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Sunshine Journal

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
If I thought my life couldn’t get any busier, I was dead wrong… on top of my insane work schedule I’ve been helping at a hockey camp (such a great sport, and I love coaching) and has left me with very little time for this.

Still, somehow, the last three days I’ve done 7 approaches - more so to keep my streak going and not lose momentum. One turned into a nice conversation with a girl in my parking lot. One started blushing when I said hi and got super shy on me. She was so cute, too. Awh. Two completely ignored me right off the open today (maybe this outfit sucks). I’ve actually been having better results wearing gym clothes than something nicer. Will continue to field test…

This weekend I have a ton more free time and plan to go all out. In the mean time, I’ll be going for walks whenever I get a little break and will keep my approach streak going. I’ve been tracking my approaches since I re-started this journey in March and I bet I’m closing in on 100. Will add them up this weekend. I plan to triple it by the end of the year


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 8, 2021
Nice going, keeping the momentum going I the midst of being busy… that’s magic.

I’ve actually been having better results wearing gym clothes than something nicer.

I have a similar experience… women respond well to me when I’m dressed in something more functional, on my way somewhere, than if I’m dressed perfectly and out to game. There’s probably a couple of reasons, 1) I’m more authentic when I do a spontaneous approach in the midst of day-to-day life and 2) she sees you actually doing something, which immediately makes you much more of a real person.

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
@Curwen that makes a ton of sense - a spontaneous conversation with a friendly guy who’s also out-and-about in the world probably feels much less threatening. The casual look has been magic, I’ve been doing it all wrong 😂

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Streak still alive. Two short approaches the last two days. Also some really good, crazy eye contact with a cafe cashier and a nice flirty conversation yesterday (not counting this one as an approach, but had fun with her). Hell week ends tomorrow and I can get back into the swing of things.

Met with my client crush today. We had a lot of fun, her eye contact is super strong and smiley, and I reciprocated some very strong eye contact. A couple light touches on her hands were not met with any resistance. We got on the topic of dating for a bit. I see her again next week, and I feel I’m playing the slow game perfectly with this one.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Interesting weekend. Was at the rink all Friday, I was free of damn near all work commitments until Monday, so I went and ran some day and night game - lots of learning, and if my skills didn't progress, at least my clarity of mind did. But let's run it back...

Two rock solid opens during the day Friday. If any of you want to practice spitting game to women in their 30s, find you some hockey moms. Both ones I opened were blonde, maybe 30-35, yoga pants hugging an ass that said "I had one kid and put on a little weight, but I still hit the gym hard". If today wasn't the last day of the program maybe I could have worked the long game and had them wanting to cheat on their husbands. Both of them had kids and large rocks on their finger, but opened right up, seemed to enjoy flirting with me, and was great warmup to the weekend.

In total I opened 9 times. I could have easily done 25 but I still have some shit to work through.

Friday night was a total freeze-up night. HOWEVER, I managed to open 5 times. This is the first time I've broken through that mental barrier at night. I think I am at the point where even if I am feeling completely stifled, in my head and antisocial, I have enough reference experience to know that I absolutely CAN approach and nothing bad is going to happen to me. None of my Friday night sets hooked, but with the mood I was in at least I opened. First three were situational openers. I don't remember exactly what I said, but girl #1 was polite but turned back to her friends shortly after my open, girl #2 completely ignored me, and girl #3 (who was by far the hottest) actually opened well and chatted for a bit but was in a hurry for her Uber.

Tried two compliment openers after - both girls were gorgeous, first one ignored me and the second said "omg thank you" but kept walking.

Today I got one semi-approach in the day. I was actually riding my bike and she was walking. Honestly I just didn't want to run her over, so I said "coming up on your left" . She had a very nice booty and when she turned around her face was nice too. So I slowed down a bit and said "hi - great night for a walk, isn't it?" She said hi back and said "yes it is". I've never opened a girl while riding a bike, so I didn't know what to do and just kept going. Fuck :ROFLMAO:

Massive headache tonight and I did not want to go downtown with a bunch of drunk 20-year-olds, but I told myself that was a shit excuse and I needed to get out there. Made two approaches. This is where I did well, fucked up, and had a couple big realizations. I am SO CLOSE to busting this wide open and having some real fun.

