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The Path of the Master Ninja, trashKENNUT


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012


She is really blind.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
I think you guys are just masturbating over something that cannot be control But since the conversation is going well, I shall not interject. I guess people do need that trajectory. - trashKENNUT

I'm really old i guess. :) and it's funny because for some reason, I can feel that old guys like me because I have the humility and they humor me.

Individually, they said Hello and wait for my response.

But really. I can't say this even to this forum, because I feel like I'm insulting the members. I feel like I am insulting humanity. Most people I interact with, i do feel like I am dating young girls, at this point.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Chase once teased me that I am the guy who likes to point that the emperor has no clothes. It was never done with an ill intent. I like to believe so I am that, and ever since I was a child, I was kinda like that.

So, i been thinking about writing a post.

In that post "why it's okay to ruin someone's marriage", it's basically a trap that I will lay out in writing and write down what humanity has been doing since the dawn of time.

I'm basically revealing everyone

And that is humans like to ruin other people's marriages. Yea, humans are not going to be happy.

z@c+ (Quran 4:135)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"Zac is talking gibberish."
"Zac talks nonsense".

Diagnosis: Hector video: "Will She leave you for a Better guy?"

"It also depends on when she is in her life. Is she in her development phase, experiment phase or harvest phase?

- Zac aka trashKENNUT, in early 2010s


the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

In order for people to follow me, Zac, to change and improve the world, I must address where my followers are, first.

As example:
Being a Friend is terrible, to get woman"

Now, this is how PUA community answers.
Girlschase: "I share a story about being a simp"
Redpill: "Stop being a simp"
Blackpill: "All women sucks"
Religion: "Just pray to God. And fate will solve your problems."


Have you notice? The above sentences? All of them gurus, including Zac, tends to project our own image and complete our image. We are reaching out to our brain image.

We are not helping members here and everyone outside of Girlschase, how to see their image. Why did our members go the friendzone route.


"I'm afraid i didn't see it because i wasn't looking." - Superman

Last edited:


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
[the story of Man vs Woman]
How Zac, aka trashKENNUT.. destroys his relationship with @Chase , Girlschase members, the redpill community, and every guy who is his vehement in this movement of self improvement. 👀

Zac: the Woman is still the problem.

Yes, you have to be strong. Keep affirming/Get successful

Zac: She still going after what she wants

If the manifestation is not here yet, Keep affirming/Get successful, get your frame and prevent her drama

Zac: But she still going for what she wants, whether she's prettier or not.

Keep PERSISTING/Get your frame right. Get it tight.

Zac: You didn't answer my question

*Repeats and adds more jargons*


Man never had an answer. It is all faith of an idea. And You can't never satisfy a Female, let alone satisfy a man who can't see past himself. This is why you hate beginners. Because they can't see the image of themselves.

Zac holds this brain image of everyone here, in this forum.. hoping that they are able to see this post. That this is their flaw. A fatal one. Zac is like a child crying out for help. But he is now realizing that this is what will make or break him, and it has been knocking on his door, for a while, a long while. He just starting to open and getting familiar with it.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

[the story of Man vs Woman]
How Zac, aka trashKENNUT.. destroys his relationship with @Chase , Girlschase members, the redpill community, and every guy who is his vehement in this movement of self improvement. 👀

Zac: the Woman is still the problem.

Yes, you have to be strong. Keep affirming/Get successful

Zac: She still going after what she wants

If the manifestation is not here yet, Keep affirming/Get successful, get your frame and prevent her drama

Zac: But she still going for what she wants, whether she's prettier or not.

Keep PERSISTING/Get your frame right. Get it tight.

Zac: You didn't answer my question

*Repeats and adds more jargons*

The woman is only the problem so long as the mission is to control everything absolutely with her. It won't work, because what men want and what women don't everywhere align.

"I need to turn her into a robot, to do everything I want, and nothing I don't" -- then yes, every woman will be a problem. Every woman is a flesh-and-blood woman, and flesh-and-blood women aren't robots. Reality will fail to match expectation (if you expect her to be the good little robot), which creates problems.

Zan said it best... I'm paraphrasing, but, "A woman is like a butterfly. When she comes and alights upon your hand, if you grab her and try to hold onto her to keep her from leaving, you will crush her wings in your fingers and destroy what's beautiful about her. So instead, let her alight there, and do not grab her. Allow her to stay there for as long as she likes. She might stay for four hours or she might stay forty years. All you can do is appreciate her while she's there, and let her fly away when she moves on."

