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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Fun life, though! That's what it's all about.
So, do the 17-18 year olds just bang him because of his money? They hope to get some in some way? I've never had money so don't know how it works from that angle, but can't imagine a hot 17 year old banging some guy just because he's loaded. Although if you tell me he's good looking, then it'd make sense. Does he more or less say 'sleep with me and i'll buy you some nice shoes' kind of thing? (assuming they aren't attracted to him)

I never said that, $ gets women fun experiences, vip, alcohool, vipe or hoockah etc.... You do not need the money, i just don't like that type of "flash" game, FOR ME, it feels like he is being used, i could be totally off.... He does not give a shit and he gets laid... But for me, i don't like it, but what matters is what he likes....
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Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
@Teevster It was sounding good for a bit until you said cucking. Nah bro, you can be the cuckold, I am good :p

Commenting on the thread though.

My thoughts are that just like anything out there whether it is business, music, sports, medicine, and who knows what....I think the game might be due for a revolution or might need one. My suggestion for community and social life might not even be it.

I mean with pickup, we take guys who are normally socially outcasts that struggled to get laid because they struggled to be good with people and turn them into approach machines. Yeah, they might get laid and meet women, some might even get a girlfriend, but I think the development should not stop there. I think every man needs a group of friends in his life and that sense of community to some degree.

Now I might be in the wrong place here, I cannot see myself being the lonely PUA who goes out approaching and pulling women. The best nights of my life I had were when I was out with friends and happened to meet a girl. I'd happily take 10 lays a year with a great social life and experiences to look back on over a 100 by just going out alone and "running game".

Just this idea of "getting into game state" or "doing game" kinda makes me scratch my head. I think to myself, what if meeting women and having awesome women in your life was just a part of life that came naturally after a certain point. You have put in work to make yourself attractive and appealing thanks to what you have been taught that the opportunities appear, you might act, but they almost come to you.

As I close my eyes and think about the dream life though...

I'd have a handful of guy friends I met through hobbies and my passion, we just clicked as friends, all that "cool" shit didn't matter.

Some of my guy friends and I go out to game.

We have our fun and meet women but we are able to bring women out to events and get into the exclusive nightclubs because we have chicks with us.

I have built my lifestyle to the point that I am meeting women through friends or through my lifestyle naturally, not relying on cold approach. Maybe I have a guy friend whose life I have impacted in such a way that he sometimes has a hot girl I just have to meet.

Likewise, maybe I met a hot girl through a hobby and she might not be my type but she is my friend's type, he has to meet her.

We are all guys who are so abundant with women in our lives we almost toss girls the way of each other if we feel like it.

Maybe we are weirdos and maybe we are high status but the life we have built for ourselves draws women in due to what it offers. Most of all, women leave with exciting experiences like amazing parties and amazing events due to being with us.

In some ways, a poorer version of Dan Bilzerian (more six figures than millions).

Maybe a guy can dream and maybe in my pursuit I find something innovative I share with others...

Or maybe I realize all along I was chasing pipe dreams and turn into the lonely PUA....


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
@Teevster It was sounding good for a bit until you said cucking. Nah bro, you can be the cuckold, I am good

I will give a long comment eventually, but know that I was not saying cucking in a judgemental way here. The term has been usec derogatively lately for describing weak or effeminate men. But there are many forms of cuckoldery and I see nothing morally wrong with that. After all, most men watch porn - other men fucking women they desire. The disctinction between being a "cuck" (in the traditional sense) and watching porn is not big!

Now cuckoldery is not my thing and may not be yours - it was a suggestion based on things you said "providing girls to men". But swinger clubs offer more than that!

PS: i have cuckold fantasy, I love seeing one of my girls get fucked by another girl... and dictate the sex. I do not however want to see my girl get fucked by a "bull" as a mean to "humiliate me". That's not my thing though.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
I will give a long comment eventually, but know that I was not saying cucking in a judgemental way here. The term has been usec derogatively lately for describing weak or effeminate men. But there are many forms of cuckoldery and I see nothing morally wrong with that. After all, most men watch porn - other men fucking women they desire. The disctinction between being a "cuck" (in the traditional sense) and watching porn is not big!

