Re: backstory's frontstory
Hey Backstory,
I have just read your recent adventures with Cee / Summer and would like to share some thoughts.
It seems that very early on you didn't set the right frames in place. Maybe the fact that you guys met at a music festival (= "fun date")? Or the way you communicated with her that very first time? (I mean this year, not last year). You later on tried to disqualify yourself as a BF but a little clumsy. Franco's answer to your post on the boards was to the point I think. But hey man, we have all been through this, so it's a normal stage in the learning.
However you did many things right, too. She likes you, because she's still around and met you again. It seems you like her too very much. There's nothing wrong in being in relationships, and it's a good learning experience too. Why don't you just try it out? It doesn't have to be strictly monogamous, and you can still try to have some "side action".
There are ways of getting around the "no kiss". It's about making her horny. Touch her all around her body. I had a girl at home last thursday and I touched her waist, her belly, her legs, her tits, her ass, and it all went smoothly without me even kissing her (we couldn't go all the way because her friend was here too, LOL). You can also tease her with the kiss ( I love to do it, too), approach your lips from her, one inch, then smile and go for the neck. Another thing, when you're both isolated together, be close to her, touch, arms around her etc... then suddenly withdraw your attention. All of this creates sexual tension. If you do it right she'll be the one trying to kiss you after that.
Looking at your last post:
backstory said:
I've been using a lot of push pull. I heard once you got a chick, its good to use 80% push, and 20% pull. Most of the time lately, I will be giving her my full attention and qualify her on what she says to me. Then, once in a while, I will push by ignoring her or teasing her in such a way that it makes it seem like I don't care about her.
Very good!
Here's some snippets from our conversations:
Me: Hey sorry for not getting back to you
Summer: Watch my snaps but don't reply to my texts eh
Me: You make it sound like you were waiting for me to text you back

Summer: Well ya aha
This was after I ignored her for a day and was giving her one word answers. During this time she wouldn't stop texting me. For every text I'd send, she'd send two. If I didn't get back to her in a few hours then she'd text me again. And then when I finally got back to her, I used a chase frame. Is it necessary to use chase frames now that we know we like each other?
You've set her to chase you, that's good. And you're being scarce. Never stop to game her, and go on with chase frames.
There's three rules I've been following:
1. Never text her first
2. End conversations first
3. Let her say the last thing in conversations
How can I make her chase harder? I've been giving her a lot of attention the past few days so I think I'm going to ignore her till Sunday. Should I play these games?
I use the same rules. There's a delicate balance to strike, you need to give her a little of what she wants but not all the way, in order to keep her around. And yes, continue gaming her. Even after you eventually are together.
Besides that, I am using ideal affirmations and doing morning journaling. The affirmations are helping a lot. I'm also feeling great lately. My motivation is back and I seem to be acting my usual weird self again.
I really need to try affirmations. "She needs to get fucked by me" is a nice one - but this one I have already internalized, LOL.
To me you seem to have good game. What you need now is to get isolated with her again. It will be difficult I think because of precedents (one "failed escalation"), but not impossible because she's very much into you and you have good game.
OK man, persistence is the key!