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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
She had a Zoom in several minutes so I asked for her Insta
My advice is ALWAYS ask for number. If I ask for insta, I know there are like 30 other dudes tryna smash her on that app.

I would only go for insta if she is REALLY fighting to not give you the number.

BUT in my experience, if you feel a good vibe from her and ask for her number a few minutes into talking and she says no, THEN if you deflect, just go back to conversing as if nothing happened, warm her up a but more, THEN ask again, there's a considerable chance she'll say yes.

I've gotten several numbers this way.

I believe this works only because she was feeling you initially when you approached. Some women are skeptical about giving out numbers but they do like you, you just need to charm a lil longer.

Now if the second ask doesn't work for me, only then would I ask for the insta as a last ditch effort.

However, it is VERY common a girl will give you her insta out of pity and "kindness" because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings. It certainly has happened to me.

If a girl offers me her insta, usually I won't take it bc I can already tell from her vibe she is doing it to softly reject me.

And the part about giving her your number, I would never bet on a girl I've approached to make the first move via text. They have literally no attachment to me.

Everything I am saying purely comes from my experiences.

If you have had a different experience with girls giving out instas, pls let me know, I would like to have my perspective enriched by your experience.

Hope this helps,

Lord Byron


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
My advice is ALWAYS ask for number. If I ask for insta, I know there are like 30 other dudes tryna smash her on that app.
You’re right.
I would only go for insta if she is REALLY fighting to not give you the number.

BUT in my experience, if you feel a good vibe from her and ask for her number a few minutes into talking and she says no, THEN if you deflect, just go back to conversing as if nothing happened, warm her up a but more, THEN ask again, there's a considerable chance she'll say yes.

I've gotten several numbers this way.
I believe this works only because she was feeling you initially when you approached. Some women are skeptical about giving out numbers but they do like you, you just need to charm a lil longer.
Now if the second ask doesn't work for me, only then would I ask for the insta as a last ditch effort.

However, it is VERY common a girl will give you her insta out of pity and "kindness" because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings. It certainly has happened to me.
Me too haha
If a girl offers me her insta, usually I won't take it bc I can already tell from her vibe she is doing it to softly reject me.

And the part about giving her your number, I would never bet on a girl I've approached to make the first move via text. They have literally no attachment to me.
Yeah, after about two hours passed I figured she wouldn’t. There’s a nonzero chance we’ll meet again but anyway there are plenty of other girls. (altho tbh idk how many girls like her there are at that university)
Everything I am saying purely comes from my experiences.

If you have had a different experience with girls giving out instas, pls let me know, I would like to have my perspective enriched by your experience.

Hope this helps,

Lord Byron
No, you were spot on and I should have realized all this earlier honestly.

I’ve been rethinking my entire approach in the past couple weeks. That day and your response have both helped catalyze things. So thanks!!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
It’s beautifully ironic that my goals with girls have come full circle toward being much what they were at the time of my OP, minus some of the exclusive-LTR idealism I had then.
The difference is, I now have the confidence that I won’t have too wait too long to find the type of girl that I want. Certainly, I can at least meet such girls almost whenever I want.
It’s kinda sad actually how it took me this long to get to the right mindset/strategy. But the path was certainly worthwhile.
The weekend has been rough but I’m cautiously optimistic about the coming week.
A lot will depend on productivity and on sleep. I want to put major effort into both academics and getting my things in order. Housing is up in the air but the more organized I am the quicker I can cross the finish line.
Anyway, about girls…
Last week was a significant step in the right direction, especially given the difficult state issues I overcame. But perhaps more importantly, I had some conversations that challenged and grew my perspective.
I’m finally getting into the frame I was searching for when I started this journal. Uh, yay?
All this was very general and vague (esp if you haven’t been in chat) so basically I’ve taken the first steps to what Zac calls “enlightenment”. I’m spending much more time chilling with girls and have gotten more relaxed, yet unapologetic, about sexuality and various other things.
Funny enough it’s my most conservative friends (co-religionists and otherwise) who have helped the most. Also, among various other things going on and various internal processes, reading something called the Book of Pook that @sunflowergirl04 linked a while ago in chat helped me think critically about things. Moral: if you bookmark something, don’t forget about it; read it the moment you have time!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
My advice is ALWAYS ask for number. If I ask for insta, I know there are like 30 other dudes tryna smash her on that app.