Now cuckoldery is not my thing and may not be yours - it was a suggestion based on things you said "providing girls to men". But swinger clubs offer more than that!

PS: i have cuckold fantasy, I love seeing one of my girls get fucked by another girl... and dictate the sex. I do not however want to see my girl get fucked by a "bull" as a mean to "humiliate me". That's not my thing though.

I think my comment got taken the wrong way.

When I said providing women to other men, I meant like being the guy who knows girls in his circle (maybe friends of girls he fucks) and has single friends he cares about, he brings them together. Not in a swinger way...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I think my comment got taken the wrong way.

When I said providing women to other men, I meant like being the guy who knows girls in his circle (maybe friends of girls he fucks) and has single friends he cares about, he brings them together. Not in a swinger way...

Got you. But what if you could "give girls" to men, and get his girl in return? I don't see why anyone wouldn't want this :)

Also you get to meet lots of hot girls, freaky girls, cool guys etc...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 2, 2020
I think social circles and having a wide range of people that respect and admire you is very important to the male psyche so I can understand your goal oh pry. I think it can be a fulfilling and noble goal to want to inspire the admiration of your peers and provide your friends and self with good times. I wouldn't knock that for a second.

Otoh I would not say it is something that is "next level" compared to cold approach. I also dont understand why it has to be an either/or thing. You can do cold approach pickup and have a killer social circle at the same time. In fact, amazing cold approach skills is the fastest and most reliable way to build a social circle.

If you want a social circle that revolves around partying, drinking, silliness, fun, laughter. Go directly to the nightclubs. It attracts those type of people. Fuck hobbies, networking events, etc etc

I might even go as far to say if you desire a high end (however you define high end) social circle and you cant make it happen within 6 months of deliberate effort than you are not a good PUA and your cold approach skills are subpar. Being a "PUA" doesnt inherently make you lonely or a loner but being a BAD PUA can get you ostracized. You can have both game and a high end social circle.

I also think part of your desire to have a high end social circle is because you dont think game is an effective way to have sex with the women you want to sleep with. Likely because it has not been particularly effective so far in your life.

When you cold approach women, not all but atleast SOME, should be telling you you are awesome,amazing,so funny etc or saying things like omg where did you come from? Or even better, when they are so captivated by you and your conversation that the moment they finally realize it they get this bewildered look on their face and go wait, what is your name??? Who are you??

Being a good pua is the ability to connect with people in a deep and meaningful with that is uncommon. I do not mean "abnormal" but more like rare and valuable. You are interesting, you are interestED, you are captivating, you are funny, you embody all the characteristics people admire. When you can do that it will able to consistently connect with high value people.

One might argue, you can't do TERRIBLE UNCALIBRATED cold approach pickup AND be part of a killer social circle. So in that sense you do want to separate pickup and a social circle until you have atleast intermediate success. When you're new (or rusty) you don't go out with your social circle and blatantly approach women in an uncalibrated way and get obvious kneejerk negative reactions. That shit is weird. Normal socially adjusted people dont randomly and continually go up to strangers and get harshly rejected.

Also on a technical level, when you're good at meeting and connecting with strangers (ie cold approach) you should be able to do it well enough that even when you get "rejected" it still looks like a friendly exchange from anyone watching on the outside. I think that is where naturals come off better compared to inexperienced guys or low level pickups. They have an intuition when a woman is sending out signals so they only shoot their shoot in those high probability situations. It's part of what makes them awesome in their own mind because they get 8 out of 10 women they hit on. Whereas they see a beginner PUA go up to ten women COMPLETELY COLD and get harshly rejected and go wow bro that's cringe, that's never happened to me. I sleep with most women I flirt with! Yeah...cool....you only fuck women giving you choosing signals....lol I disgress.

