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Is game harder than it was 10 years ago?

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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 11, 2022
Would you say the average male is moving away from Western countries to places that it is easier for them to get laid?

Thailand/Colombia are now known worldwide as sex tourist destinations


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Would you say the average male is moving away from Western countries to places that it is easier for them to get laid?

Thailand/Colombia are now known worldwide as sex tourist destinations

Why are we even discussing what average males do?

Opting for prostitution or traveling to countries where that is the norm is nothing new. Losers have always existed.



Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Getting laid has always been hard for average people. Thankfully modern males are getting lamer and lamer every generation. Smoke weed and play video games are all they care about. Pretty easy to make yourself above average when the guys your competing against aren’t even trying.

I fully agree, I would not be surprised if game wasn't actually any harder, but males have suddenly found a public validation in failing or doing things associated with weakness. Or perhaps even they simply find no validation in moving along the path that would eventually take them to strength and success, and so never take it in the first place.

I don't believe sexual dynamics really change as a result of cultural phenomenon. All the girls I've been with reverted to more or less the same behavior with me, even though from the outside they came from different walks of life. The things they responded to, the X's I did that made them do Y, the things I could get away with, the frames that worked and didn't work, had loads of similarity.

Sometimes when I spend a long time away from the game, and then go back, I start to believe that something has changed, but actually women are perhaps the most stable social variable in the world these days - I suppose that's saying something!

If anything has changed with women (and this is only a hypothesis) I believe it's that women are more confused than ever, surrounded by weakness and insecurity on all sides, the focal point of efforts to manipulate the structure of society. And this triggers anxiety in situations they might normally feel relatively comfortable handling, and also perhaps inhibits their spontaneity. But I'm still not sure it really makes things any harder or different from before, in fact it may make it easier and more satisfying for them to submit to a good strong frame when it comes along.

The cancer of male weakness is rampant however, and I don't think it's worth looking elsewhere for a problem when you've got something rotten right in front of you. The black pill, incel, twitch gaming, emotionally unstable, listless, pleasure-seeking generation is here and won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

I happened to come upon a youtube video where Andrew Tate was debating with a bunch of big-name fortnite players, guys in their late teens to early twenties who make a very good income simply from being video gamers. And the level of emotional instability was fascinating to see. They sounded like a bunch of screaming chickens, barely intelligible - and they weren't even mad at him, it was just how they expressed themselves when they felt tension or discomfort. These are guys with vast young audiences who look up to them and try to emulate them.

When I see that it is no surprise that statistics are saying that women aren't as keen to bang as before. The male crop is of very poor quality, generally speaking, in this day and age.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Originally I thought that all the people complaining about how “hard” game has gotten is perhaps just new. New guys always think it’s hard where as us vets still find it easy because seduction hasn’t fucking changed.

Now I’m wondering if there is more to that. I’ve met some older guys (30+) that actually picked up game and learned it fast and got a lot of success but I see lots of younger guys having tons of problems. I’m speculating that perhaps the older guys who were brought up in a society that still prized masculinity have a unique advantage over younger guys who have been shamed all their life for being masculine as were brought up watching retards on social media all their life. They were programmed differently.

Just thinking outloud. All I know is, I’ve found some free time lately and have been out cold approaching again and while my technical game is probably the worst it’s been in a long time, the women are as easy as ever. They are craving strong mascualine men.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 16, 2020
I agree.

I would venture to say that just as economy has been getting polarized (the rich get richer, the poor get poorer) so has the dating market… the skilled get more lays, the unskilled less and less.
The poor were getting richer, notably so, from 2016-2020.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 16, 2020
Originally I thought that all the people complaining about how “hard” game has gotten is perhaps just new. New guys always think it’s hard where as us vets still find it easy because seduction hasn’t fucking changed.

Now I’m wondering if there is more to that. I’ve met some older guys (30+) that actually picked up game and learned it fast and got a lot of success but I see lots of younger guys having tons of problems. I’m speculating that perhaps the older guys who were brought up in a society that still prized masculinity have a unique advantage over younger guys who have been shamed all their life for being masculine as were brought up watching retards on social media all their life. They were programmed differently.

Just thinking outloud. All I know is, I’ve found some free time lately and have been out cold approaching again and while my technical game is probably the worst it’s been in a long time, the women are as easy as ever. They are craving strong mascualine men.

This hot college girl I've been banging I haven't seen for like a month. She's been texting me all week to come and bang her Fri or Sat last week - I was sick - and all this week but I'm not gonna see her until Sunday.

