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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
you are talking about "DEADBEATS"
"For ltrs to work out in the long run you'll need money, cool friends, and do "fun things"
deadbeat don't have money, cool friends, or do "fun things".
A lot of guys just go to their shitty jobs, go to the gym, cook, eat, watch some tv or read a book before going to sleep and then doing the same thing all over again.

But this isn't entirely their fault. There are probably a lot of factors at play keeping these men stuck in their cycles. For example, they might not be interested in learning any in-demand skills (e.g., trades) or they might not be "smart" enough to be able to wrap their heads around profitable concepts like coding and mathematics. Therefore, they stick to their shitty jobs, which they enjoy (or don't mind), but don't allow them to make lots of $$$.

They might have been bullied when they were younger, so they grew up having a hard time trusting other people. Therefore, they don't have any friends.

Or they might've had friends, but for whatever reason, they split up (e.g., pot-smoking, video-game playing friends who had to be dropped or friends in college who moved away to a different city after graduation) and they don't have any hobbies or interests that allow them to meet new people (e.g., all they do is work, gym, cook, and read).
deadbeats ^


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
The money/job thing isn't that relevant in my experience if you're just looking to get laid. They don't seem to care (but it is usually important if you're looking to get a girlfriend)

If you're just looking to get laid which most of us are, it's all about the fundamentals. Basically your looks. At that point, you have more girls who are attracted to you.

If a girl is attracted to you, you tend to need very minimal game (read aaron sleazy's minimal game lol). Have the balls to escalate. Don't be super weird or super boring. Job done.

And if she ISN'T attracted to you, no amount of game is gonna do a damn thing lol.

Dude. If you aren’t attractive, then start acting more attractively, then you will appear more attractive, so better hooking. This is common sense.

An implication of your own words - if you act weirdly then you will appear less attractive.

You really need to elaborate more on the cause and effect here, as well as what you mean by “attractive”. I keep seeing posts like this and its giving me a headache, like explaining to someone why 1+1=2.

If you have man A and man B, both of similar physical attractiveness. Man A behaves cooler than Man B. It follows that Man A will be more attractive than Man B, thus easier time with babes and everyone on earth

Game includes everything involved with acting attractively (imo even extends to your thoughts which are actions themselves though not visible to anyone) plus other things.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Dude. If you aren’t attractive, then start acting more attractively, then you will appear more attractive, so better hooking. This is common sense.

An implication of your own words - if you act weirdly then you will appear less attractive.
If you have man A and man B, both of similar physical attractiveness. Man A behaves cooler than Man B. It follows that Man A will be more attractive than Man B, thus easier time with babes and everyone on earth
You can only lose attraction via your words/actions.

You can not create attraction, where there is no attraction. (In this example, Girl A would be attracted to both man A and B. Girl A lost attraction for Man B because he isn't cool)

Whether she thinks your good looking or not, is outside of your control (what is in your control however, is increasing the odds that more girls than not will find you good looking via maxxing out your fundamentals).

If she finds you attractive (again, not in your control), then you gotta turn that attraction into arousal, then talk her into coming home with you = seduction/game (in your control, what this forum is all about).

It's not about just "escalate don't be super weird or super boring", bro either.

For a good visual of what it looks like to have a girl attracted to you, but still not end up pulling them home (or got lucky i.e. bad for consistency), I strongly recommend signing up for UMP's Mastermind Facebook group, and watch Markus breakdown the infields of several famous PUAs (Todd V, RSDJulien, RSDMax, JP, Coach Kyle) and see him point out all the shit they did wrong/could have done better/instead (missed opportunities to sexualize, DHV, qualify her, etc). It was eye opening even to me (especially JP's infield lol). What is hilarious is that these coaches posted this clips because they thought they ran "good game".


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 22, 2020
This is the heart of the manner. What is needed for what exactly?
Because what you need to SNL a girl differs from what you need to LTR a girl.

For LTRs to work out in the long run you'll need money, cool friends, and do "fun things" (have hobbies besides pickup).
For consistent SNLs (not once in a blue moon), you'll need to look good (workout/dress well = fundamentals. Face (includes skin/hair), height, intelligence = genetics), and have game.

SNLs? no. LTR? yes.

exceptions prove the rule.

After graduating from college, they transition into their careers. Their friends are made up of the ones they made in college, roommates, and at work. Being in debt doesn't factor into this.

