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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I read about this way to reply to compliments on some forum and I heard it came from mystery. When the girl compliments you, you use a chase frame and say, "you dont like my ______. i think you're actually just attracted to me."

I was walking down the hall of my school on friday and was passing two girls and a guy. the one girl says, "my friend likes your green pants!" she was talking about the other girl, so i stopped and talked to her friend. It was just a quick and friendly talk, I didn't find her attractive. I really could have used the chase frame i mentioned above. I found it weird that i got opened because of my pants.

This one chick in my social circle is chasing me. She's a pretty sexual girl and I know she hooks up with a lot of guys. Hooking up with her is easily in my grasp at the moment although I don't find her attractive. But.... I don't find her unattractive either. I feel like it would just be WEIRD if we were to hook up. Sex with no attraction......hmm.

I have been chatting with another girl on facebook, and I have had to slow game her. She's my type, she an artist and loves nature. :) I never met her before and she's going to be moving to my city in about 2 weeks time. She's the one who's always messaging me first, and she usually messages me on two separate occasions before I reply. She's the one who initiated making plans, saying she wants to have a "wine and pajama" night with me. She's told me before that shes intrigued by me. Things are going good so far. I've been in this sort of situation before so I know how to prevent her from going into auto-rejection. Right now I'm just gonna keep things really minimal between us until she gets into town. I want to prevent her from getting bored. If we drift apart just randomly while things are still a little hot, then it's going to be easier to get into contact with her when she's in town, as oppose to drifting apart because we got bored of each other.

I've been neglecting to use head tilts while talking with people and that needs to change. However everything else has been great and I know what I need to improve on, fundamental wise. I want to accessorize, however I am not the biggest fan of necklaces and rings.... I was thinking about getting some cool wristbands or something along those lines.

As previously mentioned in another journal post of mine, I've been paying particular attention to vibe and vocal tone lately. Also I've been paying attention to facial expressions. The more I practice them, the more I realize how specific, yet subtle I have to be with my face. Having a seductive face requires a very slight smile. If I increase my smile just a tad more, then it becomes a friendly face.

Been working on some other stuff too, but now's not the time to talk about it.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I'm considering making changes to the way that I use eye contact when I'm talking with a group of people. Usually, I divide my eye contact up amongst all the people equally. When I'm talking, I will break eye contact with one person just to look at the other people - even if that one person didn't break eye contact first. I don't want the conversation to seem one sided. I think I'm going to ditch this and just hold eye contact with each individual until they break eye contact with me. I was talking to three other people recently and one of them was a girl. The girl was willing to hold eye contact with me for long periods of time, but I would always break first to look at the other two guys. Seems like weak behaviour to me, and is also a missed opportunity to build tension.

Is being a high energy person sexy? This is something I've been thinking about for a while. Whenever I meet the energy levels of a high energy girl, it feels really unnatural and unsexy to me.

I learned something new recently that will help my deep dives. It involves discovering what a girl's values are, then finding out how these values make her feel. Then, making her feel those emotions. I went to my favourite thrift store today and the lady who works there says she really likes the 80s. I asked her how the 80s make her feel. She says that it makes her feel really excited. So now I know that in my interactions with her, I should focus on making her feel excited - because thats what she values. I need to link those feelings to my presence.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 9, 2016
Re: backstory's frontstory

backstory said:
Hello Ergon,

This is the particular thread I'm talking about: https://boards.girlschase.com/viewt ... =3&t=14744

Oh yeah, I think it's not that one. Well, your method seems fine, although I do it a bit different.

I prefer "hey there" rather than "excuse me" and have her make eye contact first before I do. This as per recommended by chase on one of his articles. Works fine for me, but who knows? I'll make a few more approaches and vary these to see the reaction.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
Re: backstory's frontstory

Hey backstory,

How are you man?

backstory said:
Is being a high energy person sexy? This is something I've been thinking about for a while. Whenever I meet the energy levels of a high energy girl, it feels really unnatural and unsexy to me.
Low energy is much better, seems more powerful, more in control. Ideally she tones down her energy level to match your lower one.

