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Hey Alex, it seems I am in a similar situation to you. I was a dating coach in my early twenties and I'm looking to get back into day and night game with wings now that I'm single. Send me a whatsapp on +447943 917749 if you want to meet up (y)
Beating around the bush will lose you girls

You've got to know what you want with her from the moment you spot her

And how to get there

Don't mind these two and you'll find yourself in places(zones?) you don't want

You may get lucky sometime(s) but Lady Luck won't be smiling at you forever

You have to learn how to make your own luck

Those two will help you.Afreakinglot
Hey boss, just was going through your post. Killer stuff. I’m in West Palm Beach as well.

Would love to connect with you for coaching and possibly getting some help going out together.

Let me know if that’s something you may be open to
SAC will get girls chasing you more than blowing money on them will ever do

Better yet,it's genuine when they do