Post of the year right there.
More like belly laugh of the year! LOL!
Being an attractive man in 2020 requires more than just game. You need a solid lifestyle (e.g., career, friends), good looks, AND good game.
And you KNOW all this for a fact?
The biggest downfall of the "PUA" industry is that it promises that you can get laid with hot girls just by being confident and spitting some lines.
Who cares about the downfall of the "PUA" industry, the reason why it grew in the first place is because "PUA gurus" told lazy frustrated chumps exactly what they wanted to hear.
Had they told the frustrated chumps the truth that it will require years of hard work, they wouldn't have been a "PUA" industry in the first place
That may have been the case like 10 years ago, but not anymore.
It was never the case 10 or 15 years ago, it didn't work then either.
Now with the emphasis on Instagram and dating apps, girls want to see a man's value before even considering him. They want to see that he has money, good looking friends, does fun things, works out, dresses well, etc.
Rationalizing excuses to not take action, me thinks.
Instagram and dating apps didn't change the millions of years biological evolution in the female mating psyche.
But for a lot of guys (including me) accomplishing these goals are HARD. And they certainly don't happen overnight.
Learning pick up is hard and it won't happen overnight. Your problem is that you are deluding yourself with what you think is needed.
A lot of guys just go to their shitty jobs, go to the gym, cook, eat, watch some tv or read a book before going to sleep and then doing the same thing all over again.
But this isn't entirely their fault. There are probably a lot of factors at play keeping these men stuck in their cycles. For example, they might not be interested in learning any in-demand skills (e.g., trades) or they might not be "smart" enough to be able to wrap their heads around profitable concepts like coding and mathematics. Therefore, they stick to their shitty jobs, which they enjoy (or don't mind), but don't allow them to make lots of $$$.
Has nothing to do with money, just another delusion.
I know several guys who do well with women who don't make much money. One guy I know hasn't had a job in 12 years, has a total knockout of a wife that is 25 years younger who supports him financially and does most of the house work. They have 3 kids and been together for 15 years.
They might have been bullied when they were younger, so they grew up having a hard time trusting other people. Therefore, they don't have any friends.
I have VERY few people in my life that I would call friends and have been with hundreds of women, there is no correlation between the two.
Or they might've had friends, but for whatever reason, they split up (e.g., pot-smoking, video-game playing friends who had to be dropped or friends in college who moved away to a different city after graduation) and they don't have any hobbies or interests that allow them to meet new people (e.g., all they do is work, gym, cook, and read).
Mother nature has a very efficient way of eliminating lazy excuse makers from the gene pool.
What Oh Pry wants is a solid group of friends to share fun experiences with. This is something that EVERYONE WANTS. It doesn't matter how introverted or extroverted you are. We are all social creatures who crave human connection.
Personally I think Oh Pry is going through a depression and is looking for emotional tampons, hence the lack of action and reposting the same topic over and over again.
I recognize the symptoms having been through something similar myself 15 years ago.
Unfortunately, I find that as you grow up, it becomes harder and harder to make friends. Especially friends who want to party and "have fun." After college, a lot of people are focused on their careers and "settling down."
But how can they settle down after college? According to you:
"Being an attractive man in 2020 requires more than just game. You need a solid lifestyle (e.g., career, friends), good looks, AND good game"
How could they have built up a "solid lifestyle (e.g., career, friends)" so quickly after having huge student debt from college?
If you want to be part of a group that parties and engages in hedonistic pursuits, you probably have to niche down really hard: become involved in nightlife (e.g., bartender, DJ, club promoter)... become a photographer for famous Instagram models... maybe go back to school and join a frat (lol). I honestly wish I knew the answer, but the reality is that I don't.
It's good that you admit that you don't know the answer. Your next step is learning how to filter out the bullshit (needing money, status, friends etc) that is holding you back.
I'm just a 25-year old incel who's approached over 1000 girls but never really had much success. My perspective on "game" changed when I spent 6 months attending a prestigious party university in California. I realized that all the guys partying and sleeping with the hottest girls were frat guys.
Interesting, so how does a former frat guy sleep with hot girls after college?
How do guys in European and Asian universities (where there are no fraternities) sleep with the hottest girls?
And of course, these social circles were closed off to outsiders. Life after university isn't really any different. The high status groups are mostly closed off. High-value guys are extremely wary of low-value guys coming in and sucking value. YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO BRING SOMETHING TO THE TABLE.
There aren't secret closed off high status groups with a spread out pussy buffet, just waiting for all the guys who are high status enough to get in. Just more delusion.
You don't need to bring anything to any table, you need to discover YOUR OWN VALUE then you will also become a "high status guy"
But for most guys (because of what I discussed above... their temperaments, their interests, and their histories), being someone who is extremely rich, social, and well-connected is not something that can just happen.
More delusion.
Most guys will fail with PU / seduction, either because they are lazy excuse makers who don't want to take action or are so deeply ingrained in their own delusions of how things work that they put themselves in their own virtual inescapable prisons.
You and Truthtomasses are in the latter category.
You both have such deeply ingrained delusions and belief systems, that would be a challenge for even the best seduction coaches. Neither of you will progress until you've learned to let go of these tightly held belief systems.