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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

No woman on the history of planet earth has ever told me I smelled good. Well maybe once years and years ago...but not in recent times. My smell is the only fundamental I have ignored up until this point. I'm not quite ready to drop the deodorants and stuff and make bitches wet as heck with my own natural musk......because I'm still a teeeeeeny bit nervous with women. I'm gonna change my deodorant and see if girls start telling me I smell nice.

When I was in my hometown my friend said something that really pissed me off. He's really good at social game where he slow games girls. I have no clue how he can move so slow with these girls but still bang them. Anyways... we were talking about this girl, who is a solid 6 (he's slow gaming her). He thinks she's really hot and wants to hook up with her. I told her I'm gonna bang her in two years and he laughs it off saying "yeah right." He genuinely doesn't think I stand a chance with this girl. This made me so mad. Because I know I can do it. I'll be getting chicks even better than this girl in two years time. I can't wait to see his face when I am getting so successful. I'm using what he said as a lot of motivation for me right now. I know this is a bunch of talk and talk doesn't mean SHIT but I PROMISE that I will walk the walk.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Compliance Tests

I learned a lot today. My focus lately is compliance as I mentioned in a previous journal entry. It's going well. I'm a little surprised about the things that girls will do when you ask them for compliance without justification, and I'm also surprised what they will do with someone they just met. I said, "give me your hand" to many girls today and every single girl I asked gave me her hand. I also asked one girl who was sitting down to stand up, to which she complied. This is often a situation I find myself in - I'm standing, and the girl is sitting. I would much rather prefer her to stand up than for me to sit down. I will ask girls to stand up more often. All my compliance requests/demands today were met, except for one. I asked a girl to take off her sunglasses but she wouldn't. It's clear to me why she didn't (things were a little off with my vocal tone and some other factors). I tried using hector's "No Buster" technique after she wouldn't take them off, but it didn't work. I probably used it wrong. All my compliance tests were platonic, although I am planning on getting a little bit riskier with things. Will girls in the daytime give me kisses on the cheek if I tell them to? Will they make out with me if I tell them to? Will they fuck me in the park in broad daylight if I tell them to? Of course they will.

Body Language During Interactions

My body language is getting pretty decent during opening and conversations. Here's what I used to do: I would open girls with relatively closed off body language. If she answered, I would immediately turn my body to face her. Now, I still open girls with relatively closed off body language, but when she answers I don't immediately turn my body to face her. The more compliance and investment she gives me, the more I turn my body to face her. Then I mirror her body language. If she's still very slightly turned away halfway through the conversation, then I will remain slightly turned away. If her body language is becoming increasingly closed, as in, it's looking like she's going to leave, then I do the same.

It feels good and right to be doing this and it doesn't feel like I'm chasing.

Beta Pain Really Hurts

Oh. There was this one interaction with a girl today that made me feel like such a beta and it hurt so bad. Afterwards I realized I was being a bit chasey.....here's what happened:

backstory: im not gonna take up any more of your time, i know you're on your break from work....
girl: awwww thank you! :) you're so kind.

Ewwww, I know I've used this line in some of my other approaches and I'm going to stop using it. It conveys that I'm a desperate, beta, nice guy. Also, I complimented her in this weird way in the middle of the conversation and it just felt so beta. These are the interactions that make me want to crawl into a hole and die.

Social Calibration

Ahh there was this group of kids walking around with their teachers. They were all stopped at a traffic light. I walk up behind them and heres what happens:

Kid 1: I like your shirt.
backstory: Thanks.
Other kids: *Turn around* Hi!!
Kid 2: I thought we weren't supposed to talk to strangers.
backstory: I'm not a stranger!
Teacher: He's a stranger at least (something like that, idk)

What I didn't realize until right after is that Kid 2 is a kid with some sort of special needs who didn't understand that I wasn't a threat and that me and the kids were having fun. It didn't make sense for me to address his objection in the way that I did - in fact, I probably looked a little dumb saying that. I probably won't be in this situation again but it is a good reference point.

Also I'm getting into conversations lately where I have no clue what to say or talk about. For example, this chick I was talking to today was really into human rights activism. I don't know shit about that! But tonight I will google "human rights activism" and find out all about this so I can have good conversations with future girls who just so happen to be activists

Spidey Senses

Sometimes my spidey senses start tingling and I don't listen to them. Then later I realize I should have listened to them. Always listen to your spidey senses!

15 Year Old Cockblockers

I was standing at the bus stop waiting to go home and these two 15 year old girls wearing booty shorts and the exact same tie-die shirt come around the corner and are yelling and screeching. Clearly they are trying to make a big ruckus or something...I have never seen anything like it. They start to walk towards me. They are walking by, and one of them has headphones in. I make some weird wavy quick hand gesture at her in order to get her to take her headphones out. I gotta stop using the weird wavy quick hand gesture though, it never works. Slow waves and eye contact always works better to get girls to take their headphones out. Anyways the girls start screeching and run away and disappear around the corner again. Then they are peaking at me from around the corner. I say "hey!! come over here! i wanna say hi :)"

They walk by me again and are just yelling "ew" at me. Lmao I was pretty amused by it. They go and disappear around another corner. I was thinking....these little girls are probably gonna show up again, so what I'll do is open the next chick I see and see how the little girls react.

I open the next girl I see (activist girl). Her and I are talking. Right in the middle of the conversation, the little girls come back:

little girls: *screeching* ewwwwww!!
backstory and activist girl: *body language turns slightly towards little girls*
little girls: ew.....are you two dating?
backstory: no, that's my accountant
little girl 1: shes a slut!!!! ewww!!!
little girl 2: keep your legs closed
Backstory and activist girl: ....
little girls: ... *run off*
backstory: that was weird....
activist girl: yeah..

Activist girl and I were calm while all this was going down. Huh, it was weird though. Why were these 15 year olds running around calling people names and stuff? I think maybe they are really horny and don't know what to do with all that energy. Although I would never have fucked them, I know I opened them wrong. I can speculate on what would have been the best opener for this sort of situation if they were my age. I think opening with something really dominant would have been appropriate.

Activist girl and I continued to talk after their intrusion.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Insane day today.