I would only go for insta if she is REALLY fighting to not give you the number.

BUT in my experience, if you feel a good vibe from her and ask for her number a few minutes into talking and she says no, THEN if you deflect, just go back to conversing as if nothing happened, warm her up a but more, THEN ask again, there's a considerable chance she'll say yes.

I've gotten several numbers this way.
So basically the problem was calibration. IG closing might work in a hookup situation but here I needed to be more direct and less nonchalant.
Also, I’ve long ago reached the point in mindset where I should be acting natural and obliquely direct, not forcing myself to not care. Classic noob mistake, sigh.

I think I’ve learned my lesson. Stay tuned for what happens when I close correctly :D
Last edited:


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I made the weighty decision to go down to half-time for this semester. I’m still on track to graduate/transfer next spring, provided I take on a heavier load for the rest of my time at community college.
I wish things could have been different. But this was the only realistic option left. This way, I can continue extracurriculars like nothing happened, ensure that I get As in my remaining courses, and perhaps most importantly, give myself time to make sure my new schedule/workload is functional and doable before I reach the drop deadline.
It took me less than an hour to make the decision. Most of that time was spent being honest with myself about what Sunzi called the “estimates”. There was no way to continue for another month and a half like this. Even now, I haven’t yet figured out how I will manage the summer and fall.
Moving out is long overdue. If I can’t achieve that by the time summer classes start, then I’ll have to change my whole timetable. Which might end up being for the best in the long run. So far, I’ve been getting by purely through brute force (intellectual force), not my still-poor organizational habits and other skills. That isn’t sustainable or healthy. I may well need an extra year to get myself and my life in good order, which in that case would also mean total independence from my parents.
This is not a failure. It might not even be a serious setback. Hopefully, though, it will be a valuable lesson. Also, my ego needed to be punctured for my own good.

What I’m hoping is that my day-to-day life for the next several weeks will be less stressful, that I’ll have time to plan and organize the future adequately, that I will set a new baseline of acceptable productivity, and that I’ll have both more free time and the mental and physical energy to use it productively.

As I said in earlier posts, I’m finally embracing old-fashioned outcome-independent casual dating, which I had originally planned to do all along but somehow had gradually abandoned for some reason after a few misadventures in the fall. I suppose I thought it was quixotic and time-consuming lolll 🤦‍♂️
I have no doubt that I’ll have a lot of fun and positive experiences. That said, barring acts of providence (I deeply believe that my path has been guided by a higher power, but I’m not sure whether that assistance extends to getting girls), it may take a while before I find a girl I’m satisfied with, even for a semi-casual relationship. Or I might fall hopelessly in love with the first girl I escalate on (tbh it’s possible). All part of the fun :D
Hopefully I’ll also continue improving SC in general toward a reasonable state.

Of course, some of that newfound time will also go toward self-improvement and investment in Surveyor, who will eventually be literally worth his weight in gold.

tl;dr all that y’all need to know is that I have much more time to play now ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
So basically the problem was calibration. IG closing might work in a hookup situation but here I needed to be more direct and less nonchalant.
Also, I’ve long ago reached the point in mindset where I should be acting natural and obliquely direct, not forcing myself to not care. Classic noob mistake, sigh.

I think I’ve learned my lesson. Stay tuned for what happens when I close correctly :D
Even in a hook up, you still want to be in their contacts. Think of how they can reach you as also what type of guy they will classify you as.

Her: "Okay he's in my dm's, so is every other guy, I guess he doesn't matter that much" or "I have him listed as a contact, okay, my family members and my friends are in my contacts as well, so what does that make him? Could he mean something to me?"

This is what I imagine is happening subconsciously.

The only situation I can think of where you would only want their insta is if they are foreign and their number is foreign so you can't contact them via iMessage.

Best wishes,



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Even in a hook up, you still want to be in their contacts. Think of how they can reach you as also what type of guy they will classify you as.

Her: "Okay he's in my dm's, so is every other guy, I guess he doesn't matter that much" or "I have him listed as a contact, okay, my family members and my friends are in my contacts as well, so what does that make him? Could he mean something to me?"