First girl was an absolute beauty. Opened with a simple "hi" after getting great eye contact. Hooked amazingly, we talked for a solid ten minutes. Name exchange, light flirty touch, we were both drinking water and cheers'd. She invited me to meet her friends, and I went with. They were ice cold, apprehensively polite at best, and not seem to be having a good time. The friends totally locked me out and dragged the girl away. I didn't want to seem needy and follow them, so I went the other way. I knew damn well I would never see her again, and should have easily gotten the digits. More on that later.

Second girl I opened situationally as she was on her phone getting loudly frustrated with the Uber app. I told her my lost Uber story, she hooked and was very attentive, but I failed to engage the friend and the conversation died after a bit. It was late, I was tired, and called it a night.

I found my biggest sticking points and need to actively work on them.

First, I need to stop relying on situational openers. I don't think my issue at all is opening any more. It's not opening when I can't find a logical way to do so. If I can come up with a good, generic open for a girl who is simply just standing there, and stack forward, I'll be money. The options are limitless, but a lot of the time the situational open isn't there and that's holding me back .

Second, I'm not showing my interest or making my conversations man to woman, and not flirting enough. I've been so focused on simply opening and if the open goes well trying to hook, that I'm not getting anywhere beyond that. The first girl tonight I could have easily said "you look super cute in that dress, btw" or "you're so cute I'm trying so hard not to flirt with you right now" or something along those lines... and before meeting her bitchy friends I should have said, "put your number in my phone, you're the coolest person I've met tonight and I want to get a drink with you sometime". I need to work on going direct. Fail faster or succeed.

Third, I think I'm well beyond getting over approach anxiety. Instead of focusing on my "approach a girl every day this month" challenge, I should be playing to win. I'm getting comfortable with talking to strangers in these environments, things are starting to slow down and make more sense and damn it I owe myself some results. I've invested quite a lot of time into this pursuit, and I owe it to myself to get some more out of it.

For the rest of this month, I am playing to win. And if anyone has a generic opener that has worked well, please let me know! I will field test it

Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
My friend you're doing great, the mental discipline part especially. I talked myself out of going solo last night, instead stayed on the couch binging Banshee and drinking too much. I thought I had quit, scary how easily I fell back into it.

My best non-situational opener (in the brief period when I was really working it, between divorce #2 and falling deep into it with the Ex-Ex) was "How's your day going?" It worked great. Even the bitchiest girls would have a hard time ignoring me. And girls who were the slightest bit intrigued or even neutral would open up. Then you go into the standard "I thought you were cute and wanted to meet you."

Now where I struggled and still do is approaching girls in groups. Never figured it out. The few times I tried I either came off like an awkward weirdo or a dancing monkey.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
Interesting weekend. Was at the rink all Friday, I was free of damn near all work commitments until Monday, so I went and ran some day and night game - lots of learning, and if my skills didn't progress, at least my clarity of mind did. But let's run it back...

Two rock solid opens during the day Friday. If any of you want to practice spitting game to women in their 30s, find you some hockey moms. Both ones I opened were blonde, maybe 30-35, yoga pants hugging an ass that said "I had one kid and put on a little weight, but I still hit the gym hard". If today wasn't the last day of the program maybe I could have worked the long game and had them wanting to cheat on their husbands. Both of them had kids and large rocks on their finger, but opened right up, seemed to enjoy flirting with me, and was great warmup to the weekend.

In total I opened 9 times. I could have easily done 25 but I still have some shit to work through.

Friday night was a total freeze-up night. HOWEVER, I managed to open 5 times. This is the first time I've broken through that mental barrier at night. I think I am at the point where even if I am feeling completely stifled, in my head and antisocial, I have enough reference experience to know that I absolutely CAN approach and nothing bad is going to happen to me. None of my Friday night sets hooked, but with the mood I was in at least I opened. First three were situational openers. I don't remember exactly what I said, but girl #1 was polite but turned back to her friends shortly after my open, girl #2 completely ignored me, and girl #3 (who was by far the hottest) actually opened well and chatted for a bit but was in a hurry for her Uber.

Tried two compliment openers after - both girls were gorgeous, first one ignored me and the second said "omg thank you" but kept walking.