Picasso Lady

This was my first set of the day. I have been getting comfortable opening girls in the library at school. I walk into the library and immediately see this one girl sitting down with a cool sense of style. Her back was turned to me though. I walk up beside her and tell her I love her style. As I turn to look at her, I see she's an older lady probably in her late 40s early 50s. Her hair was grey. We start talking and it's going well, we're talking about our childhoods and stuff. The conversation drifts back to style. Then I say something like,

backstory: I have problems deciding the direction I want to go in with my style. I really want to be classy, but I also want to be quirky.
Picasso lady: Me too! I have the exact same problem!

She was acting really excited at this point and her face lit up like a christmas tree. It was A M A Z I N G. I knew she had reached the emotional hook point. This was the first time a cold approach has resulted in an emotional hook point for me.

As I mentioned this was the first set of the day and I wasn't verbally direct at all. And it's killing me...yes I did her number but she was talking about the next time we are going to meet up and she framed it like this:

Picasso Lady: I'm pretty busy this week with tests but we could get coffee sometime 15 minutes before class.

15 MINUTES!? THATS IT!? Ugh, well I know she has kids but I don't know if she's married. Whatever....I'm just going to have to force myself to be direct with older ladies.

Purple Shark

I was doing some thrift shopping, and opened up this really cute blonde indirectly. I accidentally messed up the approach and it was a tad uncalibrated. I said my opener, then looked at her 1 second later. I'm looking at her and she's not looking at me yet, I thought she was going to ignore me. Then all of a sudden she looks at me, we make eye contact, and she looks ultra startled and freaked out. I guess she was on autopilot initially. Anyways she ended up becoming quite warm immediately afterwards, but early in the conversation she mentioned she has a boyfriend.

I thought it was weird that she mentioned that she had a boyfriend, especially because I opened her indirectly. So I am thinking back on my previous interactions with women who mention they have boyfriends. A lot of them don't bring it up until I ask if they're single later in the conversation, or when I number close them. However, some (although it is rarely) bring it up right away. Why is this? I am almost certain that girls will bring up their boyfriend immediately when my approach is uncalibrated, as in this case.

5 Syrians

Later I'm walking in the park and open a group of 5. 4 girls, 1 guy. The girls are looking at me rather seductively. I opened indirectly, but they didn't seem too interested in talking. They didn't have good english. The one girl was like...interviewing me...but my eyes were on the one girl closest to me, who had initially given me the seductive looks, eyeing me up and down, and telling me I look really nice and stylish. I start getting really direct with her saying I find her attractive and stuff, touching her....well it turns out the 1 guy in the group is her boyfriend. Hahahaha. It was a pretty awkward set, but I'm just talking about it because I think it was interesting that I was acting so bold. I haven't been this direct in day game before.

Quick Number Close With Ice Cream Lady

I'm downtown and I'm walking by this group of three girls who are loading some shit into a cab. They had set up some sort of lemonade/freezie/food stand to raise money for some shit but now they were tearing it down and going home for the day. One of them (girl 1) opens me and says, "Hey would you like a freezie? We have a bunch left and they need to go."

So I'm humming and hawing like a FUCKING IDIOT over whether I want a freezie or not and talking to girl 1. Then I look to my side and girl 2 is just looking at me with this sparkle in her eye. I've never seen this look before. She looked like she was super ultra intrigued by me, but also attracted to me, and also looked like she had already reached the hook point. So I talk to her for literally 20 seconds, getting her name and stuff then number close her. This was my quickest number close ever. She says she doesn't have a cell phone, but I can add her on Facebook. So then I ask her, when are you free? She says she's free alll the time.

Now, a few things to point out here. I wasn't verbally direct....and when I asked her if she wanted to go for coffee, immediately her body language went closed off and she got nervous. I can't remember if she still had the look on her face. I think it was an attainability problem more than anything. I said goodbye, gave her a shoulder touch, and scooted out of there. My conversations were not that smooth today, I realized that and didn't wanna screw things up so that's why I left so quick.

Anyways, the fact that she said she's free all the time was interesting to me. When I added her on Facebook, her cover photo shows her kid. How could this girl be free all the time if she has a kid? WELL, HERE'S WHAT IT MEANS. Girls who say they are free all the time LIKE YOU A LOT and WANT TO BANG YOU AND HANG OUT WITH YOU.

I'm interested in seeing where this goes. This was nice after experiencing a few blowouts in the downtown area just 10 minutes before.

Grocery Store

I ended up at the grocery store to buy toilet paper. As I'm walking in, theres this group of 2 girls 20 feet in front of me and one of them gives me a look. I wasn't sure what the look meant, but my spidey senses were going off. I didn't open them right away. I went and got my toilet paper, then I went looking around for the two girls. I find them quite easily and open up the one who gave me the look:

backstory: hey, I just have to tell you, I think you're very attractive.
girl: *Indifferent* thanks.

This was the first time I ever opened direct like this before, and was 100% confident about it. I mean, I've opened with "are you single" but it was just always awkward. I never told a chick straight up I find her attractive. Felt great. Anyways, she was willing to talk with me, but she was acting really neutral throughout the whole conversation. Eventually I was asking about logistics. Turns out she's from toronto and they are just in my city to visit their friend for grad. At first I'm thinking....it's not even worth talking to her anymore, even if I do get her number then I'll never see her again.

BUT THEN I REMEMBERED THE GIRL FROM MY brother's GRAD AND I THOUGHT...backstory!!! go for the same day lay!!

So I ask her what she's doing tonight, and she's a little bit hesitant and looks towards her friend. Her friend says, "yeah we are going to X city tonight." So what do I do? I exit the conversation shortly after, and didn't bother to get her number. Right after I exit the conversation I was kicking myself because the friend could have just been trying to cockblock and I could have just said, "let me grab your number and we can hang out if you don't end up going" or something like that. oh well now I know for next time.

