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The Game is just a tool. We need A LOT of other things to succeed with super high quality women


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
Yess part of me is looking for validation. True. But not all.
It's also about proving to myself that I can get any woman I want. It becomes my reality not only my belief.
(And every guy deep down wants this, If they are saying otherwise they are lying to themselves or find it too hard or too much work so just REFRAME it saying..ohh I don't want celebrity girl on my arm.)

It does sound like you want sex with a celebrity for validation tho

Wanting to prove something to yourself is looking for validation

Nothing wrong with it but it is what it is

The reason I am saying A listers because IMO they are the hardest to get and not because they are the hottest.
So it's like - If I can get them I can get any woman the planet. Kind of cool isn't it?

You want the hardest but not the hottest girls?

So if you bang your personal 10 physically and personality wise you would not be happy if she had a regular job?

But if you banged Rosie O'donnell you will be over the moon?

Also the massive social proof.
I bet people don't know Pete Davidson cause of his comedy mainly.

You can also get that social proof by having Hot girls as pivots, or Hot girls as exes that you are on good terms with. Just saying

I agree they are not that hot in real life. Maybe just look good on the camera.

So you don't want hot girls? Just popular ones?

If that is the case that sounds fair. Can look up Michael Sartain: Men Of Action (program).

Program is all about using Status & Social Proof to get laid.

And btw it's ok to have your goals. But understand that others may not have the same motivations for using game as you


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2019
Oohhhh, quite interesting.

Now I am curious about that. How would a super rich socially incompetent go about finding high caliber women?

Is that like a paid service you need to apply for and they hook you with someone?
Or is it more like a dating app with very restrictive requirements?

I once stumbled upon a network of “high value” individuals that will set you up but men had to be 40+ to apply so I couldn’t even consider it.

Yeah you have it nailed on the head.

Pretty much in the same way that there is recruiters for sports keeping an eye on prospects in person there is companies that does the same but for dating.

I’ve also seen it where modeling agencies are just funnels for the owners to get young great ass. That’s died down since insta/Tik tok and self promoting has been a thing.

The online dating portion same deal but it isn’t a real human on the other side. I remember seeing the app the famous use on Tik Tok but since I’m not the crowd for it I don’t care.

Real question is where would you meet rich people without having to do too much legwork and the answer would be at a charity gala. Problem with charity gala’s being that as one person you’ll usually have table seating and thus works best if you have a +3 or + 5 to accompany.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Interesting thread.

@Seduceceleb, I assume you are Indian?

I checked on the backend real quick, under the assumption that you likely were, and it seems I was correct and you hail from the subcontinent.

I have observed over the years (as I'm sure many others have here as well) that Indians for some ethnic reason probably unknowable to non-Indians place massive emphasis on courting the favor of and/or seducing figures of cultural prominence.

That being the case, the answer to this question:

My question is why people don't do it?
Why Mystery or Neil strauss or Owen cook or Chase - break into the social circle and get those super famous, most desired women.
(As a testament to their skills and for ultimate preselection)

... may simply be just "Because we're not Indian"!

But I'll give a bit more of a rundown:

  1. Seduction success is as much about a woman's availability as it is anything else

  2. There is no seducer on the planet capable of seducing "any woman, any time, anywhere, no matter her romantic/sexual availability"

  3. Most women most of the time are in relationships; therefore, if you are targeting SPECIFIC women, you need to slow game it and/or WAIT

  4. Celebrity women tend to lead fairly cloistered lives, and the most famous ("A-listers") have bodyguards when they go out in public, making cold approach impractical. Add in the fact that they are probably not available, and your odds of setting up a date in the time before their bodyguards can tackle or mace you when you approach on the street are not high

  5. So, if you want these women, you are pretty much forced to go through social circle.

  6. As they operate in rarefied social circles, you must be capable of entering into their circles, rather than, say, throwing a party at your bachelor pad and reaching out to them to come join you via their people (they won't come).

  7. This kind of social circle infiltration takes a LOT of time, skill, and dedication.

  8. IF you are going to do it, you are not then going to stupidly blow up your spot by kissing and telling, like going online and revealing that "Ha HA! I am a pickup artist but I infiltrated the A-list celebrity circles and banged Taylor Swift! Now everyone knows it and I have shown my skill as the ULTIMATE PICKUP ARTIST!" You will be immediately shut out of all those circles, never allowed within 1000 feet of a celebrity again, no one will ever trust you with anything, you'll look like a complete sleazebag, and whatever Internet points you may get from boasting about your exploit, people will have largely forgotten it in a year.

I know some guys who date/bang celebrities. Not A-listers, but C- and D-list celebrities. I pulled some chicks back to a Beverly Hills luxury townhouse on a cliff overlooking the hills once that was owned by a friend of a friend who banged celebrities. The homeowner was a PUA who'd studied under some highly skilled PUAs, but he was not a coach and he would NEVER post online about what celebrity chicks he banged. He'd have been instantly shut out of those circles and everything he'd built for years would be lost. I have high-priced coaching clients too who date minor celebrity chicks... again, they are extremely privacy-focused, and only tell me which chicks they're getting because they know I am not going to say it to anyone (and I never will).

Further: I lived in SoCal and took acting for the camera classes. I went to numerous auditions. I had a minor role in an independent film. I have been around a lot of young and aspiring actresses. Some of them went on to fairly minor fame and have appeared in a variety of different shows. What I have noticed is that actresses in general are a little above average in looks, and about average in intelligence. Seems to be as true for A-listers as for any others.

How well-known (A-list) or not a chick is is completely determined by the marketing. Various producers, record companies, movie studios, etc., make investments in raising the star of various actors or actresses, make their names big, and create that star power for them. They are not doing it on their own. They are just the product.

I thought it would be cool to be an actor, but I soon realized it was far less creative work than writing, and that as an actor all I was doing was interpreting someone else's GENUINELY creative work (the writer). I grew unhappy with it fairly quickly. I'm grateful for the experience, but I'd never want acting to be the big thing I was known for.

An elite woman to me is naturally beautiful, with a banging body, a high intelligence, post-graduate level education, and high natural charisma.

So far as I am aware, there are none of these women in Hollywood, and certainly not among A-listers.

The only chick I can think of that I would consider pretty hot in 2025 Hollywood (and there may be others I just don't know... honestly I find myself watching less and less modern stuff. It's got to be at least partly because of how ugly the actresses are getting though. Really, Hollywood is just using uglier and uglier actresses for things) is Ana de Armas. But she, like Taylor Swift, is OLD (mid-30s). She is not even super gorgeous, just pretty cute. You can meet lots of girls who look like her, or better, and are younger, without having to crawl through bodyguards or spend years infiltrating celebrity social circles to do it. I would much rather meet a cuter Ana de Armas lookalike then wade through years of Hollywood social circle building just so I can be known as "Chase Amante, the PUA who bagged Ana de Armas."

