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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
Just one half-assed approach today. Couldn't find any girls that I was particularly attracted to.

Still a bit bummed by yesterdays experience. But I guess there wasn't much I could do about it.
Yeah I’d say it’s good that you even didn’t do anything much more in the moment, it’s not worth it.

I’ve had some frustrating scenarios myself as you know, and it’s normal to feel affected. Sometimes I have tried to go and approach again right away no matter my state, just to prove to myself that it’s all a thing of the past. Generally it does need some time to relax and let it go though.

At least girls will always be there to make pushing through such wild cards worth it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Not much opportunity to approach recently. There are almost no tourist girls out and about. Few single girls at all, and the few ones I see are wearing thick baggy winter clothing. Guess I'm spoiled by living in a place where it's bikini weather for most of the year.

Maybe I should take a break until xmas? I really don't want to though. Let's see what the next few days bring.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 11, 2021
Taking a break from cold approaching is not ideal.

I have seen way many guys falling off the path when they take a break. They had planned to return but it doesn't work that way. An unexplainable force of resistance steps in and takes away all the momentum you've been building.

Until you experience a real personality transplant followed by a string of successes, you shouldn't hold back, holidays or not. This advice doesn't apply to anything else but stands true with cold-approach.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Taking a break from cold approaching is not ideal.

I have seen way many guys falling off the path when they take a break. They had planned to return but it doesn't work that way. An unexplainable force of resistance steps in and takes away all the momentum you've been building.

Until you experience a real personality transplant followed by a string of successes, you shouldn't hold back, holidays or not. This advice doesn't apply to anything else but stands true with cold-approach.
100 percent concur. As long as there are human beings out there, we can always go out and interact with a few of them. Don't have to always look for models to talk to. Any kind of cold approach is better than no cold approach. 😀


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
The cold spell is over and the girl situation seems to have normalized since about yesterday. I'm still going out every day, don't worry guys I'm not stopping.

I was a bit rusty after several days of 0 approaches. Yesterday I saw 2 potential hotties, but both were sitting down focussed on their phones, and it was already dark so AA got the better of me.

Today I did 4 situational approaches on the beach. No super hotties, and none hooked, but at least I'm getting into the groove again.

It's time for me to get serious. I've set myself a goal to reach by the end of the year. It's time to get laid already.

I'm hereby setting the intention: In the most enjoyable way for both myself and the ladies, and for the highest good of all, I'm getting laid.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Been taking it easy recently. There's been few interesting girls out and about, most likely because of the season. So I decided to go with the flow and relax a bit until about christmas.

I did the odd approach here and there just to keep up the habit, but none where I went for the close.

Today I did see a few interesting girls around, but didn't approach for various reasons. One looked too young, one I thought looked like a girl that had blown me out before, etc etc...

Not good! Gotta beat AA and spring into action again.

We'll probably get an influx of tourists here during the Xmas holidays. So I'm planning to resume approaching tomorrow if there's a chance (i.e. if I can find any approachable girls that are at least somewhat attractive).


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Wow another year has gone by! Happy new year guys!

So I didn't get many opportunities to approach recently. Mostly there just weren't many hot girls about, and when there were it was either already late and I was tired and not warmed up all day, or AA got me plain and simple.

I just checked my journal from a year ago, and it was the same around Christmas apparently. People here just hang out with their friends and families, and there's less single girls around in general.

Day game wise, I had a few short interactions over the last couple weeks, but nothing substantial.

Yesterday there was a woman who sat herself right next to me on the beach. I was thinking of opening even though she wasn't really my type, but some other guy did so first. It was fun to listen in to another guy approaching a girl near me. I overheard she's from my home country, and visiting here. In the end I heard how he told her "I want to see you again" several times, at first I found it a bit cringey but it's also a good statement of intent so the woman knows what's up.

