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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I started using "the bored look." Looking forward to trying it out in the field.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Some interesting experiences with girls in the past few days.

Today I was sitting on the bus. I caught a girl looking at me a few times, then, we both got off the bus at the same time but were heading in opposite directions. I passed her and she was giving me a really seductive look, and I gave her one too. She didn't look familiar. This has never happened to me before. I should have opened her but I didn't.

I bought this interesting hat. I've been getting lots of compliments on it, and I notice a lot of girls looking at me when I wear it.

Yesterday I was waiting at the bus stop and this girl walks up to the bus stop and she starts stomping on the snow and playing with the snow with her boots. I found that weird, girls don't usually do that. I feel like she was restless and most likely horny. She opened me by asking what time the bus was gonna come. We had a short conversation, I didn't really take it anywhere.

I was walking in the hallway and I smiled at some girl and she smiled back at me...I think thats basically an approach invitation? The same thing happened with another girl when I was at the bus stop today.

I am passing waay too much on these interactions, i should be chasing after these girls who are paying me attention.

I want to say that at a party last weekend that I wrote about, one of the girls I had had a conversation with was quick to re-engage me when I saw her at the party. That was interesting too and barely ever happened. I am definitely improving!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I pretty well got my posture down. 90% of the time I find myself having a proper posture without even forcing myself to do it, it just happens naturally now.

Still working on sharpening my use of the awareness radius, sometimes in social situations where I am talking to someone I find myself looking off into a crowd of people instead of paying attention to the person I am talking to. I want to give my full attention to someone I am talking to and not be distracted by anything else.

Haven't been approaching really, although this is going to have to change soon if I want to continue sharpening my skills. Last night I was in a tim horton's lineup. after I got my bagel, i went and talked to my friend who was further back in the lineup. There was a girl behind my friend and I could see her smiling at me while I was talking to my friend. I really should have gone and talked to her after talking to my friend but I didn't. I just totally forgot about her because I was so immersed in talking to my other friend.

I feel like lately I am viewing everything as an approach invitation (even though it might not be an approach invitation). This is a great mindset to have. After coming out of the doctors office, I made eye contact with this girl and she was giving me a really seductive look. Also, I went to class and sat down. A girl from a party I attended a few weeks ago was sitting in the row in front of me a few weeks down. I was busy practicing awareness radius stuff. In this case I was just focussed on texting some people. But I could see this girl turn her head towards me two times. I feel like she was tryinga get a glance at me but I can't be sure.

Here's a goal I'm setting for myself: the next time I catch a girl looking at me or smiling at me, I'm going to say hi to her. I missed way too many opportunities lately.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

!!!! i've been noticing a ton of growth lately. girls are really starting to treat me differently.

recently before class i was standing outside the classroom doing some people watching. caught the gaze of one girl as she was walking by....she was middle eastern maybe. IDK. she was giving me a really seductive look. she passed me by. eye contact broke, but she even turned around to look at me as she kept walking and she was giving me a really seductive look

nothing was even said....i didnt even know her. no words were said but there was a lot of sexual tension. unfortunately i missed another opportunity because i didn't do anything. i really shoulda...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

In this post I'd like to talk about some recent experiences I've been having and the things I've been learning.

Went out to a few parties this weekend. While I was talking with people, sometimes people would try to interrupt. I would ignore them and just keep talking to the person I was talking to. It's ridiculous how many distractions there can be at a party that can really interrupt the flow of a conversation. In the past, distractions are what have derailed me completely when I am talking to girls. I'm glad that is no longer an issue for me. It's the opposite way around too. If I'm talking a guy and a girl tries to interrupt, I pay attention to the guy. It makes your full attention seem more important and makes you seem like a higher status individual, someone who has options and you're not afraid if a girl will lose interest. 6 months ago, I probably would have paid attention to a girl trying to interrupt because I was so eager for female attention.