Cold approach is a tool you use to sharpen your social skills. In many ways you will get some very honest feedback when you do high volumes of cold approach. Everyone is always taking in feedback from the outside world ( and other people are a big part of our outside world) and using that to shape their personality and how they behave. Cold approach is simply a way to accelerate your growth by giving you massive amounts of feedback (reference experiences as rsd would say) in a short amount of time.

Use it as a tool to make yourself better able to connect and provide people what they desire and they will want to be around you and provide value back to you. Success with cold approach can get you a social circle. A social circle cannot get you success with cold approach, or even guaranteed success with warm approaches. Therefore a social circle can not be viewed as "next level".

Also for anyone wondering how to do social circle and game at the same time, meaning how to meet new women while you are out with your social circle.

1. You need to learn how to not, or APPEAR to not get harshly rejected. Not being able to generate sufficient interest in a woman for her to sleep with you that night is fine and socially acceptable. Getting constantly rejected in a harsh manner is not socially acceptable (or "cool").

2. You need to be viewed as a completely open and friendly guy. You talk to old married women, you talk to young 21 year old frat bros, you chop it up with the bartender, the bouncer, etc etc. EVERYONE *appears* to be your "friend". It is NOT seen as weird when you start a conversation and it happens to be with a beautiful woman.

3. Dont announce you're going to go flirt with any particular girls. In fact, never mention pickup, flirting, seduction, expending ANY effort what so ever to try and sleep with a girl you just met from the bar. Dont even talk about sleeping with random girls from the bars. Exception might be with your really close friend or if you're in a swinger club type environment. Especially never mention it to women.

4. Because you are a skilled, practiced and experienced PUA (aka you've done months and months if not years of solo cold approach and pulled desirable women for SNL) you no longer have to do 100 approaches in a night to connect with a stranger. You have the skills to generate a connection with a high percentage of people (say 20%) and you can do it at will. Yes it requires some mental energy and effort but you should be able to attain a certain level of mastery where socializing CHARGES YOU UP. A beautiful woman telling me how awesome I am always does it for me. Due to this ability you then make targeted approaches in a non direct way as people happen to be in your vicinity (or do the gunwitch "cell phone linger force approach invitation, buy his smma product for more info on that, its gold. I think it's like $50. On a side note, anyone here who hasn't listened to his two main products, Smma and gambits, is probably operating at 30% of their capability. IMO his stuff, and alot of the girlschase writers for that matter, is the true "next level" of game. Gunwitch just puts it in a very easy to understand way that is directly applicable to cold approach. I hate to ride his jock but I've listened to his two programs atleast a dozen times)

5. Once you get into a conversation with a desirable person and have them hooked (5 to 10 minutes) you say come meet my friends, and bring them to your friends. Introduce everyone, make a couple jokes, tell the girl some insightful or funny stories about your friends or the night you've been having, etc. Once that's done you pivot the girl slightly away from your group (semi isolation) and start to work on her.

6. When the night is wrapping up you either collect your people and go to the after hours spot (party, food, whatever) and invite the girl to join. You can then make sure she "gets home safe" or you simply say bye to your people and discreetly get her out of the club to "make sure she gets home safe".
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Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
Got you. But what if you could "give girls" to men, and get his girl in return? I don't see why anyone wouldn't want this :)

Also you get to meet lots of hot girls, freaky girls, cool guys etc...

For sure lol, hey I am watching Tiger King right now and one playboy on there was a swinger. I mean it's worth an experiment but man, being a cuck ain't form. I gotta get my blood work done some more and be a bull ;)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Being a bull is much more than just getting your muscles up. There are many hotwives who do not want that either. Being a bull is mindset... and requires a certain skill and calibration. Things ain't that easy.