(I would also say, in addition to all that, that if my claim to fame is "Chase Amante, the PUA who bagged Ana de Armas" instead of the stuff I am known for, I would feel pretty cheated)

Also, Please can anyone refer to any field reports from this site or otherwise about creating and Maneuvering through social circle. I hope not everyone is KJ here in this someone must have done it and shared it.
Second hand anecdotes can also work.

Here is my guide to throwing huge parties that attract young, wealthy dudes and young, hot girls, including celebrities:

I did it for a short while, and was right at the center of these circles, as "the guy you have to know to because he runs the parties." Various wealthy / high status dudes would be pestering me to meet them for lunch or get drinks with them, and any girl I wanted to meet from the circle would basically come to meet me, because it was worth being on better terms with me and she didn't want to risk losing access to the parties. Not all those girls would be available, but some of them would be, and the ones who were were very easy to lay.

Ultimately I realized I could get higher caliber girls through cold approach than I could this way, which made the whole experiment kind of moot.

You may also want to check out Peter Fontes's series on meeting women via social circle:

Most desirable here is from OBJECTIVE pov - How many men are drooling over her and how many women wanna be in her position ? - for me personally most celebs are not desirable - But I am talking about - CAN WE GET THEM? - Do we do or not that's different. But can we?
(Testament of our attraction and social skills)

I don't need the testament.

A lot of guys drooling over a woman does not make me want her more.

Most studies show that men in general do not care if other men want a woman (meanwhile, women are very attracted to men that other women want).

But there is clearly a subset of men who do: guys who go wild for actresses, models, etc.

I know if I was around XYZ celebrity and she was available and I was interested in her enough I'd have a pretty good chance of nailing her.

I don't need to do it at this point to prove it to myself, and as far as I'm concerned I don't need to prove myself any further to the world.

I've got thousands of testimonials about the effectiveness of my material. If guys want to know if this stuff works, or if I know what I'm talking about, they can go read some testimonials then go test the material out themselves.

It's not my job to find ever more ways to prove myself to people.

I do what I do because it is fun and I like teaching it to guys, but if a guy is very resistant to it and needs to see me publicly bag a celebrity to 'believe', that is a guy I am not going to lose any sleep about trying to win over.

The reason I am saying A listers because IMO they are the hardest to get and not because they are the hottest.
So it's like - If I can get them I can get any woman the planet. Kind of cool isn't it?

They are not the hardest to get on the planet though.

21% of American women go to their graves only ever having slept with a single man in their entire lives.

THOSE are the hardest women to get. If you want the über challenge: can you convince some guy's hyper-religious virgin fiancée to bang you?

IMO that's a lot harder than banging the average A-list actress who's been on a dozen casting couches in Hollywood and hooked up with a bunch of her co-stars, directors, cinematographers, the lights guy, and a couple of her managers.

Just get a job on a set in Hollywood and work your way up.

(not saying anyone should be driving around the Midwest trying to fuck loyal-until-they-met-you GFs, fiancées, & wives; don't do that. Just saying...)

Also the massive social proof.
I bet people don't know Pete Davidson cause of his comedy mainly.

I don't know who he is, either for his comedy or whatever else (some celebrity he bagged) he's known for.

There are a lot of ways to get social proof.

Personally, if I wanted Hollywood social proof, and was going to devote my energy to Hollywood, I would just get back into acting and hustle my ass off in acting class, on auditions, and in my networking until I was appearing in shows and movies all over the place.

Then you can be known for being a damn fine actor who's a big box office draw, and oh by the way you bang A-list celebrities by default just naturally because you're in those social circles.

If you're going to do all the work anyway, might as well "build social proof" by actually being the celebrity, rather than being known as the guy who fucked a girl who is a celebrity.

Speculation on my part but from what I’ve seen a lot of celebrities have access to celeb dating apps. Yea there is still a very large portion of in-person game that still happens but from my rich friends they tend to just hire people to take care of that aspect of dating for them.

This is true.

@Colt Williams, who created our Tinder guide when Tinder was still fairly new and he was crushing it on there, switched over to Raya years back and has used that to great effect. I don't know if he's met celebrity chicks on there (but he has met a bunch of girls on there), but there are a bunch of them on the app; he was going to create a guide for us on that a while back when I told him I wanted to build a new dating app course, and there are definitely celebrities on there.

When I ran those big parties years back, I put all that together through another invite-only app that had a bunch of celebrities, alongside more regular business magnates, models, etc. on it. Whenever I traveled back when I still used that app I used it to meet up with various people in whatever city I was visiting and met some fairly well-known celebrities that way. I guess the fortunate part for me was that I'm so unplugged from celebrity culture that I'd have people introducing these people to me, telling me how XYZ magazine I'd never heard of was doing all this speculation about who ABC person they were introducing me to was dating, and I just did not know any of these people or magazines so we'd just chat normally like two regular human beings.

(that app was cool while it lasted... I had some fun shags from it... and I have never found an app since then where girls were more trusting and more eager to meet up with you because everyone on there was just so high caliber... but even still: cold approach is and was still better)



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
I would like to add some evidence that Hollywood is playing a weird game of reframing our society beauty standards.

Look at these two articles that supposedly list the “hottest” women in Hollywood:

The first one includes ONLY 1 woman younger than 35

The second one looks more like a diversity catalogue.

Zendaya the hottest??? Wtf? Some of these women are ugly or overweight.


May 22, 2024
Interesting thread.

@Seduceceleb, I assume you are Indian?

I checked on the backend real quick, under the assumption that you likely were, and it seems I was correct and you hail from the subcontinent.

I have observed over the years (as I'm sure many others have here as well) that Indians for some ethnic reason probably unknowable to non-Indians place massive emphasis on courting the favor of and/or seducing figures of cultural prominence.

That being the case, the answer to this question:

... may simply be just "Because we're not Indian"!

But I'll give a bit more of a rundown:

  1. Seduction success is as much about a woman's availability as it is anything else

  2. There is no seducer on the planet capable of seducing "any woman, any time, anywhere, no matter her romantic/sexual availability"

  3. Most women most of the time are in relationships; therefore, if you are targeting SPECIFIC women, you need to slow game it and/or WAIT

  4. Celebrity women tend to lead fairly cloistered lives, and the most famous ("A-listers") have bodyguards when they go out in public, making cold approach impractical. Add in the fact that they are probably not available, and your odds of setting up a date in the time before their bodyguards can tackle or mace you when you approach on the street are not high

  5. So, if you want these women, you are pretty much forced to go through social circle.

  6. As they operate in rarefied social circles, you must be capable of entering into their circles, rather than, say, throwing a party at your bachelor pad and reaching out to them to come join you via their people (they won't come).