I wasn't really feeling the party on friday, although I did meet a few people. I opened a group of people (two girls and a guy). That was a mistake, it was awkward, they weren't interested in talking. I turned my attention to the one girl but she was totally uninterested. Next time I will make sure to open one person in a group instead of addressing the whole group. I opened another girl. We had a bit of a chat, she touched my clothing, but her body language suggested she was a little bit nervous of me or didn't really want to talk towards the end of the conversation. The next step would have been to move her somewhere, but her body language suggested she wouldn't have been down. I should have gotten her to move with me anyways, it would have been a good learning experience, especially if objected instead of saying no.

When I had first got to the party, I was talking with my friend Owen. Just as I was finishing talking with Owen a girl came up and started talking to Owen but she was looking at me before talking to Owen. I said hello to her but that's it...She was really hot. Shoulda introduced myself. Later on she tried touching my eskimo hat while I was talking with another girl, I didn't let her. Then later she was walking by as I was drinking my beer and I purposely got her in her way with my beer. Like I made her walk into my beer and kinda just put it in her face. She grabbed my beer and made me chug it. It was flirty teasing behaviour. She was surrounded by guys all night. I could have opened her, she would have definitely been receptive, but I was intimated by her looks.

There was one last girl I was talked to who was decent looking but I just wasn't attracted to her and she was a tad annoying. She was bugging me to wear my hat all night but I wouldn't let her. I really should have let her wear my hat to reward her or something like that We took a lot of selfies too! There was a bit of touch too. After that we would pass each other and she would touch me as she was passing by but we didn't really talk after that. If I had wanted to take it further, I really should have let her wear my hat. I don't know.

Saturday night, went to another party. I had been talking with this chick named Hailey for a while through text and Facebook but we had never met yet. Everytime I would talk about sexual things she would call me a perv and just be generally unresponsive in those types of conversations, so I didn't feel like she was too interested. But she really wanted to hang out with me, and sometimes would be a little bit flirty. She wanted to go to this party with me and she was bringing her friend who was also a girl. Hailey was saying that she didn't want to get laid but was trying to hook me up with her friend. She got her friend to text me and her friend was texting me saying "I'll make out with you." I said something along the lines of "We'll have to see about that." I wasn't exactly sure what to say, I wanted to be a challenge but I didn't really know how to do it. Unfortunately I didn't show too much interest throughout the course of the night so I wasn't surprised when she was not interested in talking to me. However, hailey on the other hand was constantly hitting on me and we were making out all night.

I also saw Trishy at this party. I have a journal entry about her. Me and Trishy hung out once and I didn't make a move and she went into auto rejection. Trishy was really drunk and excited to see me. I was really calm. She says "Whats wrong!!" I said "nothings wrong!" I was just not high enough energy for her. We danced for like 20 seconds, even kissed a little bit, although it was pretty sloppy cuz she was so drunk. She was excited to see me but just not interested.

I ended up going home with Hailey, all she wanted to do was cuddle. I was pretty persistent. Kept on touching her and kissing her but she really didnt wanna have any of it. I decided to punish her by not touching her. I would just roll off and lay away from her. She would get angry and try to make me cuddle her. I did that a few times. One time when I was touching her she mentioned something about how she had been raped before and she didn't wanna feel that way again. I stopped, she fell asleep and left. Then today she was being all clingy and shit. Bleh, I have gone into auto rejection and will never be talking to her again.

i mentioned I had "punished" Hailey by stopping the touching. I have been punishing girls in other ways too. For instance, Hailey had wanted to hang out the previous day. We had made plans to hang out at 7pm. Close to 7PM she said we could hang out another day. She said she was really nervous to see me. Which is good. I want girls to be nervous when they are around me. But then she changed her mind and wanted to hang out after all. Well it was too late. She had messed up and I had started making music. Basically this taught her that my time is important

I am also talking to a girl, we will call her Francine. Francine and I have been talking for months, but also never met. Recently Francine has been copying the way I talk both through text and phone calls. This is a great thing, when girls are imitating you. During one phone conversation she was literally copying every word I said though which was annoying. I hung up on her. She called back and I didn't answer her call, then she texted me saying sorry. I called her back. We were actually going to hang out last night but plans fell through. Recently she has also started calling me pet names and as well she was talking about her being my future wife during a phone call. Very clingy, shes pretty lonely right now, not sure if I should just avoid her.