These young women are thirsty for old-school masculine men. This one gets plenty of attention on campus, had a nonviolent stalker last year, and is surrounded by terrible game and soybois. If I told you some of the stories of how she gets hit on and guys trying to give her gifts you'd cringe forever.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2020
Getting laid has always been hard for average people. Thankfully modern males are getting lamer and lamer every generation. Smoke weed and play video games are all they care about. Pretty easy to make yourself above average when the guys your competing against aren’t even trying.
Maybe true ... as stated in my post, I was referring to western societies and I assume you are too. In some other parts of the world (cough, cough certain Slavic regions) where a lot of women tend to have dogshit standards in men, let's be real, you can't underestimate the "average" competition.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2020
Opting for prostitution or traveling to countries where that is the norm is nothing new. Losers have always existed.
He wrote "get laid", I don't think he was implying prostitution. Those countries he mentioned are also easier for average guys from western countries to bang "normal girls" and better looking ones than what they'd get in their home countries.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
He wrote "get laid", I don't think he was implying prostitution. Those countries he mentioned are also easier for average guys from western countries to bang "normal girls" and better looking ones than what they'd get in their home
I won't be baited again.

You know very well that aside from prostitution and gold-digging (a form of prostitution) there are not any major differences in difficulty in getting laid.

That said there are countries with hotter girls that others depending on what yoyr taste is. However, beauty can be found everywhere.

Those are my final words on the matter.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
He wrote "get laid", I don't think he was implying prostitution. Those countries he mentioned are also easier for average guys from western countries to bang "normal girls" and better looking ones than what they'd get in their home countries.
I will agree with this an is one of my recommendations, on the solutions to deal with this market place, but is not automatic if you are average you may still encounter issues... finally does not have to be out of country, you can go for a second or 3 tier city...

Some of the advantage is when you are new to a country your pick up exitment and motivation will go up..

New women to you will be more attractive due to novelty...

You can be viewed as new shinny object dtf...as a matter of fact women respond well to dudes new to town or out relationships.

You get the it does not count vegas dynamic, foreign going back does not count in womaneze...

White guy specially blonde in some patrs of asia and latin america more desirable..

Women may see foreign as a way out to 3rd world. Not ideal for raw sexual desire but you can bait and switch

Personally i am not impress with white men gaming in favorable market places... but that is me...

@Skjöldr recently went to poland and rack up lay count as example there is definetly an advantage...

Now if you paying for vagina of course disgrace


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2020
You know very well that aside from prostitution and gold-digging (a form of prostitution) there are not any major differences in difficulty in getting laid.
I can't tell if this is an attempt to troll me or not, but ... man, are you kidding me? There's a local club near where I live in this Slavic corner of the EU, where you'll regularly see "average Joe" and "below average Joe" foreign guys with girls who they have no business being within 10 metres of. No prostitution or gold digging going on, maybe some alcohol at the most. Sure, that doesn't mean they're all getting laid, but some of them are and they shouldn't be based on their cringey verbals, bad style, vibe, etc etc. Are you telling me this is an illusion? You're saying pussy refugees are not a thing?

I tell you what, you and any other senior member of this forum that believes in the delusion that getting laid for the "average Joe" is just as easy or difficult wherever you go, I invite you to visit (just PM me). I'll show you around a few places, and later you'll be posting a retraction post "OMG Baron was right, these girls have dogshit taste in men".

The only factor that may even out the difficulty level for the ave Joe westerner (and player too), especially in clubs and bars, is when the ratio is horrible. That is pretty much universal. But given a healthy ratio of male to female, no comparison between a western country and a pussy sanctuary for the average Joe.

Again, I stress, for the average Joe. I'm not saying there's a difference for a guy with good seduction skills. If anything, it might be the opposite -- the lack of language barrier when you're on home soil allows you to use your full repertoire of verbal skills.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I can't tell if this is an attempt to troll me or not, but ... man, are you kidding me? There's a local club near where I live in this Slavic corner of the EU, where you'll regularly see "average Joe" and "below average Joe" foreign guys with girls who they have no business being within 10 metres of. No prostitution or gold digging going on, maybe some alcohol at the most. Sure, that doesn't mean they're all getting laid, but some of them are and they shouldn't be based on their cringey verbals, bad style, vibe, etc etc. Are you telling me this is an illusion? You're saying pussy refugees are not a thing?

I tell you what, you and any other senior member of this forum that believes in the delusion that getting laid for the "average Joe" is just as easy or difficult wherever you go, I invite you to visit (just PM me). I'll show you around a few places, and later you'll be posting a retraction post "OMG Baron was right, these girls have dogshit taste in men".

The only factor that may even out the difficulty level for the ave Joe westerner (and player too), especially in clubs and bars, is when the ratio is horrible. That is pretty much universal. But given a healthy ratio of male to female, no comparison between a western country and a pussy sanctuary for the average Joe.

