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snipefield's journey


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
I'm back in my college town. Today was the first real day of resuming day-game approaches as I go about my day.

As in other parts of the US right now, it is quite cold! I've been relying on the singles opener because it gets to the point.

Girl walking in my direction right as I exited my house and crossed the street. She was wearing sunglasses. Said she did have a boyfriend, but she lingered there and also gave me this look like maybe she's seen me before. I stalled and let her go. Also, she was near me, so our shoulders brushed right before we parted. Should've asked her if she lives in my building!

Blonde girl outside waiting for friend. She was holding a plastic bag with a Subway sandwich. I complimented her then asked her if she's single. She said yes.

me: what's for lunch?

2: Subway

me: Yes, I see that!

2: Oh, ham sandwich

I ran out of stuff to say. Should have said, "hmm, so you like long, big things?" Is that too dirty? My 11 PM mind thinks differently from my 12 PM mind in the freezing cold.

Another girl waiting for friend. I passed her and then came back. Same approach - compliment, then ask if she's single. She was excited to talk to me. Studying violin performance and music education. Sweet girl, except I FUCKED up when the friend came. 3 visibly wanted me to do something. Instead, for some odd reason, I ejected when the friend came over.

3: Well, maybe we'll see each other around {wistfully}


Longe natural blonde beauty with bf of 7 years.

me: Are you gonna get married?

4: Yes, probably

We chatted about their relationship and I deep-dove her a bit. After the fact, I realized that I could have asked if he fucks her right, but this would most definitely NOT be congruent at 3:30 PM in the well-lit lobby.

Wanted desperately to get an approach in before the next class. Come out from my building and start walking away from it. Open the first girl who looks good.

me: Hey! I gotta quick question for you

5: Yes {inquisitive}

me: Are you single?

5: Yes.

me: I saw you and think you're cute and feel compelled to speak with you. I'm snipefield.

5: I'm 5.

me: Nice name.

5: Don't I know you from somewhere?

me: Hmm, you do? Where did we meet?

5: I'm not sure.

me: You're heading that way... to that building?

5: Yes

me: Ok, I'll go with you, I gotta class there, I just saw you so walked this way

5: OK

me: So, accounting?

5: Yes. How about you?

me: .....my major...... How much longer do you have here?

5: Well, hopefully it's my last year. I''m a 5th year.

me: Oh yea, I'm above a senior, too

We keep bantering until:

me: I think I'm in 205

5: Hmm, no I'm in 205

We're in the hallway now and it's 5 minutes before class is set to begin, they're starting to get empty. I check my schedule and show her. She's starting to get concerned and whips out her schedule. I just stand there. Meanwhile, my classmates are either filing in or out of the class and each one of them sees me gaming this girl. Good stuff!

me: 5, let's meet up sometime

5: Sure

I hand her my phone and she punches the number in.

Here's the text exchange from later in the evening. I decided to speed up the typical texting timeframe:
me: Hey 5! It's snipefield. I realized you may be right, we may have met before ;)

5: Hey! Is that so?

me: ). whaddya say we go for a coffee or lunch over the next few days?

5: Yea I'd like that! So did you remember meeting me before? I still can't place it.

me: Yes, I do. I'll tell you where when we meet ) When's good for you?

5: Ahh suspense! I'll have to let you know tomorrow. Not sure yet when I'll be free!

Girl with southern accent. Friendly vibe in response to my singles opener. She declined giving me phone number when I asked for it, probably saved me some time. Could have joked a bit, calling her a racist (we're both white).

Random girl on street. Not single. I complimented her and thanked me in a fake manner, acting as if I was weird for striking up a convo with her

Tall girl on street right near my house. She wasn't single but had a beaming smile. I stalled a bit and she said genuinely that she was late for a class. It was dark, so I figured that accompanying her to class would have been needy and a bit too much investment from the outset. Should have said:

Cut class, we will go on a little adventure!

Gym Attendant
This one wasn't a true approach, but writing it down because it was a missed opportunity to flirt. I was in the gym and there's a student attendant in the corner of the weight room just sitting and looking off into space. She's there to make sure people are putting clips on, etc.

me: Hey, I saw you and you seem so focused, looking off into nothing

her: Yes, we have to watch the weight room, make sure that everything is ok

me: Yes, you look like you're in a trance

her: Yea, we can't use phones

me: So what do you think about?

her: Sometimes I pray

me: Hmm, that's interesting

By asking her what she thinks about, I missed an opportunity to steer the conversation in a sexual way. I had actually intended to say, "You're totally just checking out all of us handsome guys that are in the weight room, aren't you?" (there was only 1 girl working out in there). But it slipped my mind when I started to talk with her. Nice non-sexual guy won out there.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Hehe about Subway you could have said... "hmm.. (EC) 12 inches?" and being a girl she'd probably say nah 6 inches and you'd respond "Oh dear... I think you'd need at least 12 inches to fill you up..." I'm not sure if I could deliver this without falling about laughing but that would probably add to the playful vibe.

As to 3 I find that if you haven't got the number before the friend arrives you're usually a bit shafted so if there seems to be a time limit then go for the number sooner, that way it's much more discreet and she can pass it off to the friend as just striking up a convo to pass the time... yeah I know that expectant look as they wait for you to ask them out and you don't... missed an opportunity with a hot JP chick on the train early in my journey, fuck I kicked myself later on, hahaha...

cheers, Ray


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013

Single opener. She wasn't, but lingered just for a second and also complimented my hat. Unfortunately, I stalled on that one and let her go.

Notice a bleach blonde sitting alone just as I enter the library. I had to take a book out first, then went straight to her right after. We both remember each other from a previous approach that I did about a month back. I sit down immediately, and she is open to a conversation.

Some highlights from the convo:

me: So, how is your semester going?

2: It's OK, I'm prepping to do a research project.

me: What's it on?

2: It's about how women are attracted to a type of man that they usually wouldn't be interested in during the peak of the cycles.

I manage to keep a straight face for that one, but also feel like I could have joked around and teased her a little bit more with this. We talk about her hometown, what she wants to do, literature. Interestingly enough, her makeup, bleach blonde hair and attire belie her intelligence and interests. We talked for about 15 minutes, quite rare for day-game. Towards the end, I ask if she wants to get lunch and she agreed.

i regret saying lunch, because that means we'll have to meet up before class. I will thus have to just focus on elevating attraction as much as possible. Our convo was platonic and she seems like the type of girl that attracts orbiters so I want to make sure that I have a good strategy for putting myself into the lover category. Advice, gents?

Girl with pretty hair using computers in library

me: Hey {she looks in a different direction, as if the voice was coming from there} Hey

3: ?

me: Hey, I saw you and thought you were cute and couldn't resist, decided to come up and say hi

3: Oh, hi {covering cleavage with arms, hehe}

me: Let me ask you a question

3: Yes?

me: Are you single?

3: No

me: That's OK, we can still talk {but then I trailed off because I saw in split instant that she wasn't that interested

I should have persisted a little bit, but I felt awkward standing there over her.

Asian girl outside. She genuinely appreciated my compliment, also wasn't single.

This was a fun one. 5 is working the information desk at the supermarket. I ask her for some help and only then realize that she is pretty cute. Natural blonde, a reddish hue on her cheecks. She has elegant jewelry on, something you don't see young ladies wear frequently. I tease her a little bit about that. I thought I messed my chance up by not getting her number initially, but still intended to go back there. Lucky for me, the checkout right next to her is open.

She bags the groceries and then asks me:
5: Would you like me to help you with your groceries? {why yes I would, dear!}

me: Yes

I make sure to get on the escalator first since I'm tall. I turn to her and say:

me: Well, it's not very manly of me asking you to help me, but I wanted you to come down because I think you're cute.

5: Why thank you {beaming}

me: Let me ask you a question.

5: Yes?

me: Are you single?

5: Yes.

me: {smile} I'm snipefield

5: I'm 5

me: And you're a ...our uni... student?

5: Yes

me: You're a junior?

5: Yes

me: What are you studying?

5: Food science

me: Ah, so you're going to be figuring out where to put all that extra corn that we have {we got down to the lobby}

5: Actually, I want to do medicine

me: Listen, let's get a cup of coffee sometime.

5: Sure

me: What's your schedule like?

5: {pause} Well, here's the thing. I work two jobs. Today, I was working at the hospital from the morning to noon, and I'm here until 10 PM.

me: Wow, two jobs and school, good for you. {touch elbow}

We banter a little bit more and I have her punch in her number. I text her a couple of hours later but still have not heard from her (over 24 hrs).

It was very cold last night, so I was surprised to actually find places with lots of people.

I'm pretty slow with opening girls in bars. Still managed, though, to have some interesting interactions. One big mistake I realize I make is not opening girls as soon as I enter the club.

I'm sitting at a round bar table by the wall. A group of 3 girls (slutty, fat and normal-looking) come in and sit on the other side of this table, since there were empty chairs. The slutty one catches my eye, and I chat her up a bit. She gets closer than a girl naturally does and I get some touch in. I talk with the fat friend for a little bit, as well.

