So I had to run out today for some obligations/chores. And I was cramped on time, as I have a deadline and have to run back home to meet it.
I forgot to praise myself, that anything I do is better than nothing. I focused too much on what I didn't do.
- Approach 2-set of students... talked to the 6 (the other girl was a 9), and is ussually the case, the 6 was lukewarm, while the 9 was beaming and smiling ear-to-ear.
When I noticed them, I was like oh no, I have to think of voice projection, I have to think of positivity, so many things, nooo... I opened quite softly (and again, stunner was beaming regardless). But yeah, soft-spoken, not amazing eye-contact.
- Saw a nine with model looks that I'd ussually approach to network with, but instead decided to try
JTSunshine's method for getting responses to Hellos here. And it worked! She beamed with delight and smiled. Though to be fair I knew it would work the moment I read it on JT's journal. I was like that totally makes sense, why didn't I do this before.
- Approach some whore-ishly dressed six (think a six you'd jerk off to in porn if the scene is good), again very soft-spoken. I especially noticed it at the end where was like well I wish you luck with your project, and she didn't add me on IG
- Ask some 9 for directions. She didn't know the directions, but was beaming and smiling ear to ear, like I had made her day by asking her directions. It didn't matter that I was soft-spoken
- Then saw some six who in terms of style matches some of the models I've worked with, so I opened her, just for practice. Was fairly nice. With me again being soft-spoken. She added me to IG.
I almost forgot the big win today. That hello response was a huge win for me, as my main goal with all of this is to master non-verbals. Also I should be kind on myself for being soft-spoken, because I was in a rush and barely managed to leave the house. Didn't have time to warm up mentally and focus on the quality of the approaches. I'm working hard to get rid of some last obligations so I can once again go out to do dedicated approaching sessions where I can focus on quality of approach, and progress.
That isn't to say that there isn't progress even with the non-dedicated soft approaches here and there, it's just that I think at this pace it's going to take years, and I don't have years to spare. So I want to start dedicated outtings soon.