Again, I stress, for the average Joe. I'm not saying there's a difference for a guy with good seduction skills. If anything, it might be the opposite -- the lack of language barrier when you're on home soil allows you to use your full repertoire of verbal skills.

In eastern Europe I have been all countries more or less, still have not seen this. Interestingly, most veterans have noticed similar things. I don't consider former soviet union countries easier or harder to pull from than say central European countries (different of course in regards to social frame). That Baltics are more or less similar to central Europe in vibe - especially Estonia. Latvia has a bit more "Russian" influence for historical reasons.

Romania is basically like Italy.

Balkans - it depends where you go of course, but mostly similar to dealing with latin girls.

Hungary is like central Europe.

What is the name of that magical place in Eastern Europe you think of?

Again, you come here arguing with all veterans, without any street cred, any reports, any theories, yet you know better. You are also not the only person around here who has lived or lives in EE.

You remind me of BigPapa (you even have a similar avatar).

Are you telling me this is an illusion? You're saying pussy refugees are not a thing?

Involves prostitution mostly, or some indirect transaction.

Unless you let us know of that magical place in EE, your post is without meaning.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 6, 2020
Unless you let us know of that magical place in EE, your post is without meaning.
Your post is a strawman, I didn't mention any of those countries and I've been to all of them except Latvia. I wouldn't consider them pussy sanctuaries. I live in Poland, not as "magical" as it used to be, but still more favourable to average Joes than western countries. But there are much more favourable places on the planet, e.g. Thailand or maybe Brazil (which I haven't been to yet, but I know guys who have). Yes, a lot of prostitution and gold digging going on in those places, but also a lot of ave guys getting laid with normal girls, including girls who have their own money, though probably this is in part due to the exotic "new guy in town" effect that @Skills mentioned earlier.
Again, you come here arguing with all veterans
Not really, I come here to discuss the lifestyle, to share insights etc. I just sometimes let myself get irritated by statements that are clearly false like the one you made.

I don't know who is a "veteran", I don't follow every thing that is going on in "the community" these days, though I'm fairly certain a member's rank on this forum doesn't necessarily correlate with his seduction skills ... or with his insights about a particular dating market .. with respect to a lower ranked member. I believe you're a mod or part of the management of this site, if you think I'm being disruptive, and not providing any value, then just recommend that I get banned. I don't care, I'll just get on and enjoy life and get laid all the same.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
@Teevster Poland was way easier for me than here... Higher caliber too. If the girl spoke english it was game on.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
@Teevster Poland was way easier for me than here... Higher caliber too. If the girl spoke english it was game on.

Higher Caliber... that one I agree. High Caliber in Poland.

So where do you live? So that we can compare that to Poland.

Also you talk with an "if" - that means that you believe that IF X was the case, things would have been easy. But that also implies you didn't get the success (success is... banging the girl). Did you bang a girl? What results did you get there?

I have been to Poland 6 times in different cities and I have not noticed much difference to say, Scandinavia or Central Europe.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 11, 2022
Apologies to all, I did not describe my previous post clearly.

The question I was asking was basically are we starting to see more average westerners moving to foreign countries where they may "think" it is easier to get laid? Whether it is actually true or not that it is easier for a westerner to get laid in a third world country, I have not field tested.

When I say average westerner, I mean white, black, Asian westerners or maybe specifically Americans or Europeans.

I remember 10 years ago, it was rare to see videos on YouTube about people deliberately moving to live in third world countries, now if you type in Thailand or Dominican Republic, Medellin, you see tons of videos of westerners basically moving there to live.

Again, I am not sure if it is actually easier for them to get laid and there probably is an element of gold-digging/prostitution. Not to mention, a black or Asian westerner may not get the same advantage as a blond blue eyes one and it may actually end up being worse for them as they've spent all the money travelling only to reap no advantage.

It was just a thought I had, that maybe it becoming harder for the average man to get laid had caused an increase in this kind of "reverse" immigration.

Warped Mindless

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 20, 2012
Why do so many of you concern yourself with what average people do? Let them wallow in their average lives. Be better than average. Who cares where the average guys move to to get laid, where are the women you want? Hi make yourself a nice average and go get them.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Again, I am not sure if it is actually easier for them to get laid and there probably is an element of gold-digging/prostitution. Not to mention, a black or Asian westerner may not get the same advantage as a blond blue eyes one and it may actually end up being worse for them as they've spent all the money travelling only to reap no advantage.

I posted about this and a video.