When the guy was gone I waited a bit and then opened her asking "So you're escaping the terrible weather in [our country]?" She was very talkative. Unfortunately she was at best moderately attractive, and I'd guess she was around my age. Not fat, but I did notice a belly. Muscular arms though. Weird combo, quite masculine!

She was nice and seemed to enjoy talking to me, and we talked for an hour maybe. She's staying here for a month. I found out she's single, travels the world a lot, and has a son back home. I definitely could have closed her, but I didn't want to. Partly because I wasn't attracted, but partly also because the previous guy had already #closed her (or maybe took her social media) so I didn't feel like being the next in line. Anyway I'll probably run into her again since she lives close to my place, and she seems to like going to the beach too.

It was fun to talk to her, but in the end I excused myself, shook hands and headed off. I was hoping to approach more girls that day since now I had some pretty good momentum, but couldn't find any.


Looking back on 2024: All in all I made decent progress, even though it's going slower than I thought it would. I went out pretty much every day, and approached maybe 2 girls per day on average even though I also had some streaks of not-approaching.

I didn't reach my goal of getting laid from day game in the final weeks of the year. So I'll just keep that goal for 2025. This year it's definitely going to happen. If I keep doing what I'm doing it's just going to be my new reality, by default.

I like approaching in an organic way, like the girl yesterday. Pity she wasn't my type. But I also want to do more volume this year, so I'll make it a rule to try and open girls I see by themselves if they are reasonably thin and at least pleasant to look at (i.e. not ugly). Just ask them something or give them a quick compliment, and then see if they're fun to talk to and take it from there.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
1 approach today. Situational, but couldn't really understand what the girl was saying.

She was sitting leaning against a tree and writing something in her notebook while looking the other way. I found that quite impressive and asked her how she does it. She replied with a smile, but either she had a weird accent or used some words I'm not familiar with. I got her to repeat but still couldn't understand her. So I ejected.

Next time I'll just change topics and ask her where she's from, or how her day is going or something. Especially since she was smiling, so she was probably happy for me to approach her.

Said hi to another girl driving by. I think it was a girl I talked to twice already and who told me she has a boyfriend. She gave me a smile but not sure how genuine it was. I was in a bit of a rush, but I guess it couldn't have hurt to take the time to exchange a few friendly words with her.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Not much to report today. Didn't see any girls that I found worth approaching. There were two how ones that caught my eye, but one was with a guy and the other in a FMF set.

One good thing though is that I chatted with this cute shop clerk that I've been flirting with from time to time recently. Asked her how her NYE was, and she told me she spent it with her bf. She also explained to me at great length the recipe she cooked or him, I pretended to be super interested so it doesn't look like I'm disappointed she has a bf lol. In fact I suspected as much, and it's good to know for certain that she's taken.

She's a bit young anyway, but super friendly and talkative and she gave me "that look" the first time she checked me out in the shop. So I knew to chat her up, and she's very receptive. Told me a good chunk of her life story already :) Also I've been doing some (light) kino the last couple of times I saw her when there was no one else around. Knowing she has a bf takes off the pressure of deciding whether I should or shouldn't ask her out.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Two approaches today, both situational. Talked about what they were doing and did a bit of small talk, but wasn't attracted to either so I didn't go deeper.

The first one was a rather young girl from Paraguay, quite friendly but started looking back down at her phone so I left. The second one was a Moroccan woman visiting family here. She actually seemed interested and gave me this quizical look while we chatted. I found her nice but didn't feel any attraction so after a short while I said "Pleasure to meet you" and left. She actually said "Thanks" which I found interesting. This has happened to me several times now, girls will say thank you when I excuse myself even though I didn't give her a compliment or anything. Anyone else had this happen / any idea why they say that? Maybe it's a cultural thing.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
She actually said "Thanks" which I found interesting. This has happened to me several times now, girls will say thank you when I excuse myself even though I didn't give her a compliment or anything. Anyone else had this happen / any idea why they say that? Maybe it's a cultural thing.
I can't say I have monitored this exactly, but it feels to me like being simply nice or even unsure of how to respond so she falls back to a default thanks. Maybe not being fluent in English can play a part, as these girls tend to respond way more simply to everything. I wouldn't say it indicates attraction or lack of it by itself. If she says it nervously, with a vibe of oh God what do I say now, he is leaving, it could even be that she is attracted. I guess more deadpan uninterested deliveries would show that she is just appreciating the attention but doesn't really care about engaging much more.

