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- Jan 24, 2021
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I'm pausing approaching for a while. There may still be some incidental opportunities here and there, but as far as going out to specifically approach and meet women, I'm done for now.
I've got enough total approaches in over the course of my entire journey - maybe 2,000 total at this point? - covering night game, social circle, and now day game (and maybe online dating, don't remember) that I feel comfortable concluding that I have enough data points to see a pattern: No matter the situation, women are not truly excited to meet me from the get go. Hence all the issues I consistently see, leading to no lays.
This needs fixing. So now I'm going to try as best as I can to find and fix the inner issue(s) causing this. I started seeing a local coach/counselor at the very least to finally get an in-person assessment of my appearance, style, vibe, mannerisms, etc.
After one meeting, he said he definitely doesn't see an issue at all with my appearance with regards to physique, clothing, and grooming.
He did however say that after our initial conversation, it doesn't seem like I'm quite sure of myself or who I am. He said he can't necessarily say that I carry myself with confidence.
A friend in a night time environment also recently commented that when I walk around an establishment, it doesn't look like a confident walk. He suggested to walk with more purpose.
So this is where I'm going to focus my attention and we'll see what comes of it. I really have no idea how to go about this. There's plenty of 30,000 foot concepts out there on inner issues/inner game that make sense, but I'm not finding specific exercises or techniques on how to actually go about addressing them.
I'll post updates as I make progress. Cheers.
Hey man, are you getting sexual with girls? Are you pushing and escalating on dates (I don't mean 'incidental touching', but erotic talk, hard eye contact and wandering eyes, telling her exactly what you enjoy about her)? Are you inviting girls home and getting refused? Have you ever had a girl rebuke you or even bail on you for pushing too hard in a sexual way (rather than something merely awkward)?
Do you ever sit in front of a girl and look at her like she's a little piece of delicious chocolate cake that you're about to gobble up, imagining exactly where you'd start kissing and where you'd end up?
I'm going to go on a bit of a limb here and say that it sounds to me like you've lost the 'sexual' plot when it comes to girls. Things have become all about techniques and keeping the conversation going, rather than hot, heavy desire.
Everything a man does with a girl is about sex. Forget about these 'bromance' type guys that say their girl is their best friend - friendship is for two guys. Even when I've been with a girlfriend of mine, everything from the way I look at her, talk to her, touch her, etc communicates the fact that she turns me on, and she's always got the vague sense that something could be about to happen. Either that, or I'm busy and not paying attention to her. Male/female relationships are about sex, everything else is just filling gaps.
So tell me, when you go out, are you going out to get phone numbers, or are you going out to convey to a woman your desire to ravish her in bed? Because if she does not feel that, the number (if she gives it) is dead, and dates will go nowhere.
How does it feel for you when you express desire to a woman or touch her? Do you feel embarrassment or shame, or does it feel right? Does it feel like something you're trying to pull back and hide, or does it make you want to surge forward and to hell with anyone who doesn't like it (in the sense that, if she doesn't like it, she can get lost)?
Always remember, this is about you, not her. Seduction techniques are all well and good, but at the end of the day, whether you've fucked a woman or just told her that she's cute, the goal is to uncover yourself as a man, to uncover your sexuality, your desire, your spirit of conquest and dominance and extend it out into the world. It's about feeling right and satisfied with yourself and the way that you are facing the world in the short time you've been given here. Regardless of what comes, or what successes or failures occur.
Because when you've finished fucking a girl, you're going to realize that she alone cannot make you happy, she's just one of the many delights this world has to offer. One of the ways that the world enables you to express yourself as a man. She won't change you as a person for good or worse, but only the way that you carry yourself in all the time before and after will stay with you and help you grow.
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