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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Got kicked out of the bar last night because I was being a jerk to everyone...I don't know what got into me

I'm realizing my emotional cementing is clumsy lately so I'm gonna have to tweak it. Here's a line from chase's ebook: “We are spending far too much time laughing with each other. We’ll have to go find more serious people to talk to.” This is a good line for emotional cementing because it involves the concept of we. If I say something like "i love how you're smiling right now" it doesn't verbally relate the smiling to me. Hm...

My frames are good lately. "This is my world and you're living in it" is a good mindset to have.

I will need to work on attainability..I'm worried about it all the time now. Vocal tone too, sometimes I say something and it sounds harsh, even though i meant for it to be playful.

No new girls to talk about currently.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Was at the bar, again tonight. Made out with one chick, got some cheek kisses from another (who was saying moments earlier that she is a closed off person who doesn't trust guys).

I started using patterning and trance words, and noticed huge spikes in attraction from both girls. Both were talking my ear off all the way throughout. I am onto some shit and feeling good about it. I find that when broads are talking my ear off, I usually zone out but zone back in occasionally to qualify them...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

One thing I struggle with at the bars is getting an in with hotter chicks. They have this weird bitch shield up. I talk to them for like 30 seconds and they reject me very kindly by saying stuff like, "ill see you on the dance floor."

There was this one good lookin girl last night who was with her friends. She had the sparkle in her eye while talking to me but I'm certain she auto rejected because her friends were around.

I think if I were to present some different frames initially, work on my attainability (which is too high in these situations), improve my fundamentals, and work on my social calibration then I will see some improvement.

IMPORTANT: always get women talking about the state you want them to be in


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I've been in a lot of social situations lately with my friends in my hometown. Social circle game is tough as shit for me, I feel totally out of my element and I'm kind of like a lost puppy. I'm sure the girls can sense it lol... It's nice though, I'm realizing all the social mistakes that people are making and learning from it.

yoyoy though, my sexual vibe is great lately. I'm flirting like mad and chase framing! my voice is great. and I NEVER EVER GET LOGICAL AND FACTUAL WITH WOMEN.

My friend is ruining it for me, though. I share my stories of cold approach with him then he goes off and tells all the girls we are hanging with. I'm frustrated about this. then he goes and tools me saying i talk to so many women and barely get laid. makes me wanna prove myself to him, but i dont need to do that LOL....he doesnt even have the guts to hit on women in the street during the day time nor does he understand what cold approach is really about. he only gets laid through social circle. Fundamental wise, mine are better than his, but he offers a ton of value (has a lot of parties and a pool) and has a lot of preselection, something that definitely gives him an edge over me currently...

I catch him talking about logical, boring shit with women. WTF MAN WTF ARE YOU DOING DONT FUCKING DO THAT!! how can he have these boring conversations with women and still get laid?

ughhh im so frustrated, like if I'm going to the bar i wanna dress up. but no one dresses up here......so if i go dressed up, i just look try hard.

Anyways I'm practising being unattainable so I can really understand what that looks like...then later I'm going to start being too attainable, so I can understand what that's like, and then I'm going to find a nice middle ground.

Really practising my facial expressions lately and body language. I can use my body language to command women to do things, that's powerful.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I was on fire tonight at the bar. I was doing reallly well with the banter, many girls were calling me funny and doing some initial chasing. But once I got an in I started feeling lost...what do I do next??? Besides moving them. LIKE WHAT DO I TALK ABOUT AFTER THE INITIAL BANTER ...

Sometimes I'll be talking to a girl, then her friend will start talking to her and she'll be ignoring me. I put the bored look on and all of a sudden she starts re-engaging me. What the fuccccck. This never used to work for me!

Almost pulled this one girl who was a higher caliber than the girls I usually get. I invited her to come to africa to poach lions with me after the bar. She started testing me like mad...i passed all her tests, and even started appearing aloof at one point on purpose, and she would start chasing. She said that she had to work in the morning at 6AM, I said we could go for only a few hours and be back in time for her to work. She kept saying that she will see me at the bar another day. I told her I'm leaving monday. Then later I said, "yeah you know what...we shouldn't go to africa...its probably a bad idea" and she says "yeah i was considering it...butt...." Maybe if I had a tad more of a sexual vibe about me and offered a little bit more value, then it could have worked out. Or maybe I should have led more...definitely something to think about for next time. I was actually feeling sort of nervous and I'm sure she sensed it.