  7. This kind of social circle infiltration takes a LOT of time, skill, and dedication.

  8. IF you are going to do it, you are not then going to stupidly blow up your spot by kissing and telling, like going online and revealing that "Ha HA! I am a pickup artist but I infiltrated the A-list celebrity circles and banged Taylor Swift! Now everyone knows it and I have shown my skill as the ULTIMATE PICKUP ARTIST!" You will be immediately shut out of all those circles, never allowed within 1000 feet of a celebrity again, no one will ever trust you with anything, you'll look like a complete sleazebag, and whatever Internet points you may get from boasting about your exploit, people will have largely forgotten it in a year.

I know some guys who date/bang celebrities. Not A-listers, but C- and D-list celebrities. I pulled some chicks back to a Beverly Hills luxury townhouse on a cliff overlooking the hills once that was owned by a friend of a friend who banged celebrities. The homeowner was a PUA who'd studied under some highly skilled PUAs, but he was not a coach and he would NEVER post online about what celebrity chicks he banged. He'd have been instantly shut out of those circles and everything he'd built for years would be lost. I have high-priced coaching clients too who date minor celebrity chicks... again, they are extremely privacy-focused, and only tell me which chicks they're getting because they know I am not going to say it to anyone (and I never will).

Further: I lived in SoCal and took acting for the camera classes. I went to numerous auditions. I had a minor role in an independent film. I have been around a lot of young and aspiring actresses. Some of them went on to fairly minor fame and have appeared in a variety of different shows. What I have noticed is that actresses in general are a little above average in looks, and about average in intelligence. Seems to be as true for A-listers as for any others.

How well-known (A-list) or not a chick is is completely determined by the marketing. Various producers, record companies, movie studios, etc., make investments in raising the star of various actors or actresses, make their names big, and create that star power for them. They are not doing it on their own. They are just the product.

I thought it would be cool to be an actor, but I soon realized it was far less creative work than writing, and that as an actor all I was doing was interpreting someone else's GENUINELY creative work (the writer). I grew unhappy with it fairly quickly. I'm grateful for the experience, but I'd never want acting to be the big thing I was known for.

An elite woman to me is naturally beautiful, with a banging body, a high intelligence, post-graduate level education, and high natural charisma.

So far as I am aware, there are none of these women in Hollywood, and certainly not among A-listers.

The only chick I can think of that I would consider pretty hot in 2025 Hollywood (and there may be others I just don't know... honestly I find myself watching less and less modern stuff. It's got to be at least partly because of how ugly the actresses are getting though. Really, Hollywood is just using uglier and uglier actresses for things) is Ana de Armas. But she, like Taylor Swift, is OLD (mid-30s). She is not even super gorgeous, just pretty cute. You can meet lots of girls who look like her, or better, and are younger, without having to crawl through bodyguards or spend years infiltrating celebrity social circles to do it. I would much rather meet a cuter Ana de Armas lookalike then wade through years of Hollywood social circle building just so I can be known as "Chase Amante, the PUA who bagged Ana de Armas."

(I would also say, in addition to all that, that if my claim to fame is "Chase Amante, the PUA who bagged Ana de Armas" instead of the stuff I am known for, I would feel pretty cheated)

Here is my guide to throwing huge parties that attract young, wealthy dudes and young, hot girls, including celebrities:

I did it for a short while, and was right at the center of these circles, as "the guy you have to know to because he runs the parties." Various wealthy / high status dudes would be pestering me to meet them for lunch or get drinks with them, and any girl I wanted to meet from the circle would basically come to meet me, because it was worth being on better terms with me and she didn't want to risk losing access to the parties. Not all those girls would be available, but some of them would be, and the ones who were were very easy to lay.

Ultimately I realized I could get higher caliber girls through cold approach than I could this way, which made the whole experiment kind of moot.

You may also want to check out Peter Fontes's series on meeting women via social circle:

I don't need the testament.

A lot of guys drooling over a woman does not make me want her more.

Most studies show that men in general do not care if other men want a woman (meanwhile, women are very attracted to men that other women want).

But there is clearly a subset of men who do: guys who go wild for actresses, models, etc.

I know if I was around XYZ celebrity and she was available and I was interested in her enough I'd have a pretty good chance of nailing her.

I don't need to do it at this point to prove it to myself, and as far as I'm concerned I don't need to prove myself any further to the world.

I've got thousands of testimonials about the effectiveness of my material. If guys want to know if this stuff works, or if I know what I'm talking about, they can go read some testimonials then go test the material out themselves.

It's not my job to find ever more ways to prove myself to people.

I do what I do because it is fun and I like teaching it to guys, but if a guy is very resistant to it and needs to see me publicly bag a celebrity to 'believe', that is a guy I am not going to lose any sleep about trying to win over.

They are not the hardest to get on the planet though.

21% of American women go to their graves only ever having slept with a single man in their entire lives.

THOSE are the hardest women to get. If you want the über challenge: can you convince some guy's hyper-religious virgin fiancée to bang you?

IMO that's a lot harder than banging the average A-list actress who's been on a dozen casting couches in Hollywood and hooked up with a bunch of her co-stars, directors, cinematographers, the lights guy, and a couple of her managers.

Just get a job on a set in Hollywood and work your way up.

(not saying anyone should be driving around the Midwest trying to fuck loyal-until-they-met-you GFs, fiancées, & wives; don't do that. Just saying...)

I don't know who he is, either for his comedy or whatever else (some celebrity he bagged) he's known for.

There are a lot of ways to get social proof.

Personally, if I wanted Hollywood social proof, and was going to devote my energy to Hollywood, I would just get back into acting and hustle my ass off in acting class, on auditions, and in my networking until I was appearing in shows and movies all over the place.

Then you can be known for being a damn fine actor who's a big box office draw, and oh by the way you bang A-list celebrities by default just naturally because you're in those social circles.

If you're going to do all the work anyway, might as well "build social proof" by actually being the celebrity, rather than being known as the guy who fucked a girl who is a celebrity.

This is true.

@Colt Williams, who created our Tinder guide when Tinder was still fairly new and he was crushing it on there, switched over to Raya years back and has used that to great effect. I don't know if he's met celebrity chicks on there (but he has met a bunch of girls on there), but there are a bunch of them on the app; he was going to create a guide for us on that a while back when I told him I wanted to build a new dating app course, and there are definitely celebrities on there.

When I ran those big parties years back, I put all that together through another invite-only app that had a bunch of celebrities, alongside more regular business magnates, models, etc. on it. Whenever I traveled back when I still used that app I used it to meet up with various people in whatever city I was visiting and met some fairly well-known celebrities that way. I guess the fortunate part for me was that I'm so unplugged from celebrity culture that I'd have people introducing these people to me, telling me how XYZ magazine I'd never heard of was doing all this speculation about who ABC person they were introducing me to was dating, and I just did not know any of these people or magazines so we'd just chat normally like two regular human beings.

