THURSDAY-> SUNDAY 4/22 to 4/25
LR-- Quick social circle escalation
I was introduced to this tall, perfectly tanned religious girl(HBtanBible) through a social circle I joined through my coworkers on Thursday.
The first time I interacted with this girl was on Friday, where a female friend from the social circle I sorta joined on Thursday(HBcoworker) brought her over so she could study chemistry with us. I charmed HBcoworker into ordering us all Chinese food in exchange for my chemistry knowledge

. Much of what happened on Friday isn't too significant... Some rapport building here and there, a little bit of deep diving, and some physical proximity and touch as I talked to HBtanBible.
Also to note, I would switch my attention and charm between both girls so that my intent was not so obvious.
HBcoworker would also bring up a lot of sex talk on Friday, talking about how her ex and other fuckboy's are dicks and can't treat women right.
Because of my ethnicity... everyone thinks I'm a fuckboy by nature and not just that, people can also pinpoint my ethnicity from the vibe I give off alone when I talk to them 1 on 1. I find this kind of funny because people from my ethnicity typically make fun of me for being "too white" and not like them.
So... HBcoworker also hints at me being a fuckboy... to which I say "Nahhh... stop putting me in a box. Also... I'm just not a fuckboy... I'm a lover, and there's a BIG difference

I see both of them are intrigued and laughing a bit because I did say it in a jokey way
"Let me explain" while I clap both my hands together as if I'm about to give a TEDtalk.
"The fuckboy... has one simple interest in mind when it comes to life and women. He just wants that next nut and much like a squirrel... he'll do anything to get it. This means he'll lie to the girl about his intentions, and once he's finally with the girl, he'll fuck without even thinking about how the girl feels. And then, after boring sex, the fuckboy finally gets the nut he's been searching for and vanishes."
"Ok", they say while nodding their heads
I continue with
"The lover... on the other hand...
loves girls. He enjoys the process from first meeting a girl and locking eyes together with her, to figuring the girl out and the story behind her. And then when the moment is right and all the pieces fall in the right places, the sex he shares with this girl is intense and passionate. He pays really close attention to the girl... her breathing... the way he makes her body move and moan uncontrollably… all to make the experience enjoyable for both of them. "
HBtanBible has this interested expression on her face.
HBcoworker had one too but it quickly disappears to say "yea ok but the end result is always the same. The guy disappears and the girl is hurt and has her time wasted"
HBtanBible says "yea. And my mom told me every time a girl has sex with a guy, their souls are linked to each other for 6 months"
I guess that makes sense, but more in the way that the girl becomes automatically way more invested in a guy if he's nutted in her...
Also, these are clearly relationship oriented girls... I don't know what frames I should set for quick sex with little resistance from these girls. Any tips?
Confronted with this frame grab, I say, "Well, not necessarily … the girl doesn't have to get hurt. The reason why girls do get hurt sometimes is because of the mixed or sometimes even false intentions guys will give girls to get sex. Like with the fuckboy, he'll pretend to want a relationship while fully knowing he just wants to fuck... but the girl is on the other end is believing him and building him up as a potential boyfriend. Only to ultimately be lied to and feel used when the fuckboy doesn't live up to what he appeared to be. The lover however, wants to leave girls happier than he found them, and makes his intentions with girls very clear as he understands that girls love sex just as much as him and are made happier by good sex"
I legit just gave them the conditioning I've been giving myself to not feel bad about seducing many girls. The best part is that it all flowed out naturally, as these beliefs are now ingrained in me.
I dont really remember what happens after this... but im pretty sure one of the girls went onto a random tangent and
I felt like I had follow along and jump off this SOT that had been gifted to me so as to not reveal my intentions yet. I feel like this is typically the case with social circle game... unless someone has a different experience or perspective with social circle?
Later in the night a male friend from the same social circle HBcoworker introduced me to invited me out to a party the dance club he was in was hosting with another dance club.
I wore black tight fitting sweatpants, with black adidas superstars, a white long fit tshirt, and my black crystal chain with samurai sword charm. I had a sexy, edgy look because of the black and white and chain + samurai sword... but also not too tryhard because of the sweats and adidas. Turned out to be perfect for the atmosphere at the party.
We get there and I put my sweater and slowly walk to the main area. As I get to the door, I stop and slowly scan the area, and then continue moving to this wall where a girl was posted at. At this point, i just want to socialize, and this girl was pretty ugly so I wasn't going to game to hard. We chat for a bit and she moves me to try out a drink after I told her how I don't like to drink anymore.
When we get there I take the cup she gives me and fake drink and put it down. Tell her its good and as I do some chode comes to talk to her.
I use this as an opportunity to eject and then I open this cute dancer girl sitting on the couch(she had a crop top and booty shorts).
Before the open, I walked near the couch outside of her field of view and sit on the arm of the couch so I'm slightly above her. She looks over to me when my forearm grazes her upper arm and then I return eye contact and say "'s it going?" (With sexual subcoms and proximity)
Don't remember much what we say here, I think I ask if she's a dancer and she says she is and then I say something being terrible at dancing. Mind you, I touch her thigh or upper arm on all the high points.
NOTE: touch has way higher impact than verbals at a party with loud music. This experience and the one from my lay report at a frat party have made me believe this strongly.
Once I feel HBDancer's hooked I ask her to scoot over and make room for me on the couch and she complies. Now, our legs and shoulders are always incidentally touching.
We keep chatting, I think I deep dive a bit, and at some point she asks what ethnicity I am. I put out a warm smile and ask her "what do you think I am?"
HBDancer immediately guesses the correct Latino ethnicity. This always happens to me too, and I'm just shocked and ask her "how did you know?"
She says something about its just the vibe I give off, and also because I asked her to guess, which is something typical for someone of my ethnicity to do. I'm guessing that mean's we know how be hold our cards?
We talk a bit more and some song she wants to dance to comes on. I tell her "I'm really bad so don't make fun of me

