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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
lofty! you need to be careful with girls with boyfriends, you play it right not giving your true identity, also try to get google voice....(bf may find out who you are and then problems that you don't want)
Understood... will be extra careful from now on. This relationship seems a little peculiar - like the type of deal where they have their issues but can't stay out of each other's lives. In her words, she says that "it's just complicated... but we don't really put labels on it."

She has mentioned how "protective" this guy is of her, so playing it safe here is an important point if I don't want any confrontation. Which I don't, of course. Fortunately, she did text me last night that he no longer feels the need to talk to me, so I guess she calmed him down or whatever.

And yep, I've been using Google Voice ever since you and Train recommended it a couple months ago. Definitely has been a good adjustment!
- the texting was horrible, but since you had sex with her, it did not matter she is invested (sex is the highest form of investment and as you can see women will forgive cringe post sex)
I have seen this! I can certainly see the investment through her texts. She's responding positively and quickly to everything that I send. Even said that she really misses kissing me.

To clarify, she was the one bringing up her "boyfriend" and other problems over text. I was pretty much just pacing her on it. But yes, text game is still a massive hole in my game, but it's sloooooooooowly starting to make a little more sense. I'll post more of the texts soon, but yeah, looking at them now... they are super cringey. But better than they would have been last month.

Haha, it's a work in progress!
- the boyfriend is pretty much fucked, you just pretty much destroy that relationship, he is going to notice her withdrawal get more needy, and overprotective and paranoid and lead her right to your arms...
I mean I didn't want to ruin anyone's thing haha. Even though it's clear that these two already had significant problems in their relationship.

I thought that it was just a really special, positive experience that we could both look back on with plenty of smiles even if it was just a ONS.

Hector's latest video got me thinking as well, though it is important to note that his reasoning is heavily on the spiritual side....

Yet, I would love to see her again...
- Try to fuck her a second time, that way you can get her on rotation and develop a sense of abundance will make your interactions, stronger unless you get onitis...
Makes a lot of sense! I'm craving that rotation right now.

Felt really confident after the lay and was hoping to build on that momentum, but unfortunately this illness stopped me cold. Now maybe this girl has been in my mind a little too much, so thanks for bringing up the oneitis reminder! It's especially pertinent because I have to keep her warm in the meantime until I can try to see her again. I can't let her occupy too much of my thought.

I must keep an abundance mentality until the sense of abundance is truly ingrained in me like you say.
- i truly hope you are ok, health number 1...
Thanks Skills! Really appreciate it.

Hopefully it's nothing too bad. Still waiting on a few more test results and we'll see what happens.
In my country it doesn't make sense to get tested for STD's so soon after a lay. The tests can't detect chlamydia until at least a week has passed, and I think it's three weeks for gonnorhea. If your symptoms persist and you don't find any other explanation go get another check-up
Wow, Lover, thanks a ton for setting this straight! I'll definitely follow your great advice.

It makes me wonder why the clinic tested me for them so soon. I mean the physician had an MD - she's not stupid. Were they just trying to raise the cost of my visit fee...?

Luckily, this community is here once more to give me the crucial real-life insights that seem so rare everywhere else.

Thanks again!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
(realized I had mixed up the time intervals in my previous post, my bad - but the point remains)

It takes days-weeks for most bacterias and viruses to contract a person until they actually cause symptoms and can be detected - their incubation period. Regardless of her intentions you were tested too soon. You'll get an idea of incubation periods of STDs in the link above.

If there is an STD clinic at your location, it may also write how long after possible contraction you should get tested for any particular bacteria or virus. Look it up. If you don't find any, you'll at least have an idea when you should go to your gp or whoever does the testing over there


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Seems like you're dealing with a girl from the Cluster B pack.

Pay close attention to section on the Love Bomb, because that's what I see going on here and now. While it is obviously not impossible to inspire such powerful emotions in new women. Which lead them to believe they've fallen head-over-heels in love. . . with you. It is also vital that you remain aware of the fact that healthy human beings. . . have things called boundaries. And these usually prevent them from oversharing like this. . . especially this soon.

I understand if the article or this post is a confusing read the first time around. Because when we usually talk here about barriers, its a discussion on how you can go about with the process of melting or dissolving them.
Right now I am picturing myself in the biggest park in town.

25 acres define this space, which is enclosed on each side in a neat rectangular shape by the adjacent roads, although there are two diagonal tawny sidewalks that bisect the otherwise entirely grassy green expanse.

I laxly perch on the seventh cement stair at the base of a pillared building that overlooks the park and a waving American flag in the distance. Looking upwards, I notice the voluminous nimbus clouds that endearingly drift around the pastel blue sky. The cool autumn weather has relieved the pressure in my chest and my mind, and I adjust the sparkling silver wristband on my left wrist. The color is of my typical palette – the serenity of this grey color also represents the shade of my shirt and shoes… an otherwise humble shade that is teased out by my contrasting blue jeans.

The passerby pass me by. The skirted-girls and polo-shirted men. The rosy scent of the freshly-planted flowers wafts into my sleepily soothed face.

How nice it is, I think, to be painting a portrait with my own eyes… or rather my own mind… as if I was actually there… experiencing the tingling sensation of the coarse step on my palm as I swing in a half-turn to deliver an RPO to the brunette beauty reading a book to my left side.

Yeah, it is rather pleasant.

But I’m actually in my computer chair with the touch of the coarse step replaced by the slickness of my wireless black keyboard, and my eyes now glance towards where my sparkling silver bracelet would be, and the shining metal is now replaced by the dullness of my peeling skin, shedding like a snake following last week’s unfortunate burn.

Though, I think that I learned a lot about the park today. And how it makes me feel, despite not having taken a single step out of my apartment.

It’s actually pretty insane to realize how many new things we can notice about a place – and a state of mind – and even a person - when our actual body is fixed elsewhere, apart from this place or idea or person. The brain is better at this than I originally thought.

That’s where you’ve taken me today, Bacchus.

I’m thinking about my spatial and emotional relationship with Cluster B women.

Here's the result of my reflective exercise, even though it seems like you already know that this girl and her overprotective man might be just a little ounce of trouble for this purple novice.

The Drexel Scott article has been read. His dexterous words have danced in front of my eyes repeatedly. My conclusion: yeah HBWildflower is one big-time Cluster B bad bitch.

So I thought about this even more.

And here’s what I thought about.

I thought about every girl who I’ve ever made out with, or even crushed on for that matter. Their faces are emblazoned in my mind, and the impossible portrait of us in conversation once more came to life… and I thought about what I saw, and what I felt. I relived it like I did the scene in the park. The same mental exercise about seeing what I could realize about the park... I did that with my past flames, too. And in this time-space matrix, I finally learned who they really were.

With the utmost of confidence, I will say that the vast, vast majority that I’ve truly felt drawn to... have been Cluster B women.

My literary review of this mental picture in one sentence: problem-abound women allure me.

I could rationalize to myself that it’s about control. That I think I can help resolve their weaknesses and indulge upon their physical desirability and recklessly charming personas.

But that’s not it. What it really is… is that they are always what has seemed an unfeasible grasp away from my reaching hand. Before now, I did not have the social frame to even move them past a simple make-out, and I know that for a fact because I’ve been there before, and I revived those moments again today. My frame lacked traction, and it aquaplaned under the pressures of these slippery women.

Yeah so I guess that’s why I find myself desiring these types. Cause I couldn't have 'em. And it’s accordingly so very hard to let go of HBWildflower.

I understand the situation and myself better now, though. I’ll heed the words of those who know so much more than me, but I will not close the book on this flowery chapter quite yet. I must finish this missing thread, and that’s her missing threads that lie in my bedroom. Once this inflamed throat clears away, I will let her know that I found her left-behind attire while cleaning beside my bed, and that she can come pick them up. But I will not actively pursue her beyond this point… unless something crazy happens… although that would have to be an unexpected invigoration of her mental sanity.

Safe to say that I appreciate your poetic articulation once more.
But I'm sure you've already guessed that the similarities in skillsets. . . for pickup and relationships. . . don't make up for their differences. What's more is Gunwitch has innovated effective models, strategies and techs for both of them.

Use some of the time during your impromptu break from the field. . . to give Witch 15 a listen. This is a pragmatic decision worth making regardless of whether you decide to see this girl again or not. Although, I sense there's a part of you, that is already suspicious her behavior and. . . what she tells you.

37 of my dollars have been transported into Gunwitch’s bank account. And his words from this course have already filled my ears a few times.

They have resulted in devilish chuckling, because oh yes of course I will only make use of these techniques within the realm of my own imagination. His disclaimer has been noted.

But it is quite ironic that I’m only just beginning to feel a tinge of social capability now that I have taken this wild venture into the fringes of sociopathy.

And I love it.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Saturday, October 31

Yesterday, I decided that enough was enough.

I’d been confined in my apartment for days now, coughing and chilled. The autumnal sixty-degree weather and the late-afternoon sunlight called to me. Time to go outside… and keep my distance, of course. Although I now understand that my affliction is not of this polarazing plague.

One foot in front of the other as my brief walk begins. I notice how the beaming rays illuminate the happy greenness of the leaves. And how the soft light rambunctiously tucks and bounces in the narrow openings between neighboring buildings, brightening their bricks.

All is not bad in the world, I think. A reminder. An intoxicating reminder.

Suddenly, I hear a warm but unknown voice call out to me from the parking lot across the street. I slowly turn my head, and I see cheerful man detailing his car smiling at me.

“You going out tonight man? You gotta go out tonight – I am! Lots of pretty ladies out on Friday nights!”

Ahhhhhh…. That’s another reminder, but of something else. This irritation in my throat that has taken me out of the game at such an unpleasant time..

I return his warmness and do wish him the best of luck in finding a pretty lady of his own. As for me, my next one will have to wait.

More of my test results came back – it’s not the headache of COVID, thankfully. Some type of bacterial throat infection, but not strep throat. Apparently the specific type will not matter as long as my current antibiotics rid away of my symptoms by Wednesday. If not, I’ll have to go in for more testing, including retests for gonorrhea and chlamydia. Though I gladly do not have any ulcers… or mucky discharges elsewhere from my body.

And my symptoms have gotten a bit better since I began the antibiotics, so I’m optimistic. But I will have to keep monitoring things as Lover mentioned.

Of course, I have quite the strong suspicion that it is no coincidence that my symptoms began right after my rendezvous with HBWildflower. Our mouths were all over each other, so I guess it makes sense. I guess? I dunno.

But being sidelined from the field after such a nice conquest has been remarkably frustrating, however. I wanted to keep that momentum up. The time before I return to my tiny hometown for winter break is ticking away.

Luckily, @Bacchus has given me plenty of mind-stimulating material to digest until I can get back out there. Thanks, Bacchus.

Cluster B women, Love Bombing, Witch 15, Sexual Fantasies and Narratives. Plenty of exercise for my brain.

Here are some of the things I’ve learned:

Cluster B Women/Love Bombing
I’ve spent so much of my life trying not to be histrionic that perhaps this type of girl came to attract me. Thinking that I could handle her or whatever.

But the truth is that I really don’t know what it’s like to have a real relationship with any girl to this point, and after reflecting on the Love Bombing (but very cute <3) HBWildflower, I can tell that it would not be the fantasyland that I would hope for. I mean, just look at her current relationship. 4 years in with her boyfriend, and that relationship is in tatters.

HBBrooklyn is Cluster B as well, getting into fights and crazy stuff like that. I now see that there are more grounded women on the horizon that are much better selections for my stable… or perhaps even cloud. I do like clouds.

Witch 15
I think Gunwitch deems this “the most evil audio program you’ll ever listen to.”


So there are some learnings that I need to remember before traversing any further down this road of relationship influence:
  1. If I bang her once, she will almost always want to bang again (Assume this! Which means that it should be a simple transition from first lay > second lay. Make the second meeting simple – no need for reseducing). And do it quickly like Skills said as well.

  2. Every relationship can be a FB-like relationship if managed properly.

  3. After the third-ish lay, do not physically escalate/touch first AT ALL. Make her do it without realizing that we’re making her do it. Operant conditioning.

  4. No compliments about her body – only perceptive observations about her reality.

  5. Widen her sexual boundaries to create commitment.

  6. Time-distortion. Put myself in her past and future.

  7. Speaking of time-distortion, yeah, I like that February Man Sequence thing and Gunwitch's more practical time-distortion technique. Not saying that I fully understand the underlying concepts just yet, but I am very interested in trying them for myself.
Obviously there’s a lot more, but those are some things that stood out to me through a few listens.

One thing is tickling my brain here, though.

Is it detrimental to validate her body DURING sex?

Like with HBWidflower, who is a Submissive and Service Oriented girl. She was constantly looking to please me in bed while I dominated her, but when I did not validate her body in particular, she started apologizing for “not having the biggest boobs” and “being so ugly” – which is BS because she knows that she’s really hot, and she clearly knows that I think the same… even though I did successfully avoid comments about her looks the entire night.

So when I did start to say things like “I love stroking my wet tongue againat your pretty titties, baby” and “I love how your cute face looks with my dick in your mouth,” it seemed to really arouse her after such a prolonged wait for validation.

So saying things like that about her body are maybe okay during sex, but just avoid basic validations like “You’re so hot” and stuff? Or maybe I’m overthinking it, but I don’t want to mess it all up by doing something stupid, either.

Maybe I’ll say the heck with my schedule and hop on the Sunday chat… which is probably something that I should have already done a long time ago.

Sexual Fantasies, Narratives and Female Psychology
Yes, I can understand how this is the next step to level-up my game.

Unveiling her inner desires, comprehending them, and linking them to me. In a sexually fanatic way. Using the limitless power of the 3 keys... but evolved.

Okay, I believe that I understand the archetypes and can reflect enough to recognize past women in each category. In fact, I did just that as a mental workout. This will help me identify similar traits and archetype indicators in future women.
Exercise: Archetypes of Past HBs
  1. Pretty Petty Princess. Girls who fantasize about becoming transformed by associating with an authority figure.
    • HBSouthie
    • HBRitzy (Sub mix)
    • HBCubana
    • HBRunner
  2. Submissive and Service Oriented. Girls who fantasize about the validation of pleasing this authority figure.
    • HBWildflower (<3)
    • HBErudite
    • HBHaze (OCP mix)
  3. Overcome By Passion. Girls who fantasize about getting swept away in mutual heat with an authority figure.
    • HBBrooklyn
    • HBGlide
    • HBPolitico
I tried to think about HBFoxxy, but like I said, she's a tough one. I see notable parts of all three in her. And two more classes with her next semester... so I have more chances to figure her out. Come on, I want this girl. Let's go.

HBOpal is also challenging. Maybe PPP/OCP mix. Perhaps it shows that I didn't spend enought time with her to get a feel. Actually, that gives me the idea to call her again soon because she is so very sultry.

In the future, I'll try to identify the primary archetype of each HB as I go. I think that I will also like to keep the Subs around...
Now, the question is, “How can I capitalize on this newfangled understanding?”

Well, Bacchus notes a few ways.

Like how we can fractionate her primary one or two keys through their relating topics. Here are just a few potential topics that I see for each archetype:
Considering Potential SOTs for Each Archetype
  • Pretty Petty Princess
    • Companionship/Popularity/Social Status/Social Acceptance
    • Personal growth through time/battle for success
    • Maturity
    • Reassurance of personal faults (in a perceptive way to show that I recognize her inner concerns)
  • Submissive and Service Oriented
    • Submission/losing control (obviously)
    • Trust/Connection
    • Humility
    • Selflessness/helping others (make her tell stories/elicit feelings)
  • Overcome By Passion
    • Spontaneity
    • Adventure/Travel (GRABBING life by the HORNS)
    • Indulgence
    • Sex Talk
Still, I also need practice on identifying the archetype. It does involve intuition. But perhaps I can make it easier for myself, too. I could ask something like this:
When you were just a young, wide-eyed girl… and so curious about the world... who did you fantasize about growing up to be?

Were you the type who dreamed of living in a castle and being a princess… or perhaps the type who saw a need for help in the world and wanted to become a doctor… or maybe even the free, spontaneous explorer who adventures around the expansive continents with nothing holding you back?
And then elicit from there. Or other probing questions. Perception will be vital. And I must remember that I have to become that authority figure.

Need some thinking and practical experience, but I see how this is the next progression. I can do it.

More contemplation on sexual fantasies tonight, along with a dive into Gunwitch’s podcast.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Friday, November 6


Shiny blonde hair tugged with the animalistic force of my left hand.

Tugging harder… and harder… as the animalistic moans increase in volume and pace.

Shiny silver leash tugged with the animalistic force of my right hand.

Tugging harder… and harder… as the cold chain wrapped in my warm palm reaches from the collar around her neck to a shamelessly quivering hip.

Romp… convulse…

Yanked off the bed now. To her knees.

The left hand is now an amorous reassurance, a soft repetitive stroke along her ombré highlights.

The right hand is a beckoning guide, sensually tracing along the perimeter of her sumptuous face, stopping at the chin, and tenderly tilting her head upwards, so she can see for herself… who she is.

My little blonde fox…

*Cut, cut, cut…*

This movie in my mind… must stop. For now.

I once read some piece of insight from a Greek philosopher. Who exactly is forgotten, but it is one of the bigger names. I was shocked by it at first because of how overtly sexual it was. Before I realized that perversion is more old than new.

He said that the mind must stay active in the present. The doing in the present. Because if not, then the brain cannot help itself but to dreamily drift towards erotic pleasures. And where the mind drifts, the hand follows.

Such picture-perfect mental scenes of HBFoxxy have no place in Lofty World, except for perhaps a galvanizing inspiration. Not for temporary pleasuring of the superficial sort. As now, I know that I can create these vivid spectacles for myself. In real life.

I’ve thought about this girl recently, though. She’s such an interesting character. I think she’s 23 now? But well-accomplished for her age. Amazing side job that presents excellent career prospects. This university education is just a fun supplement to her – she’s already aligned herself with success. Beautiful blonde hair and lightly tanned skin. Lustrous blue-green eyes. Charisma that evokes arousal. Refined choice in fashion that presents herself as youthful but mature.