And by the way, regarding the volume of approaches. How long do you spend outside in general, checking for girls you could approach? I know you are going to the beach, I was just thinking that coming across only 1 or 2 approach worthy girls per day means that either the location is not very good regarding the quantity/quality of girls, or that you have specific standards that are not met there, if you spend enough time outside.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
How long do you spend outside in general, checking for girls you could approach?
Several hours per day. I'd say at least 1 or 2 hours usually. Yes the quantity of hot girls has gone down a lot this winter. I was hoping there'd be more tourists over the Christmas / New Year's holidays, but since it's cold there's much less than I hoped.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Soo just 1 successful approach today. Successful in that it was a good interaction. 2 black young girls doing a silly dance under a tree. They giggled when I looked at them, so I opened asking if they're doing Tiktok. They said yes and we had a short chat. In the end I taught the hotter one of the two how to give 2 kisses on the cheeks as is customary here (she wanted to shake my hand but I wasn't having it).

Not a bad start for the day. I didn't get a sexual vibe from them though, and anyway it was a 2 set and the hot one had her fat friend with her so I didn't think I had chances of pulling.

Later I saw a girl doing yoga on the beach, from a distance. She seemed hot, but I waited too long to approach because I didn't want to interrupt her yoga session. At one point I was like "screw it I'm just gonna walk over to her and see what happens". As I'm walking some other guy gets there first! (And the beach was almost empty) Dude was fat, with big glasses, and old. Might have been my age or 10 years older, no idea. He walked right up to her and asked if he can take some pictures of her while she's doing yoga. I thought she's gonna say no for sure, but I overheard her asking "Here?" The guy probably said yeah, and apparently she accepted. He had a professional camera and laid down next to her to shoot. I kept walking and it looked like they exchanged contacts after, probably for him to send her the photos. Who knows though anything is possible haha, but I can't imagine that guy getting that girl.

In a way I admire how he went for what he wanted and got it. With his age and physqiue he probably can't hope for much more than taking photos. I did that too a couple of times, asking girls in the street if i can take pictures. Some said no but 2 actually accepted. But then I fumbled taking the contact details.

That was years before I started doing "real" day game though. After all I don't really want the pictures, I want the girls lol. Might be a good indirect open though and if you sense the girl is into you, you can always invite her to do a photo shoot at a later date. Might be a good stategy when the age difference is too big to go direct.

Also, I learned from this episode that there's no point in waiting for a girl to finish whatever she is doing out of respect. The other guy approached without hesiating and got what he wanted, and I didn't. Have to give him that!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Update. I just ran into the 2 black girls again. They remembered me and were happy to see me, didn't talk a whole lot though. The hot one is actually taller than me. I asked them what they are up to tonight, and she said they're going home now they're tired. I asked if it's an airbnb or a hostel... lame I know! In hindsight I should have asked if they're down for a quick drink before they go back. Damn!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
3 beach approaches today.

#1 was rather tight lipped, I could barely hear her one-word replies. Also wasn't attractive at all. Ok as a warmup though.

Walking away from her I walked past a dude who stared at me darkly. Who knows why. Jealous of me approaching girls maybe? Though that girl really wasn't hot lol. But who knows, maybe he liked her. He was sitting like 20m away from her though so he definitely wasn't with her.

#2 was much more attractive, she got undressed while sitting nearby me and undid her hair, so I assumed attraction. I walked over and asked if she was going for a swim. She ignored me completely though, even though I asked twice. She was taking selfies with her phone, turns out she had only taken her clothes off for the pics haha.