Last Thoughts

As I said today was so amazing and I was being way more direct than usual. Unfortunately my conversational skills were a little bit awkward but I really made up for it with my clothing. When I wear this particular outfit, nearly every single woman I talk to (whether young or old) calls me stylish and starts checking me out. But it's also young and old men that I'm getting compliments from too. Now I know... if you have style, you will get compliments from people of all genders, races, and ages. I want to be stylish all the time.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

No More Coffee Closing

Right now I'm telling girls I want to get coffee with them when number closing them. I'm gonna experiment with changing this. Instead I'm going to start telling them I want to hang out with them instead. It's a lot more ambiguous...going for coffee is a very specific frame, but hanging out is a more general frame. When I say "hanging out" to a girl, she will make her own frame in her head of what we will be doing. In her head, she might frame the next time we hang out as having sex, and thus she will give me signals that she wants to fuck, and then I can tell her to come to my place. But if she frames it as though she needs to get to know me better, then yeah I will suggest coffee. It's great because she will be telling me what she wants and I'll lead her towards it. There's some other thoughts I have on this but I can't put it into words.


Thinking back on yesterday, I realized how nervous I was in my interactions where I was more direct. Usually, my nervousness shows up through the tone of my voice. My voice was fine though. Here's the signs of nervousness I noticed:

1. The flow of conversation was fast, and not slow.
2. I couldn't stand still. I was shuffling my feet a lot.
3. I was raising my left arm in an L shape, and holding the elbow of my left arm with my right hand.
4. Laughing

The way I eliminated my nervous behaviour while opening women indirectly was by opening lots of women indirectly and running my conversations on autopilot while actively managing my nervous energy. I will do the same with opening directly.

I haven't been meditating lately but I'm going to get back into it, I know it will help. I just need to slow down in general. My walk is a little bit too rushed. Even my writing is too rushed!

I think one of the benefits of getting good at being direct is that I will become familiar with when it's okay and when its not okay to be direct. I'll be able to turn up the heat properly when necessary.

Feelings of Fakeness

I don't feel prepared. I feel like my game does not match my fundamentals. And my game + fundamentals do not match my sexual ability. There's some incongruence between these three areas. I really wish all three of these factors were at the same level. It almost makes me not want to work on my fundamentals. How will girls feel when they meet me, and I am an amazing man, but the sex sucks!?

Recording My Conversations

This is gonna be a lot of work to record my conversations, transcribe, and analyze them to find patterns, but it will be a great way to improve ridiculously quick.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

backstory said:
Feelings of Fakeness

I don't feel prepared. I feel like my game does not match my fundamentals. And my game + fundamentals do not match my sexual ability. There's some incongruence between these three areas. I really wish all three of these factors were at the same level. It almost makes me not want to work on my fundamentals. How will girls feel when they meet me, and I am an amazing man, but the sex sucks!?

For this particular matter, I think you will find this thread worth a read :)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Thanks a-jay.

I was at a small house party last night - I got there at around 11PM. I didn't have the chance to build up any social momentum before going. I knew this was gonna be an obstacle.

I get there and I see this one girl (hannah) I've met once before briefly. She says to me that she sees me all the time at my work but shes afraid to say hi. I grab her hand and I'm holding onto it telling her there's no need to be scared and that I don't bite that hard.

I sit down on a couch (outside) and she's on a chair close to me and I'm chatting with her some more. She's telling me about her tattoos, and we're talking about the fact that she wears her glasses down a bit, instead of wearing them properly. I tell her she looks sexier with them down. Then this bozo comes and sits beside me on the couch and just starts blabbing to me and everyone else. I start not paying attention to him much, but the girl is looking over at me a few times. I didn't re-engage her. I wanted to see if she would re-engage me.

Eventually I just went inside and I'm talking to other people. Hannah comes inside and spills a beer. I am standing beside her as we are watching people clean it up. Her and I make eye contact. I look at her with a sexy smile on my face and she turns her head away and down. I ended up walking away.

I was thinking....she seems to be interested, but shy..and I was thinking about how she said she's scared to say hi to me. I thought, hmmm..maybe this is an attainability problem. My attainability is too high and she's intimidated by me. So I walk up to hannah and give her a compliment on the dress she's wearing. Lmfao. I really do like her dress. Then I start deep diving her a little bit. In the middle of deep diving I say, hey lets go sit down somewhere. So we go and sit down somewhere. Except she sits far away from me with sort of closed off body language. So we're talking, except the conversation gets really boring and she's not contributing much and just seems really mellow and calm about it all. Then the conversation dies off and there's a silence. She doesn't say anything, she just leaves the couch.

This is truly frustrating to me, I wish I had figured out why she's afraid to talk to say hello to me when she sees me at work. I wish I was a tad more direct and that I hadn't waited for her to re-engage me initially.

Although this was my main issue last night I did learn some stuff from other interactions.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

A New Type Of Approach Invitation?

I put together this interesting outfit - its very hipster-y - and I've worn it twice now. Each time I've worn it I have got women looking at me in a different way. I'll be standing somewhere and they will glance at me quickly. I can see it out of the corner of my eye. Then, shortly after, they will start looking in the distance with me in their peripheral. For example I was ordering food at this taco place. The girl who is in front of me glances at me, then a few seconds later and she turns her head and stares at the ceiling of the back of the restaurant. AHEM, LADY, thats weird.... why would you be looking back there like that?

I didn't approach either of the women, I'm going to see if this keeps happening when I'm wearing this particular outfit and if so I will approach and see how they feel towards me. I feel like they are interested in what I'm wearing but don't necessarily find me attractive. Or maybe they want to get a REALLY good look at me but it would require staring.


Today I tried spam approaching with direct openers. The interactions didn't last very long, because I ejected early on purpose. I was just getting comfortable with direct openers. The fact that I was ejecting early then approaching another chick in under 30 seconds gave me a strong sense of outcome independence, which I realized I am usually sorely lacking. For one chick, I opened her by telling her she was attractive, then later on in the conversation I asked if she was single. I can't believe I'm doing this in the day time ahhahaah....

Regular Approach Invitations

I used to not approach 100% of girls who were giving me approach invitations. I really explored my mindsets around this...why wasn't I doing it? I've almost conquered this problem though. I now approach every girl I think is giving me an approach invitation, even if it's not actually one. For example...girl gives me eye contact for a little bit longer than normal? Definitely an excuse to approach.

