her pencil-shaped dress, I could see she had an excellent figure. Awesome long hair, and her face was pretty too though maybe a bit serious. This one was easily a 10. And the fact she said black was another positive :)


Came to a square, and there was a marching band playing. I watched the band and the dancing crows for a while. There's some sort of fair in town, and most people were dressed traditionally for the fair. One girl stood out though, she was dressed all black wearing shorts, a short top, and boots. Lots of tats, hair dyed red and blpnde. Punky look, which I liked. She was watching the band and seemed to be doing something on her phone, then actually walked around behind me. I looked to my right and suddenly she was sitting on a bench, literally one foot away from me.

The band was playing loud and she had the phone at her ear, but I just had to open. I said to her "I like your style!" She gave me a surprised but genuine smile, and said thanks. Then focussed her attention on her phone again. I checked out the band for 2 seconds, and was about to ask her if she's from here when she started talking on the phone, got up and disappeared in the crowd.


Briefly chatted with a girl with a megaphone. She wasn't attractive to me but I heard her speaking through the megaphone and said "Wow you're so loud!" had to repeat since she didn't understand me first. Then she said "I thougt it didn't even work"

I said "Haha right" but kept walking since I wasn't much interested in this one.


I didn't have high expectations for the beach today, since on Saturdays there tend to be few interesting single girls. Today I came across one though. In fact I saw more than one, but the 2 others I remember were lying down and either reading a book or otherwise didn't seem very open to being approached.

But there was one I saw, that was actually sitting and looking over at me several times. Huge IOIs. And I couldn't do it! She looked young, might have been like 20. She was wearing huge nerdy glasses. But she had a damn fine body!

There were people close by. Also, I was in a somewhat involved discussion with a buddy over whatsapp at that moment. I knew I shouldn't have let myself get drawn into that discussion while sarging... but sill. Could have just walked over to the girl and said hi how's it going? I think this one would at least have hooked. Or maybe I'd even have gotten my first pull. She did seem a bit young but isn't that the idea?

It's been far too long since I hooked the last time... I hovered around this girl for quite a while, my feet in the sea, texting with my friend on the phone. Whenever I turned round to look at her, she'd look back at me. She did look a bit nerdy with those glasses, and there were people close by who would have overheard everything if I approached... DAMN EXCUSES!!!

In the end I decided to just walk off and look for other girls to approach. I glanced at her one last time, and she returned the look. But like an idiot, I just walked past. And as soon as I walked away, I started kicking myself again...

Of course I didn't find any other girls to approach. The others I had seen lying and reading weren't there anymore.

The sun went down, and I went home. Alone. Again.


Remember this feeling the next time I see a girl throwing me IOIs and debating with myself whether to approach or not. Remember it hurts much more not to even try, than any possible outcome of when I do talk to her.

At least it seems like I still get checked out by the young ones. Which is pretty awesome. Now I only have to act on those IOIs consistenty!
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023

Have you heard of "Rejection Therapy"? It was a game created by a guy with social anxiety and then some Chinese guy made it popular. If you google it, you will find it.

Maybe instead of trying to pickup girls, where success = girl saying yes and failure = girl saying no, ignoring you etc. maybe you could try that game. It challenges you to put yourself in a situation where you can be rejected. And if the rejection happens, its good. That is a success because that is the game. And if you end up getting a favorable outcome that is of course anyways a success.

I have kind of adopted that attitude for a while. That is why many a times I go for the number even when I know it probably won't happen. Making the ask is success and being able to take a "no" and not let it affect you much is a great skill to develop. Just an idea.

Looking at your reports, I feel you are always looking for the highest probability of a "good reaction" maybe flipping that mindset to let me put myself in scenarios where I get an unfavorable outcome would help you become bolder. Give it a thought and see how it sits with you. :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Yeah man... I think the other day I even posted that a rejection makes me even bolder in your journal... It's definitely not a failure for me if the girl ignores me. Quite the opposite. Failure is to not even try.

And with this girl I wasn't even afraid to be ignored! Or rejected. I mean when a girl looks at me like that, I KNOW she is interested.

I'm not sure I know what it was that kept me from approaching. But I think if she'd been sitting with, say, 10m of free space on all sides, it would have been much easier for me to go and say hi.

I mean, rationally it makes no sense at all... but maybe that's why I opened more girls on the beach in winter than in summer, because there were far less people around.

In the street it's different, because everyone is on the move, and nobody is sitting next to you watching what you say and do.

