Re: backstory's frontstory
Stepping Out of Bounds?
I was flirting with a few girls who I have known for ages. I start touching the one girl's shirt:
backstory: *examining girls shirt*
girl 1: i thought you were gonna touch my tits
backstory: *grabs girl 1's right tit*
girl 1 + 2: giggling
girl 1: *amused* i dont think my boyfriend is gonna like that
backstory: he doesnt have to know
Stepping Out of Bounds 2?
Going into a convenience store, I open a girl wearing a leopard dress:
backstory: how many leapords had to die to make that dress?
girl: ....?
Some More Social Circle Shit
My buddy and I are hanging out and these two girls show up. Girl 1 is a girl who has been chasing the both of us so hard. We don't want her though. Girl 2 is just some other girl, who's got some cool style...looks to be my type of girl actually.
Some initial chit chat goes on...Girl 1 is calling me her lover and stuff...she brings up saturday and how there was some neck biting going on between her and i...i just say to the group: yeah...i was breathing on her neck a little bit and she chomped on my neck! lol
My buddy and Girl 2 are talking about how shes a mechanic or some shit? I inject and say to girl 2 "so you're good with your hands?" Instantly, my buddy attacks me accusing me of being too sexual for the situation. lmfaoo....i just come back with, I'm just trying to get to know her man

why you assuming things?
Some more bantering, I was doing some great reframing to make me look more dominant than my buddy.
Bblalbla, I play a song, its a little obscure..Girl 1 is questioning the song I'm playing. She doesn't like it. In the middle of the song, my other friend and his girlfriend show up, and his girlfriend states that it's a shitty song. Lol, I question her music taste, saying she's possibly got a shitty music taste, but everyone else gangs up on me and calls my music taste shitty. I didn't say anything. I know I could have destroyed their frame but I chose not to.
Anyways, everyone goes in the pool but me, girl 1, and girl 2 are sitting at the table. I use this opportunity to start deep diving and qualifying girl 2 like mad. I have no clue when I started being able to qualify girls in such a great just makes sense and is not clumsy.
I go grab a beer from the fridge, come back, and girl 2 says, "you know had a perfect outfit on until i saw your socks. It just ruined things." I didn't say anything - just gave her a bored look and also pursed my lips. I'll admit it actually caught me off guard...this girl who I barely know just negged me and criticized my fashion sense...i should have just rolled my eyes at her and instantly continued qualifying her. i held the bored/pursed lips look for too long, i was trying to put some social pressure on her to apologize.
Afterwards though, after that little test, when I continue qualifying her, she suddenly got this REALLY engaged look on her face...hmm, haven't seen that one before..i think its the look of ATTRACTION

i continue deep diving and she's readily re-engaging me in conversation whenever there's an interruption from one of my other friends. Girl 1 looks a little jealous. Girl 2 has been talking about how she's really hungry and how they are probably gonna be leaving soon, since the moment they got there. Sooo...
...I went to go to the bathroom - when I get back out, Girl 1 and 2 are leaving. Girl 1 demands that I give her a hug. Hahaah I am not submitting to your compliance demand.....I say, lol.....YOU GIVE ME A HUG! she agrees and hugs me. Byeeee!
Too bad they had to go so soon, if they had stayed a little while longer I would have liked to see where it would have ended up. It was an amazing learning experience. I know I'm doing something right, I'm not exactly sure what it is yet....will have to think about it some more. I think this whole reframing shit maybe?
Also, lately...I'm finding lately that in my interactions, there's so much more that I could have used. Imagine I started employing my whole arsenal on these girls? I been reading some of ross jeffries' shit...