There's also girls who hold eye contact then look away in annoyance. I wonder what this means. I will find out. :) Also there's girls who roll their eyes at me haha. I think that's a little bit funny. I think I know why they are doing that.

Girl and Her Mom

I approached a girl today, and I'm talking to her then I realize she's with her mom. I was shocked and ejected, ahhahaha. I have had a lot of reservations about opening girls who are clearly with their mom or dad. I am going to explore my mindsets around that and figure out why I don't want to do it. I feel like the mom and dad will get pissed or it will be awkward. I shouldn't care though. That's their problem.

Random Thoughts

Girls are always so warm and receptive initially when I open them. This is a good sign! I'm going to another house party tonight and I'm gonna MAKE SURE I have some social momentum built up before I go.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Compliance on Buses

I was sitting on the bus and there was a girl sitting across from me. She seemed really restless and nervous. Couldn't stop moving her fingers and stuff. We made eye contact a few times and there were smiles involved. I couldn't stop thinking about how impersonal it is to have a conversation on the bus with someone who is across the aisle from you. Then I thought HMMMMM this could be a good compliance test:

backstory: hey, come sit with me?
girl: why....? *giggles*
backstory: it will be fun.
girl: *smiles* no thanks *giggles more*

Now obviously the reason I provided was not the greatest. By saying it will be fun, she still has no idea what I want from her. Yes I actually could have had the justification planned out in my head beforehand but the more I think about what I'm gonna say (in general) the more i start overthinking things, whether it be opening chicks or planning responses or whatever. Overthinking is bad - it results in me becoming a pussy and not doing things. I think it's best to just open/say things and then learn from the mistake later.

A better justification could have been... "i wanna get to know you a bit better." lame, but more clear than "it will be fun"

Frothy Gothy

This was an interesting situation. I remember saying I wasn't gonna open girls wearing earphones anymore. Well I was walking by this girl wearing earphones at the bus stop and we were making eye contact and shit so I opened her anyways. We're talking then I'm thinking...bACKSTORY GET THE LOGISTICS. so I ask her if shes waiting for the bus, she says yes. I knew time was running out but I wanted to get to know her a tad bit more before number closing her. My spidey senses were going off: "don't number close yet!!!" A bus comes, slows down, and goes by. She says, "that was my bus."

She missed her bus to talk to me and she said that she had nothing planned for the rest of the day so it was okay. It was cool she was interested enough in me to miss her bus though. I did get her number after another few minutes of conversation although I really should have gone for an insta date. I feel like I should have rewarded her (is that the correct word?) greater for missing her bus for me.

While I was talking to her I was thinking if I should get her to make out with me. And when I was closing her, I asked if she wanted to go for coffee, then corrected myself and said we should hang out sometime. It appears that it is already an unconscious habit to ask for coffee, looool. I totally forgot to set up a time and place on the spot, but I will do that through text right after this. Here's the initial text exchange:

backstory: hey there frothy gothy. :) it's backstory. save my # in your phone
frothy gothy: done :) cute name

I'm starting to find a slight pattern in replies to my first text and interest level, but I can't be sure yet.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Sour Frizz

I was at a party last night and was talking with a chick who was pushing my skill level. Her and I had met at a party about a year ago and she had a boyfriend at the time. Regardless I got her number anyways but she pretty much was rude to me when I texted her.

Then I matched with her on tinder. We started talking May 1st. Here's how the initial conversation went:

Sour Frizz: o helloh
Sour Frizz: fancy running into you here
backstory: this keeps happening...lol
Sour Frizz: does it?
backstory: yea, yet another pisces (in her profile it said she was a pisces)
Sour Frizz: oh, lucky you.

Then I didn't reply to her until June 8th:

backstory: haha sour frizz, i don't think lucky is the word to describe it.
backstory: you were in europe for a bit?
sour frizz: pisces are the best. yes i was in europe for a bit
backstory: hmmm, are they?
backstory: why europe, sour frizz? why not south america or australia...why choose that particular continent to visit?
sour frizz: because my mom has always wanted to go to italy so we went together. and I'm young so i still have lots of time to see the rest of the world.

I wasn't sure about the initial conversation....was she trying to qualify herself to me? I didn't bother replying after the last thing she said because it was just a boring conversation to me...idk.

But then, as I mentioned, I saw her at a party last night. I was standing inside, near the door, and she was standing outside. She's talking to me from outside and I get her to walk inside to come talk to me. Then I move her really quickly back outside and I'm standing really close to her:

sour frizz: why were you acting like being a pisces was a bad thing?
backstory: i wasn't
sour frizz: yes you were, you were like..."hmm, are they?"
backstory: lol i didnt mean it like that.
sour frizz: ohh okay
backstory: whats the defining characteristic of a pisces anyways?
sour frizz: they have two personalities.
backstory: hmmm, interesting. the defining characteristic of my sign is that I'm stubborn.
sour frizz: what's your sign?
backstory: guess
sour frizz: idk maybe a saggitarious or an aquarius
backstory: naah im a taurus
sour frizz: taurus and aquarious are super compatible
backstory: i know

I really could have steered the conversation in a sexual direction here... i coulda been like "compatible in what way??" with a sneaky smile. Another compliment:

sour frizz: you're very strange, but in a good way. I like it.

While I'm talking to her, I notice she's very....cold. Like emotionless...unfriendly. It's not a good feeling for me. Somewhere in our conversation I comment on it and she tells me it's just a front. So then I start thinking that I should try to make her comfortable with me so she opens up a bit more emotionally. Because I know she's interested in me, but maybe not comfortable yet. So I initially start talking to her a bit more about her trip to europe, but then I start wondering why I'm trying to get to know her at a party. Like I should be bantering with her or something. I really wasn't sure what to do. So in the middle of talking about europe I say:

backstory: youre the second hottest girl at this party
sour frizz: who's the first?
backstory: i can't tell you, that would take all the fun out of it.