Sorry @Velasco, this just tells me you have very little experience when it comes to LTRs

If a woman is not going to be with you long term or will leave you if don't have money, cool friends or can't do "fun things" then you clearly don't know and/or are not interested in how to screen women for LTRs.

Apologize if this sounds harsh, it's not my intention, but if you don't know how to screen women for an LTR, than the relationship is not going to last very long at all, which is clearly the opposite of what an LTR entails

Exceptions don't prove the rule, very weak argument with no basis in fact.

You completely missed my point about guys graduating from college and being in debt because you took it out of context. Dern and Truthtomasses (and now you) are arguing that money is needed for LTRs or "settle down" (as Dern put it). My point is that if that is the case, guys who graduate from college are in debt, with 100 000s of them in the US that have debt payments higher than their salaries (meaning they have no money at the end of the month) and yet they are in LTRs!

Don't take my word for it, google it and see for yourself. There are many forums about the student debt crisis, where guys (and girls) describe how big their debt problems are, how they have no money and their spouses are supporting them.

you do if you want to roll in high status circles. can you bring them girls, host afterparties, get them in exclusive clubs/restaurants, drugs? nobody wants a leech.

Which has nothing to do with what Dern argued, here take a look this is what he wrote:

I'm just a 25-year old incel who's approached over 1000 girls but never really had much success. My perspective on "game" changed when I spent 6 months attending a prestigious party university in California. I realized that all the guys partying and sleeping with the hottest girls were frat guys. And of course, these social circles were closed off to outsiders. Life after university isn't really any different. The high status groups are mostly closed off. High-value guys are extremely wary of low-value guys coming in and sucking value. YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO BRING SOMETHING TO THE TABLE.

My point was you don't need to bring anything to any table because his whole premise is deluded:
you don't need to be rich or roll in frats or closed off high status groups to sleep with hot women, long term or otherwise
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
Via dictionary.com

Attractive: providing pleasure or delight, especially in appearance or manner; pleasing; charming; alluring: an attractive personality.

When i use the word “attractive” i specifically mean the phenomenon of an object being appealing to a person. Do you want something? Do you desire something? Then that thing is attractive to you in some way, could be because you’re hungry, desperate, cold, sick, horny, vain, whatever.

Your attractiveness can be increased or decreased from the perspective of other people by how you behave. Your behavior includes: facial expressions, vibe, actions, deeds, etc. Increase in attractiveness commonly happens when you see someone who looks boring or is minding their own business but then they say something really funny. Now you like them more

When you cold approach a girl in a club the odds of her wanting to get fucked by you are low. Her desires for you are low, hence her attraction towards you is low. If this were not the case than she would be willing to get fucked by you immediately and a simple “let’s fuck” would suffice as an opener. Not the case. Literally you talking about sex is just a way to potentially appeal to her desires more. When you appeal to someone’s desires more you become more attractive to them. This is true for other animals as well.

You can only lose attraction via your words/actions.

You can not create attraction, where there is no attraction. (In this example, Girl A would be attracted to both man A and B. Girl A lost attraction for Man B because he isn't cool)

It’s not than Man B isn’t cool. It’s that Man A behaves cooler (replace “cooler” with charming, alluring, attractive, etc) than man B (so man B could also behave cool). When observing the two, Man A will be more attractive than Man B. A woman will simply see that man A is more attractive because he is exhibiting more things that are appealing to her. This doesn’t mean Man Bs behavior is unattractive/uncool

Helpful synonyms: desirability, attractiveness, allure, charm, appeal
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 22, 2020
We might need to order tampons for people on this thread that are attacking others for voicing their opinion, don't ya think?

The crowd here is very pro-game so a statement might get taken the wrong way but I fail to see how improving your life is harming you in doing well with women. Yeah there are unemployed guys and criminals that do well with women but why are we aspiring to be like these men? I am the first guy to attack the more to life than pussy crowd but it's not worth being a loser or risking your freedom for a lay.

If you are still in the mindset that game alone will somehow get you the top quality women from guys who are killing it in other areas of life, your brainwashed. No one is denying the importance of game, you can't close without it. What we are saying is you'll need more than just that to get laid with the women a lot of other guys out there want. Men should always be working on improving their lives even if it was not completely relevant to game.

I work as a sales manager, even the best salesman will struggle to sell a shit product compared to an average salesman who is selling one that is good. If you have an issue with that fact then take it up with God or the Universe, they write the rules, not me.

As for "discovering your own value" and all of that garbage, please read the article here on ego, you can't live a lie.