Once you're not trying to grab onto her and drag her and keep her around no matter what, the ability of women to cause significant problems for you largely vanishes.

The other funny thing that happens is once you are no longer trying to grab onto women, but simply enjoying them for what they are, and are content to let them leave if that is what they wish to do, all of a sudden they work hard to resolve whatever their issues are with you and never truly want to leave.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Logically, you answer it greatly. But ironically, it kinda reinforces my whole schtick: that woman are, in my own words and I say this because I found the perfect word.

Females are erratic.

I wanted to write down important things below. Not so much needing you to answer this because I'm chasing cars. I do believe that 'Life' is playing with me and that the answers is something I already know.

The woman is only the problem so long as the mission is to control everything absolutely with her. It won't work, because what men want and what women don't everywhere align

That is an ASSUMPTION. Although it is factually prevalent that the human brain prefers his brain image aka experiences, to be somewhat similar.

If Man had always wanted to control woman, we would not have the society we had today. (This is also an assumption because we don't know what led us here.)

So, the question probably is what man actually wanted?

1)To get sex (conquer),
2)to be the beacon of his ideals,
3)and be the symbol of his conquest (kids/tribe/buildings/name/titles) as long as he is Number 1 guy

Controlling woman, is just a means to an end.

Zan said it best... I'm paraphrasing, but, "A woman is like a butterfly. When she comes and alights upon your hand, if you grab her and try to hold onto her to keep her from leaving, you will crush her wings in your fingers and destroy what's beautiful about her. So instead, let her alight there, and do not grab her. Allow her to stay there for as long as she likes. She might stay for four hours or she might stay forty years. All you can do is appreciate her while she's there, and let her fly away when she moves on."

This is amusing

because I wholeheartedly agree with you but this is ironically the conclusion of a FreshnFit clip video where both genders at the 'rubber hits the road'. Where both genders argued to the final conclusion.

Man: "Woman should not be whores, be combative, be feminine, and be pleasant."

Woman: "After we do all this, man are going to cheat on us anyway. So what's the point."


Chase Amante (Woman) wants Zac (Man) to operate on reality, be the provider, be the function for Woman, but then Chase can do whatever the hell she wants. She can be feminine when she likes, while Zac has to be masculine 24/7.

See my point?

My point is somebody (either man or woman) has to be function of somebody's life, and no human regardless of sex, gender, race, religion, and so on... is going to concede.

Man wants woman to be consistent.
Woman wants man to be consistent.

I don't think that man and woman are different. Man has fallen into the mistake of reading signals as facts (objective/foundation).

Once you're not trying to grab onto her and drag her and keep her around no matter what, the ability of women to cause significant problems for you largely vanishes

Not true.

Because woman have cause me significant problems with or without me dragging her or keeping her around.

You, Chase might say "once you reach high level", all this problems go away.

What I'm saying is that you are ignorant of the fact that most man are not you, and that their brain image, the function, to relate to your message, is not there.

Kind of like I'm asking you to relate to me right now and I don't even know if there's brain image/experiences that you have, that you can relate to me, back.

The other funny thing that happens is once you are no longer trying to grab onto women, but simply enjoying them for what they are, and are content to let them leave if that is what they wish to do, all of a sudden they work hard to resolve whatever their issues are with you and never truly want to leave.


It is not that they never wanted to leave.

It is that if there's no brain image of what is freedom, something similar to what they have that is out there, then they don't know what is. Am I revealing too much dark secrets of what is humanity? :)

Because if Woman never wanted to leave? Why do man protect woman from going to clubs? And when other man is around, man gets protective.

So one hand, you have always been right, Chase. The battle has always been between us, Men. The real enemy is other man.

But on the other hand, to assign a neutral variable, that is female, woman, to specifics. And then make it as objective/foundation, that nevers wavers.

That makes me question how many people actually sees what I see. And that the old saying: "There's level to game."



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey Zac,


Logically, you answer it greatly. But ironically, it kinda reinforces my whole schtick: that woman are, in my own words and I say this because I found the perfect word.

Females are erratic.

Yes, women are erratic. That’s only a problem when you start relying on them to be consistent 😁

Or at least, counting on them more than they’ve shown you they can reliably be...

I wanted to write down important things below. Not so much needing you to answer this because I'm chasing cars. I do believe that 'Life' is playing with me and that the answers is something I already know.