This is what I imagine is happening subconsciously.
Once again you’re right on the money.
I wish I had realized this early on. Still, better late than never 😈
The only situation I can think of where you would only want their insta is if they are foreign and their number is foreign so you can't contact them via iMessage.
Tbh in that case it’s 200% better to go or WhatsApp if they have it or, depending on which country they’re from, Telegram. Same reasoning.
Best wishes,

Props for going through with Hector’s suggestion. Let us know how girls react to the new mindset ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
The past week or two was extremely difficult. Virtually no measurable progress in most areas.
Today, however, I did finally close a key lucrative near-sinecure that I’ve been aware of since before I started this journal. Chronic stress has seriously sapped my creativity and mental flexibility, or I would have realized how to go about it. Unfortunately I might not be able to start for another few weeks.
On top of that, I had overlooked a potential route to getting my own room. I’m going to try to close that as well.

An old friend just got back from the East Coast, where he had been since September. I want to wing (DGing obviously) with him, since he’s almost the only IRL friend whom I can discuss game with. He’s a year and a half younger, and his philosophy owes more to reddit than GC. Out of routine OPSEC he doesn’t know that I go by Surveyor, but he does know that I have some kind of online involvement with the seduction community.

Apart from familiarity and a common background, his vibe will hopefully complement mine. If and when we go hunting together, I’ll report a bit about our adventures.

Any advice would be appreciated, obviously. I’d just ask that you at least know what my basic situation is, either by being active and knowing me, or by skimming my mad-scientist notes here.

Throughout this tough time, of course I’ve continued inner growth (except for things like sleep :( ). I’m gonna try to cut phone usage this week, among other initiatives.

Mainly, I want to Always Be Closing with general tasks.

I also want to spend more one-on-one time with dates and friends of both genders.

Strategically, I’ve started to be honest with myself about how much damage has been done, how much growth stunted, by the past several years. It’ll all be fine in the end. But I had wrongly assumed that because of the glorious achievements of the past twelve months, I was on a trajectory towards my goals. In fact, I had been coasting the entire time.
The next few weeks will be critical.

The basic reason for my recent failure to continue forward was both psychological and physical. My will to win has diminished to often pathetic levels. I’m weary of struggling through the mud, no matter how close I am to the other side of the swamp. Under pressure, I barely care anymore.
Obviously this isn’t how a Man should think and act.

There are a few things I’ll be doing to rebound:
-Giving the initiative back to myself by taking a breather over the summer instead of taking classes. This didn’t work very well over the winter, but the circumstances were different then.
-Getting a lot more intense exercise. One of the reasons I could handle stressors better during the fall was that early-morning swim class.
-Moving out. I’ve come to realize that the limiting nature of being at home isn’t just in my psyche. My parents see me as a child. My siblings see me as no better than them. The rest of the world sees me as a man, and respects me for my particular qualities. My family, unlike my friends, don’t engage with my current self in relation to the past; they see Surveyor’s past, present, and future as essentially the same. This might not be traumatic, but it sure as hell IS toxic, and I need to cut myself free of their frame. It’ll take time to wean myself off financially, but the first step is to get my own space.

(I had an intimate tête-à-tête with my mentor this week about the situation. She helped me stay strong and envision the future once I’m free, but only in the days since then have I started to understand what I wrote above.)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Another day almost entirely wasted.

Sunday, however, was super positive. I did a water fast, during which I rode 35 miles.

In general, though, regularity of rhythms needs to take priority over things like that.

I’ve started cold showers again and am trying to make it a regular thing.

Academics and extracurriculars are still up in the air. I hate myself for procrastinating.

I do think I’m making marginal progress restoring state but it’s hard. 7-8 hours of decent sleep isn’t enough when you have debt built up.

I had a positive experience recently that really showed me what I’m missing. I’ll figure it out once I’m feeling better, but for now I’m not going forth. Later in the week, though, there’s an SC event I have to show up to. I’ll see what I can do there.

I’ve been continuing to take stock. Of course I had been dimly aware how bad certain areas had gotten, but looking at those things in absolute terms…how is that dude even functioning right now?

Lately, I’ve been caught in a spiral of disrupted and disorganized patterns that I haven’t experienced on this scale since the pandemic. I just need to shunt myself sideways into the functional self-reinforcing habits that I’ve been practicing off and on.

It’s hard. But the only option is to push forward.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I’ve turned the corner. Things are moving.