Today I got one semi-approach in the day. I was actually riding my bike and she was walking. Honestly I just didn't want to run her over, so I said "coming up on your left" . She had a very nice booty and when she turned around her face was nice too. So I slowed down a bit and said "hi - great night for a walk, isn't it?" She said hi back and said "yes it is". I've never opened a girl while riding a bike, so I didn't know what to do and just kept going. Fuck :ROFLMAO:

Massive headache tonight and I did not want to go downtown with a bunch of drunk 20-year-olds, but I told myself that was a shit excuse and I needed to get out there. Made two approaches. This is where I did well, fucked up, and had a couple big realizations. I am SO CLOSE to busting this wide open and having some real fun.

First girl was an absolute beauty. Opened with a simple "hi" after getting great eye contact. Hooked amazingly, we talked for a solid ten minutes. Name exchange, light flirty touch, we were both drinking water and cheers'd. She invited me to meet her friends, and I went with. They were ice cold, apprehensively polite at best, and not seem to be having a good time. The friends totally locked me out and dragged the girl away. I didn't want to seem needy and follow them, so I went the other way. I knew damn well I would never see her again, and should have easily gotten the digits. More on that later.

Second girl I opened situationally as she was on her phone getting loudly frustrated with the Uber app. I told her my lost Uber story, she hooked and was very attentive, but I failed to engage the friend and the conversation died after a bit. It was late, I was tired, and called it a night.

I found my biggest sticking points and need to actively work on them.

First, I need to stop relying on situational openers. I don't think my issue at all is opening any more. It's not opening when I can't find a logical way to do so. If I can come up with a good, generic open for a girl who is simply just standing there, and stack forward, I'll be money. The options are limitless, but a lot of the time the situational open isn't there and that's holding me back .

Second, I'm not showing my interest or making my conversations man to woman, and not flirting enough. I've been so focused on simply opening and if the open goes well trying to hook, that I'm not getting anywhere beyond that. The first girl tonight I could have easily said "you look super cute in that dress, btw" or "you're so cute I'm trying so hard not to flirt with you right now" or something along those lines... and before meeting her bitchy friends I should have said, "put your number in my phone, you're the coolest person I've met tonight and I want to get a drink with you sometime". I need to work on going direct. Fail faster or succeed.

Third, I think I'm well beyond getting over approach anxiety. Instead of focusing on my "approach a girl every day this month" challenge, I should be playing to win. I'm getting comfortable with talking to strangers in these environments, things are starting to slow down and make more sense and damn it I owe myself some results. I've invested quite a lot of time into this pursuit, and I owe it to myself to get some more out of it.

For the rest of this month, I am playing to win. And if anyone has a generic opener that has worked well, please let me know! I will field test it
You might be sick of hearing it, but I have to again say, very inspiring journal. I look forward to each time you post and read every sentence

As for generic default opener, I have a few but they're all related to promoting stuff.

I know I was bashed as "not doing real pickup" because I have this promotional stuff in my back pocket, but I do think some of the stuff I experimented with can give you some ideas even if you're not promoting.

For example "have you ever xyz activity" is my default opener when I can't open situationally. In my case I am promoting xyz, but it can be used even if you're not promoting.

I just watched a random interview with some psychologist who said he picked up girls everywhere by just asking "have you ever xyz activity" and he wasn't promoting it like me. It was either an activity he was taking classes in, or considering.
Last edited:

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
@bgwh i appreciate it so much! I love the feedback, helps keep me motivated to push forward and keep getting better.

@Casanova Newhouse been there too many times! Getting out of the house is 2/3 of the battle for me. I have to figure out the group dynamic, might be my next big challenge

You guys are giving me such great ideas. I could probably use a combination of them…

Me: “How’s your day going?”
Her: “blah blah blah”
me: “you look super cute and I wanted to meet you”
her: “omg thanks!”
Me: “do you do xyz?”

If yes, awesome, we have something to talk about. If no, “you look just like someone who did xyz. I totally had a little crush on her too… but don’t get any ideas, I don’t even know you…”

Will field test. I have a couple cool hobbies I could ask about, could actually use this to find a girl who might actually have something in common with me and make the conversation that easy. Or I could use a question about xyz activity as a default to any pause in the conversation. Or right on the open in a high energy environment.