All over your posts here in your Journal, I notice how much diligent you are in learning all the various aspects of game taught on Girls Chase, on fundamentals, on body language, on facial expressions, on dressing style, on getting compliance, on approach tactics, etc... This is all good! The more of this you can really internalize and make a part of you, the better.

HOWEVER I want to point that you do not absolutely need ALL of this to make it work. Keep in mind that the most important factor to getting laid, by far, is having a robust end-to-end process and following it through. I would say, what you need to do more now is the final stages, pull and escalation. Mastering this is what you probably need the most now, in order to progress.

One of my goals was to start touching women with my palm instead of the back of my hand during the day when I'm sober, and I have been doing that.
Yep, touching is very important, more than the actual content of what is said during a date. It's like Drexel said, they respond to the vibe. Touching is a big part of creating a sexual vibe. First you need to break the touch barrier, very early. Once you break the touch barrier, you may notice that the girls will start to touch you too. Then you need to pay attention to her body response to your touch. How is your touch being received? If not positive (she pulls away), chat, create better emotional connection, then try again. If positive reception, then increasingly become bolder with your touch. Ultimately there is no limit to what you can do, even on a first date. Be aware that you can actually make her very horny just with touch. Powerful stuff! On my very first dates, I was actually making them very horny without me even noticing. Then they would go back home, horny and sexually unsatisfied, and auto reject. You have to be ready to capitalize right away on the emotions you generate.

Another goal of mine is to get women to feel comfortable with touching me.
You will notice it gets better once you have broken the touch barrier. Some girls just don't dare touching first. Touch her incidentally on a high point of conversation. Then observe what happens.

OK man, that's my take ;-)

Keep on the good learning.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Hi Seppuku,

I'm doing alright. Hope you're doing great as well. I can't stress enough about how much I love reading your journal - I'm always learning techniques from it and incorporating it into my own game.

Seppuku said:
HOWEVER I want to point that you do not absolutely need ALL of this to make it work. Keep in mind that the most important factor to getting laid, by far, is having a robust end-to-end process and following it through. I would say, what you need to do more now is the final stages, pull and escalation. Mastering this is what you probably need the most now, in order to progress.

I agree with you, this is a weak point of mine. I don't escalate and move things forward as much as I should, with the opportunities I am presented with. There's a lesson that is taught to salespeople. Its called "ABC" and stands for Always Be Closing. A lot of new salespeople will present all the benefits of the products/service to the customer, but they miss one step... which is actually asking for the sale. This will be a helpful concept for me to abide by in the next few months.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
Re: backstory's frontstory


backstory said:
I can't stress enough about how much I love reading your journal - I'm always learning techniques from it and incorporating it into my own game.
Thanks, it's a lot of fun!

I agree with you, this is a weak point of mine. I don't escalate and move things forward as much as I should, with the opportunities I am presented with.
If it's any help, I gave some pointers about pulling here.

There's a lesson that is taught to salespeople. Its called "ABC" and stands for Always Be Closing. A lot of new salespeople will present all the benefits of the products/service to the customer, but they miss one step... which is actually asking for the sale. This will be a helpful concept for me to abide by in the next few months.
Are you thinking into becoming a sales person? It's a good way in life.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Seppuku said:
If it's any help, I gave some pointers about pulling here.

Oh, hmm. I think in the past I asked instead of just saying. I'll just state it from now on.

Seppuku said:
Are you thinking into becoming a sales person? It's a good way in life.

Little bit. I've done sales before and I'm not bad at it.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Last night was pretty fun. I think the biggest lesson I learned is that persistence really pays off.

I met a girl on this app called Yik Yak on Friday night. Her name is Leah. The conversation spilled over into saturday morning. I asked for her number. Here's the entire text exchange between us:

Backstory: Hey Leah! It's backstory. how're you feeling? any better than this morning? my hangovers usually last for days.
Leah: yeah I'm doing a lot better thanks
Backstory: i texted you back at 7 but realized i texted the wrong leah.....
Leah: oh haha oops
Backstory: whats your schedule like tonight?
Leah: I'm playing cards against humanity right now, how about you?
Backstory: i never played that before.
Backstory: I'm going out, you wanna meet up perhaps?
Leah: hmm i dont know, i cant really just ditch right now
Leah: where are you going?
Backstory: not now, i mean like...in a bit! I'm heading over to Queen (Queen is a street in the student neighbourhood)
Backstory: I admire your commitment to cards of humanity though. :)
Leah: Ohh haha I don't feel like partying tonight
Backstory: yeah but I'm not partying! I just wanna chill because you seem like a cool girl and i wanna get to know you some more. :)
Leah: Oh haha its pretty late
Backstory: I noticed! hey i never asked...how old are you?
Leah: I'm 18, how about you?
Backstory: guess
Leah: 10
Backstory: multiply that by 5 and you're getting close
Leah: Nah, im joking. 19-20
Backstory: I played football with your dad in high school
Leah: What?
Leah: You're joking right
Backstory: no? why, do i look young for a 50 year old man? ;)
Backstory: I'm 24
Leah: well I'm not sure i've seen you. (She had seen a picture of me earlier)
Leah: Oh cool
Leah: that was a really shitty reply
Leah: I'm sorry about that

At this point I knew I just needed to keep the conversation light. Chases article on how to pick up 18 year olds popped into my head.

Backstory: I'll forgive you....hey do you think that kim kardashian staged the robbery?
Leah: oh haha i dont really follow stuff like that all i know is that she got robbed thats like it, why wasn't there any security?

I stopped texting her after she said this, and an hour and a half later she texts me.

Leah: lol looks like I'm partying tonight
Backstory: congratulations
Backstory: You staying outta trouble right now?
Leah: Hell no
Backstory: Knew it! are you on campus? like do you live on residence?
Leah: Lol im joking haha. Yeah im in White Goose.
Backstory: All michaelas are trouble
Leah: Nahhh not this girl
Backstory: Naahahahha baatmaaaan
Backstory: *na na na na na ja na ajajahahah
Backstory: I'm pretty close to campus, we could meet up?
Leah: Lol. you at Queen?
Leah: hmm
Backstory: Yeah I'm on queen
Backstory: it'll be fun
Leah: Idk we'll see what's going down
Backstory: Ok I'm leaving town tomorrow for a while (this is a lie)
Backstory: did you hear what happened on queen last night? omg
Leah: okay i think I'm going out but like i feel weird meeting up with you with friends. and noooo? what happened
Backstory: ohhh yeah i feel that for sure.
Backstory: just say I'm from your hometown! they won't know any different
Backstory: are you going to a party?
Leah: No my friend just got back and he wants to chill here. what time are you leaving tomorrow?
Backstory: later on
Leah: How'd you know i was from Saskatoon?
Backstory: I didn't?
Leah: Maybe we could hang tomorrow
Backstory: You're drunk
Leah: Ohhhhhh hahaha I read that completely wrong
Backstory: saskatoon eh. i heard many things about that place
Backstory: I'm pretty busy tomorrow. tonights better for me. you can hang with your friend tomorrow.
Leah: Im nervous.
Backstory: why?
Leah: idk i dont want to go alone
Backstory:: I can come meet you at white goose and we can go to my place! but theres no pressure, you can leave anytime. i just really hope youre not a serial killer!
Leah: its pretty late.
Leah: I'm not!
Backstory: ok good
Leah: Ok
Backstory: I'm leaving this party
Leah: Whyyy parties are always fun
Leah: Not coming over then
Backstory: yeah i can come
Backstory: be there in ten minutes
Leah: Haha okay what are we doing
Backstory: You'll have to wait and see
Leah: I'm actually kind of tired. so like I want to sleep but i also want to hang
Backstory: Yeah i wanna hang out too. :) so meet me in the lobby of white goose.

I walked to her residence and met up with her. It wasn't awkward at all. I was talking about just naturally clicking with people, and asked if she's ever really just clicked with someone. She said, "yeah! thats happening right now!" We walked back to my place, The whole walk I was just using fluff talk. I was touching her and she was receiving it well.

So we get into my place and I'm a little nervous but its all fine. We talked for a bit on my couch. She was sitting weird on the couch which caused her to not exactly be that close to me. At first I was thinking, "how am i going to escalate?" I just started touching her. She was sitting in a way in that her knees were jutting into me. I moved her knees and kissed her.

Leah: I don't do this too often
Backstory: It's okay! I won't judge.