On Wednesday, I went to a big campus to study and then checked their events calendar. In 15 minutes there was a pretty big lecture event, so I dashed over. The topic was applied anthropology with an old-school pre-woke social justice theme, so as you can imagine the room was at least 85% female.
After the lecture, as I went into the well to ask the speaker what she suggested we actually do about the problem, I sort of preopened, or more likely was preopened by, an average-looking girl so that I was compelled by social frame to open.
We ended up having a long (15+ min) conversation. Judging by her nonverbals, she was pretty inexperienced (not to mention but being at least my age (if not half a year older), she was braver than an 18 year old might be, albeit standing with her legs together etc.
She beat me to the number close 😏 I haven’t followed up yet (apart from responding to the text I sent myself on her phone).
I think she’d suit me better as a confidante than a lover. I felt plenty of rapport and comfort, but not really any physical attraction. It didn’t help that there were pretty girls constantly passing by.
Interestingly, I didn’t even get a chance to deep dive her. We went past small talk too quickly.

Yesterday (Thursday) was glorious, if not exactly epic. I paid off some sleep debt and got quite a lot done in the afternoon and early evening.
Not only that, but both a business and a housing lead reached out to me unexpectedly.
I wasted most of the night on a video game but the important thing is that I feel different, better, and am moving forward.

I’ve learned a LOT lately. For starters, I need to be ballsier about approaching. This will take time to work on.
Another thing is the power of social frame and stuff. Speaking of which, lately I’ve been finally coming to grips with the reality of the sex lives of college girls (needless to say, it’s usually nothing like the TV show).

I’m a little concerned that I might not find and get someone I really like by the time things finish in three or four weeks. I still don’t know what my summer will look like, so I haven’t given much thought yet to how the game will change during break.
One thing’s for sure, though: cold or warm, being intentional, closing, and actually going on dates is key.

Harvest time is coming…


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Since my previous post, things have gotten really bad. Suddenly I petered out. Then got dysregulated and ended up doing more and longer video game marathons, often all night.
I feel like I can almost reach out and touch the breakthrough. Yet it seems far away.
Due to the mess I was in, I had to give up some of my extracurriculars, not to mention getting behind with schoolwork.
And I avoided several SC opportunities, including my last best chance to talk to a cute blonde from student government whom I had eye-f**ked a few times without properly opening.

Once I get through this rough patch, it’ll be all right. I’m determined to finish strong.

There’s no question that things have gradually gotten worse in many ways and the only way to heal is to leave my family. 85% of my mental health issues are due to being with them still; professionals and my best friend concur.

Materially speaking, it wouldn’t be too difficult. But right now I don’t have the strength to push on. And I have no reserves to draw on.
It’s things like that that make me feel that when I’m not doing well, there’s a barrier between me and fully experiencing the wide-open world.

I think the best thing to do is to get over the current situation, if not leave, before spending any more time and headspace on actively working on getting girls. Once I’m not under this kind of insane pressure, I’ll be pretty darn hot, not to mention slightly more competent and confident.

And if I’ve gotten my act together, it won’t take too long to get results, even though I’m looking for something specific.

Trying to continue with “badly degraded forces” is not going to help anything.

However, the introspective wheels continue to turn. I’ve learned a lot.

I’ve claimed before that I see DG as a recreational activity. This is mostly true, but I want to try to be completely relaxed and desireless if I keep going out. Otherwise, even if it feels good, it won’t really be a net improvement for stress levels.

So the struggle continues. While I need to devote a certain amount of effort to school, I need to really focus on moving out. Truth be told, it hasn’t been my focus ever since I decided it was time to end the pandemic gap year.

So it continues…


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
- I’ve decided to travel much more, within my means. Which basically means day trips by bike, car, and train :p
Never stop learning. I might be on break from almost everything, but on a male bonding expedition I had my first real interactions with exurban/rural girls and women since I started seducing. Another time…

So I’ve been dusting off my plans from when I was 18 to go to the exurbs and DG (and perhaps app) there. I’ll probably do a few solo day trips in the summer.