It has been decided. Her dominant fantasy archetype is Pretty Petty Princess. I see it now. Her longing for transformation. It’s obvious in the way that she associates herself with high-status males. I know she hangs with some 6’4 football players, but I don’t believe that she lets them have her. Teasing them, she likes it. Her ASD would be a tough barrier. Conservative upbringing. She revels in that, I see it. Social frame alone is not enough for this girl. And I'm not her knee-jerk type as Gunwitch would say, but that's fine because I know how to work past it now.

HBFoxxy and I had another presentation in class this week. While I was not given approval from the doctor to return to sexual activities at this point, I was given approval to return to class - provided that I didn't kiss anyone, of course. A tall order, but at least I wouldn't miss the presentation.

On Tuesday night, we practiced it over Zoom along with our two other group members. One is her roommate. I’ve mentioned her before, and honestly, she is a brunette almost as attractive as the blonde fox. But something about her is just a little off. Hmm. I’ll call her HBVerve as I know she’ll be around this story arc in the coming months.

Anyway. I didn’t live up to my usual standard when practicing, and HBFoxxy saw my frustration and tried to soothe me. I note this because that’s horrible for my frame, and it pissed me off. So I was really pissed off for the rest of that night, and it marked the first time that I’ve lost complete control of my state in a long while. Just calling it a night and sailing away into tranquilizing sleep was the remedy that I needed.

The following morning, we smashed the presentation when it mattered yet again. And I must say, I’d be surprised if we didn’t get a couple extra bonus points for being such an aesthetic group. If I must say so.

Plus my verbals now, yeah, they have an impact. No doubt there. People listen and take note. I also incorporated a quote that I learned from @Velasco:

"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

That killed it, so thanks, Velasco.

I had a decent conversation with HBFoxxy afterwards. She told me that she thought that I did really well like three different times, though my conversation management was thrown off by the well-intentioned girl sitting behind us. Sigh.

My biggest problem with HBFoxxy is that I can never get her truly comfortable around me. Part of that is surely because of how I uncalibratedly asked her out in the pre-Lofty era, and part of that might just be that… I scare her a little bit.

Overall, that situation is looking a bit more optimistic. Very much still a work in progress, however. Not putting too much pressure on myself to make it happen but only unfurling the possiblities.

As for my little wildflower. I had to stop texting with her. It was for the best. I think that she was getting confused as to why I wasn’t inviting her over, and I didn’t want to tell her that she probably gave me a throat infection. She’s in the cloud, though, so who knows when the wind might escort her back into the fray.

Seducer improvement things now.

Sunday Gunwitch Chat
I guess it would be quite dumb to not seek clarifications from Gunwitch about his own material.

Each week, I need to ensure that I give myself the time to hop on the chat and ask him some questions. No more wasted opportunities.

On Sunday, I began this effort. I asked him a couple questions regarding Witch 15 and learned a lot. First question was related to what I wrote about in my last journal entry:
One thing is tickling my brain here, though.

Is it detrimental to validate her body DURING sex?

Like with HBWidflower, who is a Submissive and Service Oriented girl. She was constantly looking to please me in bed while I dominated her, but when I did not validate her body in particular, she started apologizing for “not having the biggest boobs” and “being so ugly” – which is BS because she knows that she’s really hot, and she clearly knows that I think the same… even though I did successfully avoid comments about her looks the entire night.

So when I did start to say things like “I love stroking my wet tongue againat your pretty titties, baby” and “I love how your cute face looks with my dick in your mouth,” it seemed to really arouse her after such a prolonged wait for validation.

So saying things like that about her body are maybe okay during sex, but just avoid basic validations like “You’re so hot” and stuff? Or maybe I’m overthinking it, but I don’t want to mess it all up by doing something stupid, either.

Maybe I’ll say the heck with my schedule and hop on the Sunday chat… which is probably something that I should have already done a long time ago.
... And here's the answer from Gun himself.
Learnings from 11/1/2020 Sunday Chat - Question #1

First question is about validation of their physical looks. I completely understand why to NEVER complement her looks during a pickup or while maintaining the relationship, but what about DURING sex itself?
Me: As if she is a girl who seeks validation for her looks/body, and you only allow her that satisfaction DURING sex, wouldn’t that be a form of operant conditioning as well? Or still avoid complimenting her body at all times?
Gunwitch: yeah almost to a fault I avoid it
Gunwitch: but id rather have it start a fight or two, because counter intuitive as it is, her noticing you not complimenting and having to fish for them or be mad about it is way better than her thinking you can't resist her
Gunwitch: promoting insecurity in any form you can make it gives you better control
Gunwitch: even if it causes drama
Gunwitch: you don't make it, she will haha
Gunwitch: yeah even if it turns me on though, i'll just think it rather than say it
Gunwitch: not a game killer or anything if you've otherwise got hand
Me: Got it, didn't think about it like that before... but it makes a lot of sense now. So if she complains about it, you just reframe her complaints like "you know, I think judging people based on their physical appearance is so shallow" and just make perceptions about her reality and stuff instead?
Gunwitch: yep exactly
Me: Okay, got it. So then what are some really good deep rapport-inducing things/themes to say during sex itself?
Gunwitch: I don't do much dirty talk in bed myself
Velasco: I compliment her looks after she complains. Tell her I dont do it cause then she gets all high and mighty. And that shit is annoying. As I'm saying this, she begins smiling being validated. Then I point that out, "see this is what I'm talking about" then she a happy hoe
Gunwitch: kinda in my own head enjoying it more than anything, and more physical
Gunwitch: like to pull hair, suck toes, deep eye contact, spank really hard
Gunwitch: see thats a thing too i'm a bad guy to get bedroom advice tech wise from
Gunwitch: my school of thought is completely that the more turned on she is the more likely she will cum
Gunwitch: cause ive been through some brutal battles
Gunwitch: and same chick even who use to freak out cumming in literally a minute
Gunwitch: as hand is lost, be eating her pussy for a half hour and finally she gets mad and just gives up
Gunwitch: so I've come to where I see tech in the bedroom as sort of a fantasy
Gunwitch: shes either a kitten or a tiger
So that definitely eased my mind. Point being, just get her sexually aroused. That’s the most important thing. And if I’ve gotten her naked in my bed, yeah I think I’ve got a good start on that. I must be careful with validation, though, as what Gunwitch said here really resonated with me:

“because counter intuitive as it is, her noticing you not complimenting and having to fish for them or be mad about it is way better than her thinking you can't resist her… promoting insecurity in any form you can make it gives you better control”

Will be more careful about this in the future.

Bacchus also dropped in and disappeared just as quickly as he came. But he gave a nugget of information in something called the “Eros Technqiue,” which is a welcome tidbit of advice because I’ll be honest here and say that I definitely have a lot to learn about sex itself.
Learnings from 11/1/2020 Sunday Chat: Bacchus on the “Eros Technique” + Velasco’s “Water” Tip

there's something called the eros technique i learned early on
Bacchus: there's a 3 part series of it on redtube i think
Bacchus: the technique puts her in a multi-orgasmic trance
Bacchus: and teaches you how to keep sending her over the edge
Bacchus: its effective
Bacchus: but the best part is using it doesn't sent YOU over the edge
Bacchus: because its not constant thrusting and focus on your dick's head
Bacchus: if the girl is a beauty i like longer sex sessions
Bacchus: especially back when i was only doing ons
Bacchus: i hated thinking, "bah that was over too soon"
Velasco: Old move I learned early on is as they are in pain asking for a break, I start smiling kinda laughing at them, "what's a matter u good haha?" She respond ya I just need a little break. I go, "aight hold up let me get u a water"
Velasco: Go get then a water. Little do they know I was just seconds away from cumming
Velasco: But it's the illusion I'm creating that counts

Alright, yep. Definitely need to check out the Eros Technique, then. Only thing is that I have just about every porn website blocked, and I'm a bit apprehensive to unblock any of them, even for a few minutes... Hmmmmmm.

Okay, next question about Witch 15 now.
Learnings from 11/1/2020 Sunday Chat - Question #2

Next question Gun… I’m really interested by your time-distortion techniques. Just trying to make sure that I understand them fundamentally
Me: So what it does is that it gives her an additional sense of investment because she FEELS like you have become a very familiar, integral part of her life. And then that she also now recognizes the feeling of what it would be like to be without you, which is a feeling intensified by the technique. Is that how it works?
Gunwitch: It also sort of inserts you in at a heroic level if you do the full guided exercise, February/October man
Me: And then that would include the verbal matching you talk about right? So the process is really just questioning her timeline > verbal matching > reframe with you in her timeline > further questioning?
Gunwitch: yep
Gunwitch: are all sort of visualizing energy as balls and moving them around, really complex stuff that doesn't have any extra effect
Gunwitch: I keep it barebones so its easier to focus and really deliver the most useful 90% of the effective stuff, and throw out all the other 10%, to strengthen the 90%
Gunwitch: whats the Bruce Lee thing "I don't fear a man that knows 1000 kicks I fear the man whos practiced 1 kick 1000 times" or something like that
Gunwitch: you've got it
Gunwitch: just mastering that, simple as it sounds is the key
Gunwitch: its like modalities
I need to remember that process for the time-distortion techniques. Questioning her timeline > verbal matching > reframe with you in her timeline > further questioning.

Cool, learned a lot overall here. And also a lot from Gun's recent article as well.

I’ll start off on a miscellaneous note. My rendezvous with HBWildflower made me realize something. Sure, she did like my dick. But my dick can be a lot better sensitivity-wise. Seems like I have a bit of death grip syndrome – not too bad, though I see that there’s plenty of room for improvement. Will be making a few adjustments to remedy this, and we’ll see how it goes.

As for this throat infection. You know, I hate these antibiotics. 10 days taking these annoying pills. The symptoms peaked late last week and have gradually – but annoyingly slowly – subsided to now just a little congestion and an occasional cough. Though, try not coughing when trying to speak slowly and deeply from the chest. YEAH. Oof, not too easy. And we all know the looks you get if you cough.

Although, this throat irritation has resulted in me drinking more tea, and I’m liking it a lot. I feel the effects. I mean, I’m not Teevster or Bacchus sipping oolong tea from the Fujian province with three girls kissing their thighs, but it’s a start. Was it really barely even two months ago when Bacchus scolded me for saying dumb things about tea? Wow, in reflection, that was quite the turning point.

The STD scare has been avoided for now. I’m clear of that, but STD or not… this throat infection has kept me out of the game for almost two weeks. Ugh.

A bit of good news, though. Earlier today, I finally got the go-ahead from the doctor to resume kissing and sexual activity.

I’m back in the thick of it at last. The next two weeks will see unprecedented levels of gaming - I have to make this time count before the semester ends.

And oh yeah. One more thing. Unexpected things do happen… and can turn a bad day… into a good day… in just an instant.

That’s just one truth this world of seduction has already taught me.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Saturday, November 7
Street Nightgame - 3 approaches, 2 numbers, 1 failed pull

At last.

I return to the field.

Such an inopportune absence, but it doesn’t matter now. All that matters is squeezing every single ounce of opportunity from the coming weeks, and by opportunity, I do mean that in the most debaucherous sense.

My weekly focus are drawn from my recent learnings.
Weekly Focuses: 11/7 - 11/15
  1. Project sexual state - mirror neurons. I want to fuck her, she wants to fuck me.
  2. Identify her sexual fantasy archetype and channel it.
  3. Pull/move on high note with no hesitation.
Bonus: Ambiguity is an aphrodisiac (credit: Teevster) - NO DIRECT VALIDATION - ONLY PERCEPTIONS ABOUT HER REALITY
Onto the night, where excitement lies.

My go-to Black PUMA outfit receives the call, and I’m out around midnight – two hours before the bars close. It’s a gorgeous night – perhaps just under seventy degrees – and the air feels as if my skin has slipped into a sheet of supple comfort. A slight brisk breeze is a reminder of the dazzling possibilities ahead, and a tingle of anticipation shoots down my spine as my ears and eyes sense a bustle in the distance.

And then some drunk guy walks straight into me.

Super drunk, like bending over while walking drunk, and he then continues to stumble into the road as car horns blare and tires swerve. Sigh. Looks like the ladies will have to wait.

I go and grab this dude, bringing him away from the road and into a little alcove nestled into the nearest building. Drunkenly thanks me, mumbles out that he’s 18 (underage for alcohol here), doesn’t know where his friends are, and that he lost his phone. Great. This kid is close to passing out and if I leave him out here, well, not only do I leave him outside all night (his fault, though) but he’ll almost certainly be found by the ever-patrolling cops and be arrested for underage drinking.

Keep him talking and find out where he lives - it’s like an hour walk and he has no idea where he’s at. Also great. I decide to just call an uber and get this guy out of my mind. Uber comes, I basically shove him in there, tell the driver to make sure he gets in his building, and I’m out $7 but whatever, I guess that’s what I would’ve wanted someone to do for me.

Okay, now it’s time for the ladies. But that random event cost precious time, and every passing minute is crucial in this fast-paced iteration of street nightgame. I must work quickly now. My feet enter the most active part of town, and I begin my standard route. Too many moving groups, not enough singular girls. Let alone stationary.

A reminder comes wafting into my brain. Two, actually.
  1. My last approach was a lay.
  2. My last lay came when I took a chance and expanded my route.
Alright, so that helps me make the decision to bet on myself once more. It’s a lower chance of finding girls, but if they are in this direction, then there’s a higher chance of them being alone as they make their way to-and-fro their next party destination on this Saturday night.

My feet take me past where I found HBWildflower. I can’t help but feel sentimental already.

But that is an old memory now. Time to make memories anew.

A few minutes later, I see a fine figure nearing me from the adjacent sidewalk. My body instinctually pivots. When her figure enters the light, I see an olive-skinned girl with an athletic body. A tight black tee provides a silhouette for her perky cleavage, and grey sweatpants with the waistband rolled at the hips provides an enticing juxtaposition – her tight abs are firmly on display.

Time to test out a new moving opener and transition phase. Gunwitch style… and Bacchus inspired. She’s on her phone but gives a wide-eyed smile as I enter her realm of understanding.
Me: Hey… wait up. I’ve just noticed something… it’s actually really fascinating. Has anyone ever told you who you look just like?
HBVapor (stopping at my side): No?
Me: Well… maybe actually I shouldn’t tell you…. because all my women friends try to tell me this one thing and it really does make sense to me now that I take a moment to… step in their shoes and see it from their own perspective…
HB: What do they tell you?
Me: They tell me that… women tend to get internally self-conscious when they get told they look like someone famous nowadays, instantly comparing themselves… and there’s already so much pressure on women comparing themselves to others, like with all the social media that just… draws you in… but endlessly judges you for your appearance… in a beauty contest that never ends… it’s so unfair for women… because it’s true that even most men judge you in the same way… like a sexual object. It’s so unfortunate to be compared to others like that… like you must desire someone who FINALLY wants YOU for YOU. Are my friends right here, like is that how you feel, too?
HB: Yeah, of course they are! That’s so true, and yep it is unfair. What's on the inside is what matters, after all, right?
Me: Yeah I do think so as well... you know, I’ll actually let you in on a secret here… I think that I actually prefer women who think this way because that shows confidence and maturity, like you’re comfortable in your own skin… so it’s almost like you can LET LOOSE whenever you feel like it. Girls like that are so open-minded, it’s like their nights can get better in just an instant. Does that make sense?
HB: It does, yeah!
Me: Hmm… okay, good to know that we think so similarly. I do kinda get this vibe about you… hmmm…. is that kind of how you see yourself, too, like really open-minded and spontaneous?
HB (puts phone in her pocket and starts vaping): Definitely! You only live once… wait what’s your name?
Okay, so I’m feeling pretty good here. She’s attractive, cool, and feeling comfortable. Thinking there’s a chance to make something happen…

She frame grabs for my basic information as I aim to build rapport and compliance. I ask her Bacchus’ revamped golden question (she says Netflix) and also how her night is going on a scale of 1-10. She says 7, and I reframe that, followed by a pace and lead. Gets me where I want as soon enough as she asks me about my night.
HB: So how is your night going?
Me: (“Friend at the Bar” Seqeunce)
HB: (Typical response – yeah men are disgusting, only want sex, so cool that you think that way, etc.)
HB: Well, I was actually supposed to go out to the bars tonight, too, but I ended up sleeping instead haha.
Me: I don’t blame you for a second. Sometimes we do really need to just take a moment to… relax… and decompress… especially now in this crazy time… in which it feels like we have all these pressures… just weighing down on our shoulders… so yeah it makes perfect sense that you chose to take some time for yourself instead… it’s so important to really think about what we truly need. So what are you up to?
HB: Oh, I’m just heading home now. (... thought she was sleeping? Hmmmmmm.)
Me: Okay, yeah I was thinking of doing the same, but at the same time… I kinda feel like there’s still a chance to make that 7 out of 10 night… into a 10 out of 10 night… don’t you?
HB: Yeah…
Me: And it’s been so nice getting to know each other… like there’s a vibe between us now. Know what I mean?
HB (smiling): Right…
Me: So let’s keep making our nights better then... we can just take a quick walk to my place and maybe watch some Netflix or something.
HB (still smiling): I would like that, but it’s getting late…
Me: Oh, it’s not that late, and I can tell that you’re a night owl just like me. You probably stay up late all the time, right? You’re a night owl like me?
HB: Yeah I am a night owl! I usually stay up till like 6 am watching Netflix.
Me: Perfect – plenty of time then (it’s around 2:00 am). Let’s just walk to my place and keep talking… maybe we can talk about our favorite shows on the way.
HB: Welllllllllllll, okay... but I can't stay for too long :)
It was so obvious that this girl wanted me to make it happen… badly. I make a mistake here, though. Should’ve went for the uber instead of walking. Damn. But I liked talking to her and wanted to build her arousal more…. though I could have just done that at my place. This was probably my quickest pull attempt, so that probably factored into my mentality, too, as if I needed to spend more time with her when I probably didn’t.