One of her tests was when she was trying to shake my hand. I attempted to hold her hand instead of shaking it, and then she starts talking about how I'm a girl and stuff because I don't have a strong handshake. lol? trying to test my masculinity i guess. I just reverse framed her and purposely misunderstood what she was trying to say, then got her to qualify herself on her handshake. reverse framing is working good for me lately.

Fuck I was so close...but man if I can use this sort of banter in day game that I was using tonight, then things will be so good.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

My buddy and I went out to eat with a mutual friend of ours. We haven't seen her in a good few years.

I was laying down my sexual vibe and chase framing her. She was sitting on the other side of the table from me. I noticed she was mirroring my facial expressions and other mannerisms. My buddy was really helping me, dropping in hints that suggested I have preselection.

So we go back to his place... and we are all sitting on the couch. She starts to test me and he's agreeing with her frames. Lol... ughh.. then we were discussing what we're doing later...i say i gotta go back to my place to put in my contacts and do dishes. He says that he will drive me home. As we are getting in the car I say to her, "hey wanna come help me do some dishes?" shes like, "no" in this grossed out/surprised/offended sort of way!? ahhhhh....I think I need to change the structure of how I'm asking girls to come home with me. I'm using plausible deniability really well, but I should be more commanding instead and TELL GIRLS to come home with me, not ask them. But there's also the issue of me moving too fast with girls. It's better than moving too slow...but I think I should stop rushing them!!!

I didn't get lots of compliance, didn't build a strong connection with her, and MAYBE did a little bit too much chase framing. so that's probably why she said no. but she's going to party with us tonight (i think) so I might be able to continue where I left off.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Another evening at the bar - business as usual. I came to a realization that night game is no different than day game when it comes to getting into conversations with women. Opener, name exchange, singular flow technique.... then all of a sudden i'm in! Just keep getting small amounts of compliance till the conversation happens.

I'm having a lot of trouble dealing with older women at the bar. They hook pretty easy, but they don't like the fact that I am young and they make it a big deal. I present frames that youthful people have more stamina, but it's still not working. The whole interaction just ends up being one frame battle over my age which is not productive at all. Getting off the age topic ASAP and moving onto qualifying them, and getting compliance and investment will be the solution to this problem.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Frame Battle

I was drinking with my friends and some girls the other night. We were playing some variation of the classic drinking game "Ride The Bus." The one girl is dealing cards to us. I was in possession of two cards - a 7 & 8. The girl was going to deal me a card and I would have to determine if the card would fall in between the two numbers of the two cards I had, or if it would fall out. Well in this case, there is no card in between 7 and 8, so it should be completely obvious that I would choose that the card being dealt is going to fall out of 7 & 8. I tried to use facial expressions to tell her this, but the others took it as my refusal to play my turn! Ahhh! Okay, the game continues.

The time comes to ride the bus. The person with the lowest remaining amount of cards has to ride the bus. Well me, my buddy, and my other friend all have 2 cards remaining. The girl who is dealing, says, we all have to ride the bus. But then my buddy says, "backstory has to ride the bus himself because he was being stubborn earlier." The girl who is dealing changes her frame and agrees with my buddy! WTF. I refuse this frame change. My buddy starts presenting me with two options: I can ride the bus myself, or I can chug my drink with him. I refuse both, I realize this is turning into a frame battle. I can't remember what I did, but I think I just took a sip of my alcohol, then my two friends rode the bus themselves and I did not ride the bus. Later my friend called me a poor sport!!! I should have rode the bus with my friends to cement my agreement with the original frame of all of us riding the bus together.

i did not want to fall into my buddy's frames because that would make me look weak. And it pissed me off when the dealer agreed with his frame so readily. I realize he addressed the emotional part of the frame first, which is why it worked.

Social Circle Girl

There was this one girl in my social circle who I have never met before. We were at a party and I said to her, "hey are those real?" I was referring to her tits. She got mad and wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the night.

I seen her again after in the same sort of setting (a party). We mostly ignored each other. In passing, I asked her what one of her tattoos meant. She refused to tell me. Loool. So, later, as we are getting more drunk, she starts asking me questions like, "Are you coming to the bar?" and some other stuff. I flat out just ignored her. She had her chance when I asked about her tats. It actually made me mad...don't FUCKING ask me questions after you ignored me.

