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Lobo - Sexiest Man Alive


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
with the topic of greek, that would have made a good place for verbal sexual frames to blossom

ancinet greece was wilding back in the day with the idea of sex,

you can use the entry point of mythology-> the sex goddess->non judemental frames and doubling down we should be embrace sex as a natural thing to do like the ancient greeks did

Yea for sure...
I feel like my game would skyrocket when I learn how to seamlessly transition into sexual topics. It just changes the whole vibe of the interaction


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 31, 2020
Yea for sure...
I feel like my game would skyrocket when I learn how to seamlessly transition into sexual topics. It just changes the whole vibe of the interaction
For sure it will , keep grinding!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
THURSDAY-> SUNDAY 4/22 to 4/25
LR-- Quick social circle escalation

I was introduced to this tall, perfectly tanned religious girl(HBtanBible) through a social circle I joined through my coworkers on Thursday.

The first time I interacted with this girl was on Friday, where a female friend from the social circle I sorta joined on Thursday(HBcoworker) brought her over so she could study chemistry with us. I charmed HBcoworker into ordering us all Chinese food in exchange for my chemistry knowledge :). Much of what happened on Friday isn't too significant... Some rapport building here and there, a little bit of deep diving, and some physical proximity and touch as I talked to HBtanBible.
Also to note, I would switch my attention and charm between both girls so that my intent was not so obvious.

HBcoworker would also bring up a lot of sex talk on Friday, talking about how her ex and other fuckboy's are dicks and can't treat women right.
Because of my ethnicity... everyone thinks I'm a fuckboy by nature and not just that, people can also pinpoint my ethnicity from the vibe I give off alone when I talk to them 1 on 1. I find this kind of funny because people from my ethnicity typically make fun of me for being "too white" and not like them.

So... HBcoworker also hints at me being a fuckboy... to which I say "Nahhh... stop putting me in a box. Also... I'm just not a fuckboy... I'm a lover, and there's a BIG difference ;)"
I see both of them are intrigued and laughing a bit because I did say it in a jokey way
"Let me explain" while I clap both my hands together as if I'm about to give a TEDtalk.
"The fuckboy... has one simple interest in mind when it comes to life and women. He just wants that next nut and much like a squirrel... he'll do anything to get it. This means he'll lie to the girl about his intentions, and once he's finally with the girl, he'll fuck without even thinking about how the girl feels. And then, after boring sex, the fuckboy finally gets the nut he's been searching for and vanishes."
"Ok", they say while nodding their heads

I continue with
"The lover... on the other hand... loves girls. He enjoys the process from first meeting a girl and locking eyes together with her, to figuring the girl out and the story behind her. And then when the moment is right and all the pieces fall in the right places, the sex he shares with this girl is intense and passionate. He pays really close attention to the girl... her breathing... the way he makes her body move and moan uncontrollably… all to make the experience enjoyable for both of them. "
HBtanBible has this interested expression on her face.
HBcoworker had one too but it quickly disappears to say "yea ok but the end result is always the same. The guy disappears and the girl is hurt and has her time wasted"
HBtanBible says "yea. And my mom told me every time a girl has sex with a guy, their souls are linked to each other for 6 months"
I guess that makes sense, but more in the way that the girl becomes automatically way more invested in a guy if he's nutted in her...

Also, these are clearly relationship oriented girls... I don't know what frames I should set for quick sex with little resistance from these girls. Any tips?

Confronted with this frame grab, I say, "Well, not necessarily … the girl doesn't have to get hurt. The reason why girls do get hurt sometimes is because of the mixed or sometimes even false intentions guys will give girls to get sex. Like with the fuckboy, he'll pretend to want a relationship while fully knowing he just wants to fuck... but the girl is on the other end is believing him and building him up as a potential boyfriend. Only to ultimately be lied to and feel used when the fuckboy doesn't live up to what he appeared to be. The lover however, wants to leave girls happier than he found them, and makes his intentions with girls very clear as he understands that girls love sex just as much as him and are made happier by good sex"

I legit just gave them the conditioning I've been giving myself to not feel bad about seducing many girls. The best part is that it all flowed out naturally, as these beliefs are now ingrained in me.

I dont really remember what happens after this... but im pretty sure one of the girls went onto a random tangent and I felt like I had follow along and jump off this SOT that had been gifted to me so as to not reveal my intentions yet. I feel like this is typically the case with social circle game... unless someone has a different experience or perspective with social circle?

Later in the night a male friend from the same social circle HBcoworker introduced me to invited me out to a party the dance club he was in was hosting with another dance club.

I wore black tight fitting sweatpants, with black adidas superstars, a white long fit tshirt, and my black crystal chain with samurai sword charm. I had a sexy, edgy look because of the black and white and chain + samurai sword... but also not too tryhard because of the sweats and adidas. Turned out to be perfect for the atmosphere at the party.

We get there and I put my sweater and slowly walk to the main area. As I get to the door, I stop and slowly scan the area, and then continue moving to this wall where a girl was posted at. At this point, i just want to socialize, and this girl was pretty ugly so I wasn't going to game to hard. We chat for a bit and she moves me to try out a drink after I told her how I don't like to drink anymore. wtf?

When we get there I take the cup she gives me and fake drink and put it down. Tell her its good and as I do some chode comes to talk to her.
I use this as an opportunity to eject and then I open this cute dancer girl sitting on the couch(she had a crop top and booty shorts).
Before the open, I walked near the couch outside of her field of view and sit on the arm of the couch so I'm slightly above her. She looks over to me when my forearm grazes her upper arm and then I return eye contact and say "Hey...how's it going?" (With sexual subcoms and proximity)
Don't remember much what we say here, I think I ask if she's a dancer and she says she is and then I say something being terrible at dancing. Mind you, I touch her thigh or upper arm on all the high points.
NOTE: touch has way higher impact than verbals at a party with loud music. This experience and the one from my lay report at a frat party have made me believe this strongly.

Once I feel HBDancer's hooked I ask her to scoot over and make room for me on the couch and she complies. Now, our legs and shoulders are always incidentally touching.

We keep chatting, I think I deep dive a bit, and at some point she asks what ethnicity I am. I put out a warm smile and ask her "what do you think I am?"

HBDancer immediately guesses the correct Latino ethnicity. This always happens to me too, and I'm just shocked and ask her "how did you know?"

She says something about its just the vibe I give off, and also because I asked her to guess, which is something typical for someone of my ethnicity to do. I'm guessing that mean's we know how be hold our cards?

We talk a bit more and some song she wants to dance to comes on. I tell her "I'm really bad so don't make fun of me ;)"
Turn's out I'm really fucking bad, especially for a Latino, which many of the people there(apparently lots of dudes were watching me talk to this chick like wtf?) pointed out. I just ignored them and was happy dancing like shit.

HBDancer started to make fun of me too which was when I used that as a little opportunity to punish her and spike some attraction. I think we were holding each others hands while dancing, so it was really easy for me to pull her in, turn her around(so that her butt is turned to my dick), get really close to her to where I'm practically breathing on the side of her neck, and place my forearm across her torso. I did this before with HBbbw in that aforementioned report from the frat party. It seems to have a really high success rate on compliant girls. I imagine myself as the dude from 365 Days and let that energy seep through my touch and voice.