We’re walking and talking now. I notice the bracelet on her wrist. Light touch. Receptive and giggling. By now, I’m pretty certain of her fantasy archetype… OCP. I try to channel this energy with further probing. Not sure if this question worked, but at a minimum, it is a bit emotionally stimulating. Wanted to try it and see if it supported my suspicions, though.
Me: You’re a really interesting person, HBVapor… there’s a certain special look in your eyes like you’re not like most girls.
HB: Thanks! You’re interesting, too!
Me: So I have a question for you… because I’m really intrigued by your personality.
HB: Okay, what is it?
Me: I would like you to think back to when you were just a wide-eyed girl… so curious about everything… and it seemed like the world was at your fingertips…
HB: Okay…
Me: Now… were you the type of girl who fantasized about living as a royal princess… dreaming for the prince to come… or perhaps the type who just wanted to do ANYTHING to help others… like a doctor… or maybe even the carefree type… who just wanted to roam around and explore the world with nothing holding you back?
HB: All of them actually! I went through a few phases in my life. When I was really young, well, I think all girls want to be princesses, right? Things change…
Me: Oh… what do you mean, like what changed… and when?
So it didn’t work exactly like hoped, but it became an interesting topic, and I did try to really touch on topics of spontaneity/adventure, mental freedom, and acting on emotion. She’s engaged and things are looking good when there’s a buzzing sound.

Her phone comes back out of her pocket. She says it’s her roommate and will have to take the call. At first, she tells her roommate that she’s fine (and avoids saying where she is or what she’s doing), but after about thirty seconds, the expression on her pretty face changes. Looks at me. Anxiously. Stays on the phone and tells me that her roommate partied too hard. Apparently she's sick now and needs her help. Has to help her or something. Apologizes, says that it was so nice spending time with me… but she has to go. Touches my wrist, smiles, and turns away.


I quickly catch back up to her and persist that her roommate (who is still on the phone) probably has a bunch of other people to help her, and she can definitely just keep you updated. No dice, but I number close at least. She sadly smiles again as her sexy figure walks into the distance… likely never to be seen again.

This is upsetting, but the night still isn’t over. Though, it is late now.

I meander around for some time. Eventually, I see a girl walking adjacent to me – about 20 feet away. Only one chance to make this approach work… with my voice. I call out that I have an important question to ask her. She stops immediately while I get closer. HAHA. But I know that I have to really focus on calibration after doing that.

“1-10” opener, she says 8, and then asks me. So she sets it up perfectly for the “Friend at the Bar” sequence. She’s more cute then hot but not bad – a shorter blonde. Tons of IOIs… she can’t keep her hand out of her hair. Seriously, I’ve never seen a girl play with her hair so much. In addition, she struggled to maintain eye contact. However, I can tell that she’s on-edge due to being alone late at night, which is obviously understandable. I do also get the sense that she is conservative with very high levels of ASD.

She says that she’s on her way home, and I offer to walk her back safely as I note that I definitely understand her concerns about being alone.

Asks for my SnapChat instead. Persist once more, and she affirms that she does appreciate it but would rather meet up another time. Uh-huh. I number close but will never see her again.

Around this time, I receive a response to my icebreaker text with HBVapor.
Icebreaker + Reponse with HBVapor

hey HBVapor, it's Lofty. tonight was really cool - it was like there was a vibe between us. hope your roommate is okay and let’s grab coffee sometime
HBVapor: hi i'm so sorry i don't wanna give you the wrong impression i have a bf and i don't want you to think into anything. ur very sweet though it was good to meet you!


"i don't wanna give you the wrong impression"

Lots... and lots... and lots... of ASD.


Last approach is a girl outside of an apartment complex. I do a decent job of pacing and leading with her, but she’s probably too drunk. And her boyfriend comes. The town is dead at this point.

Overall, it was an okay return to the field. I was able to test a new moving opener, and it felt pretty strong. Unfortunately, I did likely mismanage the pull with this girl. If she’s ready, I should just get her to my escalation spot as soon as possible. No messing about.

I need to really stay focused over the next two weeks. The plan is to be on the streets just about every night. I will be daygaming as well.

Results will come with poise.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Grocery store – 1 approach, 1 number
Street Nightgame – 2 approaches

The reason why this journal has been quiet this week is because that pesky infection came back. The day after my return to the field, it came back.

At least you can go to class and work, they said, “as long as you stay socially distanced, don’t share food, and refrain from sexual activities for the time being."

Yeah, I was told (and read this as well) that it’s not uncommon for bacterial infections to resurface after the first round of antibiotics are completed. So I was put on this azithromycin stuff for five more days, and if that didn’t work, then off to a specialist.

I must say that I have lost some trust in my general practitioner now. But thankfully, it looks like I’m finally over it… for good.

Fuck. That.

As a result, today marks yet another return to the field. But first, I have some important notes regarding my failed pull with HBVapor on Saturday. (Edit: weird formatting thing here that I can't fix...)
Areas for improvement with failed pull on 11/7/2020 (HBVapor)

More Sexual Arousal Frames
Should have used more sexual arousal frames, not just arousal resistance frames. If I had gotten her more aroused, then the BF objection would have likely surfaced earlier. And then I could’ve handled it.
Handling BF Objections
If she (or any future girl) mentions a BF, I’ve now learned this Gunwitch technique. It goes like:

HB: *BF objection*
Me: Oh nice… nice. Great. How long have you been together?
HB: *Answer*
Me: Ah… so how’s it working out?
HB: *Answer*
Me: *Verbally match her and reframe to show understanding*
Me: *Remember how she was hooked and high noted, then do that same hook to high note process*

Gunwitch says that this is an escape route out of the conversation like “I not only hear you… I repeat it back exactly, NOW OH yeah… (repeat that thing before that hooked)… let’s talk about YOU again."

No more games with BFs. Also can frame it as forbidden and exciting as Skills has told me, too.

De-escalating The Vibe
I learned this from the words of Teevster. When the wildcard happened, I could have tried “de-escalating the vibe” – meaning to reduce the sexual vibe in order to mitigate her defense and resistance, as that would present an opportunity to get her back to my place. This can be done by placing a further emphasis on plausible deniability while stopping all escalation.

THEN handle the situation once at my place and sexually escalate once isolation is reinstalled.

If I want to reach the next level, these are the types of concepts that I must master.
On another note... HBFoxxy.

Over my conversations with her as of late, I’ve tried to really channel her fantasy archetype by eliciting her childhood – simply attempting to build a sense that I truly understand her so that I can transform her like the PPP that she is.

I’ve also been experimenting with the childhood elicitation theme for other girls in class and work. I’m not really trying to game them but rather experimenting with their responses…

Anyway, HBFoxxy invited me to some school-related event hosted over Zoom, but… that’s lame. Maybe I should have participated, but I mean, like, I don’t want to do that.

I want to see her in person, so no reward for her dodgy behavior. There’s a social circle event on Friday night that she may be at as well, but I think I’m just going to cold approach other girls instead. Social-circle game is not my primary goal – cold approaching is.

In lieu of the Zoom snooze-fest, I watched the Eros Technique video instead that Bacchus recommended. I find learning sound sex techniques to be quite important at this stage due to my inexperience, and I think sex competence is much aligned with building my fundamentals. I understand how much female orgasms are related to sexual arousal more so than technique, so all I’m hoping to do is lay the groundwork for her to be pleasured like never before… and become addicted to me… hence the multi-orgasmic trance state facilitated by this technique. My notes are as follows:
Notes on The Eros Technique

The Eros Technique is a three-stage process:

Foreplay > Penetrative Foreplay > Sex

The foremost difference between this style and traditional sex is this “Penetrative Foreplay” stage. Honestly, it feels like a misnomer and seems like sex to me…

However, it makes illuminates a crucial procedure – delaying the male orgasm until she has had multiple orgasms of both the sequential and continuous sort. One of the key ways this is done is to replace thrusting with “freezing.”

“Freezing” is a regular 5-second exercise that involves one thrust, strengthening the abdominal muscles into a place for the women to simulate herself on, and then repeating this process until she’s delirious with pleasure and beyond ready to orgasm. It removes the inefficiency from traditional sex as thrusting is highly stimulating for the male but not the female. Freezing is the opposite.

It becomes even more important because women can remain aroused for much longer than men, even after working back towards foreplay after penetration. In fact, this old narrator wearing a suit says that hotties can be aroused for 15-30 minutes after climax. As such, the goal in this method is 1-3 orgasms in one position and then rest before reaching more orgasms.

Alright, so we get her in this sensual trance by warming her up with lots of stimulating foreplay of both the verbal and physical sort. I can do that, yep. I know I can make her wet before touching her even. Field-tested.

But yeah, the sensual trance continues with her clothes off. Banging her with this freezing technique. Looks like some great positions to do this includes adapted missionary, doggystyle, and cowgirl. So the trick is to get in these positions and do a few things before getting her rocks off. Slow penetration, head and neck massages, and kissing are a few. These continue for at least 3-4 minutes in a minimum of 2-3 positions before even trying to make her orgasm. Once this is done, she should be showing some signs.

Now. the orgasm is brought to life through the firing of a variety of physical and verbal “triggers”:

Physical Triggers: Freezing, thrusting, massaging vagina/clitoris. G-spot massage, oral simulation of vagina/clitoris, sucking/gently biting breasts, licking/gently biting neck, holding hair firmly, gently biting ear/earlobe, grabbing that booty, sticking tongue in her ear (gross), sticking tongue in her mouth (HOT), anal stimulation, grabbing her wrists firmly

Verbal Triggers (I can do these, yep): crude words (“dirty little slut”), romantic descriptions, pacing her getting banged (describing things happening… or that will happen), etc… these are really fun things for my imagination. Not too much new here besides this old man in a suit saying that research shows that the crude words are the most powerful. Mmmmm.

The triggers are then fired consecutively until she is cumming… or… begging for permission to. Yeeaahhhhh.

Cool, this process should do the trick. Old man narrator emphasizes that women can orgasm 1-3 times in each position, so it is conceivable that she can cum 15+ times in one romp after this arousal state is reached. Sounds addicting.

Boom, yeah. There we go. She’s off, obsessed with my dick, in another planet. Now I can just choose to cum whenever I want, which is pretty hilariously what this process considers the “Sex.” The man cumming.

Thinking it’ll be more likely in her mouth than her pussy, to be frank. But that simultaneous orgasm that Chase does write about sounds quite nice as well.

And that’s the Eros Technique. Good to learn – I feel like I’m truly ready to get her obsessed as a result of sex now.
Combine the Eros Technique with Daniel Rose’s Sex God, and I think I’m good to go. After all, I only want the good information. Probably lots of not good information out there. Dreamer recommended one of his secret materials as well…

I do feel like this was infinitely more useful than staring at HBFoxxy’s face on a computer screen. It readies me for the approaches for the night.

Grocery Store Approach

Before I ready for streetgaming, I make a quick stop at the store around 8:30 PM. I’m kinda a mess, dressed in a hat and sweatpants and that. I’m checking out when I see a HOT, busty brunette wearing a red tank walk in the store. One second of hesitation, you know, because I’m sliding my debit card into the pay thing.

Gunwitch’s words sound through my head.

“I see her, I want her, no screen, I just fucking go.”

I tell the cashier to hold my groceries there, and that I’ll be right back as I forget to grab something. Quickly maneuvering, I gain a sense of where this girl went. Which is the lunch meat section… and she’s with her friend. Make the most of it.

Wandering into her periphery, I meander towards her side until she takes a look. Go time. I really wanted to RPO here, so I just figure it out. Cool thing about pacing is that you can really give yourself time to figure out where you want it to go, even if it’s pretty crazy, and this is an example of that because I was very much just freestyling. (Edit: another weird formatting thing here that I can't fix...)
Me: Oh… hey there. Hold on… I’ve just noticed something really fascinating… like, I need to sound this out to a good listener. Have you ever been… you know… just going about your day… and just waiting… and waiting… for the excitement of the night to come… thinking about what
you’re going to wear… who you’re going to go out with… how much fun you’re going to have… and then you’re getting ready… and then you’re like… wait… I need to go to the store first… and then anticipation builds even more… you know what I mean? (HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA)
HBMerlot: Oh, hi… um, yeah! (HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA)
Me: Right, I’m glad you think so… yeah. that’s kind of where I’m at right now. Is that what brought you to the store, like are you making a quick stop before you go out tonight?
HB: Yeah, I might go out, maybe not though…
Me: Wait… really? Oh okay, that could make sense… like maybe you’re not one of those crazy party girls who just… revels in their own pleasure… all of the time, you know? Like maybe there’s another way to live… so you gotta tell me, though… what’s your idea of a relaxing night, then?
HB: I’m not too much into partying anymore, honestly. I’m kinda over it by now. You might think it sounds boring, but I kinda just like to sit at home these days.
Me: Actually, that makes perfect sense. I completely get that, like you had your experiences and learned that… while maybe you had some fun… you were kind of… looking for something MORE. Perhaps that’s what maturity does to us… it makes us realize that we actually have the ability to make our decisions… and build our own lives. Is that how you feel, then?
HB: Yeah…
Me: So suppose I asked you what is one thing that you really liked to do on these nights home, you know, besides eating… sleeping… and studying… what would it be?
Friend: Wait, do you two know each other or something?
Me: Wait… do you two know each other or something… OH… I don’t think that we‘ve met before, but there’s something familiar about you… like the look in your eyes… I get the sense that you’re a unique and perceptive person… like we COULD’VE met before.. but just haven’t yet… but we have now. So tell me, are you the type of girl that likes coffee?
HB: Yeah, I love coffee? Do you?
Me: Of course… yeah… I love coffee. But maybe what I like most about coffee… is the EXPERIENCE of drinking it… like it can be so relaxing when you just take a moment… to kind of slow things down, you know? For instance.. having the warm cup in your hand… and just taking a little sip to kinda give that jolt to your mind… and maybe even looking out towards the stillness of the calming park. And maybe you’ll agree that it’s even better when you drink it with someone else, right? So what’s your favorite place for coffee in town?
HB: For sure… it’s [place]! They have the best [type of coffee that I don’t know because I don’t really like coffee that much].
Me: No way… that’s my favorite place, too… that’s crazy. So when do you usually go? Is it a daily thing?
HB: Maybe a few times per week when I get my check from work haha! Usually over the weekend, though!
Me: Are you serious… wow… I usually go on Sundays… that’s so crazy that we both go on the weekends and have never seen each other. *I’ve never been there in my life*
HB: Oh my god, yeah, that is crazy!
Me: So I think I have an idea of how we can change that… cause that is crazy… let’s go to [place] on Sunday and grab some coffee then.
HB: Oh well, I’m kind of busy this weekend with the semester ending soon and everything...
Me: I completely get it, me too. So many things going on… wow… it truly is like we need an easy way to stay sane. So yeah, we’ll just make it quick coffee then because of how busy we are, sound good?
HB: Ummmmmm, okay!
Me: Great, let me get your number and we’ll do that then, maybe even go for a quick walk afterwards or something… you know, a really low-key thing… just for a fun change-of-pace to the drawl of our everyday lives.
HB: :)
Friend: *wtf face*
Get her number, exchange our farewells, and then grab my groceries from the checkout.

Yup, that’s the sort of thing I need to be doing to level up.

A very experimental approach… but it felt pretty natural.

I go home, eat, and am quite lethargic, honestly – it’s been a long few weeks. I’m quite drained. Hardly muster up enough energy to clean my place and get out to the streets around 1:00 AM.

Street Nightgame

It’s a cold, foggy night. Very foggy… like there’s a mist of excitement.

To me, maybe. Seems like most others took the night off – it’s not that active.

I arrive at the primary street, and it looks like a Greek party just ended at one of the bars. Lots of suits and dresses. Most in couples. I spot an okay-looking brunette in a purple dress, alone. Arms crossed. Should’ve picked up the body language more. I walk by, she makes eye contact, looks down, and I begin.
Me: Hey there… I’ve just realized something very fascinating. Has anyone ever told you who you look EXACTLY like?
HB (bitch-tone): Who?
Me: Well, maybe I shouldn’t tell you… because honestly, I’ve been trying to be more cognizant of something that all my women friends tell me. They tell me that when women are compared to others, they may get really self-conscious… especially with all of the pressures like social media just WEIGHING YOU DOWN… it’s such a shame… like I’m sure you just want someone who wants YOU for YOU. Does that make sense, like are my friends right?
HB (bitch-tone): You should just tell a woman that you think she’s beautiful. That’ll get you places.
Me: *Stare*
HB: *Stare*
*We both simultaneously walk in different directions*
Her tone was ridiculous, and she’s also wrong. About being direct. And about how I thought she was beautiful – she was cute at most… watch yourself. She would be at the bottom of the list when remembering all the girls I’ve ever touched…

That infuriated me for just a moment before I regained my state. But it did help me realize that this opener is a bit too gamey. It’s not natural enough. I’ll think of a better iteration of that concept.

My route continues. Things are really slow. Again, the town has just a population around 50,000. So I’ve learned that I do have to develop a sniper’s consistency… if I want to get good… especially with ostensibly low-percentage gaming like this. But it’s what I have to do in these times.

I’m now resting at one of my primary benches when two girls near. They stop at the front of the nearby apartment complex. One of them thanks the other for walking her home. The remaining girl then walks in my direction.

She's a cute blonde waring a tight leopard patterned dress. Eh, should’ve been more creative with the opener. “1-10” moving opener, she answers but doesn’t stop. Clearly is of the feminist type from the conversation I overhead. While she didn’t stop, she did return my question. I go for an attention grab… “Oh… well things happen…” but she continued walking. Should’ve just told her to wait up and take a listen… to something that is really on my mind.