At a certain point, they're all huddled together on the other side of the table
me: Why are you all on the other side of the table like I have a disease?

normal-looking girl: Oh no, it's not you

me: Well I do have a disease {smile}

I go to dance with the slutty one, but the song is difficult to dance sexy to. She just disappears on me after 1 song.

I take too much time to open a short girl with a short blonde hairstyle and an OK body. She is with her friend, and I was sitting pretty close to them before I opened, which I think partly messed it up for me.

I go in with a compliment. She is thankful for that one, but goes silent on me right after that. I don't want to bow out and these girls wind up walking away from me. Fun stuff!

Next, I open a girl who from afar seemed sexy, but turns out to be just OK and much shorter than I had anticipated. I compliment her and we start dancing. She is fun enough to dance with, but the height difference makes interaction uncomfortable (it's difficult speaking with her).

At a certain point, while I'm psyching myself out deciding which of the two friends 5' away I should approach, I get opened by a shortish blonde in glasses:

blonde: {to her friend} Yes, you see, he seems the type who doesn't like Taylor Swift

me: Excuse me?

bllonde: You don't like Taylor Swift, do you? {ya think? I'm standing alone like an island and ignoring the music...}

me: Well, I'm neutral about her. I think the fact that she' s claiming to be the ambassador of NYC is funny.

blonde: She is? {chuckles} You hate the music?

me: I'm indifferent to it. It's not worse than some of the other stuff I've heard tonight.

blonde: Like what?

me: Hmm, honestly it escapes me, but I remember the feeling I had


me: So it this your pickup line? You ask guys you like if they hate the music?

blonde: {chuckles, hits my elbow}

I was kinoing her and at a certain point picked her up off the ground, which she got a kick out of.

We were talking about universities and somehow got on the topic of the unis she hates.

me: And those unis you hate are ones you've been kicked out of?

blonde: You know, you're mean. You know that? {FINALLY, I'M GETTING AWAY FROM THE NICE GUY ARCHETYPE, I thought}

me: blonde, let's go sit down so we can talk {while grabbing her hand}

blonde: I wanna get a drink

me: OK, get a drink

The bar was a little bit crowded and for some reason, I didn't travel the 5 feet to the bar with her. Instead I chose to just stand around where I was, which got boring.

I think I may have sent this girl into auto-rejection. I could have saved it had I persisted interacting with her, instead of just letting her go when she went to the bar.

Leather jacket girl
me: How does it feel? to be pretty and wearing a leather jacket?

leather jacket: Feels good. Although it's cold.

me: Well, sometimes fashion trumps comfort

leather jacket: You are right {and she then walks off

Love at First Sight Girl
This was one of those situations Chase talked about in the article that mentions love at first sight. I felt this as soon as I opened this girl. Maybe it was simply because she was blonde, tall, was dressed relatively elegantly and was receptive to my compliment.

We locked eyes while dancing and I felt this almost overwhelming energy. Unfortunately, as the song came to an end, she excused herself to find her friends and I never saw her again. FUUUUUUCK! I should have just on the hopeless romantic game and told her:

hey I know this is a bit much since we just met, but I have this good feeling about you. Give me your number and we'll hook up later tonight or another day

I danced with the short girl again and tried to gauge her logistics. She also went off from me, saying she needed to go outside to get some fresh air. I should have followed her and chatted with her there!

Right before the DJ stopped playing the music, I opened two girls who were drinking beer at one of these high tables. I didn't sexualize the convo, but had a good chat with one of the girls.

allie: where are you from?

me: Originally from ......my native country......

allie: Oh, my au pair was from there

me: Oh, maybe I know her

allie: Her name is ...starts telling me the name.......

me: I was just kidding, I don't know her

allie: Oh, I'm stupid

me: Well there are 200 million people in the country

I thought that was pretty funny. Allie and her friend were babysitting another friend who was drunk, so I didn't even attempt to pull because I simply hadn't established the rapport.

This was it for the bar. I should also note that the slutty girl from the group of 3 was running cat-string theory game on the guys in the club. She would dance with em, make em think that she was dtf but then pull away. I actually fell for this initially as well. Said some stuff to her after my epiphany as an experiment:

I know that beyond that sexy veneer is an innocent little girl

I'm onto you, I know the game you're playing with these guys

You can't imagine the things I would do to you if we weren't in this bar.

That last one creeped her out a bit. Yes!

Last Girl
Out on the sidewalk, I noticed her talking on the phone. I waited a bit to talk to her and then gave up. After I started walking, I noticed that she's catching up to me.

me: Hey. You've got absolutely adorable hair

last girl: Oh thank you {gets close enough so that our hips are touching. I put my arm around her} What's your name?

me: snipefield. Yours?

last girl: last girl. I'm going in here {opens the door to pizza shop}

me: Hmm, you're hungry? {I follow in}

last girl: Yes {she heads for her friend}

I don't know what to do because her friend is at the bar counter and there isn't an extra seat. I eject..

Takeaway from the night is to be more persistent and to risk hurting my ego a little bit more. I had a couple of missed opportunities where the girls where essentially giving me a chance (whether consciously or not) to come with them. I didn't take the opportunities because I didn't want to seem like I'm chasing.........but some initial investment is inevitable.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Nice work on the group of 3. As to the girls who wanted you to go places with them, I wouldn't comply... there are a shit ton of other girls out there and it just sets a bad precedent. Better to immediately challenge it "hey you can get an apple pie later, right now you can go for a drink with a handsome stranger" (is what I wish I had said to pair of hot identically dressed girls who I approached at street crossing after we all left Starbucks)... if you must join them at least make it your idea "hey you're a mind reader I was just about to do that"... but result is likely you become orbiter as with the girl who sat by her friend... exception might be if you're gaming by yourself and they invite you to join their group and go to X club or whatever (edit: because this should be taken as a value offering and rewarded as such)... this has happened to me, but even then I soon found myself relegated to a low status and started opening other women/ejecting to continue solo gaming or go home.
cheers, Ray


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Interesting insights, Ray. I guess my reluctance to go into the pizza shop was because my instinct was telling me the same thing your wrote. The likelihood of that interaction succeeding then was very low.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
It was raining hard all day today and I didn't see too many girls as a result (did miss one beauty at the end of the day).

I was really getting in my head because of not approaching, but I managed to eke out 1 interesting interaction in the cafeteria.
Saw this hot Brazilian-looking chick (BZ) eating by herself:

me: Hey. I think you're cute and I saw you from there. I hate eating by myself, you mind if I join you?

bz: Sure {tone of indifference}

me: {I sit down} I'm snipefield

bz: I'm bz

me: Nice to meet you

bz: Where are you from?

me: I'm from ....country I was born in..... You?

bz: I'm from Brazil.

me: OK. Exchange student? {she was being curt with me, so I decided to mirror her. It was easier too since I was eating. I did make sure to intersperse smiles here and there though}

bz: Yes

We banter for a little bit and then this comes up:

me: So what are you studying back home?

bz: Physical education

me: Oh, I see. You like to tell people what to do. Who do you want to teach?

bz: Probably old people

me: Why did you choose physical education? {darn, forgot to include some choices here to help her think :) }

bz: I don't know. I didn't want to do anything else

me: So you wanna teach physical education for the rest of your life?

bz: Yea, I guess {I let the pause linger, but then remember to not let her get off that easy with the BS}

me: Well, if you could do anything, irrespective of money, what would you do?

bz: Hmmm, I'd probably start my own business, be my own boss

I didn't pursue this thread further because it didn't seem like she had it fleshed out.

me: So how has it been for you here?

bz: It's boring, there's nothing to do in this town

me: Oh? What do you like to do?

bz: Go to parties that are funny {she meant fun ) }, meet people


me: So aside from teaching phys ed and not liking our town, what do you do to keep your life from getting boring?

bz: Travel! {beaming eyes}

me: Hmm. Where have you been?

bz: California, New Orleans, Grand Canyon, New York, Atlanta, Miami, Vegas

me: Yea, Vegas is fun

bz: Yes!

me: Whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? {chode, here I missed an opportunity to flirt a bit, could've said something along the lines of "And how popular are pretty Brazilian girls among men in Vegas these days?"

She was still being brief with me and I decided to try out the bored look. I looked off into the distance a couple of times just taking it easy. On the one hand, she was pretty and also expressed a hedonistic side (partying), on the other hand, she seemed a little bit boring. But of course, I just didn't get her to open up..

It would have been a great opportunity to tell a joke - would have released some of the tension in the air. She was peering at her phone, then said:

bz: I'm sorry, my bus is coming. I have to go. {extends hand across table} It was very nice to meet you

me: {she caught me off-guard with the hand, I shake it} Yea, nice to meet you

bz: I'll see you around maybe

It was a laid-back convo, I was feeling lazy to get her number, probably to protect my ego if either I didn't get it or if it wouldn't amount to meeting up. The manly thing to do would have been to ask her then:

me: hey bz, what are you doing right at this very second?

bz: Why?

me: Let's go for some tea....

My house was a 15 min. walk away - not good logistics. But the coffee shop that came to mind now was close, so it would have been a good choice..


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013

me: Stop! Woman! {stops} I love you!

