Great day today!
I'm feeling inspired by guys like
@AspiringStoic and
@ChrisXKiss who are doing tons of volume, and also by a recent post that praised the power of momentum (sorry I forgot by who it was).
I decided to do at least one favorite color warmup approach, close to my house. It was around noon.
I walked around and at first couldn't find any girls that were of an acceptable age and looks. Saw one with lots of tattoos, and I figured her favorite color is probably black. But a little boy (probably her son) was walking next to her, so I didn't ask.
Then I saw a girl sitting by herself on a public chair. She looked foreign, so I asked her if she speaks English. She said yes. Then I asked for her favorite color. She looked puzzled, thought about it for a second, then said "Blue". I said "Oh, blue, like your shirt" which had blue stripes. She said yes again. I wasn't really super interested in her, so I said thank you and goodbye.
Just a few meters down the road, I saw a cute little redhead coming my way. I said "excuse me" in the local language. She took her earplugs out, and I asked what her favorite color is. She said "Green!" I said "Green, like your shirt" (which was all green)
She laughed and said yes.
I said I also like green, it's the color of hope, also my favorite really. Then I told her "I thought you look nice and I wanted to talk to you." She liked that.
I asked her if she's from here, she said "No I'm from X... and you?" I told her my home country, she asked whereabouts in my country and I told her. I asked her her name, she told me, then I told her mine
We shook hands, I held it for a bit longer, she withdrew after 1 or 2 seconds. She asked how to pronounce my name right it in my language, so I said it slowly a few times.
I asked her what she was doing now, she said nothing special, I'm just getting my nails done. I teased her a bit and said "Getting yourself dolled up eh?", to which she laughed and said yes.
She asked me "And you, what are you up to?" I told her I live here, and I'm going home now to eat.
We were both smiling and laughing a lot, the vibe was great. I decided to go for the close, and asked her if she wants to go for a coffee. She said "No, I'm leaving now for my country and I'll be back in 2 weeks"
I started saying "We can talk", I was going to say "when you're back", but she was holding out her hand and saying "Nice to meet you!"
Instead of shaking her hand, I said "Gimme a hug!" and hugged her goodbye. Then I went on my way, smiling, and in a great mood. I remember thinking "Cold approach really is king!" (read that somewhere on this forum in the morning

I had to buy some groceries before going home. On my way back, HBGreen was still standing there in the street, right in front of my place. She was now talking on the phone in her language though. I gave her a big smile and said "Hello [her nationality]", but I think she didn't reply because she was talking.
Nevertheless this was a super fun interaction. I'm wondering if I could have done this better? Is it possible to move too fast? I should probably have qualified her a bit before going for the soft close. Any feedback, do let me know!
The rest of the day was fun as well, but without any real hooks. I came across two blond dyed girls on the beach who were being super silly with one of the girls trying to put on a swimsuit and the other holding a huge towel all over her. I was like 5 meters away, but I lauged at them and teased them a bit, saying "You look like you're pretending to be a ghost". They were quite receptive. The first girl saw me and told the 2nd girl something, and the 2nd girl's head actually emerged from under the towel. She said "I can't do it!" to me.
I said something funny back, don't remember what it was. She went back under her towel, so after a while I turned away to not be too creepy staring at her while she tried to get changed.
They walked by me toward the sea to take pictures. I said "Did you manage in the end?" but they didn't reply.
While they did their little photoshoot I went down to the sea at one point, grinning at them and I think the 1st girl actually said "hello" to me. I really didn't know what to say. I was thinking they are coming off as cockteases and anyway it's a 2F-set, so I didn't put much effort in. In hindsight, I should have!
While those two were still shooting pictures, another girl arrived and placed herself right behind me. So close that it just had to be an IOI, since there was lots of free space all around. I was like damn what's going on? Today they all seem to want me lol.
The girl that just arrived went into the water for a swim. I decided to open her when she came back, since it couldn't have been an accident that she put her stuff like 2m or less away from me. I watched the 2 blondies meanwhile, who were now packing up and leaving.
New girl took her time in the water. When she came back, I asked her, "how's the water?" She smiled briefly, and said "Good." I asked her "Cold?" even though I knew it wasn't. She said something noncommittal, then pulled out her phone. I gave her a few seconds, then asked her "Are you from X country?" - she ignored me. I asked "No?" - again, no reply.
I leaned back for a while. After a few minutes I decided to change locations since the sun wasn't shining any more where I was. I wanted to give this girl one more chance before leaving, so I put on my shorts, gathered my stuff and then standing, asked her once more "Where are you from?" She said Russia. I said "Oh, Russia! From Moscow?" She said, no, St Petersburg. She wasn't smiling any more, just talking a bit down to me since she was quite tall and I was also standing a little bit lower than her. I said "Oh, that's a cold place" to which she said nothing I asked "Do you live here?" and she said "Temporarily."
I felt she was giving me a bit of an attitude now. I don't know if she wanted to play hard to get, or genuinely wasn't interested, but I decided I'd just leave. So I said "Right, enjoy your stay!" and left.
I saw 2 or 3 more girls that I could have opened, but didn't. I guess I'm being a bit too selective, and/or my AA came back.
- First girl I didn't find super attractive, but I was sitting close to her and as I got ready to leave, she gave me what felt like a brief but interested look
- Second girl was smoking
- Third girl was lying down, wearing shades and immersed in her phone
I really need to get over my aversion to opening smoking girls. I believe smokers are actually easier.
I should have also opened the not-super-attractive one even if just to chat for a bit. Who knows maybe she was really cool!
Any ideas what I could have done better with HBGREEN? Did I move too fast?
I should have talked to the two blondies more. I had a feeling it wouldn't go anywhere, but I guess I could at least have gone for their insta given that they were making a huge show out of taking pictures.
This was clearly a case of "OMG 2-set of super hot girls taking pictures of each other and being super sexy with their poses"... It's not often that I feel that girls are out of my league, but now in hindsight, that really seems to be what happened.
Also, Russian girl definitely disctracted me. Should have gone for the ones that were actually being all giggly, and smiling instead of for the crazy ice queen.
And last but not least... Gotta open smoking girls anyway! And be a bit less picky in general.