Later, I’m posted up at a street corner when two larger girls carrying food stop right in front of me. One realized that she lost her phone, searching her pockets about a foot away from where I’m standing. Then looks at me. Ha. I’m not interested but make casual, light conversation. She leaves to find her phone before returning within 30 seconds. Tries getting me to talk again – I’m just casual with it and decide to look elsewhere.

I try going to a different spot and hear two girls call out to me from behind. It’s clear that they’re pretty far back. I decide to act like I didn’t hear them, walk for a second more, and then post-up. I do so before seeing that they turned the corner instead. Oops.

Ends up being my final opportunity for the night. I have to get out earlier. Have to. All of my biggest successes have come after 1:00 AM, but I still need to increase my chances. I’m just so sluggish when getting ready and tidying my place. Ugh.

Improvement must come. I’ve been working on it.

New RPOs/Gambits

Lots of ideas in the works. Working on creation. New reality-pace openers and gambits to supplement the effort. Here are a few…
Hey there… you know, I’ve just realized something really fascinating about this time of year – I’m wondering if you’ll agree.

Have you ever noticed how it’s not only like the seasons are changing right now… but so are we? It’s like the leaves swap hues and fall from the trees… almost like it’s out with the old… and in with the new. Though, it’s not just the beautiful scenery that really gets us going… because it's symbolic as well… like a fresh new start… as if all of our troubles shall pass. I even get goosebumps just thinking about it… like it’s really powerful. Know what I mean?
You know, I was reading something in a science magazine the other day, and it’s actually… SO… unfair.

This scientist was describing some phenomenon… of the human bodies… about pleasure… in fact. She was saying that, of course, sex brings us pleasure… no surprise, right? We all know that… but here’s the thing. She was saying that women actually have MORE pleasure than men during sex… did you know that?

Yeah, really crazy right? Do you know why, though? Apparently it’s because these researchers took a really… deep look into the female clitoris… and they found that these are actually these absurdly pleasurable centers… like when a man stimulates the clitoris… maybe by… stroking his hand against it… or something like that… like really trying to… pleasure her... over 8,000 nerve endings are excited… so the feeling is very… very powerful… and sometimes… the women can’t even control herself anymore. It’s not her fault… she just can’t help but orgasm.. maybe even a few times... (potential entry to "8 Orgasms" Gambit)

And I’m jealous actually. Because the same researchers said that the penis only has 4,000 nerve endings… so YOU feel TWICE the pleasure of ME during SEX. I wonder how that feels… I’m trying to imagine it… it must feel so nice… like you’re completely losing control… and the only thing that your mind thinks about… is how good it feels to have your clit rubbed… let alone… licked. So it feels really good to have your clit licked then, like it’s really sensitive?
(Note: I saw Glow discuss the "guilty pleasures" concept somewhere...)

So I think that I like talking to you… you’re actually very open minded and a great conversationalist – I like women like that. In fact, I would really enjoy hearing your thoughts on this fascinating discussion that I was having with one of my friends.

She was telling me all about how every single one of us has, what she called, a “guilty pleasure.” Now, I was naturally intrigued, so I asked her to… tell me more. And here’s what she said.

My friend told me to imagine yourself alone at your place… you know, one of those nights where you take some “me” time for yourself, maybe… and take a moment to think about what you really like to do… when no one else is watching. Now say that you were stressed all week at school… and work… and you had all this pressure just… weighing down on your shoulders… what would you do to LIFT that pressure? Like… something… soothing… relaxing… indulging… can you think of something like that?

Naturally I asked what my friend what hers was… because we are all curious, right? And I was quite shocked. She blushed a bit… like she started shifting around… but knew that she could really trust me… so she opened up. She described how she buys all of these exquisite lotions from Victoria’s Secret… all of her favorite scents… vanilla… lavender… honeysuckle… something like for a romantic night even. Dimming the lights… she lights a few candles… the light is flickering now… she takes a warm bath… and feels so relaxed… like nothing even matters anymore besides her pleasure… and just lets the calming sense of the… warm water… wash over her… like the nighttime waves of the ocean… sweeping away all of her concerns…

Yeah… sounds nice, right? Then she finally dries herself off… slowly… with a fresh, warm towel… and grabs her favorite lotion… this rose-scented lotion… and lathers it all over her body… not missing a single spot… and really taking her time to… rub it in… like SHE is the most important person in the world… and in that moment… SHE IS. And she even said that if she wants to reward herself… she might even take a handful of lotion… and caress her breasts… imagining her crush… or even move her hand… down her skin… down her chest… down her stomach… and even rub her… oh… you know…

Putting on a silk bathrobe… she said hers was this purple silk bathrobe… she lays in bed… it’s dark now… and remembers how nice the warm water felt against her tired skin… how nice the lotion felt against her tired muscles… and how soothing the silk bathrobe feels against her feminine body… and drifts into sleep… hand wandering… wherever she pleases.

I was really interesting by this, you know, because it shows that we CAN and SHOULD treat ourselves, right? Don’t you think so?

My guilty pleasure? You first…

(oh yeah, I do have something planned for MY guilty pleasure… and it’s meant to PULL.)
(Credit to Teevster for the concept)

You know what really... makes my blood boil? You have to hear this...

Someone called my friend something… and she told me all about it… it’s such a shame.

See, my friend is this open, expressive person, and that’s a good thing, right? So she was casually talking about sex with one of her sorority sisters… about how relaxing it was to… really feel intimate with another person… that you really like… skin touching… and heart throbbing. The two of them were deep in discussion, even discussing their favorite sex positions… when another girl butts in and calls them both… wait, get this… perverts

Yeah, that’s so cruel, you know? But here’s the thing. My friend, she was upset by this, but she’s the type to stand her ground… and she loves being expressive about sex and stuff… so she looked up what pervert actually means… and it’s not what we may think at first, you know, like having our minds FIXATED on SEX… ALL OF THE TIME…

The historical definition is actually just “not acting in accordance to what is natural.” And our understanding of what pervert means is actually just based upon what they thought was natural centuries ago… which was only sex for reproduction!

But now, we don’t think like that anymore, right? And casual sex is so perfectly normal now… so she came up with the argument that because casual sex is actually so liberating, you know, and even things like oral sex, like YOU getting your pussy licked… or ME getting a blowjob… she said that since those things are so natural…

Get this… that those who DON’T have casual sex are actually the true perverts… because they don’t act on their innermost desires… their fantastical whims… those natural feelings that we all have… like we should be able to act on those, you know, whenever the moment is right, because these desires do lead to such beautiful adventures…

But yeah, she really flipped the script on that girl, right? Isn’t that great that she was able to… defend what she felt was right, you know, being so naturally expressive and… sensual?
Serious business here... I have to earn everything.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Friday, November 13, 2020
Street Nightgame – 3 approaches, 3 numbers

I’ll be honest here.

There is something bothering me.

I wrote out two different rants as a result. Both of them are rather fine ranting, in my opinion. But then, I remembered a detail I read one time. About Abraham Lincoln.

He had this technique called “hot letters,” or something like that.

If he was upset at someone, or something, he’d use the quill for his emotions, and the paper as his punching bag. After the ink dried, he let it sit. Next day or so, he’d take a look at the angry letter. Then throw it in the fireplace.

Because he knew that sending angry letters around wouldn’t gain him any friends. What would it accomplish to make things better? Nothing.

And after letting the ink dry, he realized that he didn’t even want to send the letter anyway.

I can adopt that. It makes sense to me. The ink has dried on that rant – no need to be angry in this journal.

Okay, now that’s out of the way.

As planned, I bailed on the social-circle event, and hence the opportunity to see HBFoxxy in skimpy clothing. There will be better times for that. For now, cold approaching is a must. To develop real choice with women.

Unfortunately, I still am feeling this frustrating wave of lethargy in my body. Perhaps the cure will be found with a girl in my bed.

I’m out around 12:30. The town is the busiest I’ve seen it in weeks. Everyone is trying to get their partying in before the semester ends.

After one circling of my route, I post-up on the main street. Spotting an okay blonde with a mask on looking in my direction, I make my way over. “1-10” opener and she’s receptive. Says 5. I reframe, and it’s going pretty well into the transition phase. After a couple minutes, her boyfriend stops by.

En garde, Lofty. No fights are in the plan for tonight. I pacify him by recounting how his girl’s night is only halfway to a ten. And how he can make it better. He laughs and I make my leave as they hug and stuff. She was receptive, though.

More meandering follows. Soon, I notice an attractive brunette wearing an oversized flannel shirt and white boots sitting on the curb, waiting for a ride. Surely a Southern gal. A quite attractive one.

I wander in her direction planning to induce an AI. She doesn’t look up from her phone, so I just casually walk to the side of her other shoulder. Then she looks up at me. Spontaneous RPO time.
Me: You know, I’m waiting for a ride, right? And I guess you are too… do you ever get that feeling, like, your friends say that they’re going to pick you up… and then you’re left waiting… fending for yourself… but at the same time, it’s actually nice just to be relaxing out here, you know? Taking the vibe of the night in… it’s a unique vibe… like everyone is just trying to get their fun in NOW. Know what I mean?
HB: I am waiting for a ride! Don’t worry, I’m sure that your friends will come get you!
Me: Well, about my friends actually… do you consider yourself an open-minded person?
HB: VERY open-minded!
Me: Great, I’d really like to sound something out with you if you’ll take a close listen… I do get the sense that you’re an open-minded person, so I’d like to hear your thoughts on this.
HB: Sure!
*I sit down on the curb next to her and hold eye contact*
Me: Well, it’s something that happened to my friend Kayla tonight, it’s really bothering me… men are just so disgusting… [continue with “Friend at the Bar” Sequence]
HB: Oh my god, yeah, I bet that was scary! Is she your friend… or girlfriend?
Me: Ah, just a friend, but I like being open with my friends, you know? It’s like we can connect so much stronger that way.
HB: Yeah! So what did you tell her?
Me: What did you tell her… well… I told her that I understand how scared she must have been, and that I feel so bad for women because most men just view them as sexual objects. But that they’re actually so much MORE than that. Not just someone to be thrown around in bed, right? I told her that you must be hoping for someone who FINALLY wants YOU for YOU… and while it was a rough night… she should realize that there are certain special men out there… who can make your life better… in just an instant… with an open-mind. What would you have told her? I think she wanted to be comforted, don't you think?
HB: Definitely, I think you told her the right things! I actually love talking about this stuff…
*her uber comes*
HB: Oh, I’m sorry… hold on, I don’t think that’s my ride!
*I see her phone and it’s obviously her ride, but she doesn’t want it to be. She goes up to the passenger window, leans over to the door sticking her booty out towards me, and confirms with the driver*
HB: I’m sorry! It is my ride! I’d like to keep talking about this with you, though! But my roommate is waiting for me at our place!
*she comes over to hug me, but I don’t open up my arms just yet*
Me: Okay, no worries. I completely understand. I actually would like to keep talking to you as well – you’re very insightful… and there’s something unique about the look in your eyes… as if you’re not like most girls. How about I come with you and we can continue this discussion?
HB: *sexually frustrated face*
HB: My roommate probably doesn’t want me to bring any boys over...
Me: Right, that does make sense. But it’s like we already know each other so well already, and I’d actually love to meet your roommate if she’s as down-to-earth as you are.
HB: *sexually frustrated face*
*She tells the uber driver that he can pull into the nearby parking lot to wait for her*

HB: Maybe another time? It’s getting late…
Me: Oh it’s not that late, and I’m sure we’ll both be up for a few more hours anyway. Come on, let’s just hang out for a bit longer.
*hugs me*
HB: Do you want my number? We can talk another time!
Me: Right… sure.
So I number close, and she waves to me as the car takes her away. I think that I actually could have kissed her when she hugged me. Maybe I should’ve because I’m never going to see her again. The entire interaction was maybe five minutes – my sexual projection was solid. Might've been a different story with more time.

My next set is in one of my primary locations. There are a few benches lined up against an apartment complex that is on the way home for a decent amount of people returning from the bars. There is a larger girl with a cute dog, and two attractive girls are on one of the benches playing with him. An open bench is next to the girls – one of them is rather enticing, as she wears a little pink strapless top that exposes most of her upper body. She’s the target.

I roll into the set once the larger girl with the dog looks at me. I also notice both the girls on the bench eyeing me as well. But I don’t acknowledge them just yet.
Me (to Larger Girl): Wow, your dog is quite adorable… a corgi, right? It’s like he’s so happy right now… getting so much attention… like his happiness is the only thing in the world that matters… it’s as if he has no worries at all! Mind if I pet him?
*I have all of their attention now*
Girl: Oh yeah, he’s a happy dog! Sure, go right ahead!
*I sit down on the open bench and begin to pet the dog – he’s a lovable pup and really likes the head massage I’m giving him*
Me: He’s so calm and relaxed… hey, have you ever heard what they say about dogs and their owners?
Girl: No, what do they say?
Me: Well, it’s that dogs reflect the personalities of their owners… so if he’s really calm… and has such a relaxed disposition… and so friendly and open towards other people… is that how you kind of see yourself? Like are the two of you really close, like best friends almost?
Girl: Haha, I try to be like that! He is my best friend! He actually has separation anxiety. I can’t even leave him alone for ten minutes. He follows me around, and even sleeps with me! He loves to cuddle in bed!
Me: He loves to cuddle in bed…
Me (finally turning to the cuties on the bench who have been quietly watching): I mean, who wouldn’t want to cuddle in bed with him, right? He’s like the most loving dog I’ve ever met, don’t you think so?
HB1: He’s soooooooo cute! I’d cuddle with him all day :p
Me: Yeah, I’ve heard that cuddling actually releases tons of dopamine… it’s like just this sensation of touch just makes your life so much better. Like an intoxicating drug, but a good one… hold on, I’m actually getting a sense about you two…
*some other guy comes up and ask to pet the dog, and I let the dog go, but he comes back to me. HAHA. But I give him a quick pet before he goes to the other dude, who talks with the larger girl*
Me: I’m getting this vibe from you two… like you’re good friends, right? Like you’ve probably spent the whole night together… bar-hopping, and having a good time? Sisters ‘till the end, something like that, always looking out for each other?
*They both giggle and agree*
Random guy: It’s because they’re dating!
Me: Wow, is that true? Are you… dating?
HB2: Haha, only when we want a guy to go away!
HB1: Haha yeah ;)
Me: That is a rather clever tactic. I can tell that you are pretty experienced with the random groping guys of nightlife, like they just see you as a sexual object… yeah, maybe most men are like that… I’d want them to get away, too. But come on… does that mean that you two have made out before?
*They both giggle again*
HB1: Just a few times ;)
Me: Well hold on, this is really interesting. Some people might judge women for being bisexual… or even experimenting… but that’s such a shame, right? Especially because all my women friends tell me that men don’t really know how to be good lovers… like they’re only in it for their own pleasure… and they don’t want to be affectionate and sensual with a women who really cares about them, so it’s disappointing. So it would make perfect sense that you’d want to try it with a woman… who knows her way around a girl’s body… and knows the right places… to really get you going. Maybe some men are like that, too, though…
That thread continues well for a few more minutes, and it’s going pretty well. The random guy tries talking to them, but they come back to me just like the dog did. Then two more guys come over trying to talk to the girls. The random dude others himself instantly by asking one of these guys if he’s from the Middle East, to which he responds that he’s from New Jersey. The girls jump on the random guy for being so judgmental.

The set became even tougher with all these people coming. However, I made the decision to commit to these two girls as I see that there's a chance here. I pacify all these other guys and control the conversation until the random guy leaves, followed by the larger girl, and then followed by the two other dudes who actually had pretty solid fundamentals.

Now, it’s just me and the two girls after maybe about thirty minutes. I try running more social frame material and screen for logistics. The hotter girl lives by herself at a place about a two minute walk from where we are. Her friend talks about getting a ride home.

The plan becomes to wait for her friend to leave, then isolate the hotter girl in the pink top. Unfortunately, the friend decides against getting a ride after about 15 more minutes of chatting. I think she wanted to stick around.

This is where I mess up. The hotter girl answered to the revamped golden question that she really liked singing, so I invited both of them to my place as I produced music myself. ASD kicks in, especially as I hadn’t been fractionating any sexual arousal stuff since the lesbian talk. Hotter girl says that she’s getting cold and it is about 3:30 now, so it’s probably time to go home, she says.

I say that we should hang out at her place for a while longer because it’s been such a great conversation, right? And her place is so close after all, plus it is getting cold. So yeah, just a few more minutes to talk would be so much fun because we can be honest that none of us are going to sleep, anyway.

They want to say yes, but I didn’t set enough sexual frames to make it happen. They hesitate, huddle, and then object, recommending that we can hang out another time.

I have them agree that we’re all so busy at this time of year, and there is no time like the present, and we should really take advantage of the spontaneous opportunities that life presents us. They agree but still object. I offer to walk them there because I am really thirsty and could use water anyway. They huddle again and object that we just met, and they know what I’m trying to do.

They reiterate that we can just hang out another time. I can’t think of a way to persist further without being uncalibrated, so I just number close and leave.

Damnit. Both wanted me. I know it. Just didn’t get it done.

If I had either one of them alone, I’m confident that I could’ve banged. It was those huddles, though. The ASD became intensified every second they talked about it. The remedy was more sexual arousal and improved plausible deniability. I must increase my consistency in these aspects.

I walk around more, testing the fortune of the night.

I see HBAstro wandering around past 4:00 AM. We both basically just laugh. No interest in her after whatever weirdness she pulled last time we talked.

Unfortunately, I do not find another opportunity.

Oh well. Solid night overall.

Yet, the number closing is practically a waste of my time. Might as well do it, but I’ve seen that nighttime numbers rarely lead anywhere no matter the interest during the approach.

Just how the game goes. We move on.

Here’s to better closing next time.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

It is a shame that Cirrus has gone over ten days without an update.

Quick update: that girl HBMerlot from the grocery store is a dead lead, and so are many others unfortunately. But I’ve been approaching and have all of my conversations typed, rearing for release.