1: {chuckles}

me: I'm kidding. I thought you were cute and wanna say hi

1: Thank you {she has already walked past me, there's some distance between us}

me: Let me ask you a question

1: Yes?

me: Are you single?

1: No

me: Hmm, I'm not surprised. {she was starting to walk} Have a good day

Single opener on girl who didn't take me seriously and didn't even bother to answer.

Walking in the same direction. Complimented her and then asked her if she's single, no bueno.

In cafeteria, I noticed her as she was in a line, I was sitting eating. Smoking body.

me: Hey, I have to tell you, you are absolutely gorgeous

4: {smiles} Thank you {she's gotten her stuff and walks away, I was too slow in continuing the interaction

Single opener on very appreciative girl, but she wasn't single and we were headed in opposite directions.

Recent Flakes
I've had some flakes over the past couple of days. On Sunday eve, I was supposed to meet up with a girl who texted me about 3 hrs before that she was in the hospital with her cousin (!). She kept texting me and updating me, so my hunch that this was just a convenient excuse dissipitated. She did express that she still wants to meet up, but I haven't heard from her since then. I figured I'll wait for her to reengage. Now I'm not so sure. May check in with her to find out how her cousin's doing..

The convo with the other flake went like this:'
me: Hey Claire, good morning, are we good for lunch tomorrow?

Claire: Is there a way we could move it to Tuesday? I ended up registering for that 3 hour class, and am going to attend both classes tomorrow - so my day is packed

me: Tuesday same time will work

I didn't hear from her after that and didn't want to chase..

Slow-Burn Girl
While sitting at the library reading (really scoping out girls to talk to), a girl who I met last semester and who I decided to apply the slow-game strategy to walks past me, chatting with a friend. The problem was that I was reading something, and only recognized her after the fact, when she was already downstairs. I'm not sure she noticed me, although the library was pretty empty. My darn emotions kicked in and instead of shouting for her to stop, I stalled for half-a-minute. Then, went outside to see if she was still there. Of course, she wasn't. I let my emotions get the best of me and sent her a text:

hey glow-burn girl, i think i just saw you in the library

That's investment for you!

The campus was pretty desolate (classes in session, weather sucks), so I decided to go to a building with a cafeteria since there are plenty of people there. I had already forgot about the slow-burn girl somewhat. As I'm walking in the corridor of this building, I'm surprised to see her again (she had her back to me) chatting with a friend. I was so startled I just decided to walk past. I got out of the building and then just stood there, thinking what to do. My knee-jerk reaction was to go back in there to talk with her, but I realized that this would be quite weird, and it would definitely come off needy and not sexy.

So I forgot about her again. Well, early in the evening, I was in another cafeteria eating. And I notice her again! This time she's alone and there's no way for us not to greet each other.

me: Hey slow-burn girl!

sbg: Hi!

me: I keep running into you. {she's getting some food, I go in for a hug, but it winds up being one of those half-assed half-hugs where you don't embrace completely} I thought I saw you in the library

sbg: Yes, I thought I saw you, too, but wasn't sure

me: How are you?

sbg: I've been very busy

me: Good. New boyfriend probably?

sbg: Actually, almost boyfriend, it's not official yet

me: Hmm, you're like this {snap my fingers a couple of times} So, does he know it's not official?

sbg: Yes, of course

me: OK, well good to see you

I was kicking myself for steering the convo to the bf instead of actually asking her about her life. It made me look like I was interested in being her bf. I was so pissed off I even tried deleting her #, but my phone wouldn't let me (# stored in multiple places).

About an hour and a half later, I receive a text from her: "Great seeing you!"

Interesting how my emotions were pushing me to respond. The nice guy in me was saying, "you gotta respond, it would be impolite". But I told myself that I would ignore her via text because she's done that to me. Yes, tit for tat. And anyways, the odds are fairly low, given our last conversation of this going anywhere. The best strategy would be just to wait until the opportunity to have a real conversation with her in person arises.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Solid bro, solid... I've been finding myself not replying to a lot of texts lately that I would have before. Sometimes the frame becomes reality, maybe we are getting busy and/or alpha ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Met up today with the girl who had to reschedule because her cousin was in the hospital.

Text exchange leading up to the meetup;

me: Good morning! Yea, after class today would work well if you're still free )

Alice: Yeah! We could just get a drink somewhere. Or I'll actually be free this weekend

me: Let's do today! How bout we meet .....place.....

Alice: Yea, see you there!

We meet up and I suggest we just go to the coffee shop nearby. First thing she asks me is where I remember her from - we actually met before the semester finished at a bar, but she didn't remember the conversation, although somehow managed to remember my face. She was a little bit embarrassed about that in a coy way.

I get a tea and she actually doesn't get anything. Logistics aren't the best, because there are no couches where we can sit next to each other. I should have motioned to sit a bar counter instead of at the small table where we were wound up sitting opposite each other.

We have a nice chat. I deep dive her about her life, her studies, her fam. She's intelligent and has a beautiful face, mouth, nose, a couple of birthmarks. She is genuinely interested in what she's studying, which is quite rare. At a certain point she asks me:

Alice: So, do you make it a habit of asking girls if they're single?

me: Yes, the ones I find attractive.

Alice: {smiles} Yes, it was totally unexpected. When you came up to me, I thought, "hmm, he's gonna ask me for directions". And when you asked me if I was single, I didn't know how to respond. And I was very flattered.

me: Yes, well, had I asked you for directions and then talked to you, it wouldn't have been the same. You would have probably just brushed me off

Alice: Hmm, you're probably right

I let this thread go, but I think it would have been a good opportunity to take her hand and look into her eyes and give her some kind of emotional spike. Something like this perhaps

me: Alice, you're intelligent, and easygoing, and you're also very cute. Fuck, you're too cute, I wish you'd be less cute..

I find that I have trouble with showing my intent later on in the interaction after the opener. It's odd because I have no trouble going direct on the opener, but it's almost like I'm shy to reaffirm that attraction as the interaction progresses. I should be cognizant of this and focus on it.

About 15 minutes in, she tells me that she's supposed to go to the gym with her friends at around 7 PM. My plan was to invite her to make pizza at my house (idea stolen from Ray. thanks mate!), but when she mentioned the gym, I made a calculation that I wasn't going to try to convince her to come to my house (odds are too high that my frame wouldn't win out). I decided to just play it safe and see if we can meet up another time. We were at the cafe only around 40 minutes or so and then we started walking back in the direction of my house.

Alice: So, I have to be honest. I told my friends about you

me: Interesting

Alice: Yea, I told them how we met. They asked me what you're like and I told them that I spoke to you for literally five seconds

me: Hmm. And what do you they wanna know?

Alice: Well, they wanted to know who your friends are

me: ?

Alice: Yea, a lot of our friends graduated and we're looking for a new friend group

me: Oh, I see

This was a pleasant surprise, I had initially thought that her friends were wary of our interaction..

We keep walking and she offers me a ride to my place. I did plant the seed by inviting her to come over to my house sometime this weekend to make pizza, she was neutral about it. We continued the banter on the ride back and then I ended it with a hug. I don't know if a kiss would have been better (maybe it's good to keep it mysterious a bit)....... but I definitely didn't spike her emotions over these 50 minutes. Also, I think it would have been a manly thing to do to take her hand right before leaving and tell her how i like her because she's interesting, cute and smart similar to how I described above.

Did practice the bored look a bit (thanks Ray!), though she was a good girl and talked quite a bit and asked me enough questions.

Towards the end, she did mention doing something together with her friends (no friend zone for me, lady!). I'm not sure what the best way to re-engage with her would be. Send her a text tonight? Tomorrow afternoon to invite her to make pizza? Now that I'm writing this, I'm thinking I dropped the ball by not scheduling something concretely, but she said that her friend's BF is in town and they're gonna do a bunch of stuff together (sounds like an excuse doesn't it..)

As an aside, she was just a genuinely warm person and I started to fall for her and think about nonsense like "hmm, maybe she'd make an ok girlfriend". All this before any escalation! Dangerous territory, my friend.

As I wrote to Ray, I'm starting to feel lazy recently. I think it's good to have a clear sense of what I want, because this will bleed into the interaction. Of course, it's much better for the interaction to genuinely believe that I DON'T WANT A GIRLFRIEND, because it'll make me that much more desirable and sexy...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Yesterday Day
1. Single opener on pretty girl on street near house. Good warmup, got me in a sexual mood, but she wasn't single. Gave me that non-genuine response.

2. Botched attempt in library. I passed her, then went upstairs, then changed my mind and came back down. She was sitting on the couches waiting for her name to be called and of course it was right as I opened my mouth to giver her a compliment. She took that as an opportunity to slip away from. Had to laugh at myself!

3. On library staircase, our eyes meet
me: Hi, what's up

3: Hi

me: You're adorable, I feel like speaking with you. I'm snipefield

3: I'm three

me: Don't go there. It's dangerous (pointing in the direction she was heading} Kidding.

3: I feel like you're trying to trick me..

me: No. Whachu up to today?

3: Going to class.

me: On a Fri afternoon? Come on.

3: Yes

me: OK, what's your class?

3: It's music.

me: Like singing...?