Congratulations on getting the "troll post" label, looks like you've had a productive day!

Let's see:
  1. Lack of self awareness
  2. Poor communication skills
  3. Lack of social awareness
  4. Delusional - thinking lack of seductions skills are due to problems other than himself
  5. Fragile ego - Can't admit when wrong and therefore unable to learn from mistakes
  6. Lack of critical thinking - Can't separate bullshit from quality advice
  7. Sales manager who doesn't understand that sales is more dependent on what feelings the customer associates with the product than actual product quality (yes, I've worked in sales)
  8. Also doesn't understand that sales skills don't correlate to pick up / seduction skills
  9. Holds on desperately to deeply ingrained belief system that ruins his chances with women, even when experienced guys point it out
  10. Believes that he doesn't have any value to offer to women and anyone that says he does is spewing garbage
  11. Tries to deflect all of the above to an unrelated link (possibly due to #5 fragile ego)
Wow, that's quite a feat for such a short post! LOL!

Is it any wonder why you and Dern suck with women?

Oh mate, thanks for the laughs, I haven't laughed this hard since COVID-19 kicked in! :D

On a serious note though, if you ever decide to stop trolling and want to improve your PU / seduction skills, start with these 11 points.

To the mods: Apologies for feeding the troll, but this was the best fun I had in weeks (yeah, I know my life is lame right now! LOL!)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
An alternate angle to the pinpin problem: is there a way to make someone like you more while you are interacting with them? Yes


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
then you clearly don't know and/or are not interested in how to screen women for LTRs.
You're right. I'm not interested in screening girls for LTRs at this stage of my life. But I think this would actually make a great post, because there are members on this forum who would be :)
My point is that if that is the case, guys who graduate from college are in debt, with 100 000s of them in the US that have debt payments higher than their salaries (meaning they have no money at the end of the month) and yet they are in LTRs!

Don't take my word for it, google it and see for yourself. There are many forums about the student debt crisis, where guys (and girls) describe how big their debt problems are, how they have no money and their spouses are supporting them.
You said:
How could they have built up a "solid lifestyle (e.g., career, friends)" so quickly after having huge student debt from college?

Solid lifestyle (X) = career, friends.

How can they get X? Secure a mid-to-high salary position in your field, post college + make friends at work/roommates.

Huge debt?

Set aside a certain percentage of your paycheck to pay off your monthly student loan bill like me, expected to be fully paid off in 10-20 years.

Which has nothing to do with what Dern argued, here take a look this is what he wrote:

The examples I listed, as bringing something to the table (which are things high status guys would be interested in), were to get access to these groups as mr. nobody. Once you're accepted by the group, no you don't need to bring anything to the table to get the hot girls, just game them.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 22, 2020
You're right. I'm not interested in screening girls for LTRs at this stage of my life. But I think this would actually make a great post, because there are members on this forum who would be :)

We'll see if there is interest, I'll write something

You said:

Again, you are taking my words out of context.

Here is the whole context:

"Unfortunately, I find that as you grow up, it becomes harder and harder to make friends. Especially friends who want to party and "have fun." After college, a lot of people are focused on their careers and "settling down." "

"But how can they settle down after college? According to you:

"Being an attractive man in 2020 requires more than just game. You need a solid lifestyle (e.g., career, friends), good looks, AND good game"

How could they have built up a "solid lifestyle (e.g., career, friends)" so quickly after having huge student debt from college?"

In other words, how can these guys have money for being in LTRs ("settle down" ) when MANY of them don't have money because of the huge debts payments that dwarf their monthly income.

Solid lifestyle (X) = career, friends.

How can they get X? Secure a mid-to-high salary position in your field, post college + make friends at work/roommates.

Huge debt?

Set aside a certain percentage of your paycheck to pay off your monthly student loan bill like me, expected to be fully paid off in 10-20 years.

Sigh...…..Nobody is arguing about how to payoff student debts, please see above

The examples I listed, as bringing something to the table (which are things high status guys would be interested in), were to get access to these groups as mr. nobody. Once you're accepted by the group, no you don't need to bring anything to the table to get the hot girls, just game them.

Yes, I got that, but as I already stated, this has nothing to do with what Dern and I were arguing.