(that app was cool while it lasted... I had some fun shags from it... and I have never found an app since then where girls were more trusting and more eager to meet up with you because everyone on there was just so high caliber... but even still: cold approach is and was still better)

1000% agree with all of this and I’ve observed similar things being in modeling and meeting models and other women of “high social caliber”. Whether or not a model makes it big depends largely on the agencies and she’s with as well as marketing, if they’re with an agency like Ford, Wilhelmina etc MAYBE they’ll walk in a big show or do a campaign shoot with a big brand. But also very rare and it also largely depends on a number of things out of the model’s control. Most models, even those who are with a big agency never make it to supermodel level, extremely rare.

99% of models are financially struggling girls who get paid on commission (when they get booked for shoots / runways) and sometimes the pay can be up to 2 to 3 months late. It’s not really a lucrative enough career choice to actually do it full time. That’s why some models go on to pursue other careers while modeling on the side. I will say that they are very approachable and super easy to meet, like I said earlier you can meet them at fashion events or cold approach them on the street, they’re a lot more common than you think. But I will say that out of prob dozens of models I’ve met so far maybe ONE I actually found actually as attractive as in pics. Most are average to slightly above average looking and then become even hotter in pics and spiced with makeup and dressed.

It’s better and easier to just meet women who are just as hot as celebs / models and/or hotter than them through daygame cold approach than trying to break into the Hollywood social scene just so you can bang Ariana Grande, or trying to rise up the ranks of the NYC modeling industry just to try and date Bella Hadid.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
It’s better and easier to just meet women who are just as hot as celebs / models and/or hotter than them through daygame cold approach than trying to break into the Hollywood social scene just so you can bang Ariana Grande, or trying to rise up the ranks of the NYC modeling industry just to try and date Bella Hadid.

I would gladly give Gal Gadot my seed, though.

Gal, if you’re reading this, please DM me.
  • Haha
Reactions: POB


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
It's really about different priorities. I mean for me if the girl is hot, I will want to have her. If I learn she is famous I may feel a small boost just due to knowing I am getting with a girl others want, but I feel it will be mostly a burden and I will basically try to be as discreet as possible, so that it's not ultra public that we are together, and I can keep my privacy.

If the girl is not hot, not many things can make me desire her. I have the number in fact of a girl I cold approached some time ago, and met again randomly at an event nearby, and from her stories in whatsapp she is catwalking all over the world in important shows and also gets interviewed by fashion magazines. The only thing is this girl is kinda cute, but with quite a peculiar face, so I am not even that into her.

Would I mind sleeping with her? No, that said I wouldn't think of it as any big win sleeping with a famous model. Why do I even care that she is a model if she doesn't really look like one in my eyes?

And this last one is also important because we do have preferences. Some of the celebrity names mentioned in the thread are cute indeed, but I wouldn't dream of dating them at all, while girls I could crush on may be indifferent to others.

So in the end I think everyone can feel which girls he mostly desires and define as success getting these girls.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
I would like to add some evidence that Hollywood is playing a weird game of reframing our society beauty standards.

Look at these two articles that supposedly list the “hottest” women in Hollywood:

The first one includes ONLY 1 woman younger than 35

The second one looks more like a diversity catalogue.

Zendaya the hottest??? Wtf? Some of these women are ugly or overweight.

I can't even watch a lot of these movies now.

I don't want to watch some steroid guy crying because he can't get some chick who was beaten with the ugly stick.

Then finally in the end steroid guy learns the ultimate lesson of "submit to the ugly girl and she will let you marry her."

Actually nowadays the guy doesn't even get the girl. Steroid guy submits to the ugly girl, ugly girl still won't date him, because she's too busy going off to "self-actualize", meanwhile steroid guy learns that submission to the ugly girl's ideals were really what was right all along.

Easy hack: check the cast list first.

If the leading women are old or ugly, skip the movie.

I've been following this rule for a few years now, and it has saved me wasting time on a LOT of movies that guys all complain about later that "OMG that movie was so horrible what a waste of time!"

(I just smile knowingly, because I didn't waste my time on it, because I checked the cast list and all the chicks were old or UGs so I gave it a pass)


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
I would like to add some evidence that Hollywood is playing a weird game of reframing our society beauty standards.

Look at these two articles that supposedly list the “hottest” women in Hollywood:

The first one includes ONLY 1 woman younger than 35

The second one looks more like a diversity catalogue.

Zendaya the hottest??? Wtf? Some of these women are ugly or overweight.
Hahahaha, it's just insane if you compare it with what was the standard before, especially in the 40s, 50s and 60s:
- Ava Gardner
- Julie Newmar
- Ann Miller
- Paulette Godard
- Mary Blanchard
- Ann Robinson
- Marie MacDonald
- Cleo Moore


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Funny story, I banged a couple of celebrities (not global, local). Part of social circles that involve them.

The chicks I meet in daygame are way hotter. Celebrities are not any hotter than the most of the hotter girls you'll see in your mall.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 3, 2025
Interesting thread.

@Seduceceleb, I assume you are Indian?

I checked on the backend real quick, under the assumption that you likely were, and it seems I was correct and you hail from the subcontinent.

I have observed over the years (as I'm sure many others have here as well) that Indians for some ethnic reason probably unknowable to non-Indians place massive emphasis on courting the favor of and/or seducing figures of cultural prominence.

That being the case, the answer to this question:

... may simply be just "Because we're not Indian"!

But I'll give a bit more of a rundown:

  1. Seduction success is as much about a woman's availability as it is anything else

  2. There is no seducer on the planet capable of seducing "any woman, any time, anywhere, no matter her romantic/sexual availability"

  3. Most women most of the time are in relationships; therefore, if you are targeting SPECIFIC women, you need to slow game it and/or WAIT

  4. Celebrity women tend to lead fairly cloistered lives, and the most famous ("A-listers") have bodyguards when they go out in public, making cold approach impractical. Add in the fact that they are probably not available, and your odds of setting up a date in the time before their bodyguards can tackle or mace you when you approach on the street are not high

  5. So, if you want these women, you are pretty much forced to go through social circle.

  6. As they operate in rarefied social circles, you must be capable of entering into their circles, rather than, say, throwing a party at your bachelor pad and reaching out to them to come join you via their people (they won't come).

  7. This kind of social circle infiltration takes a LOT of time, skill, and dedication.

  8. IF you are going to do it, you are not then going to stupidly blow up your spot by kissing and telling, like going online and revealing that "Ha HA! I am a pickup artist but I infiltrated the A-list celebrity circles and banged Taylor Swift! Now everyone knows it and I have shown my skill as the ULTIMATE PICKUP ARTIST!" You will be immediately shut out of all those circles, never allowed within 1000 feet of a celebrity again, no one will ever trust you with anything, you'll look like a complete sleazebag, and whatever Internet points you may get from boasting about your exploit, people will have largely forgotten it in a year.