3: No

me: Do you sing? Like it?

3: I do like it

me: What kinds of genres are you into {fuck, i'm getting to deep in here for a chance encounter}

3: Bluegrass.

me: Hmm. So what's your music class?

3: It's a lesson actually

me: Oh, what do you play?

3: Oboe.

me: Oh, you're one of the chosen few {wink}

3: Yea {smiles, pauses, I stall} Well, I gotta get going, nice to meet you

4. Girl ignored my Woman! Stop! I love you! opener

5. Girl heading in my direction

me: Hey, I gotta quick question for you?

5: {takes off phones} Yess?

me: Are you single?

5: No

me: You have have pretty eyes and I thought you were cute {good reaction, but I should have closed space between us and said I don't care about the bf}

5: Thank you {beginswalking away}

Yesterday Night
Went to a club where there were a couple of guys from my program partying. I wasn't enjoying the music and was just hanging back observing the scene.

A tall girl was dancing with her friend near me. Eventually, she inadvertently bumped into me and said sorry. After a couple of minutes, I tapped her on the shoulder.

me: Hey. {pause, draw her in a little bit and talk in her eyer, since it's loud} How does it feel? To be tall and pretty?

tg: Awkward actually {smiles}

me: Why, I'm tall too {I grab her hand and she basically starts grinding on me} I'm snipefield

tg: I'm tall girl

me: Very nice to meet you

......She's grinding hard and I get full-on horny, as I'm wearing jeans..... At a certain point

me: So what do you?l

tg: I'm a nurse

me: Hmm, you nurses need to let off some steam, don't you?

tg: Yea

me: Well, I wouldn't mind if you were my nurse {she grinds even harder in response to this}

Problem was that I was getting super horny. And yes, gents, eventually, it happened again. I didn't push her away and her grinding hard on my dick caused me to CUM IN MY PANTS. Darn, writing that is getting old.

As soon as that happened, I got paranoid about whether she could feel the cum through my pants. I also lost interest in the grinding of course. What I should have done is reciprocated with aggressive touch (boobs, pussy). Also, this was a good opportunity for some sex talk:

You're making me so horny, you can't imagine what I would do to your ass

Of course, she received my vibes when I lost interest and excused herself to go take a breather with her friend at the bar. I should have also isolated her.

It was around 12:30 AM, and I wanted to check out a divey karaoke bar nearby. One of the guys in our group wasn't interested in the club scene, so we went together. I opened two chicks right before we left with "who are you?", which startled them a little bit..

The karaoke bar had a good down-to-earth vibe with plenty of pretty women. The singing was heartfelt, too, which I enjoy. This drunk dude opened me complimenting my height. I made a joke to his lady-friend, a beautiful older blonde (bob) in response:

me: That's the first time in my life somebody has complimented me on my height

beautiful older blonde: You're quite handsome actually.

me: Thank you

bob: Sure.

me: Let's see, how am I in comparison with you? {I thought that she's tall as well. I take her hand and make her stand}

bob: Oh, you want me to stand up? I'm not tall {shy}

We got to talking a little bit and she was a 45-year old kindergarden teacher with no family (and prob. won't have kids). Her friend was a cool cat, he was just super drunk and at a certain point even kissed my hand the way that chase describes you should kiss a girl's hand if she extends you one for a handshake. That shit put a smile on my face!

My friend and I sang a song very soon after arriving, but the second song I put in took ages. At a certain point, beautiful older blonde's guy friend leaves (after giving her a kiss on the lips, which she accepts reluctantly) and I understand that it's on. I decided to ask her if they have had sex together right after he goes. The response didn't go like I had wanted it to: she said that he's a really good guy, but just sometimes gets too drunk and then things can turn real bad. But basically, they've been friends for a long time..

At a certain point she sits to my left and I put my arm around her hips, but she slowly takes it off and puts it on my leg. I can feel myself becoming despondent, but catch myself and realize that it's no big deal. We're having a good convo: I'm deep diving her and we're making a connection.

I get up to go to the bathroom and there's a pretty girl with a sexy ass waiting for the woman's bathroom with her back towards the men's door. I open it and figured I'd offer for her to go ahead of me. She rolls her eyes at me and says no. Just as I'm about to enter, I tell her
Hey! Be nice!

When I come back to my seat, beaut. older blonde is nowhere to be seen. "Fuck, I lost her", I think. Another even older non-attractive blonde lady who kept opening me comes and asks me again when I'm gonna sing my song. The old geezer at the karaoke controls muttered something incomprehensible when I submitted the 2nd tune.

me: I don't know, this old guy doesn't wanna play my song

even older non-attractive lady: Well, talk to him

I go up and talk with him and also put in a $2 tip (should've done it sooner, you dummy!)

My song goes up and beautiful older blonde reappears as I'm singing a Sinatra ballad. She's digging it. Here's how it went down after the song:

me: Beautiful older blonde, so things are winding down here, let's go to an after-party

bob: An after-party? Oh, I don't know. I gotta get home, I'm getting tired

me: Well, it'll be fun and you can stay for 30 minutes and leave if you don't like it

bob: Hmm, I don't know {smiling} I just got out of a relationship and I'm not ready yet, you know?

me: Yes, I understand. But you gotta keep an open mind, you may be missing out on opportunities

bob: Yes, well, we could maybe hang out next time

me: You know, there's not gonna be a next time

bob: Well, I really am tired and I will go home after this.

me: {I'm silent}

bob: Is there ANY chance that we could do an after-party at another time

me: {pause} Yes

We eventually just exchange contact info. It's now 2:45 and all the bars close at 3. Just as bob is entering her number in my phone, I notice the girl who was waiting for the bathroom gather her stuff with a shit-eating unsatisfied grin and leave the bar by herself. I realize what has gone down with her. SHE WAS HORNY TO BE PICKED UP! FUUCK. By the time my friend and I leave the bar, she's 500 feet away.

We go back to the original bar, but the bouncer says that he's not letting anyone in because they're gonna kick everyone out in 5 minutes. I see tall girl dancing with a black dude who actually got up close to her as she was grinding on me before (of course, I just ignored this). I'm desperate and decide to go for broke and tell the bouncer I'll give him $10 if he lets me in. He agrees, but unfortunately, I only have $20's, so now I'm $20 poorer.

I go in and head straight for her and dance with her to the last song and pick her up and figure out logistics. Unfortunately, she says that her parents are coming to pick her up in the morning. She assures me that it's really happening. I lost interest then, because really wasn't interested in getting her phone number. The black dude had danced with her and her shorter cute friend (who one of our friends we left in the club was gaming) and he kept speaking with them. Whatever..

Even though we were essentially without anything and the bars were closed, it was fun because I was with a crew. We decided to go to a burger joint. It was very crowded in there. I lock eyes with a chick as she's getting out of the bathroom (I'm holding a booth for my friends). I come up behind her in line

me: Hey, whatsup!

cinema chick: Hi

me: I think you are adorable. I'm snipefield

cin chick: I'm cinema chick

me: Nice to meet you

cin chick: How old are you?

me: Old. How old are you?

cin chick: 20. What are you doing here?

me: Studying, like everyone else

cin chick: Grad?

me: Yea. I could also be studying undergrad, you know..?

c c: No, you couldn't. So what's your major?

me: .... name my field of study....

c c: Wow, that sounds boring

me: What are you studying?

c c: Cinema studies.

me: Oh, that's a bullshit major

c c: You're mean you know that. It's actually quite hard.

me: I didn't say it was easy, {brush her shoulder}. Just the odds are low of becoming the next Woody Allen.

c c: I don't wanna be the next Woody Allen. I hate him.

me: Who do you like?

c c: wes anderson.... some other guy I didn't know....

me: I don't know him {

We keep bantering, she asks me why I came from where I came all the way to our town. Her roommate shows up and cin chick introduces her to me. Eventually when her turn to order comes, I just go back to my friends (I wasn't actually buying food). I then notice her and her roommate waiting for their order, but I choded out and didn't reapproach. They took their food to go, so I lost em.

i did good with challenging her with her major. Ultimately, it was a bit overboard, but it's inevitable when I'm working on this calibration.

After some time, another chick walks out of the bathroom, we lock eyes and I say hi, albeit just a tad late, but she does respond. She sits with her friend on the other side of the restaurant and I eventually overcome my stupid aa to open them.

me: Hey {I set next to my target in the booth, but I'm speaking to the friend, or so I thought} Your friend is cute. She is going to be my new 5-min girlfriend

target girl: Yea, Lisa is cute.

me: No, I meant you {to target girl} So what's going on? I'm snipefield

target girl: I'm Ellen

friend: I'm Lisa

The short of it is that they were visiting their friend from another college town and just came for 1 night. I teased them that they were transporting drugs. The hated on our town and I let them vent a little. I made the mistake of deep-diving them about their studies at 4 in the morning! It would have been much smarter to play a game. Fuck Marry Kill would have been fun, since there was a stream of new customers coming in to the burger join. The conversation died down and I bowed out, even though I should have at least asked if they wanted to keep partying..