Work remains crazy, but streak stays alive! Four approaches last three days. Nothing spectacular. Today I saw a cute Latina girl in line at a cafe. Said “hi”, she just smiled. I said “how are you doing today?”, she just kept smiling. Then she looked at her friend and giggled. At this point I realized she didn’t speak any English. Still, when I was leaving I looked back and waved bye with a smile. She somehow mustered up a “have nice day!” It was kinda adorable, lol

I was sitting on my front steps tonight when a very cute woman came walking down the block. She was looking at me when I noticed her and looked up from my phone, but she was a couple houses down. I purposely stared at my phone until she got closer… then looked up, locked eyes and said “hi! Beautiful night for a walk”. She slowed down and said hi, then did a double take and asked if I was someone she knew. Nope, familiar face.

Nothing remarkable about this approach except my security camera caught it, so got a chance to see my body language while opening. I looked very relaxed. A big change from the old me who was always nervous as fuck.

Spent a couple hours at work with client crush today. Somehow she ended up shooting a little promo video with me. We had a lot of fun with it, and ended up texting each other all throughout the night after. She actually brought up the topic of sex briefly. Thinking I should invite her to eat “off the clock” next week and see where things go…

Excited for a bit of free time soon. Will keep this streak rolling!

Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
You are putting out the positive vibes and they are coming back at you @JT Sunshine . The Latina cutie definitely was hoping for more. She mustered up all of her English skills for you, brother!

And the door stoop hottie? Asking if you were someone she knew? About as close to an engraved invitation as a girl is likely to give you.

Appears to me that client crush is reciprocating that crush. Can't wait to find how she acts when she's "off the clock" if that's what you kids today are calling it these days.

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
@Casanova Newhouse I can't wait either. I think she totally has a crush on me - our texting has turned from scheduling logistics to extremely flirty banter. She is ridiculously beautiful by societal standards, and she definitely knows it. I would guess that most men are scared to talk to her, and the few who do are uncalibrated and shooting a half-court shot at best. She's ten years younger than me but can hold conversation better than some of my boys can 😂 happily for me, somewhere our dynamic shifted, and I get the feeling that instead of me thinking of her as some ridiculously hot girl that I get to talk to, she thinks of me as a very attractive somewhat older dude living his dream. I think if I play my cards right and convey the frame of "I'm hard to get, but you're winning me over", things could go quite well. Time will tell!

Stuck to the bare minimum of daily approaches until today, where I got three in. One ignored me, one was very smiley but went back to her friends, the other talked to me for a solid 10 minutes. She was throwing all sorts of shit tests my way and I was having fun with them.

I find myself forcing myself to meet the objective of my self-imposed challenge, but not going beyond it. I think I need to come up with a harder challenge for next month. Three phone numbers a week, perhaps? Talking to cute strangers is becoming as routine as taking out the garbage, and doesn't scare me anymore. Solved the problem I've had for literal years. But I'd love to hang out with those cute strangers again and possibly see if their hair looks good against my pillowcase... posting here has been keeping me accountable, so whatever I decide to do as my September challenge, I will force myself to succeed at - or go all out and fail epically. Plenty of learning in that.

I did step way outside my comfort zone and decided to throw a summer party at my house tomorrow. A good buddy of mine is in a band who kicks ass, and they will be performing live music. I invited my family, my friends, all my neighbors, and a few dead leads from cold approach. T'will be entertaining if nothing else.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
@Casanova Newhouse I can't wait either. I think she totally has a crush on me - our texting has turned from scheduling logistics to extremely flirty banter. She is ridiculously beautiful by societal standards, and she definitely knows it. I would guess that most men are scared to talk to her, and the few who do are uncalibrated and shooting a half-court shot at best. She's ten years younger than me but can hold conversation better than some of my boys can 😂 happily for me, somewhere our dynamic shifted, and I get the feeling that instead of me thinking of her as some ridiculously hot girl that I get to talk to, she thinks of me as a very attractive somewhat older dude living his dream. I think if I play my cards right and convey the frame of "I'm hard to get, but you're winning me over", things could go quite well. Time will tell!

Stuck to the bare minimum of daily approaches until today, where I got three in. One ignored me, one was very smiley but went back to her friends, the other talked to me for a solid 10 minutes. She was throwing all sorts of shit tests my way and I was having fun with them.