I am talking to a girl named Kate. She's been trying to hang out with me for like 10 months now. To be honest, I just don't give a fuck about girls which is a good attitude to have. Kate sometimes texts me asking when we are going to hang out. I finally made plans with her for this coming week. Last night we were texting. We had a conversation about societies views around sex, that went well. Also, she was playing along with the roleplays (I pretended we were married). All good signs for when we hang out.

I have been talking to a girl named Anne, we met last year but haven't hung out since then. She's been very warm with me, she had dreadlocks (just got rid of them). I made a joke about cumming in her dreadlocks and she received it well. Then, she cut her hair relatively short. I said to her in a later conversation "I bet you cut your hair cuz I said I wanted to cum all over your dreads." She said "haha yeah I thought about that when I was doing them like "oops I didn't get a chance." That's good news, we made plans to hang out but didn't set a date yet.

Good weekend, got a few girls I'm working on, but i really could have used better vocal tonality this weekend. I was using enough touch and my posture was great. I need to really focus on opening more girls outside of Facebook, I feel like that's were all my opportunities come from, I shouldn't be relying on Facebook.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Also, I must add.....I have been getting some great responses from girls lately by asking the question "What do you want from your life?" Sparks a great conversation :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I had conversations with two girls last night at a party.

First girl was not in to me at all..she actually had a gross look on her face and her body language was terrible. Towards the end of the conversation she was facing her friend while talking to me. My friend Jack was talking to her friend but both girls were more interested in him than me.

I was in the kitchen. Jack and I had arranged to play beer pong with two girls. They were friendly but weren't really interested in chatting. One of the teams who was already playing consisted of a girl and a guy. I addressed the girl. I think it had something to do with who was playing next? I cant remember. Anyways, she was imitating my facial expressions. Her eyebrows raised when mine raised. I took that as a sign of attraction. She was curvy with a baby face. She looked like she was in high school...the game ended and she went into the living room with the guy she had been playing beer pong with. Well the girls we were supposed to play beer pong with had disappeared..it was getting late and Jack was annoyed and wanted to leave because it was turning into a sausagefest at the party. I went up to the girl who I had been talking to in the kitchen. At that point she was the only girl in the party it seemed like. I opened her by saying she was the only girl at the party! We started talking, her name was Emily. She would lean in to hear me when I was talking, that was another good sign. As well, she was asking me about myself. I started deep diving her, although I should have focussed on flirting with her at first. I was asking her some deep questions like "what do you want from yourself" and I got the sense these questions were way too much for her, especially from some guy she had just met. There was a DJ playing music. She started dancing while we were talking and I got the sense she was losing interest and just wanted to dance. I didn't really want to dance. At this point I had a decision to make. Should I try to move her somewhere such as a couch? I felt as though if I asked, she would have said no because she wanted to dance. And that would have moved the interaction backwards, because I didn't want to dance at all. I told her I'd talk to her later and went to find Jack. I figured I'd approach Emily later and try to start things back up. Well me and Jack ended up leaving and I didn't even get Emily's number or anything. I really should have just danced with her or even tried to get her to move somewhere with me, there was nothing to lose. Plus if she was interested in me (as her body language suggested) then she would have been down.

The mistake I made from the start was not flirting with her when I first met her. This seems to be a common problem of mine. Other problems include ejecting too early and not moving girls. This is what I will be focussing on in the next few weeks.