Overall, I’ve been attempting to maximize my time in-field while also managing the end of my academic semester. The end of in-person classes has come, and so has my frustration regarding lost time over the past three months. Which is a reminder that I’ve only been approaching girls for only three months.

And a few of these weeks were bent out of shape due to a legal case. Over a week thrust into the abyss due to a completely unnecessary burn wound. And three as a result of a bang-your-head-into-the-wall type of pesky infection.

Perhaps that’s too negative. After all, I’ve made a lot of progress. Just like how I took HBWildflower from stranger to bedroom, I’ve taken myself from socially oblivious nice guy to… something.

There’s a ways to go, though. I probably should have had a few more lays this semester. There were some close calls. I should be converting on at least some phone numbers. Things to work on.

Now, I’m back in my small hometown. I’ll be here until classes resume, which is a while. My mom is in her 60s (she was in her mid-40s when I was born), so I have to be very careful. This town also only has a few thousand people, and I’m without a car. I'll find ways to get better in the meantime as approaches will be scarce. But maybe I’ll come across a hottie on occasion.

As long as it’s not Miranda from down the street… the last thing that I need is my mom asking me if I’m dating Miranda from down the street and having her family come over for Christmas dinner.

*Enter the Time Machine*

Thursday, November 19
Daygame – 1 approach, 1 number
Street Nightgame – 7 approaches, 3 numbers, 1 make-out, 1 pull

How strangely this day begins. It's a sign of things to come...

We enter the fray with a 7:00 am practice presentation with HBFoxxy and HBVerve. I’m on zero hours of sleep, but I’ve drank my green tea. I’m ready to go. Our actual presentation is in a couple hours. On the way there, my uber driver happens to be a local voice actor, and I ask him for some vocal tips. He comments that my tonality is good, but I should work on my projection.

He says to imagine that I’m a whale, and the top of my head is being pulled up by a string. Then he says to visualize the inside of my mouth being widened before thinking to blow my voice upwards through the blowhole. Kind of a weird picture to paint, but I think I get what he means.

The gang goes through the practice, and then we get into a nice discussion. After a semester full of efforts, HBFoxxy is finally beginning to open up to me. She reveals how infuriated she’s been by school and how it’s time to move on to something new. Good thing for her is that she’ll be graduating in May. Hey, that could be a good thing for me, too…

We crush the presentation as usual with me giving some experimental verbals. I’ve now regained this girl’s respect after my terribly uncalibrated date offer in the pre-Lofty era.

After class, HBFoxxy once again tells me how well I did, blah… blah. Sneakily, she always subcommunicates that she still has leverage over me and says things like this meaning well, but in this setting, she knows that she’s higher value than me.

I’m still not at the point where I can close her. And a misstep now would set me back, so this shebang carries into next semester. If you want a REAL social circle experiment, then head over to Smash City, where Bismarck has tangible magic going on.

Following this ordeal, I go out for a walk before work and see something... fascinating.

I’m thinking about maybe doing a daygame approach or two when I see a guy carrying around a camera affixed to a monopod. He walks for a bit, and then “hides” behind a five-foot sapling. Then, I see the line of sight of the camera… no way! It’s following another guy walking up to a girl! AND OPENING HER!!!!!

Is this an in-field? I’ve never even seen anyone else approaching girls, and now I’m right in the middle of an in-field?

This is too good. My interest is piqued. I quickly find a bench and observe within earshot.

The guy, who actually looks to have pretty solid physical fundamentals (about 6’3, 180, muscular, good posture, decent attire, well-groomed facial hair), just stopped a moving girl. Okay, okay… here’s the opener…

“Hey, I just broke up with my girlfriend, and I think you’re hot. Do you want to go on a date with me to help me feel better?”




The girl is indeed pretty hot, and she looks at him like wtf, why is guy saying this to me? She apologizes saying that she has to go to class and wishes him well on feeling better, strutting along.

Next girl. BLOWN OUT.


It's happening often.

This guy is just not hooking with this direct, knee-jerk opener. And that is nothing against direct game because I know that there are A LOT of VERY good direct gamers in both the PUA past and PUA present. OGs, as Dreamer would say.

But this is not that. This is knee-jerk volume game.

I’ll be honest when I say that this guy probably is more naturally attractive than me. More “facially symmetrical” or whatever. But he is getting nowhere. No hooks, and if the girl stops, then she is stuck trying to process this guy. You can see it in her expression. And only moving targets, too.

I overhear a few people sitting around me beginning to notice, saying how weird it is that he’s walking up to random strangers to ask them on dates. This gives me an idea. I’ll approach a girl that walks away from him.

The very next girl politely declines his offer and continues in my direction. She is en route to pass by my bench. I casually gander at my phone until I peripherally sense her presence. I don’t feel her eyes, but no matter.
Me: Hey there… hold on for a second. I just noticed something really peculiar… and I really would like some clarification here.
HBBlowout (stopping): Yeah?
Me: I’m wondering… did that guy in the black shirt… just walk up to you… OUT OF NOWHERE… and ask you out… like you were best friends or something?
HB: Oh my god, yeah! It was so weird! He just walked up to me and said that he broke up with his girlfriend and wanted to go to on a date with me hahahaha.
Me: Wait, and you don’t know him? Never even seen him before?
HB: No, never!
Me: Hold on, this is crazy, I’ve never seen anything like this before. Actually… yeah, sit down with me for a second – I have an important question to ask you about this now.
HB: Umm…
Me: Yeah, just for a second… I mean, you’re not a serial killer or anything, right?
HB: No haha, okay. *sits down next to me*
Me: So he was just like, judging you for your looks, then… like he didn’t even care to get to know you before asking you out?
HB: I guess so, yeah…
Me: Wow, that’s such a shame, isn’t it? I feel like that’s almost representative of most men these days, you know? My female friends tell it to me all of the time – and I see it, too – about when they go out, all these guys do is grope them and treat them like a sexual object… but isn’t it actually what’s on the inside that matters? Like these guys don’t even care to get to know YOU for YOU, right?
HB: Don’t even get me started. Those guys are just like my ex.
Me: Those guys… are just like your ex? So let me guess… you were in a relationship, like we all have been in, and things are going well… and then one day something happens… or maybe even you just wake up… and realize… what am I doing… like this isn’t the person of my dreams, you know?
HB: Haha yeah. He actually cheated on me. Screw him. That was a couple of months ago.
Me: Cheated… on you? No way… but I get the sense about you that you’re this open-minded, chill type of person…
HB: Sometimes apparently we’re just not good enough!
Me: Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t good enough for you?
HB: Of course!
Me: Okay, well let me ask you this, then. What are three things that you would look for in a guy… besides his looks? For example, maybe it’s the way that he would look into your eyes, like he’s piercing your soul, or maybe even how he brings you so close and holds you so tightly on a bad day… like I’m really curious, what would these three things be for you?
HB: Well, he has to be able to hold a conversation. My ex couldn’t really do that. Has to be family-oriented.
Me: Yeah, I actually get all of those things. Like he has to be a complement what you want and need, right?
HB: Yep!
Me: Oh wow... I lost track of time talking to you, but I have to head to work now... but here, let me get your number and we can talk more over coffee or something.
HB: Sure...
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh. That was a fun approach. Good energy.

And yep, I don’t think that guy had much material for his video.

Walking to work, I walk by the girl who was my first kiss. In fact, I walk by her twice. This girl is a hot but super crazy Cluster B type, and that little thing DID NOT END WELL FOR LOFTY.

Bothers me for a second and then hypes me up. I wasn’t Lofty, then. But I am now.

Onto the night. And it was a wild one:

FR++: The Husband Wildcard


Friday, November 20, 2020
Street Nightgame – 1 approach

First things first. I have a sexy cheerleader to text.
11/20/2020 Text Conversation With HBCheerleader Following 11/19 Encounter

Hey HBCheerleader! It was cool seeing you again last night. I think your friend was right to get you back home haha but we should definitely catch up soon
HBCheerleader: Hey! I know how random that we saw each other! Sorry for not staying longer but it had just been a lonnng night and yes I needed to go home. I hope you’ve been good!
Me: I get it haha, I was having a lonnng night as well. But yeah, I feel like so much has happened since we last talked. How's cheerleading going in this dystopia world?
No response to that. Ugh. My text game needs some band-aids. But I didn’t expect much from it, even though she said to text her.

As for the night, the last Friday of the semester turns out to be more like the deadest Monday. Apparently most people had already left for break.

So I’ll be brief.

I mess this up.

I’m sitting at my favorite bench. Lone girl walks by. I open with, “Hey, I have a VERY important question for you… do you consider yourself an open-minded person?”

She says yeah. I say good, and that I would love to hear thoughts on something that happened to my friend. Ask her to sit down with me – she asks if I’ll kidnap her. I ask if she’ll kidnap me. She sits down giggling. Then I hook, immerse, and arouse her using the Purity Gambit-influenced stuff detailed in my FR from Thursday. Also elicit her past some.

But I hesitated on the pull attempt because I wasn’t sure if she was attractive enough. She was, though. She was cute and cool.

Then, I lost her while wallowing in my indecision. I need to work past this standards problem if I am to reach abundance.


Saturday, November 21, 2020
Street Nightgame – 1 approach

Again, it seems as if most people have already left town. The place revolves around supporting the university students – without them, it’s practically a ghost town.

I’m back at my favorite bench when a solid two-set walks by within a few moments of me sitting down. A cute brunette asks me how my night is going. Her friend doesn’t even look away from her phone. I politely answer and repeat the question, though I don’t try to hook because I want a lone girl and don’t want to waste precious time.

Turns out to be a big mistake as my opportunities are scant. I move around some, but not much is going on. I return to the bench, and eventually another two-set passes by around 2:00 AM. This is an interesting approach even though they’re not very attractive. I catch their words before they reach me.
Girl1: Come on, you should try masturbating! It’s just like being with a guy.
Girl2: No way! I could never imagine touching myself…
Girl1: But you can get off anytime you want! Actually, I’ll be good without sex forever, really.
Girl2: It’s not the same, though…
*they’re now passing me*
Me: Hey… hold on. That seems like a really interesting discussion. I’ve kinda heard my friends talk about that stuff some. I’m just sitting here waiting for a ride – here, sit down… let’s discuss this…
Girl1: Oh, it’s girl stuff…
Me: Right, I completely get that. I happened to hear just a bit of the discussion. You were saying that you’re good without sex? Yeah, that makes sense, right, because my friends tell me that most men really suck in bed. What’s more is that most guys will be too scared to even talk to you…
Girl1: See? This guy gets it!
*she sits down*
Me: Alright, so this is quite fascinating. If I heard correctly, you’re okay without sex? But you’re not asexual or anything?
Girl1: No, I’m not asexual! It’s just that it’s so hard to find a boyfriend. So many guys are douchebags.
Me: For sure, like they’ll only view you as a sexual object. It’s such a shame that women have to deal with that. But not all men are like that though… like some really know what they’re doing. And you just… satisfy yourself, then?
Girl1 (blushing): Oh, yeah haha…
Me: No, it’s all good – this is a really interesting topic. Especially now with COVID – it’s even harder to find good sex. I’ve seen it, too. It’s just like how you were saying that masturbation isn’t the same as sex – I personally agree with that. *Looking at Girl2 now* There’s nothing like the connection you get from being so close and sensual… and in bed… under the sheets with a hot person. But I guess your friend is just frustrated of how hard that is to find, is that right?
Girl2: Yeah… it’s hard to find a guy, but you can’t replace it, I don’t think…
Girl1: She’s never masturbated before!
Me: Wow, never? That’s cool, though, we’re all into different things. Maybe that’s why she can’t imagine doing it – she’s so used to human touch and companionship. It can work both ways… for example, did you know that a lot of men can’t get it up because how used they are to ONLY touching themselves? So when it finally is time for sex, they can’t pleasure the women despite pleasuring themselves all of the time… so it’s an interesting dynamic.
Girl2: Is that why guys can’t get it up sometimes?
Me: Yeah, like I said… might be part of it. Could be a few things. Age, health and diet… porn. That kind of stuff. It’s so unfortunate because porn has ruined a generation of men… because what’s more is that it’s made them distant to the feeling of connection with a real woman. You know, like kissing your lips… cuddling your body … caressing your breasts … all of the things that women enjoy. I completely understand how frustrating it must be to deal with guys like this.
Girl1: Do you watch porn :)
Me: Only really kinky stuff. And… only lesbians. But I try not to watch it often because of what I said before… it can mess you up. Though it does give some inspiration for the real bedroom… for instance, what I really like doing now is picking a girl up… throwing her HARD down onto the bed… ripping off her clothes… whispering dirty things into her hear… letting her know exactly what I’m going to do to her… and listen to hear lustfully moan… whimpering for more… making her fully submit to me… and I run my fingertips down her chest… but never touching her nipples… just teasing her… around… and around her nipples… feeling the warmth of her skin… her fluttering heart… her goosebumps… and then tying up her hands with my belt… so she’s unable to escape. If she’s being especially naughty, I’ll… pull on her hair… HARD… and then… take a collar. And I’ll put her on a leash and… and make her beg… and… oh, I’m sure you get it.
Girl1: o_O
Girl2: o_O
Me: Yeah anyway nice meeting you guys, looks like I have to catch up with my ride. Take care!
And I make my leave lol.

Plus, I guess that’s me KJ’ing in real-life a little bit haha.

Like I said, they weren’t that attractive. I wanted to find a hottie.

I didn’t, though.


Sunday, November 22, 2020

This day sucked.

I wake up late after being out late sans results. Miss most of the potential daygaming opportunities, and as aforementioned, the town is already dead. Moreover, it’s the Holy Day in the South. All the bars (and many businesses) are closed, so no street nightgame.

The best café here is closed, so I go to another place. No lone girls. I try the grocery store. There’s just some old dude looking at the strawberries. I try freaking Chipotle. The worker is a girl, at least.

Autumnal leaves flow in the wind across the empty streets.

This day sucked.


Monday, November 23, 2020

This day also sucked. I worked and readied to leave.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Airport – 1 approach

The time has come. A departure away from sexy little vixens and the allure of mind-tingling blowjobs.


I do wonder if I can make something happen at the airport. It would be a last gasp, a true hail-mary. Why not?

I’m going through security – it’s a small airport, so it doesn’t take long – and the middle-aged women one spot ahead opens me. She is a secretary for someplace and also taking classes at a nearby college. We have a good discussion, and it readies me socially. Also, she reveals that she is travelling to Las Vegas to see her brother, who is in a coma. There was some freak accident during his bachelor’s party. It gives me perspective. Sometimes, those reminders are needed. We wish each other well and part ways.

One foot ahead of the other as I reach my gate, but my eyes are hungry. On the prowl. I guess that there will be some college girls going home, perhaps even from my school. It’s about twenty minutes until boarding.

The landscape in this place is uninspiring. Monotonous. Apprehensive.

Most travellers appear anxious about COVID. Masks, of course, but also full face-shields. Gloves, even. “Social distancing” insignia… everywhere.

But hey, there’s a really hot platinum blonde wearing Lululemon leaning against the wall over there. Dyed platinum blonde hair + oversized t-shirt + Lululemon + staring at phone + twirling hair = Southern Sorority Girl 101.

I see her, I want her, I go. There can be no hesitation.

Not sure whether to classify my next move as a hover or materialization. Maybe somewhere in-between. She’s on her phone, and I make a relaxed movement with shoulders and chest… breathing the air through my silk mask… and into my lungs. She notices… and looks over at me.
Me: Hey there… you know, we’re at such a fascinating place. People come from all over… and go to all over… it’s even like us… I’m assuming we’re flying to the same place… but our final destination is different… it kind of makes you wonder where everyone will end up, don’t you think?
HBAir (nervous): Oh, yeah…
Me: Yeah… I was just thinking about that… I find it so fascinating. I mean, you are flying to [place], right?
HB: Yeah…
Me: Me too. I’m originally from around [place]… I’d like to think that I know the area pretty well… where are you headed after landing?
HB: Oh alright… I’m going to see my family near [big city].
Me: Ah, I see. So you’re the big city girl who isn’t fazed by all the hustle and bustle… the constant commotion… perhaps it’s just so familiar to you, comforting even… is that right?
HB: Yeah…
She’s giving me decent eye contact at this point, but I’m not getting much out of her. I think the spotlight effect is making her nervous, in addition to the inherent expectation that we “socially distance” and keep to ourselves. I decide to keep building social frame before addressing this issue.
Me: So let me guess… you go to [my university]?
HB: Yeah… how’d you know?
Me: Oh… just a wild guess. You sort of have a certain vibe about you. I go there too, actually…
HB: Really? What year are you?
Me: What year are you?
HB: I’m a senior.
Me: Cool, yeah... me too (BS). Yeah... it’s almost sad to be done with school, you know what I mean? But at the same time, it’s like there’s a little bit of fun left still… and a bright future ahead, right?
HB: Ugh, I’m not even sure that I want to think about that yet…
Me: Right, like there’s a time for that… but not now.
*I notice her looking around at the people staring at us*
Me: Wait, hold on… I was talking to my friend on campus when it was busy the other day, and we noticed something interesting… I’m wondering what you think about it.
HB: Okay, what was it?
Me: Well, have you ever noticed how sometimes it feels like people are eavesdropping on you, but then you realize that these people are completely irrelevant... because the only people that actually matter are yourself... and the person you’re talking to? Like when you’re building a connection with someone, you can block everything else out.
HB: Yeah, I guess...
Me: It sorta reminds me of all this COVID stuff, actually. It’s as if the entire world is so consumed by it… I mean, the whole thing is just… overwhelming… if you have the news on all of the time… so I almost feel like we have to kind of block out all of the… noise… and focus on what’s really important, you know, of course, staying safe and responsible, right? But also knowing that all this shall soon pass… and we have to keep our spirits up in the meantime… even if that’s through simple things… like talking with people, right?
HB: Sure, yeah, it sucks right now...
Me: But not everything sucks, right? Sure… some things. But not… everything. For example, now… we’re going to go see family for the holidays… that’s nice. And we’re alive... and breathing… that’s nice, too. I was actually talking to a lady at security… and her brother is in a coma after an accident at his bachelor’s party… so things for us, maybe… aren’t so bad at all, really…
HB: You’re really positive! So you’re a glass half-full type of person, I take it.
Me: Yeah that’s a good observation… I think that perhaps it’s important just to see things for what they are, you know? Through all of the smoke and mirrors…
HB: Smoke and mirrors…
Me: Right… smoke and mirrors. Like in society it feels like we always wonder what’s real, you know? Is the social media that’s always judging us real… is all this “news” real… almost as if the things we really trust… are our own experiences, like what we see and feel for ourselves…
HB: That’s a good way to think about it, but I think those things are still real.
Me: Okay, that’s interesting – what do you mean?
HB: It’s just that they still exist, it’s only whether we want to pay attention to them or not.
Me: Yeah alright, I see that, I think we’re actually pretty close in thinking there.
Finally, I get her talking some after pacing and reframes. I then notice that her phone screen displays a bunch of women’s attire. She was obviously browsing for clothes prior to our conversation.
Me (gesturing towards her phone): So are you doing some holiday shopping, or just seeing what’s new and trendy?
HB: Some of both! I’m a fashion merchandising major, so I always try to keep up with it.
Me: That’s pretty cool… so you’re the type of girl who everyone wants to be their friend… like you must give the best fashion advice, huh?
HB: Haha yeah.
Me: Well, there are a lot of things to study in this world, and you chose fashion… so what is it about fashion that REALLY gets you going? Is it the chance to be on top of things… and always be ahead of the trend… like a little bit different from the rest… or is it stemming from your childhood… where you maybe hoped to be a model, or have all the clothes in the world?
HB: I’ve always been interested in it, I guess! I liked clothes and shopping. Things just kept building, and here I am! I do like to know what’s trendy!
Me: So okay, what are three things that are trendy right now?
HB: For women?
Me: Yeah, for women.
Then she goes off on fashion stuff that I really don’t know about, so I just keep asking about it. Then I ask her about fashion for men, and she goes off on fashion stuff that I really don’t know about, so I just keep asking about it.