My whole point is you don't need the damn groups at all to sleep with hot women!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
charming; alluring: an attractive personality.
I am always described as charming by my girls (all cold approach SNLed). But my looks is what initially attracted them. Without them, they would not give me an opportunity to demonstrate my charming personality.
Do you want something? Do you desire something? Then that thing is attractive to you in some way, could be because you’re desperate, horny, whatever.
Increase in attractiveness commonly happens when you see someone who looks boring or is minding their own business but then they say something really funny. Now you like them more
If a 2 says something really funny to you. That made you laugh your ass off, are you gonna be sexually attracted to her now? I don't know about you, but even if I was super horny and desperate as fuck, I would not fuck a girl I was not physically attracted to. A 6? maybe. Hence: YES, MAYBE, NO girls.
When you cold approach a girl in a club the odds of her wanting to get fucked by you are low. Her desires for you are low, hence her attraction towards you is low. If this were not the case than she would be willing to get fucked by you immediately and a simple “let’s fuck” would suffice as an opener.
You are talking about her arousal levels. Not attraction (and her arousal levels can be quite high if she has been drinking. and you are her exact type. That's usually how 45 second pulls go down)
Literally you talking about sex is just a way to potentially appeal to her desires more. When you appeal to someone’s desires more you become more attractive to them
I am talking about sex to sexually arousal her. Not make her become more attracted to me. She is already attracted to me from my looks. My behavior just serves to confirm her attraction for me (yes he is an attractive dude. No he's actually a chode).
A woman will simply see that man A is more attractive because he is exhibiting more things that are appealing to her. This doesn’t mean Man Bs behavior is unattractive/uncool
whoever wins the AMOG battle between them gets the girl, because she is already physically attracted to both of them. In this case Man A wins.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
how can these guys have money for being in LTRs ("settle down" ) when MANY of them don't have money because of the huge debts payments that dwarf their monthly income.

As of Apr 1, 2020, the average monthly pay for the Junior Financial Analyst jobs category in the United States is $4,336 a month.

the average balance among class of 2017 bachelor’s-degree graduates with college debt was $28,650, according to The Institute for College Access and Success.

Loan Balance:
Adjusted Loan Balance:
Loan Interest Rate:
Loan Fees:
Loan Term:
10 years​
Minimum Payment:
Monthly Loan Payment:
Number of Payments:
My whole point is you don't need the damn groups at all to sleep with hot women!

OK!!! :p


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
Attractive: providing pleasure or delight, especially in appearance or manner; pleasing; charming; alluring: an attractive personality.

Sexual arousal is a specific desire. Sexual pleasure is a specific pleasure. Things that satisfy that desire will be attractive to you. If you are not experiencing that specific desire at the moment (like you’re depressed or something) then those things that would satisfy that desire are no longer appealing in the same way.

Stimulating someone’s desires - like turning them on, making them laugh or smile - is a part of appearing attractive/desirable.

So this “I am talking about sex to sexually arousal her. Not make her become more attracted to me.” means exactly as I stated. You talk about sex in order to appeal to more of her desires, and sexual arousal is a desire just like hunger is a desire. This necessarily makes you more attractive. You are literally
more likely to make her a more satisfied woman.

She is already attracted to me from my looks.”

Yes, and acting charismatically makes you more attractive beyond your static physical appearance (ie looks). I’m not trying to imply looks are not a factor. Clearly they are lol but experience also shows that certain behavior is charismatic/attractive whereas other behavior the opposite and that a guy with an otherwise good looking face can look ugly through weird facial mannerisms

My behavior just serves to confirm her attraction for me (yes he is an attractive dude. No he's actually a chode)”

^^^ what does this mean “confirm her attraction for me”? Your behavior needs to also match in attractiveness with your physical looks? So in order to have sex with you, your behavior must also be attractive? This is what I mean. Attractive behavior makes you more appealing - more attractive!! She has some attraction/desire for you because of your looks, then your behavior increases it.

Your behavior is also composed of things that directly affect her focus and emotions (like when you joke her for example) and are also inseparable from your looks unless she takes a bunch of photos of you. A huge range of things that alter a woman’s emotions and desires fall under the category of “behavior” and which also affect your appeal. Your questions and comments are part of your behavior too.

I think when you use“attractiveness” you are referring to physical attractiveness as a base attractiveness.

“If a 2 says something really funny to you. That made you laugh your ass off, are you gonna be sexually attracted to her now? I don't know about you, but even if I was super horny and desperate as fuck, I would not fuck a girl I was not physically attracted to. A 6? maybe. Hence: YES, MAYBE, NO girls.”