Eventually, as more interactions passed, she warmed up to me...she started to see my social value. She's got sort of a thing with my buddy, but I would like to think that she's starting to think about me when she's with him, because of his weaker fundamentals and overall beta behaviour.

However I am leaving my hometown to go back to the city I'm currently living in tomorrow. It was nice to get some nightgame/social circle game experience, but I am looking forward to daygaming again.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Stepping Out of Bounds?

I was flirting with a few girls who I have known for ages. I start touching the one girl's shirt:

backstory: *examining girls shirt*
girl 1: i thought you were gonna touch my tits
backstory: *grabs girl 1's right tit*
girl 1 + 2: giggling
girl 1: *amused* i dont think my boyfriend is gonna like that
backstory: he doesnt have to know

Stepping Out of Bounds 2?

Going into a convenience store, I open a girl wearing a leopard dress:

backstory: how many leapords had to die to make that dress?
girl: ....?

Some More Social Circle Shit

My buddy and I are hanging out and these two girls show up. Girl 1 is a girl who has been chasing the both of us so hard. We don't want her though. Girl 2 is just some other girl, who's got some cool style...looks to be my type of girl actually.

Some initial chit chat goes on...Girl 1 is calling me her lover and stuff...she brings up saturday and how there was some neck biting going on between her and i...i just say to the group: yeah...i was breathing on her neck a little bit and she chomped on my neck! lol

My buddy and Girl 2 are talking about how shes a mechanic or some shit? I inject and say to girl 2 "so you're good with your hands?" Instantly, my buddy attacks me accusing me of being too sexual for the situation. lmfaoo....i just come back with, I'm just trying to get to know her man :) why you assuming things?

Some more bantering, I was doing some great reframing to make me look more dominant than my buddy.

Bblalbla, I play a song, its a little obscure..Girl 1 is questioning the song I'm playing. She doesn't like it. In the middle of the song, my other friend and his girlfriend show up, and his girlfriend states that it's a shitty song. Lol, I question her music taste, saying she's possibly got a shitty music taste, but everyone else gangs up on me and calls my music taste shitty. I didn't say anything. I know I could have destroyed their frame but I chose not to.

Anyways, everyone goes in the pool but me, girl 1, and girl 2 are sitting at the table. I use this opportunity to start deep diving and qualifying girl 2 like mad. I have no clue when I started being able to qualify girls in such a great way....idk...it just makes sense and is not clumsy.

I go grab a beer from the fridge, come back, and girl 2 says, "you know ...you had a perfect outfit on until i saw your socks. It just ruined things." I didn't say anything - just gave her a bored look and also pursed my lips. I'll admit it actually caught me off guard...this girl who I barely know just negged me and criticized my fashion sense...i should have just rolled my eyes at her and instantly continued qualifying her. i held the bored/pursed lips look for too long, i was trying to put some social pressure on her to apologize.

Afterwards though, after that little test, when I continue qualifying her, she suddenly got this REALLY engaged look on her face...hmm, haven't seen that one before..i think its the look of ATTRACTION :) i continue deep diving and she's readily re-engaging me in conversation whenever there's an interruption from one of my other friends. Girl 1 looks a little jealous. Girl 2 has been talking about how she's really hungry and how they are probably gonna be leaving soon, since the moment they got there. Sooo...

...I went to go to the bathroom - when I get back out, Girl 1 and 2 are leaving. Girl 1 demands that I give her a hug. Hahaah I am not submitting to your compliance demand.....I say, lol.....YOU GIVE ME A HUG! she agrees and hugs me. Byeeee!

Too bad they had to go so soon, if they had stayed a little while longer I would have liked to see where it would have ended up. It was an amazing learning experience. I know I'm doing something right, I'm not exactly sure what it is yet....will have to think about it some more. I think this whole reframing shit maybe?

Also, lately...I'm finding lately that in my interactions, there's so much more that I could have used. Imagine I started employing my whole arsenal on these girls? I been reading some of ross jeffries' shit...
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I need to forget a lot of advice I've learned. Here's an example: the girl I met at the bar who I almost pulled in my journal entry on July 8th. She was giving me the bedroom eyes as soon as I saw her. I should have pulled, or tried to pull, right then and there. I was thinking about it but I didn't do it because I learned to try to not pull too early in the night at the bar.