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
Man I wonder if you ever get to a point in life to where you have made such an impact on certain people, due to having great people skills, that they are the ones willing to go above and beyond to introduce you to hot girls. I mean imagine having a Dan Bilzerian as a friend, sure you provide them significant value but in return they will put hot girls into your life. Now I hear promoter friends and nightlife industry friends will do this for certain people but as others have said, money makes the world go round here.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Man I wonder if you ever get to a point in life to where you have made such an impact on certain people, due to having great people skills, that they are the ones willing to go above and beyond to introduce you to hot girls. I mean imagine having a Dan Bilzerian as a friend, sure you provide them significant value but in return they will put hot girls into your life. Now I hear promoter friends and nightlife industry friends will do this for certain people but as others have said, money makes the world go round here.

Again, money or being cool enough (if no money) you left the second choice out...

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
I can also confirm that social circles are pretty big in the Dixie, having family in Georgia and Alabama, and some girls won't go for you if you do not have a lot of friends. Thanks to connecting more with my extended family in Georgia in the past couple of years, I started meeting more people who were in your typical Old Row (fancier way of saying prestigious) fraternity at an SEC school. I started drinking with them, going out to bars before this whole virus thing hit, and got a better understanding of what goes on.

Most of these guys don't actually sleep with that many girls, a lot of them were in LTRs during their school days. I'll give credit where it's due though, a lot of the times these girls are hot. If you sit around to talk to them, it is a lot of strolling through Instagram pages (commonly Barstool) to talk about what girls they would fuck. The few who do get laid don't dig too much into the sorority circles because word travels fast, they are mix it up and also get a lot with women not in sororities. From all I have heard from them and witnessed, the Greek Life scene is more gossip than fucking.

After college, for the few who do move to a new city, they are all trying to figure out where the hottest girls are and how to get laid. If they move out of the region, they are usually stuck having drinks with their boys and reminiscing about the good old days. There really is no magic well for them to draw from, a lot of times the hottest sorority girls are kind of over that scene. The best looking sorority girls who are still single end up moving to your prestigious world class cities like an NYC, if not then they are working towards making it a reality. A lot of times these girls will be going home with the same guys posting on this thread because they are over the frat guy.

Chase and most senior members of this forum would run circles around these guys, you'll be surprised on how many of them relied on LTRs to get laid even in their prime.

Even in cities and areas where it seems like social circle game is king though, it might seem discouraging from the outset but you just have to vet harder. When I was going out in Atlanta in 2019, most women at the Buckhead bars were sorority girls tied down to social circles with no intentions of meeting new guys. Even with that being the case, you still met women every night who wanted nothing to do with any of that and were also good looking. Now we're talking Atlanta here so in NYC or more cosmopolitan cities, you'll find this to be true most the time.

I think where pickup actually needs improvement is creating socially adjusted dudes. Women in some cities are getting defensive because you have spam approachers everywhere annoying them and these guys do not pick up on social cues. This is why I fucking hate RSD and all of these "bootcamp" types who are trying to get guys to spam approach. We need focus on building guys who do game but learn how to be socially adjusted, it is cringe to see some weirdo spam approach chicks at a bar.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
@Oh Pry
I don’t know, man.
All I am getting from thread is that you are heavily romanticizing social circles.

Yes, some circles can be very cool.
Yes, there are big perks you get from belonging to a “high status” group.

But more often than not I have found that you can get money, women and experiences faster and more reliably by doing things yourself (of course, results looks very different).

Groups can get messy too... they require your time, your loyalty and your alignment.
And that shit can sometimes get you in trouble, or maybe indebted... sometimes you need to throw some money in there just to keep up with the joneses... or spend time that could be better used in one of your projects.
Sometimes is a good investment but not always.

But the thing that really seems off to me is why that strong need to BELONG?

You can get much further and advance faster in life if you BUILD and LEAD your groups.
You get to choose the people and direct the values of the group.
Why are you not looking to create your movement instead of having some “high status people” (whatever that is) accept you?

Are you sure you’re not chasing validation?