While holding her, I tell her... "Listen... I know I'm really bad at this... but, I need you to behave for me... be a good girl ;). You think you can do that?" She nods and the I tell her "okay, pinky promise me" I do that and we get back to dancing. Soon after however, her friend grabs her and drags her away.
Perhaps I did that too soon? Or friend was just jealous? Do I need more isolation for this kind of move?

Anyways, after that happened, I talked to some of my friends for a bit who think I'm some sort of natural sex god who has this gift with women because of what I just did... lmao.

Little do they know all of this is learned and very intentional...

After, I approached these group of girls who seemed to just be keeping to themselves, and were noticeably the whiter kids in the party compared to the latinos and blacks. I didn't really think of doing this intentionally at the time, but now that I write this, I see how the way I opened them all seems effective. Instead of opening the entire group, I hovered near a cute girl for a few seconds while headbobbing to the music. When she turned to look at me for the second time I believe, I opened with "Hey... I've been thinking... Why is this party so segregated" points to the obvious skin color differences on each side of the room

Girl 1: "yea, I see that"
me: "Yea, I don't get it, like were all here to have fun, meet new people, have new experiences, but we just come here and stick to the same people we're always hanging out with. "
me: "I'm Lobo"(I actually used my alias this time) hand clasp her
Girl 1: Hi lobo, that's an interesting name... I'm Girl 1
Me: "Girl 1, you seem like a very sociable person who's really good at making friends... here, these your friends? (gesturing to the girls looking at me and her talk)
Girl 1: "oh yea, they came here with me"
Me:" Ah, that's cool... How do you all know each other?"
they say something about being in the same dorm or some shit, I honestly forgot and then one of them introduces herself to me
Me: "hey Girl 2, I'm Lobo ;)" hand clasp her
Girl 3:
this girl completely catches me off guard. She is really fucking hot. As I go to introduce myself to her, I can feel her sexual energy directed straight towards me. She was definitely a high-interest girl. I handclasp her and we hold hands for what feels like 7-9 seconds while she's beming a seductive under-look and smile straight towards me. I tell her my name and like a complete rookie... I missed this escalation window and she fucking dips when I keep talking to the entire group.

Now that I look back, I felt this girl wanted action at that instant and once she saw I didn't respond to such an obvious sign of interest, she ejected... either to save face, or find someone with a killer instinct,

I should have given her a seductive smile back, moved backwards a little bit and pulled her into me. Then, turn her around so I'm at her back and whisper into her ear in a deep, sultry voice, "You seem like fun... who are you?" From there, I keep talking and dialing up the heat and when the time is right, tell her, "I can barely hear you over this loud music... here, come with me ;)(extend hand with palm facing up)" and move her to the secluded stairs. Moving girls is something I need to work on, I feel like moving girls during highpoints like when I dommed HBdancer, is the way to go.

Oh well... next time I'll react. I just did not expect the window to happen so early in the interaction, with a girl I hadn't approached yet. She DEFINTELY saw me do that 365 days move on HBDancer and was probably aroused and intrigued.

After some more talking I kinda drained myself from the social butterflying I was doing and just chilled on the couch until my friends and I left. I only locked into one girl that night, so I think to prevent my social battery from dying I should lock in more.

this is coming out way longer than expected so ill publish this and add the rest later... including the LR-- on sunday... which I just realized I've written absolutely nothing about lmao.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
LR-- from Sunday
My coworker that I met on Thursday wanted to study and do some chemistry hw and lab stuff and legit just pulled up to my door without prior warning with a group of 4 girls...
I walked up to the door and opened it slightly so I could peek at them all(I purposely did this to live up to the sexual persona I built with my coworker) and she immidetly goes, "are you fucking someone in there in front of all the girls?" lmao. Easy preselection.
I say "haha, not right now, who are these people(looking at the girls I've never seen before)"
she answers saying they're friends and then I slowly open the door.

Obviously I wasn't going to turn this down but I had to set a quick boundary with her and told her to text me next time because I might be busy ;)
Among the four girls was HBtanBible... perfect I thought to myself.

Also to note, I was listening to 2 hr sex playlist and left it playing the entire time they were there. I feel like girls easily resonate with this kind of music and it helped the vibe a bit.

They came in at 8pm and left at around 1 am after we did a bunch of shit, including getting high in the woods on campus haha. So I'll skip to the good part(spoiler down below) which happened soon after they left after pointing out some interesting observations.

If you are an attractive man, girls could care less about age: This one girl talked about how in her highschool, there was this very attractive history teacher who was about 30 years old. All the girls would fawn over this guy and near the end of the school year, this teacher selected one of the hottest girls in the school, brought her to the basement of the school(where there weren't any cameras) and proceeded to fuck her. I was slightly amazed by this story, and further astonished this other girl in my room added in that she wished it was her who was brought into that basement. Of course, I was completely nonjudgmental, but this says something about female psychology.

Although I already knew girls are sexual creatures, having female friends made this exceptionally clear. Girls are extremely sexual creatures who have to hide their powerful sexual urges. After I brought up the movie 365 days when my coworker asked me about what I did to HBDancer at in my last entry on this journal(Seems like A LOT of people saw that hehe), the girls went on their own tangent about the sexual things they've seen. All of them except for HBTanBible said they've seen 365 days(and later, when HBTanBible was in my bed, she said she lied and actually saw it as well lmao... so much for the pure religious girl act huh?). One girl even told me the film made her really horny and said her favorite scene was the shower scene. I told her "Hmm yea it was a good scene, I think though... since it struck out to you most, you must really like to be dominated" She agreed and then the girls talked about their sexual preferences. All of them like to be submissive, even the more dominant ones. The dominant ones said they liked to be dominant but then have their dominance overcome by the man so they could be submissive.

After I brought up erotic literature and wattpadd, they all started to talk about how obsessed they were with it back in middle school.
Another thing to note, when the conversation steered deeper and deeper into sexual territory, one of the girls would go off into a random ass tangent for no reason. I believe this is to prevent them from flooding their panties while talking to me.

With that said, now to the good part,
After all the girls left, HBTanBible conveniently stayed on my bed to show me a photo of her school uniform back in highschool. I could feel the other girls feeling sussed out about it and they asked her if she was going, HBTanBible was just like "Oh, I want to show him something I'm leaving to go to sleep in 5 minutes"
Suuuure... I thought
Soon after the girls left, I got out of my seat and joined HBTanBible on my bed. I was pretty close to her and could see her scrolling through the images on her phone. I saw some funny looking shit and pointed that out, grabbing her hand and telling her "let me see" and she instead moved away and blocked her phone with her body.
I saw this as a perfect opportunity to make her wet
So, I played along with her resistance and loomed over her body and started touching her more aggressively. I would grab her wrist to move her body around and look at the phone. While doing this I got a really hard erection lol and I left her feel it on her leg a little bit while play wrestling with her. After a certain point, I had her flipped on her back while still play wrestling and completely ditched going for the phone. Instead, using the observation that its a full moon outside we each made before the escalation, I tell her:

"you know... with this full moon out... I've been getting kinda hungry" as I inched closer to her neck.
She feigned some resistance but eventually gave up and I pretend bit her and suck on her neck a bit.
I could hear a slight moan and heavier breathing and I continued to kiss her neck. The resistance and playfighting that happened earlier just vanished as I pretended to munch on her neck like a vampire
Throughout all this time she kept saying my name in a way that implies her trying to resist(like we shouldn't be doing this)
First I tell her "I know... we really shouldn't be doing this" as I keep kissing her neck and making my way down to her breast, all the while I try to open up her legs so that I may rest my crotch on hers.
She keeps saying my name in that same way so I whisper in a deep, sultry voice "Yes... keep saying my name ;)"
I have her legs opened up and begin to dryhump her. She's moaning a lot harder now and I can almost sense that she's about to orgasm before she completely closes off again and says Lobo stop.
I tell her "Ok, i'll stop" while not stopping and instead stimulating a different area of her body

One thing I can take away from this, is with these resistant girls, taking off clothes during their trance like states created by the escalation seems to be the best way to do it. When this girl was moaning and shit, her ASD had completely evaporated... If i just undressed her a bit while dry humping her, I would have made a lot more forward progress.