I went to a burger joint with my roommate this evening. I actually just came down with a cold today so I was wearing pajamas. These girls walked in and they could not keep their eyes off me. When I left, they were even looking at me through the window. I can assume they were attracted. In the past, I probably would have thought they were staring at me cuz they thought I was gross or something. However, no girl is going to look more than once at a guy she is not attracted to. I wonder why they were looking at me though. I wasn't well dressed and I am looking sick. I figure my great posture is really helping me lately. I don't even have to try to stand straight, it just happens now. :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Back in my hometown for the week visiting my parents and friends. Friday night we drank at my friend's house. A girl named D was there. She was not drinking, just totally immersed in her phone and left early. Some of my friends and I think even my brother have hooked up with her before. I have spoken with her in the past, she always held strong eye contact with me.

Saturday night was the same sort of deal except she was drinking. My friend came to pick me up in his car and I was sitting in the back seat with her. I started lightly teasing her and bantering with her. She received it well. We got to my friends house and I was sitting beside her and talking to her for a good chunk of time. For the first little bit it was just more banter, then I started deep diving her and we found a common interest in art. Sometimes the conversation would die but she would always start up the conversation again. She was touching me too. She was coming to the bar so I thought it would be a good idea to build a little bit of sexual tension before the bar, then escalate heavy at the bar. I wasn't worried about her going into auto rejection and I was taking things at my own pace. I surprised myself. I was using a lot of sexual vocal tonality without even realizing it. And my facial expressions were good too. I realize in the past I probably overdid both these things and made myself look like an idiot. The key to using these fundamentals effectively is subtly! So up until now, the conversation hadn't been very sexual..we started talking about some sexual stuff and she received it well.

Now, unfortunately, my friend cockblocked me (before I started talking about sex with her), which is annoying! He has hooked up with her before, and while me and D were talking, he came up to her and kissed her on the lips on two separate occasions - then called me out right in front of her for not kissing her. Prior to this I had been talking to him and he said she was intrigued by me. Would it have been better for me to move way way WAY quicker? I didn't feel like it was the right time yet, I was escalating properly, and there was still sexual tension that could be built. I was having fun with it.

Can't believe my friend did that. I did try kissing her but she leaned away. We went to the bar and I got kicked out for being too drunk like 2 minutes in! What a bummer...She came outside a few times and tried to get me back in, and she was holding my hand. She had given me her number and texted me later that night (after I was home) saying her and I should hang before I leave.

What I did good: Strong fundamentals, good escalation, built intrigue,
What could be improved on: not too sure, I think if I had been less drunk then everything would have gone better. And I could have moved a little quicker, I guess.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Helllo!!!! Its been a while since I posted here. Hope everyone's been well. I been snooping. People are consistently complimenting me on my clothing style every day. They say things like they wish they had the balls to wear what I do. I'm just wearing really outrageous clothing! Whatever I want really. Weird hats and oddly patterned clothes and shit....I just wish one thing. I wish that I could be just as artistic looking, but have a TINNNNY bit better fitting clothes. I did go to a tailor and get most of my clothes fitted. My style is a little sexy, but noooot quite yet. Maybe in 6 more months, it takes a while to find nice things at thrift stores.

I also get compliments on my hair a lot!

Facial expressions are good. Use them all the time, but could use a bit more tweaking.

I'm getting really good at social situations too. Understanding the subtleties of them.

Posture and walk are not bad, still working on those.

OOps!!!! My eye contact needs a ton of work.

I'll be honest, I've been so busy with school and music so I haven't been talking to too many chicks. When I'm not working on music, I'm taking care of myself, my mental health is not the greatest right now....will I ever go out and talk to chicks? what am i waiting for????

In 6 months more time my fundamentals will be solid. All these compliments are rather surprising, I'm just being myself!

Aiming for an internship with Universal Music doing marketing this summer so that will be fun if I get that.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Hi friends,

I started a new job and one of my coworkers looks like my ex. Unfortunately I have developed some feelings for her, which annoys me because she has a boyfriend. I'm going to dedicate this post to talking about my interactions with her. Her name is Rants and she's 18 years old.

She's starting to shit test me. Yesterday we were required to wear black pants. My pants were blueish. She says, "Your pants are blue! You were supposed to wear black pants." I thought that was weird. Neither my other coworkers or my boss cared. I just replied "I know" with a smile.