Lots to learn from these interactions. I searched around for pulling advice, and the How to Make Girls Chase book has good recommendations about continuing to persist and the importance of providing new reasons every time ask. I could have benefited from that. There was an error in leadership on my part at the karaoke bar. I spent way too much time in there waiting for the 2nd song. I didn't ask the karaoke dude about it because I was being lazy/shy. If I had done that, I could have speeded up the process with beautiful older blonde and would've gotten blown out sooner. I then would've saved $20 and also would have had a higher chance of finding someone else in the club...

Also, good experience with the grind, despite the cumming part. Hehe. From now on, if a girl grids that hard, I'm going straight for her goods.

Today Afternoon
1. Mulatto girl in cafeteria.
Complimented her, she said she was waiting for her friend. I could feel my shit fundamentals, because I was shy that other people were gonna hear, so I spoke lower than required and as a result was leaning in to her.

2. Sam, TV producer in coffee shop
Blonde with bangs, nice bosom, all-around pleasant aura came in to this empty coffee shop just as I was ordering. I sat down two tables away from her and opened pretty soon:

me: Hey. You are the most adorable girl I've seen all day.

sam: Oh thank you {smiles}

me: I'm snipefield

sam: I'm Sam

me: Very nice to meet you. How's your day going?

sam: Pretty good, waiting on a date actually. It's gonna be the 2nd one.

me: Oh, exciting. OK, well I won't interfere then.

sam: Yea, I'm a little bit tired, cause I worked today

me: Oh, really, what do you do?

sam: I'm a tv producer for ...local station....

me: Oh, I see

We banter a little bit and she gets a coffee for herself and her date. He's still not there. I go back to my book so our convo has effectively died down. But then I realize that she's sitting here feeling uncomfortable waiting for her date, and I'm missing an opportunity to chat with her.

I re-engage and deep-dive her about her job, how she likes it, what she would do ideally. We really start to make a connection. Just as we're starting to talk about podcasts (mutual interest), her date shows up. They decide to go on a walk and she tells me genuinely as they leave, "Thanks for the interesting conversation."

After going home, I realized I missed a good opportunity to frame myself as a lover by telling her before the date came:
Hey Sam, you're very pretty and seem intelligent and interesting. I don't care about your date or how it goes, but it would be fun to hang out with you sometime. Would you like to do that with me?

3. Tall married lady in square.
Complimented her and she thanked me and immediately told me she's married.

Some good lessons from these outings. Really makes me think about working on framing myself as a sexual man and as a lover, not provider.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Went out yesterday by myself to the same club that we were at on Friday. It was a non-eventful night. I basically hung back and approached only the girls that I found attractive. There were a bunch of guys running the grinding game where they come up from behind and just start grinding up on a girl. I felt like I had to differentiate myself somehow as a result.

I did open a white-trash type of girl with crazy twerking skills immediately upon entering the club, which was good. But then I spent a long time hanging back, did a couple of approaches here and there. Tried Rob's Pursuant to Megan's law, I must inform you that I am a registered sex offender line on a chick waiting for the bathroom. I actually couldn't tell whether she was shy, scared, or just really wanted to go to the bathroom. Haha.

Only other interactions of note: I was taking a break on the sidelines and met eyes with a girl who was chilling with her friend. Our eyes locked a second time and I went up to them. Her friend was closer to me, so the placement wasn't ideal. I complimented the girl and introduced myself, but she made me talk to the friend. I told the friend I liked the target and the friend asks me if I want to buy her a drink. Haha, lady, wrong guy!

I asked her if she would buy me a drink, and she didn't really know how to respond. Needless to say, that didn't put her in a good mood... They closed off and I started talking to some Iranian guy to my right (there were a bunch of drunk Middle Eastern guys running around who most of the white girls were ignoring, it seemed like a tough venue for them). In an effort to save the interaction, I thought of playing fuck marry kill with the two chicks. I asked if they wanted to play a game but the friend immediately flat out said no. I left without saying anything.

Back on the dance floor, this BIIIIG black girl comes up in front of me and starts twerking on me. She was really getting into it and took my hand at a certain point and put it on her boob. I just stood there with a stupid grin on my face. This was a good experiment, because no matter how much she tried, she couldn't get me hard. And believe you me, she was trying. At a certain point, I got bored and I asked one of the middle eastern guys standing next to me if he wanted to sub in for me. He gladly accepted and I walked off. She didn't even notice. Hilarious!

This really raises the question of why girls twerk. Since I was observing people in the the club, I saw plenty of girls twerking with guys for quite a while, but then leaving without them. Of course, it's possible that the guys didn't move the interaction forward, didn't isolate the girl, and the girl lost interest. It's also possible that the girls are just out to have a good time, get an emotional spike from the attention of guys and twerking is an easy way to do that.

After the black girl, I leaned on the bar and faced the dance floor and then looked to my left, where a group of Brazilian exchange students was hanging in a circle (they had been in this formation all night). I had my in into the prettiest girl there (I kept scoping her before, but she was in this tight circle). She had some space around her now and I went in to talk with her.

I complimented her and we bantered about our uni, music and Brazil. It was fairly platonic, she wasn't dancing, but at least we talked. Unfortunately, the lights went on, the club was closing, and instead of getting her number, I decided that I'd chat her up when I see her on campus again. Really, it was because I was lazy to interact via text after such a brief convo.

Today in the cafeteria, I noticed slow-burn girl (from 1/14 entry) from behind getting food. I think I got shy and/or didn't want to appear like I was chasing, so I decided to pretend I didn't see her. I sat in a different part of the cafeteria, but am pretty sure she saw me when I was getting seconds. At a certain point, slow-burn girl appears in my part of the cafeteria and starts talking to a big group of people. She for sure saw me, but again I didn't want to call attention to myself and didn't say anything. Even though at this time, it was probably a bit too much and I appeared weak for not initiating the conversation with her. An interesting thing goes down: a girl with an amazing figure sits with her back to me at a table in front of me. I'm finishing up my food, but figure, "What the hell, let's show Slow-Burn Girl and her crew how I roll" (I'm pretty sure there was another chick in that crew who I had gamed, can't remember with certainty). So I get up with my half-finished plate and walk over:

me: Hey, If you're gonna sit here in front of me, I'm going to at least join you. I think you are cute. {I sit down}

stage designer chick: OK

me: I'm snipefield

stage designer chick: I'm stage designer chick

Good stuff. She looked better from the back than from the front, but she turned out to be a very interesting girl, largely because she had crystal clear direction in life: from 6th grade, she knew that she wanted to design sets for big events - rock concerts, shows, etc in Vegas and was majoring in mech. engineering and minoring in theater to achieve this. She showed a bit of annoyance when I asked her if she's Amish in response to her stating that she's from Lancaster county: missed opportunity to establish some repartee here ("I know, you're one of those Amish girls who ran away from home, is all boy-crazy and is a big party animal").

It was overall just an enjoyable conversation. I stalled a bit because I should have left first, but I was enjoying talking with her, and so at a certain point she got up to leave, which is when I asked for her number.

me: Hey, let's exchange numbers so we can meet up sometime

stage designer chick: Hmm, I'm soo busy, I don't even have time for the people I already know in my life

I didn't pursue further because I couldn't think of any response that would NOT make me look like I was into chasing her..


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Interesting. In my venues there are always a lot of guys doing the grinding game and variations on same, some of them are pretty bold and savvy but nevertheless it rarely goes well for them.

I usually make friends with various guys and if I'm having a good night they'll be pretty admiring of how I can approach pretty much any girl (except those in v tight groups with fuck off body language that are hot and have already frozen out half the dudes in the club) and have it go well most of the time. I always tell them to introduce themselves by name first and then they can do pretty much whatever and it will go fine, then they ignore this and go grind on some girl and get frozen out again. Whatevs...

There's also equivalents of the Iranian guys you mention, a majority of the girls are Asian students and I have been told Asians can be quite racist, although I don't know this from first hand experience, I'd imagine it's just a numbers game as usual. Also some of the Middle Easterns are too aggressive in their approach which hurts them a bit esp. with shy Asians...

I haven't read the specifics of your interactions yet but it sounds like all good fun, good practice. :)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Been feeling out of it the past 3 days because I'm getting overwhelmed with schoolwork and am trying to keep ahead of the material. Nothing really of note today, just some singles openers and a Ray-style opener where I complimented a girl on her boots and then walked along with her for a little bit. I pretended that I had to go another way to eject - should have persisted instead, teased a bit and then just asked what she's doing that very moment (it was in between classes and she most likely had some free time).

In the cafeteria, ran into the Brazilian beauty I met at the club on Saturday. I was getting a burger from the burger station and noticed her get in line.

me: Hey

brazilian beauty: Hi

me: I had a feeling I was gonna run into you

bb: yea

me: Izabel, right?

bb: Wow, you have a good memory

And then I basically eject.... FUCK ..... I wasn't on point, should have teased her a little bit and either asked her to join me if she's alone or gone for the number. And it was a bit off from saying her name - showed slight neediness there, although in the moment I just wanted to be warm..

Also, complimented two chicks on their hair genuinely, but it didn't go anywhere from there. Gotta start hitting approaches hard again, just a bit torn with the darn schoolwork.