#3 was sitting right next to #2, in fact she overheard my approach and looked at me as in "are you talking to me or...?".

When #2 left, #3 went swimming despite the cold. When she came out of the water, I saw she actually had a very nice body. I gave her time to get dressed, considering whether I should approach even though she heard me approach the previous girl.

Once she was dressed, I walked back over and told her she was brave. No reply, she was busy with her phone. I asked her if the water was cold. She gave me a brief smile as she answered, but then looked right back at her phone again. I chatted for a few more seconds but didn't feel she was interested.

Guess I could have persisted a little bit more and asked where she was from and all that, but usually when they are so glued to their phones it doesn't go anywhere anyway.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Today I saw the yoga girl on the beach again. I did get some significant AA, but this time I approached without hesitation. (Well, not much at least. Maybe a few seconds to make up my mind.)

Turns out it's the same hot Ukranian girl I already opened a few times! She's really a hottie, at least a 9. With a little bit of a tan she'd easily be a 10 for me.

I stopped to chat with her for maybe a minute, but she had told me before that she lives with her boyfriend. So after a bit of small talk, I said "see you later" and let her go on with her yoga session.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Today I saw the yoga girl on the beach again. I did get some significant AA, but this time I approached without hesitation. (Well, not much at least. Maybe a few seconds to make up my mind.)

Turns out it's the same hot Ukranian girl I already opened a few times! She's really a hottie, at least a 9. With a little bit of a tan she'd easily be a 10 for me.

I stopped to chat with her for maybe a minute, but she had told me before that she lives with her boyfriend. So after a bit of small talk, I said "see you later" and let her go on with her yoga session.
Maybe its time to change locations no? You seem to be running into the same girls a lot. I am not sure if its because the city you live in is really that small or its because you usually go to the same general area whenever you approach.

But I think you at least need to be seeing 10+ approachable prospects everyday. If you see at least 10+ then you might end up approaching at least half of them. If you see just 1 or 2 or none then I don't think you can ever get in enough volume to keep improving.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Maybe its time to change locations no? You seem to be running into the same girls a lot. I am not sure if its because the city you live in is really that small or its because you usually go to the same general area whenever you approach.

But I think you at least need to be seeing 10+ approachable prospects everyday. If you see at least 10+ then you might end up approaching at least half of them. If you see just 1 or 2 or none then I don't think you can ever get in enough volume to keep improving.

Usually it's much better here. Right now it's feeling like a small town though!

It's definitley because of the season. I did check out a few other locations, but haven't found a good one so far.

I do feel like I'm improving nonetheless. Approaching the yoga girl today did take some courage, and I'm not sure I could have done it before. Also yesterday, opening a girl who had just minutes before witnessed me getting ignored by another girl... it's not something I used to be comfortable with!
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
One compliment opener today. A slim girl in sexy high boots and short skirt. (Now that I'm typing this, she also had long curly hair so looked vvery much like the girl in my avatar but with a coat on.)

She was walking along a broad harbour wall. I didn't want to open from below so I got maybe 100 meters ahead of her, then climbed up on the wall and placed myself where she'd have to walk by eventually.

Unfortunately she was talking on the phone by then, in a Slavic sounding language. I told her "Nice outfit" as shw walked by. She thanked me with a nod and a barely audible "thank you", but continued speaking on the phone. I said "Very cute", but she kept walking and didn't turn back.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
A wasted day today. I didnt' get enough sleep, and as a result I only did 2 lame walk by "approaches" even though the weather was good and there were some nice opportunities.

I saw this quote today from @isildur1 which I loved:
Do you have a genuine interest in meeting people? For me personally I enjoy meeting new people so the motivation never stopped - each new set it an opportunity to change your life for the better and great quality women Can bring immense validation.

I should concentrate much more on having fun meeting people! Instead of worrying whether they will like me or not.

I really do enjoy getting to know new people. And much more so if they're hot girls :)
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