Earlier on in the day she had shit tested me too and I'm kicking myself for it because I didn't pass the shit test well. I work at a school and we were transporting plates to another part of the school. I was walking with Rants. A girl passed us in the hallway who I know. This girl says to me, "Oh, you work for the school now?" I said "Yes." and she continues walking. She's a few steps ahead of us and Rants says to her "Yeah he's the schools bitch!" I'm kicking myself right now because I didnt handle this shit test the best. Usually i would agree and amplify IE. "Yeah I'm the biggest bitch in the world, I'm even in the Guinness book of world records for being a bitch." My response when she said this was exclaiming "Hey!" in a playful tone. I understand that this could have portrayed my feelings were hurt or that I cared in some way. I am wondering why I responded like this instead of the usual way. I'm guessing its cuz I have feelings for Rants and it was a little bit random. I feel

I'm also wondering if theres any other reason why Rants said this besides it being a shit test. Prior to this, Rants hadn't seen me interact with any other girls outside of our work.

Rants and I have different frames sometimes. I always make sure to hold my frame, so that's good. My fundamentals are pretty solid, I just need to work on holding better eye contact with her. Last week we were talking to each other. Conversation ran out and we were still looking at each other, I looked away. I thought it would be awkward if I continued looking. My goal for next week is to hold eye contact until she looks away 100% of the time. Other goals would be to get compliance, work on my voice, and increase touch, and make sure I handle shit tests well.

Up until now it's just been incidental touch but I feel like I can get some other touch in through high fives. This past week I started using vocal inflections but I need to bring out a sexy tone of voice. Seems like most of the time my posture and facial expressions are great without trying, but the eye contact and voice aren't quite there yet.

I can't believe I care about this girl. I don't even find her personality that interesting, I just like her because she looks like my ex. Regardless this is all good experience.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I have some stuff to talk about today. I didn't mention it in my last post, but I am doing waitressing.

Rant's behaviour changed in the past week. She doesn't hold eye contact for as long and does not mimic my facial expressions as much. Throughout the week she asked me a few questions about myself, I didn't answer those questions with a direct answer. Perhaps the most puzzling thing was that she started touching me. Two of these times were bad. For example, we were opening the restaurant and she said that it smelt like Axe. I was about an arm's length away from her and could not smell anything. She grabbed my arm and yanked me over to exactly where she was. I really shouldn't have budged but wasn't expecting it. There was another time where she did relatively the same thing. I feel like this is bad, because..she feels dominant enough to do that. I can't figure it out besides that.

She also stuck a receipt into my waitress satchel, which practically sits in front of my crotch. And she stuck an ice cube down the front of my shirt. Other times were a high five, a tap on the back, and also some incidental touch where her body brushed against mine, but I feel like the incidental touch was definitely purposeful. There was no way her body could have brushed against mine without really trying.

One last thing: We were having a chat and I made really intense eye contact with her. It was really intense for me and I had a slight smile on my face, kind of a seductive look. She broke into a smile too, but it was the weirdest smile. I can't figure out what kind of smile it was on her part. I don't know if its possible, but can moments like these completely override a girl's mind? Maybe she was really turned on for a quick moment. Or she was just uncomfortable. IDK, I'm probably just overthinking it.

This week I improved on my eye contact. I look at people at the bridge of their nose now and am slightly tilting my head when talking to them. Also practising my walk lots, I feel its easier to have a sexy walk when I'm wearing certain shoes.

I am generally well received by the female customers I serve at my work. I am getting lots of tips from them! This is a great opportunity for me to practice my fundamentals and body language. I find the girls start hanging on to my words if I build suspense and use pauses.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Goals for this week:

1. Continue holding eye contact and look at the person's nose bridge.
2. Do vocal exercises every day to deepen my voice
3. Practice vocal fries
3. Continue to practice my walk
4. Practice being more relatable by using a female conversational style
5. Do not re-bring up conversation topics once they are done being talked about.
6. Go to the gym once


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Just went grocery shopping - it was an interesting occasion. I was wearing a lion shirt and black and white cartoon pants. I brought along my book bag, which is cream coloured with 4 instances of snoopys face on it.

