1. Does this experience approaching show that I probably don't have any noticeable social problems and shouldn't worry about that stuff?
2. If the answer to 1 is yes, can you think of why in the world my dates from online have gone consistently badly? I've counted around 17 first dates in the past year.
3. Should I focus my efforts and energies on approaching or the online date stuff? My goal is to first break out of inceldom and then get a girlfriend. I don't have dreams to become a serial seducer or a harem kind of guy because I like to spend time alone and am a little bit scared about unplanned pregnancy, STD etc. (so it's best for me to have a girlfriend with whom pregnancy wouldn't necessarily be a problem).
Have you ever had the thought that YOU might actually be pushing women away from you?
It sounds crazy right? But this do happen quite more than you realize and it all makes sense once you understand the conflict between the conscious and unconscious mind.
You seem like you want to have women in your life, but are somehow uncosciously doing something to push them away. Then finding a scapegoat with a victim story...
Its like an unconscious strategy where you actually are trying to protecting yourself from something... The problem that arises is that what you say you want and what your life demonstrates is not in alignment. This is because of an internal conflict that comes from trauma (emotional baggage).
One example was when I encountered this lady that was depressed... I found her internal conflict and balanced it with only 4 questions. So the first question i asked is
1. If you have a magic wand, what would you change in your life to make your life perfect (I am asking this to identify the fantasy)
- "I want a husband to start a familiy with" she said clearly... "And no matter how hard i try I cant just seem to find one"
2. Well... where in your life do you already have a husband?
- She hesitated a bit before answering "Well i have a best friend (girl) that I share my life with and I have a lover (man)
3. Okei so if you put this lover and this friend girl together to one person, would that be the perfect man for you?
- "Yes."
4. Okei... so I am curios...
why do you not want a husband in your life
- As these words hit her, she breaks down in tears and the whole room had chills down her spine as she says...
"I want my freedom"...
So as we discovered... her true priority in life was
freedom, but because all her family members and friends said its time to find a husband and start a familiy and her own life purpose got clouded by all the opinions on the outside.... she started to expect herself to live a life not aligned to her purpose in life. So she was actually protecting her own freedom by not being able to find a suitable husband despite all the effort that she did towards it.
So after following this thread it seems more and more obvious for me that you are have some sort of unconscious strategy to create the results you are creating. That you have some needs that you are fulfilling by not having women in your life.
So what are you really trying to protect yourself from by not being able to attract girls into your life?
- Are you afraid of being responsible for her feelings?
- Are you afraid that once she knows something about you that you are shameful about she will reject you (like one of your parents rejected you)...
- Did you see your father suffer in a relationship with a woman and you do not want to experience this same suffering in your life?
- What are the benefits you get out of not having girls in your life.
- What are the drawback to you if you would have women in your life (this question will help you go balance your fantasy and get back into reality, and btw reality is way better than any fantasy you can impose upon reality)
Idk, it could be anything that you try to protect yourself from... I have no idea what that might be, but asking quality question you can uncover what this is. Once you get conscious about your unconscious strategy, you have something to work with. But it takes courage to find this, becauseits an ego structure that you will actually in a way kill. And I promise you that parts of your ego will not want to die... So it goes down to if you want to be a master of your destiny or a victim of your history.
Another more powerful example shows just how this internal conflict might play out in human behavior...
Once I was working with this guy having so many panic attacks he could not leave his house. Even though he said he wanted a life where he could be normal, have a job and go anywhere without having panic attacks the truth is that he really enjoyed being at home watching tv and playing video games. The internal conflict he had with himself was because of his parents not accepting those priorities he had and forced him to do some chores, go visit friends, work etc. And because he was so afraid of losing respect from his parents he were not able to be true to himself and communicate to his parents what he really wanted to do in his life. So the perfect solution became to be the panic attacks. His parents would leave him alone. And he got the life how he wanted. When I confronted him on this he broke down in tears because he just realized that his panic attacks was helping him get what he wanted in life and helping him live true to himself. So then we worked on helping him communicate this to his parents and not being afraid of them not respecting him for it, and the panic attacks stopped.
Funny side note... When I got to talk this guy i told a story about here... he was actually IN A RELATIONSHIP! He found a girl online with 5 children and moved in with her. Apparently it was something that was aligned for him so he was able to move from his parents to this girls house without panic attack. Its amazing how we actually manifest exactly what we truly want in life, and sometimes we are not able to admit what we truly want.