Soon after that we start getting in all sorts of frame battles. She's challenging me on everything I say, like for example we were disagreeing on how to pronounce "pisces" and she was otherwise trying to get me to submit to her frames. I did not bow to her frames and made her submit to one of mine. It was really intense - there was a lot of tension and I was starting to not know what to do. I started smiling to relieve the tension which I believe was a slight mistake (she was not smiling in the slightest). During this time I told her to give me her hand, then I looked at her palm and gave her a palm read, then I twirled her around. So but then, we start talking about childhood and its tough because she's still being all testy and cold. We are maintaining eye contact and she says:

sour frizz: is this a staring contest?
backstory: yes

SO we're just staring at each other and not talking and then I start moving closer and closer to her like I'm going to kiss her and she turns her head away. I wasn't actually going to kiss her, I just wanted to create more tension. Shortly after that I excuse myself by saying, "I'll talk to you in a bit." I left because I didn't know what to do. I go inside and talk to my friend for a while, then in my peripheral vision I notice her leaving. A little while later on tinder I say,

backstory: where did you run off to *eye roll emoji* we didnt finish talking
backstory: btw you're sooo green (talking bout my synesthesia)
sour frizz: what do you mean by green? i had to drive a friend home

And that's where it ends. With a bunch of unresolved tension....I did very well initially... moving her, asking for compliance, touch, push and pull, getting her to lean in to talk to me..all in like ten minutes time..but I will need to read up on these cold girls who put that shit up as a front. I know they turn into kittens eventually.

New Guys and Their Walk

One tip I can give to guys who haven't worked on their walk yet is to do it ASAP! When you approach a girl, a lot of the time she hasn't had the chance to actually see your walk yet. Then after you're done talking with her and you walk away, she's probably going to catch a glimpse of it. And if you have a ridiculously sexy walk, it's like the icing on the cake for her and further cements her attraction for you.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Tonight Frothy Gothy and I hung out. I met her yesterday at the bus stop. Here's the continuation of our text conversation that I posted yesterday:

(June 17th)
backstory: i forgot to ask....what's your schedule like over the next few days?
Frothy Gothy: I'm free tomorrow evening, busy monday, free after that
backstory: ok lets hang tomorrow evening. what time is good for you? i was thinking 7ish 8ish
(June 18th, 3:36)
Frothy Gothy: 7 works for me
(June 18th, 5:17)
Frothy Gothy: Does tonight still work for you?
backstory: yessss. swing by my place? i want to hear more about your writing!
Frothy Gothy: ah swing by my place instead ? I'm getting a small foster dog tonight
Frothy Gothy: where abouts do you live though?
backstory: reaaaaally close to Location A. what about you?
Frothy Gothy: reaaallly close to Location B.
backstory: ok frothy gothy
backstory: what's your address?
Frothy Gothy: 12345 Street
Frothy Gothy: ill meet you down in the lobby
backstory: alright I'm taking the bus so ill be a while but ill let you know when I'm close
Frothy Gothy: ok :)
Frothy Gothy: are you close?
backstory: i know you're impatient to see me :) but i just got on my first bus. ill be there in 30ish
Frothy Gothy: hehe ok

I was considering hanging out with a different girl tonight who was married. I wasn't sure if I should tell frothy gothy to come over or if we should go for coffee or something. Because she'd only known me for 7 minutes. So I was surprised when she was receptive to hanging out alone, in a house. Except it was her house. And I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to frothy gothys house. But i thought it'd be a good reference point, and besides..frothy gothy is hotter and she was giving off lots of good signs. Re-engaging to see if we're still hanging out, mirroring my language, and replying well to my chase frame.

I get to frothy gothys place and we are sitting at her kitchen table chatting. After a while I realize that I'm leaning in to her too much, so I sit back. Then she starts talking about how this person is going to drop a dog off at her place. And I'm thinking hmmm should i have made a move already? we could just start fooling around and then when the dog comes we can stop and she can go down and get him. I decided it would be better to wait until after she got the dog. But some nice sexual tension was being built and we would be staring at each other even if we weren't talking. However, she starts telling me that she tried killing herself and that she went celibate for a year. I also posed this question:

backstory: if you could either be 200 pounds fatter for the rest of your life, or get your genitals cut off, which would you choose?

To my surprise she chooses the former option. She's really starting to seem like a girl who isn't really into sex.

Eventually she gives me a tour around her apartment building. Up until now, she's mentioned it twice about how I should come back sometime. I wasn't really listening, but I think that's what she said. I was worried I was in the boyfriend zone. We're in the movie theatre (in an apartment building? no way) and I use this exact line on her that I used last night with sour fizz:

backstory: you were the second hottest girl i saw yesterday
frothy gothy: who was the first?
backstory: i cant tell you, that would ruin all the fun

Sooo we are just about to leave the movie theatre and i'm feeling really attracted to this chick. Yes there was eye contact and there was touch but I wanted to let her know I MEANT BUSINESS. So we're leaving then I say stop, walk up to her and I kiss her neck a little bit. She says,

frothy gothy: what was that for?
backstory: nothing

I think I said nothing...anyways, every single time I kiss a girl on the neck randomly, she replies with "what was that for?" I'm gonna have to come up with a good response.

We go back upstairs - the dog and his owner hasn't arrived yet - and we go in her room. We are sitting on her bed. I lean in (the lean in was a tad too far, I'll admit) to kiss her. She turns her head and says:

frothy gothy: don't.
backstory: don't what?
frothy gothy: don't kiss me.

I was unphased and just continued the conversation from before. I really shoulda flashed her a "i know you want me" look but whatever. We continue talking. After this I can't really remember the sequence of events...but she was starting to be a little bit more touchy with me. Giving me random touches and stuff.