True for many of us!

Perhaps all of us.

That is an ASSUMPTION. Although it is factually prevalent that the human brain prefers his brain image aka experiences, to be somewhat similar.

If Man had always wanted to control woman, we would not have the society we had today. (This is also an assumption because we don't know what led us here.)

I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about personal life problems.

If you’re talking about society, then the problem there is simply men listening to women on social matters and taking them seriously on them. The instant men stop taking women seriously on such things, women have no power. However you roll the dice, women are in power in society because men choose for them to be — at least, the men who back them up with financial and government system power have a reason to want women empowered. (easy to figure out why that might be)

So, the question probably is what man actually wanted?

1)To get sex (conquer),
2)to be the beacon of his ideals,
3)and be the symbol of his conquest (kids/tribe/buildings/name/titles) as long as he is Number 1 guy

Controlling woman, is just a means to an end.

I would say it is actually more complex than you have it there. You have Man the Animal, and Man the Spiritual Being.

Man the Animal wants what every living organism wants: to grow, consume, expand, command more respect, wield more power, enjoy more pleasure and less pain, be more secure; ultimately to get as close to being God / the Infinite as he can in a limited, bounded world. Your three items are all part of that — getting sex, attracting followers, and being a leader fulfill animal drives.

Man the Spiritual Being wants to leave all this behind and ascend, to truly become one with God. He knows he can never achieve that in the material universe, and that the universe is just a treadmill of always seeking more, always competing with others, coming into clashes, sometimes winning, sometimes failing. But even as he tries to ascend, his animal nature pulls him back down.

This is amusing

because I wholeheartedly agree with you but this is ironically the conclusion of a FreshnFit clip video where both genders at the 'rubber hits the road'. Where both genders argued to the final conclusion.

Man: "Woman should not be whores, be combative, be feminine, and be pleasant."

Woman: "After we do all this, man are going to cheat on us anyway. So what's the point."

All you can do is tell a woman what you want of her, then shrug when she says she won’t do it.

Then you just observe what her actions are. Does she do it or not?

A woman telling you, “I’d never do that for you!” is probably going to do it for you despite her words if you are strong toward her.

A woman telling you, “Don’t worry baby, I will always [whatever it is],” is probably not going to stick to her word at all if you are weak.


Chase Amante (Woman) wants Zac (Man) to operate on reality, be the provider, be the function for Woman, but then Chase can do whatever the hell she wants. She can be feminine when she likes, while Zac has to be masculine 24/7.

See my point?

No, but where is my house, Zac?

I'm tired of renting! You were supposed to be a millionaire by now! I can't believe I passed up a Wall Street guy for this...

My point is somebody (either man or woman) has to be function of somebody's life, and no human regardless of sex, gender, race, religion, and so on... is going to concede.

Man wants woman to be consistent.
Woman wants man to be consistent.

I don't think that man and woman are different. Man has fallen into the mistake of reading signals as facts (objective/foundation).

In some ways they're the same, in some ways different.

It depends what aspect you're looking at, and how minutely.

A man and woman are basically identical in behavior when compare to, say, a baobab tree.

Not true.

Because woman have cause me significant problems with or without me dragging her or keeping her around.

You, Chase might say "once you reach high level", all this problems go away.

What I'm saying is that you are ignorant of the fact that most man are not you, and that their brain image, the function, to relate to your message, is not there.

Kind of like I'm asking you to relate to me right now and I don't even know if there's brain image/experiences that you have, that you can relate to me, back.

I think you're talking about in the workplace or in social groups maybe?

If so, I misread your post. Thought you were talking romantically/sexually.

Women causing problems in society is due to men empowering them.

Any time you have a woman being annoying and power hungry in society, the thing to realize there is, "Boy, this system we're in right now sure is kinda stupid, huh?"

It is not that they never wanted to leave.

It is that if there's no brain image of what is freedom, something similar to what they have that is out there, then they don't know what is. Am I revealing too much dark secrets of what is humanity? :)

Depends on the girl and experience level, plus how unique you are compared to her other romantic experiences -- and how replaceable.

Because if Woman never wanted to leave? Why do man protect woman from going to clubs? And when other man is around, man gets protective.