I know some guys who date/bang celebrities. Not A-listers, but C- and D-list celebrities. I pulled some chicks back to a Beverly Hills luxury townhouse on a cliff overlooking the hills once that was owned by a friend of a friend who banged celebrities. The homeowner was a PUA who'd studied under some highly skilled PUAs, but he was not a coach and he would NEVER post online about what celebrity chicks he banged. He'd have been instantly shut out of those circles and everything he'd built for years would be lost. I have high-priced coaching clients too who date minor celebrity chicks... again, they are extremely privacy-focused, and only tell me which chicks they're getting because they know I am not going to say it to anyone (and I never will).

Further: I lived in SoCal and took acting for the camera classes. I went to numerous auditions. I had a minor role in an independent film. I have been around a lot of young and aspiring actresses. Some of them went on to fairly minor fame and have appeared in a variety of different shows. What I have noticed is that actresses in general are a little above average in looks, and about average in intelligence. Seems to be as true for A-listers as for any others.

How well-known (A-list) or not a chick is is completely determined by the marketing. Various producers, record companies, movie studios, etc., make investments in raising the star of various actors or actresses, make their names big, and create that star power for them. They are not doing it on their own. They are just the product.

I thought it would be cool to be an actor, but I soon realized it was far less creative work than writing, and that as an actor all I was doing was interpreting someone else's GENUINELY creative work (the writer). I grew unhappy with it fairly quickly. I'm grateful for the experience, but I'd never want acting to be the big thing I was known for.

An elite woman to me is naturally beautiful, with a banging body, a high intelligence, post-graduate level education, and high natural charisma.

So far as I am aware, there are none of these women in Hollywood, and certainly not among A-listers.

The only chick I can think of that I would consider pretty hot in 2025 Hollywood (and there may be others I just don't know... honestly I find myself watching less and less modern stuff. It's got to be at least partly because of how ugly the actresses are getting though. Really, Hollywood is just using uglier and uglier actresses for things) is Ana de Armas. But she, like Taylor Swift, is OLD (mid-30s). She is not even super gorgeous, just pretty cute. You can meet lots of girls who look like her, or better, and are younger, without having to crawl through bodyguards or spend years infiltrating celebrity social circles to do it. I would much rather meet a cuter Ana de Armas lookalike then wade through years of Hollywood social circle building just so I can be known as "Chase Amante, the PUA who bagged Ana de Armas."

(I would also say, in addition to all that, that if my claim to fame is "Chase Amante, the PUA who bagged Ana de Armas" instead of the stuff I am known for, I would feel pretty cheated)

Here is my guide to throwing huge parties that attract young, wealthy dudes and young, hot girls, including celebrities:

I did it for a short while, and was right at the center of these circles, as "the guy you have to know to because he runs the parties." Various wealthy / high status dudes would be pestering me to meet them for lunch or get drinks with them, and any girl I wanted to meet from the circle would basically come to meet me, because it was worth being on better terms with me and she didn't want to risk losing access to the parties. Not all those girls would be available, but some of them would be, and the ones who were were very easy to lay.

Ultimately I realized I could get higher caliber girls through cold approach than I could this way, which made the whole experiment kind of moot.

You may also want to check out Peter Fontes's series on meeting women via social circle:

I don't need the testament.

A lot of guys drooling over a woman does not make me want her more.

Most studies show that men in general do not care if other men want a woman (meanwhile, women are very attracted to men that other women want).

But there is clearly a subset of men who do: guys who go wild for actresses, models, etc.

I know if I was around XYZ celebrity and she was available and I was interested in her enough I'd have a pretty good chance of nailing her.

I don't need to do it at this point to prove it to myself, and as far as I'm concerned I don't need to prove myself any further to the world.

I've got thousands of testimonials about the effectiveness of my material. If guys want to know if this stuff works, or if I know what I'm talking about, they can go read some testimonials then go test the material out themselves.

It's not my job to find ever more ways to prove myself to people.

I do what I do because it is fun and I like teaching it to guys, but if a guy is very resistant to it and needs to see me publicly bag a celebrity to 'believe', that is a guy I am not going to lose any sleep about trying to win over.

They are not the hardest to get on the planet though.

21% of American women go to their graves only ever having slept with a single man in their entire lives.

THOSE are the hardest women to get. If you want the über challenge: can you convince some guy's hyper-religious virgin fiancée to bang you?

IMO that's a lot harder than banging the average A-list actress who's been on a dozen casting couches in Hollywood and hooked up with a bunch of her co-stars, directors, cinematographers, the lights guy, and a couple of her managers.

Just get a job on a set in Hollywood and work your way up.

(not saying anyone should be driving around the Midwest trying to fuck loyal-until-they-met-you GFs, fiancées, & wives; don't do that. Just saying...)

I don't know who he is, either for his comedy or whatever else (some celebrity he bagged) he's known for.

There are a lot of ways to get social proof.

Personally, if I wanted Hollywood social proof, and was going to devote my energy to Hollywood, I would just get back into acting and hustle my ass off in acting class, on auditions, and in my networking until I was appearing in shows and movies all over the place.

Then you can be known for being a damn fine actor who's a big box office draw, and oh by the way you bang A-list celebrities by default just naturally because you're in those social circles.

If you're going to do all the work anyway, might as well "build social proof" by actually being the celebrity, rather than being known as the guy who fucked a girl who is a celebrity.

This is true.

@Colt Williams, who created our Tinder guide when Tinder was still fairly new and he was crushing it on there, switched over to Raya years back and has used that to great effect. I don't know if he's met celebrity chicks on there (but he has met a bunch of girls on there), but there are a bunch of them on the app; he was going to create a guide for us on that a while back when I told him I wanted to build a new dating app course, and there are definitely celebrities on there.

When I ran those big parties years back, I put all that together through another invite-only app that had a bunch of celebrities, alongside more regular business magnates, models, etc. on it. Whenever I traveled back when I still used that app I used it to meet up with various people in whatever city I was visiting and met some fairly well-known celebrities that way. I guess the fortunate part for me was that I'm so unplugged from celebrity culture that I'd have people introducing these people to me, telling me how XYZ magazine I'd never heard of was doing all this speculation about who ABC person they were introducing me to was dating, and I just did not know any of these people or magazines so we'd just chat normally like two regular human beings.

(that app was cool while it lasted... I had some fun shags from it... and I have never found an app since then where girls were more trusting and more eager to meet up with you because everyone on there was just so high caliber... but even still: cold approach is and was still better)

Thanks Chase and Everyone who shared and are sharing amazing insights. So much learning and value here. I learnt a lot. It might not be possible to comment on every point expressed by people here cause they are so many.

I might be talking like a young inexperienced bull (which I am) but I have great respect for people who are learning and teaching the game.