In the freezer section, I noticed this artsy fartsy looking girl. She had her back turned to me. I walked up to the yogurt and my back was turned to her. Then the artsy girl opened me from behind. I turned around to her as she was saying to me, "its so cold in here, i could just hang out here all day!" (because its hot outside). She smiled at me and she scurried off rather quickly after I replied, "I know right."

When I was checking out at the cash, the cashier (a woman in her early 20s) complimented my pants. She was helping me pack my stuff, then another female cashier came over to help. This other cashier started complimenting my book bag and was showing it to the other cashiers. I am getting lots of compliments on my book bag lately. It's not girly (but girls like it) and its unique, which makes it a good conversation piece. Peacocking? Then the second cashier started talking about movies and stuff to me.

These sorts of things never happen to me. I started wearing my hair different recently. This could have to do with it. Or maybe it was just a coincidence. Haha.

When I'm out shopping lately, I find older women opening me. For instance I was standing in line at the thrift store buying a pair of dress shoes and this woman in her 40s (it looked like) started talking to me about the shoes I was buying. She was even touching me. I will definitely have to focus on taking these interactions to the next level.

Um, I am looking forward to getting better with women! There were a few months where I wasn't practising at all, but the reason I started practising again was because of Rants.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

the vocal exercises i have been doing are really paying off. I have greater control of my voice and im able to do vocal fries a lot. it makes it so easy to flirt and just portray a sexy vibe in general. i can't wait to keep working on my voice. :)

Rants is holding tons of eye contact with me and she's even giving me these looks sometimes.

I must keep remembering that the girls i interact with should be trying to impress me. in no way should i be trying to impress them.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Goals for this week:

1. Continue strong eye contact
2. Look at women from the corner of my eyes
2. Tilt my head when talking to women
3. Continue vocal exercises
4. Try pre-opening
5. Use more hand gestures when talking
6. Use sexy body language more often (for example, standing with my hands on my thighs, because it acts like a frame for my dick. or just having my hand on my thigh/rubbing my thigh, i can imagine that would turn women on)
7. Practice bored and skeptical looks where necessary.
8. Practice the awareness radius.
9. Do some research on developing an awesome scent.
10. Practice active listening.
11. Use more pauses when talking.

I understand that facial expressions become more convincing when you are feeling the emotion behind them.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Ahhh! I love the way my voice is developing. Nearly all the time I can talk with a purr. Now I just need to work on projection and talking in a slightly deeper voice (the vocal exercises have helped a little bit with my range).

As is to be expected, I have become hypersensitive to people's voices. I pay a lot attention to what voices are attractive and which are not.

I will have to tweak my posture a little bit, I am not sticking out my chest as much as I should. The eye contact, head tilting, and corner looking are all going well.

I used pauses in the wrong way. Two times people said, "oh you had to stop and think about that eh"

Ah! All week i practiced bedroom eyes. I also use the cute and sexy look a lot but make sure its really subtle. Also been practicing the "I know you want me look." I think i accidentally used it on rants the other day, because she gave me this weird look like "thanks but no thanks."

I seem to be receiving some interesting responses from women in general lately. I think the combination of the cute and sexy look, the strong eye contact, and a really mischievous sexy smile with a purr in my voice is what's been huge for me.

For example, my psychologist initiated touch with me more than ever at our last appointment. In fact, I even got some practice in by challenging her. She said "Blablabla youre my favourite person to work with out of everyone I see." I said "oh yeah? I bet you say that to everyone." She replied "no I'm serious." Also when I was using laser eye contact on her, I saw her eyes flitting back and forth. Good.