Not much happened besides kissing and her grabbing my dick at times. Undressing her was practically impossible and at one point she told me to pick up her shit and carry it to her room. that was weird I thought...
And then later she calls me a WHORE... twice. Ok.. she must be projecting what she's feeling about herself
So when we got to her room she punched me in my back so I pretended to be hurt and fell on her bed. In the midst of this my shirt came off.
At one point she joined me on the bed and I escalated a bit then started to use her forearm to rub her pussy. Lmao.
She was moaning and enjoying herself but at one point asks how many girls i've been with.
I say "only six"
"ONLY six!" She says as if 6 is a big number. "Dont ask me how many guys I've been with"
I didnt ask because I could tell from her inexperience.

after some more escalation, I finally got my hand on her tits and she begins saying "i barely know you... and we've only known eachother for 2 days..."
I say the corniest shit lol. Keep in mind im forcing her in a trance while I say with with touch and my voice
"well actually... since we met on thursday night and hung out until friday morning, and now, sunday night until monday morning... we've really known each other for 4 days. 4 days... thats 96 whole hours. Thats a long time ;). And what is it... isnt the human life expectancy like 70 something? We've known eachother for longer than a whole lifespan"
Her logical brain wasn't there to refute that nonsense i said lol but i was having fun.
I slept in her bed that night after getting bored of the infinite resistance and went cold on her.

A part of me feels like I escalated too quickly as soon as the friends left. Maybe if I waited a bit I would have encountered less? Then again... this girl is extremely religious and was fasting and all that and I imagine these girls are more sexually repressed than ur typical white girl in daisy dukes.

Also damn... this happened on sunday and i just finished writing it now on friday. I've been busy


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
The craziest thing is... I almost didn't go because I wanted to play Hearthstone...
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
LR Sunday night

I would post this in the field reports section but, this interaction smelled more of social circle, and to be honest, I didn't learn much from it, however, some pretty interesting/funny things happened which make me want to chronicle this.

This girl was actually girl#2 from two botched escalations... apparently she knows my coworker(the one who's been giving me free pussy and invites to parties haha). I failed to pull her home that night, but this time, my coworker friend and her came to my room so that we could study chemistry(apparently people think I'm really good at chemistry). They come over, and while I have an inherent sexual vibe through my smile, eye contact, and voice, I don't make any attempts to game her. Instead, I actually study and teach them some chemistry, as this test is coming up and we are all fucked if we don't study for it lol. Girl#2 is actually really smart, and picks up on things quickly... I compliment her on this somehow.

After like 3 hours of studying, my coworker, girl#2, and I get really tired of studying and I forgot how we got onto the topic, but we start talking about dreams and some wild ones I've had. First I talk about a sleep paralysis dream I had and how I was mortified, and sweating as I awoke. I knew it was a dream at the time and was even telling myself to control my state(I think its crazy that I've come to the point where I'm using things I learned from game... in my dreams!). Later, as the dream conversation escalates, I tell them how I once dreamt of fucking a girl on top of the empire state building as it was collapsing... really interesting stuff haha. Girl #2, using this to talk about how she dreamt of giving her boss a blowjob. I told her that its crazy when you think about it... because you'll see your boss and remember those dirty little things that never actually happened, all the while your boss is completely oblivious to it.

The conversation then turns on to me as my coworker calls me a fuckboy, or a manwhore of sorts. Apparently... she and so have all of my other friends, notice me when I talk to girls at night and run game. She was like, "we just got to the party, and 2 minutes in you're already talking to a girl and bringing her upstairs from the basement(this was HBPortigal HAHA)"

Thanks for the preselection I guess lol.

She then talks about how other guy's have approached her but they are always super awkward. Like one guy told her " We can't be together... we would be too bad for each other"(which lowkey isn't that bad... maybe his deliver was off)

I tell her, "he must have thought that he was in a movie haha"
they laugh
and then I use this as an opportunity to talk about how I seduced HBPortigal((at least until the interaction blew up) and how I steal some moves from the movie 365 days. Using girl #2 as my example prop, I showed her and my coworker the move where I loom over the girl from behind and pull her in close to me while I talk seductively in her ear. At this point I knew I could fuck girl #2 just needed to create isolation. I then also show the girls how I like to pull a girls hair down, which exposes their neck to me. I do this and whisper into girl #2 "remember that night... when I stole your drink and spit it into your mouth." She remembered haha. I learned that one from tik tok.

After the demonstration my coworker talks about how she's never had an orgasm. I tell her I feel bad for her... as the female orgasm... from what I've seen... is an otherworldly experience for girls. I then begin to describe what a girl looks like right before I make her cum... the gradual build up... the increasing tension... all the way up to the climax... where they lock up for a second or two and then finally release and explode with pleasure. Girl #2 seems to like this depiction, and she even describes her orgasm and she say's its important for a girl to know herself in that kind of way. I tell my coworker she should masterbate as being able to cum by herself would make it a lot easier for her to cum with a guy.

I then use this as an opportunity to bring up the 8 orgasms gambit(a super scuffed version of it however as I don't have it remembered)
I talk about the g spot, deep spot, the obvious clitoral orgasm, mental, nipple, anal.... and I forgot the other two but they weren't counting so it didn't matter. As I told them about the different spots I also told them how I get girls to feel it... being especially descriptive, as I can see its turning them both on. I them also act out the orgasms the girls have lol

Girl#2 is like wow... how do you know about our bodies more than we do... what is your body count it has to be crazy high like 30 or something.

I tell her, "i'm not really sure.... I stopped counting a while ago" LMAO.... in reality its 6... well 7 including her

I then set some non-judgemental frames, saying that its stupid how we live in a world where a guy like me could have all these amazing experiences with girls and make them feel things they didn't even know were possible, but girl's can't fully enjoy themselves when they want to because of being scared of being judged. I then talk about how the most beautiful thing I've seen is a girl is complete submission... not to me... but to herself... and her desires... and how a girl that does this just has this air of empowerment surrounding her.

After I do all the juice, we go off on tangents and talk about different stuff. But I know I could fuck girl#2... the only problem is that my coworker is on my bed, while me and girl#2 are on my spinny chairs.

I then talk to girl#2 by herself and leave my coworker to do her own thing on my bed. She shows me her notes that she's taken and I am astounded by the quality of her notes as mine are the opposite in quality. My handwriting looks like chicken scratch

I really just use this as an excuse to rest my hands on her legs and sometimes place my hand very close to her crotch area.