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
Whether you talk of the Chads in high school, frat guys in college, or Dan Bilzerians in the real world, the common denominator tends to be money. The kids who come from well off and laidback families can fuck around more. They have access to better looking women since they grew up alongside them and intermingle with them a lot. Well-connected, wealthy, usually confident, and most of the times good looking due to the time they spend in the gym. All of this lends to these being the guys who will typically get the hottest girls most men want.

Women are always sizing men up from more of an evolutionary perspective which is why the guys who do real well are those who are set for survival in case shit was to go wrong. The reason "game" when done right helps you get hotter women is because it shows you to be a bold man who will take risks and has the charisma to wow her. Game is just one factor of it all, there are other things women also look for when realizing what men they want to spend time with. All of those things really just boil down to her being secure in the fact that you have the resources to protect her and your offspring.

The reason women love strong men and men who are not to be fucked with is because they know that no one is bothering them with that kind of a guy by their arm.

Women love wealthy men who know how to use their wealth because a lot of times money is power. You have to know how to use it correctly though, most guys don't which is why so many white collar men are incels.

Socially well-connected guys are in demand because they are magnetic, people flock to them. If times were to get bad, those people skills will pay off. Forget women, even I get a bit worried when I meet guys who don't have many friends, it makes me wonder what it is about them that draws people away.

No one thing alone will do it though, that's why this shit is so hard and why most men out there do not succeed with women or live that kind of a life. You can have someone with phenomenal game who sucks in all other avenues of life, that guy is going to be dumpster diving for pussy at best. Wealthy guys struggle to get laid because they don't have anything else really going for them. Socially well-connected guys might have friends but they lack the game to actually act on the many opportunities that present themselves.

What this pickup and game stuff does is sell men some gimmicky lies saying if they recite canned lines or learn psychological tricks, they will get good looking women. This is not true, women are more intuitive than anyone gives them credit for. Women will always want the best men they can get and things like looks, wealth, status, and social skills/game/charisma will all play a role in that.

Your best is actually being an attractive guy by focusing on a handful of things instead of being one of those pickup dorks that just debates theory and creepily approaches women all the time.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
Your best is actually being an attractive guy by focusing on a handful of things instead of being one of those pickup dorks that just debates theory and creepily approaches women all the time.

What are these “handful of things” specifically?

Why is approaching creepy? Also, who gives a shit?

What are the gimmicky lies?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
The reason "game" when done right helps you get hotter women is because it shows you to be a bold man who will take risks and has the charisma to wow her.
Says game works....
What this pickup and game stuff does is sell men some gimmicky lies saying if they recite canned lines or learn psychological tricks, they will get good looking women. This is not true
Says game doesn't work...

Nobody is saying game alone (pre-2007 PUAs maybe, but we realized that was a lie) will score you tons of hot women (use the search function to see how many posts there are on "looks", "fundamentals")


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 22, 2020
Whether you talk of the Chads in high school, frat guys in college, or Dan Bilzerians in the real world, the common denominator tends to be money. The kids who come from well off and laidback families can fuck around more. They have access to better looking women since they grew up alongside them and intermingle with them a lot. Well-connected, wealthy, usually confident, and most of the times good looking due to the time they spend in the gym. All of this lends to these being the guys who will typically get the hottest girls most men want.

So it all comes down to money and inherited money at that

Women are always sizing men up from more of an evolutionary perspective which is why the guys who do real well are those who are set for survival in case shit was to go wrong.

Oh wait, it all comes down to survival skills in case shit goes wrong. Got it.

The reason "game" when done right helps you get hotter women is because it shows you to be a bold man who will take risks and has the charisma to wow her.

So I need to learn "game" and take risks. But taking risks can get you killed so...….. not about survival skills.....

All of those things really just boil down to her being secure in the fact that you have the resources to protect her and your offspring.

So I need resources (?) to protect offsprings?

The reason women love strong men and men who are not to be fucked with is because they know that no one is bothering them with that kind of a guy by their arm.