I wasn't exactly sure what to reply. I guess I did the right thing.

Sooo, we kissed a little bit, and in between kissing we would talk some more. This was my mistake. I should have kept escalating instead of talking. Because I started having problems with my vibe and became a really awkward person.... you could literally see the look of annoyance in her eyes! When we were kissing I was feeling her up over her shirt and pants, but thats about it. She let me rub her pussy a little, but I didn't get too heavy into it. i tried going up her shirt, but she wouldn't let me. So I unbuttoned JUST ONE of her buttons on her shirt and then kept kissing her. Wow, I can't believe myself. Why was I escalating so slow? This is so frustrating to me and I'm disappointed in myself. I guess I felt like she wasn't ready to be further escalated on, and the "I don't do this too often" comment really threw me off. Next time I'm going as fast as I can. I don't expect to hear from her ever again because of this.

After about an hour and a half, she said she was tired and had to go home.

I persisted well, and had a really good vibe the majority of the time. I wasn't afraid to escalate initially, but later escalation stages really need a lot of work.

I was at a party prior to this happening, and had some really good conversations with people. I was talking to this one chick, and we clicked really well. I asked for her number, but she told me she had a boyfriend, as she pointed to her boyfriend 2 meters away. I talked to her for a good hour but it was always within earshot of her boyfriend. Towards the end of the conversation I was getting bored. if she didn't have a boyfriend, I would have brought her home. :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
Re: backstory's frontstory

Haha not bad! So you can text a girl you've never seen into meeting and coming with you at your home. Interesting, no?

I think you would have had an easier time if you had taken her to a "neutral" place first and take time to connect with her first. Before she can let you escalate physically, she absolutely needs to feel emotionally connected to you. That's what all this deep diving does for you! She was giving signs of nervousness all the way. Her hesitation to meet you, all along your initial texting, was due to anxiousness of meeting a total stranger. This has to be addressed first before your can escalate. Make her feel comfortable!

On the positive side:
* Your text exchange was good. For a girl you met online, there has to be this sort of back and forth first, for her to connect enough with you and meet you in real.
* Your persistence paid, as you noticed.
* You led her home like a boss

On the "can be improved" side:
* Take her to a neutral place first, and take the time to make her feel fully comfortable before pulling. You make her talk, you touch her a lot
* You were nervous and she could feel it. Girls are like a mirror. You're nervous, and she becomes even more nervous. If instead, you feel calm and confident, that will help her relax and enjoy

The escalation part - it's just the continuation of all the touching you did before. Your goal is to remove all these clothes. It is absolutely OK to pace it down and do it slow, as required, if you feel a hint of hesitation on her part. While you escalate you have to be aware of her inner state at all time. If you sense any sort of restlessness or resistance, you pull back from physical contact and chat her. Wait any sign that she gets closer to you again. Then start again. Inch by inch!

Signs of arousal to look for during escalation:
* Change in breathing rhythm.
* Her becoming super talkative.

Good job! You need more of this, to overcome your own nervousness.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Seppuku said:
Haha not bad! So you can text a girl you've never seen into meeting and coming with you at your home. Interesting, no?

I'm surprised that it happened, especially given all her objections and the circumstances. This will be a good reference point for the future. Thanks for the advice yet again. :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

After tweaking my vibe and vocal tone in the past few days, I've been seeing huge changes in the way people are treating me/reacting to me. Women are acting way more warm around me. They're using different facial expressions and vocal tones with me than before. I'm so happy about it and I can't wait to see what the results will be when I improve more.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Ah, wow. It certainly has been a while since I posted last. Geez, I dunno. I just totally fell off the seduction/self improvement train....no big deal, motivation waxes and wanes. Still actively working on vocal tone and vibe though (which is going well).

Needless to say I do have some things to report on. I am ready to lose my virginity and I will be giving it away quite soon. I am fully open to losing it. I have no more anxiety around the thought of it.

A girl in my class is interested in me. Unfortunately, my attraction has expired for her. On Friday, she was giving me all sorts of escalation windows. We were walking to the bus stop after class. She wouldn't stop complimenting my clothing. She kept touching me. Then she asked where I live. Then she says "My bus isn't gong to be here for another hour, what should i do?" Haha. I'm not too attracted to her because she's an indian and indian accents are a total turnoff for me. I disappointed her and said, "Goodbye, see you on Monday."