EDIT: I just posted a question in the "general" board about this, since I think it's a sticking point for me
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Yeah man... I think the other day I even posted that a rejection makes me even bolder in your journal... It's definitely not a failure for me if the girl ignores me. Quite the opposite. Failure is to not even try.

And with this girl I wasn't even afraid to be ignored! Or rejected. I mean when a girl looks at me like that, I KNOW she is interested.

I'm not sure I know what it was that kept me from approaching. But I think if she'd been sitting with, say, 10m of free space on all sides, it would have been much easier for me to go and say hi.

I mean, rationally it makes no sense at all... but maybe that's why I opened more girls on the beach in winter than in summer, because there were far less people around.

In the street it's different, because everyone is on the move, and nobody is sitting next to you watching what you say and do.

EDIT: I just posted a question in the "general" board about this, since I think it's a sticking point for me
I was not particularly referring to the girl you missed approaching today. That did sound like a hard approach. I also get intimidated in such scenarios. I pass up those opportunities too. The only times I am able to do some approaches like that are when I have already done a few approaches before and I am feeling extremely bold and in "state". Otherwise it is definitely added pressure.

But maybe some experienced guys will answer there and we can get some tips.

I was just saying the rejection thing because a lot of the time, it seemed like you were searching a lot for IOIs so this rejection game might snap you out of it and get you to approach girls regardless of whether they give you IOIs or not.

My thinking is always this:

What do women find attractive in men? Its mostly BEHAVIOR right aka GAME! I mean that is why we are all here to learn those behaviors that make us attractive to women.

If behavior is the main component determining attraction then looking for IOIs before you approach (i.e. demonstrate your behavior to the girl) does not make too much sense to me. I concern myself with IOIs DURING the interaction not before it.

The IOIs we get or not get once we start engaging with the girl and talking to her are the ones we need to be concerned about. At least that is how I view it.

By getting too invested in looking for pre approach IOIs, I feel we are imposing our male attraction criteria on women. We look at a girl and instantly, we are attracted if she is hot. Women don't really operate like that. They need to see a guy's behavior before deciding on whether they are attracted to the guy and in cold approach they can only see your behavior once you approach and start interacting with them.

So I would say at this stage completely forget about analysing anything before you start talking to her (demonstrating your behavior). Most of our pre-approach thinking is just us making up stories, narratives, future projections, mind reading, excuses etc. Don't trust any of that.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Just one approach today. It was the kind of situation again where there were people close by watching, and this time I did it anyway.

I was having a coffee on a terrace, and there was a table of 4 girls sitting diagonally across from me. They were around 20, and I found one of them pretty cute. The other ones had too much makeup on and 2 of them even had duck lips. The one I liked had neither.

Right next to them was a table of young guys, who would see and hear everything. At first I thought there's no way I can approach these girls. After I finished my coffee I went for it anyway though. I did a cold read on where they were from, asking them if they're from X city. They said, no we're from Y city. Which is more or less close to the one I had guessed.

They seemed quite friendly, but I wasn't planning on chatting them up any more. I assessed my chances of picking up a girl from a 4-set of 20yo girls, were quite slim. So I said something like "Oh I see, I thought you were from X because of you accents... Anyway see you later!" and went about my day.

In hindsight I think I could have stayed in set a bit longer, because I know Y city quite well. Nevertheless I'm happy of today's achievement.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Doing the bare minimum these days.

Yesterday I just did one walk-by. I twas a mixed group though so I guess that counts for something.

Today I decided to try a different opener, trying to guess the country where the girl is from (inspired by AspiringStoic). I did two of those. The first girl was by herself, sitting on the beach. She wouldn't even look at me, and just shook her head when I asked. Also didn't look that attractive from up close.

The second one was in a 2F-set, I opened her mainly because she reminded me of someone, not because I found her attractive. I asked her if she was from Finnland (that's were the girl I knew was from) and she smiled but said "No, sorry". And that was that.

There was one girl with a really hot body and a nice short dress that I'd have liked to open, but she was in a 4F set so it was really challenging. I could never get the right angle. First she was taking pictures, and I thought I'll wait till she's done so I don't interrupt her. Big mistake lol. Right after that she posed for pictures with her friends. I hovered around some more, but when they were done she was always surrounded by the other girls so I couldn't really approach her well. Or I wasn't feeling bold enough anyway. In the end I left because I thought I can't be hanging around them for much longer, they've got to notice at some point and it's gonna seem creepy.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
I asked her if she was from Finnland (that's were the girl I knew was from) and she smiled but said "No, sorry". And that was that.
This is great. I literally do this and actually continue the conversation like that.