I never said women never wanted to leave. I said if you're the kind of guy who is valuable and does not chase, but lets a woman leave if she's going to leave, and replaces her with another woman when she does, suddenly women stop wanting to leave and you don't need to protect them from going to clubs. You just tell them, "I'm not a fan of women who go to clubs," and they don't go (why did they ask to go? If they view you as strong, they will ask just to test, to see how you handle it. If they view you as weak, though, or unable to satisfy their needs, they will start declaring and insisting... at that point, well, you done screwed up somewhere :p ).

So one hand, you have always been right, Chase. The battle has always been between us, Men. The real enemy is other man.

But on the other hand, to assign a neutral variable, that is female, woman, to specifics. And then make it as objective/foundation, that nevers wavers.

That makes me question how many people actually sees what I see. And that the old saying: "There's level to game."


Well, women aren't neutral -- they're erratic, as you say.

The trouble comes in determining how erratic... and that depends on the man, the woman, and the situation. Each one has a part to play in deciding how erratic a woman will be in any given relationship and circumstance.

You can be the strongest dude in the world, but if you date a chick with borderline personality disorder and live in a town filled with tons of sexy dudes and almost no other women, you're going to be in for a rough time. That's just Mother Nature...!

But in that case: is the woman the problem?

Or is the fact that you moved to a resource-poor area (very low in women) and are trying to hold onto a particularly slippery instance of the rare resource (BPD girlfriend) the problem? ;)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Hello Chase,

Yes, women are erratic. That’s only a problem when you start relying on them to be consistent 😁

Or at least, counting on them more than they’ve shown you they can reliably be...

Main Objective of this:

Then you, Chase, would agree that it doesnt matter at the end of the day, if a guy learns pickup or not, ethically or unethically.

Because I'm not going to ask you if you fuck your wife on the first date. lolx. It is whether she is pretty or not. The collective agreement of society as a whole is gone. There's no consistency.. (or maybe the internet exposes that it was never there to begin with).

One gender tries to conquer.
The other gender is always erratic.

Also, the very essence of female nature is erratic. She's a neutral variable, with erratic energy. It leans on what brain image is familiar with, most.

Now, push this above writing aside. You might be wondering, why is Zac trying to conflate so many ideas into one. Why is Zac so hard insisting on conflating so many ideas together?

Here's why.

1)The patterns are the same.
2)*read below*

My issue with females (woman) in general, is that the same as it always been since the beginning. That they start blurring the lines between being professional and being personal.

You might ask: why Zac? why?

1)Female teacher accuses me of hanging out with friends during Parents Meeting Session
2)Female teacher 'picks' me as like somewhat of a black sheep.

This small things.
I didn't understand.
But thats okay.
No one will understand it anyway.

Now, in today's society,

the irony is that they, females (woman) are doing it themselves.

Females (woman) claim that man rule the world and its the patriarchy, and that man do not allow woman to be in the workplace thru sexist banter, sexist mindset, sexist thinking aka male thinking.

But then, remove all of that and i see females (woman) start going erratic. The void that patriarchy left in the workplace, now becomes a vacuum. Now, matriarchy fills the void. And then the anecdote for decision making, is emotional momentum just about to hit the tipping point.

Sidenote: and You know what's funny, Chase?

Both genders make decisions on when emotional momentum just about to hit the tipping point.
But anyway, going back to topic.

I am not asking them females (woman) to be consistent.

I am asking them to have a basedline of values/rules that we all agreed on, even those that unspoken.

You, Chase, might say that man are not consistent too in their upholding of values/rules that we as a social circle/large humanity tribe, agreed on.

Thus, it reinforces my main issue that is females are the problem. And that it doesnt matter what man do and how much men have done. At the end of the day, it doesnt matter.
It is who has the most power (statue/tangible/children), that wins.

And that are "Woman are the problem"

is my lack of better word, sentence for criticism on the female gender. But hey, Equal rights, Equal lefts, Equal fights. No? :)

I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about personal life problems.

If you’re talking about society, then the problem there is simply men listening to women on social matters and taking them seriously on them. The instant men stop taking women seriously on such things, women have no power. However you roll the dice, women are in power in society because men choose for them to be — at least, the men who back them up with financial and government system power have a reason to want women empowered. (easy to figure out why that might be)

See, here's the thing.

You are asking me (for the lack of a better word) to take your word and have faith that if men just ignore woman and don't take woman seriously, then the problem will go away.

Suddenly, Chase now becomes unrealistic. Because power is at the heart of the issue. Other man are giving woman power.
Power is at the heart of all this issues.