Met this chick at my favourite thrift store two weeks ago. She opened me by saying "hey, we have the same bag." Now the thing is that she's quite friendly with me, but doesn't seem to be overly attracted to me. Sort of a neutral kind of thing...I'm attracted to her though. I kicked myself when I failed in getting her number. There was no touch involved, but heavy eye contact and I made sure to look at her lips.

Today I saw her again at the thrift store - I had consumed too much coffee and was feeling quite jittery and nervous. We were there for quite a long time. She left when I left - a coincidence? I asked her if she wanted to go to a flea market on the 13th:

Me: hey, what are you doing on the 13th?
Her: nothing really yet...oh wait theres the flea market
Me: yeah! do you wanna go?
Her: Yeah for sure I'll see you there.
Me: Ok, I added you on Facebook earlier today so we'll chat there and make plans.

I SHOULD have been more clear. I should have said, "do you want to go WITH ME?" I had added her on Facebook earlier in the day yes, but I should have gotten her number. And now I'm worried I've been moving too slow and not touching her enough. I'm worried that I've shifted myself into boyfriend/friend territory. This is the same sort of thing that happened with Summer. I mean, I wouldn't mind dating this chick cuz she's an artist too and into fashion. But I'd rather give off a lover vibe, then shift to a boyfriend vibe after I've fucked her.

So what will I do? I hope my message to her is clear that I want to hang out with her AT the flea market. Not just say hello there and go separate ways. And then I must really get going with touching her. Lastly, I gotta invite her home with me afterwards, if these plans follow through. I just need to be on top of my game really and be way more flirty....


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

It's been a while, my friends.

Here are my current goals:

1. Slow down my facial expressions
2. Be less logical with women
3. Slightly tweak how my clothes fit on me
4. Develop charisma

Here's a summary of how several of my fundamentals are going:


I've been getting compliments from women of all ages and older men on the clothes I am wearing. I'm definitely on the right track, but now I suppose I just have to tweak how things are fitting on me so everything looks perfect. Especially with my pants. All my pants look weird at the knees. I understand it's okay for there to be a bit of buildup around that area on slim fitting pants......but, when I look at pictures of myself, it honestly looks like my legs are broken. I'll have to do some research into this and get my pants tailored.

Facial Expressions

I find myself tilting my head without thinking. I remember I used to struggle with this. My facial expressions are well developed. A lot of the time, I just use my facial expressions to communicate instead of actually speaking. I really need to slow them down though. I raise my eyebrows too fast. I can really communicate sexual intent by looking at a women's lips, or using shy smiles.

Frames and Women

I worked with the same group of three girls on projects all semester at school. I ended up developing feelings for one of them. Her name is Rake. She's shorter than me, and just the right amount of girly. We get along so well. Towards the end of the semester I started noticing she was treating me differently - in a good way. I guess its evident that we get along well, because the other girls in my group would say things like "I think you and Rake have something special" or "I think you're in love with Rake" or "You and Rake should date." They would say these things right in front of Rake. One time Rake came to class dressed up and the girls were like to me, "Oh, you didn't notice how nice Rake looks today?" I did notice, but didn't really care...Then Rake was like "No, i guess he didn't notice" and looked sad.

When the girls say I should date Rake, I don't know how to respond. If they say things like, "I think you're in love with Rake" then I just flip the frame and say "I think she's in love with me!" Or I don't say anything, or I just laugh and change the subject. But I would really like to date her, I'm in the mood to get a girlfriend. This whole frame thing is a little bit tricky for me to navigate through though. I've set up a frame that I'm a player. I mentioned to the girls that I have six girlfriends, and they are always asking me about it. I think they might believe it a little due to a bit of preselection that has happened. However I will have to ditch this player frame if I want to set up a boyfriend frame.