After the notebook, I then see her hand and tell her how tiny it is in mine (ik... not very original haha). She notes how my palms, while massive(i have big hands), don't have as many markings as hers. I use this as an opportunity to sensually touch her palm and sometimes feel her wrist while doing so. We then look up palm reading(at this point I feel like I should be wearing a purple hat haha) and I read her palms... but at the end we both conclude that palmistry is full of shit as it was inaccurate for the both of us. Apparently... my life would only have a few monogamous relationships LOL.

We then both notice that my coworker has fallen asleep in my bed..... nice!

A few seconds later, while doing some fluff talk with my sexy voice, I pull her chair closer and pull my arms around her and keep the fluff talk going while physically escalating by having my hand on her thigh and what not.

I can't even comprehend what I say when I fluff talk like this. I think I was saying stuff about how the sexiest women have this strong presence to them and just walk around like they are a bad bitch. I then tell her to say shes a bad bitch with me while I say it. We both say it and at some point we start kissing.

Describing all that happened here would take too long as I think we first kissed at 1 am and we were at it until 7am (sun was out and everything). I opened my closet door to block my coworker from seeing us a bit
* I got her out of the chair and onto my lap... at this point she was grinding on my dick
* lots of touching, kissing, and at one point, I reached from behind while she was grinding on me and I started to finger her.
*at one point my coworker woke up and saw us making out. She said she was disgusted lol and WENT BACK TO SLEEP ON MY BED HAHAHA
*girl#2 went back to her chair and I reescalated, by whispering into her ear while kissing her that she should go back with her friend... unless she wants to stay. She stayed
* the next 30-40 minutes was just me trying so hard to make her cum and her being on the verge of cumming but never tipping over. I think the friend was a problem. My shoulder and hand were so fucking tired by the end of it.
*After, she gave me a blowjob.... felt really good and she was good at it. I think she was chewing mint gum or something as my dick was feeling pretty icy
*I started to finger her while giving her a blowjob and it made the blowjob even better... nice!
*I then told her to get up, and she got the message that I wanted to insert myself into her.... she abruptly tells me that she is a virgin. I tell her "ok, that's perfectly fine" and keep kissing her
*i finger her some more and this is when I realize we have a problem.... I can't even put two fingers into this chick... let alone my cock
* I try for like two hours to penetrate her, even whipped out my trojan lube. I got like 2 inches in lol. She said she was hurting, and after a certain point I figured she was just sore and needed some time to recover so I played with her breasts instead under her shirt.

My coworker was on my bed the entire time.... I'm pretty sure she peeked at one point as saw my dick lol

Girl#2 lost her virginity to me with her friend in the same room lmao, on my bed... that's going to be memorable...

I did not orgasm but that's fine, I really wanted girl#2 to feel comfortable with this new stage in her life

We cuddled a bit on my chair after, and I caressed her back while she laid on top of me
One thing of note here and I think it helped a lot was the non judgmental frame. It basically gives a girl permission to fuck you... so this is something I want to make sure I do before every pull.

One more week until I go back home... so excited! I'll hit Hoboken and I just realized nyc is a 10 minute walk and 10 minute train ride away... so there are ENDLESS opportunities. I'll also be gaming with a fellow skilled seducer at some point :)
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
To influence her to the point she relinquishes control to her lustful desires... trapped in a trance... yearning for me.

That is the goal


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Hoboken Chronicles

Just got back to my house for summer break, and while the finals exhaustion still haunts the back of my mind and has left me crippled with sleep deprivation, I can't help but feel excitement for the experiences to come this summer... the refined skillsets... and the tantalizing, sensual results.

I made this journal with the intention of one day becoming the Sexiest Man Alive... I think it's time I clarified further what I mean by that. The Sexiest Man Alive is that one-of-a-kind guy that a girl really only experiences in her dreams, and if she does meet this guy in person, the entire experience is just so surreal and breathtaking to her that she'd think she's daydreaming. To her, and interaction with this guy feels like fate bestowing her a gift she will treasure until the day she dies... an emotional adventure ending with the release of her carnal pleasures.

However, as we all know, this interaction is by no means "fate". The Sexiest Man Alive has honed his instincts and abilities through years of failure ironing out the bad and successes spurning his insatiable desire forward, ultimately creating a super soldier, capable of sniping any target, on any battlefield. It would be like giving John Wick a subscription to Girl's Chase, and telling him to frequent the SS forums as well ;)

To achieve this dream, I intend to use this summer to supercharge my progress... an evolution of sorts... where I'll look back and not be able to recognize the seducer I was writing this journal right now. I've never done something productive with my summers, as I used to be a fanatical world of warcraft player, but this year I actually quit for the first time on my birthday.... 274 days and 23 hours I'll never get back... but at least I get to prove now that wow players can get laid.

Here's what I'll be focusing on:
Evolving my fundamentals... sure, John wick could murder an entire squad with the back of a pencil... but he's definitely more lethal and effective with his HK p30l, a powerful, refined piece of equipment.

I aim to gain like 5 pounds of muscle to round out my frame while also going from 12% to 8-10% body fat. I ultimately want my physical fundamentals to allow me to pass for a model. So I'll also be visiting a dermatologist to treat some of the scars and sun marks on my skin.

Additionally, I aim to further deepen my voice, and most importantly, use the same deep voice with everyone I talk to(I've noticed that I switch my voice depending on who I'm talking to... and it's just lame. I'm not trying to be a loser by day, seducer by night... instead, this is who I'll be, permanently.)
Work on my walk. It's pretty good as is but I think it can be a little more consistent just like my voice.

Approaching in the Day and Night
I want to develop the calibration for any of these situations, and I'll do a lot of my practice in Hoboken and NYC. My first goal with these approaches is to improve my ability to meet smooth. And with each of these approaches, I'll aim for the SDL at the girl's place or an impromptu sex location, as my logistics are nonexistent.

* I'll also be keeping a running tally of my approaches. My goal right now is 3 approaches per day... might change in the future.

Embody my Sexual State More Often
I've noticed my game skyrockets when I nonchalantly ooze sexual energy... I want to have this energy as much as possible. The only way I can describe it for myself is a state of calm with dominant, "I will fuck" energy. I've also noticed my most seductive voice comes out in this state as well.

Update Goals Every Week
Having a clear goal for the week will help me target different areas of my game effectively, so every week I'll alter my goals to reflect what I think I need to work on the most.

As of now, I have 7 total lays... by the end of summer I want to get to 14, so like 2-3 lays per month or one every other week. Definitely doable with how hard I'll be going. The only question is the volume at a place like Hoboken, its population size is like 50k.... so I might game exclusively in NYC if I have volume problems.

When I get back on campus late august, I want to be able to sweep the entire HB population like clockwork, and perhaps even build a harem for myself.

Tomorrow I'll get a haircut, suit up, and hit the streets!

Let's get it


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Day 2

I haven't actually done an approach yet... but I can feel myself becoming less hesitant every minute I spend in Hoboken...

I found this park at the edge of the town which looks onto the city... using it almost like a landscape portrait. Definetly a seductive location

Today, I practiced sitting next to stationary lone wolves. I came in with the intention to approach, however, each seemed to be preoccupied with something, making me feel uncalibrated to rpo.

One had airpods on and could't even hear me say "Cool if I sit here?" So i used nonverbals to say the same thing.
Any of you know what to do with these girls? I thought about just doing the opener anyways and assume she'd take them off when I start talking.