Just to clear some misunderstandings if there are any

1. I love the game and cold approach (how it can change our lives in so many positive ways - it's a borderline super power)

2. I respect and admire all the veterans and seniors of the game. You are my heroes. Really. You give me and other guys tools to make our fantasy become reality. The day I read the game it changed my life. Guys like Neil Strauss, Ross Jeffries, Mystery, owen cook, Chase and many more. Thank you all.

3. I was NEVER obsessed and influenced with celebrity and figures of cultural prominence. I am an academics guy. Smart and studios. Fan of Richard Feynman. Lover of Physics and knowledge.
how focus on celebrity culture started?? - one question -

" Who are most desirable guys for hottest women? "

Cause I want to be one - the most attractive and desirable guy.

AND to my utter shock it was not Terence Tao (the undisputed greatest living mathematician) but some weed smoking rapper with IQ less than 80.
So that's when I started focusing on celebrities - not what they do and wear - who cares. But what makes them appealing to women.

4. The reason I asked about celebrity is cause I have never seen any great PUA with one of them. He doesn't have to show it. The media will.

(I remember watching video of Mystery's seminar of 2006. Where he looked directly in the camera and said.. "Rihanna I am coming for you". But she went for Chris Brown. I felt bad.. As if I failed. Cause my heroes failed.

In 1999 I read Mystery's archive where he planned to seduce Angelina jolie but she never arrived at that party. I loved his spirit but bad luck. Later she went for Brad Pitt. We again failed.

(Now Mystery has done many 5 for 5s. That's means 5 consecutive sets open turning into 5 full closes. I don't think many celebrities can do that. But still he didn't get any famous women as his girlfriend. NOT EVEN ONE.)

In 2007 Adam lyons wrote in his archives - how a girl he gamed and decided to meet for later cancelled because she saw Justin Timberlake entering a store and chased after him. But unfortunately she couldn't even talk to him. She came back for Adam lyons.
Pffft...I would lose all interest in her. We again lost.

In one of the seminars Matador (Mystery's wing man mentioned that they were at a club and they saw a drop dead gorgeous girl, a 10, they were lusting over her and wanted to game her. Meanwhile they saw her walk up to a guy sitting on a table. She sat on ground looking at him with dreamy eyes and gave him her number and came back. He was some singer in some music band.

These are some random examples of the top of my head.

We chase those girls and these girls chase those celebrities. We again lost to a singer or athlete or actor or some weed smoking rapper.

And those celebrity women are not the hottest. True. Agree they are not.
But those hottest girls you are talking about will drop any seducer in a second just to get a limited shot with some mediocre celebrity without them even trying.

Do we really think that a HOT girl we can seduce with our lines and routines will think even for a second to go for justin Bieber? They are chasing him like wild dogs. I think there is gap to cover for us.
I am NOT saying we are WRONG. But we are certainly INCOMPLETE.

What I said and asked for was simply...Can we fill that gap?
20 years back we figured out how to get hot girls consistently. Now let's step up. From 95/100 let's take it to 100/100.

My heroes lose. My tribe loses. It makes me feel bad. I might be wrong or ignorant but that's what I saw. Any further insights will be more helpful.

Again thanks to everyone.. I might not agree with everything everyone said. Some disagreement. So much learning.

Let's take ourselves from 95 to 100. ABSOLUTE MASTERY.

Please keep adding value and keep making me less ignorant. 🙂


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
I might be talking like a young inexperienced bull (which I am) but I have great respect for people who are learning and teaching the game.

Ah this makes a lot of sense now.

Lacking real-life experience can lead to unrealistic expectations about seduction and romance.

A lot of what's portrayed in books or online might not reflect the complexities of real interactions.

Once you get out there and gain more experience, your views will naturally evolve.

" Who are most desirable guys for hottest women? "

Guys with good fundamentals and an understanding on how to close things out with women showing interest

AND to my utter shock it was not Terence Tao (the undisputed greatest living mathematician)

Terence Tao is not putting himself in social situation to fuck girls consistently

Not many girls give a damn about mathematics, but I can bet you he had some girls in those academic circles that were intrigued by his accomplishments in that field

but some weed smoking rapper with IQ less than 80.
So that's when I started focusing on celebrities - not what they do and wear - who cares. But what makes them appealing to women.

Comparing oranges to apples

That weed smoking rapper with an IQ of less than 80 is also mostly hooking up with women that come from a low socio-economic status and has broader visibility to more women

More women listen rap vs watching lectures on mathematics

Good example of this is Chris Brown

He had a thing were fans would pay thousands of dollars to take pictures with him. But if you look closely at his fans you will observe that the majority of them were "urban' and of a lower socio economical status

Many of the girls were not high status or "preppy" girls

4. The reason I asked about celebrity is cause I have never seen any great PUA with one of them. He doesn't have to show it. The media will.

Because most guys that have the social intelligence to bang a celebrity are not dumb enough to broadcast it to random strangers on the internet to get validation

Being a PUA is not high status. It is viewed negatively in the media

So even if a guy used seduction to climb the social ladder he will play dumb and pretend like it was natural

How do I know this?

I live in LA and have a few friends that are popular. They use game to fuck other popular women but they do not want people in their social circle to know they are using game

It will make them seem scheming and manipulative so they will only disclose that information with people they trust to not blow their cover

(I remember watching video of Mystery's seminar of 2006. Where he looked directly in the camera and said.. "Rihanna I am coming for you". But she went for Chris Brown. I felt bad.. As if I failed. Cause my heroes failed.

In 1999 I read Mystery's archive where he planned to seduce Angelina jolie but she never arrived at that party. I loved his spirit but bad luck. Later she went for Brad Pitt. We again failed.

(Now Mystery has done many 5 for 5s. That's means 5 consecutive sets open turning into 5 full closes. I don't think many celebrities can do that. But still he didn't get any famous women as his girlfriend. NOT EVEN ONE.)

Don't you see the problem here?

The problem wasn't Mystery's skill... it was his ACCESS

You can't fuck a woman if you have no ACCESS to her

And if you want access to celebrity women advertising yourself as PUA would have to be one of the dumbest ways to do it

You are too "OFF" brand to get into those circles consistently

And how you get into those circles is by making yourself similar to them and blending in

In 2007 Adam lyons wrote in his archives - how a girl he gamed and decided to meet for later cancelled because she saw Justin Timberlake entering a store and chased after him.

Adam is telling a story... it's entertainment

In one of the seminars Matador (Mystery's wing man mentioned that they were at a club and they saw a drop dead gorgeous girl, a 10, they were lusting over her and wanted to game her. Meanwhile they saw her walk up to a guy sitting on a table. She sat on ground looking at him with dreamy eyes and gave him her number and came back. He was some singer in some music band.

Bro.. women do this all the time

Even with guys that are not famous

These are some random examples of the top of my head.

We chase those girls and these girls chase those celebrities. We again lost to a singer or athlete or actor or some weed smoking rapper.

Who is "We" here?