It’ll make her more appealing but not to your sexual desire specifically; basically, not enough to fuck, but more appealing none the less. If you had to choose, you’d rather be around a 2 that was funny than a 2 who was a cunt wouldn’t you?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 3, 2020
It's so fucking funny people are still talking about "looks" and "money" in 2020 like a bunch of fucking losers.

Guys... Look at the name of the forum you're in. Read the fucking Game.

"Give me 2 mins and I'll talk my looks away." -Tyler Durden

As someone who used to be really good looking (kinda balding atm, lol) and rich as fuck (0.1%) within my local country, it's fucking hilarious the opinions of people on things.

They have Z E R O effect on girls. Like NONE. At all... Whatsoever.

The world of PU is filled with so many examples of this shit the fact that people are still talking about this is so fucking funny. Look at Bradicus. The guy literally looks like he rolls out of a garbage bag in the morning. Pulls a cutie every other day, lol.

It's still YOU. I was always YOU. It will always be YOU. Your energy, your vibe, how you carry yourself, your style, your personality, etc.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
The world of PU is filled with so many examples of this shit the fact that people are still talking about this is so fucking funny. Look at Bradicus. The guy literally looks like he rolls out of a garbage bag in the morning. Pulls a cutie every other day, lol.

^^^how do you know this (pull/other-day) lol???


Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 3, 2020
^^^how do you know this (pull/other-day) lol???
Through Alex Social, Justin Marc, his IG and constant vlogging. It's one of the most transparent PU behind the scenes content there is. Brad is notorious for pulling all the time, dude used to write journals/field reports when he was Alex's student and he pulled like 4-5 times in the bootcamp he was a student in, LOL.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
My behavior just serves to confirm her attraction for me (yes he is an attractive dude. No he's actually a chode)”

^^^ what does this mean “confirm her attraction for me”?
Your behavior needs to also match in attractiveness with your physical looks? So in order to have sex with you, your behavior must also be attractive?
You can only lose attraction through your words/actions (this guy is a chode/weird...nevermind). If my behavior does not match in attractiveness with my looks, then it'd be the same as her not liking the way I look.

PUA says, it doesn't matter if she doesn't like the way you look, because you can make her attracted to you via attractive behavior.

And that's not how it works. Its looks first (which is instantaneous), behavior confirms or denies that subconscious feeling.
It’ll make her more appealing but not to your sexual desire specifically; basically, not enough to fuck, but more appealing none the less. If you had to choose, you’d rather be around a 2 that was funny than a 2 who was a cunt wouldn’t you?
what does it matter if I won't fuck any of them?
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
The world of PU is filled with so many examples of this shit the fact that people are still talking about this is so fucking funny. Look at Bradicus. The guy literally looks like he rolls out of a garbage bag in the morning.

My understanding from what he talked about in some of his videos is Bradicus in Sydney targets backpacker girls from Scandinavia, offers them a free night to sleep in his comfortable apartment, and often deep in the night, when it is dark, he escalates to try to sleep with them. So he succeeds.

I also do believe he probably slept with that many girls in Peru. Peru has some of the ugliest shortest girls in the world. So him, being a white taller guy, he’s a “trophy fuck,”

A close friend of mine is 6’2″, white, and in his 20s. He has no game, his game is beta and promises the girls he’ll be their boyfriend. And he went to a smaller city in Philippines, and fucked 30 5s and 6s in 2 months off of Tinder. Compared to all the old fat westerners that go there, this young tall white guy stood out like he’s Brad Pitt or something. So even with his beta blue pilled ways, he got laid like a rockstar. He was not satisfied with the quality though, but me knowing this and having visited Peru and seen how ugly the average man and woman is there, Bradicus will be a White God.

Plus, he often shows the girl’s hair or ass, which can be nice in Peruvian girls since they are latinas. But the faces and how short the girls are, it’s probably the second ugliest nation in the world after Honduras. Even Philippines would be better than Peru, and when I went to Philippines, I’d only see one or two 7+ A WEEK. It was horrible. Yes, there can be Filipino 8+ but those are almost always mixed, with some gringo white father. And this is why Filipinas have a white man fetish, because they can show off their white baby and feel proud and higher status than all their friends and relatives.

This the guy you use to tell us looks have zero effect on girls lol?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 3, 2020
You can only lose attraction through your words/actions (this guy is a chode/weird...nevermind). If my behavior does not match in attractiveness with my looks, then it'd be the same as her not liking the way I look.

PUA says, it doesn't matter if she doesn't like the way you look, because you can make her attracted to you with attractive behavior.