For example

Me: Excuse me are you from Finland by any chance?
Her: No
Me: Oh I just saw you and thought you were Finnish. I had a friend from Helsinki and you looked a lot like her. So I thought you might be from Finland as well.

If they hook you can continue it like this. Just keep attributing stuff to your imaginary friend and then ask her if she is like that.

Me: My friend was a big fan of mixed martial arts. She trained 4 times a week. Are you also badass like that?

You can literally attribute any quality to this imaginary friend and take the convo in that direction.You can surpass the need for a compliment completely by doing this semi direct thing. Or throw in a compliment in the middle of the conversation after a while just to set a man to woman frame. Try this like a 100 times. I am sure you will start getting into some really good conversations. But stick around and say the second line and even after that if she makes it very clear she does not want to talk only then leave. Many a times girls need at least 5 to 10 seconds of time to read your vibe, see that you are not a threat and then open themselves up for a conversation.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
You can literally attribute any quality to this imaginary friend and take the convo in that direction.You can surpass the need for a compliment completely by doing this semi direct thing.

Pretty interesting, i might give it a shot too.

Just read this thread, and its true that direct gives away the screening frame a bit if u dont follow up the right way. Ur opener + followup keeps the tension high and u get to further screen the girl too.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Crazy day today. One approach.


Not many good options today. I came across this one girl on the beach though that was sitting right by the shore. She looked great. I walked past her and along the shore for a bit, and noticed her checking me out twice actually. I remember thinking, wow this girl really is hot. Problem was, she looked way too young. Plus, there was this older woman right next to her which I thought was likely her mom.

She did seem to look at me a lot. But at one point I actually saw her talking to the older woman, so I decided to let it go.

I came across the two again later, when I was picking up my bike. Made a bit of eye contact, and as the younger girl walked past me she actually gave me a sllght, but sweet smile. I heard her saying "Mama" to the older woman though, with a foreign accent. So my intuition had been right.

I kind of regretted not having talked to her at least. But I couldn't. Does anyone here open girls who are with their moms?

That little smile made my day though! If the young hot girls are still into me then I do have a chance in this game :)


I walked around some more looking for girls to talk to. I only saw 2-sets everywhere. Just as I was thinking "c'mon give me a single girl", I noticed this girl lying down by herself in the sand. I liked her looks. I think she didn't even have a towel to lie on.

I walked past her, toward the seaside first. I noticed her glancing at me twice. I took a sip of water by the sea and looked back. Right below her, there was this dude looking up at her. She was wearing a skirt or a dress, and the guy seemed to be looking at her upskirt. If I'd go approach, he'd probably see everything. Oh well. I went and approached anyway.

Walked up to the girl and said "Hello... How are you?" It was a bit strange, the way she was lying there, all dressed up but without a towel. I asked "You all right?" she said "Yes", I asked her if she's from X country and she said no. I then asked if she's from here, she said yes. She sat herself up and grabbed her phone, looking down and only giving me the most minimal of answers.

I told her I found her interesting and wanted to say hi, but she wouldn't look up. So I said "Well I'll leave you alone all right?" I think she didn't say anythign to that either, so I said "bye" and walked away.

I found her reactions weird because when I opened she quickly sat up and glanced over to the guy below her. In hindsight I'm now thinking maybe she was posing for photos or something.

Whatever. It felt good to have approached regardless!

I kept walking around until dark, but found no other single girls that I found attractive.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Good job on the approach man! Sounds like a solid attempt - ure def building the right muscles.

Does anyone here open girls who are with their moms?

I only approached one 2-set so far where one of the two turned out to be the mother.

I opened the daughter with my usual "coffee place" informational opener, as i didnt see the mother initially. Then she showed up and joined us. The set was pretty good, vibe was nice and playful with both, tho i never transitioned to showing intent. I recall the daughter glancing at me multiple times, and sorta being disappointed when the set ended.

For the indirect route, i could have invited both of them for a coffee + chat, then id have tried to find commonalities with the daughter in order to get her number - eg. is she studying a topic that im versed in? Do we have the same hobbies? Is there something that might compel us to keep in touch? The whole thing basically flying under the moms radar, in a "its our secret" kinda way.

I can see a more direct, intentful route working as well in such a playful set, tho not sure if itd be the best course of action.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Good job on the approach man! Sounds like a solid attempt - ure def building the right muscles.

I only approached one 2-set so far where one of the two turned out to be the mother.