So the dog's owner comes and drops off the dog and we are back in her apartment. I start looking at bus times and figuring out when I'm gonna leave, and tell her the time I'm leaving. I use a lot of time constraints in my game...I wonder if they are doing me any good. She opens the door to her bedroom and invites me in. She gets under the covers and lays down and I am on top of the covers. Then I get under the covers with her. We were talking about a bunch of stuff. We ended up having a conversation about women and sex and society. I used the opportunity to tell her it sucks that society thinks that sex is not normal for women, and that women shouldn't be considered a slut just because they like sex. She throws out a test:

frothy gothy: how many people have you slept with?
backstory: today? not many
frothy gothy: nooooo! tell me
backstory: how many people have YOU slept with?
frothy gothy: i dont keep track

Looking back I realize that her getting under the covers was an escalation window. We're both under the covers, and I'm tired and don't want to miss my bus, because then the cab ride home will be a lot of money. I'm thinking, HOW CAN I ESCALATE? well I started rubbing her arm. Then I pull out my phone and I'm finding out when the bus comes, I tell her that I gotta go in 40 minutes. She says:

frothy gothy: okay let's have a nap

I start escalating more, touching her more and more and eventually we start kissing. I start rubbing her boobs from over top of her shirt, but then she throws out some resistance and tells me to stop. So I brought out an escalation ladder. After she told me to stop rubbing her boobs, i went back to just rubbing her arms and back. Then I tried for the boobs again, and she let me rub them this time. I pulled up her shirt and was playing with them and sucking them, then she told me to stop, and pulled her shirt back down. So I went back to making out with her and rubbing her tits over her shirt. It continued on like this for a while. I didn't manage to get any of her clothes off but I did rub her pussy for a little bit.

Eventually I just stopped escalating.... because I was rubbing her pussy for the second time, and she said stop. And after that, I went back to rubbing and kissing her tits, but she told me to stop that too. Bleh I was tired of it and didn't know how to escalate further if she wouldn't let me at all! I just started lying there and she started cuddling me, hahahaha.

Then I left and she tried to make out with me again before I left, but I teased her and didn't kiss her.

Ahhh, soo...that's the end of that story. I'm surprised that I'm getting results from day game. The LMR tonight was annoying but it was to be expected considering I only met this chick yesterday. I'm sure I could have beaten it but I'm not that knowledgable on LMR so I will study and learn and employ some tactics next time. And she was being all boyfriend-y with me too. The cuddling, her trying to kiss me before I left, and her projecting us hanging out in the future makes me think I'm in the boyfriend zone. That could have contributed to the LMR too.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

The majority of my sets today were filled with flirty banter and no deep conversations. i was even bantering non-stop for like 15 minutes with these two girls, it was a lot of fun. They thought I was on meth.

I went out between 7:30PM and 9:30PM. This was a different time than I usually go out. I was hoping to catch the after work crowd. I was actually quite annoyed because a lot of the girls I talked to said they had boyfriends which is quite unusual. I would ask what they were up to early in the conversation before being direct at all, and they said they were coming/going from their boyfriend's house. I was wearing a loud shirt and being really engaging and banter-y, this could have had something to do with it but I'm not sure. BTW girls who are with their boyfriends are always continuously glancing at me. That is annoying too.

I wasn't feeling any nervousness today, it was great because my voice was not impacted at all. woohoo. It's awesome when I can open with a nice deep rumbly voice.

I've been practising getting basic compliance for a week and it's getting boring and too easy, so I'm thinking of other ways I can challenge myself and improve...and I have come to the conclusion that I will start escalating more aggressively on chicks who dig me (during the day) and also create sexual tension. I know if I make out with them then I will most never likely see them again but it would increase my confidence for sure, which I know is important.

Besides that I dunno really. I guess I'll keep trucking along. Gonna work on improving my facial expressions and conversational skills a little bit. And I have to bring feminine energy out of girls.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

She Wasn't Actually Hungry

I was walking on the sidewalk. Up ahead are a group of three girls. They kept looking at me so I was gonna open them. But as I'm getting closer, one of them opens me:

Girl 1: Hey do you know where we can get some food around here?

Huh. I start talking to her about places they can get food and shortly after she gets really disinterested. I was wondering where I was going wrong! I thought maybe I needed to be more direct...so I asked her if she was single, to which she replied no. I start talking to the other girls and then start hitting on Girl 3. As soon as I do this Girl 1 starts getting really interested in the conversation again. Later she admits she isn't really hungry at all.

My guess of what happened here is that Girl 3 thought I was hot, so Girl 1 opened me indirectly for her. Except it backfired on Girl 1 initially. I found out they were too young for me sooo no number close here.

Cementing Emotions and Anchoring

My goal for the next week is to get good at cementing emotions and anchoring. I was trying this out today but it was kind of awkward on my part.

Approach Invitations and High Value

I indirectly opened a girl who was giving me an approach invitation today - there was the initial talk, then I let the conversation die instead of transitioning to a new conversational thread. She didn't re-engage. It got me thinking. If she was interested in me in the first place, why wouldn't she re-engage? I think it has to do with being high value. Girls who view you as higher value/status than them won't re-engage you if conversation dies down....because they are intimidated by you, especially if you haven't qualified them and made them feel comfortable yet.

Either that or they go into auto rejection because you didn't lead them towards what they wanted from you. Or both. I'm gonna stop waiting for girls to re-engage.

Do girls only give approach invitations to guys they feel are equal or higher value than them?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Today I hung out with a girl I met while day gaming at my school on June 14th. Her and I had talked for roughly 7 minutes before I number closed her. At the end of the interaction she was giving me the bedroom eyes. She added me on snapchat, and I found out her full name and looked her up on Facebook - her relationship status said "married."

We were going to hang out this past Monday, but I ended up cancelling and hung out with Frothy Gothy. I texted her today and told her to come over to my place. She shows up and we are bantering for like 10 minutes. I kiss her neck a little bit and she doesn't say anything. Then, a few minutes later, the time came where I could either transition into deep diving or make a move on her. I decided to start kissing her.

We were making out and then she sucked my dick for 4 hours straight because she was on her period. While she was sucking my dick, she puked. I didn't react, but it was so weird! I got a towel, cleaned it up and we continued.