I met this one girl (Angela) a while back, and the only reason I was talking to her was because I wanted to hook up with her. Then I found out she had a boyfriend, so I stopped talking to her. One of the girls in my group (Tanissa) is friends with Angela. Just recently, Tanissa asked me why I stopped talking to Angela. I was straight up and told her that I stopped talking to her because she had a boyfriend. Tanissa didn't like this, she says, "You are not a gentleman!!" This was in front of Rake too. Then Tanissa says she has a boyfriend, and asked why I was still talking to her. Well obviously shes in my project group, so I said that I talk to her because we have to do amazing work for school. She accepted this reply. How am I going to change these frames if I want to date Rake?

Well, first of all, I'm sure Rake knows that I am sexually interested in her due to my nonverbal communication towards her. We haven't hung out outside class yet. I'm going to change that once school starts again in the new year.

Summer and I have been chatting again. She wants to hang out when I'm back in town. I have to be really careful. I always mess up on my frame with her, which is how I scare her off. First, she wanted to date, but I presented a player frame to her. Then she got scared off. Then she just wanted to fuck, but then I presented a boyfriend frame to her, which scared her off. Now, after a month, she's telling me to "come over." So what I'm going to do is hang out with her when I'm back. Until then, I'm not going to build any sort of frame. I'm just going to go with the flow and try to read her frame, then match my frame to that. Sounds a little submissive i know.... but, I'm down for whatever.

All this frame stuff is so exhausting!!! But it's so important.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 25, 2014
Re: backstory's frontstory

Hello Backstory,

nice to see you back!

backstory said:
Here are my current goals:

1. Slow down my facial expressions
2. Be less logical with women
3. Slightly tweak how my clothes fit on me
4. Develop charisma
All these are very good goals! But again, you do not absolutely need to have all things perfect to start bedding girls. The process, is the most important stuff.

When the girls say I should date Rake, I don't know how to respond. If they say things like, "I think you're in love with Rake" then I just flip the frame and say "I think she's in love with me!" Or I don't say anything, or I just laugh and change the subject.
You don't confirm nor infirm their statement. You maintain the mystery at all times of course. I like your "I think she's in love with me!", which is cocky, and will do more to make them wet than candidly confirming their "I think you're in love with Rake". I wish I knew all this back in my own college years (that was probably before you were born - LOL).

This whole frame thing is a little bit tricky for me to navigate through though. I've set up a frame that I'm a player. I mentioned to the girls that I have six girlfriends, and they are always asking me about it. I think they might believe it a little due to a bit of preselection that has happened. However I will have to ditch this player frame if I want to set up a boyfriend frame.
The thing about frames is, there should be some consistency. Or else, you're incongruent. The "I have six girlfriends" line is best when you're asked, and should be said in a playful tone to keep her (them) in doubt about your real relationship status. I would definitely keep the player frame - for consistency - and seduce her first. Once you're with her (took her to bed at least twice), you can start sending some BF vibes (moderately).

Tanissa didn't like this, she says, "You are not a gentleman!!"
The way I read this is "you're not a real man". The "real man" (girls term for Lover) would have tried to bed Angela regardless of her BF status. In general it is best to completely disregard her "I have a BF" statement, because 1) it could be bullshit to test your manly resolve (another test) or 2) she could have a BF but looking for a bigger tree with greener leaves (e.g. you). So the best approach is to stick around and check her attitude - which will tell you more about how attached to her BF she really is.

Well, first of all, I'm sure Rake knows that I am sexually interested in her due to my nonverbal communication towards her. We haven't hung out outside class yet. I'm going to change that once school starts again in the new year.
Are you sure she knows of your sexual interest? Usually if you didn't do explicit sexual advances very early on, the girls will be quick to assume that it's because you're not sexually interested. That's attraction windows 101. In January don't beat around the bush and ask her out. There is no perfect moment. Just do it.

Summer and I have been chatting again. She wants to hang out when I'm back in town. I have to be really careful. I always mess up on my frame with her, which is how I scare her off. First, she wanted to date, but I presented a player frame to her. Then she got scared off. Then she just wanted to fuck, but then I presented a boyfriend frame to her, which scared her off. Now, after a month, she's telling me to "come over." So what I'm going to do is hang out with her when I'm back. Until then, I'm not going to build any sort of frame. I'm just going to go with the flow and try to read her frame, then match my frame to that. Sounds a little submissive i know.... but, I'm down for whatever.
Congruence, congruence... All your frames should say that you're consistently one and the same man, the real deal! Being incongruent is akin to failing her tests. You need to won your frame. Become it.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Hello friends,

It's been a while. Good to see some familiar faces as well as some newer guys!