Oh, also, invited girl from last week's brief date at coffee shop for pizza:
me: Hey! Amazing weather, pity work's starting to pile up. How's your day going?

her: I know! It's killing me! It's good so far! Pretty busy but good. You?

me: Good, making sure I keep abreast of the material. I still wanna hang out, it'd be fun to make pizza together

her: Oh I do too! I'm sorry I worked all weekend long. I'm also working again this weekend and going hiking but I'll let you know :)

her: I can always make time for pizza haha!

me: ) Well in that case, how does late afternoon / eve tomorrow or Fri work, pizza lover?

Her 2nd message was a bit incongruent with the first one where she said she would let me know. I figured I'd invite her anyways, but haven't heard a response since yesterday evening....


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Today's approaches (and there weren't many) gave me a slight urge to smash my head into a wall. Ah, the vicissitudes of pickup.

Youngish girl who almost passed me, our eyes met
me: Hey, wait a second

Sarah: ?

me: Stop. I gotta quick question for you

Sarah: {eager eyes} Yes?

me: Are you single?

Sarah: No {but stands there}

me: I saw you and think you're cute and felt compelled to speak with you. I'm snipefield

Sarah: I'm Sarah

me: What you up to?

Sarah: Going to class.

me: Hmm, aren't you cold? {she's wearing this semi see-through blouse that's reminiscent of medieval chainlink armor, definitely a DTF vibe coming from her}

Sarah: Not really

me: Hmm, strong woman. {Here's where I fumbled it up major, I'm not smooth and not looking in her eyes as I formulate my thoughts into a blabber} Hey, this is a bit forward, but give me your number, I'll text you and we'll hang out if we like each other {I finally looked in her eyes as I was finishing this, it was prob. longer and even less smooth than what I wrote}

Sarah: I don't think so {I just look in her eyes without saying anything, I think she's expecting me to say something else}

me: OK, have a good day {smirk}

Next approach:
me: Hey! {curious expression from her as we're walking along. She's got headphones on} Can you hear me?

her: A little bit {still keeps headphones on. I submit to her frame by not telling her to take headphones off}

me: I gotta question for you?

her: ...

me: Are you single?

her: No

me: Well, it's ok,we can talk anyways. I thought you were adorable and felt like complimenting you and saying hi

her: OK {unenthusiastically. This threw me off and I eject

There was another approach that I copped out on before the last and most memorable one. Saw this girl who was almost as tall as me (I'm tall) with a pretty face and sexy body. I didn't react immediately when she passed me but she didn't notice. Luckily she was texting going down on the staircase when I caught up to her:

me: Hey!

her: Hi.

me: You are adorable. I feel compelled to speak with you.

her: Thanks. {smiles} It's the freckles

me: Hmm, so you wouldn't be adorable without them? ..... I'm snipefiled

her: I'm Stacy

me: Nice to meet you.

her: I'm Irish {Hmm, that was spontaneous...She says this just as we're about to exit the building}

me: ...I insert a little "us" joke about my nationality and hers here.... {she chuckles} {There are essentially only two ways to go - left and right. Without thinking I choose left, and she is going right.}

her: Well, nice to have met you {gives me a smile}

me: Yes, nice to meet you

FUCK!! Felt the opposite of abundance mentality letting that chick get away. Should have either #-closed her or asked what she was doing that very moment. I'm pretty sure she doesn't get hit on much cause guys are intimidated by her height. At least not during the day.. Also, shouldn't have submitted to her frame with the freckles shit, instead should have just given her an additional complement - "No, you have pretty eyes, as well".

This last approach actually started off good - I just didn't think quickly enough on my feet at the end. The first one was alright, as well, For the rest of them, they went bad primarily because I let the girls pass and only then opened. Important for me to stick to the 3-second rule as much as possible to appear as spontaneous, carefree, non-chasey and genuine as possible..


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
I was feeling rusty from not approaching all weekend. Real glad I finally forced myself to approach today, although it pretty much ate up the time I had to devote to today's schoolwork. But hey, priorities, priorities..

For those who don't wanna read the minutiae of every approach, skip right away to #2 and #9.

She was walking my way. Opened her with boyfriend opener and she paused for a second and admitted she was single. This was in-between classes outside and I've realized that people are always rushing to the next class. So I immediately told her I'd walk with her. Conversation was stale - she wasn't giving me much to work with. Her answers to my questions were very abrupt, which caused me to auto-eject.

Saw 2 as soon as I ejected from 1. Good momentum. Our eyes met and she almost passed me before I stopped her. I didn't use the singles opener - just opened with a compliment and introduced myself. This seems to be working better recently.

me: Hey, I'm on break now, I'll just walk along with you.

I was just honest in saying that I'm well-dressed for the winter, enjoying the weather (even though it's cold and 75% of the students look miserable outside because they're dressed for spring) and don't mind walking. This showed that I wasn't really being needy, just chilling..

I deep-dove her, nothing out of the ordinary, she was into it. We get to her building.

2: Wow, you walked all the way over here with me, you're getting your exercise.

me: Come on. I'm from ....big city..... You should know what it's like {she went to school in the city I grew up in a little bit before coming to this uni}


me: Hey, so it would be fun to meet up sometime with you.

2: Sure.

me: The rest of this week is obviously real busy, but maybe weekend {she was stressed from exams and assignments this week}

2: Here, put in your number. {I take her phone}

me: Hmm, and you do the same. {while she's doing that} You have pretty eyes {this was such a non-sequitor. It was so out of the blue that she even laughed a bit. Also, our eyes didn't meet when I said that, need to work on that}

2: {chuckles} Thanks
.......I back away a little bit as if to go and then leave her with this

me: Hey, don't pound that Monster too hard {she had a big can of monster energy in her hand all this time}

2: ?

me: Yea, when I was undergrad, I would drink those and my heart would go kadunk-kadunk

2: Alright

me: Nice to meet you, 2

2: Thanks for walking me!

Texted her thereafter, she thanked me again for walking her.

Throwaway approach. Singles opener - she was single, but I stalled a little bit and let her get away!

She was sprawled out on a couch in a lounge part of a university building. I hesitated a bit at first but finally opened.

me: Hey, whatsup!

4: Hey.

me: I saw you and think you're cute and feel compelled to speak with you. I'm snipefield.

4: I'm 3

me: Hi. {I look off in distance. There's a couch next to her} I'm gonna chill here for 10 seconds with you.

4: ...

me: What you up to?

4: Just killing time between classes.

me: What u watching?

4: Friends.

me: Ohh {I'm not a big fan, so I didn't have anything interesting to say}

I start asking her about her studies, what she wants to do, etc, but it seems a little bit stale. She wants to be a buyer for a clothing company, but she wasn't energized while talking about this. I didn't feel like challenging her on it on account of having just met her. I ejected after a couple of minutes. Given that she was just doing nothing watching a lame TV show, it seemed I could have moved this somehow.

me: Hey. I gotta quick question for you {she's taking off headphones. Obvious "just got out of class" look}

5: Yes?

me: Are you single?

5: Are you asking everyo ..... {she doesn't finish her sentence, pauses} Yes

me: I think you're cute and feel compelled to say hi

5: Hi

me: I'm snipefiled {I extend my left hand out instead of the right as an experiment, but she does the same across her body, implying she'll shake my right hand}

5: I'm 5.

Don't remember what went down, but I basically let her go.

Girl on cigarette break near arts building entrance.

I opened with a compliment and she was keen on it. Sat down immediately and began deep-diving her about art, etc. I'm sure I missed opportunities for some flirting/teasing. Seems like painting would be a good source of flirting topics, but nothing comes to mind even now..

She finished her cigarette and got up to throw the butt out. I figured she was leaving and say:

me: Nice to meet you {but she is coming back}

6: Hold on. {comes back and extends hand, I'm sitting down so I take her hand and then turn it so mine is below} It was nice to meet you.

me: Hey, let's get a coffee sometime {we're holding hands and eye contact}

6: Ohh, I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend

me: That's OK, I don't want a girlfriend {still holding hands} {she doesn't budge}

6: Nice to meet you

me: Take care

Here, the "I don't want a girlfriend" line was a bit weak - sounded defensive.

me: Hey. Stop. {getting more of that social momentum going, love it!}

7: ?

me: Hey, I saw you and think you're cute and wanna introduce myself

She was going to the library so I just went her way. We bantered about her family in Hawaii. Didn't get far because we came to the elevators. I go for number:

me: Hey, this is really abrupt, but it would be fun to meet up for coffee

7: Ohh. I'm sorry, I'm seeing someone.

Didn't argue with that one.

Short girl with big bosom in library. Psyched myself out a bit, finally approached. She was watching anime on her laptop and we talked a bit about Hayao Miyazaki movies (I'm not an anime fan but love Miayzaki). I mentioned in passing that we should watch some together. We talked for around 10 minutes before she mentioned something about her boyfriend. It turns out he was on Skype waiting for her (I made her show me the movie she was watching initially and I did see some dude's face in the lower left corner). LOL!

I stupidly said "you should have let me know" as if I was taking their precious time away from each other. She was chill - replied that she doesn't have people coming up talking with her all the time and that she was being friendly (but in a genuine way).