She wanted to bang but I did not want to fuck her on her period. She wants to bang another day though. The worst part about her blowing me is that it wasn't the greatest. She was not sucking tight enough. I told her to suck tighter a few times but she didn't really listen. So I had a hard on for 4 hours and didn't even come. -.- We were really clicking sexually though, I was face fucking her and tying her up and her tits are so bruised from all the hickeys I gave her...we were really into it :)

THEN, THIS conversation HAPPENS after we are finished:

girl: blalbalbla my husband likes elephants
backstory: elephants are interesting because they are so emotional
girl: really? thats what you got out of that sentence
backstory: yeah
girl: you don't care that I'm married?
backstory: no
girl: have you fucked a married girl before
backstory: yeah

I knew she was married because of her facebook profile but I played it off really calmly and nonchalantly. Its interesting that this girl was married and didn't tell me till after we hooked up. When I first met her, I asked if she was single and she lied and said yes.

Anyways, this girl kept wondering if I was on crack. It reminds me of the girls I met who I was bantering with for 15 minutes straight the other day - they thought I was on meth. So I asked her why she was wondering if I was on crack. She gave me a vague answer and said it was because I am so open. What I make out of this is that I am comfortable talking to random strangers which is pretty uncommon, so people think I'm on drugs. I'm not spilling my life story to people and that's the only other meaning I can think of for the word "open"

She was also telling me that I'm really strange, but chill. Strange is a word people are using to describe me lately.

I'm heading to Montreal tomorrow for a week. My goal is to do at least 200 cold approaches during this time. Ideally I would like to do upwards of 350 though. That's 50 women a day....I might get quite tired if I go for that.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Montreal is sick. The women here are so much more interested in getting to know me than back home. They are actively asking me questions about myself. Early in the conversation I mention that I'm not from around Montreal - this could be why. It builds a lot of intrigue for them. I guess I'll need to work on building this sort of intrigue into my conversations back home. Regardless, the conversations I am finding myself in here are quite pleasant.

After today, I realize that my mindsets need further tweaking. I have been moving fast with girls lately (like the married woman, where I seduced her in just under 20 minutes) but I need to be prepared to move even faster. I need to get under the "insta-lay" mindset. Two of my interactions today involved quite a bit of sexual tension. I met one girl at the subway station. Near the start of the conversation, when I was finding out logistics she said to me, "I live really close to here and I'm not doing anything for the rest of the day so we can chat for bit." Then as the interaction progressed, there was more and more sexual tension. I did number close her, but why wouldn't I try to at least go back to her place to fuck her or something? Girls WANT and DESIRE sex with random strangers they just met so why am I disappointing them by moving slow? I even moved too slow with Sour Frizz, who was obviously prepared to fuck me real quick. When I achieve this new mindset, I will be opening up tons more opportunities to get laid.

I always say to girls, "give me your hand" and then they hold their hand out. I grab their hand and give them a palm read. But I think instead of doing this I will be more flirty and hold their hand for no reason or something like that.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I think I'm on a plateau right now. It's tough to explain. I can use all my current pick up skills in a way where I can use them without having to really think about doing them - it's just automatic. I'm working on developing 4 new skills and I'm pretty shitty at all of them. But once I get a handle on these new skills, then I feel like I'll be at the next level. Here's what they are:

1. Emotional cementing
2. Sexual tension
3. Anchoring
4. Vibe

I mentioned that my goal for this week was emotional cementing...and I do feel like I'm making a little bit of headway with it. It's vital that I'm conscious of how chicks react to my openers because this is a great opportunity to do some emotional cementing. If she's happy and her face lights up, then I can make note of it and say something like, "wow your face just lit up and you looked so happy! It was amazing."

I know what kind of vibe I need to portray ALL THE TIME, it's just a matter of pushing myself to portray this vibe every single interaction. I noticed that if I ruin the vibe or go in the wrong direction with it then the girl goes into auto rejection. For example, I opened this one girl today and had a good initial vibe going with her. Then this homeless man with no teeth comes over and starts cockblocking. When I finally got him to shut up and go away, the girl and I continued talking but I just couldn't get back to the vibe I had built with her before the cockblocking.

I don't really have any strategy for situations where there's sexual tension. My initial thoughts are that there's going to be a problem with working with sexual tension because it doesn't show up in my interactions all the time (yet), therefore making it tough to practice consistently. Is it possible for the girl to feel sexual tension, but I don't feel it? I will do some research tonight and hopefully I'll find out how to create it more consistently, and how to manage it effectively.

I'm gonna change my strategy for the rest of the time I'm in montreal. Initially I was trying to get phone numbers and go on dates, but I think this is just a good time to push my comfort zone and get really physical with girls.

Today after doing a palm read on a girl, I was holding onto her hand for a while....that was interesting. Also, with another girl who I had just met I started playing with her hair and moving it out of her face. She didn't like that and went into auto rejection.

Comfort Testing

I was thinking of a trick to use to test how quickly I can get a girl comfortable with me. It would involve walking around with some sort of candy like skittles. Then while I'm talking to a girl I offer her some. Her reaction will allow me to determine how comfortable she is with me. No girl would accept candy from a stranger - what if it's laced with drugs or something? But if she's comfortable with you, then she's going to trust you and be willing to eat some. It'd be cool to know that a girl is comfortable with me only 3 minutes into the interaction or something like that. The only downside is that some girls might not legitimately feel like eating candy at that moment.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I was doing some day game in downtown montreal and NOT ONE SINGLE CHICK WAS HOOKING. (i turned it around though) I was actually starting to feel annoyed about it. I talked to like 38 women in the past day and a half and there was no interest. I changed my vibe around - i started being more banter-y and stuff...then all of a sudden, chicks are hooking like madddd lol....it was actually so funny!!! I started using some emotional cementing and stuff and then every single girl I was talking to was touching me and smiling and really wanted to chill with me. emotional cementing is powerful as heck, it just makes women laugh and smile more and shit, holy shitttt. crack!

so later then I'm walking and I see this girl walking behind me and shes kinda looking at me so I open her. We are walking and talking and then just stop....and we go on an insta-date to the park. she's leaving tomorrow...we're sitting at the park, she's smoking weed and talking my fucking EAR off! I kiss her neck and she recoils like mad lol....i was real nervous to kiss her neck but i pushed myself to do it anyways.

blalblalba later her and I went to go do shrooms at my place, the vibe was sexual and I COULD HAVE FUCKED HER. My escalation was awkward, so when I tried kissing her she gave me this shit about how she only gets intimate if its the right time with the right person. lollll. I'm sure if I had tried a little bit harder and was more smooth and direct about things, it would have gone down just right. Part of it is just that I really don't give a fuck and was lazy about it..last 5% whatever...i'll go find another chick to chill with tomorrow.