I can feel my walk and posture becoming more consistent through all the walking I've been doing. Haven't been able to test out my voice much though.

I also noticed that by around 11pm the cute girls dissapeared... so I need to come out earlier.

Also, it seems like 3 approaches a day is a lofty amount... however I feel like I'm easing into it... one baby step at a time.
For sure feels different compared to college campus approach... there, I felt more "allowed" to approach, but thats really just a limiting mindset I need to let go of.


To read:

GC site directory(because the searchbar is actually busted)
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Day 3
Starting to develop some momentum which is making it a lot easier to get out of the house and approach. Only did two pseudo approaches today(both lasting less than 15 seconds) however, I feel like I've made tremendous progress and have gained insight onto what I need to work on.

As of now, I seem to be able to preopen well, as every time I look up from my phone before I attempt an approach, 99% of girls would look away from my sight, but look forward or even sneak a peek as they passed me... so I definitely have their attention and will be on their mind before I open(at least subconsciously).

Throughout most of the night however, I would use my phone as a prop in an attempt to induce the AI, only for the girl to avoid eye contact with me as soon as I moved my head up. A large part of me just wants to chalk it up to me being so damn sexy, because there's no way I am intimidating these girls(in a bad way at least) while I'm casually on my phone, slowly walking. I think this is happening because the girls don't want to be caught looking just like we never want to be seen checking a girl out before an approach.

My fuckup was that I thought I needed eye contact to approach, but in reality, I just need to exist in her mind, so that my approach feels more natural to her... and not like I materialized out of nowhere and started talking to her. Also... one thing I'll journal about and want to learn more is the power of frames. I can nonverbally frame it through my tone of voice and perhaps a cocky grin that I thought she was checking me out and that will be the frame set for the interaction, regardless of if she actually was peeping me or not.

So, the pre-approach is just a process I'll follow to up my chances, but I'll be making the approach regardless of if we lock eyes, and frame it in a way of me catching her checking me out even if she actually wasn't

After I figured this out in the field(with the help of Lofty), I went on and did my very first approach in Hoboken
me in SS chat "Ok haha... one approach and I can go home"
"I sense hot blond in yoga pants to my left" she was like 20 meters away
I adjust my position on the light pole I was leaning against and strike a little pose, and as I do, smile a bit on my phone to look engaged in it..

The hot blond in yoga pants nears me, and as she does I slowly look up from my phone and then to my left to see her.
I notice she's looking in the opposite direction from me lol... but regardless, I open with

"Hey... how's your night going" i noted that my voice was a bit nasal, and not as seductive as I would have liked
HBYogaPants: "Good, how's yours"(In a very warm tone of voice. As she said this she was walking forwards but I noticed how she checked me out from head to toe as she said this lmao. I grabbed her attention, but I needed to immerse her)
"Its alright"
(she walks away)
I talk with Lofty in the chat about this after it happened, and I really just needed to say a few words to get this clearly interested girl to stay...
"Ah it's just okay, hey wait hold on..."
and this would have bought me some time to fully immerse her

I said I'd go home after one approach, but this first approach energized me, and left me wanting to approach more girls at my new, favorite light post.

I notice a girl in a jean jacket to my left, I thought she was really hot from a distance, but when she got close and I opened her, she was just an average looking mother(not a milf by any means). I felt betrayed by my vision. I was prescribed glasses years ago but have never used them. I found them recently in my mother's house and holy shit... they make a big difference. I think getting some contacts would help me find these hot girls more and I seem to have some near sightedness. I've noticed, before I started using my phone as a prop, I would often check a girl out for much longer than I would like before approaching because I just cant tell if she is hot or not before I get near her lmao.

anyways here was approach number two
me in SS chat "Ok I see girl in jean jacket to my left she is 20 meters away lmao"
*I look engaged on my phone*
as she nears i look up but before I could see that she was not it, I open
"Hey... how's your night going" *tonality was much better*
MotherNotMilf: "It's been good" (while walking away)
Me: "wait hold on, I've just thought of something..."
"don't nights like these just feel different... like its warm out but the air feels so fresh and invigorating... these nights just make you feel free in ways you normally don't in the day time..."
the girl looks HELLA confused.
She was like "i guess. yea. maybe". She was trying to make sense of it but it was really flying right through her head
She was confused but so was I haha, I didn't fully remember what I wanted to say and didn't deliver it well. My delivery was slow and sounded confused, so I think I made her confused.
I was talking with Lofty and this was definitely uncalibrated on my part haha. Her reality at the moment was that she was tired and walking home to get some rest. And then here comes a mysterious lone wolf talking about the night breeze and how liberating it feels haha. Her face told me she was thinking... "why is this guy telling me this."

I do think there is a reality in which this opener would work... perhaps on a college campus where I can safely believe the girl is in the right state of mind to even understand what I'm saying, and if I peppered it with phrases to immerse her further before I deliver it. I'm not sure what though, here's what I'm thinking

Me:*notices girl nearby and opens by looking up from phone*
"Oh hey... How's your night going?"
Girl: "Its been great! hbu" (while walking forwards)
Me: "Ah its just okay hey wait hold on..."
Girl stops
Me: I just thought of something... and wrote it down on my phone... but would like someone else to hear it...are you the type of open minded girl who could hear it out?(not sure how to phrase the last segment)
Me(turning up the seducers heat to dump the juice): " I've been thinking…don't nights like these just feel different… when its warm out but the air feels so fresh and invigorating… these nights just make you feel free in ways you normally don't… like you could do anything you want but since the sun's gone… nobody would know… and its kind of like a secret you can keep… with the moon :)"

Would this still be uncalibrated... obviously... this question is entirely dependent on the girl and what emotions she's feeling right now. Would not be a good idea to do this on a crying girl or a super excited one screaming. But I think for a typical college girl state, maybe?

After this I waited a bit to see if I could get a 3rd approach in but it was like 15 minutes and I was getting cold so I walked home.

Will go out later tonight and practice immersing girls into the interaction.

Approaches: 2

Also I'll make another journal report documenting the insightful things I learned talking with Lofty last night. I definitely want to learn how to control frames more, and want to develop the Machiavellian mindset


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 17, 2019
Also I'll make another journal report documenting the insightful things I learned talking with Lofty last night. I definitely want to learn how to control frames more, and want to develop the Machiavellian mindset

I didn't see that chat - I'd be very interested in reading what you learned.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Day 3 Notes

Lots to learn here. Mainly the power of frames and how to control it to our advantage... to flip a girl's narrative from whatever she is doing and into a reality where seduction can occur. Those that control the frame, control our perception and therefore reality.

But before that, I learned about preopening, and its really not as difficult as I thought it was... the girl just needs to notice your presence … any more is icing on top.
This can be done easily by how Lofty said:
*You see her from a distance and pretend to be engaged on your phone, induce her eye contact if possible. If not then still ready to open*
as she nears:
Seducer: "Hey, are you the type of open-minded girl who can help me with a relationship thing? It's not for me - it's for my best friend Jada"
or "Wait, hold on. I have a very important question to ask you"
anything can really be said on this second part, its main purpose is to grab her attention so you can then immerse her with the next bit. I'm still working on the immersion side though.