Cool, she basically talked herself into emotional simulation.

Around this point, the plane starts boarding. She boards way before me, but I still hope to grab the seat next to her… well, I mean, the middle seats are empty. But the closest aisle seat or whatever.

I’m one of the last peeople on the plane. Guess I should have checked in earlier. Oops. When I see her, she gives me a disappointed look. All the spots around her are taken. In fact, I have to go all the way to the back to find a seat, and the closest human is a middle-aged woman wearing a face shield. Who turns out to be cranky.

That gives me plenty of time to reflect on that approach. It was okay. I kept going and got her talking. We did form a little bubble there – she became comfortable. I found something that she liked talking about after working through some reframes. Overall, I thought that was an interesting interaction.

When we’re off the plane, I find her waiting for me at the terminal. She wants to wish me a Happy Thanksgiving. That’s nice. I tell her the same, but we both have rides waiting. In fact, my ride is blowing up my phone. I number close and say that we’ll grab coffee or something next semester. She nods and says that I should know she has a boyfriend, though. Oh, and he’s on the football team. I ignore that, get her number, and make my leave.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Saturday, December 19, 2020

I’ve been contemplating a number of ways to begin this post:

May 26, 2019. 1:00 AM. Somewhere along a coastline.

Firebrand, sizzling embers deep inside, sparking with electric potency.

I made a gambit about a hot air balloon.

Getting weirder and weirder by the day, I feel more normal. Because it’s a good weird, the type that is the cure for mediocrity.

Leon, the janitor at my workplace, calls me two things: Youngblood and Walk-A-Lot.

Narc, mach, projection. Recent adds to my vocabulary.

Back at it. Quick-paced, fast-snap, here we go. Maybe read this quicker than normal. Whip, whip, whip.

The eyes of obsession. Addiction. Loss of will. I want to procure them, gaze at them. Make them daze, and make them lays.

Famous among people who know you, unknown among those that don’t.

Loneliness. There are many forms. But I don’t think that I’ve ever known of anyone else who so willingly prolongs their loneliness.

But these are better for the future than the present.

I’ll just say that things haven’t gone quite according to plan since I’ve returned home for break. No need to go into all of it. However, what I will do is continue that vexing thread from the post-lay circumstance. Yep, I had some type of infection. Couple rounds of antibiotics for that. Then got back out to the field.

At a time after that day on the plane, I began to feel my lymph nodes swelling across my body. Fevers and chills, too. More fatigue. Sore throat, again. Go to the doctor, which I scantily ever did before this October.

They give me amoxicillin thinking the prior infection flared up again. Couple days on that, boom, my skin erupts with a rash. It did that because that’s what can happen when you take amoxicillin while having mononucleosis.

Aw shucks. It kinda sucks.

Not the end of the world. Just frustrating. One of the worst emotions. My baseline state has depreciated. Sad Lofty.

I was trying to make this a dazzling absence from the field. The hard-trained offseason before the championship is won. Unfortunately, things have been moving in the wrong direction. Including my weight, which was supposed to go up! Not down…

It’s time to take back as much control as I can. To stop allowing life events to control me, and rather to control the events in my life. The impetus is a plan that will propel further action and inspiration alike.

Offseason Focuses (feat. Mono)

Better Writing

If you were to measure the first words of my sentences, my sentence structures, and word choice, you would find far too many similarities. I must make these components much more variable to stimulate new adventures and possibilities with my words. Soon, I will craft a list of euphonic yet commonly comprehensible words to incorporate into my writing (and verbals), take note of dynamic sentence structures, and allocate conscious brainpower to make key-pounding a more concentrated effort overall.


Star-like stance. That’s the goal. Fundamental issues with my tendencies must be resolved. Somatics is on my reading list, and I must, must, stick to daily stretching. Make the good things habitual.



Yikes. There isn’t much leeway when I even struggle to keep 160 on my frame in good health.

Sigh. I’ll have to push myself to design a daily, manageable bodyweight routine until 1. I feel better and 2. there’s a smaller chance of rupturing my spleen.

Vocal Training

The truth is that my voice is not even close to where it needs to be. I regularly speak from the chest with resonance. The pace is relaxed. But it doesn’t sound deep enough, nor is the projection weighty enough. It’s like what the local voice actor told me a while back. I have work to do. I’ll create a regimen just as if I was a singer or radio host or something.

Facial Skincare

I want glowing, radiant skin. Can’t have that with acne scars. Moisturizer + dermarolling.

End Porn Usage and Reduce Masturbation

It was only in July that I began masturbating to video porn on occasion.

I slipped with this BS when reading a ton about seduction over the summer. I’ve seen how it’s affected my erections that used to pop up throughout the day, and even the strength of those with my imaginations. Needs to stop before occasion turns to regularity. No place for it in my life. Downloaded some free app just to help me track my days away from lesbians on leashes. Dammit, it’s fucked me up.

Also will be reading The Multi-Orgasmic Man to learn how to separate ejaculation from orgasm. I'd imagine that dry orgasms would help my urges.

Weekly TRE

It’s become a trope on here. “I’m doing TRE now” and bleh the routine goes to shambles.

I did one session in September which significantly aided my AA at the time. While I thought that was enough, TRE can help me improve my baseline, too. Settle things down. Confiscate unnervings of the past. I’ll read more, do it weekly, and experiment with CBT and qigong in the future.

As I’m on this topic, I also began taking black maca daily. I stopped it once I broke out with the rash but will continue once I’m not wasting it on my house-riddenness.


Need to figure this out as I've decided to change my path.


I will be complete these readings at a minimum over the next few weeks:
Winter "Break" 2020 Reading List

-The Multi-Orgasmic Man
-Code of The Natural
-The Alabaster Girl
-YaReally Archive
-Selected NextASF material
-Selected MASF material
-Re-read Sex God
-Secret Principles of Pleasure
-What Every Body Is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed-Reading People (Saw this recommended by Chase I think. Seems like an okay, digestible place to start for body language)
-The Millionaire Fastlane
-No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline
-Others TBD
There are other things that I’ll be thinking and posting and refining as well. Gambits, musings, reflections and such.

Time to reboot the momentum.
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the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Here’s something that has been tickling my brain lately.

Are you able to relive what your mind drifts to every night before you fall asleep? I’m doing it right now, too, just trying to understand the fantasies that propel my feet forward in this journey of seduction.

What do you see when you close your eyes?

What really gets you going?

Maybe it’s the inspiration of a particular past moment. Perhaps it’s that first feeling you felt when you knew that a girl was entirely at your whim, melting in your arms, eyes glazed, pussy… very wet.

Or could it be that one girl? A near-miss? The social circle queen nearly out of grasp? Do you ever wonder what it would be like to have these girls in your bedroom, penetrated by you, begging for more? Dominating them, and seeing her lose herself in your lead?

The shocking thing is that most men don’t have these kinds of fantasies. Rather, according to a study performed by the University of Kansas, they prefer musing about a girl tying them up, chaining them down, and teasing them into blue-balled misery as they are… oh god.

This study, originally cited by The Thin Man on nextasf, presents a number of findings – one of which strikingly concludes that 66% of men have submissive fantasies. He noted the following observations by each sex:

57% of women have strongly submissive fantasy styles
34% of woman had neutral, switch polarity, or non-power related fantasy styles
9% of woman have dominant fantasy styles

66% of men have strongly submissive fantasy styles
12% of men had neutral, switch polarity, or non-power related fantasy styles
22% of men have dominant fantasy styles

Yeah, I think we can make a gambit out of this.

Eye-catchingly, these findings show that both the majority of men and women have submissive fantasies. And this means there is a disparity between the number of women who crave to be dominated and the number of men who are able to dominate them.

It’s possible that this concept becomes self-evident when we consider the demeanor of the common man, the type who, when seeing a pretty girl, only has quivering lips instead of ambitious feet. Praying for the girl to make things happen.

With this in mind, there appears to be plenty of juice for a tasty gambit. I’ll preface it by saying that we all have our own styles, and as such, I’ve personally seen the immense power of converting gambits into our own flavors. But here is an example of how I might run it:
Me: Picture this. You’ve probably been in this scenario a million times, so it’s likely easy for you to imagine. You’re at a bar or a party, wearing your favorite outfit, trying to feel great and have a great time - like we all really strive for. Maybe you’re dancing, having a few drinks, and mingling with friends when you notice a scintillating vibe percolating through the air… a guy you like is checking you out. You feel a thrilling rush from head-to-toe. It’s exciting, very exciting… but you keep dancing, and waiting… and waiting… and waiting… but he never comes… all he does is stand against the wall… like his feet are frozen in place… with a phone in his hand. We see this all the time, right… it’s the same old, same old… the guy never musters up the courage to talk to you… as if you’re some vicious monster… but you’re not, obviously… you’re actually very mature and open-minded. The thrilling rush dissipates into the night and everyone’s disappointed – a sad story that is far too common. Want to hear why this happens?
HB: Oh my god yeah, that happens all of the time! Why?
Me: Yeah, it must be so frustrating – I completely understand. Well, my friend Jada loves reading about psychology, and she sent me this article the other day that explains it – it makes perfect sense now. Some research study took a close look at sexual fantasies… you know, like what we desire when we close our eyes… and found something fascinating. What do you think they found?
HB: I’m not sure – what did they find?
Me: They found… it’s so fascinating… that 66 percent of men have submissive fantasies. So this is all logical now, right, because it means that most men don’t just dream of the woman making things happen, but they need the woman to make things happen… or else nothing happens at all. These guys expect the woman to lead them ball-and-chain from the bar to the bedroom… the woman has to do everything… make everything happen herself… it seems so unfair, like if both people want a great night, then I feel as if both people should feel free to make it happen, you know? And then I’m sure you can visualize how these guys are in bed… once again, the woman has to do everything… it’s so selfish because I feel like the focus should be on the woman’s pleasure… I mean, that’s what I like… being so… sensual… teasing her lips with my tongue, teasing her nipples with the touch of my fingers… around… and around her nipples so softly… maybe even venturing down… and down… her body ever-so-delicately to her really... really sensitive clit… and if she’s into it… maybe getting a bit kinky… tying her up with my red silk tie, choking her, pinning her down… HARD… pressing her down… HARD… sliding in-and-out of her… HARD. But it’s so strange because this is what these guys want to be done to them… and I mean, I’m sure that neither of us would ever judge anyone for their sexuality at all, but it’s kind of crazy, right, like how unsatisfying it is for you to do everything yourself?
HB: Yeah, that is crazy…
Me: What’s more is that this study found the majority of women actually have submissive fantasies as well. So this creates a disparity between the number of women who have submissive fantasies… like being swept off their feet and completely letting go and trusting a strong man to take care of her… cuddling her and kissing her and holding his baby girl close all night… and the number of men who are capable of making it happen. I find it such a shame that these desires are so often left unfulfilled… like if you’re sexually liberated, you know, open-minded, spontaneous, ready-for-anything… then I feel as if you deserve all of your dreams to come true. And maybe some day a man will come along who can make you feel exactly how you dream of, and you’ll know that you have to take advantage of the opportunity when it comes because of how rare it is and how much you really want it, you know?
An important note is that I thought it might be socially incongruous to be talking about sexual liberation and then chastise dudes who like getting pegged, so I thought it could be more efficacious to introduce a relatable theme, establish an authority frame, juxtapose her desires with the inability of most men to fulfill them, and then relate the fulfillment of her desires back to me. Guess I wanted to ensure that the gambit was working in the correct direction - for a clear purpose - instead of maybe focusing too much on the visualization of a submissive guy and coming across as insensitive or non-arousing...

In addition, the concept should aid all 3 keys if performed in a calibrated way. I think that it can be used anytime post-hook, and maybe even for an ambitious hook during nightgame.

I may think of other versions as well, and as always, I'd be curious if anyone else has a spin on it...

Excited to try this out in better times next month.
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
I'd be curious if anyone else has a spin on it...

Ya here's my freestyle

[Get convo on approaching cuz I have just approached her in the street]

Honestly I think the reason girls dont go out approaching guys is cuz they're scared of rejection. It's like the worst feeling ever. I think if you were to actually go up to some guy and tell him you think hes cute, youd want to be like 1000% sure he likes you. For me the girls that do that, are very high in my book. They know what they want and just go for it. But I know most girls arent like that. They'll see a guy they like and cross their fingers the guys not retarded and can read their body language. I mean I know guys like to complain "I'm not a mind reader! How the fuck was I suppose to know she liked me!" But like honestly come on bro. She cant be more obvious haha.

But worst....is when the guy knows your checking him out and he still doesnt approach. Yeah like so bad.

You know...I actually read something about that that explains this really well actually. And it makes sense.

Well these guys, some researchers or whatever, asked guys and girls about their sexual fantasies, right?. For girls, you know it was actually pretty obvious what girls like. Like nothing shocking. I've read and experienced just about all of it. And can share some stories later if your really curious, but what was interesting was what most guys said is their #1 fantasy. What do you think it was?

Nope. Most guys actually have submissive fantasies. As in needing the girl to make things happen. Vs how we typically view men, in that they like to be the ones to make things happen.

I asked myself that if I'm that way. And I actually think I have a bit of that myself. You know I like when girls take my hand and lead me where they want to go.....when they are so horny that they are the ones that rip of my clothes VS me being the one that initates it all the time. For me I actually like this balance. But some girls can take things too far. Like one time I was sleeping. Totally passed out and my girl being so horny, she sucks my dick to get it hard. Then climbs on top of me and rides me while I'm off dreaming about god knows what. I wake up and see her riding me I'm like yooo wtf lmao? So I like it but chill with the raping lol.

No yeah but yeah that's probably why you have guys that know your checking them out but would like it if youd just go up to them and tell them they're cute. Only problem with that is that you dont know if they guy you approach is fully submissive. And has no dominance. The other side of the equation. So that's why I prefer approaching chicks I like instead. I see a girl I like. I see she likes me. I'm going in :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Monday, January 4, 2021

I’ll try to encapsulate it within a visualization.

The brisk air is brushing against my face as I amble through the park. Flaunting my revamped style, I feel as if the will of seduction lore propels my feet forward on this sunny afternoon. From a distance, I spot a lone girl resting on a bench under a branchy tree, half-heartedly indulging in the endless scroll of social media. She’s beautiful and bored by her mundane reality. Sauntering into her periphery, she notices me, but my line-of-sight is focused on the fantastic trees in the distance as I sit on the bench next to her.

As I take out my phone as a prop, I catch her stealing another glance in my direction. At that very moment, I deliver a reality-pace opener about how I’ve just noticed this thrilling dichotomy riding in the air of the park today – like it’s relaxing and thrilling at the same time, almost as if something exciting can happen at any moment. She’s a little nervous as she agrees, and I allow her to soak in my presence with a bout of confident eye contact. I ask her if she knows what the feeling is like – the sense that today could be a day to remember – as I’ve personally been searching for that feeling ever since my girlfriend and I broke up last month. The one who can’t resist texting me all day now.

She instantly joins my world as after all, women love talking about this stuff. Even if my story lacks an ounce of truth.

Her cherry-colored lips communicate that she does know what I mean, in fact, because she is actually trying to get over her ex. Yeah, I say, that makes complete sense, because I’ve met girls since, and you’ve met guys since, but the feeling just hasn’t been there, you know? But it’s like this natural intuition we have tells us that when we do have such a feeling, which can even be from something as innocuous as a spur-of-the-moment stare, then we really have to take advantage of it, right?

Ah, yes. I love picturing seductions unfold within my mind.

Sure, I may still be recovering from mono, but it could be way worse. It doesn't stop me from improving at seduction.

I can still imagine, for one.

Imagining movie-esque scenes unfold within my mind.

The more I do this, the more it makes sense. I can self-identify deficiencies and envision responses, just as you would with a text message before hitting “send.”

And then when it’s for real… when it’s for real, then I don’t need to even think at all. Because I shouldn’t be in my own mind, I should be in hers. So I’m just feeling and pacing and leading, letting neuroplasticity take care of the rest.