My fashion sense is what is really setting me apart lately. I wear a lot of eccentric, unique vintage clothing and I find that I'm getting opened by women at parties and sometimes in public. I believe this is due to my clothing. I am finally dressing the way I have always wanted to dress, it's so exciting. Perhaps I will post pictures of some of my outfits for feedback.

I was ridiculously busy finishing up school the past few months and wasn't focusing on talking to women at all. I'm done now though, and I have two dates on Monday. One of the women is my type - artistic and quite fashionable.

I made some major tweaks in the way I talk lately. I have become a more conversational person and I am confident in my ability to hold a great conversation with anyone. Before...... my conversations sucked (especially with women). I was just trying to use all these pick up techniques on them without being a good conversationalist and it wasn't really working - it was awkward. It's important to be a good conversationalist before you start incorporating all the techniques into your game, at least in my opinion. I hung out with this one chick a few weeks ago for the first time. She said to me, "I feel like I've known you my whole life." Great sign.

I will report back after my dates on Monday.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Today I went out to do some day game for the first time. I did 5 approaches. For all 5 approaches I used an indirect opener. I wasn't aiming to get numbers or anything, I just wanted to get some experience opening and managing approach anxiety. I had good conversations with 2/5 girls.

I had mentioned I was supposed to have 2 dates today....but they both flaked.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Today I lost my virginity.

It was really awkward and I couldn't stay hard...

While the sex wasn't good, I did a pretty good job with the foreplay. I made her cum even before I got her pants off. Later after teasing her clit for a while she said that her hands went numb.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I've been doing some more day game. Here's some stats:

15 approaches
4 conversations

4 out of the 15 approaches turned into conversations. I didn't ask for any of their numbers. I feel I could have gotten at least 1 or 2 though.

I'm excited to reach 100 approaches and have already been making some observations:

I'm nervous. This is normal but I'm gotta tweak my mindset while approaching a girl. I have to go into it believing that this girl WANTs to talk to me. The rejections haven't even been that bad....lol the worst that happened is that my existence wasn't even acknowledged. I feel the rejections might get a little harsher once I start using direct openers

Using an indirect opener (mostly compliments) feels inefficient..I feel like girls don't realize I want to actually have a conversation with them, and that's why they walk away so quick.

My body language when I open is good. However I'm unaware of what my body language during the interaction is like. I'm going to pay attention to this.

Besides that, I'm finding that I'm ending things a little bit too early...a typical problem amongst newbies I feel like, but easily resolved.

Something interesting I noticed: Several times have opened women who are with another person. When I pay attention to the woman, the other person just starts babbling all sorts of nonsense even though they are quite clearly not in the conversation.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Today I completed 14 approaches. 5 of these approaches were direct. I asked, "are you single?" All 5 of these girls said no and walked away quite quickly.

Yesterday I mentioned I had this problem with indirect openers where the girl would just walk away shortly after the open, they didn't realize I wanted to have a conversation with them. I seem to have fixed this problem by putting out this conversational kind of vibe. The body language of these girls suggested they were about to walk away but I'd start being all conversational and I would keep them talking for a few more minutes.

I forced myself to not end things early for all 14 approaches. I'm using compliance and touch too.

But now I'm running into some more problems. It seems like the further the conversation goes, the more likely I mess things up and just ruin the vibe of things (seems like its roughly 1 minute in). I'm not quite sure how to fix it. I guess I'll have to pay more attention so I can analyze it further. I was even thinking about recording my conversations.

Oh, and on top of that, there seems to be a lull in a lot of conversations where theres just this silence after the initial small talk (2-3 minutes in) and the girl says shes going to leave. I need to figure out what to do with that lull. It seems like a great time to ask for some more compliance, like moving somewhere or getting her number. Or...just changing the subject.

I told one girl I was going to my advertising class later, which was total bullshit. She said "You sound like you'd be in advertising from the way you talk." I'll take that as a sign I'm doing things alright,