From now on, whenever I get the bedroom eyes or other seductive looks from women, I'm going to take that as THE WORLDS BIGGEST GREEN light to escalate and stick my dick in their pussies. Even if it's only been 30 seconds since I met them. Even if advice says not to.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Hehh hehh was at the bar tonight and this chick tried to go home with me...I made out with her....i coulda banged her.....i just wasnt committed and didnt really care....hmmmmmmm...my dudes i got a sick new haircut too ahhh and people are instantly changing their frames whenever i change mine.....super weird....like this waitress started treating me like a kid but as soon as i put my sexual vibe on all of a sudden she started being LESS waitress-y and more sexual with me.....happened multiple times with other people and its so weird...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

As I get better at socializing, I am often seeing mistakes people are making in social interactions. Some of my friends are actually pretty bad at socializing. This makes me not want to hang out with them. I want to be friends with people who are amazing at socializing.

And I really don't know who I am anymore. My identity is always changing because of all the socializing and self improvement I'm doing. I feel lost...

Eyebrows down + a sexy smile is a seriously seductive look.

Building consensus with women is important. It's especially important when you're operating under the frame of "this is my world and you're living in it." If you're in that frame, women are along for the ride in YOUR life. You're doing all the leading and doing what you want to do and women are merely participating. You can make women feel comfortable with participating by building consensus with them.

I'm going to be getting back into day game after a 2 week break to do night game. I still approached women during the day during this time, but no where near the same amount that I usually do. I'm eager to meet women right now because I am ridiculously horny

The girl at the bar I met on friday who I almost went home with...I remembered that I asked her to come to the bathroom with me but she was very hesitant about it. I think the problem is that I asked her in front of her friends. She probably would have felt like a slut if her friends knew she hooked up with a guy that she just met in a bathroom. Next time I'll isolate first, then go for a bathroom pull.

I am also thinking about deflecting questions to other people as a possible way of dealing with tests. You get the other person to answer the test for you. For example:

Girl 1: How many people have you slept with?
backstory: Girl 2, what do you think?
Girl 2: Tough to tell.


Girl 1: You had a perfect outfit on until I saw your socks.
backstory: Bob, do you feel the same way?
Bob: No

I will have to do some more thinking about this.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Flea Market Antics

Was at a flea market today..there was this one vendor, and 3 people were selling stuff. 2 girls and 1 guy. I start bantering with them, and they start gushing over how I'm the most interesting person they've met all day and they invite me to chill with them. Girl 1 seemed to have mild interest towards me, and Girl 2 was really into me. We was flirting a little bit, and she had a really engaged look on her face. An eye sparkle. :)

I was originally thinking about getting getting girl 1's number. I started getting logistics, asking what she's up to. She said she was leaving to go out of town for a while tomorrow. But tonight she's going to be partying. We made half plans to party.

But then I continued to notice girl 2's strong interest towards me and felt like I should go for her instead. However I felt like my attainability was a little bit too low with her during our interactions. She was acting in this weird way...I don't know how to explain it! So I thought, hmmm...I need to start being more verbally direct. But then the guy goes to buy fries for the girls, and before he leaves he kisses girl 2. Whaaaat. No wonder my attainability was low. She liked me but couldn't show TOO much interest in front of her boyfriend. I thought it was weird that he kissed her before he left..maybe he noticed us flirting and wanted to claim his property lol...

I ended up leaving a little bit later. Girl 1 doesn't have a cell phone apparently, but she wanted me to add her on Facebook so i did.

Emotional Rollercoasters

Lately I am attempting to create strong emotions within girls. I'm trying out this one idea. First I make a girl feel a bad feeling. Then I'll make her feel a good feeling. For example, today I met a girl at the bus stop. We were chatting about how she feels when she goes a long time without nicotine. She says she gets cranky and testy..While we were talking about this, she was clenching her fists. Ahh, INTERESTING. A physiological reaction to talking about crankiness. She definitely felt some negative emotions. My next step woulda been to relieve her of these negative emotions by finding out how she feels when she goes a long time without nicotine, then has a smoke. Unfortunately her bus came and she left before I could do this.