I find myself forcing myself to meet the objective of my self-imposed challenge, but not going beyond it. I think I need to come up with a harder challenge for next month. Three phone numbers a week, perhaps? Talking to cute strangers is becoming as routine as taking out the garbage, and doesn't scare me anymore. Solved the problem I've had for literal years. But I'd love to hang out with those cute strangers again and possibly see if their hair looks good against my pillowcase... posting here has been keeping me accountable, so whatever I decide to do as my September challenge, I will force myself to succeed at - or go all out and fail epically. Plenty of learning in that.

I did step way outside my comfort zone and decided to throw a summer party at my house tomorrow. A good buddy of mine is in a band who kicks ass, and they will be performing live music. I invited my family, my friends, all my neighbors, and a few dead leads from cold approach. T'will be entertaining if nothing else.
Maybe instadates?

Casanova Newhouse

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 11, 2024
Throwing a party is a great idea @JT Sunshine! It's a lot of work, but it creates reciprocity where the party-goers feel like they owe you - whether it's an invite to their own parties, a group outing, or even or especially an introduction to their hot single friends, you are creating opportunities that go well beyond the event itself.

Love that you have lost your fear about approaching. I'm a lot older than you but I still have to really work myself into a lather to do it. Partly because I've been in relationships nearly my entire adult life, and partly because I'm very shy and introverted. But when I do it, I feel good, even if it's a bust. Then the next time, instead of building momentum, and making it easier, I am just as reluctant. It's perplexing. Now that I'll be outside my small town and out into the big world, I'm hoping that I can conquer that reluctance.

And when I get back? Maybe I'll throw a party.

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
The party was great! My 76 year old dad made friends with one of my best friends from highschool, we sipped some great scotch, I met the new neighbors and opened myself up to a whole new social circle, and ended the night with an old fling from 2012 riding me like a mechanical bull. My house was left a complete disaster but it was worth it in every way.

@Casanova Newhouse I feel it, I am also very shy and introverted. It’s something I’ve battled with my whole life. Get me talking about a passion and I’ll never shut up, but put me in a room of strangers and I’m wildly uncomfortable at best. I’ve found that the “progressive desensitization” technique works wonders. Once I’ve said “hi” to a few people and they don’t seem like they want to kill me, I relax a bit, and my brain moves from fear to “let’s find an easy opportunity to talk to someone cute”. What I still struggle with is starting the conversation when there’s no easy “in”. Those ones are the hardest to muster, but have felt the most rewarding when I’ve gone for it.

I have kept the streak alive! All I have to do is approach one girl tomorrow and I can rest easy knowing I did what has been one of the hardest challenges of my life. This shit is hard!! My results have been mediocre at best this month, but approaching now feels like jumping into a pool - I am still hesitant to do the first one, but once you go for it you can get back out and dive back in as much as you want.

Went out with a good buddy of mine tonight… the vibe is very different than being alone. Three approaches, all absolute stunners, it seemed easier to approach but found I had less motivation to move things forward while having my friend there as a fallback. Will post more about it in detail after tomorrow night, which will be another solo JT adventure!

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Still alive and kicking. I finished August strong, then basically took a week off of any type of cold approach. I was incredibly burnt out in more than one aspect. I’ll touch on that later.

I’m feeling recharged and remotivated this week - did one day game approach yesterday and one today. Both women were super hot, and responded positively despite both being in a hurry. I’ve liked @bgwh ’s idea of counting down from 1000 approaches, so with the start of a new fiscal year I am starting a new “approaching year” as well and beginning the countdown again. 998 to go.

I think part of feeling burnt out was something others may relate to, whether it be in seduction or other avenues of life. When I restarted this journey last spring, everything was fresh and new. My tall, confident walk all of a sudden got a couple women looking at me. This was exciting! I mustered up the courage to hit the bars solo. I actually *talked* to some girls. I was on cloud 9, excited for this progress. There were lows too. The nights I went out and couldn’t muster up an approach. An emotional rollercoaster, where the low lows made the highs higher.

