@Teevster It was sounding good for a bit until you said cucking. Nah bro, you can be the cuckold, I am good
Commenting on the thread though.
My thoughts are that just like anything out there whether it is business, music, sports, medicine, and who knows what....I think the game might be due for a revolution or might need one. My suggestion for community and social life might not even be it.
I mean with pickup, we take guys who are normally socially outcasts that struggled to get laid because they struggled to be good with people and turn them into approach machines. Yeah, they might get laid and meet women, some might even get a girlfriend, but I think the development should not stop there. I think every man needs a group of friends in his life and that sense of community to some degree.
Now I might be in the wrong place here, I cannot see myself being the lonely PUA who goes out approaching and pulling women. The best nights of my life I had were when I was out with friends and happened to meet a girl. I'd happily take 10 lays a year with a great social life and experiences to look back on over a 100 by just going out alone and "running game".
Just this idea of "getting into game state" or "doing game" kinda makes me scratch my head. I think to myself, what if meeting women and having awesome women in your life was just a part of life that came naturally after a certain point. You have put in work to make yourself attractive and appealing thanks to what you have been taught that the opportunities appear, you might act, but they almost come to you.
As I close my eyes and think about the dream life though...
I'd have a handful of guy friends I met through hobbies and my passion, we just clicked as friends, all that "cool" shit didn't matter.
Some of my guy friends and I go out to game.
We have our fun and meet women but we are able to bring women out to events and get into the exclusive nightclubs because we have chicks with us.
I have built my lifestyle to the point that I am meeting women through friends or through my lifestyle naturally, not relying on cold approach. Maybe I have a guy friend whose life I have impacted in such a way that he sometimes has a hot girl I just have to meet.
Likewise, maybe I met a hot girl through a hobby and she might not be my type but she is my friend's type, he has to meet her.
We are all guys who are so abundant with women in our lives we almost toss girls the way of each other if we feel like it.
Maybe we are weirdos and maybe we are high status but the life we have built for ourselves draws women in due to what it offers. Most of all, women leave with exciting experiences like amazing parties and amazing events due to being with us.
In some ways, a poorer version of Dan Bilzerian (more six figures than millions).
Maybe a guy can dream and maybe in my pursuit I find something innovative I share with others...
Or maybe I realize all along I was chasing pipe dreams and turn into the lonely PUA....