Then this customer at work compared me to Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory. I fucking hate that guy and do not want to be him. However, she meant it as a compliment. She said I was smart and my general atmosphere was like him...what!? She took my hand and held onto it for a long time.

Another lady customer who was older could not stop talking about how cute I was. Since I am short and not the most masculine, it is easy for chicks to perceive me as cute and not hot. I bet they think I'm some harmless puppy dog. So I'm gonna have to ramp up the sexy vibe and really focus on it.

Soo this week at work I'm gonna work on being a ladykiller haha!! I've been practicing pre opening customers at work. I've been getting really good at making conversation with them and the majority of my interactions are positive rapport building.

Anyways, this past weekend I went to Toronto. Partied with my brother and best friend and two girls. I was drunk as fuck and my fundamentals were sloppy (I feel like). But the one girl was totally really friendly with me and acting like a mother to me. Gotta think more about why women treat me this weird way. Obviously I wasn't a challenge to her, I really should have qualified her and stuff....OH! ALSO, my best friend was trying to put me down in front of the girls. I thought it was so pathetic. He was pointing out my hair (obviously trying to call it stupid) and then made fun of me for the way my shirt was tucked in (lmfao, it was totally normal). I just brushed it off tbh. If anything its sort of a compliment because he views me as a threat meaning he thinks I'm on the same level as him or higher.

And you know what? I totally forgot to touch these girls. One of them went home with my brother.

I was texting my best friend's friend (Named Water) for shits and giggles. She doesn't even live around here. At first she was implying through the undertones that I was trying to sleep with her because the conversation was focused on sex. She is seeing someone. She was really kinda unfriendly. But after a compliance test, some qualifiers, and a push & pull, I deep dived her and we really connected.

This weeks goals are similar to last weeks goals:

1. Continue working on my voice. Practice in a deep voice and learn how to project.
2. Continue the laser eye contact with the head tilting
3. Use hand gestures
4. Build suspense the right way with pauses. Talk slower.
5. Fine tune my walk some more
6. Practice my facial expressions, especially bedroom eyes and the "i know you want me" look
7. Fine tune my posture
8. Practice building sexual tension
9. Practice not having sarcasm in my voice. Everyone always thinks I'm being sarcastic (I think I'm a little bit too enthusiastic)
10. Practice being bored around women.
11. I need to qualify! I need to shit test women.
12. Gonna get some cool hair this week

BTW I feel like women are either really attracted to me or they're not. The eye contact can really be unnerving for some of the people I work with, I feel like. They know I'm intense like that.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

One more goal I have for this week is to be rock solid with my frames, and to not be a slave to other people's frames. It's a little tough to explain. For example, I took some cleaning cloths to clean the chalk off the restaurant sign at work today. Rants had been using them before. She says to me, "You took my cloths!" I said to her, "No, they're my cloths." Something along those lines. Like I could have gone with her frame that they were hers, but I changed it around and built my own frame. I think I need to do this more often.

I've been playing around with the awareness radius. I can have my attention centred near someone, but it won't be on them. Basically they are in my peripherals. Then they look at me, because they think I'm looking at them...but I'm not. This will be great for pre opening. Can get chicks to look at me first.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Today I was inputting an order into the computer at work. Rants, from behind, says "You're not an idiot! You're awesome." in a genuine way and then rubbed my back. Not sure what the context of this was...she had been just talking to someone else so maybe they were talking about me.

I totally ignored her and pretended I didn't even hear her. I should have said thank you because I feel like it was a form of investment on her part (touch and a compliment). Probably over thinking it but I feel like not even acknowledging her compliment made my attainability drop. I feel bad. I want to encourage good behaviour. I got her to comply and invest a lot today (I dropped my notepad and I asked her to pick it up. It was right in front of me and I could have easily picked it up myself.) and she also made a drink for me. I didn't even drink it though. It was an alcoholic drink, and I am most definitely not drinking alcohol while I'm at work! Haha

The rest of the day she was kinda cold to me.

I'm going to do a lot more research on attainability and investment.