Filipinos/Filipinas/Third World Females/Asian females dating with Westerners/First world countries. There's so many discussions about this that I want to have but I'm tied because this is a pickup forum.

if you are decently skilled, Westerners, which is a lot of you guys, will clean up the women in the world because of World History. That's just how it is. However, Long game, it's a different story. You marrying a nation. Thus, golddigging or access to your money, becomes more complex.

and this, I put that video before.

My hands are tied. This is a pickup forum and people want to hear what they want to hear. There is so many real stuff, like women migrating and finding a local and becoming an 8, instead of a 4 in her home nation



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Higher Caliber... that one I agree. High Caliber in Poland.

So where do you live? So that we can compare that to Poland.

Also you talk with an "if" - that means that you believe that IF X was the case, things would have been easy. But that also implies you didn't get the success (success is... banging the girl). Did you bang a girl? What results did you get there?

I have been to Poland 6 times in different cities and I have not noticed much difference to say, Scandinavia or Central Europe.

Teevester if the girls speak English game on he means he can bang if they speak English, i know you don't read journals, but in his journals shows that he was banging them i think he went out with a new girl everyday and banged 3 new girls, banged a previous lay twice in 6 days....(NAME EDITED OUT) has one of highest lay counts in the forum year to date) p.s. he is from scandinavia

Teevester your results as an elite top player won't make a difference were you game, your ratios will not be affected much, cause your meet to lay ratio is very high, that is why you can't relate to more beginner, intermediate and even some advance dudes... there are even many pua coaches the last victim a coach by the name of whitepill that used to game in thailand, could not fuck one girl in vegas out of all places, i made a post somewhere about this making fun of his incompetence...

There are many guys that sky rocket results in colombia and latin america, thailand and poland (this is actually factual players anecdotes), even in this forum there are some guys that as soon as they travel to latin countries out of the blue lay reports pop up.....

you live in a different world cause your ratios are high 1 in 5 at least maybe 1 in 10 when your are off, this won't make a difference to you, it will be to more normal seducers,

Again this is viable strategies to places were the sexual market place has taking more hits, mainly some parts of usa/england/canada i actually recommend this as one of my solutions, though no practical for people that can't travel (again one of the many solutions i give in the post made about this)...

The post has gotten derrailed by the average convos that have nothing to do with the op question (average guys are beyond fucked is sad to see), no only average are beyond fucked, a lot of naturals are fucked too, all the naturals in my corner disappeared, i mean all of them... Same with a lot of the puas are gone in my corner.... They pretty much gave up. I think pua forums can be a representation such as economic indicators for the economy, you may be able to use for example this forum or the mainstream seduction as indicator of the seduction players society in general, you can not compare this patheticness to back in the days, i don't know why we need to be in denial is silly. Have you seen our lay report section just lol...

I think as tribal elders we have a responsibility to be a bit more practical this tony robbins shit: be masculine, we are not average, and all this feel good keywords... Is not practical is embarrassing is the new be confident bro! Not talking about you (cause your shit is super practical), but to the tribals elders in general, lets be more mindful.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Teevester if the girls speak English game on he means he can bang if they speak English, i know you don't read journals, but in his journals shows that he was banging them i think he went out with a new girl everyday and banged 3 new girls, banged a previous lay twice in 6 days....(peter has one of highest lay counts in the forum year to date) p.s. he is from scandinavia

How the hell is Poland any easier than Scandinavia...

And I know Scandinavia....

But I am happy for him if he got results in Poland.

In which case he is probably more skilled than I am. Even though I had great results in Poland (last time, I did 2 very hot girls in 3 or 4 outings) the results required more work and more frustration than usual. I was also in skyhigh momentum. Luckily enough both the girls I met talked decent English (but I can totally see the language barrier being a problem)

Perhaps I was doing something wrong in Poland. The fuck do I know.

So basically you are saying:

Poland is very easy for average joe but harder for veteran seducers (Glow, myself, Carousel, etc)? @Skills your claim that I am top elite, while finding it harder to get easy lays in a so-called "pussy heaven" like Poland is contradictory at best. Either Poland is NOT a pussy heaven, OR I am NOT that "next level elite". Let me know which one it is.

PS: Been to:
- Krakow
- Warsaw
- Gdansk
- Wroclaw
- Katowice
- Sopot

I have quite a bit of experience with Poland. Weird how after 6 times I still haven't broken the code to this magical pussy heaven!

I have a hard time understanding this. Please elaborate.

@Skjöldr feel free to share some insights and considering you are more skilled than many of us, I shall up your rank to tribe elder once you have shared your insights.

Edit: after checking out his journal briefly, they were very little info about the 3 lays, aside from them seeming to be daygame lays. I didnt get much from reading that journal.

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