The bf thing messed with my head, I felt like a nice guy and didn't want to push, so didn't even ask for number. A pity, because we had a nice chat..

I noticed throughout the day that I was intimidated approaching the tall hotties. I've written about this before - it's from unfamiliarity and prior inferiority complexes. Fortune gave me a chance to start redeeming myself today.

I was in the cafeteria eating alone when I saw 2 friends line up for the salad bar. Both caught my eye and the taller blonde one kind of eye-fucked me (I still to be honest don't know how to identify this, so I may be making shit up) while she passed. Our eyes met. I didn't realize it, but all 3 of them (there was a 3rd) sat right behind me.

I get up for seconds and notice from the corner of my eye that they are right behind me. I don't think they sat there because of me, but at the same time, I couldn't hear them, which is kind of odd for 3 girls sitting right behind you...... I pussied out on the approach upon returning from getting seconds. Got up again to get water and finally opened. 9.1 (target) is at right end of table. Her 2 friends (9.2 and 9.3) are sitting on the other side of the table. I open from 9.1's right..

me: Hey, whatsup. {I look at all of them, which was probably a mistake, just should have looked at my target, but my initial aim was to just banter with them and see how far I can take this}

all 3: ?

me: Hey, all you three are adorable. I hate eating alone, you mind if I join you?

9.2: Sure {I sit on the same side as my target, but leaving a chair between us, figured that would be less creepy}

me: I'm snipefield

They introduce themselves and the atmosphere is very neutral. I start asking them about their majors. My target answers:

9.1: I'm a marketing and communications major.

me: Oh, you like public speaking?

9.1: Yes {glimmer in eyes}

me: You're not scared of it?

9.1: No {same glimmer}

me: Hmm, have you had much practice?

9.1: Yes {confident tone}

me: Where?

9.1: I'm just kidding, I haven't really

Aside from that, I had to fish information out of them.

me: You guys are seniors..

9.2: No, freshmen

me: Whoa, I'm way off {too much emotion here}

9.2: What are you?

me: I'm a grad student

They all quieted down. Aside from me asking my questions, there was silence. I was starting to feel awkward. Good thing I rehearsed Mr. Rob's advice in my head before. There was nothing to lose:

me: Hey guys, lemme ask you a question. Imagine that you married a guy and you never were with him. I mean like sex, you never had sex before with him. And imagine that it's the first night of your honeymoon and he takes off his pants and {pause for effect} he has a really small penis

My target cracks up, bends her torso and almost falls off her chair. Goddamn Mr. Rob! That was a pleasant surprise. 9.2 and 9.3 are more chill, but even 9.3 (brunette with a really cute birthmark above her lips) cracks up a bit. I let 9.1 laugh it off and then ask:

me: What would you do?

9.1: I'd walk away. {cracks up}

me: Really?

9.1: No, I'm just kidding.

9.2: No, I'd just play it cool.

9.1: Yeah, me too, I wouldn't say anything.

me: OK, but what if he asked you, "Is my penis small?"

9.1: Then I would tell him yes, "Yes it is" {cracks up}

9.2. That is the first time somebody has asked us that

9.3: Why do you want to know?

me: Just curious, it's interesting to find out how ladies think

They were basically done eating at this point and all got up to return their dishes. 9.2 and 9.3 left first and my target 9.1 had left her phone on the table. I don't know what was going on behind me (I wasn't gonna look), but I was too busy pretending to be James Bond to notice an opportunity. 9.1 came back, picked up her phone, our eyes met, and she waved and told me "nice to meet you".

I gotta challenge myself to take this shit as far as possible, because I missed an opportunity to at least ask her. All I had to say was:

me: Hey 9.1, you're the fairest of your group hands down and you seem fun {all true}. I'd like to hang out with you. Would you like to do that with me?

I think she set it up perfectly for me and I let her down. Sorry, girl!

I was in library taking a break so I could find my last target of the day when out of nowhere pops this tall blonde with curly hair. She walks past me, our eyes meet and she walks out of the room, about to dial a phone. As I rush after her, I hear her starting the phone conversation. Fuck it, the times comes when you interrupt a phone conversation meeting a girl:

me: Hey, whatsup.

10: ?

me: Hey, I saw you and think you're very cute and just had to introduce myself {should have been more aggressive}

10: {started} Hi. Thank you.

me: I'm snipefield

10: I'm 10. Nice to meet you

me: What's up, 10?

10: {points to phone, gets back to the conversation}

The last interaction is a good reminder to GO FOR THE OPENER ASAP. Especially in the library, I'm wary of attracting attention to myself. But, high risk yields potential high returns. I should have told her to stop when our eyes had met. It would've been more spontaneous and I would have pre-empted her dialing the number.. Also, right before that, I noticed a girl sitting around doing nothing but didn't approach. Then while I was psyching myself out, it turned out she was waiting for a friend. When I saw the friend coming, I immediately thought "Oh, can't approach now". But the correct mindset should be "Let's see how I can make this interest"

Overall, good outing. It drained me emotionally. Proud of approaching the 3 girls in the cafeteria, wish I listened to my feelings more and just asked for her number..

I've been listening to this tune a lot recently. It hit a chord with me - it captures the wonder of the approach and why we do this:
Sammy Johnson - Hey

Needless to say, he's got his logistics talk down. "I said hey, what's your name, and did you come alone?" Hehe
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014

2: Sounds promising.
6: How about asking her if she can body-paint. About the boyfriend bit I don't have good answers. But once I said "you are cute and I see you as a fuck buddy"... copying something from a dude's nightgame FR. Didn't go down well of course. But maybe you could think of something a bit bold along those lines.
8: Short girl with big bosom... sold!! Hayao Miyazaki... sold!! Boyfriend frame... "yeah I have a puppy at home too..." (thanks Mr.Rob) or something like "haha I would never put up with that shit, where did you find this dude" (a bit of AMOGing)... I don't really have good ideas just throwing something out there.
9: Yeah, the number grab is always a sticking point... especially when they have that expectant look, yet you just know you've paused too long to do it naturally. Fuck. Love your numbering system BTW :)
10. Props for opening a girl talking on her phone, I've never done this. But I guess it works if they're waiting for the call to be connected?



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Wednesday Day-Gaming

Noticed blonde sorority-type walking ahead of me just before we entered the building. I was spontaneous in giving her a genuine compliment about her hair.

me: You've got the most striking smooth hair I've seen

1: Why, thank you

me: You're welcome

1: I've haven't heard that one before.

me: What's your name?

1: 1

I had to go upstairs but walked with her just a little bit. It's funny, I didn't tell my brain that I was gonna get a number (I was rushing to class), and as a result, didn't automatically ask for it. Bummer!

She passed me while I was frantically deciding who to open in a sea of students that materializes in-between classes here. I decided she looked too good to pass up - nice ass, decent bosom, so I caught up to her.

She was unimpressed with my compliment opener and was generally neutral in tone. When I asked her what she was up to, she said:

2: Going to my dorm take a nap until 5 PM {it was 2PM}

Missed opportunity to set sexual frame. I ran out of shit to say, felt awkward and ejected.

Blonde sorority-type in sunglasses. Single opener unsuccessful

Pretty, tall, blonde. My type. She was walking towards me, I stopped her with a compliment and she hooked. She was startled in a good way and I just changed course and we walked.

After the initial banter, she interrups:

4: I have a boyfriend if that matters. I don't want to lead you on, don't know if I should tell you.

me: Oh, that's OK. You should say it if you want to, it's a free country.

She was actually quite charming - she had these cute blonde eyebrows that met at a 135-deg angle in the center (never seen this). And we had a great convo - I think she might have been pretty receptive because she just came back from a semester abroad and was steel being friendly from that / and or trying to reinstate the social circle she had before leaving. We stood in the lobby of the building for a good 5 minutes talking about study abroad, etc. Towards the end:

4: Well, I better be going. I'll see you around {smiles}

FUCK, I missed my opp to #-close her. Genuine warm energy from her farewell.

me: Hey. Stop!

5: ?

me: Hey. You are adorable. I just felt compelled to stop you and speak with you.

5: Hi.

me: I'm snipefield.

5: I'm 5

me: What you up to?

5: Oh, just about to submit this scholarship essay and study abroad application

me: Oh, do you want to write ....... do you want to edit the final draft of my scholarship essay?

5: No {smiles, she's this super-cheery type where you aren't sure if it's genuine or if she's just "nice" to everyone as an M.O.}

I was at a loss for what to say because she seemed just about to jet so I ejected first..

Short girl with big bosom. I complimented her, we walked along but she was giving me the silent treatment essentially. I just veer off without saying anything.

Complimented this blonde, she was startled and kept walking. Hehe

Another cute blonde waiting for something (me, I guess) near a set of a stairs outside

me: Whatsup!