Turn's out I'm
really fucking bad, especially for a Latino, which many of the people there(apparently lots of dudes were watching me talk to this chick like wtf?) pointed out. I just ignored them and was happy dancing like shit.
HBDancer started to make fun of me too which was when I used that as a little opportunity to punish her and spike some attraction. I think we were holding each others hands while dancing, so it was really easy for me to pull her in, turn her around(so that her butt is turned to my dick), get really close to her to where I'm practically breathing on the side of her neck, and place my forearm across her torso. I did this before with HBbbw in that aforementioned report from the frat party. It seems to have a really high success rate on compliant girls. I imagine myself as the dude from 365 Days and let that energy seep through my touch and voice.
While holding her, I tell her... "Listen... I know I'm really bad at this... but, I need you to behave for me... be a good girl

. You think you can do that?" She nods and the I tell her "okay, pinky promise me" I do that and we get back to dancing. Soon after however, her friend grabs her and drags her away.
Perhaps I did that too soon? Or friend was just jealous? Do I need more isolation for this kind of move?
Anyways, after that happened, I talked to some of my friends for a bit who think I'm some sort of natural sex god who has this gift with women because of what I just did... lmao.
Little do they know all of this is learned and very intentional...
After, I approached these group of girls who seemed to just be keeping to themselves, and were noticeably the whiter kids in the party compared to the latinos and blacks. I didn't really think of doing this intentionally at the time, but now that I write this, I see how the way I opened them all seems effective. Instead of opening the entire group, I hovered near a cute girl for a few seconds while headbobbing to the music. When she turned to look at me for the second time I believe, I opened with "Hey... I've been thinking... Why is this party so segregated" points to the obvious skin color differences on each side of the room
Girl 1: "yea, I see that"
me: "Yea, I don't get it, like were all here to have fun, meet new people, have new experiences, but we just come here and stick to the same people we're always hanging out with. "
me: "I'm Lobo"(I actually used my alias this time)
hand clasp her
Girl 1: Hi lobo, that's an interesting name... I'm Girl 1
Me: "Girl 1, you seem like a very sociable person who's really good at making friends... here,
these your friends? (gesturing to the girls looking at me and her talk)
Girl 1: "oh yea, they came here with me"
Me:" Ah, that's cool... How do you all know each other?"
they say something about being in the same dorm or some shit, I honestly forgot and then one of them introduces herself to me
Me: "hey Girl 2, I'm Lobo

hand clasp her
Girl 3:this girl completely catches me off guard. She is really fucking hot. As I go to introduce myself to her, I can feel her sexual energy directed straight towards me. She was definitely a high-interest girl. I handclasp her and we hold hands for what feels like 7-9 seconds while she's beming a seductive under-look and smile straight towards me. I tell her my name and like a complete rookie... I missed this escalation window and she fucking dips when I keep talking to the entire group.
Now that I look back, I felt this girl wanted action at
that instant and once she saw I didn't respond to such an obvious sign of interest, she ejected... either to save face, or find someone with a killer instinct,
I should have given her a seductive smile back, moved backwards a little bit and pulled her into me. Then, turn her around so I'm at her back and whisper into her ear in a deep, sultry voice, "You seem like fun... who are you?" From there, I keep talking and dialing up the heat and when the time is right, tell her, "I can barely hear you over this loud music... here, come with me

extend hand with palm facing up)" and
move her to the secluded stairs. Moving girls is something I need to work on, I feel like moving girls during highpoints like when I dommed HBdancer, is the way to go.
Oh well... next time I'll react. I just did not expect the window to happen so early in the interaction, with a girl I hadn't approached yet. She
DEFINTELY saw me do that 365 days move on HBDancer and was probably aroused and intrigued.
After some more talking I kinda drained myself from the social butterflying I was doing and just chilled on the couch until my friends and I left. I only locked into one girl that night, so I think to prevent my social battery from dying I should lock in more.
this is coming out way longer than expected so ill publish this and add the rest later... including the LR-- on sunday... which I just realized I've written absolutely nothing about lmao.