However, when opening a girl, it is critical that you co-regulate to the girl. The definition of this psychology term is:
a "continuous unfolding of individual action that is susceptible to being continuously modified by the continuously changing actions of the partner".
Carousel notes that this term is much better than calibration as it specifies exactly what is it we are doing when we mean to calibrate... Co-regulate specifies the partner/ the hot girl you are talking to as the baseline to adjust your moves to. This is important, as all that matters when co-regulating, is the girl's reality... her perception of her environment and the state that she is in... nothing else.

the girl's perception of reality dictates what she thinks of you and what she think's she is allowed to do to you/ with you, which is why we escalate according to her compliance level(which I see now as the result of the how strong the man to woman frame is between you and the girl), which is co-regulation in effect.

this fact of good game, is why learning frame control is crucial... because by being able to freely access and control the frame, you, the seducer, can shape her perception of reality and therefore compliance levels and how much you can escalate.

To learn frame control, I've been recommended these articles(cred to Lofty)
This article teaches the Machiavellian philosophy which I believe means understanding social constructs and also frames to the point where you can realize before you act, how to influence them in a way to get to your desired outcome, even if it conflicts with your ego....

This means sometimes lying to girls or even yourself to move the interaction to the bedroom... where both of you would benefit greatly from.
A good example of twisting frames to better suit your needs as a Mach seducer, is by changing your perception of morality...

For example, at first I thought it was immoral to lie to girls/ myself to bed the girl... however, who is being hurt by these lies? Me being able to bring this girl to bed and bring her to orgasm repeatedly... giving her a night she'll remember and touch herself to years down the line... only makes the world a happier place :). And that is the power of Mach reframe.

I used to think that it was bad/immoral to steal another guy's girl...
However, seen from a different perspective/frame.... if a girl was able to get peeled from the guy... I'm actually doing them both a favor because that girl found someone she likes more and that guy needs to learn more game.
Now, instead of feeling bad for being a seducer and doing what seducers do... I actually feel good, as I'm making the world a better place haha.

This is why frames are so powerful.... they literally make the reality that we live in... and being able to self analyze and set the right frames for your interactions will subconsciously make you better at what you need to do. This in inner game.

An excellent example of the power of frame control and what good frame control can be seen in this video originally linked by teevster. This old dude legit talks a girl into a riveting orgasm

The guy frames what the girl can experience, and therefore shapes the reality she chooses to believe in. I WANT TO LEARN THAT! THIS is what influence looks like.

Other articles to read:
(shows teevster reframing a girl's reality of what she is allowed to do as a "classy" girl)
https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/your-personality-is-just-a-path-of-least-resistance.22894/ For developing Mach principles and handling personal identity issues
https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/seduction-oriented-topics.21690/ (Frame control oozes out of these topics)

The power of Machiavellian

No matter their belief you can always reframe to your advantage - it doesn’t matter what you ACTUALLY believe
@ Lofty:
This is the unbridled power of the Machiavellian seducer
@ Lofty:
No ego, all influence

Bonus Frames
originally from https://www.skilledseducer.com/thre...conquests-one-night-stands.21773/#post-106545
Bacchus: "They[experiences with a seducer like me] are opportunities for women enjoy sexual experiences with a man who allows them to be shameless. . . whether you have a one-night-stand or take her on as a lover for a while. . . the gift of shamelessness is a rare and valuable thing. Society won't give her this gift. And neither will the vast majority of guys she'll meet in life. Sure she might follow the mainstream path. . . and get married to some nice guy later on. . . settle down with a couple children. But when she needs a break from mommy-duties. . . or she reaches the
point where she sees husband as a complete bore. . . She can always close her eyes. . . and masturbate to the treasured experience you gave her."

Because of this it is now a sin for me and any one of you reading to not get REALLY good at game, because so many girls will miss out on a treasured experience with you if you don't get this down pat. Go on now... make the world a better place you sly dogs ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
@Beam just typed it out... I might have missed a few things but I think I got a lot of the "holy shit" stuff I learned yesterday


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Day 10

Kind of crazy how I skipped a whole week of journals. I intended to go out everyday last week, however, the more I live at my mother's house, the more I realize the lack of agency I have with my time. Spent all of last week either babysitting or helping my mom. This next week will be better however.

Went out to Washington Square today with @Kvothe and had a solid, insightful two sets. I also learned some of the good spots to game in the city. Additionally I learned some good rules to wingmanship haha sorry Kvothe, and a thing or two about calibration.

*The wing that opens the set should be able to pick the girl unless targets were discussed beforehand
*Bring other wing into the set... Later I will show in my journal where this would have been really good for both social frame and creating isolation

Took a bus to the city and as soon as I got there I was just enamored with the density of attractive girls. It is really easy to consistently be in a set with an attractive girl in this city. Something I could not do in Hoboken. I'm seriously considering just taking the bus to NYC every time I want to get some sets in.

Meet Kvothe at around 6pm... both dressed to kill(might be a bit overdressed for the park however as later on this two set we approached said we both looked like we were dressed for a party.... which we kinda did haha... I know I did for sure with my long white tshirt that accentuated my samurai sword necklace, blue chinos, and white flat shoes) I think it is important that I get my fashion sense for the park down... as this would help with congruence, and help maintain liminality with the girl as everything seems more natural and not like I'm out to seduce girls.

Chat with Kvothe a bit and I ask him about his process... soon after we talk about getting some sets in and I ask him how he opens a sitting target. He did the phone prop, sat down, and was in set. ITS THAT SIMPLE I thought.... and this motivated me to get into a set as well. I first try to open this cute girl sitting by herself and she's wearing airpods of course. Didn't hear me when I asked "cool if I sit here" so I motioned my hands to grab her attention and she was like "you can sit"... Still had airpods on tho. They feel like such a cockblock.

I then pretend to receive a call and act as if I had a horny girl waiting for me somewhere and gtfo.

After, I see this cute darker skinned girl who's skin was practically glowing. Walk over with my phone as a prop and sit down without making eye contact. The strangest thing happened, I gave this girl no sign of even looking at her and she turns her back towards me on the seat lmao. Like pretty much made it as hard as possible for me to open. I believe it might have been my outfit and she could sense I looked too good for the park? Perhaps I could have still opened with a curiosity bait or attention grab. Definitely should have at least tried. I did the fake phone call thing and got out to seem natural.

Peek at Kvothe and he's still in set, solid I thought.

I then walk over to where this band was playing some nice ass music. It made me feel like a young Casanova hunting for hoez. They use saxophone and other instruments to create a nice romantic and adventurous vibe to the park. I see this girl and sit near her using the phone prop and not looking. Of course, the girl has airpods on lol. But I get her to pause her music and listen to me slowly say "You know, these guys(the musicians) are really good. Do you like them just as much as I do?" we talk for a bit and I can kinda sense a hook that could be formed, but she was on her way out and ends up leaving. If I were a stronger seducer I could have 100% got her to stay. I notice these two cute girls in front of me which are the girls I open like 10 minutes later when I circle the park. I could sense with my periphery that they noticed me a bit and I think they were checking me out. I jam out to the music a bit while writing on the SS chat(I think I was bitching about air pods). I then go over to tip the band and give them a thumbs up. They really helped my vibe! (I'm pretty sure the girls were eyeing me too)


