Carrying on. Today I decided to try and do 4 favorite color approaches in the street, just to warm up, then hit the beach later and do some real ones.
I did do the 4 warmups. First one, got ignored. (The girl actually didn't look all that hot from up close once I got near, but I did it anyway to get the first one out of the way.) Second one, the girl looked a bit sceptical, then smiled and said she didn't have one. Third one was a real nice reaction, turns out she has the same favorite color as me. Fourth one, a girl sitting on the bench, she already rolled her eyes when I said "excuse me...", plus I had to repeat the question 2 or 3 times because she had headphones in. Then she just said "no". I said "No? Ok, sorry" since she apparently was in a bad mood or something. But I do think I spotted an amused smile there.
Later I went to the beach, but the weather took a turn for the worse and there weren't many single girls. I saw one that I thought looked open to be approached, she had red dyed hair and a nice body, but once I saw her face I wasn't that attracted any more.
Walked around for a long while, but didn't come across any hotties. In the end, when it was almost dark, I saw one girl who I found cute, but by then my AA was back. My excuse was she looked to young.
I'm realizing this is probably a limiting belief. Which is also why I wrote "I'm too old for this" yesterday. When a girl in her 20s rejects me, or gets this sceptical look on her face that feels like she'd rather be ending the conversation now, I can't help but think it's because of my age.
That's most likely bullshit. Okay, maybe in some cases it's true. But if I were 40 or 30, then maybe she'd not be interested for some other reason.
Next time I see a girl I like but feel is "too young", I'm gonna say to myself "She wants to kiss me." I'm going to treat the beach as if I was in a night club, and I was seeing a hot girl there that I want to meet.
Hey man, I can feel what you describe, I am not in my best period mood wise either, but don't give up.
I think you are probably a lot like me in that regard. I can be very prone to mood swings, sometimes I don't even know the reason. I think it might be inherited even. Anyway, it sucks, but you gotta plough through anyway, which is what I'm intending to do.
Anyway my mood is a lot better today after doing those 4 warmup approaches. Day game actually helps!
If this hurts you in anyway and you do not agree with me, ignore it.
No, it didn't hurt. But I'm not going to answer all your questions either, you probably know the answer anyway if you're reading my journal.
I'm not getting numbers because I'm not asking for them, that much is true. But in my world view, it doesn't make sense to get a number if there isn't some sort of connection first. Does that make sense? Or am I completely on the wrong track here? What I'm really looking for, first and foremost, is some kind of connection I guess. The number is just a means to keep in touch and arrange a future meet.
I get your gist though. I can still do a lot more. And I will!
Oh and as for the 800+ posts... I guess I just like writing

I also like to give something back. I may be a noob at day game, but I do have some experience with the ladies otherwise. But yeah I realize this journal is becoming longish...
... and become the most badass pussy slaying 50 year old in your town.
Hahaha! Thanks man. I'm not even sure that's my goal though, honestly my sex drive isn't what it used to be when I was younger. A lay or two (or 3) would be awesome for sure, but ultimately I'm looking for a companion that's compatible with me. Also, to not start the relationship from a place of neediness. For which in turn the pussy slaying would be extremely helpful... ok I'll take it
As AspiringStoic said, it does seem like you're kind of doing basic approaches and bailing, instead of fully going for it.
Yeah it's true. I do think I have been improving in that regard recently.
I'm definitely not quitting! The approaches I did today actually gave me energy. The only one that I regret was the one I didn't do... the girl sitting by herself on the beach and I didn't approach because she looked to young!
Additionally, i dunno what u look like and how u carry urself,
I think I look good enough. I'm quite slim, I have this kind of physique that never puts on weight no matter how much I eat. So I also don't put on huge muscles, even though I exercise daily.
Gay guys seem to be really attracted to me for whatever reason... is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Fashion wise, I've never been a suit-and-tie guy. I dress a bit edgy, but with style (I believe). I probably won't attract any posh girls, but I don't like them much either so that's not a loss. But FWIW one night recently I went to a bar and actually got approached by a girl myself... she wasn't a hottie, but I'd say doable (at least she looked that way in the dark of the club).
I completely fumbled the situation though. I was totally out of my depth with being approached by a girl. I seriously couldn't believe she wanted me... lol... so I just winged it, and messed up. After a short while she went back to her friends. (facepalm)
(Anyway, the pressure is on the girl. Its her job to say no and walk away. Its not urs.)
That is a great insight! I hope I can keep that in mind next time I'm in a good set. Ejecting to soon definitely is a sticking point for me.