And it becomes a question of accountability.

Chase believe or imply that man are the problem. and if man straighten up, woman will straighten up. Zac believes that woman are the problem, for the lack of a better word. Zac believes that at some point, woman have to take some responsibility.

But who cares right?

: If Chase and Zac doesn't have agreement or implied agreement of a based foundation, it doesn't matter if Zac or Chase sells as much books and courses to pickup chicks. Because at the end of the day, it's a distraction. Girlschase is awesome. I recommend it to guys here and those who want to learn. But the money is to gain power. Just as Zac is trying to gain power for himself.

But really, Power is what you should strive to gain. Only then you can influence society more.

I would say it is actually more complex than you have it there. You have Man the Animal, and Man the Spiritual Being.

Man the Animal wants what every living organism wants: to grow, consume, expand, command more respect, wield more power, enjoy more pleasure and less pain, be more secure; ultimately to get as close to being God / the Infinite as he can in a limited, bounded world. Your three items are all part of that — getting sex, attracting followers, and being a leader fulfill animal drives.

Man the Spiritual Being wants to leave all this behind and ascend, to truly become one with God. He knows he can never achieve that in the material universe, and that the universe is just a treadmill of always seeking more, always competing with others, coming into clashes, sometimes winning, sometimes failing. But even as he tries to ascend, his animal nature pulls him back down.

I don't think that we are in disagreement. We actually believe in the same essence

All you can do is tell a woman what you want of her, then shrug when she says she won’t do it.

Then you just observe what her actions are. Does she do it or not?

A woman telling you, “I’d never do that for you!” is probably going to do it for you despite her words if you are strong toward her.

A woman telling you, “Don’t worry baby, I will always [whatever it is],” is probably not going to stick to her word at all if you are weak.

This is the problem i have with high level guys/all man. At some level, there must be consistency of protecting what is collectively agreed. It helps protect those 'low value guys'.

Your answer, Chase.. pushes me towards the religion. Where religion, they try redirect the aesthetics of human sex competition and linear it universally so that everyone is given a fair chance at making it.

I guess this is why modern societies failed. And don't worry. Islam and Christianity preachers, preach the same thing. But what they and their followers do though, is different.

I guess the low value masses of man, whether they are redpill or Islam or Christianity, and my father has always been right.

And that is, "Get rich".

JUst reaffirms why BLM and feminism still strong after all this years.
"There's no truth but Power."

No, but where is my house, Zac?

I'm tired of renting! You were supposed to be a millionaire by now! I can't believe I passed up a Wall Street guy for this...


You get my point though.

Woman) wants Zac (Man) to operate on objective, be the provider, be the function for Woman, but then Woman can do whatever the hell she wants. She can be feminine when she likes, while Zac has to be masculine (aka paying the bills, listen to her nonsense) for 24/7.

In some ways they're the same, in some ways different.

It depends what aspect you're looking at, and how minutely.

A man and woman are basically identical in behavior when compare to, say, a baobab tree.

I think you're talking about in the workplace or in social groups maybe?

If so, I misread your post. Thought you were talking romantically/sexually.

Women causing problems in society is due to men empowering them.

Any time you have a woman being annoying and power hungry in society, the thing to realize there is, "Boy, this system we're in right now sure is kinda stupid, huh?"

Actually i do talk about both.

Female subordinate after giving me a hard time asking for benefits/passes : "People think you are more arrogant than you actually are."

Female bosses in all my jobs in the past: *Almost never have eye contact* lolx. Always this awkward but mutual tension.

And there's a few more links, or post that I share my misadventures with female superiors. Damn I write a lot of stuff in this post. Too long! Anyway

Romantically and sexually,
they females (woman) still cause problems. And Isn't that the whole schtick of redpill/PUA/blackpill/manosphere community? To complain about woman?

It's nice to think. Girlschase community gives me shit for thinking, and thinking wacky ideas.
But thinking doesn't solve anything for the immediate. You have to act.

2 things
1)If you use this product/reach high level guy, this will all go away

2)In the building time to become a high level guy, man throughout history has fallen into the trap of not connveying the brain image properly.

Man: Be good at sex.
Wife: How?
Man: Be good at sex.
Wife: How?
Man: Just affirm. LOLX

Man has no brain image to get there, no brain image/experience to get there.

Thus threw his wife, his kids and his followers under the bus!!! Because he has no brain image.