I don't know about you but I personally don't identify with any of these labels

I'm not a PUA, Seducer, Alpha, Sigma or any of those male horoscope labels

I'm just a dude that likes to fuck girls that I find attractive. And I use game skills and understanding of male female dynamics to make it happen more consistently

Game is not my identity. It's just something I do to get what I want consistently

It's a skill

And those celebrity women are not the hottest. True. Agree they are not.
But those hottest girls you are talking about will drop any seducer in a second just to get a limited shot with some mediocre celebrity without them even trying.

That is not true at all

If you have fucked a woman, have her invested and she not a narcissistic social climber it's unlikey she will leave you to spend time with some mediocre celebrity

If that is happening regularly to you it means you need to learn how to give women what they need emotionally and also pick your mates better

Do we really think that a HOT girl we can seduce with our lines and routines will think even for a second to go for justin Bieber?

I think you missed the plot here

Game is not only about your lines and routines

Proper game changes you from the inside out. Those lines and routines are only a means to communicate your inner attractive traits outwardly

This is why girlschase talks so much about fundamentals

You cannot be an unattractive man and use some lines and gimmicks to trick girls into bed. You must become truly attractive

They are chasing him like wild dogs. I think there is gap to cover for us.
I am NOT saying we are WRONG. But we are certainly INCOMPLETE.

What I said and asked for was simply...Can we fill that gap?
20 years back we figured out how to get hot girls consistently. Now let's step up. From 95/100 let's take it to 100/100.

My heroes lose. My tribe loses. It makes me feel bad. I might be wrong or ignorant but that's what I saw. Any further insights will be more helpful.

Again thanks to everyone.. I might not agree with everything everyone said. Some disagreement. So much learning.

Let's take ourselves from 95 to 100. ABSOLUTE MASTERY.

Please keep adding value and keep making me less ignorant. 🙂

Ok bro this is too much

Look... Just go become a celebrity and go fuck other celebrities

Problem solved and their is no need for all this overthinking

If you are not taking action toward that you are simply just procrastinating because of fear of rejection


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Thanks Chase and Everyone who shared and are sharing amazing insights. So much learning and value here. I learnt a lot. It might not be possible to comment on every point expressed by people here cause they are so many.

I might be talking like a young inexperienced bull (which I am) but I have great respect for people who are learning and teaching the game.

Just to clear some misunderstandings if there are any

1. I love the game and cold approach (how it can change our lives in so many positive ways - it's a borderline super power)

2. I respect and admire all the veterans and seniors of the game. You are my heroes. Really. You give me and other guys tools to make our fantasy become reality. The day I read the game it changed my life. Guys like Neil Strauss, Ross Jeffries, Mystery, owen cook, Chase and many more. Thank you all.

3. I was NEVER obsessed and influenced with celebrity and figures of cultural prominence. I am an academics guy. Smart and studios. Fan of Richard Feynman. Lover of Physics and knowledge.
how focus on celebrity culture started?? - one question -

" Who are most desirable guys for hottest women? "

Cause I want to be one - the most attractive and desirable guy.

AND to my utter shock it was not Terence Tao (the undisputed greatest living mathematician) but some weed smoking rapper with IQ less than 80.
So that's when I started focusing on celebrities - not what they do and wear - who cares. But what makes them appealing to women.

4. The reason I asked about celebrity is cause I have never seen any great PUA with one of them. He doesn't have to show it. The media will.

(I remember watching video of Mystery's seminar of 2006. Where he looked directly in the camera and said.. "Rihanna I am coming for you". But she went for Chris Brown. I felt bad.. As if I failed. Cause my heroes failed.

In 1999 I read Mystery's archive where he planned to seduce Angelina jolie but she never arrived at that party. I loved his spirit but bad luck. Later she went for Brad Pitt. We again failed.

(Now Mystery has done many 5 for 5s. That's means 5 consecutive sets open turning into 5 full closes. I don't think many celebrities can do that. But still he didn't get any famous women as his girlfriend. NOT EVEN ONE.)

In 2007 Adam lyons wrote in his archives - how a girl he gamed and decided to meet for later cancelled because she saw Justin Timberlake entering a store and chased after him. But unfortunately she couldn't even talk to him. She came back for Adam lyons.
Pffft...I would lose all interest in her. We again lost.

In one of the seminars Matador (Mystery's wing man mentioned that they were at a club and they saw a drop dead gorgeous girl, a 10, they were lusting over her and wanted to game her. Meanwhile they saw her walk up to a guy sitting on a table. She sat on ground looking at him with dreamy eyes and gave him her number and came back. He was some singer in some music band.

These are some random examples of the top of my head.

We chase those girls and these girls chase those celebrities. We again lost to a singer or athlete or actor or some weed smoking rapper.

And those celebrity women are not the hottest. True. Agree they are not.
But those hottest girls you are talking about will drop any seducer in a second just to get a limited shot with some mediocre celebrity without them even trying.

Do we really think that a HOT girl we can seduce with our lines and routines will think even for a second to go for justin Bieber? They are chasing him like wild dogs. I think there is gap to cover for us.
I am NOT saying we are WRONG. But we are certainly INCOMPLETE.

What I said and asked for was simply...Can we fill that gap?
20 years back we figured out how to get hot girls consistently. Now let's step up. From 95/100 let's take it to 100/100.

My heroes lose. My tribe loses. It makes me feel bad. I might be wrong or ignorant but that's what I saw. Any further insights will be more helpful.

Again thanks to everyone.. I might not agree with everything everyone said. Some disagreement. So much learning.

Let's take ourselves from 95 to 100. ABSOLUTE MASTERY.

Please keep adding value and keep making me less ignorant. 🙂
My b if I came at you a little strong before. Your post reeked of trolling when you verbatim used the phrase, "looks, money, status".

Every guy practicing game knows that looks, money, and status HELP like a "buff" does in a video game.

Brad Pitt has super high buffs in all three of those categories, particularly status because his fame is BEING the guy who's super attractive to women and can fuck all the hoes.

Learning seduction supersedes those things though because it involves deeper aspects of the human mind, and many PUAs have cracked the code on seducing females in to bed, relationships, arrangements, etc.

Seduction is a learnable skill that doesn't require nearly as much social positioning. It's also a faster route to the goal (sex, relationships) than becoming a Hollywood star in terms of effort --> reward.

But it's super clear from your posts you haven't practice learning the *specific knowledge* that seduction is yet. Specific knowledge is something you only get from doing that thing. I couldn't tell a random guy "hold your guitar pick 10% lighter when you're sweep picking and then do a pinch harmonic on the high e string" and expect them to do it. Or even know what I'm talking about, or what it feels like to do those things on a guitar.... because they haven't exposed themselves to a guitar enough to have that specific knowledge. Knowledge that is simultaneously personal to them AND a shared knowledge amongst more advanced guitarists.