8: Heey? {compliance-seeking questioning tone}

me: Hey! We don't know each other. I just thought you were cute and felt like talking with you. {i come up around her and stand two stairs lower, so she's a little bit taller} I'm snipefield

8: I'm 8.

me: Very nice to meet you. Aren't you cold? {it was sunny, but she was wearing just a blouse}

8: I'd rather be cute than cold

We bantered about her ethnic heritage, I gave her a high-5 and said,

me: Hey, this is abrupt, but it would be fun to meet up sometime, go for a cup of coffee

8: Sure, get your phone out, I'll give you my number

I got my phone but gave it to her to enter, which was funny, cause she also had a textbook and a soda (or s-thing like that) in her hand. Date is on with this lady.

Smoking hot tall girl in cafeteria, she was ahead of me to get soup.

me: How does it feel.... to be tall and pretty?

9: Not good actually. {smiles} Being taller than a lot of guys. All it's good for is volleyball

me: Ah, and you play volleyball, of course

She went away after getting her soup..

Thursday's Sole Approach
Man, I love when approaches like these are successful. Really boosts my confidence. I noticed her walking on the street as soon as I opened the door from my apartment (the street is visible from the exposed apartment walkway). Surprisingly, I was able to catch up with her (rarely happens actually, I haven't resorted to running yet).

me: Hey, whatsup! How does it feel..... to be tall and cute? {nice, encountering tall chicks}

alice: It feels good {smile}

me: I'm snipefield

alice: I'm alice. I like your hat.

me: Thanks

alice: Where are you from?

me: Well, I'm in immigrant, originally from ....country.....

alice: Oh, that's interesting

me: Yes, .....country..... is {stalling here}. Well, it's very hard to capture it in one word..... Have you traveled much?

alice: I'm gone to Ireland, England and Wales

me: Oh, Wales. I hear people in Britain make fun of Wales. What was that like?

alice: It was interesting.... and rainy

me: Do you want to go to other places?

alice: Yea, I'm an international studies major. I want to go to Latin America

me: Hmm, yea, I wanna go to Brazil

alice: Hey, nice to meet you {she starts crossing the street. I'm caught off-guard but finally redeem myself, since this has been happening recently. I react in time}

me: Hey, hold on {good tone here}. It would be fun to go for a coffee sometime.

alice: Sure {gets interrupted by friend who greets her, I play cool} OK, let me give you my number

She punches it in.

Friday Night-Outing

Went out with a bunch of classmates. There were less targets than average on this night, but that's no excuse for making the best of what was available, which I didn't. Really few interactions....

Met my friends at a bar first. After 5 minutes, we get out to walk across the street to the club. I see a group of 3 girls turning onto the street as we're nearing the sidewalk. I issue a Hey ladies, whatsup which in retrospect was weak. I should have singled one out, pretended that I was walking in the direction they were coming from and introduced some touch right from the opener. I didn't do this because in my mind I was with my friends...... need to make note of this.

I was hanging back in the club. This cute girl in a blue top passes me by and I tap her on the wrist:

me: Hey! You are adorable.

blue top: Thanks {leaning in, couldn't tell if she's drunk or just friendly}

me: Hey, let's go on the dance floor for a little bit {take hand and lead}

We start dancing, then she says:

blue top: Hmm, this is wrong. I have a boyfriend

me: Well, I'm not looking to replace anyone {she's waivering} We're just dancing.. Hmm, you're so adorable {I pick her up, her face is above mine within inches} That sounds serious. Are you guys gonna get married?

I put her down and she gets a little bit into the dancing, but then suddenly stops, covers her face with her hands and says:

blue top: No, no, this is wrong.

I was thinking, "damn girl, you're making this real serious", but I said:

me: Listen, you don't do what you're not comfortable with. You OK?

blue top: Yes {walks off}

We wound up at a diner with my friends. The booths there couldn't seat us all, so we were in this awkward limbo deciding who will sit at the bar counter, who will sit in booths, etc. Two of my friends had chatted up a girl and she had brought 2 of her friends over. Since my friends met these girls, I felt shy talking to the chicks and stealing the thunder. Totally ignoring logistics, these two friends of mine sat at a bar counter and invited me to sit next to them, while the girls friends were waiting for the booth and the leader was standing talking to some 50 yo dude (the diner manager maybe)

They wound up sitting in the booth next to where we were, but the logistics were shit. The leader turned around and chatted with my buddies. I complimented her on her singing abilities (we were all at a the same karaoke place before that at a certain point)

me: Hey, you killed that James Brown song!

fiesty: I did NOT sing a James Brown song {said emphatically}

me: {pause} You didn't?

fiesty: No, I didn't.

me: ......

fiesty: That was a Ray Charles song.. Two different people {patronizing tone}

I stalled here. I was a bit startled because my compliment was spontaneous. I just confused the two guys even though I obviously know well that Brown and Charles are different. I think she just got a little bit of pleasure for making me feel stupid.

To which I should have said, "Hey, woman! Be nice. That was a genuine compliment for you."

Another thing, they were bantering about bars around the uni and mentioned some place where the girls like to show their cleaveage. And then she said, "I mean, I don't blame the guys, I would love to see some cleavage, too, if I was a guy. I mean, who wouldn't? When are titties a bad thing?"

I was probably just trying to recover my ego and totally missed the opportunity to flirt or at least be sexual. Instead, I said:

me: Well, it depends. If there's a lot of pressure on you, then I can envision a situation where boobies do not give as much pleasure as you would think

This is true, but it was a weak thing to say in that moment... Anyways, aside from just asking her about her titties (which would still have been better than what I had said), what would have been a more suave way to respond (in an indirect way with a double entendre)? Maybe "Do you get more enjoyment from your titties arousing a man or from how it actually feels when a man touches them?"

I felt pretty beta about that interaction. But, it highlighted how my knee-jerk reaction to sexual topics is not conducive to maintaining a sexual frame and moving the interaction forward. Something to think about and be cognizant of.

Also, at the very end, two girls, one of them hot, came into the diner. Alas, I got shy opening them in front of my classmates.. Yet another example of why approach must be done as soon as the target is spotted (usually)..


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Jesus man, you're killing it, takes me weeks to get a number... I love your systematic approach and how you write up your interactions. Loved the chick where you veered off without saying anything. I think you are defo reaching the point where your time, energy and feelings are worth more than theirs. :)

Anyway if your texting game is on point your pipeline should be getting to a reasonable state, be great to see you write up some dates so we can grab some ideas from the good and analyze the bad if any. ;)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 14, 2013
Thanks Ray, yeah I got the number thing down more or less, but the girls are flaking on me, so the numbers seem close to worthless. It's either statistical variance or I'm doing something wrong. Here's the text exchange with #8 from Wednesday's day-game outing. We were supposed to meet for lunch earlier this afternoon.

me: 8, hi! Nice to make a new friend -snipefield Wed 4:10 PM

8: Nice to meet you Wed 4:15 PM

me: Hey 8 ) gearing up for a major hw session now. Hows your day been going Thurs 5:30 PM

8: It's been really busy. Yours? 6:05 PM

me: Been cramming for this one math assignment all week. Whatve u been busy with, u adorable Pole Thurs 7:50 PM

8: I'm planning a few different events and have a lot of school stuff due soon Thurs 8:30 PM

me: Sounds intense. I'm onto the next assignment.. so, let's grab a bite over the wknd in between all this work Fri 2:30 PM

8: Okay! Fri 2:35 PM

me: Cool. Sat or Sun work for you? Fri 2:45 PM

8: Sunday Fri 3:20 PM

me: Let's do around 1:30 at ...shop... on ...street... Fri 4:39 PM

me: Good morning! Are we good for today at 1:30 PM? Sun 10:29 AM

I then notice a text from her that came in separately that didn't pop up before, but it looks like she sent it at 1 AM last night.
8: I can maybe do that

She responds at 1:03 PM
8: I didn't check my phone and just got out of church! I'm sorry!

me: No prob, we could meet up a bit l8r

And.... crickets. Obviously if she wanted to make this happen, she would have texted me before church, etc. The "I can maybe do that" in and of itself sounds fishy.... Darn, that was frustrating. Any insights? Salvageable?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
Hmm. Well.

Firstly I'd say you might be going for too much rapport building over text, this (1) communicates uncertainty / lack of confidence (2) allows them to set an "I'm busy, I'm the prize" frame before you ask them out. Things might have gone better if you'd followed the icebreaker with "hey lets grab that coffee we discussed, what time this week would work for you?".

Now about the actual number grab I'd say there are a few things you should be trying to do:

Firstly a little banter to position yourself as a fun guy, if you go straight from cold reading to deep diving it may be too platonic and/or too intense?

Secondly you should try to sort out as much of the mechanics of the actual date in person as possible, there's no reason you can't leave the initial approach / conversation with a hard confirmed date for a specific place and time, unless they have a particularly good reason for not knowing their schedule and you believe them.

Lastly, when you do the number grab (basically as a fallback in case they need to change the plan) have them put the number in and text them and have them confirm they received it etc (or the other way round using their phone). This way you can utilize the icebreaker slot for saying sth more interesting than "save my number" and you can observe how keen they are: Do they call themselves? Do they put their surname in? Do they save themselves into your phone?

Another thing to keep in mind is a lot of girls just aren't that keen, so you can save yourself some disappointment by just being skeptical until they invest as above and/or respond enthusiastically to the icebreaker etc...

Good luck!