Depends on the girl and experience level, plus how unique you are compared to her other romantic experiences -- and how replaceable.

Exactly, brain image/experience. And threshold/is it attainable for me to get my boyfriend/husband.

Redpill exaggerates this as 'monkey branch'.

I don't think they are ever wrong.
Just hyperbole of the word and tone of, that people do not like.

I never said women never wanted to leave. I said if you're the kind of guy who is valuable and does not chase, but lets a woman leave if she's going to leave, and replaces her with another woman when she does, suddenly women stop wanting to leave and you don't need to protect them from going to clubs. You just tell them, "I'm not a fan of women who go to clubs," and they don't go (why did they ask to go? If they view you as strong, they will ask just to test, to see how you handle it. If they view you as weak, though, or unable to satisfy their needs, they will start declaring and insisting... at that point, well, you done screwed up somewhere :p ).

Now this is the crux.

What is the sequence of priority. I don't think anyone knows. I had this with the guys in the chats a few months back. We talk about whether one can organize what comes first of topics in PUA, and if one can link all that up together without as much mistakes, and then sell it as a product. Many will buy that product. At least, this is my assumption.

Because all i see in this world is holes and plasters on those holes everywhere instead of addressing the roots of the system.

Then again, what system
and do we know all of it,
and All of its problems.
This questions makes me go crazy.

Well, women aren't neutral -- they're erratic, as you say.

Ar... The same issue faced by normal people who don't understand what woke people meant, and this younger millennials Generation Z rhetoric.

Sex (male/female) comes first.
Gender comes after that.

Women are neutral. (Clean slate)
Erratic is the behavior. The vibrations of how brain images she has been connected with.

Also, thus why casual sex (brain image of so many man) is a disaster for females.

The trouble comes in determining how erratic... and that depends on the man, the woman, and the situation. Each one has a part to play in deciding how erratic a woman will be in any given relationship and circumstance.

You can be the strongest dude in the world, but if you date a chick with borderline personality disorder and live in a town filled with tons of sexy dudes and almost no other women, you're going to be in for a rough time. That's just Mother Nature...!

But in that case: is the woman the problem?

Or is the fact that you moved to a resource-poor area (very low in women) and are trying to hold onto a particularly slippery instance of the rare resource (BPD girlfriend) the problem? ;)


Yes, woman is the problem.

You might ask why. Similar to how Man can't see how their banter is not in good taste for the female gender, and shoot me any questions. I can give examples of man in the workplace and everywhere. This is what woman meant by the word 'Patriarchy'.

Woman can't see how their erratic behavior destroys societes.

Thus it goes back to

1)Attain Power helps reduces this problems
2)Society not providing mechanism/deterrent

We used to have shaming and aunties shouting at young girls.

See. Here's the problem with Man in general and i guess that includes BIGBOSS here, Chase Amante.

You are reduced to pointing out that the woman is the problem by choice of picking woman or terrible woman. This doesn't actually address the fact that female erratic behavior has no deterrence/mechanism to keep itself in check.


On a collective level, man have no choice but to attain power to mitigate this. On an individual level, both genders are trying to remove their own mechanisms thst keep them in line.

Thus it goes back to the heart of the issue. Is Girlschase too positive-y and i have mentioned this countless times in the past, or that redpill is too negative and that only brokies ask what woman bring to the table, according to said 'High level guy' who forgots who he was, that poor low value brokies.


Sidenote: How Girlschase Members Argue

This video is an example of how Members argue. The picture helps understand where members are. In this video, Jordan Peterson is on the left side of the picture and her is on the right side of the picture above.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

As I get wiser (older), I don't hate people who hate successful people. In a world where everyone is selling their idea as absolute truth to get something, then obviously humans will be let down.

Zac experience > Zac advice > Hater
Hater wants result < Zac advice < Hater

another example
Sales ppl > Facebook Ads > Client
Client wants results < FB Ads < Client


It is getting difficult for me, by day, to hate anyone. I'm humbled. Because everything is probabilities. No one knows if your success comes tomorrow or when. You just don't.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

WOrd of Caution: Please try to not abuse Woman if you are able to see what I see

- Causality
- THRESHOLD of Brain Image (Muscle)
- Ideal (more of/he must be taller)
- Perceive (Her)
- Main Character Syndrome (state)
- OMNI aka 'All' aka Neutral State/variable

"Man is Human. Men is an Idea."