With reflection, I’m continuously uncovering previously unknown gems about myself. Like with my state. Now, the cognizance kicks in when my state depletes, but since I’m aware of it, I can regulate it. Through apprehending my bodily and mental energies, redirecting them back towards my baseline in strenuous times becomes more feasible. Along with this, elevating my baseline state is a practical effort as well.

There are a couple weeks until I return to the field – and hopefully I’ll be all good to game (and kiss!) – but the excitement is here. It’s here, and I’m HUNGRY.

Meta-paces for a snack in the meantime?

Yeah, meta-paces for a snack in the meantime:

You know how I was talking about our exes texting us… yeah… so annoying. But it kind of got me thinking, like… what would we change about them?

Because there’s a reason that the relationship didn’t last, and it’s not because of how they looked… I mean you never hop into bed with someone you don’t like, you know? So as we sit here and talk and just are kind of open with each other, perhaps we can try to stop grasping for straws and really flesh this thing out...

Maybe if I were to put myself in your shoes, I can try and see a new perspective – then I’ll see what you think about it. So most relationships, right… when most relationships start, things just feel so FRESH, as if little thrilling tingles run along your spine all day, and all night. But then after a while – and this amount of time may depend on the guy – he flows to one end of the relationship spectrum.

A relationship spectrum where one end is withdrawal, and the other end is obsession. With withdrawal, you’re just noticing these changes in them and maybe they’re not responding to your texts and they miss a date and you’re just like OH MY GOD is he cheating on me?! And with obsession, it’s just like you hit things off but then he just hovers around you ALL THE TIME and can’t live without texting you every single second and all you want to do is swat the pestering annoying buzzing fly away! In both cases, you likely simply lie in bed, take a few deep breaths and think, UGH, seriously, what happened to the man I fell in love with?

But as you lie there in bed, underneath the covers… a warmth begins to fill your sheets and mind and body from head-to-toe… because you realize something. You realize that it was never a perfect relationship to begin with. Maybe your friends tried saying this, like something was just a little off… and when you take a step back… it makes sense. Because while perfect relationships are not impossible… they are rare… and it must take a certain special someone to make things click.

To make things click… maybe the answer is that this certain special someone doesn’t need to be an underwear model or fraternity president. He simply needs to understand YOU for YOU… and most guys just don’t… cherish YOU for YOU. And I guess you would do the same for him… cherish him… a little harmonious world that you live in… together… away from all the strifes of the day-to-day… and sexual objectification… and relationship drama… and your life seems just a little bit brighter… and so much more pleasurable. Does that make sense, like is that the perfect man to you… someone who, above all else, just desires YOU for YOU?
Perhaps you’ve heard this saying. We’ve ALL heard this saying. But… what does it really mean? Love at first sight?

Well, you know, I guess we can talk about this magical concept from fairy tales and princess movies… yeah, just fantastical things that don’t even seem like real life by our age. At some point, maybe after a break-up or something… or frustration with a guy or a girl… like someone we know who just can’t make it happen even though we really want it… at this point we kinda get down on ourselves, beating ourselves up, thinking that true love just… won’t…. happen… FOR USUGH

Though… in the back of our minds… deep down… inside… nestled inside of our beating hearts… we’re always hoping that someone will… come along… and… sweep us off our feet, right?

Yeah, maybe you believe in love at first sight… or maybe you don’t… but I think that if we can dig a little… deeper into this idea… together… we can maybe find that all it needs is some modern-day, real-world rehashing.

Like, why do you think that love at first sight is so rare, or doesn’t even exist?

Yeah, that makes sense… I’m almost thinking – and let me know what you think about this – that the reason why it seems so rare to us is that while eye contact can teach you a lot about a person… and show you emotion… and passion… and desire… it doesn’t show you everything, like there’s still maybe the most important part of the romance to be uncovered…

And that’s… you know… chemistry. Yeah, you probably know by now that with so many people… the sex just… isn’t there. I mean, it’s not them and it’s certainly not you but for some reason between the sheets you’re both lying there and he’s flopping around and the sex is so, so frustrating and not even pleasurable and the feeling of frustration just builds up deep inside you and it’s just like come on seriously… sigh… because you have to cross another one off the list, right?

We’ve all been there… lived it… done it… went home sad. So that’s why now I’m thinking that maybe the real thing we should believe in… is not just love at first sight… but love at first night… because we have to know how the sparks fly in the sheets before we really fall in love, you know?
Frosty weather, warm coats, a fresh start… I guess it’s that time of the year again.

Yeah, it was like a sprint to the finish at the end of last semester, right, but even that sprint became a marathon… and I don’t know about you… but I was so exhausted… at the end of last semester. Like there were all of the stresses of 2020 just… weighing us down… lockdowns… paranoia… riots… elections… controversy... and COVID… and school on top of all of that… it wasn’t even fair… but we made it, right?

And then winter break comes… which was very welcome… even though we can’t travel quite as easily as we used to… like maybe that vacation didn’t happen… but at least we probably were able to see our family a little bit… enjoy the holidays… bask in the warmth of the fireplace… reading a book or watching a movie… or whatever we do to relax… freeing ourselves of all our worries… a much-needed break… and finally, too, you know? We DESERVED IT, I think…

But time waits for no one… and perhaps that younger sibling was getting on your nerves anyway… or maybe you were missing the hustle-and-bustle of nightlife… and PARTIES… and CUTE BOYS… and letting go, and now here we are, back at school, new classes now, and the vibe is just kind of exciting… yeah… like there’s a scintillating feeling percolating through the air… hovering all around us… filling us to the brim with anticipation… as if this semester… is going to be a good one

It’s refreshing… and NEW… like will this be the semester when you finally meet him… or I finally meet her… but at the same time, what we REALLY WANT won’t just fall in our laps, you know? We have to make it happen… make a RESOLUTION to take advantage of what life provides us. To be more SPONTANEOUS…. ADVENTUROUS… and FREE-WILLED… no one controls us anymore… WE control us.

So 2020 was what it was… but 2021… 2021 is OUR year. It’s OUR time. Everyone says, “New year, new opportunities,” but do they really mean it? Most people expect good things to come to them… but we know that we have to do our part to grab life by the horns and make it happen

It’s NOW OR NEVER to create OUR lives in the vision WE want it to be… don’t you think it’s so empowering to think like, you know, that the future is ours for the taking, and we can really put a stamp on our lives right now if we make that pact with ourselves?


ooooo lofty these are good words to be adding to your vocabulary.

heres a helpful resource should you choose to wander down this dark path some more....

@fog, this dark path is ours to walk down. A dark path for cheery experiences.

I have studied these slides intently, and I enjoy how they focus on mediation. Because yeah, these types of women steer towards conflict. Thriving off the back of it. I see that calming these furious waves is a not just a seductive tool – it’s a soothing rush for both parties. Not manipulating but rather a pensive stroke of unrestrained exhilaration.


Ya here's my freestyle

[Get convo on approaching cuz I have just approached her in the street]

Honestly I think the reason girls dont go out approaching guys is cuz they're scared of rejection. It's like the worst feeling ever. I think if you were to actually go up to some guy and tell him you think hes cute, youd want to be like 1000% sure he likes you. For me the girls that do that, are very high in my book. They know what they want and just go for it. But I know most girls arent like that. They'll see a guy they like and cross their fingers the guys not retarded and can read their body language. I mean I know guys like to complain "I'm not a mind reader! How the fuck was I suppose to know she liked me!" But like honestly come on bro. She cant be more obvious haha.

But worst....is when the guy knows your checking him out and he still doesnt approach. Yeah like so bad.

You know...I actually read something about that that explains this really well actually. And it makes sense.

Well these guys, some researchers or whatever, asked guys and girls about their sexual fantasies, right?. For girls, you know it was actually pretty obvious what girls like. Like nothing shocking. I've read and experienced just about all of it. And can share some stories later if your really curious, but what was interesting was what most guys said is their #1 fantasy. What do you think it was?

Nope. Most guys actually have submissive fantasies. As in needing the girl to make things happen. Vs how we typically view men, in that they like to be the ones to make things happen.

I asked myself that if I'm that way. And I actually think I have a bit of that myself. You know I like when girls take my hand and lead me where they want to go.....when they are so horny that they are the ones that rip of my clothes VS me being the one that initates it all the time. For me I actually like this balance. But some girls can take things too far. Like one time I was sleeping. Totally passed out and my girl being so horny, she sucks my dick to get it hard. Then climbs on top of me and rides me while I'm off dreaming about god knows what. I wake up and see her riding me I'm like yooo wtf lmao? So I like it but chill with the raping lol.

No yeah but yeah that's probably why you have guys that know your checking them out but would like it if youd just go up to them and tell them they're cute. Only problem with that is that you dont know if they guy you approach is fully submissive. And has no dominance. The other side of the equation. So that's why I prefer approaching chicks I like instead. I see a girl I like. I see she likes me. I'm going in

Really like this!

Sexual prizing, check.

Drawing plenty of lines between regular guys and your Secret Society Self, check.

And then the reframe game is on. By reframing the submissiveness into an opportunities and challenges tactic for her to be sexually aggressive, you’re able to display empathy, self-awareness, and relatability while simultaneously arousing her.

In fact, this helps me think that we can probably just roll this thing straight into a combo with a form of Teevster’s Submission Gambit.


Just a good day today that reminds me of something.

This wondrous world we call our lives. I like it.

Next up is a reframing exercise.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Street Nightgame

Back at it. The reframing exercise is still to come, but next time, maybe. I want to make sure that I take the time to do it correctly.

Anyway, I’m back in the field. My first chance to shake off the rust was once again at the airport, or rather on the flight. Because I got to the flight as it was boarding, so there wasn’t time to woo the girls in the waiting area like with the fashionista in November.

On the plane, though, I sat next to a cute girl and her boyfriend. I don’t keep up much with the news these days, but I was surprised that the middle seats were being utilized in this panicked millieu. Regardless, I rotated through a variety of SOTs in conversation between the two of them, who also attend the same university as me, while focusing my sexual subcommunications on the girl, of course. Had to include the guy in the conversation sometimes.

These topics included travel, connection, chance encounters with strangers, willingness to open-up and expressing ourselves freely, and the fresh start to the new semester. Most importantly, I was able to identify three topics that really got her talking – communicative disorders (her area of study), mentorship (she works with the president of my university), and sororities (she’s in one). As for the boyfriend, his preferred topics were influence (he excitedly showed me some influence book he was reading… I acted so so surprised) and fraternities. Pretty simple, but it reminded me of the power of perception. Let them talk, get them talking, get them excited, get them stimulated. The girl even “accidentally” brushed her arms and legs against me a couple of times to the boyfriend’s anxious looks. Yeah, I think I got her going.

After the flight, they offered me a ride to my apartment. Which honestly was in the back of my mind the entire time because I did not want to get price-gouged for a shuttle, saving me $100. I kind of set them up for this offer, and they thankfully enjoyed our conversation enough to do so. That’s influence – making them think that it was THEIR idea to offer me a ride. In their comfy BMW.

The two of them dropped me off at my apartment around 5:00 pm. We exchanged contacts, and I did really enjoy their company, too. Good people. Unpacking was quick because I travelled very light, and I readied for my return to the game.

My intention: get laid.

I’m out around 11:30 in a new outfit: a navy windbreaker, jeans, and white Air Force 1s. I also wore a long-sleeved white undershirt and let the sleeves extend beyond the cuffs of the windbreaker to echo the shoes. Liked the look.

My first post-up location is slightly new with the familiarity of old. It’s where I originally tried last semester. There’s a little foot traffic now. After all, many people are excitedly back after spending weeks with their parents.

Not long after, a really hot blonde wearing a tight black shirt nears me. I’m on my phone, catch her eye contact as she passes, and open.
Me: Hey there, I have a VERY important question to ask you.
HB (keeps walking): Yeah? What is it?
Me: Well, hold on. Do you consider yourself an open-minded person?
HB (stops): Yeah…
Me: Alright, great. Come back over here because I really need to talk to an open-minded person about this.
HB (comes back over to me): Haha okay :)
Me: Well I’ve been thinking about something… maybe you’ve noticed it, too… like… have you ever had the feeling… when you go out… that it’s just kind of like the same old, same old... same bars, same drinks, maybe not the same people... but the SAME attitudes... like people who only view you as a sexual object? Yeah like we never stop hoping that tonight’s the night when I’ll meet HER or you’ll meet HIM... but I mean... we always cling to the hope that it’ll still happen… that’s kind of where I’m at right now, you know?
HB: Yeah, every girl I know has that feeling! We all think, maybe tonight’s the night that I’ll meet my boyfriend, so I have to go out! But it rarely happens…
Me: That makes a lot of sense… because the guys at the bars… well, you know how they are, of course… maybe there are some guys standing around who are kind of eyeing you and you’re eying him back, like smiling and giggling and feeling turned on, but it just drags on… and on… and on… and they never have the guts to come over and talk to you… like you’re a monster or something… but you’re not… I mean that must be part of the reason you go out… to meet cute boys?
HB: Of course, yeah :)
Me: On the other hand, there are the guys who DO approach you. So you feel warm and happy and validated that they think you’re pretty… but then very quickly you realize that these aren’t the guys who you WANT to talk to… they’ll all weird, groping you, being pushy, looking at you like a tasty piece of meat… I see it all of the time… it must be exhausting… you probably wonder when you’ll ever meet someone who is different… who wants YOU for YOU…
HB: Yes! Let me guess – you have a lot of friends who are girls?
Me: Hmmm… that’s really interesting… you’re really perceptive. What makes you think that?
HB: Just that most guys don’t think this way. Not stepping into other people’s shoes and stuff.
Me: Yeah… that’s true... and sure, I always love fascinating conversations with girls… for example, take a listen to what my friend Jada was telling me… [my take on the sexual purity gambit]
Nice. She’s one of the most alluring girls I’ve approached, and it’s going well. She empathizes with my thoughts on sexual purity, and agrees that true sexual purity is being sexually liberated. Cool. Unfortunately, I learn an important lesson. I have to remember that while on the streets… she’s going somewhere. My transition phases have to be precise.

Instead, I expand the discussion on sexual liberation, and probably speak too much. She keeps agreeing with me, smiling, but our bubble weakens. Then she remembers that she was going to meet up with her friend. I say that if her friend really needs her, she can just call. And plus, her friend would be really happy knowing that she’s having fun herself.

This buys me a few more minutes, so I quickly try to fractionate towards social frame to set-up the pull. Felt like that was needed in this case. I discuss how I live close by, which makes access to this street convenient because it’s such a short walk. Also say how there’s less exciting things going on around the town now but that life is what we make of it – after all, it’s up to us to make our lives better with spontaneity.

She agrees, talking a little about herself and COVID before mentioning that she already told the friend that she was on her way and really needed to meet up with her. I try handling the objection the same way as before, but she just smiles, hugs me, says how nice it was to talk to me, and waves goodbye. I don’t number close because I’ve made the decision not to do that anymore. Also not listing my number of approaches at the start of the entry because the metric that I care about is sex. SDL/SNL mindset to the max.

This approach ended disappointingly, but it was an okay way to build some momentum back. I was feeling pretty good verbally.

As I’m walking along the street, I suddenly notice the silhouette of a familiar girl who is standing in the outside area of a bar. She was probably my first-ever cold approach in the history of my life, and it happened during the pre-Lofty era. I saw her eating alone at a table, and after telling myself that she was that hottest girl I’d ever seen (which was and still is the truth), I had to go and talk to her.

I’ll call this girl HBRedwine, a name based on a topic in our orignial discussion. She is hot as fuck – one of the Kylie Jenner lookalikes. That type. Yeah, kind of clone-ish but hot as fuck. Recently saw that she was on some reality show for college students a while back. Definitely a PPP archetype.

Anyway, I did join her table that day, and we talked for three hours. She eventually asked me to show her where her next class was, but because I did not know the campus then, I shied away. Didn’t understand how to number close or anything, let alone game... so that was that. Saw her a couple months later in a random occurrence. She excitely put her hands on my chest and forearms and stuff. Think that she was a bit tipsy. Completely lost my cool but grabbed her SnapChat. Then ran cringe, CRINGE SnapChat game. Oh my god. Our chats ended quickly.

Frankly, the thought of this girl has been one of my inspirations to become a skilled seducer. Especially in my earliest stages. My unicorn.

Not pedestaling. Just saying.

But back to now. My one chance to talk to her would be to call out and hope she comes over to the edge of the roped-off enclosure.

My heart was beating too fast, though. Some form of trauma froze my veins. I’m generally a cool customer these days… but this got me. That idea to call out didn’t cross my mind until after I had already walked a few steps too many. I blew it.

Would have been bold, but I should have stopped… breathed… and tried. I’m Lofty. Being able to think and do those things on impulse… it was a humble reminder that I’m not where I need to be. But I gave her a name and mention this detail because my intuition says that it’s not over.

All good. I shake it off and continue.

Relaxing my pulse and warming my voice, I engage in a breathing exercise with one finger on my sternum and another near my navel. In... and out.

It’s good that I cooled off. Because I get approached by a group of three girls and one guy while walking. The girls are okay. The guy is defensive of the girls. One girl takes a liking to me rather quickly, asking about my night and such. Next, she invites me to their afterparty. Oh, sure. Why not?

The guy is dismayed, but I join their walk to the party. He continuously tried to get me to leave, making comments such as, “If I were you, I’d leave right now.” Aggressively-charged, of course.

I pacify with friendliness and focus returns to my target. After a few minutes of meta-pacing and immersion, I begin to have serious doubts about her mental state. Eventually, I push the truth into my thick, horny skull: this girl is way too drunk for sex. Once she makes the slurred comment that she drank so much alcohol that she’s about to piss her pants, I eject in search of a lone wolf.

Before long, I find one near the busiest street. An attractive brunette wearing an olive-colored sweater leans against the wall of a building, fixated by her phone. Nice.

