Wow another year has gone by! Happy new year guys!
So I didn't get many opportunities to approach recently. Mostly there just weren't many hot girls about, and when there were it was either already late and I was tired and not warmed up all day, or AA got me plain and simple.
I just checked my journal from a year ago, and it was the same around Christmas apparently. People here just hang out with their friends and families, and there's less single girls around in general.
Day game wise, I had a few short interactions over the last couple weeks, but nothing substantial.
Yesterday there was a woman who sat herself right next to me on the beach. I was thinking of opening even though she wasn't really my type, but some other guy did so first. It was fun to listen in to another guy approaching a girl near me. I overheard she's from my home country, and visiting here. In the end I heard how he told her "I want to see you again" several times, at first I found it a bit cringey but it's also a good statement of intent so the woman knows what's up.
When the guy was gone I waited a bit and then opened her asking "So you're escaping the terrible weather in [our country]?" She was very talkative. Unfortunately she was at best moderately attractive, and I'd guess she was around my age. Not fat, but I did notice a belly. Muscular arms though. Weird combo, quite masculine!
She was nice and seemed to enjoy talking to me, and we talked for an hour maybe. She's staying here for a month. I found out she's single, travels the world a lot, and has a son back home. I definitely could have closed her, but I didn't want to. Partly because I wasn't attracted, but partly also because the previous guy had already #closed her (or maybe took her social media) so I didn't feel like being the next in line. Anyway I'll probably run into her again since she lives close to my place, and she seems to like going to the beach too.
It was fun to talk to her, but in the end I excused myself, shook hands and headed off. I was hoping to approach more girls that day since now I had some pretty good momentum, but couldn't find any.
Looking back on 2024: All in all I made decent progress, even though it's going slower than I thought it would. I went out pretty much every day, and approached maybe 2 girls per day on average even though I also had some streaks of not-approaching.
I didn't reach my goal of getting laid from day game in the final weeks of the year. So I'll just keep that goal for 2025. This year it's definitely going to happen. If I keep doing what I'm doing it's just going to be my new reality, by default.
I like approaching in an organic way, like the girl yesterday. Pity she wasn't my type. But I also want to do more volume this year, so I'll make it a rule to try and open girls I see by themselves if they are reasonably thin and at least pleasant to look at (i.e. not ugly). Just ask them something or give them a quick compliment, and then see if they're fun to talk to and take it from there.