But before I do anything like that, I need to get in order, and get comfortable with hard-core DGing. Apart from transit and campus approaches (where there’s already a minimal social frame), I mainly use situationals, because ngl, often (not always) I lack the balls to engage with the optimal frames (indirect-direct, “saying hi”, or whatever is best at the moment).
I’ve been operating under high pressure for months, so I’ve forgotten how comfortable I used to be during much of the fall campaign. That week in mid-fall when, among other sets, I comfortably opened Norrland Girl and confidently cold approached both Rower Girl and the Dynamic Duo in three days? I’m obviously so much better than I was then in so many ways, yet I doubt I could do that kind of stuff right at this moment, lying here at 3 a on my parents’ living room couch with a sore throat, red eyes, and glasses instead of contacts.

In terms of moving ahead with SC, of course I’ve made progress, but laughably little compared to the possibilities. Part of the issue is that while I can be pretty social when I’m feeling up to it, under pressure I prefer to have my own space (btw, this is one of my biggest concerns about getting into a relationship — I wouldn’t share this openly in my own identity).

In the meantime, I’m going to try to keep girls and sex from occupying valuable headspace while I get my stuff in order.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I need to stop treating myself like crap.

Yet again, I (mostly) killed more time until I have very little left. This week I actually got some stuff done but not enough.

In my defense, I had a major cold (tested negative) for much of the week.

In the past I’d usually respond to issues like this by taking drastic steps like setting a hard screen curfew and other such things. I don’t feel as if I have enough willpower to discipline myself but maybe I’ll feel different in the next couple days.

So long as I get my act together around now, I’ll be fine academically. But what I really need to deal with is my living situation.

I think I can handle that, provided I can find the headspace.

There is no other way to improve anything.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I went winging over the weekend with the friend I mentioned above. We didn’t actually approach, just talked and scouted a local campus and another venue, a walkable suburban downtown, so that he could get a feel for both places.
In total, we walked at least ten miles in clothes that were less than ideal for that sort of thing. The last four miles were at a ten-minute pace due to time constraints.


-The spotlight effect is a way bigger deal, and much, much more extensive than most people imagine.
-People react positively to your having a wing. I already knew this intellectually, of course.
-The only time passersby don’t ignore you is if you say something to your wing that gets their attention. So this could be useful tactically.
-The typical dude, like my wing, is easily fooled as to a girl’s level of attractiveness if she’s dolled up. Furthermore, the combined effects of large numbers of dolled-up girls can be interesting.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
I got the best offer yet for a room. Likely empty apartment for two months at an extremely reasonable price. I’m gonna see how quickly I can close.

The room has a large bed, it wasn’t clear from the pic but probably a queen. Good to have ;)

Things have been quiet so far this week but that’s likely to change. I had an unexpected MMFF 4-set of Ukrainian students on the bus between my college and another university after evening class. Super positive, we vibed quickly from common ground and the girl I was interested in was showing signs of interest, but the group got off a few stops earlier than I expected. I wasn’t completely on the ball and in retrospect I should have done a group social media close. Well, I can hardly expect to handle a novel situation perfectly.

I’m focusing on resting and dealing with schoolwork but when I can I want to up volume. I get a decent amount already ofc but it’s not enough since I’m looking for something specific.

About that…I’ve been giving some thought as to the possibilities once I have a main girl, but before she gets me to commit. One thing is that if I am going to have pure hookup/fb, probably best to do mainly older women starting out as it’s less complicated. I’m also concerned, given that my sex drive seems to be only growing over time, that I won’t get sex frequently enough if I’m exclusive to one girl.

Anyway, first things first. Specifically I need to increase my exposure to my target audience as most of the girls at my college aren’t super compatible. Unfortunately the spring semesters and quarters are ending soon.

Onwards and upwards…


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
It’s not set in stone but I’m pretty sure I have a place over the summer. In the course of touring it I realized the extent to which my newfound charisma affects even (presumably) straight dudes in a one-on-one setting.
My best friend wasn’t joking a while back when he told me, among other things, that I have a formidable presence.

Today I also got off three times, despite feeing physically drained to start with. Just how it is.

The next several days will be extremely intense; the combination of finals and moving out will make or break not only the entire spring campaign, but the summer as well.

This is a rather decisive moment. But I don’t feel the same excitement and drive that I felt, for instance, at the end of September. Just worn out from months and years of struggle.

Luckily, that may make the (positive) stress less disruptive if I’m desensitized.