Wait it's not resources, I need to hit the gym so no other guy dares bother her

Women love wealthy men who know how to use their wealth because a lot of times money is power. You have to know how to use it correctly though, most guys don't which is why so many white collar men are incels.

Damn, it was money, I knew it!

Socially well-connected guys are in demand because they are magnetic, people flock to them. If times were to get bad, those people skills will pay off. Forget women, even I get a bit worried when I meet guys who don't have many friends, it makes me wonder what it is about them that draws people away.

Shit, got it wrong again..... I need social skills!

No one thing alone will do it though, that's why this shit is so hard and why most men out there do not succeed with women or live that kind of a life. You can have someone with phenomenal game who sucks in all other avenues of life, that guy is going to be dumpster diving for pussy at best. Wealthy guys struggle to get laid because they don't have anything else really going for them. Socially well-connected guys might have friends but they lack the game to actually act on the many opportunities that present themselves.

So.... not game, not money and not social skills?

What this pickup and game stuff does is sell men some gimmicky lies saying if they recite canned lines or learn psychological tricks, they will get good looking women. This is not true, women are more intuitive than anyone gives them credit for. Women will always want the best men they can get and things like looks, wealth, status, and social skills/game/charisma will all play a role in that.

Damn, it is game, money and social skills (and status and charisma)

Your best is actually being an attractive guy by focusing on a handful of things instead of being one of those pickup dorks that just debates theory and creepily approaches women all the time.

Ah, an attractive guy by focusing on a handful of things...…

I'm almost afraid to ask what those handful of things are

But I am curious, what is YOUR style of pick up?

Indian Race Troll (IRT)

Jan 5, 2014
The other things being fundamentals but let me clarify what I meant by my post.

I am not saying game fails, what I am saying is that game alone isn't going to save you. The way I see game is that it is for closing the deal, if you cannot close the deal, you're not getting laid. You have tons of guys out there who are good looking, wealthy, and even socially connected to the cool scenes but they suck at closing. These guys end up leaving so many opportunities on the table because they never learned how to close, they never learned game.

You need game to close the deal but in order for you to close, there has to have been interest there first. The fundamentals which include looks, status, lifestyle, and things she sees about you before you even open your mouth are what generate that interest. If that interest is low, you need to learn tight game and win her over more. If that interest is high already, you just need to learn how to close. Low or high, it needs to actually be there in order for you to have a chance. If it isn't there, then game is not saving you.

This is why it continues to vex me when they take these awkward, live at home with their moms, no social skill having, no career or business, and can't even provide for themselves losers and spread the lie of "game" being their savior.

You always need game, if you can't close, you are not getting the business. It's just that sometimes we undervalue how other things like looks, lifestyle, career, and having social awareness.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 22, 2020
The other things being fundamentals but let me clarify what I meant by my post.

I am not saying game fails, what I am saying is that game alone isn't going to save you. The way I see game is that it is for closing the deal, if you cannot close the deal, you're not getting laid. You have tons of guys out there who are good looking, wealthy, and even socially connected to the cool scenes but they suck at closing. These guys end up leaving so many opportunities on the table because they never learned how to close, they never learned game.

You need game to close the deal but in order for you to close, there has to have been interest there first. The fundamentals which include looks, status, lifestyle, and things she sees about you before you even open your mouth are what generate that interest. If that interest is low, you need to learn tight game and win her over more. If that interest is high already, you just need to learn how to close. Low or high, it needs to actually be there in order for you to have a chance. If it isn't there, then game is not saving you.

This is why it continues to vex me when they take these awkward, live at home with their moms, no social skill having, no career or business, and can't even provide for themselves losers and spread the lie of "game" being their savior.

You always need game, if you can't close, you are not getting the business. It's just that sometimes we undervalue how other things like looks, lifestyle, career, and having social awareness.

Great, thanks for clearing that up.

How do you use all this vast knowledge for picking up women?
What is YOUR style of pick up? What's your specialty? Nightclubs? Bars? Daytime? Online?