I hover for a moment. Her facial expression is not friendly-looking. Tensioned. Mad. So I make a split-second choice to warmely pre-open with a simple, “How is your night going?”

Doesn’t look up from her phone. Maybe she didn’t hear. I read about a situation like this one time. Turned out to be a seduction in seconds.

I repeat.

“How is your night going?”

Doesn’t look up from her phone.

I say whatever and leave. Maybe any further comment might have been uncalibrated, but an initial RPO about her night or something likely would have been more appropriate. A little rustiness on that choice, perhaps?

The time is late by now, and the nippiness of the brisk wind tingles my face. Quiet, cold streets.

One extremely average girl passes by. I’m not drawn to her, but she warmly smiles and asks how my night is going as she nears. I don’t try to hook. Which is a terrible decision.

I’m not at the point where I can be doing that. Come on. A few months of occasional porn and a sexless life until recent has messed with my brain. Dumb.

This ends up being my last opportunity for the night. Oh well. We move on. Greater nights await.

And overall, my verbals felt smooth. It was kinda the other aspects that were a little stiff. Still, I had a couple solid approaches.

Yet while I walk home, a series of questions tease my brain.

This style of street nightgame… does it make things tougher than they need to be? Am I putting myself in the best situation for seduction? Is it efficient to have to build social frame so quickly, as I am a stranger on the street? Is it efficient to try and seduce girls who are already going somewhere, or already have a ride on the way? And even if these can be negated, is it efficient to try and do so with minimal, small-town, COVID-time foot traffic? And waking up the next day groggy and exhausted, taking away daygame opportunities?

Thinking needs to be done. Re-thinking, even.

Back at it.
Last edited:


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 11, 2019
This style of street nightgame… does it make things tougher than they need to be? Am I putting myself in the best situation for seduction? Is it efficient to have to build social frame so quickly, as I am a stranger on the street? Is it efficient to try and seduce girls who are already going somewhere, or already have a ride on the way? And even if these can be negated, is it efficient to try and do so with minimal, small-town, COVID-time foot traffic? And waking up the next day groggy and exhausted, taking away daygame opportunities?

Thinking needs to be done. Re-thinking, even.
Good question. I think you can see now why many of the high lay count cold approachers here, were (and still are) pissed with the "field" (bars and clubs) being closed. It was for many of us, the most efficient way to lay many hot girls. And if this is your goal (as it should be):
My intention: get laid.
I don’t number close because I’ve made the decision not to do that anymore. Also not listing my number of approaches at the start of the entry because the metric that I care about is sex. SDL/SNL mindset to the max.
Then bar/club night game (and street game leading up to (7-10 PM) night game, post-last call (3-5 AM) is where its at. because that's where you'll find a wide number of girls that have the same goal as you:


Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 18, 2019
Hey @Lofty i started reading your journal and i'm learning so much. It's crazy how with just shooting off a gambit like that elicit the responses you get. This seems almost like magic, but like @Bacchus says because it is so powerful you need to balance all the 3 keys. Learning alot from your work and the feedback you get. Keep it up!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2018
There is so much good material in this journal for me to use as fodder for my own creative process. You're doing a fine job continuing your momentum even in these low percentage times. It's inspirational and makes guys like me look like lazy bums, that's all I'm going to say.

Keep up the great work.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Friday, January 22, 2021
Street Nightgame

I saw six bawling girls.

Ah, a salient reminder that even reduced, limited nightlife brings the throngs of emotion to the foray.

And yes, I did say that I want to focus on daygame, but that doesn’t meant that I can’t cross-game, too – experience is experience, as long as I manage these opportunities correctly. Like by not stressing my mind or other areas of my life too significantly.

The week to this point has been underwhelming. My sleep schedule is in tatters, wrecking my daygaming opportunities. The mono fatigue still looms. A drearier default state than we would like.

Though, there have been a number of reassuring advancements. Teaching myself Taoist secrets has been a rather pleasurable experience. I have been able to successfully separate orgasm from ejaculation on a few occasions and discovered new realms of my own sensuality. These trials have encouraged me to remain porn-free since the last entry.

The Multi-Orgasmic Man is a must-read. Don’t hesitate any longer to read it.

It was nice to see HBFoxxy again, too. We have a couple courses together this semester, and I will give my best efforts to bring her into my bedroom. I find it strange that she is the girl who continues to manifest within my mind. Perhaps this is social frame at work. Hers is strong. She was previously sexually unavailable for me. Now there are inklings.

Even so, I have noticed intriguing developments of her perceptions towards me. Since she knew me before I took the ever-so-pivotal step into seduction, I think that she sometimes is confused by my new, enriched personality. It’s not incongruous for me, but it might be incongruous to her – I am no longer what she expects. Maybe I’ll attempt a discussion with her about maturity and personal development, framing things that way. The tricky part is just getting her isolated.

We’ll see. Anyway, I decided that more approaches were needed to reboot the momentum further. I listen to some SMMA to pump my state, tossed on a new outfit, and went outside around midnight.

An army green bomber, jeans, white AF1s, silver necklace, silver bracelet. There’s a new route, too. This one favors logistics over foot traffic. As I’ve realized that my plausible deniability will be even stronger with a walk across the street compared to a 20-minute walk or uber ride.

My first interaction is wordless. I see a curly, auburn-haired and artsy girl who I have had class with before. A man is draped around her, but I see the look in her eyes. And the smile. My fundamentals are improving.

I take this sentiment with me as I post-up in my new location. Five minutes pass, and a lone girl nears. She warmly smiles, and I open with a VERY important question. She doesn’t stop. No biggie. I then tell her to come back because I really need to talk to an open-minded person – could that be her? She giggles and waves, but doesn’t halt. Can’t win them all. Average attractiveness anyway.

I linger around this new route for 20 more minutes. A couple larger groups, but it’s clear that I should move. Making note of the times this location was rather dead, I head to my usual route. On the way, I see another girl from what feels like a long time ago. She was obsessed with a guy in my previous social circle. Guy should’ve closed but didn’t know how, justifying it by claiming she wasn’t pretty enough. So he just never got laid, and the girl became obsessed with him. These dynamics make more sense now.

Back to this moment. Her sparkly silver dress doesn’t reflect her mood because she is in tears. She’s put on weight as well. Doesn’t look good overall. Strung out, too, maybe. She doesn’t notice me walk by while she treads into a car. This is merely another reminder of the paths our lives can take us, or those we can choose for ourselves.

My feet take me into my location. Pretty soon, I spot a lone, blonde cutie walking on the other side of the street. Judging from her path and sorority girl look, I know that she’s going to the all-girls dorm where I’ve had a few close calls before. So, I look around, realize that nothing else is really going on, and set off to casually intercept her. It’s calibrated because I’m not chasing her, I’m casually intercepting her at a crosswalk in the distance, which I know a shortcut to.

It’s cool, though, as she makes my job a lot easier. She just crosses the street like right in front of me, flaunting her black romper-covered derriere into my line of sight. Pretty clear she had similar ideas to me.

Whimpering, however. She’s crying, too. Seeking attention, wanting comfort. Why not me?

I take a few long strides so I’m walking next to her and open.
Me: Hey there, you know, we all have those nights where sometimes things don’t go as planned… it happens. But what I’ve seen in my experience is that sharing these experiences with other people can open us up to a lot more happiness.
HBBlackRomper: *teary-eyed smile*
Me: Yeah… like I’m not having the best night, either. I saw this one girl I knew, and she was really upset as well. It just reminded me of all the pressure that’s on women nowadays… with social media, judgmental “friends”… disrespectful guys… even slut-shaming. So I completely understand why you could be upset and need to let out all of these pent-up emotions.
HB: My phone is dead and my friend wouldn’t walk back with me and left me all alone…
Me: That seems really stressful. Your friend shouldn’t have done that to you… things like that also remind us that some people are so selfish… but not everyone is… like I get the sense that you’re very honest and trustworthy.
HB: Thanks! Where are you going?
Me: I was just about to see what my friends were up to… but it’s so nice out… feeling the brisk air brushing against our skin… it’s kind of exiting, you know… so we might as well keep walking and talking together.
HB: Okay :)
We walk and talk, nearing her dorm. My plan is to regulate her state, then pull. The chances of me sneaking into this all-girls dorm is slim. There’s receptionists and well-monitored surveillance because not only are just girls supposed to enter, but only resident girls, too, in this COVID-time.

I draw for a few topics, include my discussion with my open-minded friend about love at first sight… which I think should be more accurately deemed love at first night. Lots of girly giggles and she keeps brushing her shoulder against me. Then she makes a comment about how she can’t wait to get inside, get warm, and be consoled by her roommate.
HB: I can’t wait to get inside and talk to my roommate! We’re best friends and she always makes me feel better. I’ll even make her sleep in my bed with me and we’ll cuddle!
Me: Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, right… because I’ve read about the super special effects of human touch… intimacy… where so much dopamine is released, warming the body with pleasurable sensations… and I completely get how sometimes women know you better than men… but not all men… like my bisexual friend was tel-
HB: Oh no, no, no! It’s not like that, I’m not… haha.
Me: Yeah I was just going to talk about how I understood what you were saying, like my really sexually-liberated friend Jada says the same thing…
HB: Oh haha, yeah but I’m not… I’m completely straight.
Me: But you’re sexually liberated, right? Like you, first and foremost, don’t judge anyone for what they like, and are open to new things yourself?
HB: Oh yeah definitely…
So we BOTH messed things up there. Not conducive. Weakened immersion. It got awkward for a second. I work it back into the SOT of relaxation and talk about producing music. She’s receptive, talking about her friend who makes music. We’re almost to the dorm now, so I just go for the pull with plausible deniability – we can relax and make a song together. She initially agrees but her mind is still at conflict. Backtracks to BS about her roommate texting her. I respond that her phone is dead. She’s like… oh yeah.

I persist until we reach the front door of the dorm. She’s fighting with herself, getting close to me. Even begins to fiddle with the edges of her romper around her breasts.

No dice, though. We’re already too close to her destination now. I should’ve just tried to redirect our path in order to buy me more time to setup the pull. She gives me her number, hugs me, then goes inside. That’s that, but at least there was some cute feminine touch. Velasco had made a suggestion in a similar situation before, but I guess I was so fixated on pulling to mine that my judgement was clouded.

I pass another crying girl on my way back to the route, but she’s just trying to get home. With other passerby, that’s Crying Girl #5. Let that one go after a quick opening attempt. As a side note, like, I think a lot of these girls are hoping that someone DOES help them reregulate their state. Then, they are susceptible to influence when their state is regulated. I just messed up my chance at that tonight. It helps them, though, if they want it. Some are more open than others.

I’m almost back to one of my preferred post-up locations when a girl – who is passable – and her male friend walk towards me from the opposite direction. I wasn’t planning on opening because she was average and with a guy, but she just opens me.
Girl: Oh my god, you’re so beautiful!
Me (stopping, off-guard): Oh, um, thanks… you know, I think it’s really interesting that you say that… it shows that you must be really confident, mature, and independent… like you care what YOU think… not what EVERYONE else thinks… I really respect that.
Girl: Hehehe thank you! You’re hot :p
Me: What are you up to?
Girl: We’re just… *looks at anxious male friend*…. walking around.
Me: Okay yeah… me too. Tonight has such an interesting vibe… like you’re back for the new semester… you feel how the air is a little warmer tonight.. a little more comforting… and it relaxes but excites you at the same time, you know? So yeah… I’m probably just going to walk back to my place… relax… maybe make some music…
Girl: Make some music?
Me: Yeah… like what I really like to do to relax is… produce music... it just really frees your mind and all of these pressures just weighing down on our shoulders like school… and COVID… just are released when we take a moment to express ourselves in new ways, you know?
Girl: That’s so cool!
Me: Hey… do YOU know how music is made on a computer nowadays?
Girl: No… but I WANT to know!
Me: Great… come with me… we’ll just go on quick walk –
Girl: Where do you live?
Me: [place - 20 minute walk since I went to this route].
Girl: Okay, I know where that is :)
Me: - and just really relax on this beautiful night, enjoying each other’s company… but just making music, it’ll be really fun and interesting… come on, let’s go.
Girl: Okay! But I really don’t want to walk…
Me: Yeah, me neither. We’ll just grab an uber.
Girl: *gets inches away from my face*
Alright. Just a couple minutes to set-up the pull. Tried to escalate the vibe quickly. But… there’s her friend. Pretty sure he’s gay. His presence was weak, so I just ignored him, even though he was nervously shaking his head. Now, I decide to address him in order to defend against the cockblock while the uber comes.
Me: Hey, yeah, I get this vibe between you two that you really trust each other… and while good friends… you’re both very independent, is that right?
Guy: Yeah...
Me: Cool, so we’re just going to hang out for a bit – if you need to contact her, you have her phone number of course… I’ll even give you my phone number, too.
Guy: Umm… uh…. we’re actually d-d-ating.
Girl: What.
Guy: I’m her protector… I need to make sure she stays safe.
Me: You want to make sure she stays safe… I completely get that. Of course you want your friend to stay safe. I’ll make sure she stays safe… no worries.
Guy: Girl… you can’t go. PLEASE. You can’t go. Come with me to Matt’s house and we’ll get some drinks.
Girl: But I want to go with him!
Guy: You don’t even know him!
Me: Hey, I trust YOU. I think that you can actually tell a lot about a person very quickly, just like how could see how much you cared about your friend. You trust her, right?
Guy: Yeah.
Me: Do your respect her judgement of character?
Guy: Yeah.
Me: Do you want her to have fun?
Guy: Yeah.
Me: Cool, we’re all on the same page.
Girl: Actually, I think Guy needs to approve of me going with you.
Guy: I don’t.
Well. I try hitting on some more plausible deniability, stream one of my songs to solidify the social frame, and talk to the guy about making sure that he protects her by making sure that she doesn’t regret not taking advantage of the opportunities that life presents.

Doesn’t work, and he drags her away. She’s sad.

I messed up, again. I was going to ask some skilled seducers about this, but it was just dumb. I just needed to pull her away and get her isolated. Start walking with her, lead her by the arm. That guy wasn’t going to do anything if I did. Oh well.

Next approach is when I reach my post-up spot. A guy tries hitting on a group of four girls waiting for the crosswalk. He doesn’t do well, and the hottest girl – a sexy alternative type with a blonde streak in her brown her – tells him that she’ll beat him up if he doesn’t go away. I catch her eying me at this moment.

He goes away very soon. Cool. She’s hot.

I go up to her and say that she definitely would have beat that guy up, and how she seems so tough and independent. How all those creepy, groping guys just can’t handle her. She eats this up like a bowl of Cheerios.

Knowing I need to isolate her from her friends, I lead her away to the nearby building wall, which I lean against. Just said that we were standing too close to the road and she complied. I like this girl a lot, and I’m trying to work fast while her friends hang at the corner. They get the walk signal a few times, but they let her keep talking to me. Thanks!

Then, out of nowhere, some guy comes up to me. What, random guy?

He gets all nervous because he literally thinks I’m one of the actors from Stranger Things. Definitely would have went with that for the social frame if I knew anything about that show at all, but I don’t. So he messes up the set. The hottie is confused.

Around that moment, her friends get the walk signal again. Now, they call out to her. She touches my shoulder, saying that she really needs to go but it was really cool talking to me, and scampers off to her friends, waving her cute little hand. Come on.

I approach a couple average two-sets just to keep momentum up, but the night winds down. Although, I do see HBEmerald and HBOpal. HBOpal, like the old social circle girl, has also put on some weight. That’s not good for her big Instagram page… but again, it shows how these months have been hard on so many people. I feel for her. I don’t care we never went on a coffee date. It must be tough to handle mentally.

Crying girl #6 as I walk to a bench, whose boyfriend just sighs when I ask him if everything’s okay.

Not long after, the streets are dead. I call it a night. On the way back, I come across 4 drunk frat guys and one girl who asks me how my night is going.

Could have gone better, I say.

I’ll also mention that these events got caught up in my mind during a brief daygame/scouting outing on Saturday, and I missed a few approach opportunities while in this reflection.

Can’t let that happen again. My mind needs to be free when approaching.

Amor fati, perhaps.
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Nice to see youre continuing your exploits :)

To expand what bacchus is outlining you could add
I really like people who are confident and not caught up by pressures on how to be. If they want something theyre not afraid to go for it even if they have to sometimes go against their friends or somewhat superficial social obligations.
This is a proved sexual frame from good old Captain Jack. It would roll well off your framing of her confidence and boost it even more.

i do stuff like this almost everytime - boosting her confidence cause i want her to be active in the seduction. so for most states i do it - Unless shes on the backheel as i call it which is a state where she screens hard and ruthlessly.

Note that its HARD to get girls to break social conventions like running away from a friend or connection of sorts. So hand them the material and grow the egoistic drive in her. And you might get lucky. But its far from surebet. Shes on a tipping point of wanting to go but cant cause shes out w chode x and the social obligation that lies there.

The other part is gold hooks before decision time. I could write a book about that but just beware that a STRONGER elicit of her and usage of her feeling can provide stronger hooks that riffing things she can lash onto can eg. There are hooks. And then there are HOOKS! we discuss levels of hook in our circles. Consider how you can hook stronger moving forw. its a really good thing to study.

Another is dont worry well just be half an hour, then you can join him at matts - these type of formulations can really help when shes in decision mode and weighting things up partly cause she doesnt wanna break rapport with you. Use that.

btw nice w the producing music. Its mixing emotional stimulation with intrigue baiting. and its a plausible denial pull-to-home reason. Something she can join. With excitement. And it is night life relevant and creative (djing). Ive used dancing and had routines on "immersing into music" which is great between first meet and initial hook and more feely/imaginative states bringing her from initially immersed to more immersed. Check nextasf where i outlined if you wanna steal some descriptive language. but just to say that this particular theme serves multiple purposes and fit night and day game - supertight!

for the thing were writing note that some are preemptive things you do when you see shes with a guy to build up to getting her away. others are during the pull away moment.
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