I walk around a bit trying to find another set but I don't and instead return to the band area and use the phone prop to sit next to the girls. I think what I did really well here was wait for the perfect opportunity to open as she was in a call and the band was playing loud as music. So I just sat there jamming and looking at my phone until she hung up, and the band stopped playing their song then opened with
"Wow these guys are so good... its like they create this romantic and adventurous energy out of thin air... Do you like them as much as I do?"
HBHatesAllMen: Yea they are really great. Love listening to them
Me: Yea, seems like the perfect vibe to just chill and enjoy the park to.
HBHatesAllMen: :)
Me: *Motions towards book* What are you reading there?
HBHatesAllMen: *some romance novel that has chapter out of sequential order*
Me: Ah Romance novel eh ;), what's it about?
HBHatesAllMen: I actually haven't started yet, but its special in the way that you read it in a nonchronological order...
Me: "Ah so its almost like solving a puzzle... putting all the pieces together to make up a story?"
HBHatesAllMen: Yea *shows me the different chapters and stuff, I squint my eyes and use it as an opportunity to be like" ah let me see" and move closer. Seemed calibrated*

At this point I figured we hooked. There was no recoil to me moving forward and eye contact was gradually intensifying. I forget entirely what I said at this point as I just freestyled while trying to get on SOT's as I reviewed Bacchus post on the bus ride to the city. One thing that I almost screened the girl out on was when she said "All men are bad" and my god was she adamant about that with her tonality. I did not want to stay on the subject long(and this is when I started to break eye contact and look away. To punish her), but I used this as an opportunity contrast and elicit values as Lofty often does and introduced her to my friend Rose who loves to party as my notorious party school. She falls for the bait and asks where I go. Doesn't seem to know it, but tells me her university which is in the city. I get back to talking about my good friend Rose and how she sometimes will message me on how the guys sometimes grope her while she's out and I say how that's disgusting and how I don't understand why guys do that to girls when in reality, the girl really wants to feel a strong connection and feel understood. I didn't get the resounding "YES" that I was expecting, but more slight head nods and hmmmmmmm....hmmm... yeaaaa....(something that happened frequently when I tried to set a frame) I think this is a sign I need to improve my verbal toolkit with leading girls through these conversations and emotional states, and creating a liminal space where they can easily and naturally fall into my frames... This also entails having a richer vocabulary to give lush descriptions of whatever reality I want to create. I also need to review what exactly I want to say when I talk about these SOT's as I sometimes seemed a little bit confused as I freeballed it. Anyone have links for this type of stuff?

She then circles back to all guys being bad and I give her a hypothetical of "what if I said All girls are bad"....
She matter-of-factly replies "well, thats SEXIST!"
I thought to myself, Wow, she's retarded.... these people actually exist haha
I tell her hmm ok. And she repeats "ALLL MENN ARE BAAADDD"
I tell her jokingly "well, thats hurtful" and look the other fucking way because this girl is crazy.

She keeps looking in my direction so I reopen. "So when you aren't reading books and hating on men, what are you doing... what do you do for fun"

She talks about liking travel and I lie and say I travel too and talk about how different cultures have different ways of expressing affection and love. She agrees and says something about how she was in brazil and the way they express sexuality is very differently. She said she didn't like it but it was very aggressive. I question by saying the "male to female sexuality." And she agreed. This could have been an opportunity to contrast once again, but I really just wanted to get off a bad topic. So I instead talk about how liberated they are in Brazil. This can be seen through the large tranny population... I then relate this back to how sometimes if feels like sexuality in the states is repressed. I mention how my girl friends have told me they constantly feel the need to repress their sexuality as society deems them as sluts and stuff like that. Mention Madonna whore complex and this is where the conversation gets a sexual edge. I talk about how its really unfortunate that girls can't freely express their sexuality, as I've noticed from experience, that girls who own their sexuality have this powerful energy to them that is very noticeable. I then say "I can tell when a girl has been fucked well(after this topic, her eye contact towards me increased and she held it for longer. I think this was a good topic to bring up). They have this after sex glow to them and they just seem so happy and relaxed"

I wasn't able to dive further into this sexual conversation however, as her friend called(third room mate). I just chilled for a bit enjoying the music.
Keep in mind, I didn't write this in the paragraphs above, but I used a lot of shoulder touches with the back of my fingers and would slow my pace of speaking and tonality at some points to emotionally impact her further.

After her call, I could see her just sitting there waiting for me to reopen, so I did. I forgot what I said but we ended on the topic of what she's studying and I deep dive her on that. I feel like at this point in the conversation I needed to escalate or number close. It was a two set, so I tried to direct towards a number close.

Talked with Kvothe after and I really fucked up by not introducing the girls to Kvothe as he walked past. I was confused and wasn't sure what to do when he came by as I was talking to the girl. TBH I completely forgot about the second girl too as she was largely out of the set. But If I brought him into the set, escalation and isolation would be a lot more feasible.

However, this is where my dumbassery took the wind out of my sail. We start talking about age and they say you seem like a 21- 22 year old. (the light beard must be working I think) I for god knows what reason, decide it would be funny to lie and say I'm 19 where I could have very much just let them believe I was 21-22... bruh

The girl immediately goes "oh... ok lets leave(to friend). I'm not doing this(to me). That's illegal."

Nice one lobo.

I try to act oblivious to the seduction and say "I thought this was just a casual chat at the park?"
"Yea i don't really think so I think at some point you were going to ask for my number. but 17. NO"

they leave. I chuckle... "fucking dumbass" I tell myself while laughing. It was a really funny ending, but I'd rather get laid next time...

definitely not mach

Meet back with Kvothe, we talk a bit and he opens a two set. I fuck up by not following/realizing wingmanship code and go for the girl that he told me later he was going for. I know now though.

He opened by asking if they knew a nice place for a drink... they opened very well. We chat a bit and I tell them to move a bit to the side as we were in the middle of the road. This cements the set. Not much happened until I said something that seemed a bit uncalibrated after the fact. The girl brought up her age and I said she doesn't look that age at all and later that she could be my sugarmommy. Maybe definetly uncalibrated. She didn't show a big negative reaction to it but ignored it while her friend talked.

The girls led us to the Spaniard and I talked with the sugarmommy girl about what she does and other stuff. I forgot tbh. Bottom line... deep dive... and also talking about some SOT as I try to create opportunities to bounce onto those topics. I use a good voice tone and try to talk less loud so the friend Kvothe is talking to doesent overhear.

We get to the place and I try to reinforce a chase frame the girls set themselves. I said something like "thank you for making sure we got here safely... you're like our knights in shining armor(I touch her shoulder here which Kvothe said seemed uncalibrated as it was a more explicit touch in an open environment. I also streched my hand out a bit) I try to number close, however the hook was not that strong and ultimately it didn't work out.

Kvothe and I talk some more while he leads me around the city. We open a few other sets but nothing too succesful there. I open a REALLY HOT two set with what I thought was some really good voice tonality and nonverbals. However, as Kvothe pointed out, I spooked the girls as I was not in their awareness radius. I got the girls to stop but they made up their minds on moving away as my approach, was ultimately, not smooth.

Overall, really good day out on the field. Finally got in touch with Kvothe and seeing him approach practically killed any AA I still had inside of me. Felt really good to see another seducer out on the field.