Making girls feel negative emotions then making them feel positive emotions right afterwards. hmmmmmm. Will be experimenting more with this.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Jumping on Spunk

I was at my college, sitting on a bench. There's air vents on the bench. It's in a moderately busy hallway so people walk by a lot.

backstory: hey... i have to ask you something
spunk: what is it? *walks closer
backstory: do you think that these vents look like cheese graters?
spunk: hahah...yeah sorta! *looks engaged but no eye sparkle yet*
backstory: it'd be cool to grate some cheese on them. whats your name?
spunk: its spunk.
backstory: *shakes hand* its nice to meet you spunk. what are you up to today?
spunk: I'm just heading to the bus stop to meet my friend. the bus is leaving soon
backstory: no way! you cant be serious!
spunk: i am. otherwise id sit down and have a chat with you *holds out phone to show text conversation between her and friend.** (DEFINITE IOI)
backstory: okay maybe ill see you around then
spunk: yeah for sure, i go here.
backstory: alright see you
spunk: *walks away*
spunk: *turns around* i didnt get your name. (IOI)
backstory: *come here hand gesture*
spunk: *walks over*
backstory: my name is zachary. you know what, lets get coffee sometime
spunk: *giggles nervously* okay!
backstory: just put your number in my phone.
spunk: ok *starts putting number in my phone
backstory: what program are you in?
spunk: *still putting number in phone* interior decorating.
backstory: ohhh, classy.
spunk: hahaha, sorta
backstory: that must make you creative
spunk: *no answer, still putting number in my phone. guess she can't multitask* *hands phone back*
backstory: thanks. see you :)
spunk: byee

This was an interesting encounter with the female kind. I didn't bother to get her number initially because i felt like the interaction was a tad too short. I thought I'd just see her around at a later time and continue chatting with her then. I didn't realize it until after that the "id sit down and have a chat with you if i wasnt busy" was a definite IOI.

Then when she left, but was still thinking about me and started wondering what my name was, I realized there was a high enough level of interest to grab her number off her. I'm actually kind of impressed with myself for the flip around in mindset.

I texted her right away - her reply was promising. Two problems due to a bit of rust: I didn't sort out her schedule right then and there, and I was also not direct. I'm gonna text her again shortly to find out what her schedule is like, that's no big deal. The fact that I wasn't verbally direct is a little bit worrying to me. I could either handle this over text or wait until we meet up. Probably better if I ask her sooner rather than later. You know, I hate texting, and only really use it for two things: to correct mistakes in my game that ive made (forgot to ask for schedule, etc) and to sort out logistics.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Loud's an Older Lady I Guess

Stopped a woman in the hallway at school:

backstory: hey what kinda pattern is that? is that leopard?
loud: huh? oh yeah.. i guess so. *stops walking, we move to the side of the hallway, she's paying full attention to me*
backstory: its actually really interesting. cool style btw. whats your name?
loud: loud, what’s yours?
backstory: backstory. what’re you up to today?
loud: i actually got an exam soon
backstory: you do not!!
loud: i actually do..it sucks.
backstory: what kind of exam?
loud: im in the ______ program

*more talking*

backstory: anyways i had to come and talk to you cuz you’re actually pretty cute
Loud: i get that a lot
backstory: ohhh. (wasn’t sure what to say, could have been a good chance to flirt but i ruined it by deep diving more). what’re your plans for after?
loud: idk probably gonna go hang with friends [i think this is what she said…could have been a possible escalation window]
backstory: no silly! i mean later, like after you’re done school.

*more deep diving*

backstory: youre single right?
loud: yes *in some interesting sort of vocal tone..sounded like the same vocal tone a montreal girl used with me once. the montreal girl was quite clearly attracted to me*

*back to deep diving*

loud: listen i gotta get going…add me on facebook though. my name is ____ on Facebook
backstory: hmm. probably won’t remember that
loud: *insisting i add her on facebook*
backstory: tell you what. lets hang out sometime. put your number in my phone, its easier
loud: haha ok.. *puts # in my phone*
backstory: nice meeting you
loud: you too, hope to hear from you soon

Right at the end of the interaction when she's leaving she had a cold kind of annoyed vibe/you’re wasting my time/brushing me off vibe about her. I don’t get it man! Did I come across as unattainable? Throughout the conversation i was being a little aloof, standing a little further away from her at times…I was ever so slightly nervous but my vibe was good.

So I text her and she screens me:

backstory: uhhh hii loud its backstory. save my # in your phone
loud: question
loud: how old are you
backstory: ahh, 20 questions eh? take a guess. I’m curious what you think. :)
loud: If I wanted to guess I wouldn’t have asked
backstory: XX
backstory: hope things are well in the retirement home, haha
backstory: i forgot to ask…what’s your schedule like over the next few days?
loud: school and work I’m a busy old broad

Ughhhhhhhhh....she's probably already in auto rejection, I don't know what I did wrong...