Earlier I missed a deadline by a few minutes for a major assignment due to the usual procrastination. Breaking this habit will be a key task in the months and years to come.

If all goes well, and God willing, it’ll be a significant achievement to both maintain that 4.0 and move out, under very difficult conditions.

Of course it’ll take a week or two once I have my own space to recover. After that I can go forth and be glorious in earnest.

Naturally, I want to make good use of my having my own place. So once I’m fresh and rested, I intend to make a major effort to get a main girl who meets my standards. After that, we’ll see.

Besides for that, I want to make good use of my time for personal growth and also having a proper vacation. I’ll probably take one course and a separate program elsewhere, but I should have plenty of time to actually travel throughout Southern California and perhaps further, and just be active and have fun in general.

Adventures await!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
In seduction, intellectual knowledge of any kind can only point the way. Most lessons need to be experienced to really be learned.

The semester is almost over. I’ve learned a lot of lessons and I know what I need to improve on.

Thanks to @Train and @sunflowergirl04 for showing me how to tougher and more confident. @Wick for similar things that I’m only now really starting to understand. And shoutout to @mist and a few others for challenging my weaknesses.

Summer will be epic. A lot of things I’ve been working on will come to fruition. And from here on it will open up and get better.

I won’t be changing my name to BIGGUSDICKUS2. But it’s time for a different mindset.

Up to now, even during the steady broad-front progress of the past 20 months or so, I had little choice but to play it safe and go for incremental progress. Absolutely serious about that.

Now? It’s time to go outside my comfort zone, grow out of the confining shell of my parents’ house, and grab Fortune by the labia.

In the area of girls, it may take time to deprogram from certain deeply rooted habits. But I’m determined to achieve real abundance in due time.

I’m not going to be too hard of myself. I literally started from scratch.

Other major areas I want to improve in are:

-Doing everything in my life intentionally. This is the only New Years’ Resolution I made, and frankly I backslid due to chronic stress. Not. Any. More.
-Organizational habits.
-Being more relaxed in general. This one shouldn’t be all that difficult now that the academic year is over and I’m finally escaping from my parents (mostly).
-Fitness, both health- and skill-based. There’s plenty of room for growth.
-Building a new social circle. This and girls are really two sides of the same coin.

Right now, I have a lot to do in limited time. It’s time to go and crush it!

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I’m not sure whether that assistance extends to getting girls
I remember going to temple before my game sessions , last year .

They were a blast . I never had had sessions like that before.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
A lot has happened but I’m gonna let it finish happening before I do any real updates.
By Thursday night I hope to have everything worked out.
Whatever happens, this academic year has been one of progress, growth, and learning. I failed to achieve some objectives, but I now have a far clearer idea of what I need to do in order to succeed on a large scale and achieve glorious things.

Truth is, I haven’t been operating at full throttle with game since early November. I’m going to put a lot more effort into it at some point this summer but I need to finish the semester and then move out (partially).

For now, a lot of systems, internal and external, have taken battle damage. Under the surface, though, is a stronger, tougher, wiser, fitter, wealthier, and more socially competent Surveyor.

This summer will involve a paradigm shift in multiple ways. Hopefully I’ll put the lessons of the past year to good use.

The path continues…


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
And…I did it!

In many ways it was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done, but I stayed the course throughout all the twists and turns.


-As in all the classes I didn’t drop
-MOVING OUT next week unless something goes horribly wrong!!! Not finalized on paper yet but it’s happening.

-Boatloads of XP and lessons learned. I’m a completely changed person.

Now the real work begins…

I’m doing something pretty special and low-stress for summer but might take one class if I can work everything out in the next few days.

Hopefully reduced stressors, better sleep, more exercise, and just plain being in my own space will make many other things possible. For instance, getting decent retention runs.

It’ll take time to process everything that has happened.

I’ve been working on sexual vibes and self-expression and I’ve noticed changes in myself. I’m too exhausted right now to elaborate.

I’m starting to realize how hot I’m becoming (I was pretty hot on Page 1 already) and I’m going to see where that gets me. Of course, this was probably a limiting factor in not learning to initiate properly: I got enough attention/response from friendly-social approaches and the occasional girl initiating flirting that I remained clueless.

If not for said exhaustion, I’d be pumped for what’s next. It’s all happening!

Who dares wins…
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take