What To Improve
* Have a pull plan. I felt like I was in set with the crazy girl for a long time and should have had a plan to number grab or move on a high point.
* Review and read more on SOTS, sexual gambits, madonna whore complex, other juicy stuff. And rehearse it with good voice tone and pace

Bonus tips from chat for verbal game(Lofty linked them)
To read Teevster’s indirect series
Do that and listen to SMMA
Read LRs of Teevster, Bacchus, Glow, etc

Man writing these reports takes some time... but going out today just reminded me how much fun it is to game, and improve. Ty @Kvothe for showing me some good spots and helping me with my game

Oh and to future Lobo reading this.... don't be a dumbass :)
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Was great going out man :)

Just want to remind that what I pointed out as mis-calibrations may not be mis-calibrations if I'm wrong. I'm still learning too!

With that said, I thought a little more on some of them and wanted to expand a little further in my reasoning.

Re: wingman issues, don't sweat it bro. Just the usual miscommunications and kinks to work out. Nothing malicious there so it's something we all learn and improve from.

Re: The sugar-momma comment early in the two set
I think this was uncalibrated, since it was super early in the two-set. Specifically the girl you were talking to was also much more uncomfortable with us than the one I was talking to. Additionally, I felt that the sugar momma comment drew attention to two details we'd rather leave ambiguous. One was our ages, both girls turned out to be in their 30s, though looked way younger, so the sugar-momma comment drew their attention to that and immediately painted us out to be younger. The other reason was because it felt very direct/gamey/cocky-funny, in a way that wasn't very smooth. It also causes a knee-jerk reaction which I don't think is good.

Re: touching
Yeah, I think we all start off doing this, because we don't know it's uncalibrated. But avoid touching early in the interaction (generalization, there are exceptions of course). Better to have her start touching you. Also reaching over to touch is also not as good, it feels like you're trying to touch. Save touch for when you're in a more intimate setting, or like in nightgame where you need the extra stimulation.

Re: awareness radius
Yeah, I've been guilty of this myself. Just work to get better and you'll see improvements.

Again, I'm also learning, so to others reading, please keep me honest if something above is not right, or is right for the wrong reasons and correct me.

Great progress Lobo! I really love your base non-verbal sexuality. It's definitely something I'll be learning from you each time we go out.

Looking forward to the next one!
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Was great going out man :)

Just want to remind that what I pointed out as mis-calibrations may not be mis-calibrations if I'm wrong. I'm still learning too!

With that said, I thought a little more on some of them and wanted to expand a little further in my reasoning.

Re: wingman issues, don't sweat it bro. Just the usual miscommunications and kinks to work out. Nothing malicious there so it's something we all learn and improve from.

Re: The sugar-momma comment early in the two set
I think this was uncalibrated, since it was super early in the two-set. Specifically the girl you were talking to was also much more uncomfortable with us than the one I was talking to. Additionally, I felt that the sugar momma comment drew attention to two details we'd rather leave ambiguous. One was our ages, both girls turned out to be in their 30s, though looked way younger, so the sugar-momma comment drew their attention to that and immediately painted us out to be younger. The other reason was because it felt very direct/gamey/cocky-funny, in a way that wasn't very smooth. It also causes a knee-jerk reaction which I don't think is good.

Re: touching
Yeah, I think we all start off doing this, because we don't know it's uncalibrated. But avoid touching early in the interaction (generalization, there are exceptions of course). Better to have her start touching you. Also reaching over to touch is also not as good, it feels like you're trying to touch. Save touch for when you're in a more intimate setting, or like in nightgame where you need the extra stimulation.

Re: awareness radius
Yeah, I've been guilty of this myself. Just work to get better and you'll see improvements.

Again, I'm also learning, so to others reading, please keep me honest if something above is not right, or is right for the wrong reasons and correct me.

Great progress Lobo! I really love your base non-verbal sexuality. It's definitely something I'll be learning from you each time we go out.

Looking forward to the next one!
Yea was a great outing, I had a lot of fun practicing with you and I'm looking forward to gaming with you again...

In terms of the calibration, I think this is largely my inexperience and me seeing where the bounds are. The sugar mommy was for sure 100% uncalibrated and not smooth like you said haha. It also, seemingly, did not progress the seduction forward, so it was pointless.

This is one of the things I want to learn... having a sequential plan to move the seduction forwards, and the little steps in between that make escalation throughout the interaction possible. I believe you talked about wanting to develop a clean process as well while we were out, and this would undoubtedly increase our results.

The process I'm thinking of right now is:

1) Meet smooth girl and open with RPO, Curiosity/Intrigue bait, other indirect openers.
2) Hook/Immerse into interaction and try to steer the conversation into SOT and set up helpful quick sex frames
3) Figure out her logistics at some point.
4) Continue the conversation on SOTs and on a high note number grab or move her based on logistics

5)If successfully moved girl, start to escalate the sexual key low to high
6)set nonjudgemental frames/plausible deniability for pull if not done earlier in interaction
7)Sex talk at some point after the girl is moved
8) more escalation of vibe?
9) multiple bounces or pull home? Idk haven't got this far personally haha

let me know what you think, and if it matches/differs from yours



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Approached this cute lifeguard girl at the public pool earlier...

I first walked from behind her and walked like 5 feet parallel to her and just hovered for a bit.(I was facing slightly away from her... I wonder if being centered while looking forward or even pointing my body a little bit towards her would have been better)

I open from the shoulder "You know... this lifeguard job... must be very... boring ;)"
she giggles "its not that bad"

this is good, I got her attention

however, I stayed in this lifeguard conversation for like 15 seconds and was not able to hook this girl, and my time was cut short when her co worker chode comes to talk logistics with her and answers a question I asked her. Said some random stuff and bounced when my brother came asking to use the bathroom.

My mistake here was not immersing her by appealing to her narcissism and saying something specifically about HER, and not something tangentially related to her such as lifeguarding(which she's obviously not passionate about)

I could have easily achieved this immersion by interrupting myself(to seem more natural and spontaneous) as I asked her a lifeguard question and instead said something like "wait, hold on... I just noticed something about you... you look just like... a really good friend of mine... except, I get an entirely different energy from you..."

First approach since last Friday on the 28th, was gone from home all of memorial weekend.... but I'll make up for it this week.

I'll be gaming in NYC later today.

EDIT: Also, anyone has some tips on how to meditate before going out to game? My vibe isn't so good rn.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Start doing the body oriented stuff, you can do TRE the night before, and COTN stretches before going out.

I’ve found myself being far more relaxed and able to immediately be in a good state through these.

Quick fixes are generally solving superficial things instead of the deeper issues, but if the above two aren’t what you want to do, then try century breathing. Basically close your eyes and breathe through your stomach, and count 100 breaths, and avoid other thoughts. If your concentration wanders, you have to count from 0 again.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Start doing the body oriented stuff, you can do TRE the night before, and COTN stretches before going out.

I’ve found myself being far more relaxed and able to immediately be in a good state through these.

Quick fixes are generally solving superficial things instead of the deeper issues, but if the above two aren’t what you want to do, then try century breathing. Basically close your eyes and breathe through your stomach, and count 100 breaths, and avoid other thoughts. If your concentration wanders, you have to count from 0 again.
Ah yes... you mentioned these, thank you for reminding me of them. For the TRE, you said wall sits or any exercise that can cause you to tremble from fatigue would work?

And the century breathing sounds like it would really help clear my mind.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017

You can just follow along here, it should cause tremors. Unless you want to deal with questions, make sure to lock the door before you start haha.

Also keep in mind it can have some mental effects that are bad for your state the same day, so don’t do it right before going out. I usually do it right before I go to sleep.