Good reference point though and I learned a fuck ton. I'll write more about it tomorrow. Girls will keep paying attention as long as you give them emotions. If you manage their emotions well, they love it!


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I realized that there's a lot of holes in my game. Good feeling.

I have been acting aloof when I open and I'm not doing it strategically. I think this has actually been hindering me a lot. I will work on becoming a master of aloofness.

I haven't been dealing with objections very well. A girl will say "I have to go see my friend" or "I'm late for something" or "I don't feel like talking right now" and I will just let it be and leave. I should be addressing these instead of ejecting. I could say "HEY I got something better for us to do, let's hang"

Also, I have figured out my greatest conversational weakness. I have been making too many guesses and assumptions in my conversations. I will implement the active listening process into my game today. I have a good feeling that this will be one of those techniques that's really gonna be a game changer for me...

Yesterday I was getting a lot of "I'm late for something" objections mixed with shocked/startled looks upon opening. This rarely ever happens. I was peacocking and I looked very tired. One lady even thought I was on drugs. I guess I looked like a real weirdo and not a normal guy, explaining people's reactions towards me. Good reference point. Coming across as a normal person is important in game. I am realizing the importance of adaptability in game. For example, if I look tired, I probably shouldn't peacock too hard and should choose a more normal outfit to wear. ETC ETC

People always come up with excuses to not approach, it's silly. Just do it...yes approach anxiety gets in the way but after a few hundred approaches its practically gone.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

I've made over 100 approaches in Montreal over the past 5 days. I got 4 numbers and one insta-date. These are incredibly poor stats compared to day gaming in my hometown where I would get 3-4 numbers from talking to just 10 girls.

I am running a fuck ton of street game, where I stop girls in the middle of a busy street to talk to them. I know that this is traditionally the hardest way to meet girls....could be why my stats were poor. Or, ahem...spam approaching. Regardless I learned a lot from doing these types of approaches (gotta move fast and get lots of compliance quickly) and built up my confidence. Now approaching girls anywhere else, in less busy situations with better social context, will be ridiculously easy. Also, I used to have a fear of approaching girls with people around. Today, several times, when I finished talking to girls I opened, I would look around and the people standing closeby would be looking at me with a look of amazement or amusement. People realize that it takes balls to approach a girl on the street and hit on her in broad daylight, they aren't going to be mad!

Also today, I was talking to a girl who was working and got her number. I remember I used to be afraid of this too. I'm glad I'm past all my old fears.

I got the chance to use the active listening process with the girl above and it went smoothly. She flashed me this one look. It's a new look that women are starting to give me. It's a REALLY warm look..The first time I saw it was with the girl I had an insta-date with on tuesday. I think that women give you this look when they are feeling connected to you. But I'm not sure...

Maybe I can pull off 50 approaches tomorrow if I get a good sleep tonight.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Skipped my last day in montreal to visit my hometown where I grew up for a week. Will be doing some night game this weekend.

Something is seriously clicking for me in terms of my verbal game. I don't quite understand it yet, I will need to talk to more women before I am able to put it into words. I am quite certain it involves being a more challenging, interesting, intriguing dude for women to talk to. I give matter-of-fact answers a lot, and am too nice of a guy. Don't get me wrong...I don't supplicate to women, BUT....I'm too nice....I don't want to accidentally hurt women's feelings. I don't tease them/bust their balls/test them. I think it's got to do with the fact I don't have abundance mentality yet.

I'm reading up on a lot of material over on the defunct MASF seduction forums. Both the learning material and the field reports from the greats like Mystery. I'm learning a lot. I'm making a lot of connections between the material over here at girls chase too.

I can't wait to build strong connections with more girls. At this point I don't even care if an interaction with a girl results in sex. Obviously I'm going to lead it towards sex if she wants it..... but if she really doesn't want it, no big deal. Great attitude to apply to my overall vibe.

BTW - people in the customer service industry are treating me differently. Obviously they are supposed to be nice, but they are being way overly nice and open....and acting in a way towards me that I've never seen before. Because they are at work, it gives them social permission to act this way..it's like...girls at bus stops. they have social permission to act a certain way towards me because they are going somewhere and they likely won't be seeing me again and it gives them plausible deniability of some sort to fall back on....I DONT KNOW. girls at bus stops are like girls on vacation.

If I was back in the city I lived in, I could fuck 2 girls this weekend, both of whom I met through cold approach. Never woulda thought.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 20, 2015
Re: backstory's frontstory

Last night at the bar:

- Stuck my finger in a girl’s mouth and made her deep throat it
- Got more touchy than usual with a few chicks and touched their tits, asked them if they were real
- Made out with one girl 30 seconds after meeting her
- Borrowed a beer from a girl, she wanted it back….got her to kiss my cheek to get it back
- Told the hottest bitch, “you’re the second hottest girl here” she brushed me off like I was an annoying housefly and said “okay”

Pretty fun night tbh. I think it’s interesting how the girls who are alone who have been separated from their friends are always up for quick make outs. I’m always lost after I kiss them though, I lose my focus and forget to move them. Part of my mindset is that if I kiss a chick at the bar, she’s not going to come home with me, so what’s the point in continuing the seduction? I should try to pull some shit like getting them into the bathroom to suck my dickkkkk.

I surprised myself with the tit touching, I guess chicks don’t mind because I come across as confident about it. I’m not treating them like I’m walking on eggshells.

Gonna be implementing these things:

- Treat girls the same as guys (THANKS GRAND POOBA)
- Push & Pull. For example, I tell a bitch shes hot as shit, then she says “awww you’re sweet” then ill be like “ahaha but….you’re not my type and i wouldn’t date you, we’d fight too much.” Something like that. Introducing push + pull when she doesn’t view me as a sexual threat.
- Presenting myself as the prize

One last thing: it’s interesting how quickly I can get girls looking at me in a sexual way…all i need to do is get lots of compliance from them quickly, while being touchy with them.