And that's not how it works. Its looks first (which is instantaneous), behavior confirms or denies that subconscious feeling.

what does it matter if I won't fuck any of them?

You can lose attraction and you can gain attraction.

Behavior doesn’t confirm or deny anything because there is no confirm or deny switch in the brain. There are emotions and desires, which are being manipulated through your behavior causing more or less attraction.

You are creating a metaphysical “attractiveness”. I’m referring to the actual mental sensation of desiring something or someone. Attraction = desirability. This mental sensation can obviously be manipulated - happens all the time through shock, humor, relaxation, arousal and so on

You are, knowingly or not, implying that desiring someone cannot be increased through their behavior towards you. <== can you directly prove this false?

This means it is impossible for any human being to like someone more than they previously did. It means it is impossible for a woman to like a man more than during his first impression. It also implies that it’s not possible for people to fall in love

The 2 girls was an example that yes, desire for someone can increase. You liking a girl more after you get to know her more is also an example.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 22, 2020
As of Apr 1, 2020, the average monthly pay for the Junior Financial Analyst jobs category in the United States is $4,336 a month.

the average balance among class of 2017 bachelor’s-degree graduates with college debt was $28,650, according to The Institute for College Access and Success.

Loan Balance:
Adjusted Loan Balance:
Loan Interest Rate:
Loan Fees:
Loan Term:
10 years​
Minimum Payment:
Monthly Loan Payment:
Number of Payments:
OK!!! :p


Are you taking the piss, mate? What does average loan payments have to do with my point? Do you even understand what you are responding to?

Can we get a little perspective here? You do realize you are defending the comments of what is probably a troll sock puppet?

Dern makes a contradicting points about how a guy needs money and be part of elite social circles to sleep with hot women or get into LTRs. Then says that guys graduating from college are "settling down" (getting into LTRs).

To which my argument is
And yet 100 000s to millions of guys who are graduating from college don't have money (see below) and are in LTRs!

And now here you are replying with average student loan repayment which has nothing to do with my point that tons of broke guys are in LTRs.

Seriously go read his post and tell me that it's not full of KJ nonsense. While you're at it go read the post of his master that he thinks is post of the year, he quotes it at the beginning!

Proof that tons of broke guys are in LTRs


"The facts seem stark: About 45 million Americans now owe a stunning $1.6 trillion in student debt. That's roughly one in every four adults, nearly double the number who had higher education loans 15 years ago. Among millennials, the number is one in three, often cited as a reason why so many young adults can't afford to buy a home, get married, have a family or move out of their parents' basements.

Meanwhile, the average amount that undergraduates borrow has shot up 60 percent over the same period, and defaults on loans have jumped as well. More than one-quarter of students can't keep up with their payments 12 years after borrowing, vs. 18 percent just a few years ago, and that number is projected to hit 40 percent by 2023."

So let's see:
More than 22.5 million Americans had student debt15 years ago. And more than 25% of these can't keep up with payments =>

22.5 x 0.25 = 5.6

So more than 5.6 million Americans can't keep up with payments (!!!)

So assuming 50% of these are guys =>

More than 2.8 million guys can't keep up with debt payments (!!!!!)

Wanna bet a good chunk of these guys are in LTRs?

=>100 000's to millions of broke guys in LTRs in the US alone

***MIC DROP*** ;)
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
Attraction is either there or it isn't.

If its there, you can turn it into arousal.
if it's not, then your behavior simply can not manipulate it, into being there.

The attraction to arousal process goes as following (in my eyes):

This guy's hot/cute -> attractive personality (your words and actions which include your sense of humor, body language, strong eye contact etc) -> confirmation -> I'd fuck this guy (as long as you remain congruent with how you present yourself (you may still lose it, with enough unattractive behavior (making out too much, platonic conversation, failing too many shit tests, not leading...chody behavior) (note: when you begin to lose attraction via temporarily displaying unattractive behaviors, but then catch and correct yourself, and go back to displaying attractive behaviors, you are not causing her to be more attracted to you. You are simply returning to where you previously were before you began displaying unattractive behaviors (basically. she is not now MORE attracted to you, then when she first thought you were an attractive guy) Here she may even verbalize her subconscious thoughts (ur hot) because of the confirmation) -> sex talk -> triggers sexual arousal -> ok, I want to fuck this guy now.

And about the 2 physically unattractive girls with opposing personalities.

My desire to have sex for either girl has neither gone up nor down. And there's nothing she can do to change my mind, because the desire was never there in the first place.