Once you actually practice something in it's context, the concepts start to show themselves as real life phenomenon. In the case of seduction, you start actually seeing attraction, social dynamics, and female psychology come to life in real time.

If a person's not practicing it, but is thinking and talking about whatever that thing is repeatedly, it's merely projection and imagination of what those things/concepts are actually like.

I'd go cut your teeth and toss all this celebrity shit in the garbage for now. Maybe you get some quick wins and become the dude who steals Megan Fox from MGK down the road.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Edit to the post above:

Money can help in some contexts.

No money (usually) helps more so you avoid the provider frame.


My broke ass


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Only thing I'll address (because I think @TomInHo and @Hue got the whole post covered) is this bit:

In 2007 Adam lyons wrote in his archives - how a girl he gamed and decided to meet for later cancelled because she saw Justin Timberlake entering a store and chased after him. But unfortunately she couldn't even talk to him. She came back for Adam lyons.
Pffft...I would lose all interest in her. We again lost.

In one of the seminars Matador (Mystery's wing man mentioned that they were at a club and they saw a drop dead gorgeous girl, a 10, they were lusting over her and wanted to game her. Meanwhile they saw her walk up to a guy sitting on a table. She sat on ground looking at him with dreamy eyes and gave him her number and came back. He was some singer in some music band.

This is what being known does for you. It gives a girl strong initial attraction/excitement, kicks her nerves off in a big way, and makes her feel like she "knows you already." The more time she has dumped into listening to your music, or watching your movies, etc., the more of a fantasy guy you are to her.

She "KNOWS" Justin Timberlake already. She does not "know" Adam Lyons. When she sees Justin Timberlake, her brain goes, "OMG, I KNOW him! He's the guy I am always looking at and listening to!" and she goes and runs after him.

It works the same way if you are talking to a girl you just met, and some guy from her social circle who she has a huge crush on and who ALSO just broke up with his girlfriend and is freshly back on the market walks into the venue. No matter how good you are, she WILL drop you and go to HIM.

This stuff is rare and not really a major factor pretty much ever, unless you are around a lot of celebrities or something. Like, if you are trying to pick up in the same clubs the celebrities go to, then you will need to know how to deal with this. Otherwise, not a factor.

A lot of these celebrities have terrible game once the girl gets past the initial starstruck moment. I have heard from a lot of girls about meeting a celebrity, being so starstruck, being so attracted to the guy, then they started talking to him and he just came across dumb or crude and they became disillusioned and left. I have even heard stories of needy celebrities hounding some random chick who was starstruck at first then lost interest as soon as she realized the guy was a loser, and now he has been blowing up her messages trying to get her to come see him and she just uses him for social proof: "Look at this, XYZ celebrity is sending me all these needy messages, lol wtf!"

(which is not to say celebrity power would not make it WAY easier to get laid. You'll get a bunch of girls purely off the "Well I've never hooked up with a movie star before!" novelty experience. Just get passable game and don't be needy and atrocious like a lot of these celebrities are and chicks won't hate you or get disgusted with you once the starstruck stuff wears off)

Finally, I will say you can trigger this same effect by making yourself "known" to women in some way. Social media influencer, etc.

I have had a lot of guys I've met in real life or talked to on the phone tell me they were starstruck by me and a bit intimidated. I do not consider myself a celebrity, yet to a guy who is a regular reader I may seem like one. I do not try to cultivate some sort of celebrity-like mystique. But if you spend years listening to or watching someone, with the interaction largely being one-way, it is a lot like watching the popular kid at school all the time, or the celebrity in the movies, then finally getting to talk to him.

(by extension, women aren't reading my stuff with any regularity and my face isn't out there enough that I can get female video groupies so there is no "ZOMG it's Chase Amante!" effect with women... thankfully!)

If you really wanted to have this effect with chicks, just find some field that young, hot women devote a lot of time and energy in and make yourself an influencer in it, preferably in a way that still showcases you as manly and sexy.

But all this stuff is a lot of extra work for basically a big initial attraction spike, which opens many doors for you but you then need to be able to keep those doors open.

(don't know if you guys know, but @Hector Papi Castillo was getting laid off the YouTube channel here and there... even though it's men's dating advice girls still found the channel, liked his topics and delivery, watched a whole bunch of his videos, started crushing on him, started messaging with him, and then flew out to meet him. If you're cool and sexy and your face is out there in some way where women are going to be exposed to you, you can develop a little "star power" too; only thing that matters is if the woman in question knows who you are and has spent enough time consuming your media / etc. That's where scale, industry, niche, etc. comes into play. Justin Timberlake as head of a boy band that girls all listened to for years has bigger star power to the average chick than some lead singer of a death metal band that it's mostly dudes listening to where women don't know who the guy is)

If you want it, develop it, and build your life around it! That's how you unlock the STAR POWER perk ;)

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
(don't know if you guys know, but @Hector Papi Castillo was getting laid off the YouTube channel here and there... even though it's men's dating advice girls still found the channel, liked his topics and delivery, watched a whole bunch of his videos, started crushing on him, started messaging with him, and then flew out to meet him. If you're cool and sexy and your face is out there in some way where women are going to be exposed to you, you can develop a little "star power" too; only thing that matters is if the woman in question knows who you are and has spent enough time consuming your media / etc. That's where scale, industry, niche, etc. comes into play. Justin Timberlake as head of a boy band that girls all listened to for years has bigger star power to the average chick than some lead singer of a death metal band that it's mostly dudes listening to where women don't know who the guy is)

If you want it, develop it, and build your life around it! That's how you unlock the STAR POWER perk ;)

chase a bit off topic remember i was trying to explain that to you here, now you understand the context...


Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
This turned into a really interesting thread. I love it when a highly opinionated newcomer triggers all the Tribal Elders into producing an informative discussion. We should do it more often!

I can't comment on actresses, but I can comment on models. I've recently been doing some modelling and gotten invited into some fairly high-end modelling social circles and parties in my city.

One thing I've come to realize is that female fashion models, by and large, are not judged based on traits that we men perceive as sexually attractive. They are selected by agencies for being photogenic, tall, skinny, and having a look that's versatile enough to model for many different kinds of outfits.

Maybe some metrosexual high-fashion guys are into girls of that look, but after getting into this crowd, I realize now that I'm really not that attracted to these types. At least not more than the ones I meet in cold approach.

Not to mention the ones I've met are mostly vain, self-centered, boring people with personality disorders.

I work in the fashion industry, so I’m around a lot of models and have been around semi-famous ones. This is generally true for the most part. Most models tend to have subpar social skills, manic personality disorders and some are mildly autistic.
Yes, yes and YES. I've dated two from this SC who both turned out to have crazy attachment issues and mild autism. They also look like 9s from their Instagram, but IRL without makeup they are not even as hot as the girls I meet in the mall or the metro.

So all that is to say... Cold Approach is 👑