Pushing My Comfort Zone At The Park

I'm at the park and I see this guy and this girl sitting at a picnic bench. They are sitting on opposite ends of the table from one another. I go up to the guy:

backstory: Is this your wife?
guy: no she's my girlfriend
backstory: oh nice man she's pretty cute
guy: ...
backstory: nice day here eh??? see you

IMMEDIATELY AFTER I go open a 2 set of girls, right in view of the couple I just opened. The couple is staring at me. They probably think I'm a player but I don't care.

The Girl Of My Dreams

It's been an uneventful day, I was kinda annoyed that I didn't get to meet any cool women that I really liked. I'm on the bus ride home and I see a girl standing at the bus stop my bus is currently stopped at. SHE'S TOTALLY MY TYPE.....I'm debating whether to get off the bus [that I just waited a half hour for] to chat with her. The bus starts going. Ughhh. I get off at the next bus stop, then walk 50 meters up to her.

backstory: hey i have to tell you something
girl: ...
backstory: your style...it's so amazing... i just had to come say hi
girl: *takes a step back, starts freaking out* OMG THANK YOU!!!!!!!

short note: i have never seen a girl react like this to one of my compliments. I truly meant it from the bottom of my heart, so that could be why she reacted so well.

*bus pulls up*

backstory: is this your bus?
girl: yes
backstory: sit with me?
girl: sure

We are on the bus and she is very very shy, she can barely hold eye contact! We're talking...she is single, and she's only had one boyfriend before. She's a philosophy major. I'm asking her about philosophy and she's not really talking because she's thinking, but I wasn't able to tell. I get her number - this is the craziest part. She takes my phone, puts her FULL NAME in it, then texts her phone using my phone. What does she text? She texts, "poop." LMAO WHAT?!

So um, towards the end of the interaction she was also getting a little bit more reserved and cold. WTF man, why is it that girls are investing more into their interactions with me, yet going cold towards the end of the interaction?

I ask her what her schedule is like over the next few days, but she says she's working. Huh, she's definitely not a quick fuck, I'd probably have to date her to fuck her.

2nd girl of my dreams

I get off the bus, and spot a girl waiting at the bus stop who also has a cool sense of style. Best part? She's not wearing a bra. Turns me on sooo much. I go up to her and tell her I love her style. She's glowing and complimenting me on my style too.

backstory: whatre you up to?
girl: im waiting for the bus driver to come and open the bus door so i can get on

*as she's saying this, the bus driver appears and opens the door to the bus. she gets up, and I eject and say goodbye. I really wanted to get her number but wasn't sure how to do it with the time restraint and little amount of conversation that had taken place.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

DELETED, please see the above post for what happened today. It was so amazing. :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I was reflecting on my improvements last night. At first I felt like I haven't improved at all. Then I realized this is most certainly not the case:

- Just a month ago I was having a hard time getting chicks hooking. But now the majority of chicks I talk to hook quickly, look engaged, and appear to be having a good time talking to me. :)
- All my approach anxiety has turned into approach EXCITEMENT
- My vibe is well developed. Non needy, playful, and dominant, with a conversational tone of voice
- My ability to deep dive and relate to chicks is well developed
- I naturally have a sexy, masculine walk. I don't even need to think about it no more. It just happens.
- Girls are asking for MY contact information first
- Being verbally direct is not a problem for me anymore
- I'm adjusting for attainability quicker and quicker

Blablabla. Anyways, I was thinking about this one thing that is really hindering my game. I really need to slow things down in my interactions. Because what's happening is that I feel rushed. When I feel rushed, my deep dives aren't that good. Instead of taking time to properly explore the chick and relate to her, I state assumptions about her, which is a HUGE ATTRACTION KILLER. For example, I'm a creative person. If I were to talk to a girl and she assumes verbally that I'm uncreative, I'm gonna be pissed at her and lose some attraction for her, ahahh. So... I'm going to slow things down...no more assumptions or cold reads, and I'm gonna strive for perfect deep dives in which I perfectly relate to EVERY SINGLE GIRL I talk to, so that she feels like I understand her accurately. I'm pretty stoked to work on this.

Night Game Goals

- Consistently make out with one girl every time I go out, but strive for 2.
- Ask 1 girl home every time I go out


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

My first approach of the day was an interesting one that put me in a novel situation.