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

"Office Romance is a NO."
- Girlschase members

"for a man who really levels up his pua stacy with a decent face nice ass at your office aint a catch". -mist

And my response is: the brain doesn't think in logical terms. I wish we were more logical.

But most of the time the folks with this stuff have obvious risk factors you can avoid... if you're careful.

Then again, when it's 3 AM and you're drunk and this hot girl is all over you, it can be pretty darn tempting to go raw on her in the back alley behind the dumpster.

So there's that...





Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

WOrd of Caution: Please try to not abuse Woman if you are able to see what I see

- Causality
- THRESHOLD of Brain Image (Money)
- Emotion Threshold + Brain Image (Kindness and sincerity)
- Ideal (more of/he must be taller)
- Perceive Her (Because the man is wrapped up in himself)
- Main Character Syndrome (state)
- OMNI aka 'All' aka Neutral State/variable/Woman

"Man is Human. Men is an Idea."


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022

"Office Romance is a NO."
- Girlschase members

And my response is: the brain doesn't think in logical terms. I wish we were more logical.


Where are these quotes from? I can’t find them

edit: guessing chat and private email respectively?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

People in this forum. We wonder

-why do beta guys still go the friendzone route?
- why do people vote lockdowns
- why do guys keep girlfriends who cheated

Recently, even SWATI gets shit for being too needy. And I noted to him that there must be something that she has, that he is not aware of, that he in his brain, secretly needs.

Now, where does Zac wants to go with his post?

You must recognize why you do what you do. Not how to do it. The 'how' will appear by itself. You just do it, and that sometimes put you in bad situations. But you just do it.

The brain just goes for what it wants.

I found a new appreciation of humanity. Everyday, I'm humbled. I slowly don't see the Democrats as idiots or Republicans as idiots. I don't see GC members as better than Redpill.

I for sure masturbate the guys here to make themselves feel better Abit. But honest to God's truth, I'm a little bit further away from being a favourite to any one team, day by day.

Externally, I do have to lie when necessary, move around. Because humankind can't let their brain image, go.

So I have to work around this pain of humans.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

[When Girlschase Meets z@c+]


Blackpill Community: Females are useless.
Redpill Community: Females saying stupid things.
Girlschase Community: Woman are silly n cute.

1)Reading Signals/Wavelengths as Objective

2)Not knowing Female logic aka Human logic
3)Not being aware of Woman strength


Male Strength:
Oversee multiple 'Subject' aka State
Female Strength:
The circle aka State

Sidenote: Science

Sidenote: Redpill Community



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

Also someone said freedom + companionship is open relationship. Why don't you just make it monogamous (with threesomes with other women included) and cheat? Or not make her your girlfriend in the first place and stay FWB. Arent females always pushing for the next stage? you can only drag it out for so long?

Chieftain, Tribal Elders, Modern Human, Master PUA in the manosphere, Redpill guys, Blackpill guys, Pearl Davis, RSD and all gurus of social dynamics.

Eventually, all of them, they will be forced to face this rubber hits the road.

And that is Woman will always want the next thing. Next flavour of the month.

Because Gurus be saying. "Buy my Facebook ads" and everything be alright. The logical brain believes that if you do this, you get this. You don't pickup girls because while Chase Amante and Girlschase is amazing, the brain has not registered it's image from where the person is at, to where it wants to go, and importantly, what's next after it wants to go.

I sincerely believe this is one of the biggest challenge of humanity. Because not only do man can no longer lie (and I'm not saying that Girlschase/Man/manosphere lie by malicious or on purpose)

but they have to address this one day. But for now, let's try to get away with it as much.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012

You either pay the price, sooner or later. Thus, the reason why you have to be rich and being a MASTER PUA is not enough.

Because eventually,
a member of this board, will say this thing. And more man, will.

Also someone said freedom + companionship is open relationship. Why don't you just make it monogamous (with threesomes with other women included) and cheat? Or not make her your girlfriend in the first place and stay FWB. Arent females always pushing for the next stage? you can only drag it out for so long?


In the movie, Marvel Avengers Endgame. The lack of will to sacrifice Vision, end up sacrificing half the universe. And eventually both Vision and Natasha aka Black Widow.

On the other hand, should man take action? Not yet. Keyword is yet. Because Ironman reckless pursuit and lack of faith in his earthly team, ultimately sacrifices him.

So, you need both Men (Deontological) and Women (Utilitarianism).

Women are not useless.