I opened the daughter with my usual "coffee place" informational opener, as i didnt see the mother initially. Then she showed up and joined us. The set was pretty good, vibe was nice and playful with both, tho i never transitioned to showing intent. I recall the daughter glancing at me multiple times, and sorta being disappointed when the set ended.

For the indirect route, i could have invited both of them for a coffee + chat, then id have tried to find commonalities with the daughter in order to get her number - eg. is she studying a topic that im versed in? Do we have the same hobbies? Is there something that might compel us to keep in touch? The whole thing basically flying under the moms radar, in a "its our secret" kinda way.

I can see a more direct, intentful route working as well in such a playful set, tho not sure if itd be the best course of action.
Wow. Okay, but you didn't see the mother when you approached...

The girl yesterday, at first I didn't believe she'd be interested. Had she been by herself, I'm sure I'd have gone for her. But with the mother... that's like next level AA.

Nonetheless, I'm super stoked that some of the young girls apparently really like me. Gives me more confidence to go after my personal 10s.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
One approach today. The girl was cute and friendly, but unfortunately I ejected early.

Actually, I did a warmup approach before. 2F set of Asian women. I asked them if they're Chinese because I was wearing a t-shirt with some Chinese characters that no one has been able to decipher so far. They were Korean though and couldn't help me.

It's Saturday and I didn't see any single girls on the beach, except for one. This girl I had seen before twice. She's black or half-black at least and has long dreadlocks, dyed blond. Nice body. However when I saw her before she was always smoking, which tends to put me off.

Today I saw her again, looking out at the sea. Damn she looked fine from behind, with her dreadlocks down to her hips, and a very nice ass and slim legs. I didn't approach right away, I was sure she'd be there for a while. Walked around a bit and ran into a friend. Chatted with him for a while. Then made my excuse because I wanted to try my luck with this girl.

She was now sitting down, again I saw her from behind. I had some AA at first, but then walked towards her. I decided to slowly walk by in front of her. Looked at her when I was almost past. She looked backl at me, and I said hi. She said hi back, and I said "I always see you here!" She responded something like "It's my last day here."

I thought that sounded a bit defensive as a response, but chatted with her anyway. Found out where she's from (from a different city in the same country), and that she's visiting here. I commented how nice it is on the beach and she said yeah, in my city there's nothing like it.

I crouched down next to her, but she kept looking down at her phone. I asked for her name, then told her mine and shook hands. The handshake from her part felt very weak. I forgot to do the handclasp, and the handshake was brief. She looked down at her phone again. I didn't really make a conscious decision to, but I ejected and told her "Ok have a nice last day", then walked away.

I did look back once, and saw her looking after me.

Afterwards I was kicking myself again. I should have stayed in set longer! At least to find out what her plans were for the last evening, and if she was staying with someone. She was quite attractive, and I find it hard to imagine that a girl like that is here on her own. It's just not something that girls in this country tend to do. Maybe she was an exception though. Guess now it's to late to find out.

I'm trying to figure out why I ejected. I think it was the weak handshake and her looking down at her phone. Indicated a lack of interest.

I did feel some anxiety afterwards, though not when I was in set. It was more of a regrettive feeling for not having stayed longer and found out more about her.

That said, something about her did put me off. Which was also why I didn't approach the first two times I saw her. Can't say what it was though. Part of it was the smoking, but that wasn't all. She was very thin, but physically she was my type in theory. And she seemed friendly enough.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
I'm trying to figure out why I ejected. I think it was the weak handshake and her looking down at her phone. Indicated a lack of interest.
Yeah honestly I feel most of the times they do small things like that it is their polite way of saying they are not interested.

At least, because I’ve made myself push through that and stay in interactions, most times it does end up with her telling me she wants to be alone eventually.

I guess it is never bad to stay there until she deliberately tells you to leave, just to push yourself, and I feel by doing this you also start to realise when they are really not interested and when it is something else.

It could also be possible that if you relax into it and are chill they will open up after a bit, because you show them you are not gonna put them under pressure for anything.

Does anyone here open girls who are with their moms?
I have done it but not with much success. Have also opened the moms, they seemed hotter to me haha

Last time I asked if they are sisters, but I think they know you are just trying to be smooth with this if the age difference is visible.

I feel I would just go genuinely direct to the girl now, and then ask what is their relationship.

Not sure how it would go result wise, but AA wise it’s like any scenario that’s unfamiliar and seems strange to approach. After you do it you realise nothing bad is really happening.