I take her hand in mine when introducing myself, and she holds onto it for quite the long time. Eye contact from her was strong all throughout the interaction as well. Some attraction was definitely there.

backstory: youre single right?
twinkle: i have a boyfriend
backstory: is it serious?
twinkle: things aren't good...i live with him and I'm trying to break up with him

When I tell her we should get coffee sometime, she starts objecting a little bit, saying she lives an hour out of town. [She was only in town for an hour for an appointment, but says she'll be back friday]. She says we can definitely get coffee, but "as friends, until she breaks up with her boyfriend." I wasn't sure what to say to that, it caught me off guard. I didn't really say anything.

After I get her number, I sit down with her on a bench. I can feel some sexual tension building. There's definitely a sexual vibe between us. I get to know her a little bit, then I tell her I gotta go. I tell her I'm going to the pharmacy on campus to pick up my prescription. She tells me she needs to go to the other end of campus and starts walking with me/following me towards the pharmacy. When we get to the pharmacy, she tells me to text her on friday when she's back in town. We're saying goodbye:

backstory: hey kiss me right here *pointing to cheek.*
twinkle: no, i have a boyfriend
backstory: come onnn! he wont know
twinkle: i will give you a hug instead

She drapes her arms around me in a hug and I don't hug her back, lol. In retrospect I should have kissed her neck or her cheek, that would have given her plausible deniability. Regardless, she knows what my intentions are, so it'll be interesting to see if I can get her to hang out with me on friday.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I was talking to a girl from spain with great style. We were quite attracted to each other. I would have fucked her in a heartbeat...the only problem was that she's 17 years old. annnnnnd.. I'm 25. Too young for me, I thought. We said our goodbyes, I did not get her number.

I always thought the age of consent for my country was 18. But then I was looking on the internet tonight - it turns out the age of consent is 16. So I could have legally pursued her if I really wanted to.

However...do I really want to be banging 17 year olds? Some people would find it gross. Do I find it gross? I'm not sure. Attraction is attraction.

On another note, I pocket dialed twinkle while I was opening some random broad today. I don't know if she heard...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

A light bulb went off above my head earlier this afternoon. I noticed a huge pattern that's going to change how I run my game, and it has to do with how hard a girl hooks.

I have noticed two types of hook points. The first type of hook point is a social hook point, where the girl will stop whatever she's doing and talk with me. For me, it's easy to reach the social hook point.

The second type of hook point is the emotional hook point. This is when she's emotionally investing into the conversation and is clearly happy and having fun talking to me. I'll notice she's got a look of engagement or attraction on her face and she'd prefer to hang around and keep chilling with me.

Looking back through my stats, I noticed several correlations:

1. It's easy to get a number from a girl I've reached the social hook point with.
2. However, when I got a number from a girl I reached the social hook point with, but didn't reach the emotional hook point with, I never heard back from her after texting her. Or if she replied and I tried setting up a date, she flaked.
3. When I got a number from a girl I reached the emotional hook point with, it was highly likely that I'd see her again and end up hooking up with her.

There was sort of an outlier though...when I met Frothy Gothy, she didn't have any attracted looks on her face ever. However, her behaviour proved that she felt at least some attraction for me (she missed her bus for me, was re-engaging me through text, etc). When I met up with her the next day, she told me she tried committing suicide once and was also celibate for a year. When I hooked up with her, she gave me a ton of LMR that I could not surpass, and was acting all girlfriend-y towards me. Was she sexually unavailable? Or was she sexually available but uncertain if she wanted to sleep with me?

Then we have Twinkle, who never had any attracted looks on her face, but other mannerisms showed that she was attracted to me. For example, she held strong eye contact and was holding my hand for a while. She has a boyfriend and things aren't going so well with him. However, when I tried making plans with her, she said we could be friends until she broke up with her boyfriend. Definitely sexually unavailable.

The initial pattern I'm thinking about between these two girls is this: girls who show attraction through their mannerisms, but don't ever show you looks of attraction with their face, are uncertain if they want to sleep with you yet/sexually unavailable. In this case, it's better to slow game these girls. I'm not entirely sure yet. Maybe I'm overthinking!

How are these realizations going to impact my game?

1. Girls who I reach the emotional hook point with are great prospects, and I should focus on getting more girls to reach the emotional hook point if I wanna get laid more.
2. When a girl reaches an emotional hook point with me, that is a big green light to start escalating further.
3. I'm not gonna bother getting numbers from girls who have reached the social hook point and have not shown attraction in any way towards me. It's a waste of time and energy.