I got a cologne, CK One by Calvin Klein. Chase recommended it. I like the smell He says the best smell is to just go without any sort of scent at all, because your sweat is the best scent. But....how could I do that without having pit stains in my clothes all the time? haha...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Hello friends,

I mentioned before my posture needed work. I have improved it, and I know it's perfect because people are asking me, "Do you work out?" I do not work out, I am just naturally built. But not built enough for people to automatically think, "Ok this guy definitely works out." I think that's good. My answer to this question is "maybe" with a smile but I know theres a better way to answer, so I'll have to do a quick bit of thinking.

I've met girls before who have a really sexy closed mouth smile like the one Chase recommends to use. I am always attracted to these chicks and consider them to have mad sex appeal. I start thinking that they probably get lots of guys. So, I'm confident that when I wear this smile, people are thinking the same thing about me. I'm practising using the other side of my mouth to smile.

Also just thinking about touch. This one girl in the past has squeezed my arm gently before when we connected. I'm gonna start using this, because it's a great way to connect with people.

I read Chase's article about how to spin my flaws into Byronic flaws. I incorporated it into my skill set immediately because I was intrigued by it. Tested it out today but it's gonna need some tweaking, I feel as though I did it wrong.

Rants was being really hyper yesterday, and then she was being mean to me! She was obviously pretty horny. I tried out the bored look on her when she was being mean but it wasn't really working because I didn't do it properly. I couldn't stop smiling because what she was saying was so fucking stupid and over the top. Like she was saying I was scum and compared me to that yucky slime algae that those fish eat. Except she didn't know it was called algae. I told her it was called "Rants." Then she laughed and stopped talking.

She thought I got mad at her when she was teaching me how to pour wine. I told her, "I could never get mad at you!" She starts looking and acting flirty and says, "Neither can anyone else." I didn't know what to say after that, that could have been a good time for a push and pull or a witty remark. Unfortunately I just ended up saying "really" in a stupid tone of voice and nothing happened after that. Do girls hate it when guys ruin flirting? She was pretty warm for a while after this.

Ahem, and my eye contact still needs to be perfected. Although my eye contact is usually really intense, it is not consistent. I just need to consistently look at the bridges of people's noses all the time. It just doesn't feel like I connect with them when I do that, although they are connecting with me. And I'm the one to look away first lately, especially with Rants. Yesterday she was holding really intense eye contact with me and I was looking away first. Then today, my other coworker and her were talking about my contacts in my eyes. They said they could see them. Rants was just staring intently into my eyes with doe eyes. I broke eye contact to look at my other coworker. When I looked back, she was still staring. It would have been a great opportunity to just gaze into each other's eyes for an extended period of time, but it was too intense for me so I broke that and I feel like a panzy. My thought process was something like "Wow whys she doing that this is intense, I don't want her to fall in love with me." Imagine I had titled my head too? Ugh.

I was flirting with my female supervisor too. That was fun. :)

More goals:

1. Sharpen up eye contact and head tilting and figure out my thought processes when I break eye contact.
1. A) Hold eye contact when laughing with someone.
2. Get better at being a byronic person
3. Get better at flirting.
4. Be adaptable to situations. I need to realize what skills to bring out that are going to maximize my interactions.
5. Stop being a pansy.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Tried out an eye contact technique called "eye contact half steps" several times today on my roommate. Each time I used it, my roommate looked very startled. The last time I used it on him, he started asking me how I was feeling and accused me of hiding something from him.

I can't wait to use the shy eyes technique too.

I met a girl in a thrift store today, she had a great reaction to me. :) She was working there. She opened me by saying she loved my shirt and really wanted to wear it so I let her try it on. I told her she looked fun in it and took a picture of her - is this a qualification?

In our conversation she said she really wanted to see my wardrobe and also said I made her day by talking about why I did not want to buy a shirt with an interesting pattern I had tried on.

She seemed a tad shy. Hopefully she's working there next time I go.

Also, I must mention that I need to act more dominant. I ask permission too much.