My initial goal on the road to mastering this was to overcome my crippling self-inflicted approach anxiety. But when I did this (to a good extent - I’m not “cured”, but have learned to manage the symptoms 😂) things got easier, and in turn, less exciting. Talking to a girl wasn’t some great achievement anymore - it was like going to gym. Getting my reps in to not lose progress, it feels good, but there is always that plateau point where the amount of effort needed to sustain your current level does not equal much visible growth. That’s where I am at right now.

I know that if I keep pushing forward, find ways to stretch my comfort zone and go for bigger goals there is plenty more to get excited about. I need to work on sexualizing my conversations - or at least making them man-to-woman, and working on my escalation/closing. I can now open, get positive reactions and laughs, but I need to take charge of the interaction and lead it to where I want to go. I need to make women EXCITED about the possibility of hooking up with me. This is going to be my big challenge this fall, and I will try to post updates somewhat regularly.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
That's interesting. I'm in exact same situation. Because of a big break, I will be restarting now with the fiscal year as well. But it feels like the stuff before was just the "pilot episode". I feel like this is the real start and where I start the countdown.

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
That's interesting. I'm in exact same situation. Because of a big break, I will be restarting now with the fiscal year as well. But it feels like the stuff before was just the "pilot episode". I feel like this is the real start and where I start the countdown.

Almost like everything you’ve done up to this point was practice, or preparation to go for what you truly want. That’s how I’m feeling

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
What an absolutely incredibly fucked up night I had…

For a little context, I’m deeming myself as “cured” as I can be of approach anxiety. I’ve gotten past the mental block of being able to go talk to a woman. At this point it’s logistics. What do I say AFTER I start the chat? As I feel like I can operate without that initial fear, a fear I’ve had for YEARS, and I want to go out and explore conversations with every lovely lady I can find. So even after a brutal 11 hour workday today, I decided to hit up the town for some nightlife tonight.

On my way to saloon bar, I was across the street from two girls fighting, with a crowd gathered around them. For anyone who goes out at night in a dense urban area I’m sure this is a somewhat regular occurance. The fight was happening right where I planned to walk, but I didn’t want to get caught up in the bullshit, so I decided to take the long way around the intersection…

As I was walking across the street from the fight, someone in an SUV simply PLOWED right through the crowd. They accelerated their speed and drove up on the sidewalk, intentionally running over numerous people. I’ve seen some fucked up shit in my life, but I’ve never witnessed anything like that… pure evil.

Two young women died instantly on the scene, and I watched the whole thing happen. I was shook to my core, and I still feel incredibly fucked up about it. I’ve experienced death before but I’ve never watched people murdered in cold blood right in front of me.

Needless to say I threw my two-drink rule out the window tonight. I was so rattled I didn’t say a word to anyone for a while. I almost immediately went home.

Somehow I was able to snap out of it and make two approaches. The first was a cute brunette wearing a little plastic crown. I gave her some birthday love, we vibed for a bit, then she rejoined her friends. The second was a blonde at the bar, who turned out to be much older than I thought when I approached her. We had a longer conversation than my first open and she was very nice, I’m positive she was FOINE back in the day, but probably could have been my mom.

I realized tonight that life is short, sometimes much shorter than we expect. How would I feel looking down at myself had been on that sidewalk, knowing that I spent literal years not going for what I wanted out of stupid, irrational fear? Regardless of what you believe, our time on this earth is limited, and there is no reason to not go for what you want.

I am going to figure out my logistics and get after this game like never before. No fucking regrets. Going out with a wingman tomorrow. He has absolutely no game, but I love the guy and he will put me in a good mood. Maybe I can bet him $50 that I can get three phone numbers. I’ll keep you posted.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 7, 2023
Damn dude! That"s horrible.

How did you even manage to make two approaches after that experience? Impressive! If i were you I'd probably still be under shock.

There's so much fucked up shit going on in the world... gotta appreciate every day we are healthy and able to go out and pursue our dreams!

JT Sunshine

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 25, 2024
Damn dude! That"s horrible.

How did you even manage to make two approaches after that experience? Impressive! If i were you I'd probably still be under shock.

There's so much fucked up shit going on in the world... gotta appreciate every day we are healthy and able to go out and pursue our dreams!
No clue how I somehow managed! I was so close to just turning around and going home.

A couple of beers probably helped a bit… and now I remember why I don’t drink much 😭😅